EDC - Old Question Papers For Unit I & II

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Printed Pages: 4 NEC-302 | (Following Paper ID and Roll No. to be filled in your Answer Books) Regular theory Examination(Odd Sem - 111), 2016-17 FUNDAMENTAL OF ELECTRONIC DEVICES Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 100 Section - A 1 Attempt all parts. All parts carry equal marks. Write answer of each part in short. (10x2=20) a) Classify semiconductors on the basis of energy band gap with the help of suitable diagram. b) Calculate the density of GaAs, ifthe lattice constant of GaAs is 5.65 A°. The atomic weights of Ga and As are 69.7 and 74.9 g/mol, respectively. c) Differentiate between phosphorescence and florescence materials with examples. d) What is population inversion? Write down the difference between spontaneous emission and stimulated emission for LASER action. e) _ Explain the V-I characteristics of photodiode. What is the significance of 3 and 4* quadrant operation of photodiode? 302/12/2016/6720 a) [P.T.. NEC-302 ) What is Fermi level? How does it depend on temperature? 2) What is the physical significance of diffusion length? How is it related with mobility of the carrier? h) What do you mean by reverse recovery transient? State the significance of storage delay time. i) Whatare degenerate semi-conductors? Draw their energy band diagrams. j) Calculate the maximum packing fraction of fee lattice. Section - B Note: Attempt any five questions from this section (5*10=50) 2. a) What do you mean by mobility of a carrier? How does it depend on temperature, doping concentrations and high field? Explain. b) — Mobilities of electrons and holes in a sample of intrinsic germanium at room temperature are 3900 cm?/v-sec and 1900 cm*/v-sec respectively. If the electrons and hole densities are each equal to 2.5 x 10 per cm’, calculate germanium resistivity and conductivity. 3. Discuss Transition and Diffusion capacitance in a p-n junction diode. Ina p* - n junction reverse biased at 10V, the capacitance is 10pF. If the doping is doubled and reverse bias voltage is changed to 80V, what will be the capacitance? 302/12/2016/6720 @) NEC-302 a) _ Asilicon sample is doped with 10'° donors/cm’ and has a hole life time of 0.5 usec. Assuming all the donors to be ionized, determine i) The photo generation rate, which will produce 4 x 10‘ excess EHP in steady state. ii) The sample resistivity before and after illumination. iii) The percentage of conductivity due to minority carriers. Assume 44, = 1200 cm?/Vs, j1, = 400 em?/V-s, T=300K. b) What do you mean by drift and diffusion of carriers? Find total current density generated due to both of these transport mechanisms of carriers. Using suitable diagrams, describe the principle and operation of a Tunnel diode. Also discuss its V-I characteristics. Draw and explain the hole and electron flow in a p-n-p Common Base BIT. State various currents flowing across the device along with characteristics curves. Show that the total depletion width in a p-n junction at thermal equilibrium condition ean be given by Where ¢ is the permittivity of semiconductor, V, is the built-in potential of the junction, N, is the acceptor 302/12/2016/6720 3) [P.T.0. NEC-302 concentration in the p-type material, N, is the donor concentration in the n-type material and q is the electronic charge. 8. Derive an expression for diode current in an ideal p-n junction diode. 9, What is Hall effect? Derive the relation between Hall voltage and carrier concentration. Section - C Note: Attempt any two questions from this section (2x15=30) 10. Write the special features of MESFET. Explain the working of normally-offand normally-on MESFETS with its characteristics. 11. a) Derive the expression for the equilibrium carrier concentration for holes using Fermi Dirac distribution function. b) —ASi doped with 10” per cm? Boron atoms has fermi level 0.36 eV above valence band at 300K. What is the density of states in valence band? 12. Write short notes on : a) LED materials. b) GUNN Diode. c) IMPATT Diode. +444 302/12/2016/6720 @) Printed Pages: 4 449 NEC-302 (Following Paper ID and Roll No. to be filled in your Answer Book) _ Roll No B.Tech. (SEM. II) THEORY EXAMINATION. 2015-16 FUNDAMENTAL OF ELECTRONIC DEVICES. [Time:3 hours] z [Total Marks:100] Section-A 1. Attempt all parts. All parts carry equal marks. Write answer of each part in short. (10*2=20) (a) Differentiate Zener and avalanche mechanism on the basis of doping, voltage and required depletion region width and ionization effect. (b) _Sisample is doped with 10 As atoms/em’. What is equilibrium concentration of holes at 300 K? Where is E, relative to E,? Draw the energy band diagram to show the position of E, and E, Take n,=1.5x10" cm", (c) What is indirect band gap semiconductors. (d) What is lattice scattering. 10000 (1) P.O Attempt any five questions from this section: 2. 