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201 Chinese Verbs Compounds and Phrases for Everyday Use By Eugene and Nora Ching, The Ohio State University How verbs function in the Chis Language 201 monosyllabic verbs based on words frequency lists ‘The most useful compounds and phrase for each verb given Chinese pronunciation and Romanization explained Simplified Chinese characters contrasted with regular forms Conversion tables of five common phonetic symbols BARRON’S EDUCATIONAL SERIES, INC CHINESE VERBS COMPOUNDS AND PHRASES FOR EVERYDAY USAGE Eugene and Nora Ching The Ohio State University BARRON'S BARRON'S EDUCATIONAL SERIES, Inc. Woodbury, New York / London / Toronto © Copyright 1977 by Barron's Educational Series, Ine, All rights reserved, 'No part of this book may be reproduced in any form, by photostat, ‘microfilm, xerography, or any other means, or incorporated into any information retrieval system, electronic or mechanical, without the written permission of the copyright owner. All inguivies should be address to Barron's Educational Series, Inc. 113 Crossways Park Drive Woodbury, New York 11797 Library of Congress Catalog Card No. 778811 International Standard Book No. 0-8120-0674-7 Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data, ‘Ching, Eugene, 1921- 201-Chinese verbs. English and Chinese. Includes bibliographical references, 1. Chinese language —~ Verb. 2, Chinese Language — Terms and phrases. 1. Ching, NoraC., 1937- jointauthor. Il, Title. PLI235.C5 495.1°82"421 TT-8811 ISBN 0-8120-0674-7 PRINTED IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA raisons oars Dedicated to our father, Professor Tieh-han Chao, a devoted teacher and scholar CONTENTS Preface Introduction The Differences between the Chinese and the English Verb What Then Is a Chinese Verb? Aspect Markers Adverbs of Degree Reduplication Compounds Footnotes Pronunciation, Abbreviations Used in the Text 201 Chinese Verbs Appendixes 1 Chinese Characters for the Examples IL Conversion from Regular to Simplified Characters Ill Initials and Finals in Various Phonetic Symbols IV. Comparative Table of Pinyin, Yale, Wade-Giles, Zhuyin Fuhao, and Gwoyeu Romatzyh (Tonal Spelling) Systems xxiii 216 216 233 245 247 PREFACE Since Chinese is an uninflected language, the format of this book is completely different from the others in the 201 series. Instead of the neat conjugation tables, which the verbs of other languages have, for each of the 201 monosyllabic verbs selected, the most useful compounds, phrases, and idioms containing the verb are listed. Although most of them remain verbs in these contexts, some of them may not. To show the differences, grammatical labels are used. It is hoped that students who became familiar with the characteristics of these classifications will be able to use the entries as an active part of their knowledge of Chinese. Considering the items listed under the 201 monosyllabic verbs,we could have called this book 2001 Chinese Verbs. In the preparation of this book, the first problem is a matter of selection. The 201 monosyllabic verbs are selected from two frequency lists: A Study of the High Frequency Words Used in Chinese Elementary School Reading Materials (Taipei, Chung Hua Book Co., 1967) and Wenhua Xuexi Chang Yong Zibiao (Shanghai, Huadong Renmin Chubanshe, 1951). In principle, only free forms should have been selected. However, a few bound forms are included because of the useful constructions in which they are components. Some free forms are omitted not because they are rarely used but because of the paucity of the constructions in which they are components. Entries under each verb have been selected also for their frequency and usefulness. For verbs with fewer entries, some items not so frequently used may be included as well as more examples. For verbs with abundant expressions, the problem becomes a painful process of elimination Nevertheless, we have tried to exclude those lexical terms which are easily found in a dictionary and those combinations which are synthesizable or endocentric. In other words, special emphasis is given to items of which the real meaning or grammatical function can not be readily figured out just by examining the components. Although items with the monosyllabic verb as the initial component are the overwhelming majority of the entries, items in which it occupies other positions may also be listed after the former, both alphabetically. The second problem we face is the labeling of the entries. For many of them labeling is not difficult. For some, we have to leave them unanalyzed and unclassified. For verbal constructions, we have to limit our labels to V (for verb) and SV (for status verbs, including quality verbs). Beyond those, we urge our readers to consult A Grammar of Spoken Chinese if our introduction in this book cannot help. Adj (for adjective) is used to indicate an item which is primarily used as a nominal modifier, unlike a status verb which may also be used as a predicate. The labels are usually in this order: analysis of construction / classification of form class. Classification of form class may be omitted whenever it is obvious. For example, when a V-O (verb-object) is in its usual role as a verbal, only V-O is given. However, when a V-O functions as a noun or transitive verb, Nor TV will follow: V-O/N or V-O/TV. In order to take care of the ionization problem. of a verb-object construction, VO is for solid verb-object, V-O for limited separability, and V O for phrases. Although the labels are given last for each entry, they are for the entries themselves rather than for the examples. vil Wherever possible, English translations follow this order: literal translation pre- cedes an approximate equivalent separated by aslant (/). A comma or semicolon instead of a slant would mean that the item may be used both literally and figuratively. For example, zu mii kin hud means literally “to view the flowers on horseback” while it is used for “going over things quickly.” Chi doufu means both “to eat bean curd” and “to flire.” These two items are listed as follows: xSumakinhua 4% £46, toview the flowers on horseback / to goover things quickly. ih to eat bean curd, to flirt cht doufu 22, & One other problem lies in the treatment of verbs with different pronunciations and/or different ideographic written forms. Some have been treated as different verbs listed on separate pages, such as dio {| and dao #'|, zu 1’ and quo |3%. Many have been put together with the differences marked, such as dang “and dang '% , dito 98) and tido 34, and gingjia under gin 74. You vw and you “i are treated as one word. Those who are interested in this kind of problem in the Chinese language may read Liu Ping-nan, P’o Yin Tzu Chi Chieh (Taipei: Yi Chih Bookstore, 1973) and Tung Kuei-hsien, T’ung Tzu Yi Yin Tzu Tien (Taipei: P'ing P'ing Ch’upanshe, 1964). The romanization system used in the book is the one known as pinyin, officially adopted by the People’s Republic of China in 1957. Other systems which are commonly used in this country are presented in the appended contrastive table. Chinese characters for the entries are those of the regular forms. A table to show the difference between the regular and simplified forms is also appended in the back of the book. To prepare a book of this nature, we have consulted many dictionaries and vocabulary lists. The ones we depend upon heavily are Lin Yutang’s Chinese-English Dictionary of Modem Usage, Wang Yi’s Kuo Yu T2’u Tien, Matthews’ Chinese-English Dictionary, He Jung's Kuoyu Jihpao Tz’u Tien. Appendix II, “From Regular to Simplified Characters” is taken from Jianhuazi Zongbiao Jianzi, published by Wenzi Gaige Chubanshe, Peking, 1964 with the asterisks and footnote reference numbers removed. It is hardly necessary to say that we owe Professor Y. R. Chao more than anybody else for drawing freely from his monumental work A Grammar of Spoken Chinese. Ifanything has been left unexplained, answers will be found from his book. Our gratitude is due to some of our students who, after using some of our trial pages, enthusiastically endorsed this project. James R. Moore and Josephine Matthews participated in the final stages of the project. In this connection we wish to thank the federally supported work-study program for making it possible for them to work for us. Our thanks are also due to Mr. Charles Lin, who did the calligraphical work, and to Mrs. Gloria Corrigan for putting our manuscript in a form which is ready for the camera. To Professor Fang-yu Wang who read the manuscript and offered valuable suggestions we wish to express our sincere thanks also. Tt goes without saying, all the mistakes remain our own. viii INTRODUCTION This introduction discusses the major differences between the Chinese verb and the English verb, gives a brief description of the Chinese verb, particularly in relation with aspect makers, adverbs of degree, reduplication, and compounds, and provides examples in which Chinese verbs are used. Since there are not any neat conjugation tables to begin with, this introduction may offer a kind of framework in which the question how Chinese verbs function may in a very modest way be answered. The Difference Between the Chinese Verb and the English Verb As Chinese is not an inflective language, it is not possible to construct a Chinese conjugation. We must adopt a different approach for 20! Chinese Verbs. Let us begin by discussing some unique qualities of Chinese verbs. First, Chinese verbs do not indicate tense. Whether they are used in the past, present, or future, the form of the verb remains the same. For example, the verb chi “to eat” is always chi in each of the following sentences: 1. conggidn w’ chi Zhingguo fain. “Formerly I ate Chinese food.” 2. Xitnzdi w8 cht Zhingguo fan. “Now I eat Chinese food.” 3. Jidnglat wo chi Zhongguo fan. “In the future I shall eat Chinese food.” Note that in each of the above examples, the tense of the Chinese sentence is expressed by such time words ascénggidn, xidmzdi, etc. while the tense of the English sentence has to be indicated by the verb itself. Second, Chinese verbs do not indicate person or number. Whether the subject is in first, second, or third person, singular or plural, the form of the verb is always the same. For example: 1. Wé chi Zhangguo fan. “I eat Chinese food.” 2. Ni chi Zhongguo fan. “You eat Chinese food.” 3. Ta chi Zhongguo fan. “He (or she) eats Chinese food.” In the above sentences, if any of the subjects had been in plural number, the verb would still have been chi. Third, Chinese verbs, particularly the dissyllabic ones, may be used as nouns without changing their morphological forms. For example, daibido may be “to represent” or “a representative”; xudnjit, “to elect” or “an election.” Of course, English has verbs like “walk,” “work,” “vote,” etc., which may all be used as nouns; but this kind of class overlap is more common in Chinese. Fourth, Chinese verbs include adjectives. Gao “tall,” for example, may be used attributively ingdo low “a tall building,” or predicatively without the verb “to be” asin Ta go “He is tall.” Fifth, English prepositional expressions are verbal expressions in Chinese. “In New York” would be zai Niiiyud; “work for me,” g&i wo udshi; eat with chopsticks,” yong kudiai chi. Sixth, unlike English, Chinese verbs have no voice distinction. The forms for both active and passive voices are the same. Only the context can give some clue to the direction of the action. For example, in W46 xing chi fan “I would like to eat,” and in Fin hai méi chine “The food has not been eaten yet,” without any change, chi is in the active voice in the former sentence while it is in the passive in the latter. Yu hai méi chi ne may mean the active voice “The fish has not eaten yet.” or the passive voice “The fish has not been eaten yet.” Only the context makes the intended meaning clear. Naturally, this increased reliance on context for clarity has, in turn, led to preferred syntactical patterns. The topic-comment pattern is very common in Chinese. In English a topic is usually introduced by a preposition, while in Chinese a topic can take the position of the subject, even though it may not be the beginning point of the action. Using the same examples given to illustrate the lack of voice distinction of verbs in Chinese, we can say that in Fan hai mi chine and Yi hai mai chine, both fan andy may be considered the topic of the sentence; hai méi chi ne is the comment that can be another sentence with the subject omitted. Fan (wi) hai méi chi ne. “So far as the food is concerned, (I) have not eaten it yet.” Yai (08) hai méi chi ne. “So far as the fish is concerned, (1) have not eaten it yet.” From the translations we can see that in English, we have to introduce these topics with “so far as. . . is concerned,” “conceming . . . ,” “talking about . . . ,” ete. While verbal sentences are preferred in English, adjectival sentences are often preferred in Chinese. For example: “He eats a lot.” Tai chide hin dud. (Literally, what he eats is very much.) “He walks very fast.” Ta zdude hém kad. (Literally, his walking is very fast.) With this understanding, a student of Chinese as a foreign language should avoid the following mistake: Although Wo biishws Zhongguo hudt hén hio means “It is very good that I don’t speak Chinese,” an English speaker may mistakenly use it for “I don’t speak Chinese very well,” which has to be the adjectival sentence Wade Zhdngguo hut shudde hithio (literally, "So far as my Chinese is concerned, the speaking is not good.”). This point has been reinforced by Professor Y. R. Chao in A Grammar of Spoken Chinese, in which he says that Chinese adjectives are used predominantly in the predicative positions." The example he gives is Wmen rén dud, chawein shiio, cha ghule win bigou. Literally, it means “So faras we are concerned, people are many, teacups are few, tea is enough but cups are not enough.” Idiomatic English would be “There are many of us but few teacups; we have enough tea, but not enough cups.”? Aside from purely grammatical considerations, other differences, like unequal ranges of meaning with lexical items and different cultural settings for usage often appear when we compare Chinese and English, Wir for example, means play." However, one cannot but feel uncomfortable when one translates You kingy ging dt wi ai vr into “When you have time, please come to my house to play.” Conversely, “He plays an important role in this matter” can hardly be translated into Ta du jai jim shi wane thingydiode renuid. “Visit” would probably be a better translation for winr, even though the Chinese version for “visie” is usually biiféing. Zhin shomgytiode weizhi (literally, “occupy an important location”) probably should be used for “play an important role.” Cultural differences usually dictate different responses to similar stimuli under similar situations. An American acceptsa compliment with “Thanks,” while a Chinese, at least in appearance, tries hard to deny it by saying Nali Nali, literally, “Where, where?” What then is a Chinese verb? ‘AChinese verb has been defined as “A syntactic word which can be modified by the adverb bu (except for the verb yén “to have,” which takes méi) and can be followed by the phrase suffix le.”