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internship discovery of professional environment

Academic year: stage de dcouverte du milieu professionnel
(Anne universitaire)
internship initiation in profession
Internship agreement between stage d'initiation au mtier
(Convention de stage FI ltranger entre) internship with a responsibility mission
stage avec mission en responsabilit

NB: for the sake of simplicity, the persons referred to in this document are designated he


Name (Nom):Cng
ty c phn u t xut nhp khu H Nam/Ha Nam joint stock trading company
Name (Nom): Universit Nice Sophia Antipolis.
15 ng 272, ng Trn Hng o
Address (Adresse): ..
24 Avenue Diables Bleus, 06300 Nice
Address (Adresse): .... Phng Trn Hng o, tp Ph L, H Nam, Vietnam
Represented by (agreement-signing party) (Reprsent par (nom du signataire de la
.. TRAN Van Hai
convention)): ......
Represented by (agreement-signing party) (Reprsent par (signataire de la convention)):
Capacity of the representative (Qualit du reprsentant):
.......Emmanuel TRIC........................................................................................................ Manager
Capacity of the representative (Qualit du reprsentant): Department in which the internship will be conducted (Service dans lequel le stage sera
Administrateur provisoire de lUniversit de Nice effectu): Accounting
Isabelle TOMA
... Department/UFR .
(Composante/UFR): e-mail: ...........................................................................................
Adjointe Scolarite Internationale/International Programs Officer Location of internship (if different from that of the organization) (Lieu du stage (si diffrent de
0492001145 15 ng 272, ng Trn Hng o
ladresse de lorganisme): ..
.. Phng Trn Hng o, tp Ph L, H Nam, Vietnam
e-mail: .............................. ...................................... ...........................................................
Address (if different from that of the institution) (Adresse (si diffrente de celle de
ltablissement) 24 Avenue Diables Bleus, 06300 Nice


Last name (Nom): Thi Dieu Huong
First name (Prnom): Sex: F M Date of Birth (N le): 16._/ 12. / 1990
Address (Adresse): 4 Rue Auguste Renoir, 06000, Nice, France
. e-mail: .........................................................


Master 2 of EIPB - European and International Private Banking, full time


Dates: from (Du) ... 01/09/2017
to (Au) .
Representing a total duration of ........ (Number of Weeks / Months (cross out the inappropriate item))
(Reprsentant une dure totale de) (Nombre de Semaines / de Mois (rayer la mention inutile))
corresponding to (Et correspondant ) .................................................. actual days of attendance at the host organization (Jours de prsence effective dans lorganisme daccueil)

and corresponding to (Et correspondant ) .......................................... actual hours of attendance at the host organization (Heures de prsence effective dans lorganisme daccueil)

Distribution, in case of discontinuous attendance: ............................. Number of hours per week or hours per day (cross out the inappropriate item)
(Rpartition si prsence discontinue) (nombre dheures par semaine ou nombre dheures par jour (rayer la mention inutile))

Comments (Commentaire): .. .


First and Last name of academic advisor (Nom et prnom de lenseignant rfrent): Full name of training supervisor (Nom et prnom du tuteur de stage):
..... TRAN Thi Minh Trang
Position (or discipline) (Fonction (ou discipline)):
Position (Fonction): .....
e-mail: ........................................................................................................................

Page 1 sur 8
Article 1 - Purpose of the Agreement
This Agreement governs the host organizations
relationship with the educational institution and the
intern. Article 3 Modalits du stage
La dure hebdomadaire de prsence du stagiaire dans lorganisme
Article 1 Objet de la convention daccueil sera de .. heures sur la base dun temps
La prsente convention rgle les rapports de lorganisme complet/ temps partiel (rayer la mention inutile),
daccueil avec ltablissement denseignement et le stagiaire. Si le stagiaire doit tre prsent dans lorganisme daccueil la nuit,
le dimanche ou un jour fri, prciser les cas particuliers :
Article 2 - Objective of Internship
The internship is a temporary period of work in a
Article 4 - Intern hosting and supervision
professional environment, where the student will
The intern will be supervised by his academic advisor, as
acquire professional skills and put into practice the
designated in this agreement, as well as by the
knowledge gained from his education in view of earning
institutions internship program office.
a diploma or certificate, and facilitating his professional
The internship supervisor appointed by the host
integration. The intern will be given one or more tasks,
organization in this Agreement shall be responsible for
in conformance with the educational plan established by
supervising the intern and ensuring optimal conditions for
the educational institution and approved by the host
the execution of the internship in accordance with the
specified educational requirements.
The educational institution and the host organization
The intern shall be permitted to return to his educational
will establish the schedule based on the general training
institution during the internship period in order to take the
program being offered.
courses specifically required by the program, or to attend
meetings; the institution shall notify the host organization

