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To learn about Surpacs graphical file types (*.str & *.dtm).
To learn how to create surfaces (DTMs)
How to create, view and manipulate Digital Terrain Models
To perform surface-to-surface volume calculations.

Files used in this lab exercise are found in the following folder:
C:\ Surfaces\


Digital Terrain Models (DTM) are how Surpac models surfaces. Surfaces are used in Surpac for
such things as 3D visualization & calculating volumes. Most any superficial feature can be
modelled as a DTM: natural topography, lithological contacts, bedrock/overburden contact,
or water table are such examples.

DTMs must come from String data. String files contain the raw data, where as DTM files contain
a mapping of trios of points in the String file that constitute a triangle. DTMs are made of
triangles, with each point of each triangle matched to a point in the original String file.

Consequently DTM files are not valid without the original String files. That is, a DTM file cannot
be opened if the original String file of the same name does not exist.

Another rule as far as DTMs are concerned is that DTMs cannot fold back on themselves. That
is, a DTM cannot have multiple Z values for a given XY coordinate. Therefore you cannot
model overhanging or vertical surfaces.

cannot model overhangs or vertical surfaces
one surface to a layer
spot heights v breaklines


string object
segment trisolation
point triangle

Once created, if the surfaces are to be used to further processing for volumes or more high end
functionality within the surface menu, then the object must be named object 1 trisolation 1.
Consider this when creating the surface, as each surface must then be placed in a separate file.

Creating a Digital Terrain Model

Strings to act as break lines

Once created, Breakline strings are those strings which represent physical features that you can
see in the real world e.g. crest of a pit, a fault in a geological model, a contour. If a string file has
been formed correctly, then no breakline strings will cross over other breakline strings, unless the
two strings cross at a common point.

Spot height strings contain random points, which when connected by a string line, do not
represent any physical feature ie. randomly surveyed points, borehole collars.

When modelling surfaces with DTM's, it is important that no triangles are formed across any
breakline strings. If however, the string data consist of spot heights only, then the triangles will be
formed in the most robust manner without taking into account the string files between the points.


SOLID TOOLS CREATE SECTIONS, to extract horizontal, vertical or inclined slices through a
surface or a 3DM.

The plane of intersection of the slices is defined by entering the Y, X, Z coordinates at each end of
a three dimensional axis line and by specifying the interval along that axis at which slices are to
be taken. The first slice is taken at the start of the axis and then slices are taken at the specified
intervals along the axis until the length of the axis is exceeded.

There are two results produced by this function. The first is a range of string files which contain
the extracted sections in section coordinates. These files are saved to disk. The second result is a
file which contains the extracted sections in real world coordinates. These sections are
automatically displayed on the screen in a different layer. You may then activate this layer and
save this file to disk.

The segments produced from the Slice Object function will have the same string number as the
object number from which they were extracted. The segments produced may be open or closed
segments. Closed objects will always produce closed segments when they are sliced. Open
objects may produce open or closed segments when sliced. Closed objects are significant,
because the slices generated from slicing a closed object can automatically be used for further
processing where closed segments are required.

One reason to slice a 3DM is to show one section at a time through a geological model along with
the drill holes for that section posted to it. Each of these sections is represented by a single string
file where the ID number of the string file created by the slicing function represents the section
Northing, Easting or Elevation.


The function also validates each trisolation of the object. Validation consists of looking for:

Duplicate triangles (i.e. identical triangles in the same trisolation)

Invalid trisolation edges (i.e. edges in a trisolation which have more than two attached
triangles). Note that the triangles attached to the invalid edges are highlighted.
Self intersecting triangles (i.e. triangles in a trisolation that intersect other triangles in the
same trisolation).

If triangles satisfying any of the above are found these are highlighted on the screen in a user
chosen colour and the trisolation is evaluated as having been validated as false. If no triangles
satisfying the above are found then the trisolation is evaluated as having been validated as true

Contour Extract

This function extracts contours from a DTM and then stores them in a string file for viewing or
plotting. The contours are created by interpolating line segments across all of the triangles and
then joining them into continuous strings. The contours will exactly honour the original data from
which the DTM was created.


