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Sheet No: 1

Date: 03-12-17
PROJECT: MICROSOFT - 1200mm dia. WTP (WL 715T)
Designed by: Utaya Kumar
Checked by: Jeffrey Yu
Bearing capacity check on Top Soil
BH = 15 Test Pile diameter: 1200 mm
Length of Supporting Kentledge Leg on Each Side L = 12 m Working Load = 715 ton Plus 10 % ; Test to 2
Width of Supporting Kentledge Leg on Each Side B = 4.5 m Total test load = 15730 kN
Height of Supporting Kentledge Leg on Each Side H = 2.25 m Use 20 nos of Secondary Beam & 2 nos of Main Beam
Length of Steel Plate in Contact with Ground on Each Side L = 12 m
Width of Steel Plate in Contact with Ground on Each Side B = 4.5 m Note: gc = 23 kN/m3 for Concrete Kentledge Legs
Area of Direct Bearing on Soil A = 54 m2 A = L x B
Bearing Pressure on Soil q = 183.61 kN/m2 q = { [( 1+%add)xN] + (S.W. x nc x LT)+(B x H x L x gc)}/(2 x A)

Estimated Unit Weight of Top Soil (Estimated) g = 19 kN/m3 Based on Relevant Borehole from SI Report
Estimated cohesion of Top Soil (Estimated) Cu = 9 kN/m2 Estimated Unit Weight, Cohesion and Friction of Soil
Estimated Internal Friction of Top Soil (Estimated) f = 0
Bearing Capacity Factor Nc = 5.7
Bearing Capacity Factor Nq = 1
Bearing Capacity Factor Ng = 0
Ultimate Bearing Capacity qu = 55.148 kN/m2 qu = CuNc x (1+ 0.2B/L)+qNq + 0.4BgNg
Geotechnical Factor of Safety Provided F.O.S. = 0.30 <1.5 NOT OK! F.O.S. = qu/q

Bearing Capacity Check on Underlying Soft Soil

Depth of Soft Soil from Ground Level (Estimated) Ds = 4.5 m

Depth of Water Table from Ground Level (Estimated) Dw = 2.2 m
Length of Spread of Load onto Soft Soil on Each Side L = 16.5 m L = L + Ds
Width of Spread of Load onto Soft Soil on Each Side B = 9m B = B + Ds
Area of Spread of Load Bearing on Underlying Soft Soil A = 148.5 m2 A = L x B
Bearing Pressure on Underlying Soft Soil q = 66.768 kN/m2 q = { [( 1+%add)xN] + (S.W. x nc x LT)+(B x H x L x gc)}/(2 x A)

Estimated Unit Weight of Soft Soil (Estimated) g = 19 kN/m3 Based on Relevant Borehole from SI report
Estimated Cohesion of Soft Soil (Estimated) Cu = 11 kN/m2
Estimated Internal Friction Angle of Soft Soil f = 0
Effective Surcharge at Underlying Soft Soil Level q = 62.94 kN/m2 q = (g x Dw)+ (g -gw)x (Ds-Dw)
Bearing Capacity Factor Nc = 5.7
Bearing Capacity Factor Nq = 1
Bearing Capacity Factor Ng = 0
Ultimate Bearing Capacity qu = 132.48 kN/m2 qu = CuNc x (1+ 0.2B/L)+qNq + 0.4BgNg
Geotechnical Factor of Safety Provided F.O.S. = 1.98 > 1.5 OK! F.O.S. = qu/q

Note: Stiffeners were Ignored in Web Buckling & Crushing Check as Design is Governed by Bending Therefore, provide casing as shown in Figure 1.
Sheet No: 1
Date: 03-12-17
PROJECT: MICROSOFT - 1200mm dia. WTP (WL 715T)
Designed by: Utaya Kumar
Checked by: Jeffrey Yu
Therefore, Provide casing as shown below:

Total Load = 19,830.11 kN

Loading per kentledge leg = 9,915.06 kN

Geotechnical capacity provided by casings ( Acting as single pile):

(I) Kentledge Left Leg

Skin Friction (kN) Point Bearing - on completely weathered granite (kN)