of the corresponding dates.

Assisting work in the accounting department.

The host organization may permit the intern to travel.

Handling incoming - outgoing bills and entry of data

Report to head of accounting department Any difficulties encountered in the execution and progress

of the internship, whether observed by the intern or by

the internship supervisor, must be brought to the

attention of the academic advisor and the educational
institution so that the issue can be resolved as quickly as

- Accounting, reporting skills


- Organization, Adaptability
- Time management (See deliberation CA May 12, 2015)

- Communication, openness
. Article 4 Accueil et encadrement du stagiaire
- Leadership
Le stagiaire est suivi par lenseignant rfrent dsign dans la
prsente convention ainsi que par le service de ltablissement en
Article 2 Objectif du stage charge des stages.
Le stage correspond une priode temporaire de mise en Le tuteur de stage dsign par lorganisme daccueil dans la
situation en milieu professionnel au cours de laquelle prsente convention est charg dassurer le suivi du stagiaire et
ltudiant(e) acquiert des comptences professionnelles et met doptimiser les conditions de ralisation du stage conformment
en uvre les acquis de sa formation en vue de lobtention dun aux stipulations pdagogiques dfinies.
diplme ou dune certification et de favoriser son insertion Le stagiaire est autoris revenir dans son tablissement
professionnelle. Le stagiaire se voit confier une ou des denseignement pendant la dure du stage pour y suivre des
missions conformes au projet pdagogique dfini par son cours demands explicitement par le programme, ou pour
tablissement denseignement et approuves par lorganisme participer des runions ; les dates sont portes la
daccueil. connaissance de lorganisme daccueil par ltablissement.
Le programme est tabli par ltablissement denseignement et Lorganisme daccueil peut autoriser le stagiaire se dplacer.
lorganisme daccueil en fonction du programme gnral de la Toute difficult survenue dans la ralisation et le droulement du
formation dispense. stage, quelle soit constate par le stagiaire ou par le tuteur de
ACTIVITES CONFIEES : stage, doit tre porte la connaissance de lenseignant-rfrent
COMPETENCES A ACQUERIR OU A DEVELOPPER : . et de ltablissement denseignement afin dtre rsolue au plus
Article 3 - Terms of Internship (Voir dlibration du CA du 12 mai 2015)
The weekly duration of the interns presence at the host
organization will be..........................
40 hours, on a full Article 5 - Stipend - Benefits
time / part time basis (cross out the inappropriate item) A stipend may be granted to the intern in accordance with
the applicable laws in the host country.
If the interns presence at the host organization is to be
required at night, or on Sunday or during a public
per hour/ day / month (cross out any inappropriate items)
holiday, specify the specific cases:

Page 2 sur 8
the French - rates serving as the basis for reimbursement.
OTHER BENEFITS GRANTED: It is strongly advised that students to take out specific
additional health insurance coverage valid for the country

