30 Q On Quadratic Equations and Location of Their Roots

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Quadratic equation with rational coefficients having 2 8 as one of its roots is given by ___
a) 4x 2 4 + 1 = 0
b) 16x 2 + 8 + 1 = 0
c) 8x 2 8 + 1 = 0
d) 8x 2 + 16 + 1 = 0

Answer: c

Solution: If the coefficients are rational,then the irrational roots occur in conjugate pairs. Hence

if one root is + then the other one will be -,therefore by using the formula

2 ( ) + ( ) = 0 we can get the required equation.

1 1 1 1 1 1
2 8 = 2 2 2 8 = 2 (1 + cos 4 )=2 (1 + ). Thus the other root is 2 (1 )
2 2
also sum of roots =1 and product of roots is =8 substituting in above general equation

we get 8x 2 8 + 1 = 0.

2. If cos , sin , sin are in G.P then what is the nature of the roots of the equation
x 2 + 2 + 1 = 0 ?
a) Z
b) R
c) R-{0}
d) {0,1}

Answer: b

Solution: cos , sin , sin are in G.P 2 = cos *sin . Discriminant D=4 2 4
2 2 122 12 sin cos 2(sin cos ) 2
=4[ 2
]=4[ 2 ]=4( 2
)=[ sin
] 0

Roots are real.

3. If p,q and r are positive rational numbers such that p>q>r and the quadratic equation
( + 2)x 2 + ( + 2) + ( + 2) = 0 has a root in (-1,0) then what is the
nature of the roots of the Q.E px 2 +2qx+r=0?
a) real and equal
b) non-real and distinct
c) non-real and conjugate
d) real and distinct
Answer: d
Solution: Here we can see that sum of all coefficient is zero thus one root is 1 and the other
root is +2 i.e (product of roots is 1) which also lies in (-1,0) ,hence by solving

+2 + +
-1<+2 < 0 since p>q>r p+q-2r>0
> 2 & p+r-2q<0

Squaring we get 2 + 2 + 2 < 4 2 4pr<42 2 >

Hence D>0 for the Q.E px 2 +2qx+r=0 thus roots are real and distinct .
4. Consider the quadratic polynomial f(x)=x 2 + where f(x)=0 has prime roots. If
p+ q=11 and a=2 + 2 ,then what is the value of f(a) where a is an odd positive
a) 3421
b) 3423
c) 3422
d) 3420
Answer: c

Solution: f(x)= x 2 + ,let & be the roots hence p=+ & =q

Given p+q=11 ++ +1=12(+1)(+1)=12;=2,=3 are the only primes

that solves this equation f(x)= x 2 5 + 6p=5,q=6

but a=2 + 2 = 52 + 62 = 51 so f(51)=(51-2)(51-3)=49*48=3422.

5. Find the maximum vertical distance d between the parabola y=-2x 2 + 4 + 3 and the
line y=x-2 through the bounded region in the figure given below.

a) 8
b) 9

Answer: a
Solution: Maximum vertical distance d means the value of y d=-2x 2 + 4 + 3 ( 2)

=-2x 2 + 3 + 5parabola opens downwards . Its maximum value is the y-

3 3
coordinate of the vertex which has x- coordinate equal to 2 =2(2)=4.

9 18 40 49
then d=-2(0.75)2 + 3 0.75 + 5= 8 + 8
+ 8 = 8

6. If y=ax 2 + + has no real roots .Which among the following is true?

a) c(a+b+c)<0
b) c(a-b+c)>0
c) c(a-b+c)<0
d) c(a-b-c)>0
Answer: b
Solution: Since there are no real roots y will always be either positive or negative. Therefore
f(1 )f(2 )>0f(0)f(1)>0c(a+b+c)>0;
similarly f(0)f(-1)>0c(a-b+c)>0.