* These are the two common characteristics shared by all verbs in. Chinese. Without going into the finer divisions of the Chinese verb, the following major types may be recognized:> (1) Action verbs: intransitive verbs like laf “to come,” git “to go,” zud “to sit,” eve; transitive verb like kin (3) “to se (a play), cH (fan) “to eat (food), sha (rin) “to ill (people),” etc. (2) Quality verbs: intransitive verbs or adjectives like d’ “big,” hao “good,” xing “all right,” etc.; transitive verbs like i (cdi) “to love (wealth),” xin (jizo) “religious,” yéu (qién) “to have (money), rich,” ete (3) Status verbs: bing “to be sick,” gud “to be drunk,” 2 “to be hungry.” (4) Classificatory verbs: xing (Li) “to have the family name of (Li),” 24d (guén) “to serve as (an official),” ding (bing) “to serve as (a soldier),” etc xi (5) Auxiliary verbs: hui (fai) “can (fly),” xidng (shui) “would like to (sleep),” kén (xd) “willing to (do it),” ete. (6) Shi and you: shi (ren) “is a person,” you (shi) “to have (a book),” ete. Verbs may be discussed in terms of their behavior with (I) aspect markers -le, quo, -the, etc., (2) adverbs of degree hén, geng, etc., (3) reduplication, (4) com- pounds. Aspect Markers -Le as a word suffix should be distinguished from le as a phrase suffix. Although all verbs may be followed by.le, only transitive verbs of Types (1) and (2) may be followed by -le without any restrictions. Intransitive verbs take the suffix -le only before cognate objects or quantified objects, as in bingle sdntidn “sick for three days.”* The two le's are used primarily for complete action and new situations, often the two sides of the same thing: a new situation takes place after something has been completed.” It is wrong to assume that completed action is the same as past tense in English. Let's examine the following sentences: (1) W6 mole. “T did it.” (2) W6 mole cai néng zou. “I cannot leave until I have done it.” (3) Wo zudle cai xu de. “T didn’t leave until | had done it.” (4) Zudle zi shud, héo ma? “Talk about it after it's done, O.K.?” In the above sentences, zudle has been used in each case without any formal change. Icis interesting to note that the negative versions of the sentences reveal the nature of the verb even more clearly. Compare those four sentences with their negative versions. (1) W6 méizus. “T didn’t do it.” (2) W6 biizud jit biinéng du. “I can't leave if I don’t do it.” (3) Wo méizud jit zu le. “T left before | had done it.” (4) Méixud bie shud, hdo ma? “Don't talk about it if it’s not done, O.K.?” The negative version of sentence (2) clearly shows that the completed action is not the same as the English past tense. While the affirmative uses -le in the verb zudle, the negtive uses bu-, usually considered the present negative, instead of mei-, usually considered the past negative. The affirmative (4) is definitely referring to the future perfect tense, while the negative refers to the present status of the work. Sometimes, the completed action is the same as the past tense, as in sentence (1). Very often, the completed action -le is used in a dependent clause that begins with “after” in English, while the literal Chinese equivalent, yihiu, is optional: Ni chile fam. (sth) zhu “You leave after eating.” xii Meanwhile the negative form of completed action is often used in a dependent clause that begins with “before” in English, and the literal Chinese equivalent, yigién, is also ‘optional. Ta méichifin (yigian) jit zou le, “He left before eating.” Ta méichifin (yigian) w3 jit x6u le, “I left before he ate.” For the use of mei- in the yigidin clause, there is a positive alternate form: Ta chifan sigidn wb jit 26u le."“Teft before he ate.” The reason why an yigiém clause in Chinese may take either the affirmative or the negative form lies in the difference between the two versions of the yigién clause. With the negative form, yigién is optional as well as redundant, while in the positive form yigidn is obligatory. -Le for a new situation is usually connected with adjectives (intransitive quality verbs), intransitive status verbs, and auxiliary verbal phrases. For example: (1) Ta hao le “He is well now.” (2) Ta bing le “He is sick now.” 3) Ta hud zu le “He knows how to walk now.” Without. le, thesesentences mean (1)Heiswell, (2)Heissick, and (3) Heknows how to walk, without considering how he was before. With le, they imply (1) He has not been well, (2) He has been well, and (3) He did not know how to walk before. -Guo as a verbal suffix means “to have the experience of doing something at least ‘once up to a certain point of time.” For example, Ta chiguo Zhdngguo fan. “He has had the experience of eating Chinese food.” When -guo and-le are used together, the -guo is actually redundant. Ta chiguole fan le. is not really much different from Ta chile fan le. “He has eaten.” Again, we may use the negative forms to prove it. In Ta méichiguo Zhingguo fin. “He has not had the experience of eating Chinese food.” both mei- and -guo ate used; while in Ta méichifan. “He didn’t eat.” -guo cannot be used. With -guo it would mean “He has not had the experience of eating rice.” -Guo may be used with adjectives or status verbs to mean that one has or has not had the experience of being such and such. For example, Ta cénglai méibingguo. “He has never been sick.” -Guo as a suffix is unstressed, while gud as a verb or a verb-complement ending is generally stressed. In Ta méigudguo hiorizi. “He has never had a good day.” the first gud is verb, while the second is a suffix. In Ni dldegud ta ma? “Can you beat him (ina fight)?” gud is a verb-complement (VC) compound ending. Zhe is usually translated as the “-ing’ of English. However, one may get into trouble if one always tries to use -zhe in Chinese the way one uses -ing in English. When one wants to say that an action is in the midst of taking place, -zhe is suffixed to the verb. For example, W6 chizhe fan ne. “I am eating.” A -zhe phrase may be used as a setting for another action: In Wé chighe fan kin bio. “I read the paper while eating.” chizhe fan “eating” is the setting for kiin bao “read paper.” In Kiinzhe tian yao hai le. “Soon it will be xiii dark.” kinzhe “looking” is used here as an adverb, as if to mean “As one is looking at the sky, it is getting dark.” The English gerund should not be translated into the Chinese verb + -zhe. “His acting is good” should not be translated as Tade yinzhe hdo. Instead, it should be Ta yande ho, Adverbs of Degree We will use hén “very” for illustration. It is usually used as a tester for adjectives. Although most adjectives can be modified byhén, items which can be so modified are not always adjectives. Let’s examine the following sentences (1) Ta hén hao. “He is very good.” (Hao is an adjective.) (2) Ta hén hud shuohua, “He knows how to talk very well.” (Hui shudhuds is a verbal phrase with an auxiliary verb.) (3) Ta hén chile juin fan. “He ate quite a few bowls of rice.” (Clie jiwiin fan is a verbal phrase without an auxiliary verb, but with a quantified object.)® (4) Ta hén zhidao téng ni. “He knows how to care about you very much.” (Zhidao téng ni is a verbal phrase without either an auxiliary verb or a quantified object. Verbs that involve mental activity or physical action may have something to do with this.) This proves one thing: in the above sentences, the constructions after hén have been used as adjectives. Even (3), without hén, means “He ate quite a few bowls of rice.” However, with hén, the sentence shifts its emphasis from how much he actually ate to the fact that he is a big eater. Similarly, a Chinese sentence without an aspect marker is usually a description or a statement of truth or principle. Only when the center of attention is shifted to the verb itself do we need the aspect markers to show whether the action has or has not been completed, whether the action is in the midst of taking place, or whether one has or has not had the experience of doing something. In one Chinese reader, in connection with a professor's conducting a class, a student is quoted, "Gio Xiansheng znmo bikjiing shiz ne?’’® “How come Mr. Gao did not give lectures?” Since it was said after the class (as a matter of fact the first one), a past tense is definitely required. In Chinese, however, the sentence describes how Mr. Kao conducts his class, rather than whether or not he gave any lecture in the first class; bu, instead of mei is used. In “Tamen kanjidn you hén duo xuésheng zai ner nidmsha.’"® “They saw there were many students reading there.” the absence of the aspect marker -le shows the sentence stresses what they saw not whether they actually saw it or not. If we change the sentence around a little bit, it will be easier to see the difference: You hin dud xuésheng zai ner nidnshii, tamen kamjiinle ma? “There were manys students reading there, did they see?” As the center of attention in this sentence has been shifted from what they saw to whether or not they saw, the aspect marker -le must be used. xiv Reduplication Reduplication is an important morphological process in Chinese." Verbs are generally reduplicated in the following forms: Vo chitchi Vlev —chi.lechi Vyiv — chi.yichi Vle.yiv chile. yichi If there is an object, it follows the reduplicated verb. Two-syllable verbs are reduplicated in an ABAB fashion with the reduplicated portion unstressed as the one-syllable verb. For the two syllable verbs, however, there is no AByiABform. Sometimes it is possible to reduplicate a two-syllable verb as if it were two one-syllable verbs. For example, the two-syllable verb gingswin “to liquidate” may be reduplicated normally gingsuangingsuan, or for special effect, gingyiqing sumyisuan. But there is no gingsuanyigingsuan. * Adjectives re reduplicated somewhat differently: _ the reduplicated part is changed toahigh level tone if the original is not, and is suffixed with a retroflex -er. Examples in all four tones are given below: IstTone: go “tall” ~—_gogdior (de) 2nd Tone: dng “red” ~—_—dnghdgr (de) 3rd Tone: ho “good” —_—hiohdior (de) 4th Tone: min “slow” —_-minmiinr (de) Two-syllable adjectives are generally reduplicated in AABB fashion. Rindo “exciting” rerenaondiorde Qingchu “clear” ginggingchiichurde Most AABB reduplication of two-syllable adjectives occurs, however, with coordinative compounds. Other kinds of compounds are either not reduplicable or reduplicated differently. Haokan “good-looking,” a subordinative compound, cannot be reduplicated. Xuébéi “white as snow” is, however, reduplicated in the manner of a two-syllable verb. A verb may be reduplicated in ABB fashion to be used as an adjective, while an adjective which is usually reduplicated in AABB fashion may be reduplicated in ABAB fashion to be used as a verb. Shangliang “to discuss” may be reduplicated shiingliangshangliang (ABAB), “to discuss. little," or shdngshanglianglngde (ABB), “ te indetisive.” Rend “to” be exciting” as an adjective. is usually reduplicated rerenaondorde; but may be reduplicatedrenaonenao “to have some excitement” to become a verb. A very interesting example is found in the compound noun yisi “idea.” It is xv reduplicated yiyisiside (AABB) “hesitant” and yisiyisi (ABAB) “to show friendship, to give something as a token of friendship.” The functions of reduplication for verbs are (1) trial, (2) casualness, (3) duration of time, and (4) quantity of object; and primarily for adjectives, (5) vivid- ness. The following examples illustrate these points. (1) Trial: Ni xénmo bijide le? Ziti xidngxiang kin. “How can it be that you don’t remember it? Try to think and see whether or not you can remember.” (2) Casualness: Ta biigud shudshuo bale, ni hébi renzhén ne? “He was just talking, why should you take it so seriously?” (3) Duration of time: Ni bithui shud 2hgju hud, lizmxiliansi jiu hud le. “If you don't know how to say this, practice aslittle and you will.”” (4) Quantity of the object: Shu liangju hio huis, dzodaogian, bij wainle ma? “Say afew nice words, apologize alittle, and won't it be all right?” It is worth noting that in this sentence, shud liangiw hdo hui may be replaced with shudshuo hao hua, and diodaogian may be replaced by dao (yi) ge qian without changing the meaning. (5) happily).” idness: Tamen gilogaoxingxingrde jnlai le. “They came in in high spirits (very There is a variant reduplicated form for adjectives, AliAB, which carries a pejorative connotation. Hridu, “muddle-headed,” is obviously a word with pejorative meaning. However, hidhududii may be used to describe a person that the speaker is fond of, while hiilihud definitely conveys the speaker's displeasure." Compounds Chinese morphemes are primarily monosyllabic except for a few like pao “grapes,” urigong “centipede,” etc." Since there are only four hundred syllables (with- out considering the tones) in modem Mandarin Chinese, compounding becomes one of the most important devices for word construction. Generally speaking, there are five basic kinds of compounds; that is, coordinate compounds (CC), subordinative com- pounds (SC), verb-object compounds (VO), verb-complement compounds (VC), and subject-predicate compounds (SP). Some examples are listed in the following: CC: séhwan “joy and happy/to like” ming “full and sufficient/to satisfy” thio “beckon and call/to greet, to take care of aiguii “serange and odd / strange” SC: qidngdito “strong accent/to emphasize” biixing —_“footstep-g0/ go on foot” rexin “hot heart/ enthusiastic; to devote oneself to” xiigkin “small Look upon/to despise” VO: bioxién “to insure; to be reliable” deed “get offense/ to offend” chibin “issue an edition /to publish” VC: kanjién “look see/to see” chibtio “to eat full” ditdio “to knock down” shuizhéo “to fall asleep” SP: — touteng “headache” dighen “the earth quakes” dinxiéo —_“‘spleen-small /timid” mingkii ——“luck-hard” Without going into the details of the characteristic behaviors of these compounds, which by itself would need more space than this introduction, a brief statement on the general behavior of the Chinese verb seems necessary. * Asatule, Chinese verbs may take an auxiliary verb to indicate potentiality or an aspect marker such as le to indicate actuality. In their original forms, they are used to state habits, principles, and state of being. For example, néng chi means “can eat, able to eat"; chile, “ate (the eating has been done)”; chi, “eat (one usually eats such and such, one would eat, as a rule one eats, etc.).” Verb-complement compounds have, in addition, two infixes for the potential forms; -de- for positive potentiality, -bu- for negative potentiality. For example, chidebio “can eat to satisfaction,” and chibubdo “cannot eat to satisfaction.” The following sentences which use all of these forms may be helpful: Ta chi Zhongguo fan. “He eats Chinese food (When Chinese food is served, he will eat).” Ta néng cht Zhongguo fan. “He