Lunch coupons in question and for the duration of their internships, the
course, from the insurance company of their choice
(students mutual insurance, parents mutual insurance, ad
Article 5 Gratification - Avantages hoc private company, etc.), or, possibly, after checking the
Une gratification peut tre accorde au stagiaire extent of the guarantees proposed, from the host
conformment aux rgles en vigueur dans le pays daccueil. organization if it provides health coverage to interns under
local law (see item 2 below).
par heure / jour / mois (rayer les mentions inutiles)
2) Social welfare protection from the host organization
AUTRES AVANTAGES VENTUELLEMENT ACCORDS: By checking the appropriate box below, the host
....................... organization indicates whether it provides health insurance
coverage to the intern under local law:
Article 6 - Social Welfare Coverage Framework YES: This coverage is in addition to the maintenance
For the duration of his internship, the intern shall abroad of rights granted under French law
remain covered under his previous former social welfare NO: coverage is thus exclusively provided from the
protection framework. maintenance abroad of the rights granted under the
Internships conducted abroad shall be reported to the French student coverage framework).
Social Security administration prior to the interns
departure. If neither box is checked, item 6.1-1 shall apply.
For internships conducted abroad, the following
provisions shall apply, subject to their conformance with 6.1 Protection Maladie du/de la stagiaire ltranger
the legislation in effect in the host country and the laws 1) Protection issue du rgime tudiant franais
- pour les stages au sein de lEspace Economique Europen (EEE)
governing the host organization.
effectus par des ressortissants dun Etat de lUnion Europenne,
ou de la Norvge, de lIslande, du Liechtenstein ou de la Suisse,
Article 6 Rgime de protection sociale
ou encore de tout autre Etat (dans ce dernier cas, cette
Pendant la dure du stage, le stagiaire reste affili son
disposition nest pas applicable pour un stage au Danemark,
rgime de Scurit sociale antrieur.
Norvge, Islande, Liechtenstein ou Suisse), ltudiant doit
Les stages effectus ltranger sont signals pralablement
demander la Carte Europenne dAssurance Maladie (CEAM).
au dpart du stagiaire la Scurit sociale.
- pour les stages effectus au Qubec par les tudiant(e)s de
Pour les stages ltranger, les dispositions suivantes sont
nationalit franaise, ltudiant doit demander le formulaire
applicables sous rserve de conformit avec la lgislation du
SE401Q (104 pour les stages en entreprises, 106 pour les stages
pays daccueil et de celle rgissant le type dorganisme
en universit);
- dans tous les autres cas les tudiants qui engagent des frais de
sant peuvent tre rembourss auprs de la mutuelle qui leur tient
6.1 - Health Insurance for interns working lieu de Caisse de Scurit Sociale tudiante, au retour et sur
abroad prsentation des justificatifs : le remboursement seffectue alors sur
1) Coverage originating in the French students la base des tarifs de soins franais. Des carts importants peuvent
coverage framework exister entre les frais engags et les tarifs franais base du
- for internships within the European Economic Area remboursement. Il est donc fortement conseill aux tudiants de
(EEA) conducted by nationals of a State of the souscrire une assurance Maladie complmentaire spcifique,
European Union or of Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein or valable pour le pays et la dure du stage, auprs de lorganisme
dassurance de son choix (mutuelle tudiante, mutuelle des
Switzerland, or of any another State (in the latter case
parents, compagnie prive ad hoc) ou, ventuellement et aprs
this provision shall not apply for internships in vrification de ltendue des garanties proposes, auprs de
Denmark, Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein or lorganisme daccueil si celui-ci fournit au stagiaire une couverture
Switzerland), students must apply for a European Maladie en vertu du droit local (voir 2e ci-dessous).
Health Insurance Card (EHIC). 2) Protection sociale issue de lorganisme daccueil
- for internships conducted in Quebec by students of En cochant la case approprie, lorganisme daccueil indique ci-
French nationality, students must request form SE401Q aprs sil fournit une protection Maladie au stagiaire, en vertu du
droit local :
(104 for internships at companies, and 106 for
OUI : cette protection sajoute au maintien, ltranger, des
university internships);
droits issus du droit franais
In all other cases, students who incur medical expenses NON : la protection dcoule alors exclusivement du maintien,
may be reimbursed by the mutual insurance company ltranger, des droits issus du rgime franais tudiant).
serving as their student Social Security Agency, upon
their return and upon presentation of receipts: Si aucune case nest coche, le 6.1 1 sapplique.
reimbursement shall then be provided carried out on
the basis of French healthcare rates. Significant
differences may exist between the costs incurred and