Dia(m) Meter SPT Total
D C L x D x C x L A ( r) C 9C (kN/m) Aq'
0 to 2.0 4 1 2.51328 172 2 864.57
0.502656 172 1548 778.111488
0.8 2.0 to 5.0 5 1 2.51328 172 3 1296.85
Total 5 2161.42 778.111488 2,939.53
0 to 2.0 4 1 2.51328 172 2 864.57
0.502656 172 1548 778.111488
0.8 2.0 to 5.0 5 1 2.51328 172 3 1296.85
Total 5 2161.42 778.111488 2,939.53
0 to 2.0 4 1 2.51328 172 2 864.57
0.502656 172 1548 778.111488
0.8 2.0 to 5.0 5 1 2.51328 172 3 1296.85
Total 5 2161.42 778.111488 2,939.53
0 to 2.0 4 1 2.51328 172 2 864.57
0.502656 172 1548 778.111488
0.8 2.0 to 5.0 5 1 2.51328 172 3 1296.85
Total 5 2161.42 778.111488 2,939.53
Total 11,758.13
qu = [D(C)L] + [(r)q'N]
= 11,758.13 kN > 9,915.06 kN OK!
Sheet No: 1
Date: 03-12-17
PROJECT: MICROSOFT - 1200mm dia. WTP (WL 715T)
Designed by: Utaya Kumar
Checked by: Jeffrey Yu

(II) Kentledge Right Leg

Skin Friction (kN) Point Bearing - on completely weathered granite (kN)

Dia(m) Meter SPT Total
D C L x D x C x L A ( r) C 9C (kN/m) Aq'
0 to 2.0 4 1 2.51328 172 2 864.57
0.502656 172 1548 778.111488
0.8 2.0 to 5.0 5 1 2.51328 172 3 1296.85
Total 5 2161.42 778.111488 2,939.53
0 to 2.0 4 1 2.51328 172 2 864.57
0.502656 172 1548 778.111488
0.8 2.0 to 5.0 5 1 2.51328 172 3 1296.85
Total 5 2161.42 778.111488 2,939.53
0 to 2.0 4 1 2.51328 172 2 864.57
0.502656 172 1548 778.111488
0.8 2.0 to 5.0 5 1 2.51328 172 3 1296.85
Total 5 2161.42 778.111488 2,939.53
0 to 2.0 4 1 2.51328 172 2 864.57
0.502656 172 1548 778.111488
0.8 2.0 to 5.0 5 1 2.51328 172 3 1296.85
Total 5 2161.42 778.111488 2,939.53
Total 11,758.13
qu = [D(C)L] + [(r)q'N]
= 11,758.13 kN > 9,915.06 kN OK!
Sheet No: 1
Date: 03-12-17
PROJECT: MICROSOFT - 1200mm dia. WTP (WL 715T)
Designed by: Utaya Kumar
Checked by: Jeffrey Yu

** Each kentledge leg requires 4 numbers of 800mm diameter and depth of steel casing.
Total 8 numbers steel casings are required for temporary setting up of kendledge. Refer to Figure below.

2.25m 2.25m

2.0 m 2.0 m

Dia 800mm
Dia 800mm 5.0 m
5.0 m

Dia 800mm
Dia 800mm 5.0 m
5.0 m
12 m 12 m
Dia 1200 mm 1.6m
1.6m Working Test Pile
Dia 800mm Dia 800mm
5.0 m 5.0 m


Dia 800mm Dia 800mm

5.0 m 5.0 m

2.0 m 2.0 m

4.5m 4.5m
Utaya Kumar
Jeffrey Yu


of Main Beam

B.S. 648: 1964

H x L x gc)}/(2 x A)

Terzaghi's Equation

H x L x gc)}/(2 x A)
Terzaghi's Equation
Utaya Kumar
Jeffrey Yu
Utaya Kumar
Jeffrey Yu
Utaya Kumar
Jeffrey Yu

Dia 800mm
5.0 m

Dia 800mm
5.0 m

Dia 800mm
5.0 m

Dia 800mm
5.0 m

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