7. If , are the roots of the equation f(x)=x 2 2 + 5 = 0,then Q.E whose roots 3 +
2 + 22 & 3 + 4 2 7 + 35.
a) x 2 + 12 + 22=0
b) x 2 12 + 35=0
c) x 2 22 + 35=0
d) x 2 + 35 + 22=0
Answer: b

Solution: f() & f()=0 2 2 + 5=0 & 2 2 + 5=0

3 + 2 + 22 =( 2 2 + 5)+3( 2 2 + 5) + 7=7

Similarly 3 + 4 2 7 + 35=( 2 2 + 5)+6 2 12 + 35

=6( 2 2 + 5)+5=5 .thus using sum=12 and product =35

Q.E is given by x 2 12 + 35 = 0.
dy 2
8. If y= ax 2 + + >0 xR ,then which among the options are true where z=y+dx + 2 ?

a) z>0
b) z=0
c) z<0
d) none of these
Answer: a

Solution: y= ax 2 + + >0 xRa>0 & 2 4<0 by substituting y in z

We have z= ax 2 + + + 2 + + 2= ax 2 + ( + 2) + + + 2
D=( + 2)2 4a( + + 2)= 2 4 42 <0..( a>0 & 2 4<0)
For z as Q.E D<0 & a>0 z is always positive i.e z>0

9. If a quadratic equation is formed from 2 = 4 & y=mx+c and has equal roots , then
find the relation between c, a & m.
a) c=am
b) c=a

c) c=

d) c=

Answer: c

Solution: ( + )2 = 42 2 +2(cm-2a)x+c 2 = 0 since roots are equal D=0

i.e 4( 2)2 =42 2 42 = 4c=. Here the line is tangent to the

parabola at this condition .

10. Roots of the quadratic equation y= ax 2 + + are given by one among the following
2 4
2 4
b) 2
2 4
2 4
d) 2

Answer: c
2 4 2 4 2 (2 4) 2
Solution: Since w.k.t = = = .
2 2 4 2(2 4) 2 4

7 7
11. Let f(x)= ax 2 + + which satisfies the equation f( + 4) =f(4 ) and the equation
f(x)=7x+a has only one solution .Find the value of (a+b).
a) 0
b) 4
c) -5
d) 5
Answer: d
Solution: f(x)= ax 2 + + .(1)
7 7
f( + 4) =f(4 )......(2)

7 2 7 7 2 7
from (1) & (2) we have a( + 4) + ( + 4) + =a(4 ) + (4 ) +

49 7 7 49 7 7
a( 2 + 16 + 2 )+b( + 4) = (16 + 2 2 )+b(4 )(7a+2b)x=0

f(x)=7x+a has one solution D=0 ,ax 2 + + =7x+a ax 2 + ( 7) = 0

D=( 7)2 =0 b=7 using 7a+2b=0 a=-2 hence a+b=7-2=5.

12. If equation 2x 2 + 4 + 7 2 12 2 + = 0 where t is a parameter that has exactly

one real solution of the form (x,y) .Find the value of (x+y).
a) 3
b) 4
c) 5
d) 0
Answer: a
Solution: As the given equation has exactly one real solution, D=0
16( 3)2 8(7 2 2 + ) = 02( 3)2 (7 2 2 + ) = 0

2(y 2 6 + 9)- (7 2 2 + ) =0-5y 2 10 + 18 = 0

5y 2 + 10 18 + = 0 ,D=0 100-20(t-18)=0t=23

For t=23 ,5 2 + 10 + 5 = 0y=-1 and for y=-1 ,2x 2 16 + 32 = 0

x=4 thus x+y=3.
13. Find the number of quadratic equations with real roots remain unchanged even after
squaring their roots.
a) Two
b) One
c) Three
d) None
Answer: b

Solution: Given = 2 2 ..(1)and += 2 + 2 (2)solving

(1- )=0=0 or =0 or =1
If =0 then from (2) =0 or =1roots are (0,0) or (0,1)
If =0 then =0 or =1 roots are (0,0) or (1.0)
1 1 1 1 2 1
= then 2 + 2=+( + ) 2 = +

2 2 = 0(t-2)(t+1)=0t=2 or t=-1 if t=2 ==1 and if t=-1

Roots are imaginary or 2 thus number of quadratic equations is one.