Page 3 sur 8
6.2 Workplace Accident Coverage for interns des droits une protection accident de travail dans le pays
abroad d'accueil (une indemnit ou gratification dau plus 500 par
1) In order to benefit from French legislation mois est admise) ;
providing - se drouler exclusivement dans lorganisme signataire de la
prsente convention ;
coverage for workplace accidents, this internship must:
- se drouler exclusivement dans le pays daccueil tranger
- have a duration not exceeding six months, including
any extensions; Lorsque ces conditions ne sont pas remplies, lorganisme
- not give any remuneration likely to open rights to a daccueil sengage cotiser pour la protection du stagiaire et
work injury protection in the host country faire les dclarations ncessaires en cas daccident de travail.
(compensation or stipend up to 500 per month is 2) La dclaration des accidents de travail incombe
allowed); ltablissement denseignement qui doit en tre inform par
- take place exclusively within the organization signing lorganisme daccueil par crit dans un dlai de 48 heures.
3) La couverture concerne les accidents
this agreement;
survenus :
- take place exclusively in the abovementioned foreign dans lenceinte du lieu du stage et aux heures du stage,
host country. sur le trajet aller-retour habituel entre la rsidence du
When these conditions are not met, the host stagiaire sur le territoire du stage et le lieu du stage,
organization undertakes to contribute to the intern's dans le cadre dune mission confie par lorganisme
welfare protection and make the necessary declarations daccueil du stagiaire et obligatoirement par ordre de
in case of workplace accidents. mission,
lors du premier trajet pour se rendre depuis son domicile
2) The workplace accident statement is the
sur le lieu de sa rsidence durant le stage (dplacement
responsibility of the educational institution, which must
la date du dbut du stage),
be informed of such events in writing within 48 hours lors du dernier trajet de retour depuis sa rsidence
by the host organization. durant le stage son domicile personnel.
3)The coverage concerns accidents occurring: 4) Pour le cas o lune seule des conditions prvues
within the internship location and during au point 6.2-1/ nest pas remplie, lorganisme daccueil
internship working hours, sengage couvrir le/la stagiaire contre le risque daccident
on the normal commute to and from the interns de travail, de trajet et les maladies professionnelles et en
assurer toutes les dclarations ncessaires.
residence in the internship territory and the
5) Dans tous les cas :
internship location,
si ltudiant est victime dun accident de travail durant le
as part of an assignment provided by the interns stage, lorganisme daccueil doit imprativement signaler
host organization upon formal assignment immdiatement cet accident ltablissement
mandate, denseignement;
during the first trip from his domicile to his place si ltudiant remplit des missions limites en-dehors de
of residence during the internship (travel on the lorganisme daccueil ou en-dehors du pays du stage,
internship start date), lorganisme daccueil doit prendre toutes les dispositions
during the final return trip from his residence ncessaires pour lui fournir les assurances appropries.
during the internship to his personal domicile.
4) In the event that one of the conditions set Article 7 - Liability and Insurance
forth in section 6.2-1 / is not satisfied, the host The host organization and the intern declare that they
organization commits to cover the intern for the risks possess civil liability coverage.
of workplace accidents, travel accidents, and The intern agrees to take out a travel assistance
occupational disease, and provide all the necessary insurance contract (repatriation for health reasons, legal
statements of coverage. assistance, etc.) and an individual accident insurance
5) In all cases: policy.
When the host organization makes a vehicle available to
if the student is the victim of a workplace
accident during his internship, the host the intern, it is its responsibility to check beforehand
organization must immediately notify the that the cars insurance policy includes coverage for its
educational institution of the accident; use by a student.
When the student is to use his own vehicle or a vehicle
if the student performs limited assignments
outside of the host organization or outside of the loaned by a third party for purposes of his internship, he
internship country, the host organization must shall expressly inform the insurer of the vehicle and,
take all necessary steps to provide him with the where applicable, pay the corresponding premium.
appropriate insurance. If the host country or geographical area in which the
internship takes place, undergoes degradation of
6.2 Protection Accident du Travail du stagiaire security conditions altering the classification of the area
ltranger by the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs and
1) Pour pouvoir bnficier de la lgislation franaise International Development, the intern :
sur la couverture accident de travail, le prsent stage doit : Immediately notify its referent or responsible
- tre dune dure au plus gale 6 mois, prolongations internships at his school, institute or UFR,
incluses ;
- ne donner lieu aucune rmunration susceptible d'ouvrir
Page 4 sur 8
terminates his internship and undertakes to dhygine et de scurit en vigueur dans lorganisme daccueil.
promptly reach a country, the metropolitan France or Toute sanction disciplinaire ne peut tre dcide que par
a country with "normal vigilance" by the standards of ltablissement denseignement. Dans ce cas, lorganisme
daccueil informe lenseignant rfrent et ltablissement des
the ministry.
manquements et fournit ventuellement les lments
The rules for implementing a replacement of
internship, and the evaluation methods will be En cas de manquement particulirement grave la discipline,
reviewed with the referent, so the situation beyond lorganisme daccueil se rserve le droit de mettre fin au stage
the control of the intern be the least damaging in tout en respectant les dispositions fixes larticle 9 de la
obtaining the postulated Diploma. prsente convention.