1. Create a dtm from the string file topo1.str using the graphical dtm creation
2. Create a dtm from the string file pit1.str using the file based dtm creation using the
breakline test and spotheights
3. Create a boundary string of the pit to be used in volume calculations
4. Use the function CUT AND FILL BETWEEN DTMS from the VOLUMES menu to
calculate the surface-to-surface volume between pit1.dtm & topo1.dtm and create a
resulting volume report
5. i) Create a dtm of the file DHC2.str which is a survey of drillhole collars prior to
mining and will be used to model the natural surface.
ii) Create a dtm of the file pit2.str using spot heights and using the breakline test
iii) Using these two files, calculate a surface to surface volume
6. Applying a boundary string to trim a DTM
7. Section the pit by elevation,creating contours every 10 metes over pit1.dtm
8. Colour a dtm by elevation


1. Create DTM from the file topo1.str

The Create DTM function allows you to create a digital terrain model from any string file loaded in
graphics. This creation method will no allow you to turn off the breakline test or to include spot
heights within your creation.

Therefore always consider any data issues that may arise when creating the dtm from the string

-Are there any vertical or overhanging surfaces

-Do I require the breakline test during creation
-Are there any spot heights that must be considered

If any of these conditions are present within the data, these can cause problems when creating a

To create a DTM file graphically

a) Load the file topo1.str into graphics


This function will create a DTM from the string file that is loaded into graphics and will
automatically apply the breakline test during creation.

c) Remember to save the file once created.

2. Create a dtm from the string file pit1.str using the file based dtm creation using the
breakline test and spot heights

A surface can also be created file based, or not graphically by selecting a file and then
determining if spot heights or breakline tests are required.

a) Load the file pit1.str into graphics and display the string numbers (ps) to
determine if there are any spot height strings. This file does not contain spot
height strings and so do not need to be included within this form



The message window informs you of the processing as the DTM is created. The LOG file
is a small report containing information about your DTM.
The DTM file is saved automatically as 'PIT1.DTM'.

It is important to know that for a DTM to be valid, both the DTM and the STR file
must exist. If points are added to or deleted from the string file after the DTM has
been created, the DTM is rendered invalid and must be recreated.

For volume calculations to be valid the Break Line Test must always be selected during

3. Create a boundary string of the pit to be used in volume calculations.

A boundary string file can be used for:
delineating cut and fill material for calculating volumes
finding the intersection of a fault plane with a surface
finding where a pit design breaks the natural surface.

a) Recall the files pit1.dtm and topo1.dtm into graphics. Note that the pit extends past the
natural topography. To determine the volume of the pit, we need to know this boundary where the
topography cuts the pit design, otherwise our volume estimates will be incorrect. We do this by
creating a boundary string of the intersection between both dtms.

b) Select SURFACES DTM FILE FUNCTIONS Line of intersection between two

DTMs. Once we have this line we can use it to constrain our volumes. Complete the line as
shown below.

Select both of the dtms which you wish to find the intersection and then define the output file you
wish to create.

c) Once this has processed, a message will appear in the message window.

d) This process can also be completed graphically. Ensure that both the dtms are loaded
into graphics and then select SURFACES | CLIP OR INTERSECT DTMS | Line of Intersection
between two dtms and complete the form as shown below.

This outputs the same results, but the fiels can be selected graphically.

4. Use the function CUT AND FILL BETWEEN DTMS from the VOLUMES menu to
calculate the surface-to-surface volume between pit1.dtm & topo1.dtm and create a
resulting volume report

One of the most common uses of DTM's is to calculate volumes. The DTM Volumes function
allows you to compute the volume between two DTM surfaces, contained within a boundary

A DTM of Pit1 and Topo1 already exists, and we can use these files to calculate a surface to
surface volume.

a. From the menu Volumes, choose Cut and fill between DTMs.
b. Fill the subsequent form as follows:

5. i) Create a dtm of the file DHC2.str which is a survey of drill hole collars
prior to mining and will be used to model the natural surface.
a) Clear graphics and recall the string file 'DHC2.STR'.

This file is a survey of drill hole collars prior to mining and may be used to model the
natural surface. Notice that the file consists of one spot height string.

b) Choose Surfaces DTM File Functions | Create DTM from string file and
complete the following form.

Note that when creating a DTM by the file based method we can turn off the option
'Strings to act as break lines'

c) The resulting is saved as 'DHC2.DTM'.

5 ii) Create a dtm of the file pit2.str using spot heights and using the breakline test
a) Load the file pit2.str into graphics and display the string numbers (ps) to
determine if there are any spot height strings. The string 9999 are spot
heights and can be used during the creation of the dtm.



c) The resulting is saved as 'PIT2.DTM'.