can (is able to) eat Chinese food.” Ta chile fan le. “He has eaten.” Xvi Ta chizhe fan ne. “He is in the midst of eating.” Tai chiguo Zhongguo fein. “He has had the experience of eating Chinese food.” Ta néng chighe fan shuohua. “He can talk while eating.” Ta dei chibio. “He must eat his fill.” Ta chi Zhongguo fan chibubéo, “Hee can’t eat to his satisfaction when he eats Chinese food.” Ta chi Zhongguo fan chidebio. “He can eat to his satisfaction when he eats Chinese food.” Ta chibaole. “He ate his fill.” Ta méichibio. “He didn’t eat his fill.” Ta chibaole cai zou de. “He left after he had eaten his fill.” Ni chibéole zai x6. “Don't leave until you have eaten your fill.” Chinese verbs may be used together without changing them into gerunds, partici- ples, or infinitives. However, they may appear in different relationships. (1). Coordinate relationship: Tai chiyain héjitt dou Idi, ‘He smokes and drinks.” Monosyllabic verbs, particularly bound ones, are used together in more or less fixed orders; for example, chi-hé-pido-di “eat, drink, visit prostitutes, and_ gamble”; sheng-ldo-bing-si “to be born, to get old, to be sick, and to die” chud-pai-pian “boast, flatter, and cheat.” (2) Subordinative relationship: Yong kuaisi chifin “to eat with chopsticks”; Chile fam dio xuéxido qit “to go school after eating.” (3) Sequential relationship: Yi Kinjcn ta jit shénggi “get mad immediately upon seeing him’; Shud gei wo ting “say itso that I can hear”, Jao ta qing yigirén lai gei wo zu fan “tell him to get somebody to cook for me.” (4) Verb-object relationship: W6 ting shud ti x6u le “I heard it said that he left.” *Generally speaking, monosyllabic verbs are reduplicated more freely and frequently than dissylabic verbs. Yi may be ily infixed in the reduplicaced forms of monosyllabic verbs, but not so with dissyllabic verbs. See Lu Shuxiang, “Xiandai Hanyu Dan Shuang Yinje Wenti Chuean,” Zhongguo Yuwen, January, 1963, p. 19. Those who are interested this problem may read also Wang Huan, “Dongcé chongdie,”” Zhongguo Yuwen, January, 1963; Li Ren-jian, snyu Donget Chongdie,” Zhongguo Yuwen, August, 1964; and Fan Fang-lian, "‘Shilan Suowei ‘Dongei Chong- die,” Zhongguo Yuwen, August, 1964 xviii Footnotes Y. R. Chao, A Grammar of Spoken Chinese, Betkeley, California, University of California Press, 1968, p. 679. Ibid. Eugene Ching, “Cultural Implications in the Teaching of Chinese,” Papers of the CIC Far Eastern Language Institute, University of Michigan, 1963, edited by Joseph K. Yamagiwa, Ann Arbor, Michigan, 1964. Y. R. Chao, Mandarin Primer, Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University Press, 1947, p.4 In the body of the book, verbs are not even classified in this manner. As has been mentioned in the Preface, only (V) and (SV) are used as labels to denote their functions. Examples are given wherever possible to show the usage. Chao, Mandarin Primer, p. 48. Ibid, pp. 193-195. Rao Jiting, “Hen Plus Verbal Constructions,” Zhongguo Yuwen (Chinese Lan- guage), No. 107, 1961. Richard Chang, Read Chinese Book Two, New Haven, Far Eastern Publications, 1966, p. 68. Ibid, p. 59. Eugene Ching, “Reduplication in Chinese,” Papers of the CIC Far Eastern Lan- guage Institute, Indiana University, 1964, Ann Arbor, Michigan, 1965. Chao, Grammar, pp. 205-210. Eugene Ching, “Dissyllabicity of Modern Mandarin,” Chinese Culture Quarterly, Dec. 1969, pp. 88-104 and George A. Kennedy, “The Monosyllabic Myth,” Selected Works of George A Kennedy, edited by Tien-yi Li, New Haven, Far Eastern Publications, 1964, pp. 104-118. For the most authoritative treatment on the subject, see Chao, Grammar, Chapters 6 and 8. xix PRONUNCIATION A typical Chinese syllable consists of a consonantal initial and a final with a vowel nucleus. The final may be further analyzed into a medial, a main vowel (or the vowel nucleus), and an ending. The main vowel being the obligatory element, a Chinese syllable may be any of the following: a vowel (such asa); an initial and a vowel (such as la); an initial, a medial, and a vowel (such aslia); and an initial, a medial, a vowel, and an ending (such as ian with consonantal ending and liao with vowel ending). Suffixer is added to a syllable simply by affixingr to its end without considering the phonological change involved (such as wanr). Tone marks are put over the main vowel as follows: first tone a, second tone a, third tone a, fourth tone a, neutral or unstressed tone a (no tone mark). 1. Initials b as in English buy, but without voicing like English p in spy, bai “to worship” a like the ts in English its with the initial i left off, but with a stronger puff of breath, cai “vegetable” ch across between the initial sounds of true and choose as though we said chrue instead of true, chu “exit” d asin English die, but without voicing like English t in sty, dai “to put on” f asin English father, fa “law” g asin English guy, but without voicing like k in English sky, gii “to cover” h like the English h in how but with friction at the back of the mouth, hio “good” j Like Chinese q but without puff of breath, ji “remember” k as in English kite, but with a stronger puff of breath, kai ‘to open” 1 asin English law, lio “old” m as in English mother, ma “mother” nas in English now, nio “to annoy” pas in English pie, but with a stronger puff of breath, pit “to appoint” xXx much as ch in English cheat, but with the tip of the tongue held down behind the lower front teeth, qi “ait” + asin English run, but without rounding of the lips, rén “person” s as in English sign, sai “to compete” t asin English tie, but with a stronger puff of breath, ti “too” w asin English way, wei “to feed” x much as sh in English she, but with the tip of the tongue held down behind the lower front teeth, and without any rounding of the lips, x1 “west” y asin English yeah, yé “tooth” 2 like the ds in English adds with the initial a left off, zai “again” zh like Chinese ch but without puff of breath, zhi “pig” Medials (medials are main vowels when no other vowel follows them.) i like the English i in machine except as main vowel after 2, ¢, s, zh, ch, sh, r, lia “two” u like the English u in suave, huin “mess” u like the French u in nuance, with umulaut after |, n, only, nii “female,” git “to go" Main Vowels a (1) like the English a in father, ma “horse,” (2) between i or yand n, like the English a in hand, lin “face,” ydn “smoke”; (3) between wand n, like the English a in bat, yuan “courtyard”; (4) between uor wand ng, like (1) or the English o in long, hudng “yellow” ai Tike the English ai in aisle, ai “love” ao like the English au in umlaut, éo “old” © (1) about like the English u in but or huh, hé “to drink”; (2) after i and ii, like the English e in met, yé “also,” yue “moon” ei like the English ei in reign, ei “tired” ou (1) final in the syllable except (3) and (4), like the English ee in see, x! “to wash,” (2) not final in the syllable, like the English i in pin, pin “poor”; (3) after z, c, ands, like the English oo in look without rounding the lips, “character,” ol “jab,” st “four,” (4) after zh, ch, sh, r, like the middle- western American English ir in shirt, or ur in hurt, chi “to eat,” zhi “to know,” shi “yes,” 1 “sun” like the English u in urn, w3 “I” like the English ow in know, hou “behind” (1) final and not after j, qy %, y, like the English 00 in moon, wit “fog”; (2) after j, q, x, y, like the French u in nuance or the Chinese i, yu “rain” like the French u in nuance, or the English oo in moon and the ee in see pronounced simultaneously: while, pronouncing ee, round your lips with- out other changes, lit “donkey” 4, Endings: Vowel endings are pronounced as described above. The following con- sonants occur as endings: n ng r like the English n in tan, ean “to talk” like the English ng in sing or singer, but not like the ng in finger, xing “O.K.” (1) like the English r in bar, fur, wénr (pronounced war) “to play”; (2) after ng, the vowel is strongly nasalized, r as (1), héngr “horizontal stroke” Everybody knows that nobody can learn the pronunciation of a foreign language by reading the description of its sounds only. Ic is of utmost importance that one should get the assistance of a native speaker. Ask him to read the Chinese words in which a particular sound is found. After one has more or less mastered the sound system, he should go on to learn to read the expressions, phrases, and sentences, still with a native speaker as the model. Unless he is a trained linguist, the native speaker should not be asked to explain how a sound is pronounced and why a certain expression or group of words is spoken in such a way. Just imitate him, repeat after him again and again until you have learned it. Although recording is no substitute for a native speaker, it could be used when a native speaker is not available. xxii Adj Budd. Conj Col. pron. esp. fig. Lc lit. math. PRC sc SP sv Transli. VC vo v-O vo ABBREVIATIONS USED IN THE TEXT Adjective Buddhist Coordinate Construction Conjunction Colloquial pronunciation especially figuratively Literary Chinese literally mathematics Noun People’s Republic of China Subordinative Construction Subject-predicate Constructions Status Verb Transliteration Transitive Verb Time Word Verb Verb-complement Construction Verb-object Construction (solid) Verb-object Construction (with limited separability) Verb-object Construction (free components) xxiii (n & $ to love * aiodt ¥ $4 £0 love money, to be covetous [V0/Sv] aigu ca (of superior) to bestow favor, to take interest in (one below): Dud wie ninde aigh. I am very grateful for your kind interest in me. [CC/V, N] diguéd ¥ a to love one's country, to be patriotic: atgudxin, patriotism [v-0/sv] aihio AHS to be fond of (dress, ganbling, ete.) [6¢/V] athao(r) WHS to desire to be good; to be particular about being good [v0/sv] aihis xa to cherish, support, and protect (country, children, reputa~ tion, etc.): Yaosht yige rén aihis tade mingyu, ta Jud buhut audchi ahbahing jéanbude vén de cht de. If one cares about his reputation, he definitely cannot do this kind of shameful thing. [CC/v] to love, to show tenderness towards (an orphan, a young widow, ete.) [CC/V] to love beauty, to be esthetic: aiméide gudnnitm, esthetic sense [V 0] t to care about "face" [VO/SV] to love, to adore (lover, a great author, etc.) [CC/V] love, especially romantic love between man and woman [SC/N] bi gis big Bs HF Go tf you want, stay if you don't. airen BY 2 lover, sweetheart, spouse (PRC) [SC/N]; to love others: &¢ rén R ri G2, to love one's neighbors as one's self [V 0] atehang $y } to fall in love with: Wt zénmo hut atehang ta? How could it be possible for you to fall in love with her? [VC] at wi if win 9 2% —_to Love the house to love the crow on the roof/ "Jove me, love my dog" dint to love and cherish [CC/V] ataido g j]) tbe greedy for small gains or profits [V0/Sv] ai (shin) wido pidnyt BAG AIMED to love trifling advantages, to be keen on petty profits an 2 to install, to pacify x ancha Bb to place (friend, etc.) in organization, to find a job for (a person): Qing nt g&i ta dncha yige shiwét. Please arrange a position for him. [CC/V] an didnhux BE, 4, to install a telephone anding e x to settle down: Déng td dnding-yixia sht shud ba. Wait until he has settled down a bit and then talk about it. [C/V]; to be peaceful and secure: Zhimat zhér hén Gnding. It is very peaceful to live here. [SV] anfon FF to be law-abiding: anfén shdu gt [VO/SV] anhio B43 to install well [VC]; to be well, in good health [CC/sv]} anjia Be to settle down a family: anjia fei, allowance for setting up a family [V-0] anging '€ $B — peaceful and quiet (place, person) [C¢/SV] an ju le yo ZBBE to make a good living and be contented, each in his station antdwo 3 WE a nappy retreat anpdi E49 to arrange (things), to provide (meals, jobs, etc.) [CC/V] anquén RE to be safe [CC/SV]; safety, security Gnran op BR to be calm [SV]; calmly: 74 amyan digud ndngudn. He calmly Sent through the difficulties. [Adv] anshén a to calm down nerves, to relax one's mind [V-0] aneidn A to be leisurely: 7a rizi gudde hén ancidn. He leads an easy % life. an chin wi you "EHO Ay — to be Free of worries nahi £E to place a person (=dnch@), to install (=anahuang) Gnahudng PR to install: Dianhua ytjing dnzhudnghdole. The telephone has been installed. biudn ho win FERNS to be malicious, with bad intentions: 74 shdé- yang dui ni xidmrdn shi bian hdo xin. That he treats you this way shows clearly his bad intentions. winli bidn ERE to feel uneasy 2 ban Fer to do, to manage, to handle bi "an g (of judge, official) to take charge of a case [V-0] binbudio $y 5G) impossible to do it: Zhage banbudto. It is impossible to do this. pinchat PH} % to take charge of assignments [V-0] ban hdushi FORE to make preparations for a funeral ban hud BF 4Y’ to purchase supplies [V0] bin jitint py oF, to prepare a banquet bent pa to take charge of (affairs): Zh2sian sh? ydu wS bint. Let me take charge of this matter-[CC/V] ban sdngshi PRE to make preparations for a funeral ban shéngrt PR to make preparations for a birthday celebration ban eht PAE to handle administrative affairs, to do things: 7a hin hut bin shi. He knows how to handle things. [V 0] bin shbu fe 4% to make preparations for a birthday celebration (for elders) % [vol bin aut FH $ to punish a criminal [V 0] bangban Bu an assistant (diplomatic service) [CC/N] chaban i to investigate charges [CC/V] ohuinabin 2) 3 to establish (schools, hospitals, etc.),to found: Zhdge auéxido sht shénmo shihou chuangbtm de? When was this school founded? [CC/V] dabin FB 3 commissioner [CC/N] kaiban FA =chutingbim [CC/V] maiban ¥ ye compradore [CC/N]} néibimja 3% yt 2% There is no way out: Méibimfa aud. Cannot be done. néifani dan SR 3B LHF no way to do it HR to do accordingly (official documents), will do as you wish: Zhiydo nit shubchulai, wd yiding shiobim. If you will only tell me, I will do as you say. [CC/V] bao to wrap up, to include, to surround @, baobin 1% yy to take full responsibility for an assignment: Zhe sht you wS baob&n. I will be solely responsible for this matter. baobt A,f_ to shelter someone for wrongdoing [C/V] baochao FY — to outflank and attack (enemy) [C/V] bdofeng ax to seal (package) [CC/V] baofu BBR wrapping cloth (for travel); burden of past habits of think- ing [Sc/N] baofu div BHC, BZ. the bottom of the wrapping cloth/secrets, the most byectous possessions, best act in performance: déulou baofu dir. Show one's best act (usually reserved for the last). baoguén Oe to guarantee, to assure: Baoguiin méicud. 