Article 7 Responsabilit et assurance Article 9 - Leave - Internship Interruption

Lorganisme daccueil et le stagiaire dclarent tre garantis Leave and internship interruptions for the intern are
au titre de la responsabilit civile. applicable according to the regulations of the host
Le stagiaire sengage souscrire un contrat dassistance organization.
(rapatriement sanitaire, assistance juridique) et un contrat
For any other temporary interruption of training (illness,
dassurance individuel accident.
Lorsque lorganisme daccueil met un vhicule la
unjustified absence ...) the host organization notifies the
disposition du stagiaire, il lui incombe de vrifier school by written.
pralablement que la police dassurance du vhicule couvre Any interruption of the internship is reported to all
son utilisation par un tudiant signatories of the internship agreement. A form of
Lorsque dans le cadre de son stage, ltudiant utilise son validation is implemented as appropriate by the school.
propre vhicule ou un vhicule prt par un tiers, il dclare If agreed by the parties of the internship agreement, an
expressment lassureur dudit vhicule et, le cas chant, extension of the end of the internship is possible to
sacquitte de la prime y affrente.
enable the realization of the total duration of the
Si le pays daccueil, ou la zone gographique dans laquelle
se droule le stage, subit une dgradation des conditions de
internship originally planned. In case of postponement,
scurit modifiant le classement de cette zone par le if the end of the internship is prior to the end of the
Ministre franais des Affaires trangres et du academic year, the internship agreement is the subject
Dveloppement International, le stagiaire : of an amendment.
prvient immdiatement son rfrent ou le responsable An amendment to the agreement may be established in
des stages de son cole, institut ou UFR, case of extension of the internship in a joint request
met fin son stage et sengage rejoindre sans dlai un between the host organization and the intern, in
pays soit la France mtropolitaine, soit un pays vigilance
compliance with the maximum duration of the internship
normale daprs les normes du ministre.
Les modalits de ralisation dun stage de remplacement, le
set by law (6 months) and if the extent of the last day
cas chant, ainsi que les modalits dvaluation sont alors of the internship takes place before the end of the
revues avec le rfrent pour que cette situation, academic year.
indpendante de la volont du stagiaire, lui soit le moins If will of one of three parts (host organization, intern,
prjudiciable possible par rapport au diplme postul. educational institution) to stop the internship, it must
immediately inform the other two parties by written.
Article 8 - Discipline The reasons will be examined closely. The final decision
The intern shall be subject to the applicable internal will be taken at the end of the consultation phase.
disciplinary and regulatory terms, of which he shall be
made aware prior to the start of the internship, Article 9 Congs Interruption du stage
particularly in regard to schedules and to the health Les congs et autorisations dabsence octroys au stagiaire
and safety regulations in effect at the host sont applicables selon la rglementation de lorganisme
organization. daccueil, le cas chant.
Pour toute autre interruption temporaire du stage (maladie,
Disciplinary sanctions may only be imposed by
absence injustifie...) l'organisme d'accueil avertit
decision of the educational institution. In such case, l'tablissement d'enseignement par crit.
the host organization shall inform the academic Toute interruption du stage, est signale tous les signataires
advisor and the institution of the non-compliance and de la convention. Une modalit de validation est mise en place
shall provide any supporting evidence. le cas chant par l'tablissement. En cas d'accord des parties
In case of a particularly serious breach of discipline, la convention, un report de la fin du stage est possible afin de
the host organization reserves the right to terminate permettre la ralisation de la dure totale du stage prvue
the internship, while respecting the provisions set initialement. En cas de report, si la fin du stage est antrieure
la fin de lanne universitaire, la convention fait lobjet dun
forth in article 9 of this agreement.
Un avenant la convention pourra tre tabli en cas de
Article 8 Discipline prolongation du stage sur demande conjointe de l'organisme
Le stagiaire est soumis la discipline et aux clauses du d'accueil et du stagiaire, dans le respect de la dure maximale
rglement intrieur qui lui sont applicables et qui sont du stage fixe par la loi (6 mois) et dans la mesure o le
portes sa connaissance avant le dbut du stage, dernier jour du stage intervient avant la fin de lanne
notamment en ce qui concerne les horaires et les rgles universitaire.

