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Behavioral theories- assumes that

leadership is central to performance

Leadership the ability to positively
and other outcomes.
influence people and systems under
ones authority to have a meaningful
Formal leaders- have the authority and
Good strategy- is to identify other
power of their official position.
organization with successful cultures
Informal leaders- have no official
and try to emulate the processes used
authority but do have the ability to
to create those culture.
influence others.
Navigator creates shared meaning and
Goals an identified result to strive to
provides direction toward a vision,
mission, goal.
Goal setting- the process of establishing
Communicator effectively listens
goals and evaluating their importance.
articulates messages to provide shared
Culture consists of the of the values,
beliefs, and norms a group of people
Hospitality industry- is known for having
high turnover voluntary or involuntary.
Benchmarking comparison with other
Strategy planning
Hotel management
Motivator- influences others to take
5 star- very luxurious
action in a desirable manner.
4 star- very luxurious
Builder- shapes processes and
3star- formal, large hotels
structures to allow for the achievement
2 star- generally part of chain
for goals and outcomes.
1 star- small hotel
Mentor provides other with a role to
Muda- waste
guide their actions.
Muri- excess
Learner continuously develops
personal knowledge, skills, and abilities Mura unevenness
through formal study. Experience, Hr planning- process of analyzing an
reflection and recreation. organizations current human resource
Trait perspective assume that traits capabilities and the organizations hr
play a central role in differentiating needs.
between leaders and non-leaders. It is Employees turnover- refers to the
an approach to the study of human number or percentage of workers who
personality. leave an organizations.
Michigan Leadership Studies- a well- Employee- centered supervisors.
known series of leadership studies that Employee orientation- also commonly
commenced at the university of referred to as onboarding or
Michigan in the 1950s with the organizational, socialization, is the
objective of identifying the principles process by which an employee acquires
and types of leadership styles.
the necessary skills, knowledge,
behaviors, and contracts.
On boarding- the process of getting the
new employee started in both a new
company and a new job.
Un structured interview- is an interview
in which there is no specific set of
predetermined questions. Flow like an
everyday conversation.
Structured interview- also known as a
standardized interview. To ensure that
each interview is presented with exactly
the same questions.
Situational interview

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