5 iii) Using these two files, calculate a surface to surface volume

a) Choose Volumes -- Net volume between DTMs and enter the parameters as
shown below. String #2 of Pit2.str can be used as a boundary string for the volume

b) complete the form below, this is the output file name for the report.

The results from the DTM volume calculations can be saved to a csv file and
optionally to a boundary string file. This string file contains details of the calculations
in the Description Fields. The results that are saved to the D fields and the order in

which they are saved are described below. These values can be found starting with
the D1 field.
o slope area of first DTM
o slope area of second DTM (only if 2 DTMs are used)
o area of boundary segment
o volume between 2 DTMs (or between the first DTM and datum plane z=0)
o average thickness (volume/area of boundary segment)
o total of first quality parameter (if it is used)
o average value of the first quality parameter (only if it used)
o total of the second quality parameter (only if it is used)
o average value of the second quality parameter (only if it is used).
Next you will be prompted to save the modified files.

c) Save modified DTM.

Because you use a boundary string to calculate DTM volumes, triangles which lie
outside the boundary string are deleted. Hence the prompt to save the modified DTM.
The first DTM is DHC2 and there is no point in saving this file, so simply Apply the
blank form.

Once again a prompt to save the modified DTM is presented, this is for the second

d) Apply the blank form as we do not need to save this file.

The volume report results are in the file 'PIT2.NOT', which will be displayed on the

DTM creation is strongly influenced by data integrity. It is advisable before creating DTM's
to clean up the string data with the Edit -- layer -- Clean functions. Cleaning duplicate
points and cross-overs can identify many data problems prior to DTM creation.

6. Applying a boundary string to trim a DTM

This function applies a boundary string to trim a DTM. The boundary string can consist of any
number of closed segments and may contain clockwise and internal anticlockwise segments,
i.e. representing pillars or waste volumes. This function is used to prepare a file for viewing
solids modelling or contouring within a restricted area.

a) Recall the string file 'LEV1665. STR'.

Rotate the image within graphics to view the file.

This is a pick up of some underground workings.

b) Select Inquire Segment properties (alias IDS) and select a number of points on the
string, note that the pillars are anti-clockwise and the drives are clockwise.

c) Select Surfaces Create DTM from layer and apply the confirmation form.

d) Save the resultant DTM to a file 'LEV1665'.

Note that when the DTM was created, no distinction was made between clockwise or
anti-clockwise strings. The result is a rather untidy DTM which does not accurately
model the original survey data. By using the floor string as a boundary string, the anti-
clockwise segments will act as areas of exclusionThe DTM Clip function does exactly

e) Select Surfaces Clip or intersect DTMs Clip DTM with string

f) Select a point on the string to perform the clipping operation. Save the resultant data
to DTM file LEV1665.DTM

Note how the triangles outside the boundary strings have been clipped. This is one
way of beginning to create a 3D model of these underground workings.

7. Section the pit by elevation, creating contours every 10 metes over pit1.dtm

a) Recall the file pit1.dtm into graphics. We now wish to extract or create
contours by elevation every 10 metres over the pit.

b) Plot a grid over the area to determine the minimum and maximum extents of
the pit. The elevation of this DTM goes from 45 to 245 metres.


determine if you wish to contour by interval

or range and select a contour layer to output the string file.

d) If you wish to save the sliced string file, change your active layer to slice and then
save the file.

8. Colour a DTM by elevation

a) Recall the file PIT1.dtm into graphics

b) Dsplay colour contours with the Display DTM with colour banding

Viewing the DTM by drawing shells is another method of displaying DTM's. rawing
shells and using false colouring of triangles is very similar to contouring your data.
You can nominate to draw shells by:

o specifying the number of bands

o setting the band width

c) Enter the parameters as shown below and choose Apply.

As you have nominated to display bands every 200 ppm, the image on screen represents the
blue - 0 to 200ppm
green - 200 ppm to 400 ppm and so on

5. Choose Display -- DTM and enter the parameters as shown below.


1. Use some of the tools from the Attributes menu for enhancing the display of

a) Choose View -- Data view options -- View by bearing and dip

b) Enter a bearing of 45 and a dip of -45.

There are a number of functions for enhancing the display of objects. Try the
following icons to display the pit with rendered surfaces.

c) Toggle the Faces on/off icon.

Colouring of triangles is removed.

d) Toggle the Edges on/off icon.

Triangle edges are erased.
The image will disappear entirely at this stage but DON'T PANIC.

e) Toggle the Hide on/off icon.

