Feasibility Report

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Date: 9/11/2017

To: David Stewart

Director of Safety & Security

From: David Smith

Head Lead for Chemical Safety Division

Subject: Proper Chemical Use - Avoiding Accidents

Safety & Security (Josh)

As the constant expansion of Stark Industries continues to grow, we consistently have needs for
policy implementation and quality assurance. From that very growth we found an irrevocable
need to introduce the Department of Safety & Security to Stark Industries. Our analysis shows
that almost 4 out of 5 workplace accidents at Stark Industries take place in our Chemical
division. As a result of prior safety violations and an increased number of incidents, we have
decided to revisit our policies and make additions we know will be beneficial. We feel this
recommendation will help everyone understand the importance and need for safety and security
regulations. Our door is always open for suggestions and we will continue to strive for a 100%
accident free work environment.

Recommended New Chemical Use Guidelines (Michael)

1. Exposure to chemicals should be limited to protect the health of our workers. The
concentration of airborne chemicals will be monitored on a regular basis and workers will have
access to these records.

2. The risk of injury or disease should be recognized before the use of the chemical. It is
imperative that our employees learn from past experiments and know the precautionary
measures that should be taken in the event of an accident.

3. Hazardous chemicals should be segregated in a controlled environment. The way chemicals

are stored also correlates to the amount of accidents that take place. The containers that the
chemicals are stored in must be compatible with the properties of the chemical. The
temperature of the environment must be taken into account and procedures should be in place
in the event of a spillage or accidental release.

4. The disposal of hazardous waste is also important when it comes to protecting our
employees. Containers or any conduit for transporting waste should be labeled so that the
employee who is handling it is aware of what they're dealing with. These procedures protect our
employees and the working environment.
Our advice for safety (Josh)

Taking the recent myriad of workplace accidents, we felt it necessary to assess and research all
Stark Industry departments in order to narrow down our safety concerns. It wasn't without
countless hours of accident report analytics, employee interviews and suggestions as well as a
deep study of all chemical use guidelines, both new and old. We highly recommend all
employees review the additional chemical use guidelines provided here. It it is critical that the
letter be passed amongst all departments to ensure that their are no Stark Industry employees
left in the dark regarding safety measures. Failure to adhere to all guidelines could will result in
critical injury and/or death. We also recommend that all recent Stark hires and prospective new
hires are also given this letter so that the severity and importance of safety is expressed up

In Essence (Kossi, Cody)

Because of recent incidents within our labs it is necessary that we revisit the policies
concerning the safety and security regulations handbook to make adjustments that will help
reduce any possible future incidents. Some of these new adjustment includes the following;
concentration of airborne chemicals must be monitored on a regular basis, the danger of the
chemical should be recognized first before it can be use, keep hazardous chemicals away from
controlled environment, and hazardous waste must be properly dispose to the right containers
with labels on them.

We at the Chemical Safety Division believe this is an important aspect of our job at Stark
Industries. We strive for great success at being responsible with all chemicals. These safety
guidelines help make sure all our employees are safe when working with chemicals here.

The Future (Josh)

With the support of upper management and the implementation of new guidelines, we move
toward the future with confidence. The number of accidents can be greatly reduced and possibly
eliminated with continued dedication to safety and security here at Stark Industries. Our jobs are
hazardous; however, we are a team and will look to the future with a focused mindset for the
safety of ourselves and those around us.

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