14. Determine the value of m for which the equations 3x 2 + 4 + 2 = 0 and 2x 2 + 3

2 = 0 may have a common root.
11 7
a) m= ,
8 4
11 7
b) m= 8 , 4
1 7
c) m=8 , 2
1 7
d) m= 8 , 2

Answer: b

Solution: let be the common root therefore 32 + 4 + 2 = 0 and 22 + 3 2 = 0

Using cross multiplication method we have (6 4)2 = (9 8)(8 6)

50=(8m-9)(4m+3)322 12 77 = 08m(4m-7)+11(4m-7)=0
11 7
(8m+11)(4m-7)=0m= , .
8 4

15. The equation ax 2 + + = 0 and 3 2 2 + 2 1=0 have two roots common, find
the value of (a+b).
a) a+b=2
b) a+b=-1
c) a+b=-2
d) a+b=0
Answer: d

Solution: 3 2 2 + 2 1=0(x-1)(x 2 + 1)=0x=1,2 , are the roots

But x=2 , - are the roots common to both the equation as both the roots of Q.E
are either real or non-real. Where = 2
using this in ax 2 + + = 0 we get
a(1+2 )-b=0a(-)-b=0(1++2 = 0)a+b=0

16. If both the roots of the quadratic equation x 2 + (4 2) + 2 3 1 = 0 are less

than 3 then find the range of values of k.
a) (-,4]
b) (-,4)(5,)
c) (-,4)
d) (-,5]
Answer: c

Solution: Here both the roots of the given equation is less than 3 , hence D0, 2 <3

f(3)>0 .

a. D0 (4 2)2 4( 2 3 1) 0
2 4 + 4 ( 2 3 1) 0k-50
b. 2
<3 2 <3
k<5 k(-,5)
c. f(3)>0
9+3(4-2k)+ 2 3 1 > 0 2 9 + 20 > 0
(k-4)(k-5)>0 k(-,4)(5,)
Combining all values we get k(-,4).

17. If the equation x 2 + 16 2 3 + 2 = 0 is satisfied by real values of x & y ,then x & y has
a range given by one among the following options.
a) x[-1,2]
1 2
b) y[ 8 , 8]
1 1
c) y[ 8 , 8]
d) x[1,3]
Answer: c
Solution: For real values of x & y D0.solving this by taking x term and y term constant
one by one. x 2 3 + 16 2 + 2 = 0 ,D0 as xR

9-4(16y 2 + 2)09-64y 2 8 0
1 1
64y 2 1 0 (8y-1)(8y+1)0 therefore y[ 8 , 8]

To find the range of x in 16y 2 + 2 3 + 2 = 0, D0

-64( 2 3 + 2)0(x-2)(x-1)0x[1,2]

18. Find the value of a for which 3x 2 + 2(2 + 1) + 2 3 + 2=0 possesses roots with
opposite signs.
a) a(1,2)
b) a(-1,2)
c) a(2,5)
d) a(3,5)
Answer: a
Solution: Roots are of opposite sign discriminant is positive and product is negative
2 3+2
<0 D>0

(a-2)(a-1)<0 4(2 + 1)2 12(2 3 + 2)>0

a(1,2) a(1,2) is holds good for this equation

18. Find the value of x if 2x+5+|x 2 + 4 + 3|=0

a) x= 2
b) x= 2 ,-2
c) x= 2 ,-4
d) x= 2 ,-2i

Answer: c
Solution: x 2 + 4 + 3=0 x=-3 ,-1

Case (1) : When x-3 or x-1

2x+5+x 2 + 4 + 3=0(x+2)(x+4)=0x=-4
Case (2): When -3<x<-1

2x+5-x 2 4 3=0x 2 + 2 2 = 0
x= 2

20. If and are the roots of the equation x 2 + + 1 = 0, then the equation whose roots

are 19 and 7 is _______

a) x2 + 1 = 0
b) x 2 + 2 + 1 = 0
c) x2 1 = 0
d) x2 + + 1 = 0
Answer: d

Solution: The roots of the equation x 2 + + 1 = 0 are =, =2

Thus w.k.t 3 = 1 where n + hence 19 = 19 = and 7 = 14 =2

Therefore the Q.E is x 2 + + 1 = 0.

21. A car travels 25km an hour faster than a bus for a journey of 500km. The bus takes 10 h
more than the car. If speed of car is p and speed of bus is q , then
a) p=0.5q
b) p=2q
c) p=q
d) p=3q
Answer: b
Solution: Speed of the bus =q km/h
Speed of the car =q+25 km/h=p km/h
Time taken by the bus to cover 500 km=
h and time taken by the car to cover

500 km=

500 500
By the question = + 10

q2 + 25 1250 = 0(q+50)(q-25)=0
q=25 ,hence speed of the car is p=25+25=50 km/h
thus p=2q.