Any triangles behind triangles are removed from display.

f) Choose View -- Surface view options -- Perspective projection

g) Choose the Light On icon and complete the form as shown below.

h) Toggle the Faces on/off icon back to on.

Shading is redrawn.

This is a fairly lengthy set of steps that has been made easier with the advent of function
icons but has been inproved even further by recording a similar series of steps and using
the ability to assign a SCL macro to an icon.

i) Toggle the Render icon and observe the effect on the displayed DTM.
This macro render.tcl may be used as an example on how to assign a macro to a
toolbar icon, choosing Customise -- Customise menus/toolbars and observing the
properties of the Main toolbar will reveal the syntax used.

2. Upper triangles of 2 DTM's - This function takes two DTM's as input and creates
a new DTM, which is an upper surface combination of the two input files.

Combining a DTM representing a proposed waste stockpile and a DTM representing a

topological ground profile to produce a new DTM of the ground profile containing the waste

a) Recall the two DTM's called `TOPO_DUMP1.DTM' and `DUMP1.DTM', appending

them both into the same layer.

b) Go to Surfaces Clip or intersect DTM's Upper triangles of 2 DTM's.

The DTM/DTM UPPER RESULTS STORAGE form is displayed. The layer name
cannot be the same as any of the current layers.

c) Now follow the prompt by picking each of the DTM's. The order of selection is not

The program will go through the process of joining the two DTM's, finishing with the
statement `Calculations are completed'.

You will now be in the layer you specified with the resultant DTM displayed.
The result is the waste stockpile surface incorporated into the topographic surface.

3. Lower triangles of 2 DTM's

This function takes two DTM's as inputs and creates a new DTM, which is a lower surface
combination of the two inputs.

Combining a DTM representing a proposed pit design and a DTM representing a topological
ground profile to produce a new DTM of the ground profile containing the pit design.

1. Recall the two DTM's called `TOPO1.DTM' and `PIT2.DTM', appending them both into the
same layer.

These represent a topographic surface and a pit design surface model.

2. Go through exactly the same process as described in the previous exercise except choose
Lower triangles of 2 DTM's.

The result is a surface representing the pit incorporated into the topography.

4. Create solid by intersecting 2 DTM's

This function takes two DTM's as inputs and creates a 3DM, which is the volume enclosed
between the intersection of the two DTM's.

Combining a ground terrain profile with a proposed pit profile to find the volume of material
which must be extracted to create the pit.

a) Recall the two DTM's called 'TOP1.DTM' and 'PIT2.DTM', appending them both into
the same layer.

These represent a topographic surface and a pit design surface model.

b) From the Surfaces, Clip or intersect DTM's menu choose Create solid by intersecting
2 DTM's.
You are prompted for a layer name in which to display the resultant DTM and the
object number to assign to this DTM.

c) Enter values of your choice, e.g. Layer INTERSECT, object number 3.

The layer name cannot be the same as any of the current layers.

d) Now follow the prompt by picking each of the DTM's. The upper DTM (topography)
must be selected first, followed by the lower DTM (pit).
The program will go through the process of joining the two DTM's, finishing with the
statement `Calculations are completed'.
You will now be in the layer you specified with the resultant 3DM displayed. The result
is a solid 3DM representing the material that will have to be removed from the
designed pit. The image below shows before and after the DTM/DTM Intersection.

e) Choose Report volume of solids from the Solids Tools menu to create a note file with
the volume of the Pit below the topography


String file (*.str) contains spatial data

DTM file (*.dtm) contains triangles

A DTM is a digital terrain model which is an indexed list of triangles which contain no
spatial data

DTM file is invalid without an associated string file

Triangles are referenced in 3-D space by points in strings and the triangles are
formed by connecting groups of three data points together by taking their spatial location in
the X - Y plane into account.

Vertices of triangle coincident with a string point.


Surface to surface volumes

model weathering surfaces, topography


extract sections and plans


1 DTM surface per file

Breakline v SpotHeight

No vertical or overhanging surfaces

String file hierarchy DTM file hierarchy

String Object

Segment Trisolation

Point Triangle

Breakline strings are those strings which represent physical features that you can see
in the real world e.g. crest of a pit, a fault in a geological model, a contour. No breakline
strings should cross over other breakline strings, unless the two strings cross at a common

The breakline test is an important concept to understand if DTM is to accurately

model terrain

Spot heights are random points so will triangulate nearest neighbour


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