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Task 6

Was aware of grammar from a very early age.

Teachers put a lot of emphasis on teaching grammar in English class. Teachers were

zealous in their pursuit of English grammar

Years later, in a class full of native speakers, I was pleasantly surprised when I was the

only one in the class who could name interjection as a part of speech.

Grammar covered a substantial portion of the curriculum in English class, especially until

high school.

I continued studying grammar later years in college.

From what I Can recollect, I have never had a very negative impression of grammar. I

was an enthusiastic learner

I enjoyed grammar questions on tests. I found them easier than other writing questions

Although I have to say that I started becoming weary as I started learning more

advanced grammar

Was acutely aware that having good knowledge of English grammar was essential to

have a good command over the language. This knowledge was accentuated by the con

From what I can recollect parts of speech was my first serious lesson on grammar

Now what I feel is I have gotten better with the implicit knowledge, but no knowledge of

explicit knowledge.
Task 7

1. Correct.
2. I went to the movies last night. (Or) Ive been to the movies.
3. He often comes late.
4. Correct.
5. Can I have a black coffee, please?
6. People with 12 of fewer items can queue here.
Task 8

As mentioned in this task, grammar is a system to express meaning and the language is about
expressing meaning. So, lack of the knowledge of grammar impedes our ability to express
To have credibility as an English language teacher
To make sure that we are not teaching wrong English
You are simply expected to know your grammar if your profession is to teach English language
Students depend on you as a resource person
Task 9

1. Pronoun
2. Article
3. Conjunction
4. Adverb
5. Adjective
6. Modal auxiliary verb
7. Pronoun
8. Preposition
9. Verb
10. Noun
Task 10

1. Lexical
2. Lexical
3. Auxiliary
4. Auxiliary
5. Auxiliary
6. Lexical
Task 11

1. Lexical
2. Auxiliary
3. Auxiliary
4. Lexical
5. Lexical
6. Lexical
7. Auxiliary
8. Lexical
Task 12

1. C Advice
2. E Permission
3. B Logical deduction
4. A Ability
5. D Possibility
Task 13

1. past tense form

2. -ing form
3. 3rd person present simple tense
4. base form
5. past participle form
Task 14

Hear- irregular
Think- irregular
Go- irregular
Do- irregular
Take- irregular
Drink- irregular
Help- regular
Steal- irregular
Arrive- regular
Task 15

1. Progressive
2. Modal
3. Perfect
4. Passive
5. Past
6. Progressive
Task 16

1. Present progressive
2. Simple past
3. Simple present
4. Past perfect
5. Present passive
6. Future perfect
7. Simple past_ Past progressive
8. Present perfect progressive
Task 17

1. Past
2. Future
3. Now
4. Now
5. Past or now or future
Task 18

Task 19

Task 20

1. Future time reference is inappropriate. Also, it is not only at the moment the speaker is
speaking that he/she has a brother and sister.

2. The speaker is trying to imply that he/she generally likes that ice cream. Present
progressive is inappropriate.

3. Wrong time reference

4. Wrong time reference

Task 21

Part of speech
Number of syllables
Origin of the world
Plural form
Task 22

Problem of collocation. We use tall to describe peoples heights.

Use of little with enervated seems out of place. Tired seems more appropriate. Speaker seems
to imply that he/she is physically tired.

Pretentious has a negative connotation, the use of which in combination with the praise for the
essay is a mismatch.

We do not lovingly slap people. Slap involves some hurt.

Walking is more appropriate. Footing is used for more dramatic or literary purposes.
Task 23

1. strikingly handsome: adverb-adjective

2. made his bed: verb-noun, did housework: verb-noun
3. absolutely fabulous: adverb-adjective
4. depend on: verb-preposition
5. highly emotional: adverb-adjective
6. caught in: verb-preposition vicious circle: adjective-noun
Task 24

Task 25

Task 23

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