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3. A sample consisting of 2 3 (106 g/mol), NaOH (40 g/mol) and inert matter weighs 1.

grams. It is titrated with 0.2239 M HCl (36.46 g/mol) with phenolphthalein as the indicator, and
the solution become colorless after the addition of 45.62 mL. Methyl orange is then added and
12.85 mL more of the acid is needed for the color change. What is the percentage of 2 3 in
the sample?
Given: m(Na2CO3 + NaOH + inert) = 1.179 g
MHCl = 0.2239 M (phenolphthalein as indicator)
VHCl = 45.62 mL (colorless)
Addition of methyl orange:
VHCl = 12.85 mL
Required: % of Na2CO3 in sample
Solution: 2 3 + 22 2 + 2 3
23 + 2 22 + 22 + 2
2 3 + 3 +
Na2CO3 NaCl = 2 HCl
2 3
= 1000

2 3 2
0.2239(12.85 2) = 1000
106 /
2 3 = 0.3050
% 2 3 = 100 = . %
7. A sample consisting 2 3 (105.99 g/mol), NaOH (40 g/mol) and inert matter weighs 1.179
grams. It is titrated with 0.2239 M HCl (36.46 g/mol) with phenolphthalein as indicator, and the
resulting solution become colorless after the addition of 45.62 mL. Methyl orange is then added
and 12.85 mL more of the acid is needed for the color change. What is the percentage of
2 3 in the sample?
Given: m(Na2CO3 + NaOH + inert) = 1.179 g
MHCl = 0.2239 M (phenolphthalein as indicator)
VHCl = 45.62 mL (colorless)
Addition of methyl orange:
VHCl = 12.85 mL
Required: % of Na2CO3 in sample
Solution: 2 3 + 22 2 + 2 3
23 + 2 22 + 22 + 2
2 3 + 3 +
Na2CO3 NaCl = 2 HCl
2 3
= 1000

2 3 2
0.2239(12.85 2) = 1000
106 /
2 3 = 0.3050
% 2 3 = 100 = . %

11. What is the percentage of 2 (86.94 g/mol) in a pyrolusite ore is a sample weighing
0.400 g is treated with 0.6000 g of pure 2 2 4 . 22 (126.097 g/mol) and dilute 2 4 (98.08
g/mol) and after reduction has taken place (2 + 2 2 4 + 2 + ++ + 22 +
22 ), the excess oxalic acid requires 26.26 ml of 0.100 4 (158.04 g/mol) for titration?

meq = [ ] = CV

meq 2 2 4 . 22 = [126.097/ ] = 9.5165meq

meq 4 = 26.26mL * 0.100 4 = 2.626meq

net meq = 9.5165 2.626 = 6.8905meq
6.8978meq = [86.94 / ]

2 = 0.2995g
% 2 = [ ]*100 = 74.875% ans

19. The most common type of kidney stone if formed from calcium ethanedioate (2 4 )
which precipitates out in the urinary tract when concentration of 2+ ions and 2 42 ions
become too high. Magnesium ions are known to inhibit the formation of kidney stones. To
analyze the concentration of 2+ () and 2+ () in a sample urine, the ions were
precipitated as ethandioates and the mixed precipitate of 2 4 and 2 4 analyzed
gravimetric analysis. The solid ethanedioates were first heated to form a mixture of 3 and
MgO. The mass of this mixture was 0.0433 g. The solid was then heated more strongly to give a
mixture of CaO and MgO. The mass of the solid residue from this process was 0.0285g. What
was the mass of the 2+ ions in the original sample of urine?
23. Calculate the pH of a solution that is 0.2500 M in ammonia and 0.3100 M in 4 . The acid
dissociation constant for ammonia is 5.70 1010 .

3 = 0.2500 M (strong base)
4 = 0.3100(acidic salt)
Ka = 5.70 1010
Required: pH
= log + log
10 [0.2500]
= log 5.70 10 + log

= .

31. Titration of 0.215 g of pure 2 2 4 (134 g/mol) required 45 ml of 4 . What is the

molarity of the 4 solution? 4 + 2 42 + + 2+ + 2 + 2

Given: 24 + 52 42 + 16 + 22+ + 102 + 82

mass 2 2 4 (pure)= 0.215g
MW 2 2 4 = 134g/mol
Vol of 4 = 45ml

Required: Molarity of 4 solution


4 4 =[ 1000]
2 2 4
45 0.215 2
4 (1000 )=[ 134
2 2 4

4 = 71.3101 N
71.3101 N
4 = = .

35. What mass of anhydrous 2 3 (MW=106 g/mol) is required to neutralized 800 ml of 4.0
M 2 4?

MWNa2CO3 = 106 g/mol
MH2SO4 = 4M
VH2SO4= 800ml = 0.8L

Reqd: mass Na2CO3

2 4 = 4M(2) = 8N

2 4 2 4 =[ 1000]
2 3
(8N)(. 800ml) = [ 1000]
106 2 3

mass Na2CO3 = 0.3392g ANS

39. A 1.2048g sample of impure 2 3 is dissolved and allowed to react with a solution of
2. The resulting3 , after precipitation, filtration, and drying, was found to weigh
1.0362g. Calculate the percent purity of the2 3.

Given: Na2CO3 + CaCl2 CaCO3 + 2NaCl

mass Na2CO3(impure) = 1.2048g
mass CaCO3 = 1.0362g

Reqd: % purity of Na2CO3

Solution: solve the mass of Na2CO3 in terms of CaCO3

1 mol CaCO3 1 23 106
Mass Na2CO3 = 1.0362CaCO3x = 1.0984 g
100 1 3 1 mol Na2CO3

% = 100% = . %

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