Character Captain - Bernell Go

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Character Captain
Name: Bernell Go________________________
Text: The Odyssey______________________
Date: August 29, 2010___________________
Books: 13-15____________________________

Character Captain: The Odyssey involves a whole cast of great warriors and fantastic
creatures. Your task is to get to know and understand the characters in the text. Describe their
personalities--how they act, how they feel, what they think. Share the observations you have about
them to your group. Select adjectives that describe one or more of the characters in your novel, and
support your selection with examples taken from your reading assignment.

Write down the name of the character/s and the adjectives that describe them. Identify the specific
incidents in the text that support your claims.

Character Adjective/s Specific Example of Behavior/Action in the Text (indicate Book

Alkinoös Generous and Book 13- It is hard for a single man to be generous.
Fearful Book 13- but he did not tell her the truth, but checked that
word from the outset, forever using to every advantage the
mind that was in him
Poseidon Vengeful and Proud Book 13- ‘Father Zeus, no longer among the gods
immortal... even if he had come home ungrieved and with
his fair share of the plunder.’
Odysseus Witty and Careful Book 13- but he did not tell her the truth, but checked that
word from the outset, forever using to every advantage the
mind that was in him
Athena Shows Favouritism Book 13- ‘I will indeed be at your side,…

Eumaios Very Hospitable Book 14- ‘Stranger, I have no right to deny the stranger, not
even if one came to me who was meaner than you.

Menalaus and Generous and Book 15- ‘Telemachos, may Zeus, loud-thundering husband
Hospitable of Hera,… and I hope you come back rejoicing to your own
strong-founded house and to the land of your fathers.’
Telemachos Kind and Warm- Book 15- ‘I will not willingly thrust you away from my
Hearted balanced ship. Come, then, with me. There you will be
entertained, from what we have left.’

Common Character Traits

adventurous awesome artistic athletic active

beautiful brave bold bossy cheerful
curious creative courageous considerate daring
impulsive dainty dangerous exciting entertaining
energetic funny happy friendly fun-loving
gentle generous independent humble hostile
honest intelligent mischievous inventive neat
lazy messy nosy mean poor
nasty nice quiet open respectful
proud pretty sloppy rich successful
shy sad smart serious selfish
simple short trustworthy studious unselfish
warm tall wild thoughtful silly
melancholy witty aimless loud prudent
iconoclastic mellow belligerent loyal visionary

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