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Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering May 15, 2017

Computer Architecture and Organization

Worksheet 01
1. Represent the following decimal numbers in both binary
sign/magnitude and twos complement using 16 bits:
a. +512
b. -29
2. Represent the following twos complement values in decimal:
a. 1101011
b. 0101101
3. Assume numbers are represented in 8-bit twos complement
representation. Show the calculation of the following, show when an
overflow occurred.
a. 6 + 13
b. - 6 + 13
c. 6 13
d. - 6 - 13
4. Given X = 0101 Y = 1010 in twos complement notation (i.e. X=5, Y=-6),
compute the product P = X*Y with Booths algorithm.
5. Use the Booth algorithm to multiply 23 (multiplicand) by 29
(multiplier), where each number is represented using 6 bits.
6. Divide -145 by 13 in binary twos complement notation, using 12-bit
words. Use the algorithm described in your module.
7. Express the following numbers in IEEE 32-bit floating-point format:
a. -5
b. -6
c. -1.5
d. 384
e. 1/16
f. -1/32
8. The following numbers use the IEEE 32-bit floating-point format. What
is the equivalent decimal value?
a. 1 10000011 11000000000000000000000
b. 0 01111110 10100000000000000000000
c. 0 10000000 00000000000000000000000

Debre Tabor University

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