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(:)Project Delivery System

: .

Lump Sum General Contracting (Design-bid-build process) .1
Cost-plus a Fee/GMP General Contracting .2
Design-Build .3
Construction Management .4

.1 ( :) Competitively Bid
.2 ( :)Negotiated
.3 (.)Combination of the two
Project Delivery System Contractor Selection/Contract
Type Competitively Bid Negotiated
Lump Sum General Contracting
Cost-plus a Fee/GMP General Contracting
Construction Management

):)Criteria For Determining The Best Project Delivery System For A Proposed Building
.2 .
.3 Fast-track

(.(accelerated construction
.4 .
.5 .
.6 .
.7 .
.8 .

. .9
. .11
. .11
. .12
. .13

( :)Donor () .

( :)Owner
( )public owner ( )private owner .

( :)Contractor

( :)Sub-Contractor


( :)Designer
- .-

( )Traditional System :

(:)Traditional System
( )Design-bid-build
( )

(:)Contract Document Packages Traditionally Include:

.1 (.)Drawings
.2 (.)Specifications
.3 (.)General Conditions
.4 (.)Special Conditions
.5 (.)Forms of agreement
.6 (.)Modifications and addenda

:Value Engineering & Constructability (VE/Constructability)

(:)Value Engineering
.1 (.)Cost

.2 ( )Revision (.)Reactive

.1 .
.2 (.)Proactive

( )VE/Constructability

):(Owners Check List For Good Service

. .1
. .2
. .3
. .4
. .5
. .6
. .7
. .8


(:)Contractual Relationship
.1 .
.2 .
.3 .
.4 .


Lump sum contracting is the execution segment of the design-bid-build process.
( ) .
Design Bid Select Contractor Build


()Lump Sum
Lump Sum

Stipulated sum , Fixed price , Hard money

(:)Advantages Of Lump Sum Contracting

.1 .
.2 .
.3 .
.4 .
.5 .
.6 .
.7 .
.8 .
.9 .
.11 .

( :)Considerations And Cautions

. .1
. .2
. .3
: .4
. .
. .
. .

:Unit price VS Lump Sum

:Lump Sum


:Unit Price

. %25

(:)Contract administration by designers generally consists of

. .1
. .2
. .3
: .4
. .
. .
. .
. .
. .
. .

(:)Contract administration by designers generally consists of

.1 .
.2 .
.3 .
.4 .
.5 .
.6 .

(:)Bonding in Lump Sum Projects

:Bid Bond . .1
:Performance Bond .2
:Labor and material Bond . .3
. .
. .
. .
:Maintenance Bond . .4

( )

(:)Selection Process For Lump Sum Contracts

.1 ( )Prequalification ( ).
.2 (.)Competitive bidding among general contractors
.3 (.)Proof of financial capability and bonding ability
.4 (.)Award to the lowest qualified bidder
.5 (.)Contract finalized and signed

( )Tender (:)Bid
:Tender .




()Post qualification


()Competitive Bidding
( ).

):)Subcontractors tend to give better prices to general contractors who
. .1
. .2
. .3
. .4
. .5

:Integrated Decision Making .

:The Aggressive Designer

:Separate Prime Contracts


:Alternates (
) ( ).
:Substitutions ( )

:Allowances :
. .
. .
:Change order :
.( .)..
.( .)..
.( ).
. ( ).
. .
:Bid shopping
:Shop Drawings .

:Pre-Bid Conferences

:Bid Day .

:Contingency .
: . .
. .
:Bid Strategy :
.1 .
.2 .
.3 .
.4 .
.5 .
.6 .
.7 .
.8 .

:Risk Allocation
(:)Risk Factors
.1 .
.2 .
.3 .
.4 .
.5 .
.6 .
.7 .

:Casualty Losses .



:Cost-plus a Fee/GMP General Contracting


:Cost of the work plus a fee .1
:Cost-plus a fee with a Guaranteed Maximum Price .2



(:)Advantages Of Negotiated General Contracts

.2 .
.3 .
.4 .
.5 .
.6 .

(:)Potential Problems Of Negotiated Contracts

.1 .
.2 .
.3 .

(:(Contractor Selection

(:)A private owner will rarely select a general contractor based on price alone. Other factors, such as

(:)Incentives In Negotiated Contracts

.1 .
.2 .
.3 .




(:)There are four reasons for the interest in design-build

.1 .
.2 .
.3 .
.4 .

(:)Design-build models are ..

In-house design .1
Consultative design .2
Turnkey .3
Design-build-lease .4
Design-own-transfer (BOT) .5
Bridging .6

:Consultative design VS In-house design

:In-house design
:Consultative design

):)Joint Ventures

(:)Advantages of Design-Build

( ). .1
. .2
. .3
. .4
.Lump Sum .5

.6 Value Engineering Constructability .

.7 .
.8 .

):(Considerations and Cautions in Design-Build

.1 .
.2 -.
.3 - .
.4 -.
.5 ( )confusion (.)ineffectiveness

):(Owners have particular responsibilities to develop clear, detailed statements of requirements, including ..
.1 (:)Project scope

Facility management cost analysis
.2 (:(Activities to be housed in the new building

.3 (.)Space needs
.4 ( )Ergonomic considerations .
.5 (.)Functional requirements
.6 (.)Budget and its level of certitude
.7 (.)Personnel to be accommodated
.8 (.)Esthetic statement
.9 (.)Expected construction schedule
.11 (.)Expected level of quality

(:(Contractor Selection
.1 ( ) Prequalification :
.1 .
.2 .
.3 .
.4 .
. ( )5-3

.2 :

. :
.1 .
.2 .
.3 .
.4 .
.5 .
. .

(:)Further recommendations on selection

( ) . .
. .
. .
. .
. .

( )Jury :
.1 .
.2 ( ).
.3 ( ).

:Turnkey Projects ( )Design-Build -

:Bridging ( )Design-Build :
.2 -

:Build-Own-Transfer (BOT)


( )construction firm
( ).

( )amount of risk :
:Agency Construction Management .1
:At-Risk Construction Management .2

.1 ( )construction manager .
.2 .
.3 .

(:)Advantages of Construction Management

.1 .
.2 .
.3 / .
.4 .
.5 .

(:)Considerations and Cautions

.1 .
.2 .
.3 ( )construction manager .
.4 .

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