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Sleeping is one of the strangest states of mind human beings can

experience. It is some kind of an alternative reality connected somehow to the
every-day reality. Even though many people, including Freud, wanted to
explain the root and meaning of dreams, all they did was to invent new
stories and dreams. Nobody knows how and why dreams become reality and
things we dream happen.

The strangest thing is that all my life I have been asking myself how
places and people I dream prove to be real. I had so many experiences like these
but the strongest was the one I had last week. Last Friday I came home at
about 4 oclock in the afternoon. I was so tired that I had fallen asleep before I
had something to eat. I dreamt that I was in a car... my fathers car... and I
was floating and looking at what was happening in slow motion. The car
was spinning fast and my father was injured... It was a nighmare. I opened
my eyes and I heard the phone... The person who called told me my father had
an accident. I was speechless.

How can this be? I was 30 km away from the place it happened... There
are so many misterious ways in which we leave our bodies and go to
someother dimention where we see what hasns happened yet, where we are
unable to run or scream... where we are just spectators of a virtual reality
called premonition.

There is a Romanian tradition to place flowers under the pillow to dream

your future husband... Many old women who had tried it when they were
young and unmarried, tell incredible stories. My grandmothers told me
about how real the dreams seemed and turned out to become reality.

We dont believe in dreams and old traditions anymore. We cant believe

in supernatural or God... Our lives are filled with gadgets, lots of virtual
games and no friends. I cant stop wondering ... What if we stopped
dreaming?! What if we were to become slaves of the technology and incapable
of feeling and dreams?! What could happen to the magic of the alternative
reality we experience? I hope I never find the answer!

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