10000 (2) (e) How high electron mobility channel is created in HEMT? (Q) Which semiconductor parameters are measured from Hall effect. (g) State the principle of Invariance of Fermi level. (h) Whats superiority of metal semiconductor diode over conventional diode? (i) Why3rd quadrant is preferred for photo detectors? (i) What is figure of merit of photodiode? + Section-B (5x10=50) Calculate packing fraction and formation (with FCC) of Si-unit cell. Also describe the energy band splitting in Si crystal formation. Discuss the temperature dependence of Fermi-Dirac distribution function for semiconductor materials. Derive the thermal equilibrium concentration of electron. Describe diffusion of carriers and derive the current equation resulting due to this phenomenon. Also, derive the Einstein relation NEC-302 A semiconductor sample is exposed to a photonic excitation for a long time(t<0). Under low level injection, derive the equation governing the decay of excess carrier and life time of carrier if the excitation is removed at t=0. Derive the expression of contact potential for PN homojunetion diode. Boron is implanted into an n-type Si sample (N,=10'cm), forming an abrupt junction of square cross section with area=2x 10° cm?. Assume acceptor concentration in p-type region is N=4*10! cm’, Calculate V, Q°, E, and depletion region extension on either side of junction at RT. (Given n=1.5*10" om, &, = 11.8, & =8.85x10" Pom and KT=0.0259 eVatRT). Describe in detail the operation of n-channel enhancement MOSFET. Draw is physical structure and I-V characteristic. With the help of neat diagram describe the operation of Impact ionization avalanche transit time diode. Deduce the conditions of lasing. Describe the operation of semiconductor LASER. 10000 @) PTO. Section-C Attempt any two question in this section : (2*15=30) 10. Mention ideally desired characteristics of (parameters) area, doping, lifetime and width of base region in BJT. ‘With the help of neat diagram showing the various current components of a PNP BST, describe emitter injection efficiency, base transport factor and collector to base amplification ratio. Describe how the base current controls the operation of BJT. Derive the ideal diode equation. Discuss the majority carrier flow mechanism in neutral regions. With the help two transistor analogy explain the operation of PNPN diode. Also describe various turn-on mechanisms used in SCR. 10000 (4) NEC-302 Printed Pages : 3 YA A NEC-302 (Following Paper ID and Roll No. to be filled in your Answer Book) mot se (EEE B. Tech. (SEM. Il) (ODD SEM.) THEORY EXAMINATION, 2014-15 FUNDAMENTAL OF ELECTRONIC DEVICES Time : 3 Hours} [Total Marks : 100 Notes : Attempt all questions. 1 Attempt any four questions : 4x$=20 a Deseribe briefly lattice structure of silion b. Si sample is doped with 102° As atoms/om?. what is equilibrium concentration of Roles at 300 K? Where is E¢ (Le. Fermi level). Draw the energy band diagram to show the position of E; and Ey, Take n= 15 * 10! eg, Explain the effect of temperature and doping on mobility d. Show that the minimum conductivity of ¢ semiconductor sample occur when n=; 7%, - What is the expression for minimum ‘conductivity. Explain high field effect. 131313) 1 { Contd... ° 2 Attempt any two questions 2x10=20 a. Derive the expression for current density in terms of diffusion length. b. Explain the process of diffusion. Derive the expression of continuity equation. c. Explain absorption coefficient. A.0.46 micrometer thick sample of Ga-As is illuminated with monochromatic light of hy= 3eV. The absortion coefficient is 6 104/cm. the i Power incident on the sample is 11 mW. i Find the total energy absorbed by the sample per second ii Find the rate of excess thermal energy given up by the electrons to the lattice before recombination. 3. Attempt any four questions : 4x5=20 a Write down the difference between Zener and avalanche breakdown. b. Derive the expression for contact potential of a p-n junction, ¢. Define junction capacitance and its types. Write a short note on : i ‘Varactor diode i, Switching diode Consider a silicon abrupt P-N junction at 300 K with N,=10!8 cc and Ny=10!5 cc. Taking ni, = 1.5 x 10!c¢, calculate the value of contact potential. Calculate the width of depletion region. 131313] 2 [ Contd... 4 Attempt any two questions. 2x10=20 Explain the working of HEMT and also discuss its advantages. Discuss briefly the principle of operation of depletion and enhancement type MOSFET. Explain ebers-moll model 5 Attempt any two questions : 10%2=20 131313] Write a short note on: i SCR ii Gunn diode Write a short note on: i Double heterojunction LED ii Working principle of laser. Explain the working of solar cell. Discuss open circuit output voltage characteristic and short circuit current characteristic. 3 11175 Printed Pages—3 EEC301 B.Tech. (SEM. III) ODD SEMESTER THEORY EXAMINATION 2013-14 FUNDAMENTALS OF ELECTRONICS DEVICES Time : 3 Hours Total Marks : 100 Note :— Attempt all questions. All questions carry equal marks. 1, - Attempt any four parts of the following : (5x4=20) (@) Describe briefly the band structure of Si with suitable sketch. (b) What do you understand by Miller indices ? How is it used to describe a plane and direction in a erytsal ? (©) Derive the expression for the effective mass of an electron in an energy band in terms of wave vector. (@) Calculate the volume density of Ga and As atoms with its lattice constant 5.65 A° in G

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