1 guarantee it is all right. baoguim Idihutr, to guarantee satisfaction or exchange of merchandise purchased [CC/V] bdogong 4,5 contract for labor [V-O/N]: baogdng zhi, piece-work basis; bdogong hud, piece-work jobs baogud BE parcel [CC/N]; to wrap [V] baohan A to include, to contain: Zh&jz hu& baohdnde yiei hin dud. This 2 sentence means more than is apparent. [CC/V] baojin Oe leasing fee: Yige yue de baojin shi dudshdo? How much is the leasing fee for a month? gold-plated baokud 4% to include [c¢/V] x baotud woneitng OBB, __ to cover and contain everything: Neiben cido- ‘hude ae shit baolud waneitmg, shénmo dou you. That novel covers everything. baogilat 2, to wrap up [VC] baoréng BE to forgive, to pardon [CC/V] baowe: “P,G) to surround [CC/V] bdowiaing Cn box at theater [SC/N] Daoyudnr ap. to buy the whole lot [v-0] baozha, 24. to tie up (bundle) to bandage [CC/V] tk bio to protect, to keep, to guarantee Baoan jiguan 4% baobiao 45 aR. bétobushie Af BR baooht 4% 7h Biocrin A$ B bdodan 4% B batoguiin ES biohte AX A biogiin $B baolin 4K bom 3X we bdoquén SFE Bhorén AZ A_ baoshbu 4 bétowtéin AX fe baonhing fF tf bloshing AZ Bi bdoshing 4 x € btoshitne AF BY. nénbio BAK Re security organization bodyguard [VO/N] cannot guarantee [VC] to maintain (road condition, temperature, liaison, etc.) [cc/v] to preserve [CC/V] certificate of guarantee; insurance policy [SC/N] to be in charge of (jewelry, property, etc. custodian [CC/V] béoguinrén, to protect [CC/V]; protection: bioh’ gud, protectorate; bdohis s&, protective coloration to recommend (someone for employment) [CC/V] to reserve (rights, etc.) [CC/V]; reservation nurse-maid (also written 4% J} )[SC/N] to protect (reputation, life, property, etc.) [VC] guarantor [SC/N] to be conservative [CC/SV] to insure [V-0]; insurance; dependable [SV]: Néige bdoxidn gongsi bubdowitin. That insurance company is not dependable. to protect (civil rights, life, property, etc.) [CC/V]; protection: Rénqudnde bdozhing, protection of human rights guarantee [CC/V,N]: baoshangrén, guarantor; bioahdng chil, certificate of guarantee to take good care of (oneself): Qing hiohdor bdozhdng shénti. Please take very good care of your health. [CC/V] I guarantee: bdozhimr méisht. I guarantee nothing will happen to you. [VC] it is hard to say that: Wdnbto ta bihui shéngqt. It's hard to say that he will not be mad. [SC/ADV] bao to announce, to report, to recompense Be oan RE baockdu 38H. baoda Fee baoddo BA bixodao RE bioen QB bao fet HE progto A we bhogong 9 xp baoguan Rw proms A) baokio HBF to register complaints at court, to submit official report on case [V-O] to revenge for grudge [V-0] to pay back debt of gratitude [CC/V] to report arrival, to report for duty [V-0] to report (news, intelligence, etc.) [CC/V]; report: ximuén baoddo, news report to recompense for kindness: bao fivmi yangyl ahi an, to make oneself worthy of parents' care and upbringing [V-0] to invalidate, to be declared worthless: Zhébi chéat baoféi le. This car has been junked. [VO] report [CC/V,N] to report achievement (victory, etc.), to claim credit [V-0] to pay custom duties [V-0] to serve the country worthily: 22 shi bdo gud, to make a resolution to serve the country [V-0] to register for examination [V-0] bho kigiongr BR GF Fro pretend poverty baoming RD baoming mae bho ohut HOH to register (for school, entrance examination, etc.) [V-0] to respond to an order or command: uri yi bao ming, without anything to respond to an order [VO] to pay tax [V 0] to announce death [V-0] to announce joyful events (wedding, birth, etc.): baowt Dibdoyou, to report joyful vents but not saddening news [V-0] to report news [V-0] to pay back debt of gratitude, to show gratitude [CC/V] BK bet to suffer, used to indicate passive voice betdong 2p passive (opposite of ahiidéng, active) bei fician Fp ee insultated wire to be accused; the defendent (opposite to yudngio, the plaintiff) to be murdered, to be harmed drunk to be implicated to be killed in an uprising (martyr): 2h2cl qty? béindmde liésht hén dud. In this uprising many were killed. to be cheated to be humiliated to be robbed to be invited: Zénmo ni méi béiqing? How come you've not been invited? to be wronged bbi vén tingdian FR LBA. +0 be heard, overheard by others: WI ahud betsha Ze ee zhe hua bupt bed vén tingéian? Aren't you afraid that somebody may overhear what you have said? to be killed bbe ta ndadule OBL J was taken avay by hin bet xuln FEY to be elected beiawingudn 45 GHB — che right to be elected batahud 4% T to be arrested: 2éi béizhudshule. The thief has been caught. bet to prepare, to provide, to furnish MB betan KB e bbibin AB Ht batbit ABH prion Lh & beiohe 1% £ to register for the record [V-0] to prepare (luggage, banquet, etc.) [CC/V] qualified candidate waiting for appointment to keep for future reference or investigation to provide with cars, to get the car ready [V-0] bet & biaona 5H FIA to prepare for future needs betkdio 1B & peigt ABB to keep for future investigation; an appendix for reference alternates for admission (college, office, etc.) beiningti (BX BA menorandun bat wet chong shir BCE just to fill a post (self-depreciatory) petvén fy X paint 4% wp deivdna A beianan4 ee BX bois 4 2 ohdubdi ih fangbet Pw fiebde HAR sinbos BAP ydu bei wi tub BH yinet FBR shanbet Bb 4% ahiinbos “BAX 8 to prepare a document [V-O] the details to provide for use to prepare for war [V-0] a note for future investigation to plan and provide (funds, proposals, etc.) [CC/V] to provide against: liémen déi shteht fdngbdi dirende xijt. We must be prepared to deal with enemy attack all the time.[CC/V] to be on the alert: Zai déren diqu, women bia shisht jiebet. In enemy territory, we must be on the alert at all times. [cc/v] armament, military preparedness [SC/N] 2%, with all the preparations, there is nothing to Worry about. to prepare [SC/V] military preparedness [s¢/N] to prepare, to be prepared bt aw to compare, to follow, to be near bibushing by A. to be inferior to: WS btbush’ng ta. I am not as good as he. [VC] bifang be 4H for instance; a supposition, an illustration by example: bi- fang chud, for example; ji ge bt fang, to give an example bitus YeF to make hand gestures, to demonstrate with gestures [CC/V] bijian audshin VE BA" Bh vo fight shoulder to shoulder bitgtao CBE — to compare; comparatively, relatively: bijido lio, relatively better; comparative: bijido yiiydn «ud, comparative linguistics [cc/V, Adv] bi uit EEK to compete in speed [V 0] Bilt EAR comparison, example: Nld...2u> BtZt, to an example; proportion, ratio: bilicht, scale (of map) otro VBL —(phystes) specific heat [SC/N] birt eb ev for example BLOM LEL FF to have a contest: blaxi Jédnggitaht, to have a contest in story ~ telling [CC/V]; contest: Jidngydén bisii speech contest bi shang bial, bt wid you yd VEL FM We FARR worse off than sone, better off than many (formula for contentment) b ss shdu hua jido FS Bip to make lively gestures while talking diy Ye og a parable, a metaphor, an allegory [CC/N] btzhdovy, PB to follow the model: bizhkoshe sh2shang hur hu, to paint by using this picture as a model [CC/V] btahingtbG — specific weight or gravity [SC/N] baud vEseE to compare someone as: Wi b& ta btzud shénmo? What do you compare him to be? [CC/V] rén bt vén, qtat rén AYCA RICA one may be upset to death if he compares himself with those who are more successful. ta bt wo gao JW, Ee aX ® He is taller than I. yong shdu bifang JQ] 4 bt, H to describe with hands bian by to knit, to make list, to edit Ake bianding ‘By ZY to edit (book) with the idea of restoring the correct version, *" to establish (correct list of names, numbers, etc.) [CC/V] piandut 3f YK to organize troop units, to form groups [V-0] bianhio(r) MfyS ER to assign a number (to a list of persons or things) [V-0] bianhi hy P to register residents (for police record) [V-0] bianit YB} — to edit (paper, magazine, etc.) [CC/V]; editor pianjid Wy¥% — to tie, to weave [CC/V] bianji ‘Rc wite plays [V-0]; script writer bianlet Mh to classify [V-0]; classification biandie Jf | to arrange in order [C/V] bian minge® Ay 2 Ar to make a roster bari if form of history arranged by years and months, chronicles a ee Woon bianpat Big to criticize, to make up stories about persons: Bid Idoshi bidmpat rén, hdo ma? Don't criticize people all the time, 0.K.? [cc/v] bianpai apr to arrange in order, to write and to direct [CC/V]; writing and directing of a play biangidn Be to disband (troops, personnel) in breaking up a unit or for reassignment [CC/V] bianshén 4a'S to examine and approve, to pass judgement on books, publica~ tions [CC/V]; person who examines and approves viansa 4h B co compile a book [V0] bianyt Ha to edit and to translate [CC/V]; editor and translator bianzdo ae to fabricate: biansdo ydoydn, to fabricate rumors [CC/V] bianahé HX to knit [CC/V] biansht Ai to organize [CC/V]; organization, chain of command bianahd thy & to compile [CC/V]; compilation, compiler Bian atdian 4fey "FW, to compile a dictionary 10 bian to change, to become, to perform to change [CC/V]: drastic change: Biandong hén da. The change is great. bianga SEK — to reform [V-0]; political reform; ways to change biangé Be change for the new (in system, policy) [CC/N] bidngeng4® @ change of course,of action [CC/N] bitngx “BPSK any untold change or turn of events [SC/N] bitmhio Ba to grow better: Zhe hdiad bianhdole. This child becomes better. [vc] pidnhua BL, to change in form or character [C¢/V]; change: qian bidn win jd, unending changes bianhudng 4 FR co become yellow [VC] vianjé WH co switch loyalty; co remarry [V-0] bidntidn BEAR to change countenance (when mad) [V-0] pidnnad BY co sel (estate, store, ete.) [6¢/V] biangian YB change in trend, conditions [CC/V] biense YP, co change color; to change countenance [V-0] biantat Sag change of attitude, abnormal: bidntai atn2T, abnormal psy- chology [SC] piantian #*X (weather) to turn overcast: stdmtian le. Bié wingle dai adn. The weather has changed. Don't forget to bring your umbrella. {v-0] ae biantong 433 to use another method t venting the rules [VC] biamtdng banit, to do it by circum- bidnaridng 33 FB change in appearance: bidwuriang méiyin, prostitution in a different form [VO] bian wipe BRK a bianwin ZS to change heart/to change mind (about love, etc.): 74 ytjing bianle win. Wi jid bié ati st ainydnr le. She has already changed her mind. You shouldn't be so obstinate (about her). [v-0] 4 to perform magic, to play tricks W ean L to take part in, to pay respect, to impeach oR canbut #4 eancud et cinta 34 canguan 3 canjia 3 pe cangian BB 2, cangibo He Ae cankan RE carkio eH canting BB canndu ie xh canton Se cards he cdincctding BB canytan $s Be canye RG eany? BUG. canyt & be canain Fee ednshin Fe BK canahiong de ye os. 12 Z to pay respect to (high officials), to worship (gods) [CC/V] to shuffle about [CC/V] to revise text [CC/V] to visit as a tourist, to observe [CC/V] to take part in, to join [CC/V] to see (superior) [CC/V] to collate, to compare [CC/V] to compare [CC/V] to use as a reference: X28 wénzhdng nt d&i cankdo hén dud shi. Writing a paper, you must use many books as references. [CC/V]; reference materials: géi nt sud ge cdnkdo, give you as a reference ceremony of respect to the coffin before procession [V-0] staff officer [CC/N] to penetrate, to understand (mysteries, profundities) [CC/V] to understand (mystery from meditation) [CC/V] to reflect, to consider [CC/V] to verify (truth by personal experience): to personally inspect [CC/V] to pay respect to (high official, god) [CC/V] to partake in deliberations of policy [CC/V]; a senator to take part in (discussion, plan): Cong audtian qt, wd ednytle tamende tdolim. Starting yesterday, I've taken part in their discussion. [CC/V] to act as advisor on project [CC/V]; a counsellor to participate in the war [V-0] to participate in government [V-0] g cha to investigate, to audit chdban & HE to inspect class [V-0] chaban owt to investigate and prosecute (case, person) [CC/V] ehdchao 75 pT to take inventory/to confiscate (property) [CC/V] chadian to check item by item [CC/V] ond dut wi & GHBBL after checking, no error was found. (formla for cision By onan ay ona hiku Yo chain & oo ondsine yb. ohajin ) a, ondxin F th chdming g 2 ohdging $ A ondchdo of ohdshou B we chayus & fal chiara ¥ 9 chézhao Ee 3 ‘okaying accounts) to confiscate and seal up (property, goods) [CC/V] to examine (accounts) [CC/V] to check residents, to take census to search and ban (smuggled goods, etc.) [CC/V] to study the Bible: chdjingban, Bible study class [V-0] to investigate and follow up (a case) [CC/V] to investigate on the spot [CC/V] to find out: chdming zhénwidng, to find out the true facts [vc] to clear up by an investigation [VC] to serve as a sentry [V-0] (letter writing) please receive: Sut xin j2 gei ni wiangpikn sanzhang. Qing chdshdu. 1 am enclosing in the letter three photographs. Please receive. [CC/V] to read (report, correspondence) [CC/V] to audit accounts [V-0] (in official documents) to submit for your attention: Qing chézhto bénli, Please consider and act accordingly. [CC/V] ché xidiin $ By YD to look up in a dictionary: MW ydoshi yu birtnshide at, ‘itu chd atdidm. If there are words you don't know, look them up in a dictionary. 13 cha to observe, to inspect ey ehd'én B= chin it chachii "BY, ohddud R & chafing w enahé z *h cndjus EB, onikon ' Sg ohdkan eh ohio chdshou BK chéwen By to investigate a case to investigate and take measures [CC/V] to find out [VC] (official document) please use your discerning judgment (CC/V] to go about to find out (conditions, rumors) [CC/V] (official document) please use your discerning judgment [CC/V] to scent, to read [CC/V] to look into, to inspect [CC/V] to examine (place of robbery, landmarks, etc.) on the spot [ec/v] to ascertain clearly: chéming 2érén, to ascertain clearly who is responsible [VC] to examine and receive [CC/V] to inquire into [CC/V] cht yén guan ob % YB, to pay attention to what is said and to how it is chance 2B 14 said to take notice and do accordingly [CC/V] to supervise, to watch over [CC/V] to observe [CC/V] to supervise, to watch over [CC/V] police [CC/N] to investigate (a case) [CC/V] to commit mistake of omission [VO] to inspect [CC¢/V]; inspector to observe carefully: xichd 1di yi, to judge the motive of his coming [SC/V] chain to produce, to give birth chind? Bw origin of products [SC/N] chin'é ya rate of volume of production [SC/N] chinfana ys % maternity ward [SC/N] chain fit & lying-in woman (woman in maternity) [SC/N] chénhdurd 76 4 He puerperal fever chinks BH obstetrics, maternity department [SC/N] chiinliang EE capacity or volume of production [SC/N] chinptn E % products [SC/N] ohinpd BE midwife [SC/N] chinsheng BYE. to produce (fish, grapes, etc.); to create (misunderstanding, trouble, etc.) [CC/V] hiram ke products of land [SC/N] ohiinye AX property, industry [CC/N] edichin Yt % property [CC/N] dingchin gh E movable effects: buddngchin, realty [SC/N} fdngchan B R&R realty [CC/N] Gongehitnding 3 £E Communist Party diaohin FE family property [SC/N] ndnohin wt difficult labor (maternity) [SC/N] pochin BE to go into bankruptcy [V-0] ohuctonion A marine products (fish, etc.) [SC/N] stohin $y % private property [S¢/N] tiiehin 4 FE Local products [SC/N] widochin,\~ to give premature birth [SC/V] ytohin KE inherited property [SC/N] ahdv ohdn mt 4B %, / A this place produces rice. 15 chang eo to sing, to shout out aloud YB ohangbén(r) FH song text [SC/N] changchangrde 0B ~Q ¥, 9) street singer ching gaodiaor WD %H BBs to drag without actual deeds: Ti jiu hud chiang gaodiaor. Bid shiwing ta zudchu shénno lai. He just talks. Don't expect him to do anything. chang ger uber to sing a song [V 0] 8 changhdo ¥B to sing well [VC]; to give cheers as audience [V-0] chinghé VY to write (poem) in reply 2 ching hattdu 9B BZ to sing the role of a painted face (Chinese opera) ng & chingjt VY a singing machine/record player (also, lishéngjz) [SC/N] a 2 ge changsizo WY v! to yell and scream [CC/V] *D ohamgit Se (Buddhist) prayer at end of mass with "five forgivenesses" and "five wishes" [SC/N] changing %% to make roll call [V-0] chingptan(r) 0B A $2, — singing dise/records [SC/N] chang pitowS 2 to call votes [V 0] chingr B42, a song, ditty: ching ge chingr, to sing a ditty ching shiv %4 to chant, to sing hymns [V 0] change? JK to hold, have, or sing an opera: Jintian winshang chéngli chimgat. Tonight, there is an opera in the city. diching $%G to perform a solo [SC/¥] smn AY oud KB fa ching fa aut KOH a_-wsiauiaca sings ana’ wits, L61USea/ to, have, « harmonious married life héching RNB to sing in chorus [SC/V] mai onina Sof to sell singing/to sing as minstrel at restaurants, streets AD tv 0} Gingching HB to sing without accompaniment or stage makeup [SC/V] 16 cheng (ching, chen) to praise, to declare, to fit to assume hegemony, to declare oneself as superpower [V-0] to consider it good and convenient: Rénrén chéngbian. Every- body considers it good and convenient. [VO] to borrow money [VO] to praise, to declare: chéngdio bijud, to praise unceasingly [cc/v} chang git dio 22 LIBR to call oneself king chénghto Be a onenghd fh 7B chenghu $4 of chengmei HZ chengging BE chéngahen #4 y chéngedng Bh chengudt. 