Vitamins: Deficiencies Diseases

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Organic compounds, required in limited amounts. These are substances that your body needs to
grow and develop normally. Each vitamin has specific job. If you have low levels of certain
vitamins, you may get health problems.

Deficiencies Diseases
VITAMIN A: Keratomalacia, Night blindness
VITAMIN B: Beri-Beri, Wernickle korsakoff syndrome (vision change, impaired
VITAMIN B2 (Riboflavin): Stomatitis, Cheilosis ( fissured lips)
VITAMIN B3 (Niacin): pellagra
VITAMIN B5 (Panthenoic Acid): Parasthesia (abnormal sensation such as tingling,
tickling, numbness,or burning sensation of skin
VITAMIN B7 (Biotin): Affects Fertility, Hair/skin growth
VITAMIN B9 (Follate): Neural tube defects
VITAMIN C (Ascorbic Acid): Short term deficiency leads to weakness, Weight loss,
general aches and pains, Scurvy
VITAMIN D (Calciferol): Rickets
VITAMIN E: Causes nerve problems due to poor condition of electrical impulses along
neves due to changes in nerve membrane, structure and functions
VITAMIN K (Phylloquinone): Causes impaired coagulation and has also been
implicated in osteoporosis

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