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Lesson Plan in Probability and Statistics

I. Learning Objectives: At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to:
a. have a clear understanding of the key concepts of z-score and areas under normal curve;
b. apply standard score in word problems through solving and graphical representation, and
c. appreciate the importance of accuracy in doing work.
II. Learning Content/ Subject Matter
A. Topic: Worded Problem Application of Standard Normal Distribution
B. References:
Statistics Made Simple for Researchers-pp.49-54 by Abubakar S. Asaad (2008), Rex Book
Store, Inc.
Basic Statistics with Calculator and Computer Application-pp. 111-112 by Edlyn Castillo-
Roc Narag (2010), Rex Book Store, Inc.
C. Materials: powerpoint presentation, manila paper, marker
D. Strategies: 4 As Approach
III. Learning Activities/ Procedures
A. Preliminary Activity
Checking of attendance
B. Review
Recall previous lesson on the concepts of normal distribution using the following guide
What is normal distribution/normal curve?
What are the properties of normal curve?
How are raw scores converted to standard scores?
How to graph and determine the areas under normal curve?
C. Lesson Proper
1. Activity
Problem Posing
An entrance examination is to be conducted to 120 incoming freshmen college students
at a certain university which is known to be normally distributed and has a mean of 85
and a standard deviation of 10.
a. What proportion of the students would be expected to score above 95?
b. What percent of students would be expected to score below 80?
c. What percentage of students would be expected to score between 80 and
d. How many students are expected to score below 90?
e. How many students are expected to score between 80 and 110?
After posing the problem ask the following questions:

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