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En cas de volont d'une des trois parties (organisme approval, a contract must be signed between the intern
d'accueil, stagiaire, tablissement d'enseignement) d'arrter (the author) and the host organization.
le stage, celle-ci doit immdiatement en informer les deux The contract must specifically include the extent of the
autres parties par crit. Les raisons invoques seront
rights to be transferred, any possible exclusivity
examines en troite concertation. La dcision dfinitive
d'arrt du stage ne sera prise qu' l'issue de cette phase de
requirements, the intended use, the media used, and
concertation. the duration of the transfer of rights, as well as, if
applicable, the amount of compensation due to the
Article 10 - Duty of discretion and intern for the transfer. This clause shall apply regardless
confidentiality of the host organizations business structure.
The duty of confidentiality must at all times be
observed, with its specific aspects taken into account Article 11 Proprit intellectuelle
by the host organization. The intern commits to Conformment au code de la proprit intellectuelle, dans le
cas o les activits du stagiaire donnent lieu la cration dune
refrain from using the information collected or
uvre protge par le droit dauteur ou la proprit industrielle
obtained by him, under any circumstances, for (y compris un logiciel), si lorganisme daccueil souhaite lutiliser
purposes of publication or disclosure to third parties et que le stagiaire en est daccord, un contrat devra tre sign
without prior consent of the host organization, entre le stagiaire (auteur) et lorganisme daccueil.
including in the internship report. This commitment Le contrat devra alors notamment prciser ltendue des droits
applies not only to the internship period but shall cds, lventuelle exclusivit, la destination, les supports
extend after its conclusion as well. The intern utiliss et la dure de la cession, ainsi que, le cas chant, le
commits to not retain, remove, or copy any montant de la rmunration due au stagiaire au titre de la
cession. Cette clause sapplique quel que soit le statut de
documents or software of any kind belonging to the
lorganisme daccueil.
host organization, except upon prior approval from
the latter. Article 12 - End of internship - Report -
For purposes of preserving the confidentiality of the Evaluation
information contained in the internship report, the 1) Internship certificate: at the end of the
host organization may request a restriction on the internship, the host organization shall issue a certificate,
distribution of the report, or the removal of certain a template for which is included as an appendix
confidential information. hereto, indicating as a minimum the effective duration
Persons who know this infomation shall be of the internship, and, if applicable, the amount of the
constrained by commitments to professional secrecy stipend paid. The intern will need to produce this
to refrain from any use or disclosure of the certificate as supporting documentation in applying for
information in the report. benefits under the general retirement insurance
framework, as provided under article L.351-17 of the
Article 10 Devoir de rserve et confidentialit
social security code;
Le devoir de rserve est de rigueur absolue et apprci par
2)Internship Quality: Once the internship has ended,
lorganisme daccueil compte-tenu de ses spcificits. Le
stagiaire prend donc lengagement de nutiliser en aucun cas the parties to this agreement are invited to submit an
les informations recueillies ou obtenues par eux pour en assessment of the quality of the internship. The intern
faire publication, communication des tiers sans accord will send a document to the appropriate department of
pralable de lorganisme daccueil, y compris le rapport de the educational institution in which he will evaluate the
stage. Cet engagement vaut non seulement pour la dure quality of the reception he was given by the host
du stage mais galement aprs son expiration. Le stagiaire organization. This document will not be taken into
sengage ne conserver, emporter, ou prendre copie
consideration in his evaluation, or in awarding his
daucun document ou logiciel, de quelque nature que ce
soit, appartenant lorganisme daccueil, sauf accord de ce diploma or certificate.
dernier. 3) Evaluation of the interns activity: Once the internship
Dans le cadre de la confidentialit des informations has ended, the host organization shall fill out an
contenues dans le rapport de stage, lorganisme daccueil assessment form on the interns activity, which it will
peut demander une restriction de la diffusion du rapport, return to the academic advisor.
voire le retrait de certains lments confidentiels. 4)Educational Assessment Procedures: The intern shall
Les personnes amenes les connatre sont contraintes par
must return his professional situation scenario according
le secret professionnel nutiliser ni ne divulguer les
to the continuous monitoring of the terms of his cursus
informations du rapport.
as follows:
Article 11 - Intellectual Property ..................................................................................
In accordance with the code of intellectual property, ..................................................................................
if the intern's activities result in the creation of a work ..................................................................................
protected by copyright or industrial property NUMBER OF ECTS (if applicable):....
(including software), and the host organization
wishes to make use of such work with the interns Neither the academic supervisor from the host
organization, nor any member of the host organization
invited to visit the educational institution for purposes of