22. Number of real roots of the equation + (1 ) = 1

a) zero
b) four
c) one
d) two
Answer: c

Solution: (1 ) = 1-

Squaring both sides, (1 ) = 1 + 2

(1 ) = 1 2 again squaring on both sides


4 = 516x=25x 2
x=0,25 but x=0 does not satisfy the equation hence it has one solution.
1 1
23. If denotes the nth term of an A.P and = and = , then which of the following is

necessarily a root of the equation (p+2q-3r)x 2 +(q+2r-3p)x+(r+2p-3q)=0.

b) +
d) /

Answer: a
Solution: A=first term ,D=common difference
= + ( 1) = ..(1)

= + ( 1) = .(2)

solving (1) and (2) we get A=D=

thus = + ( 1) = 1 also sum of the coefficient of the equation is zero

i.e p+2q-3r+ q+2r-3p+ r+2p-3q=0

hence x=1 is the root of the equation ,hence x=1= .

24. The curve y=(+1)x 2 + 2 intersects the curve y=x+3 in exactly one point ,if equals
a) =-1
b) =-2
c) =-3
d) =0
Answer: b
Solution: (+1)x 2 + 2= x+3 has only one solution .If discriminant =0

2 4( + 1)(1) = 0
2 + 4 + 4 = 0( + 2)2 =0

25. Numbers of ordered pair (x,y) satisfying x 2 + 1 = and y 2 + 1 = is _____

a) 1
b) 0
c) 2
d) 3
Answer: b
Solution: The given equations are symmetrical about the line y=x then

x 2 + 1 = x 2 + 1 = 0
(x+)(x+2 )=0x=- ,- 2 hence no real roots thus no solution.

26. The value of k for which the expression x 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + = 0 can be resolved into
linear factor is given by _______.
a) k=0,2
b) k=-1,2
c) k=-2,0
d) k=-1,1
Answer: a

Solution: x 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + = 0 can be resolved into linear factor implies

=0 i.e abc+2fgh-af 2 2 2 = 0

1*k*k+0-1*0-k*1-k*1=0 2 2 = 0 ,k=0,2
1 1
27. The number of real solution of x- =2- 2 is ______
2 4 4

a) 2
b) 1
c) 0
d) 3
Answer: c

Solution: 2 4 0x2
Solving equation we get x-2=0 i.e x=2 not possible hence it has no solution.

28. The coefficient of x in the quadratic equation ax 2 + + = 0 was wrongly taken as 17 in

place of 13 and its roots were found to be -2 and -15 . The actual roots of the equation
a) x=-2,-10
b) x=-3,-15
c) x=-4,10
d) x=-3,-10
Answer: d

Solution: ax 2 + + = 0x 2 + + = 0 the wrong equation is x 2 + 17 + = 0

It has roots (-2)(-15)= =30

Thus correct equation is x 2 + 13 + = 0 x 2 + 13 + 30 = 0

29. If a be a positive integer , the number of values of a satisfying
/2 cos 3 3 2
0 [2 ( 4
+ 4 cos ) + sin 20 cos ]dx 3

a) 0
b) 3
c) 2
d) 4
Answer: d
sin 3 3 /2 2
Solution: [2 { 12
+ 4 sin } cos 20 sin ] 3

1 3 2
[2 ( 12 + 4) 0 20 + ] 3

2 2
2 + 20 + 0
3 3
2 + 20 0
(a+5)(a-4) 0-5a4 , a=1,2,3,4 since it is positive
30. Let f(x) be a function defined by F(x)=x-[],0x R , Where [x]is a greatest integer function
less than or equal to x . Then the number of solution of F(x)+F(1/x)=1 is /are________
a) infinite
b) zero
c) one
d) two
Answer: a
Solution: F(x)+F(1/x)=1
1 1
x-[] + [ ] =1

1 1
x+ = [] + [] + 1

Case(1): x>0
Then x+ 2

1 1
[] + [ ] + 1 2 [] + [ ] 1 true x>0

Case(2): x<0
Then x+ 2

[] + [ ] 3 which is true x<0 except x=-1

Hence xR-{-1} has infinite many solution.

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