29h 2 chéngatd 5h ae chéngwidng fh mE title [SV/N] to congratulate [V0] to address [CC/V]; way by which one is addressed to call good, to praise [VO] to offer congratulations [VO] to fit well: 2h3jian yishang hin chéngshen. This dress fits well. [VO] to praise, to adore [CC/V] way of addressing a person [CC/N] to give thanks [VO] to declare oneself as leader, to be considered as leader [v-0] cheng wiong dao dt FLED to address each other in great familiarity changed Hh. F chéngaan paca a changaht FH HK chengtn $$ BE chensin Fh x5 chery 8. % to praise, to show approval (especially by a superior) [CC/V] to praise [CC/V] to be competent [VO/SV] to be rich [VO/SV] to have as one wishes [V0/SV] to be satisfactory, to be satisfied [VO] 17 ohéng to become, to complete; to be possible MX chéngbat BY BL ehéngbin By & chéngging fy Fh) chénghiin Potty chéngdt My AE chéngiia A Be ohéngdion RB chéngle shénmo le chénglt AX, & ohéngming BB ohéngnidn, RF ohénggin BY HB, ehéngquan By BS chéngsnl FX, Fo ohéngtian RK A chéngudi J B chéngon BK YD chéngetdc FN 3 chéngtin AX AS chéngyi BK BB chéngahiing I, Fe 18 success and failure/result: biji chéngbai, don't care about what the result will be [CC/N] capital: Chéngbin tai gao de shéngyt bihdo sud. Business re- quiring high capital is not easy to do. [SC/N] to be successful [V0/SV] to get married [V-0] achievement, results [SC/N] to establish family/to get married [V-0] set views/prejudice [SC/N] to complete the business deal [V-0] accomplishment, achievement [CC/N] FY 3 BE J wnat has it (one) become to? to establish [CC/V] to become famous [V-0] to become adult, to have grown up [SC/V]; the whole year [TW] to become relatives/to get married [V-0] to help complete: WO zhzyang sud hdibisht xidng chéngqudn ta nk ytpian widoxtn. I do this to help him fulfill his filial obligation. [CC/V] to be mature [CC/Sv] the whole day [TW] to become [CC/V] ready-made things [SC/N] effect, result [SC/N] intentionally: Ta chéngcin qt ta mama. He intentionally angers his mother. [VO] established sayings/proverbs [SC/N] to grow [CC/V] chéng He to multiply, to mount, to take advantage of chéngbian re to do something at one's convenience: Qing chéngbian ba ta dai hui qu. Please take him home at your convenience (since you are going that way). [V-0] chéngchi HEGRE multiplication and division [CC/N] chéng fa ek (method of) multiplication [SV/N] chéngfang £A (mathematics) square, cube, power of nth degree ohéng feng po ling $e JLGLR to ride the wind and waves/to have a smooth and swift trip chéngdi FR to take the chance and...: chéngji tudtdo, to take the chance and escape; to ride a plane [V-0] chéngfian xa to take the chance (of a good opportunity to speak, attack, 8) te.) [v0] cheng Jitu FE eB to take advantage of the opportunity ohéngk® JE NZ — passenger (SC/N] chéngkong(e) FEZ $2, vo take advantage of a free moment or unguarded sit- vation: WE widnsdi méieht, hai bu chéng kongr bi nbifeng xin wiéwdn? Since you are not busy now, why don't you finish that letter? [V-0] bid 7 ohénglidng FEL t0 enjoy cool air [V-0] ohéng me KE to ride a horse [V 0] chéng vén bi bot Fe BG to take advantage of other's unpreparedness chéngeht fen% to take advantage of an opportune time [VO] chéngeht fey to avail oneself of the opportunity, to strike while the iron is hot [VO] chéngehi: Daa a multiple [SC/N] chéngxing $e to do something on impulse to enjoy: chéngwing dud hua ji- 7* shang ba. You'd better paint a few more while you are enjoy- ing it. [VO] chéngasie ER to do something when the opponent is weak [VO] edn ehéng san dé jit 2 fez 4840 Three multiplied by three is nine. 19 cht ib to eat, to absorb ve, cht ok A to eat vinegar, to be jealous cht dé gud fan KBE to eat rice cooked in a big pot (institutional food) g chi eure Gg, to eat bean curd, to flirt (with opposite sex), to make fun of (person of the same sex) ont Erguang 5 AL to be slapped on the face chi Sanguine Wh Be RE {@, to eat at a restaurant chi gin Of OF to be tense: shi¥jii hén chigin. The situation is very tense. “~ [vo/sv] oradin OHSEY to be hard, to try: Zhbjian shi hén chijln. This is hard. Nt d&t chigjin 1a. You have to pull hard. ehijing oe ‘2 & frightened: da cht yijing, to be greatly frightened ss v-0 cnart WEY to suffer hardship [V-0] ohikut WL to suffer loss; to be disadvantageous [V-0] chat “oh sy to be difficult, requiring strength [VO/sv] cht nitsnaodsint, & 4a % to eat at a restaurant because of its pretty waitresses chi rin bi cht ying 0h GR Fh BR to bully the weak but yield to the strong chi rin fanBEGKAR to eat soft rice, to live on one's wife (or wonan) chishut wok to be absorbent: Zhdahong ahi bitdi chtshul. This kind of paper is not too absorbent. [VO/SV] ohiek Hoe to abstain from eating meat [V-0] cht widn fan CAPA BY to eat leisure food/to be a loafer or sponger ohteting hz to be popular: Ta xianatt hin chiwiang. He is now very popular. [VO/SV] cht vadin VER Bo eat a duck egg, to fail to win any points ehinndng AD Saad to do: Zhejian eht hén chiahdng. This is hard to do. chitin aR ontping FFF entenen FF ontaing FEAF chteie cniying FF. entsdng FAIZ ohtahat sg cht to hold, to manage to hold a pen/to write [V-0] to maintain the law: chtfa eetnydn, to administer sharp justice [VO] to resign and stay home during parent's mourning of three years [V-0} to keep night watch by sounding drum at invervals [V-0] to run a household, to maintain family fortune and status[VO] to hold out long, to last: chijii shan, protracted warfare [vc] to hold views: chtlin gOngzhtng, to hold impartial views [vO] to hold just views: chtptng shi iQ, a balanced view [VO] to conduct oneself [VO] (Budd.) conduct [VO] to carry on, to last [CC] to take good care (of health), to cultivate spiritual regimen bir and give/to present a gift with both hands [CC/V] to keep vegetarian fast (V-0] to support what is right [VO] to act with gravity (not frivolous): ldochéhg ehizhdng, experienced and steady [V0/SV] to monopolize (power, position) [CC/V] to maintain (status, distance): Gén ta hdishi bdocht didnr dult hdo wie. It is better to keep a distance from him. to support (CC/V] to support, to sustain (person to stand up, tottering regime, ete.) [CC/V] to be in charge [SC/V] 21 chit to get out, to produce, to surpass we chubin Uy He to publish: chitin yibén shi, to publish a book [V-0/TV] chachat 4 Zz to be sent on a business trip [V-0] chizohtin # f& to produce [CC/V]; products, natural products chic 4 4, to go wrong: Yaoshi chi ge char shéi fizé? If anything goes yw wrong, who is going to take the responsibility? [V-0] cha fengtou A AG to enjoy publicity ohagjea WR to get out of home/to become a monk [V-0] chtkdu Yi — export, exit [Sc]; to speak [V-0] ohnily y Ke future, employment prospect: Xué yinyue, chulh diitat hdc. If one studies music, the employment prospects aren't too good. [SC/N] chiiménr KPA to go out of the door, to be out of town [V-0] cha mt BOR to produce rice [V 0] chimixn YB to appear: 2hb jiansht, ydu w0 chimidn jieqia. Let me. go to deal with this matter. [V-0] chaning Ya Hy to become famous [V-0} chiigt wR to vent the spleen [V-0] chagién YW, BB, to pay: Mid qlch’, shéi chiiqidn? Buy a car? Who is going to pay? [V-0] chiiqu 4 & to go out [VC], also used as complement to other verbs chi Yh difference, discrepancies [CC/N] oniss Yr @, to be superior [v0/Sv] chushen Wa ¥y background: 74 shi sid mtimat chiueh@n. He has a business background. [VO/N] (v-0} ehasht we to have an accident [V-0] chashén Day to be completely absorbed by something, to be absent minded. 22 y onacéu BOY ehiet oN Bs ohinydng My 2 ont to get out, to produce, to surpass to become prominent in one's field: W2 hMohaor aub, sing ydu chittéude yitian. If you work hard, one day you will get ahead. [V-0] ability, promise: Zhe hdizt shen méi chit. This child has no ability (or future). [SC/N] to go abroad [V-0] cha ydngailn: x to make fun of (oneself or sombody else) ydngaiting 7 23 chi to remove, to exterminate, to dismiss PR ehi bao an Lidng P&B Ye f to drive out the rascals and protect good people chiching Pax By to exterminate insects [V-0] ehidiao PAR a8 to remove [VC] niga. PRA (math.) division [SC/N] ohifet eK i unless, except: Chifét ni qi biuing. It won't do unless you e go. [Conj] ohigen PACK to uproot: ain eto chi gon, to get rid of grass, it must be uprooted [V-0] ohithed PR es to suppress the evil: Zhdngfii yingding ti Ldobitaing chihat. Governments ought to suppress the evil on behalf of the people. [V-0] onihao Pa BR (nath.) sign of division ":" ohikat pe Ri to count off, to take away [VC] chile PRI Besides: Chile ni (ytudt) médiyou bié ren hul. Besides you, ey there are no others who can. Chile ni (ytwat) hat you biéren qu. In addition to you there are others who also go. to dismiss, to expel (to remove from list of names): Ta chdngchdng tdowué, sudyt bét xuéetio chiming le. He was expelled from school because he was often truant. [V-0] to remove [VC] (math.) the divisor; béichishi:, the dividend ohinakt cA ah not to be counted, to be excluded: Xingqirt chiasii. Sundays S are excepted. ohare New Year's Eve PRP ‘eich to abolish: feichi bipingding tidoyue, to abolish unequal # ping ay treaties [CC/V] katotad A FAL see chiming [ocr] pocket BR to abolish: poh méein, to abolish superstition [CC/V] san chi Lit dé dr 2 PEK AL = six aivided by three ts two. ahénehi IK to be appointed officially as BL aN 24 chit het. to manage, to live, to punish onus pe TF FE cannot get along: WS gon 12 cltibilét. 1 can't get along with xy him. [vc] chiidwtin FA WARE to decide [cc/V] Nyt ish [CC/v] Thu Fy te pen chisfang Hae to prescribe [V-0]; prescription chiifen ae to punish ohiiging he circumstances [SC/N] ohijjué ora RK to execute (criminal), to decide [CC/V] chiult Fe e to dispose of, to arrange, to settle: Zhbjian shi shén biuhio uy child. This matter is really hard to deal with.(CC/V] chieshi. He + a retired scholar [SC/N] chieht Fux to deal with the world: Ta bulut dai rén chiisht, eudyt ching- chang dézut rén. He offends people often because he doesn't know how to deal with people. chiishi zhi dao, a way of life [v-0] BY ohiist uF to sentence to death [VO] ohinadad EB @ one shut away from society iv $ chit ain ft Ui cA me Fie to brood over a matter for a long time chitxing kul to punish: chi Jéxing, sentence to death [V-0] cht yt st FUE IW. to send somebody to his doom chitahiin Eu to execute (criminal) [CC/¥] chia Ru? to punish [CC/V] chitght =ohilé [CC/V] wy ie iangohii 74g Bie to get along with each other: Tamen Litingge wiangehiide hin hao. The two of them get along fine. [SC/V] 25 cohudn 4 to pass on, to spread, to transmit ohana AG, 2 to summon to court [V-0] chudnbs oe ea to spread (news, ideas, disease, etc.) [CC/V] cudnt 4B f4f to spread, to publicize (CC/V) chudnd 48; to communicate (thoughts, ideas); to transmit (order from above); chudndd mingling [c¢/V] chudndan 4g a handbill, a publicity circular or flyer [SC/N] chudndl 484 to pass around (letter, message) [CC/V] chudn'get ta ae 41%, to pass on to him chudcrnd OIA 5 to circulate for people to see [CC/V] ohudngia g he to bequeath to the family: chuinjia ait bdo, art object kept as heirloom [VO] chudngiko (BAX v0 preach: chudnjidooht, a missionary [V-0] chudmpido 1G & a court summons, subpoena; (accounting) a voucher [SC/N] chudnvén 48 Bp to infect: chudnrlin bing, communicable disease [CC/V] ehudn ve 1G BL to transmit heat [V 0] EN ohudnshén Hp to be vivid, to give lively expression (of portraiture) qd [vo/sv] oratnston (GB to summon for trial [C/V] ohuatnstowhB 4A to teach [Cc/V] ohudnsone 4B zx to deliver (message, news) [CC/V] chudrsluo (2, folktale [CC/N] % chudnuén 1g Kl It is reported that: Chudnwén diren shanling wang Thuing. z It is reported that the enemy occupied Wang Chuang. [CC} lastest (GAZ to deliver letters, to communicate (tradition, belief); chun winr, to deliver a message [V-0] crucnyeng (BT, to spread (teaching, etc.) [CC/V] ohudnye 4B wi to pass around for people to read [C/V] 26 di ‘B to answer, to reply dithn BR answer, solution of mathematical problem [SC/N] dtbxé BE to pay a return call dibian Bet to argue back [CC/V] dabushanglat EF. FOS can't answer [VC] déchér Se to make an answer to question, to strike up conversation[V-0] dict NEB a response (to an address of congratulation): Xéimart qing Wang Boshi zht ddet. Now we ask Dr. Wang to say a word (as a response). [SC/N] dadui By to answer, to respond [CC/V]; to answer correctly [VC] défu BB to reply [CC/V]; a reply datuds xs to answer [V-0] agit BR to respond to a salutation [V-0]; a gift in return [SC/N] dépin SEIS to reply on acceptance of appointment [VO]; formal acknow- oO ledgement of betrothal gift dish IS correct nunber in mathematical solutions [SC/N] dévis EBA co return a courtesy call; a letter to thank someone daying JERE to consent, to prowise [CC/V1; budaying, to disapprove, to S/N? cake offense at: Wi lua hua qidn, Baba biddying. Dad wiil not approve your careless spending. diyis Se reply, words of reply (SC/N] prodd HIB — to repay person for kindness or favor [CC/¥} y aud dd wih Lint y Ey AL anewer Like flowing water/to answer quickly mutdd YQ to anewer [cC/V1s a reply gidad HE to explain [CC/V]; an explanation sud dd fei sub wen SABA Pefinae was answered was not what was questioned/ answer evades the question wend FAS question and answer: wendé tf, question and answer topics in SG. an examination [CC/N] 27 a to strike, to fight, to do 4 di beiat TRS to have an attack of malaria [V-0] dé biangt FIR to beat the side drum/to spread or circulate praise of actor, etc. dachéng