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Student Cristina MORARI, Accountancy, I

Scientific coordinator: Professor, univ. lecturer, Nadejda BACIMANOVA, ASEM

Contemporary people take the challenge of innovations and tend to adapt their modernized mentality and
technologies to newly appearing concepts of development. The field of education isnt an exception in this
respect. Undoubtedly, the technological advances offer us new and interesting opportunities for learning, E-
learning being one of them. The evolution encourages an intense usage of modern technologies in the 21st
century, provokes essential changes in education through an exciting, interactive and newly choice-offering
method of study. In such a way, modern individuals aside with technology era are persistent in replacing the old
methods of studying with modern, often better ones, those offered by information innovations.
E-learning referred to as online learning, is the newest and most popular form of distance education
today that is rapidly growing in popularity. Besides, it represents new opportunities available for students,
especially ones who look for a possibility to combine work and study. Within the past decade it has had a major
impact on postsecondary education and got an increasing interest from youth.
The mentioned method includes the using of special programs that form so called virtual classrooms
that consist of open sources like Course Management System software along with ETUDES-NG, Moodle,
Angel, which include such learning tools as schedules and announcements, modules for publishing lectures,
assignments, ratings, boards of discussion, private messages or live on-camera chats for communication,
exams, short tests, gamification and quizzes for appreciating the knowledge formation of students, means of the
new RV. From here, Online Learning is reckoned benefic, considering its major advantages: convenience and
flexibility for non-traditional students, lower - cost form of education with a retention of extra expenses on
transportation or book payments, an only utility of computer and the Internet, providing of instant feedback and
evaluation on students success or areas to work on additionally, involvement of modern technology, the
challenge and opportunity, the turn of people into smarter consumers of information, development of critical
thinking, easier subjects to adapt, comfortable, as well, relaxing environment to take part in.
Beside of these many advantages of Online Learning classes, there are disadvantages to be wary of as
well, like inability of asking specific questions and receiving answers immediately, no face-to-face interaction,
isolation from participants, possible incorrect evaluation of works due to possible cheating and wrong personal
interpretation, less real group interaction, struggling with technology, disadvantaged students with visual or
physical impairments, requiring of high-level self-discipline and personal time management skills, abnormal
function of system, repellent learning approach, occurring errors in the system, the knowledge-based method of
studying rather than practically-based, corrupted authenticity of work elaborated by the student.
In this respect, promotion of Online Learning policy in the Republic of Moldova is found partially
implemented as a contemporary contribution tool of traditional education, but not as another method of studying
for youth. In Chisinau, there are projects and universities that utilize only e-learning platforms, due to
Moldovas financially and technologically underdevelopment and lack of adaptive e-learning reforms.
National universities as Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova, State University of Moldova, State
University B. P. Hasdeu from Cahul, Comrat State University, State Agrarian University of Moldova,
actually put in practice Moodle Server as a part of implementing e-learning strategy. In addition, there were
found web-sites which provide online courses and trainings, e.g. (offers online training
provided by the Center for Continuous Electoral Training); (with continuous training in the form of
online webinars for specialists from various fields including Foreign Languages, IT, Economics, Pedagogy,
Psychology and some others); (courses at the varying prices and duration).
In conclusion, along with the development of technology, we can easily admit that educational system has
diversified the types of learning in recent years and online environment is changing continuously and it
represents a great opportunity for learning. On the other hand - disadvantages, small drawbacks that highlight
that real professionalism is created and achieved through traditional education only. Still, the best way to
acquire knowledge and skills is traditional education along with its well-balanced development. If talking about
e-learning, as any innovation, it is fare to have both positive and negative sides, supporters and opponents. So,
actually, its neither good nor bad. It just existsBut we should somehow give it a try!

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