Bent Over Row

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5. Draw the shoulder blades
together while flexing and lifting
the elhows up and out; pull the bar-
bell to a point midway between the
belly button and top of the ribcage.

6. With control, lower the
barbell back to the start position
and repeat.


There are many versions of the
bent-over row. (Asking colleagues
Man, woman, fitness enthusiast or elite athlete - it for their favourites elicited as many
modifications as trainers!)
doesn't matter. Glance around the gym and you'll catch
them all staring into the mirrors and training the mus- " The described version
clients maintain proper posture
cles they see. Counteract gym goers' natural tendency without worrying ahout fully hold-
to work the "mirror" muscles by introducing them to ing themselves up. To increase
the other side with a bent-over row. By Diana Rochon active stabilization, step away from
the wall and perform the same
Photographed at Meadow Park Sports Centre, Whistler, B.C. by Carl Rochon movement.
Model: Bronwen Thorburn
Other variations include us-
ing dumbbells versus a barbell; sit-
ting on a bench or stability ball; po-
sitioning feet in a staggered
stance; using resistance tubing or
a cable machine; standing on one foot;
performing the movement with one arm
at time; and lying prone on a stability ball.

Have clients gently set their shoul-
ders back before starting versus start-
ing from a rounded position.
Ask your clients to imagine pup-
pet strings tied to their elbows. The
strings are pulled up to the ceiling as the
shoulder blades draw together.
When possible, position clients
sideways to a mirror so they can check
body position with a head turn. This
aintaining proper posture is a TARGET MUSCLES
avoids excessive chin-poking, common
problem for most clients. A Primary - Latissimus dorsi, teres
when clients face the mirror head on.
training regime that overem- major, mid-trapezius, rhomboids
phasizes the "push" or "mir- Secondary - posterior deltoid, biceps
ror" muscles feeds into the rounded ALTERNATE EXERCISES
shoulder, flexed thoracic spine and chin- If your client can't hold a lifted pos-
now TO no IT
poke position so commonly seen. Con- ture in the bent-over row, even when
1. With feet hip-width apart, grasp a
tinuing to hold and move the body in this barbell with an overhand grip and hands seated, consider the following:
pattem can lead to neck, shoulder girdle spaced shoulder-width apart.
or low-back problems. 2. Flex the hips and knees, and drop 1. If thoracic spine mobility is the is-
Strengthening the "pull" muscles the tailbone down and back against a wall. sue, help them improve it with targeted
helps ciients stand tall and lifted in a con- Then, tilt the tailbone up the wall. exercises from you or their physiothera-
fident stance, reduces unnecessary wear 3. Engage the inner core muscles by pist.
and tear on the shoulder joints and helps "holding onto pee" (women) or "drawing 2. Focus on consistent stretching of
open up the chest for better breathing. up the family jewels" (men). the chest and anterior shoulder muscles.
Beyond posture, the ability to effectively 4. Lean forward from the waist (ap- 3. Check back extensor strength; if
stabilize and pull (using the mid-back proximately 80 degrees) maintaining an lacking, work on specific exercises to
musculature) allows clients to garden, elongated spine (breastbone slightly increase it.
play tug-of-war with the dog and lift gro- lifted forward) and eyes looking down in 4. Choose a seated row (cable or tub-
ceries and kids off the floor without over- front ofthe feet. The barbell should hover ing) as an alternative exercise until their
loading the low back. just in front of the knees. mobility and stability improves. FTC


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