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The name- and- year system / Harvard Style

This system has been considered an important and popular standard in citations and referencing.
(Manzurul, 2016)

Citations : in this system, the names of the authors and the date of publication are cited in the
source of informations.

Examples :

Ahmed and Hoque (2014) discuss in details about the plants and natural habitats in the

Royal Bengal tigers are at the point of extinction in the Sunderbans, if one rellocters their
number only three decade ago (Khan, Farah, and Hussain, 2012)

References : the source are listed at the end of the Article in alphabetical order according to the
last name of the first Author, as in the following book and Article. {Dots or periods after initials
of Authors name are avoided in todays computer usage}.

Examples :

In case of book

Author and date of publication {Title of the book }, in italic. {City / Place of
publication} {Name of the Publisher}

Ahmed and Hoque (2014). Herbal Plants in the Sunderbans. Dhaka. New Model
Publishing House.

In case of Article

Authors last name (and date of publication ). Title of the Article, in roman and not in
italic; Title of the Journal, in italic and not in roman. (volume, and issue, if
available, ad page numbers are mentioned).

Khan, MH, Farah, MA and Hussain, A (2012). A Manual of Style and Standarts in
Academic Writing, Editing and Publishing. Bangladesh. New Model Publishing House

Manzurul.(2016). A Manual of Style and Standarts in Academic Writing, Editing and Publishing.
Bangladesh. New Model Publishing House

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