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Diagnostic test

Listening Practical English

1 Listen to Toby and Jake talking about sport. 6 Complete the dialogue with the words. There are
Circle the sports that Toby likes. (2 marks) two words you do not need. (10 marks)

rock climbing archery could mind minute pronounce

trail biking motor racing football should spell sure
Amira (1) Have you got a __________?
2 Listen again. Answer the questions. Write Jasper Yes, (2) __________.
complete sentences. (8 marks)
Amira (3) __________ you tell me what a kayak
1 Why did Jake go to Brazil? Who did he go with? is?
_______________________________________ Jasper Its a type of canoe.
_______________________________________ Amira Can you (4) __________ it for me?
2 According to Jake, what qualities do you need to Jasper K-A-Y-A-K.
be a great racing driver? Name two. Amira How do you (5) __________ it?
_______________________________________ Jasper Kayak.
3 What does Jake have in common with Lewis
7 Choose the correct option. (10 marks)
1 You dont have to / mustnt use your phone
4 Why does Toby want to do a different sport?
during the lesson.
2 You have to / ought to take an umbrella with
you; its raining outside.
3 You could / will be able to drive a car when you
Vocabulary pass your test.
4 Students at my school didnt have to / need to
3 Complete the technology verbs. (5 marks)
wear a uniform.
1 sw_p_ 4 ch_ _g_ 5 My grandma says that some children had to /
2 sc_ _l_ 5 _pd_t_ could get part-time jobs when she was young
3 br_w_ _ because their families needed the money.
4 Match 15 to the opposites AE. (5 marks) 8 Write sentences in the present perfect or past
1 convenient __ A manual simple. (10 marks)
2 heavy __ B unreliable 1 Tom / live / London / since / 2012.
3 useless __ C inconvenient _______________________________________
4 automatic __ D useful 2 Daisy / not win / race / yesterday.
5 reliable __ E light _______________________________________
3 I / not be / to / UK / before.
5 Complete the sentences. (10 marks)
1 Archery is a sport that requires you to be very 4 how / you / train / for / competition / last year?
ac___________. _______________________________________
2 Yoga has really improved my fl___________. 5 you / ever / try / rock climbing?
3 The ability to use different parts of the body _______________________________________
together is called co_____________.
4 All sports people want to im________ on their
previous time or performance.
5 When you are surfing, you need to ba_________
yourself carefully on the board or you will fall off.

4 1
Diagnostic test
9 Complete the sentences with the past simple or Reading
present perfect form of the verbs. (10 marks)
charge not go see take up use 11 Read the text. What are the aims of the digital
schoolhouses project? (2 marks)
1 I ______________________ kayaking; its a
new sport for me and Im really enjoying it.
2 A _______________________ your phone?
B Yes, I did it before we came out. Building a Digital Future
3 We ______ Marta at the party last night.
4 I ______ that sports app yesterday that you The city of London has started an innovative new
recommended. Its good. educational project. It has set up a series of digital
5 He ________________ out yet. Hes still here. schoolhouses within existing secondary schools
Do you want to speak to him? across London. The intention behind the project is
to train a new generation of IT teachers and to
improve digital skills in children that attend these
schools. The digital schoolhouses involve a series
of workshops for both primary and lower secondary
10 Complete the second sentence so that it has a
similar meaning as the first. Use the correct school students. The workshops are on various
form of the word in brackets. You need to make topics related to technology, including
some of the words into phrasal verbs. (10 communication and the internet, hardware,
marks) software, coding, how computers work and e-safety.
1 Children arent allowed to run in the corridors. Students can learn how to create apps for their
(must) smartphones and tablets. The digital schoolhouses
Children ________________ in the corridors. also work with businesses and higher education
2 While I was in Italy I learned some Italian. (pick) institutions to help students put their knowledge into
I ____________ some Italian while I was in Italy. practice in the real world. This creates important
3 Kelly was disappointed because she couldnt go links between students and businesses and
to the party. (miss) institutions. After completing their studies, students
Kelly was disappointed because she will be in a better position to apply for jobs at these
________________ on the party. places. The learning environment is inclusive of all
4 It isnt a good idea to copy someone elses abilities and it is both engaging and enjoyable. In
homework. (should) addition, everything taught during the workshops is
You ___________________ someone elses related to what the students are learning at school,
homework. so the knowledge gained is useful for their other
5 Matt is putting the money he earns in the bank studies. The courses not only teach students about
every week because he wants a new car. (up) technology but also to think about how they use it.
Matt is _________________ for a new car. They learn critical thinking skills which are essential
to move into further education. Teachers, business
leaders and politicians believe that the future of
education and business lies in IT and computing.
Computers are already an essential part of our daily
lives. These digital schoolhouses will help young
people compete in the jobs market of the future,
where computer skills will be as necessary as
English and Maths.

4 2
Diagnostic test
12 Read the text again. Then complete the Give further details. What does it involve? How
sentences. (8 marks) often do you do it? Why do you like it?
1 The digital schoolhouses are located in various This activity involves I do it every
_____________ in the capital. I like because Doing / playing gives me
2 The schools work with businesses and higher Briefly describe the skills and qualities you have to
education institutions, providing students with have to do this activity well.
valuable _____________ of the world outside To do you need to be / you have to have
the classroom. Briefly describe any successes related to this
3 The content of the workshops is closely _______ activity that you have had so far. End by including
to the content of students lessons at school. anything connected to this activity that you would
4 Digital schoolhouses ____________ students for like to do in the future or that you intend to do.
life in the future. Last year, I competed in
Since I have competed in
Writing I took part in I have won
Id like to I hope to Im going to
13 Write about your favourite sport or other free-
time activity. Use the prompts and questions to
help you. Write about 150 words. (10 marks)
Introduce the activity and say when you started it.
My favourite free-time activity is
I first started I took up when I was





Listening _____ / 10 Vocabulary _____ / 20 Practical English _____ / 10

Grammar _____ / 30 Consolidation _____ / 10 Reading _____ / 10
Writing _____ / 10 TOTAL __________ / 100

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