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Learning Objectives

At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to:

1. differentiate mere relations from functions;

2. give real life examples depicting functions; and

3. appreciate the concept of functions in real life situations.

II. Learning Content/Subject Matter

A. Subject Matter: Relations and Functions

B. Reference: Orines Esparanggo Reyes, Advanced Algebra, pages 2-6

C. Materials: LCD projector, manila papers and pentel pen

D. Strategies: Guided Discovery and Group work

III. Learning Activities/Procedures

A. Daily Routine (prayer and checking of attendance)

B. Conduct a review on ordered pairs.

C. Lesson Proper

1. Group students into 5. Let them perform the activity and choose one
representative to explain their output to the class.

Group 1: (animal, offspring)

Group 2: (country, capital city)

Group 3: (Filipino hero, historical description)

Group 4: (list of commercial models, products endorsed)

Group 5: ( teachers, students)

2. Base in the discussion by group, lead the class to the lesson proper.

3. Discuss to the class what it takes for a relation to become a function

and give more examples.

4. Ask students to explain the given examples.

5. Call for volunteers to give generalization of the topic discussed.

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