yipizn tt Par to become one piece/to become a harmonious whole aechis ehouor $F 4 #8, cutee anece) to throw weapons back and forth di danzi ee 4 to play billiards [V 0] a dive FY eee to sleep on floor (due to lack of accommodation) & dhe FALE to fall down flat on ground & at RE to make a draft [V 0] a ditnbur ISB 2% co wake a phone call digong $Y L, to have a temporary job (of students doing summer work) [V-0] ds quangiang AGAR put person off by talking formalities as excuse dthaha ay bob to laugh out loud, to make fun [V-0] dajit 4S to fight, to engage in a brawl [V~0] di jiaodao AE to have dealings with aii méoyt FJ A,AKL to knit a sweater dé ging iz fido pace ay to flirt di qiafeng $Y AL to have a windfall/to obtain gifts of money (as by sending wedding invitations to people including mere acquaintances) dichdu Ff 4 professional rioters [SC/N]; to beat the hand [V 0] dita Fife to have an abortion [V-0] diting HH, to find out [CC/¥] d& yagjt FIFE to have a good meal iad(r) FF Be. to do odd jobs as handyman [V-0] dé shdohu Hay to say “hello” 28 wee dai to carry, to lead, to bring up dei tan He to subpoena [V0] 5 ai vito BB BS to wear a watch [V 0] dai bing Mi to lead troops [V 0] did BBY to vain fisticuffs; show of conbat in Chinese opera [VO] daiddo 2 to lead the way, to serve as guide [V-0] didiuat Way to be pregnant di fenahu BT mixed fraction (mathematics) daigou PR best buckle [SC/N] dai hio(r) 3-2. to carry greetings to: Qing ti w5 dai ge hhor g&i ni fii, Please remember me to your parents. [V 0] dat. kuyin v¥ to speak with an accent: shudhu dai kbuyin akilet # f to involve someone in trouble or expense [CC/V] dkiling AR to lead, to be in charge of (troops) [CC/V] Ke sdatdao dai qidn way to carry money [V 0] d&ishang mén Hey to close the door [V 0] dat shensi By Ht be pregnant [Vv 0] daish3u e Ea wiping cloth carried by waiters [VO/N] dxitdulr) BBR to lead [V-0] dtiaito 7 BF to wear mourning {V-0] at widondin PS \FYIeo dering up children: Bié b4 wikohéiv adimbite. Don't We spoil the child. di wiaowi WBS to take message dai cise BS &. to wear a pleased expression lidn dd dat my were | te beat and scold at the sane tine lidn vt dat dk SB By H 4 to mix kicks with hand blows dang (ding) to undertake, to fill an office, to treat as B dangbing Bx to be a soldier [V-0] dangohai YF co run errand, to work for (someone) [¥-0]; a servant dangdxi 8 pc, the present age, that period [Vo/TW] dang jt Vi atin RE IBK co decide on the spot or moment, to make quick decision SR to be the head of, to oversee [V-0] 9S the authorities [VO/N} dangmitn BH face to face: Wt dangmitm dui t& fitng. You talk to him face oO to face-[VO/Adv] dangquén Bre to be in power: dangquénphi, faction in power [VO] dangran BR naturally [Adv] dang vin bk Reno ho HBB an good causes, don't lag behind dangent B o% at that very moment, that time [VO/TW] dangshirén BS Arverson in charge, parties to a quarrel or lawsuit danged 2 GO right overhead: dang tdu bing hd, to give sharp advice for one to make up from error [VO/Adv] dangziin Bs to take care, to be careful [V-0] Engen AY to be elected [V-0] dang alt wit kat Bikiwe merit the credit, to be deserving dnostona Br in the presence of all: dangahdng xuimbu, to announce publicly [vo/adv] edildng ding ao $f PBB wort stands astride the road/bad person in power dn dang hu duet P4B PYY (ot detrochal) two families match in social status ohingding to go to pawnshop/to be cheated [V-0] dang érbian feng SBaL to take advice as passing wind dangzhan 2 Z really: 74 dingzhén bist. He really cannot -[VO/Adv] nd ta ding péngyou iw AR A_ to treat him as a friend 30 19) dio to fall dow, to go bankrupt aiobanw ABV BE S2> co take turns [V-0] aovao 1B) O74 to substitute one thing for another [V-0] to go bankrupt: Huo jigia yinhdng diobi le. Quite a few banks went bankrupt -[CC/V] Giobuguotat 1B) F-iih HR =diobikaé (ve) aout LG F BQ cannot meet the turnover in business [VC] Ziodin ME to make trouble, to create mischief (also $8 %)Iv-0} ho feng diam ud A) GR to have sexual intercourse doge 4G) % iohutan 4%) HR diogia 4H) WG diosido K)\-0 dosing AFI Be dot 4) to turn around weapon/to change sides (of warlords) [V-0] to replace [CC/V] selling-out price [SC/N} to chew the cud [SC/V] to have a hoarse voice (of opera singers) [V-0] to tumble down [CC/V] dioteng 4g Ae to turn upside down diott AY FE dotdu RG) & aioyion 49!) BE diosa fe dost AG) ZY, vianio FXG dadto 45 1B: tuiddio se 494 sido By 13 to substitute, to replace [CC/V] to lay down one's head to sleep, to die: diotéu zhi, paper money burned at death [V-0} to have bad luck [V-0]; bad luck: 2du déoyim to go bankrupt becuase of deficit, to fail to collect debts to mispronounce (in Peking opera) [V-0] to defeat by arguing [VC] to knock down, down with to push down [VC] to fall down [VC] 31 ao to pour, to reverse 49) daccki 49) ¥ false applause: hé dacedi, to hiss a speaker or actor [SC/N] dao one 19) to back up a car [V 0] dio dé lor fH iB to beat the gong upside down/ everything is upside- lB wo» doguit AB) 45} to hang upside down [SC/V] Aoquotat 59) A to put in reverse dontor 4B) US$, false applause: nationally [SC/V] gonghé dling 2 fo Republican Party gonghé ahengtt 3b o KR republican form of government gongit Sh a to sum up, altogether: gongjt dudshao qidn? How much 42 altogether? [SC/Adv] gongming ob, sympathy, sympathetic understanding [SC/N] gongmndu EB to plan together [SC/V] 7s Ge gongsht aE s to work together: IM gén ta gdngguo sh? ma? Have you ’*s ever worked with him? [V-0] gongeiu He ‘Be to lodge in the same place [VO] oe he gong widng sheng ji % RB to offer help to a great cause together gonoying HE RK to manage jointly: génget gdngytng, managed by both 7\ Be public and private concerns [SC/V] gongydu SE # to possess together: 2hdeie dongwi wéi women sud gong- 4 yOu. These things are for our mutual possession. (SV/V] gongabng 2 4B altogether (=gongjt) [¢C/Adv] 7 TRORK vit] aoe Live under the sean shy a2 the man who slew his father/inveterate hatred =gonga8ng [CC/Adv] quan to close, to connect, to concern quan at A guansitn, be concerned, and uth, love/to express solicitude for the well-being of (someone) [CC/V] guandeng PAE to close the lamp/to turn off the lights [V-0] guandian eal g to close the electricity/to turn off the electricity [V-0] guan ditemén AB) B P| =quanaiem > guanhudi wr guanain, to be concerned, and hudinikn, to think of/to be concerned about, for, show interest in [CC/V]; solicitude guanlidn a je relations, connections: Zhejian eht gen ndijian sh? méiyou shénno guanlidn. This matter has no connection with that one. [cc/n] guanmén fa -4 to close the door [V-0]; (Chinese medicine) the kidneys guangie BALD to be concerned about (someone), to be intimately related, connected [CC/SV] guanshang Pl to close (door, window, etc.) [VC] uanshs oy guanlidn and qiansh, to involve/to have effects on something else: guainshe biérén sisht, to have to do with the private business of others [CC/V]; relations, connections, effects guantud He to request someone to intercede on one’s behalf: Gudntud nin OG £2 w shudshuo ging. Please put in a few good words for me. [cc/v] guanat BUA to be related to one another [CC/V]; relationship, consequences: AS oa gen ta ybu méi-you guanai méi quanet. It is not important whether he and she have had any relationship. (CC/V] gquinsin Wns to be concerned about (someone) or for (something): 1@ hn guinxin ni. He is very concerned about you. guamxin gudshi, to show interest in national affairs [VO/SV] guanyu fe F regarding, concerning, about: Guinyu ahdjian aht, uw yididnr ~~~ d®u bishtdao. I know nothing about this matter. [Preposition] guarchio Fy 8B qufmain and ahbgying, to take care of/to notify: YOu sht, “Ging guénshio ytehéng. If anything comes up, please notify me. to take care of: @ing nt duddud guanzhio. Please take good care of (him). [CC/V] 49 x quan to close, to connect, to concern +) guanahi Bs guénzin and ahiyi, to pay attention to/to pay close attention to, to be intensely concerned about, for [CC/V] raigun BA Ag to open and to close/to turn on and off; switch [CC/N] eh bie quan fi BF fa a ‘The matter doesn't concern one personally. 50 quan to behold, to observe guanee = Fy to prognosticate through observation [CC/V] quancht HBB to rook into, to observe [CC/V]; observation guanditn $A Bs point of view, standpoint: Geren yu gerende guandién. Each ™ has his own viewpoint. [SC/N] oucnsena $8 Bs to look for an opportunity to do something, to stand watch for something expected to happen: Wimen jinqu, wS adi uxibianr guanféng. You go in and I'll keep watch outside for you. [V0] audngin $98 Ry to observe and to react/observations and coments [CC/N] nuingciina Hg to visit as a tourist, to take a tour: guanguangk2, toruist; guanguing shtye, the tourist business [V-0] guanken HLA to take a look at, to see (CC/V] guard to study and fondle (works of art), to study by visiting other institutions [CC/V] guaran $6 Sx concept, idea, notion: «tn guannitn, new concepts [CC/N] awanotine Hp guinkin, to see, and stnehing, to appreciate/to enjoy by eight m (art, flower, view, etc.) [CC/V] guarsteng jee to take a wait-and-see attitude: oft guinulng thidi; guaming bugidn, to wait and see without taking any action [CC/V] gunhn BB WE (of things) outward appearance: yu dt gudnzhdn, will adversely affect the outward appearance [CC/N] gutnationg $9 che audience, spectators [SC/N] beiguan ae ea to be pessimistic [SC/sV] canguan RE to visit (school, hospital, ete.) [C¢/V] keguan BSB objective [SC/SV]; objectivity Leguan oe 4 to be optimistic [SC/SV] ming rub quan mio BA SHOX as clear as viewing a fire/very clear péngguan RRL ook on: aid shu pdnggudn, to look on with folded arms Sc/V. ahiiguan EL subjective [SC/SV]; subjective 51 gutin es to manage, to be in charge of, to interfere ‘B guénblo BKK to guarantee, to be sure: W5 gulnbio ta buléd. I'm sure he will not come.[CC/V] guain bio 48 Be, to guarantee adequate food [V 0] guinbulito SF 3 cannot manage: ZhBigian aht ud KE guimbulido. It is really beyond my power to manage this affair.[VC] gun ont guin atu 9B EAE to provide food and lodging guin fin 3B BY to provide food, to include board [V 0] guingta bie to be in charge of domestic affairs [V-0]; person in charge of domestic affairs, also guinjiade, a butler guiing io Boe to take care of and discipline (children): guinjiao widohdir; to make or cause (someone) to do something: Guinjido ta géi nt shud ho hud. I will see to it that he apologizes to you- lec/v] ra housewife, a woman who likes to interfere guint ge ee to manage [CC/V] guinménde 5 P4 Op doorkeeper etna gs to be in charge of: Zhdr ohéi gudneht? Who is in charge here? (V-0]; person in charge, also guinshide guénshis Be guintt, to manage, and yudsh, to control/supervise (children, students, ete.) [CC/V] gun tur gun hudn iB Rae to guarantee refund and exchange gilt "i be to exercise control over [CC/V] guln widneht SPF poke one's nose into another's business inst HB Ff to do bookkeeping [V-0]; guinshimgde, bookkeeper, person in charge of accounts > Ks y apdigl gubnaht @ fs) guint®, co manage, and jiézht, to regulate/to administer, to control [CC/V] biguin RAB don't care, no matter «.- Brigutin ARIE manage on behalf of (someone) ahiiguitn 2B to be responsible for [SC/V]; head of an office 52 PP het 3 to harm, to kill, to suffer from haébing Be to be ill: hadle Lidngtian bing, to be ill for two days [V-0] hat iia D HYG iat hxt gud yang min 2 gl $e RK to harm the country and the people haiku ge Qo (of pregnant woman) to show appetite for certain foods [V-0] hip eg to fear, to be afraid of [vo] hii quin ahi més 2 B z& horse that harms the group/person who gives the group a bad name hat rén "2 2 to harm people: héi rén bagitin, to do someone a lot of harm [v 0] oes 2 ay ¥ & hei rén Fin mae a OLRBE a plot to harm others boomeranged cok y hkisio Bl yee. to blush, to feel shy [vO] het hayden" 7°7 BBleo contract trachoma heist Ao to murder, to harm severely: Ni haiet wS le. You are killing 3 me+ [VC] hata BE to have morning sickness [V-0] heiati ‘2 z to feel shy, to feel ashamed [VO] ednhat BY to do severe injury [CC/V] ES Lihat +z liyt, advantage, and hdichu, disadvantage [CC/N] Uthat Bz to be severe: lthaide hén, very severe; bingde hén Lthai, 0 severely ill [CC/sv] t mdu edt hat ae has ee to kill for money néuhat J g to conspire [CC/V] pohat ae yapd, to oppress, and méuhi, to harm [CC/V] o hahki HA kill [cc/v shanet Fe eA to [cc/v] shianghtat 416 2 to injure [cC/v] widnhet BB 2 to trap and harm/to betray [CC/V] né D>» to close, to join, to agree 7) néving ANH v0 unite, to annex [C6/¥) néching AGB to sing together [SC/V]; @ chorus néchéng ADRS: to complete by bringing together [VC] hé dudshao m8ijin ey oA z% How mich U.S. money does it correspond to? nért Ask to be legal, in accordance with the law [VC/SV] négé AH to be up to standard, qualified [V0/sV] hégong Ark altogether [CC/Adv] nti Bre to be in accordance with: héhu daoli, to be in accordance with reason nétab BH to go into partnership [VO] néjt BBt to count together [S¢/V] nat? ArZ@ to be reasonable, right, in accordance with reason [V0/SV] héqiin Prt to be gregarious, to go along with the group [VO/SV] néshang& to close (books, ete.) [VC] néont gh to be fashionable, to be timely [V0/SV] héohi AB to be suitable [CC/SV] ke héeudn PNG to be worthwhile, reasonable in price [SC/SV] hétong. Ae Tal contract: ding hétong, to have a contract [CC/N] héyt Bs to be agreeable, in accordance with one's ideas [VO/SV] Hézhonggud BRB the United States néstu BAF to close (umbrella, ete.) [VC] nda BYE to cooperate [SC/V]; cooperation Z ; mio hé shén 16 BA SAKE in appearance together in spirit apart/friends or allies in appearance only tian aud 2h hé KML a Heaven-made match (marriage) 54 hud es to spend, to be flowery, blurred raitiougt FLAKE cannot afford to spend (so much): udbugi shemo dud qidn (veh muaefoe HA to spend money, to cost [CC/V]; the cost Iu h&shang its $04) profligate monk rnuatiuadada He Jy YB 4B, variegated iudihuaigongst RREE a playboy itu iL RPL ee eootortur nainzondsie Te Ae FL worta of sensual pleasures hud qién 1S to spend money [V 0] hudshao +t + to be pretty, to be romantic, to be fond of opposite sex [CC/ 4G sv] ee ee ee ee worldly pleasures imdzidng Ye, wh items of expense: Méi shénmo huditing. There is no occasion to spend. [SC/N} ua 0 HER expenses: Dongirt dou shingle. Huarido tat dd. Things are more expensive now. (Our) expenses have increased a lot+[CC/N] ayn TR blurred eyes [SC/N] ud ydn qiho yl HLS SF YH to speak with flowery, deceiving words tou hin yn hua 53) hy BRI, dizzy inhua Rt eyes become blurred/cannot see clearly: Kinde w yuinhui. I've read so much that my eyes have become blurred. [SP/V] yin hud Udo Ludn BR. FC FH GLsacetca (by the sight of things) ns to transform, to disguise, -ize AG Iudehii 4 Uy R to abolish, to remove (prejudices): mem chéngjitm [cC/V] tr at véi you AUB Zy KR v0 convert enemy into friend Ina gangé wei yibet sh Af "beat swords into plowshares"/to put an ALF % aie EA end to war and have peace mathé AY, Bp to combine in chemical process: Muiihéul, (chemical) compound [cc/v] judaring {Y,% to disguise one's name, to adopt a pseudonym [V-0] huaehen x Yi y transmormation of Buddha in different manifestations, a per- sonification (of love, piety, etc.) [SC/N] mudeht AV, fossil [SC/N} Feucud ALS chemistry [SC/N] hnutiyaan 4 CBE to do chemical analysis [CC/V]; chemical analysis huey 4 U, Z to grow and change naturally [CC/V]; such growth and change Inu ahéng wee ling MME BP to break up whole into parts/to take care of things one by one Iudxzhuing 44x to apply makeup: Maahudngptn, cosmetics [V-0] niatutng ALAE to dress in disguise [V-0] bidomidnhud Ka AL, to bring to the surface chin feng Ind yih ALA the kindly influence of a good teacher hud BAG to worsen, to deteriorate fénghad At customs, public morals: fénghud qi, red-light district [CC/N] didomiaat 04 4L,Z- a beggar, also fidohuazt ox hunt Gulu BUY to Europeanize: Oukia jut, Europeanized sentences vénhud SAY, civilization, culture [CC/N] wtindathds By AY, te nodernize zdohua BAG creation, operation of nature, good luck: 2hd¢ dou shi nide ze! akohu. These are all your good luck. [CC/N] 56 cs wa to draw, to paint, to divide tuk bY¥ng chong jt & to draw a cake to satisfy hunger/a Barmecide BRIE ie huafen Zr to divide in parts [CC/V] Taal AK to write or draw spells or incantations [V-0] Ay mao 8 to sign affidavit [V-0] fu gut yr, hur gdu rin BAS) Zyae It is easier to paint a ghost than a dog. Jud hh 124 quén 2 RAGR Eo: PEAR ‘Clie, ELRSE HUE Looks! LIKE @ dop/ er fail to achieve what one set out to do, to describe something unsuccessfully hut indo 22 to draw a picture [V 0] “4 Tadd inbte Bh 4 to paint something very vividly fugit ZR a painter (SC/N] Iudjidng Ze (derogatory) commercial artist [SC/N] nasi Be to draw the boundary [V-0] juin tbrig itn jing HES % to add the pupil while painting the eye Bo m of a dragon/to make the critical touch ideo ey uf te sis one's name to indicate punctual arrival in office v-0 Foti Ze to draw eyebrows [V-0]; the grey thrush jade ohé tian af Fae, AL to paint a snake with feet/superfluous Tadaalis & op (courtesy) painter [SC/N] faded to paint, to draw [V-O]; a painting, a drawing Indacing AF to write a sign of assent, to give authorization [V-0] 4 to make a sign (especially of an illiterate) in lieu of signature [V-0] madydingat 2 q rough draft [SC/N]; to draw a model [V-0] Indtyt z= _ to standardize; uniform 87 huan to enjoy, to be joyful Kw to be happy, overjoyed [CC/V] to shout cheerfully: huanhi wansut, to shout bansat [CC/V] happy tiger cub/a lively child; 2h&ige widohdir hudnhiv side. This child is as happy and gay as a tiger cub. to have a happy reunion, to meet happily together: Dajia huang yt tdng. Everybody is happy together. [SC/V] to be happy, delighted [cc/sv] happy dragon (=hudnhitr) to give farewell party: hudnednghut, farewell party [SC/V] nui itn wt dt BRRE RL to be overjoyed rauonct eS inuarentdo pe udrectn Bess iS huanxin to be happy, delighted; to like: WO hudnat ta. I like her- (understatement for I love her) [CC/V] to laugh heartily [CC/V] joy, love [SC/N] to be exultant: hudnatn gist, to dance for joy [CC/SV] Iudnaigidne ie @, happy money/tips to servants on cele- bration hunt yh kudng Bee SBE crazy with happiness/overjoyed hrudinah Beas to meet for happy reunion [CC/V] happy countenance [SC/N] to entertain guests with banquet: hudnydn binke [CC/V] to welcome: shou huanyéng, to be well-liked, well received: 1a ndibén shit hin shdu hudnying. That book of his is well received. [SC/V] to enjoy oneself [C/V] to be pleased [CC/SV] to jump for joy [cc/v] to like [cC/V] hun to return, to repay to pay back [CC/V]; retribution to recover capital invested: gou hudnbén, to come out even [v-o] (of government) to return to the capital after exile [V-0] the soul returns, dead person revives [V-0] to haggle [V-0] to return courtesy [VO] to talk back [V-0] to return courtesy, to salute back, to give gift in return [v-0] to pay back money (owed to somebody) to repay in full [VC] hun rénging x ANG to make gift in return fudnehBu Ry to strike back [V-0] to return to secular life [V-0] to give a return dinner, to vomit after being drunk (to throw out what was eaten) [V-0] to return to one's native place [V-0] to return to life [V-0] to redeem a vow pledged before Buddha [V-0] to be restored to the original shape or position [V-0] to pay debt [V 0] to repay loan [V 0] to answer back in abuse or self-defense [V-0] 59 hut to return iudbos oH hutbio BEE inutae GB inter DRG nud gud (8) |B) ruth VES Iau Gta aR hut jin ¥) wR netting DIK iutkou YAO metit () FB tnutning QO hudehéng muctondu Ye) Ar to return a visit [VO] to bring back a report [V-0] to answer [CC/V]; a reply to look back {SC/V] to return to one's native country [V-0] to report (on errand), to answer charges [V-0] to return home [V 0] see you again (=huiidur jian) to send present in return, to propose a toast in return: huijing ytbei, to offer a drink in return [VO] a kickback [SC/N] to return a salute, to give a return gift [V-O] to return with message [V-0] echo [SC/N] to return a blow [V-0] nut tou ott on GYR to turn the head and there is the shore/ to repent and salvation is at hand iutedute) BBG, to turn the head; to repent, to reform [V-0]; later:Hudtdur inde TAF hudwiting Yo) #8, hutotn ME naive HE, iudyin % huteut 2) oe didn. See you later. [Adv] to savor enjoyment to recall, to reflect, to consider to answer a letter [V-0]; letter in reply to reminisce [SC/V] an answer, an echo [SC/N] to talk back, to retort [V-0] Ling at rut tou TBE) IR the prodigal son's return 60 & fut to have the ability to, to understand, to meet ust AYES racdnie RD 3h, ub fitton a L mint & fuk ke eB to assemble, to join forces [CC/V] conversation to meet, to see (visitor) [CC/V] nationally unified examination [SC/V,N] to see guests or visitors [V 0] ut 1a hut ehkng THe ey to know how to play a Chinese violin inudmitin A hutgt BH ructonang BF iudeht oh hutsht BE Iutshut AB 7K hutténg, a ) tats ° APH yt wud jit hut and to sing Chinese opera to meet face to face [V-0] to assemble: W3men zat Wdngjia huigt, rdnhdu chifa. We will assemble at the Wang's and then set out. to discuss together [CC/V] to join forces for battle, rendezvous [V-0] =huikiio to be good at swimming [V-0] jointly (manage): huitdéng guint to realize (the truth) [C/V] to meet or see personally [CC/V] It is going to rain. silent appreciation: fulsinde wéieito, a smile of under- standing to appreciate silently; one of the six principles of Chinese character formation [VO] to meet for great battle to pay the bill (as in a restaurant) [V 0] can do, knows how to do (something) [V 0] to have learned it [VC] Bae to learn quickly (of a fast learner) o1 hud: ia to live, to be alive, to be flexible 5 & 2 hud dio ldo, aué dio ldo, aué bilito Live to old age, learn to old age, can't learn everything tubdong 4 to move around, to exercise; to run for (an office): hudddng yi guan ban 2ht, to run about to get an official post [CC/V]} to be active [SV]; activities hy mudgat ay it served you right, one deserves (to be punished, etc.): Ta hudgat didi. Sh8i Jido ta neimo fudi ne. He deserves to be spanked. Who asked him to be so bad. Iud fidn gut $4 A® Utter nonsence! Impossible! tubid s&h] a drama in real life [SC/N] Iud kouait SS 404 a knot that can be easily untied Iudlu 3& YR a way out, a chance to live [SC/N] hudmdi. [YQ to bury alive [S¢/v] hubpo 5 ie to be lively, energetic [CC/SV] mdr 3G 2, work: gan hudr, to do work juud ohduant 33 Fh to suffer terribly Iusdshut 54 7\X__—sfresh current [SC/N] hud strén Pha walking corpae, a useless person iudtour ss, Bz. something worth living for: Lidn xt du binéng Rin, hdi ybu shénmo hudtour? What does one want to live for if he can't even go to the opera? inudye 2A loose leaf (album): fudye wéneuin, selected readings in loose leaf [SC/N] hudyong tA to make flexible use of [SC/V] indy 6 OD to be very active, lively: Ta adi shéngaht fangmitn hén hud- yu2. He is very active in politics.[CC/SV] ideo Ye = to capture alive [8C/V] ehéng Udng hud rit EB 4 live dragon and tiger/very much alive and vivid vinghuo $e As to raise (children), to support (parents); ydnghud, to bring life back to (orphan, animal, etc.) [VC] 62 dtehéng 7K a grand compendium dtgit ty to form a stock company [V-0] I gthé yo to assemble, to muster [CC/V] dthut Ba to hold a meeting [CC/V] itjtn 54 collection of choice items of art or quotations [VO/N] gtju Re to assemble in one place [CC/V] Haun Soph to centralize [VO]; centralization: Zhangyding ddqudn dt shko chéng dud BYARD “many a little makes a mickle" Gf st guitng yt B wR é to benefit by group discussion Gel Bye collective: Jdtt chuingzud, work done by many participants; ditt Llingdio, collective leadership; jiti Léngch’ng; collec- tive farm; j¢ti anqudn, collective security jttudn, 2g a group of persons or nations: gongchiin jitudn, the Commun- a ist block of nations; j¢tudn jiéhiin, mass wedding df yd chéng qt Ke pu, to make a garment by piecing together little pieces of fur/Many small contributions will make a great sum. sty Be to hold a meeting to discuss [CC/V] dtyou ga to collect postal stamps [V-0]: j¢ydujia@, a philatelist déshong - to concentrate: dishing shiyt, to concentrate one's mind [vo]; ¢¢zhongying, concentration camp gist B g to collect capital for a business enterprise [V-0] at z to record, to remenber a0 Herb to bear a grudge [V-0] itde BE, Ag to remember, can recall: W3 jide ta sh? ehéé. I remember who 2 he is. Haeng Ze SN) to give credit for meritorious work [V-0] Gtgua a4 to think of, to be concerned about [CC/V] digud Ze to give a demerit [V-0] dthaor a mark, a sign: Zudge jthaor ji bithut wingle. Make a sign DiS a so that we will not forget. [SC/N] gtlh BO to record [CC/V]; minutes of meetings aiming 3. to register the name: jiming tdupido, to sign one's name on ballot in voting [V-0] BLA sigh BOK to recall, to remember: jiqii jidomin, learn a lesson [CC/V] £ to record events [V-0]; written records, chronicles Pontrge, Zi to remenber things (the first time a child shows its memory): Neisht wd cdi jtshtr. At that time I began to remember things. [V-0] faiatat By F RK to put down in writing [VC] Geingr 32 y the memory power: Wode jiwingr thi hut. My memory is too ab Laan {sc/n] to remember [CC/V]; memories: jly21?, memory power (=gtwingr) = s ani & =e & to put down in writing [CC/V]; written records oy x au we as to make an entry in an account, to charge to an account[V-0] & st * dun dtehd & a newspaper reporter [SC/N] eel djizhu a fe to bear in mind: Jishu bié wang le. Keep this in mind and o don't forget. [VC] bYgt to take notes [SC/V]; notes to resort to rote memory [SC/V] to take shorthand [SC/V] fre a hee BY any ay Cea dia to add (to), to increase dia you Dore to double [V-0] to show favor [VO] addition (math.) [SC/N] to do extra work [VO]; processing [N]:shipin jiagong, food processing to inflict injury on (someone) [VO] sign of addition (+) to add a grade/to promote [V-0] to award praise [VO] to intensify, to become tense to join the league, alliance [V-0] to be coronated [V-0]; coronation to strengthen, to intensify [VO] to join, to enter [VC] to accelerate, to increase speed [VO] augment, to increase [CC/V] to De % We GH — co add salt and vinegar/to add freely to the original version in retelling to add 10%: widofeéi jiayi, to add 10% for tips [VO] to give special attention to: jidyt zhdohu, to give special care [VO] to apply the name chop or seal (on document) [V-0]; to make more printed copies [SC/V] to add oil, to fill gasoline [V 0] Gia your) Ao eB. to encourage, to root (football team) [V-0] tasking LoS to add weight, to increase (penalty) [VO] biin bin joa 2 BEE te JB be more severe, eruel, violent 65 dia to add (to), to increase gingdia B Ae all the more [Adv] yo Jia yo ehd bv — pa — Z% = one plus one is two. 66 jit q to see, to call on, to receive, to appear dian bude rén &X A A to be unpresentable Gitnat oe, perception, viewpoint: Zh2ige rén hén you jiimdi. This per- son is very clear-sighted. giim féng ahukn dud SH 4a to turn the rudder with the wind/to be an opportunist . aes " ey. dian fangr jiu aun #y% Reo see a crack, enters/to behave like a social climbef (a go-getter, a self-seeking person) ee Zz a Gtimgdodt Beit to see who beats whom, to see who is better sidngubt Ath to take offense: Qing bid jianguxi. Please don't blame me. [vo] git guat bit gut ¥ fy to become inured to the unusual, weird, or gut KS uncanny Stangul %, Bs to see the ghost/nonsense [V0]; also, hud jidngut faangid Be gianshi, viewpoint, and ZidojiZ, understanding, judgment {cc/N] ian Jing shéng ging ae we 4g to recall old memories at familiar sights dian qidn yin kat LE BFA (of blind person) to open his eyes to money Sitersdlco be influenced by money jidnging Ae (41lness) to get better: Tade bing jianqing le. He is get- ting better. Gian vén gitm ant YAz BX cach according to his lights , oe pe rén Ji oud yA HE E¥,to talk about it to whoever he sees jttmehi Am insight, judgement [CC/N] gian shtmian BY a to get to know the world Sian tianrt x Ke to see the sky and sun/injustice redressed fidrmaet 44 to be considered as an outsider: Qing nt biiydo jidmwat. Please don't treat me as an outsider.( used to urge one to accept gift or invitation) feo AA what one sees and hears, general knowledge: 74 jidrmén hdn guémg. His knowledge is very broad.