Page 6 sur 8
the preparation, conduct and validation of the 4) M odalit s dva luation pdagogiques : le stagiaire
internship, may assert any claim for reimbursement devra restituer sa mise en situation professionnelle
or compensation from the educational institution. conformment aux modalits de contrle continu de sa
formation comme suit :
Article 12 Fin de stage Rapport - Evaluation
NOMBRE DE CTS (le cas chant) : .
1) Attestation de stage : lissue du stage,
lorganisme daccueil dlivre une attestation dont le
Le tuteur de lorganisme daccueil ou tout membre de
modle figure en annexe, mentionnant au minimum la
lorganisme daccueil appel se rendre dans ltablissement
dure effective du stage et, le cas chant, le montant
denseignement dans le cadre de la prparation, du
de la gratification perue. Le stagiaire devra produire
droulement et de la validation du stage ne peut prtendre
cette attestation lappui de sa demande ventuelle
une quelconque prise en charge ou indemnisation de la part de
douverture de droits au rgime gnral dassurance
ltablissement denseignement.
vieillesse prvue lart. L.351- 17 du code de la scurit
sociale ;
2) Qualit du stage : lissue du stage, les Article 13 - Applicable law - Competent courts
parties la prsente convention sont invites formuler This agreement shall be governed exclusively by French
une apprciation sur la qualit du stage. law.
Le stagiaire transmet au service comptent de Any disputes that cannot be amicably resolved shall be
ltablissement denseignement un document dans lequel il subject to the jurisdiction of the competent French
value la qualit de laccueil dont il a bnfici au sein de courts.
lorganisme daccueil. Ce document nest pas pris en compte
dans son valuation ou dans lobtention du diplme ou de la
Article 13 Droit applicable Tribunaux comptents
La prsente convention est rgie exclusivement par le droit
3 ) E valuation de lactivi t du stagiaire : lissue du
stage, lorganisme daccueil renseigne une fiche
Tout litige non rsolu par voie amiable sera soumis la
dvaluation de lactivit du stagiaire quil retourne
comptence de la juridiction franaise comptente.
lenseignant rfrent.


Name and signature of the representative of the institution Name and signature of the representative of the host
(Nom et signature du reprsentant de ltablissement) organization
(Nom et signature du reprsentant de lorganisme daccueil)



Name and signature (Nom et signature)



The internship supervisor for the host organization The intern s academic advisor
Name and signature (Nom et signature) Name and signature (Nom et signature)



The University reserves the right not to sign the internship agreement if it was sent after the beginning of the internship
Form to be attached to this agreement (Fiche annexer la convention): Internship certificate (following page) (Attestation de stage (page suivante)

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Internship certificate INTERNSHIP C E R T I F I C A T E
(Attestation de stage) (ATTESTATION DE STAGE)

to be issued to the intern upon the conclusion of the internship

( remettre au stagiaire lissue du stage)


Cty C phn u t XNK H Nam/ Ha Nam Joint Stock Trading Company
Name or company name (Nom ou Dnomination sociale): .........
Address (Adresse): 15 ng 272, ng Trn Hng o, phng Trn Hng o, tp Ph L, H Nam, Vietnam

Hereby certifies that (Certifie que)

Last name (Nom): Thi Dieu Huong Sex: F
Date of Birth (N le): 16. / 12. / 1990
First name (Prnom):
4 Rue Auguste Renoir, 06000, Nice, France
Address (Adresse): ...