[CC/N] 67 dian to see, to call on, to receive, to appear Z Gidnet 4 to get practical experience by actual work [CC/V] kangitn $B to see [VC] mbna J, to see in dream [VC] pongiéin BY Y , to run into (somebody, something) [VC] tingitan GB A to hear [VC] A, to smell [VC] yijion 3H Fy =pangjidn Aa Goodby [SC/V,N] s a % to speak, to discuss dtingdto Bh to preach, to moralize [V-0] gidnghé Ato to hold peace talks, to negotiate peace, to settle differ- ences amicably [V-0] stenghus HRs to talk informally [V-0] gidngjia(r) ae % to bargain over prices [V-0] iting jiaoqing LG to care about friendship, to gain special favor Ghrough friendship: WY jiding Jiaoqing bisfiding? Do you care about our friendship? Sidingjtd 23 to explain (as teacher to student) [CC/V] giingjiu BR to be particular about (clothing): jidngjiu chuan; matter oP FL to be taken into account [CC/SV]: Ta zheiyang aud, yiding ydu shénno jédngjiu. There must be something in his doing 80. jidngtt & SP to be reasonable; to settle disputes by appealing to reason % {v-0] feaing mianst a to be particular about appearances, to save someone's face [V 0] fidingming zB BA, to explain clearly [VC] dtinggit z 4 to study carefully, to delve into, to be fond of: ji&ngqit 4% wetbido, to pay special attention to appearances [CC/V] to ask for special favor, to intercede for Ging (rén) ging he fanother [V-0] gtdngshdu Baw to teach, to lecture, to offer (academic courses) [CC/V] didngtdt 33 y, a lecture platform, a lecturn [SC/N] oH oO dtangtdng &: ¥% a lecture hall, a classroom [SC/N] 3 ditnget Ey to hold discussion meetings, to conduct training classes ¥ {cc/v] jtdingeud Be to lecture on academic subjects [V-0] didngyin ew to lecture (to students), to give a public lecture [V-0]; a a lecture > z didngyt 3B % lecture notes, usually given to students [VO/N] 69 giao 3a to hand over, to exchange qe nn OF Jiao baiduane Z to F ¥B,,to hand in examination paper without answers jidoohat RE to render a report upon completion of an assignment [V-0] Gtaodait ZF AX to transfer duties: jidodit chaieht; to bid, to order: dJiaodai ta biiyto dudzut. Tell him not to talk too much. transfer: ban jidod&i, to work on the transfer gidodao KB personal relations: H8n ndn gén ta di jidodao. It's very hard to get along with him. didoné RE to have sexual intercourse [CC/V]; sexual intercourse didohuxn Rte to change, to interchange, to exchange: jiaohudn jidoshdu, HK exchange professor [CC/V] gidogt SORE social intercourse: jidojthuar, a social butterfly Jiaolid BEG to flow in opposite directions [SC/V]; alternating current; M+ interchange: wénhux Jiaoliz, cultural’ interchange BOAR to make friends [V-0] giaowing, social dealings, and qingyt, friendship/friend- ship [CC/N] to negotiate, to discuss [CC/V]; negotiation, discussion to talk with to come one after another: xin jit jéaott, come after the old have gone (in personnel shake-up) to whisper into each other's ears, to talk confidentially = ys diaowing RE to associate with [CC/V]; social or business dealings sido méfei EER to pay tuition BL to do business, to engage in trade: zhdngjun jidoytew, stock market Se didoy Siaoydu HE is to make friends [CC/V]; circle of friends gidoylin 7 diaoahkn HG to go to war: jidozhingud, belligerent [v-0] to have a spell of good fortune [V-0] ohéng. ja KK to close a business transaction [V-0] 70 o 0 to call, to hire, to permit dite okt ol x to call for takeout orders from restaurant [V-0] didooht oy oy to call to indicate a checkmate (chess) [V-0] dtzo daohtor ©! $2 nok to cry down a speaker or an actor [V-0] Gidogege OY aR ZI a singing grasshopper [N]; to call one's older brother[V-d] jiaohor oy BB, to shout "bravo" [V-0] jtzonio 4 3% to yell out, to shout out [6¢/v} jthohuan v4 of to shout [CC/V] dtaomiaat of 4, yt a beggar jiaojiade oy eal Ww a beggar (roving the streets and crying for pity) sidodd vy B to send for a prostitute or singsong girl to wait on table (Jiao tidozi) [v-0] giao ki lidn tian oy BRK to constantly complain of hardship dtdomeé vy 4B to cry goods for sale [CC/V] didomén oy ¥4 to call for a door to be opened, to knock on the door[V-0] gtroga vy &y to complain of unfair treatment [V-0] dido ta chiqu B44, 44K to let him go out gito tidozt By 4EL to call a prostitute to entertain (=jidoji) stdoniao PY zg to shout, to scream [CC/V] giao Zhangean oy ie to be called Chang San,to call Chang San didozt oy 4 a whistle dtdonthao 2Y ye gp (of business firms) winning goodwill through superior qual- ity of goods; (of person) earning popular respect for exemplary conduct gtdoauo 0H ABE to be called: Zhe¢ diu Jihosuo "st téo kil cht." This is called "self-inflicted hardship." Wimen ba Kongat jidozuo ght shéng xidn elt. We call Confucius the greatest sage and teacher. Jidonuby OY BBs to be popular, to have good box office [Vv0/SV] m1 He to connect, to conclude, to bear fruit oy steps YE cea diéban(r) ot diéchdu YEAH dikoin pe Jié fe fa qe AF. gidgou Sth sidguds RS gz Jibrin 4 dc stent Ye diétin At oer dtégin bee He siéens ph ay diéshéng U4 XG, didue BE Wy diéshang bt WE waite Oa gouiie ey) RE 72 to become sworn brothers or sisters to form companionships [V-0] to become enemies: gén shéi jidchdu? to leave a balance of: jiéciin yiqian-kudt qidn, leaves a balance of 1,000 dollars; such balance ERE partners by the first marriage construction, structure: dingbin jiégdu, verb-object construction (CC/N} to bear fruit [V-0]; to finish off, to kill (person) [VO] outcome, result [VO/N]; as a result [VO/Adv] to get married [V-0] the final outcome, the last act (of a play) [SC/N] summary, conclusion [SC/N] to unite in marriage [V-0] to forma club [V-0] to tie knots on cords as means of reckoning or recordkeep- ing before the invention of writing [V-0] to make the acquaintance of, to become friends with [CC/V] to wind up, to end (war, quarrel, etc.) [CC/V] =Jtéshang [CC/V] to graduate [V-0]; graduation to become deadly enemies [V-0] to lay the basis for future relationship or intimacy [V-0] to sign a treaty or agreement [V-0] to clear or close account [V-0] to fawn on, to toady to conspire, to work in collusion with até to dissect, to explain, to understand sitnae BER sitmene Be 9 52 soa jtésdn eh to justify one's action, to answer criticism [V-0] to relieve, to eliminate, to annul: jidchi hinyué, to annul an engagement (to marry) [CC/V] to answer (questions), to solve (problems) [CC/V] to deliver a prisoner under guard [V-O] to liberate, to set free: jidfang héin, to set the Negro slaves free [CC/V] to quench hatred, to get even with the enemy [V-0] to save [CC/V] to settle, to solve (problems), to put an end to the dif- ficulties, to kill a person off: xtdn ba ta ji&jué le. Take care of him first. [CC/V] to untie, to solve (a riddle) [VC] to dispel sadness, to kill time [V-0] to loosen the purse string/to donate money for worthy cause [V-0] to exhort, to calm down [CC/V] to scatter, to breakup, to dissolve (Parliament): Jdtéean ythut [cc/V] to explain, to clarify, to expound [CC/V]; an explanation to explain [CC/V]; an explanation to relieve oneself, to urinate [V-0] to disintegrate, to fall to pieces [V-0] to set free, to liberate from worldly cares [CC/V]; such liberation, freedom [CC/V] to raise seige, to save someone from embarrassment [V-O] to allay grief or sorrow [V-0] to annul a contract [V-0] 73 gin to advance, to enter, to present té jt HE sail & Finoton YE % dint B ER fat wae Ginahtin JY 74 to press hard [CC/V] to dispatch troops, to order an attack on the enemy [V-0] to make progress, to be progressive, to improve [VO/SV]; an improvement entrance and exit, receipt and expenditure {CC/N]; to go in and out [V] to mount an attack on (the enemy) [CC/V] to evolve, to develop [CC/V]; evolution an entrance, imports: jinkSuhub, imported goods [SC/N] income, revenue, receipts [SC/N] to receive money [V-0]; money received [SC/N] to make progress, to advance further and further, to be aggressive: jingilxin, enterprising mind [CC/V] to go in [VC], also used as complement to other verbs to gain entrance or to be admitted to some exclusive circle [VO] to_go forward or retreat/decision to do or not to do: jin tui lidng ndn, equally difficult to go on or retreat[CC/N] to offer incense [V-0] =jinkuin [Sc/N] to proceed, to advance, to make moves for an office: dinzing gongaub [CC/V] to pursue further studies, to take an advanced course[CC/V] to go to school [V-0] to offer suggestions, to make recommendations [V-0] to see (superior) [C¢/v] progress, improvement [SC/N] to advance, to make progress [CC/V]; advance, progress ff on 3 to advance, to enter, to present Pnatong SE OE to enter into account [V-0]; money income, receipts[SC/N] tingbustnquG® FE 7K can't stand listening to (something boring) [VC] 75 dh to raise, to start ME siiban Buy to initiate, to undertake, to sponsor [CC/V] dibing BR ty to take up arms [V-0] dtiohit # ye, te enumerate, to itemize, to elect [VC] dieu Bx an act, action, any measure taken [CC/N] gitdong eB $m act, a move, activity: yt dit yt dong, every move [CC/N] gape BR to expose (the wrongdoing of someone), to accuse publicly[Cc/V] sunt 3B 19) to give examples [V-0]; an example, illustration dt mis wi qin B 8 4, to be stranded in a foreign land, far away from < a” one's kin dt qt bi ding Hg 9 to hesitate about a chess move/shilly-shally igi tas BR RO to raise up (hands, flags, etc.) [Vc] Giteht # Wall the world: jiteh? uén ming, known all over the world, internationally famous [SC/N] jitent WBS to raise the standard of revolt (siiiy?) [V-0] dishdu & to raise hands: jilehdu zanchéng, to show approval by raising hands (for voting) [V-O] giteing a ae te put into operation, to hold (meeting, ceremony) [CC/V] gil yi flin san # -{Z to learn by analogy jitant # 3k. behavior, conduct: jiizht difang, to carry oneself in a grace~ ful manner [CC/N] Gliahong B } to lift weight [V-0]; weightlifting gitat By to give birth to a son: yt J dé at [v0]; a successful candi- date of old provincial examinations (=j1rén) git ah qing ahdng Bee to play decisive role duo of yt GX 4 yl - GF action unnecessarily taken gio i% héng af BPR 6 2h to raise the red flag high (PRC) audindt BHR co etect, an election (CC) yt gil Liting dé B aly one action two gains/to kill two birds with one 76 stone kat AA to open, to set in operation, to begin kaibukai fx A Pa] can't open tve] kao AX to draw the lottery [V-0] kat chéng bu gong Be AH Deo act with honesty and justice kaichit AR to expel (a student from school, a person from party member- ship) [C¢/V] eat danst PBF to make out a list [VO] xataso BAZ] to operate (surgical); to be operated on; to punish [V 0] kat féngsian A LB YA] to rent a hotel room (often for illicit love) eaiguan PEG — open-close/a switch [CC/¥] Katha wl AVL, to be civilized: ubikathud gué, , uncivilized country[CC/V] kai hud wi VY to start a boarding arrangement [V-0] kat hud wy KEE, to open fire (in a battle) [V-0] kat ku FA 1 to open mouth/to speak up: kaikdu di wido, to Laugh broadl: to break (dam) or (dam) breaks [V-0] kaikOucito A of open-mouth-smile/a kind of pastry kai lud PAA to begin beating the gong/to begin an opera [V-0] kai mén jiten shan BAP Zirh co open the door to see the mountain/to speak without beating around the bush kaiming PA liberal, enlightened, progressive [CC/SV] waiont PA 4B to begin, a beginning [CC] kai sindt BoA jx dbotled water [SC/N]; to turn on the water [V 0] katong FA to break through obstructions [VC]; liberal, modern-minded: Ta fionii hin kaitong. His parents are modern-minded. [CC/SV] xaitoun Ph BG GL to vegin [V0]; the beginning 2a udneido PR] HGR to poke fun at 7 kat to open, to set in operation, to begin a4 vat wi FAY katatao Ral H kiinin RAs axa AT Pf nbike = fal 78 to be appetizing [VO/SV]; to tease: Bid nd wS kaiwei. Don't tease me. [V-0] expenses: K@ixido hén di. The operating expenses are heavy. [cc/N} to make fun of somebody: Bid nd wd kaixin. Don't make fun of me. [V-0]; to be happy [SV] to open [VC] to take something away [VC] kan to look at, to examine, to read ktm bing 4k to see a doctor; to examine a patient [V 0] Rmbuohulat % 5 YAK cannot see clearly, cannot figure out: Kinbuchulat ta shi shéi, cannot figure out who he is [VC] Rianbilshinyttn 4a FENG Hf\to look disgusting, revolting Rimohitan Ag 9 =kemtdu {ve} andaile 4% 3 watch intensely [ve] eindegubyine $5 79438 OR R to look agreeable, passable kan fangtou KGB to watch the direction (head) of wind/to change one's Position on the basis of the situation at the moment (an opportunist) kinhio a ae to anticipate improvement [VC] kan héngle vin Ah F BR to behold so intensely that the eyes become reddish/ “to be jealous, to covet Reengitte 4: to serve wine: Chéfang! Kanjili! waiter! Serve the wine! [V-0] Ranke. 4 FA Beeb v0) kin miinat Ag G4. to watch the countenance of sgneone/to do something for, favor of someone: Yuobusht kin nide mitmai, wd edi bithut tt ta ban ndijian shi ne. If not for your sake, I would never do that for him. Ranging Ae to look down upon, to slight [VC] Ranshang Ze to have one's eye on, to have a liking for (a girl, an ob~ 2 ject): WY 2&no hui kimshang t@? How can you have a liking for her? [VC] kantou sh to see through (a trick, problem), to be no longer serious wo about it: 74 shénmo dou Kantdule, yiditinr y% biakihu. We has seen through everything. He doesn't care a bit. [VC] emstiing Fy Bf, to anticipate a rise in price [VC] kinahe bin Fy % to act as one sees fit: Zheijéan shi, n¥ kunzhe bin ba. On this matter, you do as you see fit. kinahng Af ~~ =kanehang [VC] Kanahbng sé to think greatly (of somebody, or his ida) [VC] 79 kang yy to resist tH kangal FBO to resist the enemy [V0] kanggao FUE to sue somebody at court [CC/V] vn 48h bh ty AY Rang Jié bh tu FBP A Peto maintain moral integrity and not to depend on others kangdte tite to resist: Women d&i kangit dirénde qinlu®. We must resist the enemy's aggression. [CC/V] kénglin FL to make brave defense against opposite views [SC/V] mt THK to carry rice on shoulders [V 0] kemgming HH to defy order: Stltng yo nt qh, nt ke binéng kamgming bigh. The commander wants you to go. You shouldn't defy his order. [v-0] Kang ming Ji LRA defy the order and to oppose the enemy kengqilat FH Ee hide away: Bi shdbao dongei kimgqilat ba. You'd better hide this package away. [VC] Kangshengsh HER anti-biotics Ringohtant Fi pKa Wk, water-proof paper kengohut HF to refuse to pay tax [V-0] Ranguet. aay to fight to defend [C/V] Ringyt Fit Lz, to,protest [V-0]; a protest; NE yingdang tichit Rngy’ oft dui. It won't be right if you don't lodge a formal protest. Reengyks st =Rngedi [CC/V] kémgzhan gy ~ war of resistance (from king ri zhlnzhéng, war of resisting FB, Japan) [SC/N]; Women kngle banién de ahdn cdi bY RIbEn dibdt le. Not until we fought eight years of war did we de- feat Japan [V-0] Kang ahi bu qit HESS, to maintain moral integrity and never submit to the erooked/to be a man of lofty ambition and high virtue fan ting king 1% BEAMFF co meet as equals: WE cht shéi? 2Bnno gin gen ta fen ting king Lf ne? Who are you? How dare you meet with him as equals? 80 kao to examine, to take a test Khoohd oe to inspect [C/V]; an inspection khoding Bz to study and settle problems of age, authoriship, edition, and textual differences [CC/V] Riogtt x g to work as an archaeologist: WO méngnian yo dho Zhongguo qu Kaogi. I am going to China to do some archaeological work next year. [VO]; archaeology (also kdogiiaué) kogth BR to be exquisite: Jade yishang shen Kiojtl. Her dresses really exquisite; to be fastidious about: Ta shén kio, chuan. She is really fastidious about clothing. [CC/sv]; to examine carefully: Ba yudnyin kkojtuchiilat jiu shtdao shi zénmo hut sht le. When we find out the reasons (we) will know what it is all about. [CC/V] Kosh x Be to do research (particularly on textual criticism), to seek proofs for data [CC/V] Kiojuan(r) BER. examination paper [SC/N] aot 4 7. to consider, to think over: Zhéjian shi, nt d&i h¥ohdorde > kaolikaolii. Regarding this matter, you must think it over carefully. [CC/V] nt B RK to examine and search for (conditions, origin, relations, etc.): kdoqid bingyudn, to search for the cause of disease [ec/v] Rog #& JX. __—to pass an examination (=Kiosh2ng) [VC] kizoshiing & to pass an examination: Téidhde rhwué koeht ni Ktoshangle 4 méiyou? Did you pass the entrance examination for Taiwan University? [VC] Khosh? ww 2) to examine, to take an examination [VO]; examination rio oni EE to examine on books studied [V 0] Kaowen BRA to interrogate [CC/V] Kho auéatdéo £8 BH to take a school entrance examination Kaoyan #. Um to test: Shidii kaoy’n qingnian. This age is putting (our) oe youth to the test. [CC/V]; a test: 7 quédian tui dud, sht Gingbugt kioytn de. He has too many shortcomings. He just cannot stand the test. Koy AE remark giving opinion on test paper, written conments[SC/N] 81

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