. e-mail: .........................................................
A STUDENT OF (title of the training course or higher education curriculum being followed by the intern):
(ETUDIANT EN (intitul de la formation ou du cursus de lenseignement suprieur suivi par le stagiaire))
EIPB - Master 2 of European and International Private Banking

AT (name of the higher education institution or training organization) (AU SEIN de (nom de ltablissement denseignement suprieur ou de lorganisme de formation)):


has completed an internship as part of his/her studies (a effectu un stage prvu dans le cadre de ses tudes)
5 months

Internship start and end dates: from (Du) ..

01/04/2017 DD/MM/YYYY, to (Au) ..
01/09/2017 DD/MM/YYYY
(Dates de dbut et de fin du stage)
Representing a total duration of ........ (Number of months / Number of Weeks) (cross out any inappropriate item)
(Reprsentant une dure totale de) ((Nbre de Mois / Nbre de Semaines) (rayer la mention inutile))

The total duration of the internship is assessed in consideration of the actual presence of the student within the organization, subject any authorized time off and leaves of
absence granted, as provided under article L.124-13 of the education code (art. L.124-18 of the education code). Each period of at least 7 hours of presence, whether
consecutive or otherwise, is considered equivalent to one day of internship work, and each period equal to at least 22 days of presence, consecutive or otherwise, is considered
equivalent to one month.
La dure totale du stage est apprcie en tenant compte de la prsence effective du stagiaire dans lorganisme, sous rserve des droits congs et autorisations dabsence prvus larticle L.124-13 du
code de lducation (art. L.124-18 du code de lducation). Chaque priode au moins gale 7 heures de prsence conscutives ou non est considre comme quivalente un jour de stage et chaque
priode au moins gale 22 jours de prsence conscutifs ou non est considre comme quivalente un mois.

The intern has received an internship stipend totaling ..
(Le stagiaire a peru une gratification de stage pour un montant total de)

The course certificate is an indispensable element, for consideration, subject to the

payment of a fee, of the internship work in determining retirement benefits. Retirement
pensions legislation (Law No. 2014-40 of January 20, 2014) grants students whose MADE IN (Fait ) ..
internship work is allocated a stipend the possibility of having such work validated within
THIS DAY THE (Le) ......
two calendar quarters, subject to the payment of a fee. The application is to be made by
the student within the two years of the end of the internship, and requires the
presentation of the internship certificate indicating the total duration of the internship
and the total amount of the stipends paid. Specific information regarding the fee to be
paid b y t h e i n t e r n and the procedure to follow may be requested from the Social
Security administration (Social Security Code, art. L.351-17 - Education Code, art. D.124-9).
Lattestation de stage est indispensable pour pouvoir, sous rserve du versement dune cotisation, faire
prendre en compte le stage dans les droits retraite. La lgislation sur les retraites (loi n2014-40 du 20 janvier 2014)
ouvre aux tudiants dont le stage a t gratifi la possibilit de faire valider celui-ci dans la limite de deux trimestres,
sous rserve du versement dune cotisation. La demande est faire par
ltudiant dans les deux annes suivant la fin du stage et sur prsentation obligatoire de lattestation de stage Name, position and signature of the representative of the host
mentionnant la dure totale du stage et le montant total de la gratification perue. Les informations prcises sur la
cotisation verser par l e s tagiai re et sur la procdure suivre sont demander auprs de la scurit sociale (code organization (Nom, fonction et signature du reprsentant de lorganisme
de la scurit sociale art. L.351-17 code de lducation art.D.124-9). daccueil)

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