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Energy-Efficient Resource Optimization for OFDMA-Based

Multi-Homing Heterogenous Wireless Networks

Journal: Transactions on Signal Processing

Manuscript ID T-SP-19881-2015

Manuscript Type: Regular Paper

Date Submitted by the Author: 03-Dec-2015

Complete List of Authors: Wu, Weihua; Xidian University, School of Telecommunications Engineering

Yang, Qinghai; Xidian University, School of Telecom Engineering

Gong, Peng; Beijing Institute of Technology, School of Mechatronical
Kwak, Kyung Sup; Inha University, Korea, School of Information and


127. SPC-MULT Multi-carrier, OFDM, and DMT communications < SPC



Page 1 of 13

6 Energy-Efcient Resource Optimization for
OFDMA-Based Multi-Homing Heterogenous
11 Wireless Networks
13 Weihua Wu, Student Member IEEE, Qinghai Yang, Peng Gong, and Kyung Sup Kwak
16 AbstractIn heterogeneous wireless networks (HetNet), the efcient resource utilization. With multi-homing capability,
17 multi-homed user equipments (UE) utilize multiple access options the user equipments (UE) can maintain multiple simultaneous
(AO) simultaneously and aggregate the offered resources from connections with different AOs in the heterogeneous wireless
18 different AOs so as to support the same application, such as media
19 streaming. Two important challenges of the resource optimization network (HetNet) and increase the data transmission rates by
20 in this context are: 1) determining the connection results between aggregating the bandwidth available at these AOs.

21 UEs and AOs, and 2) determining the amount of radio resources There are many benets for using the multi-homing service
22 that AOs should allocate to UEs. In this paper, we investigate the in HetNet [5]. Firstly, dividing the media trafc over multiple
energy-efcient resource optimization for the HetNet with multi- AOs increases the amount of aggregate bandwidth available to
23 homed UEs. Firstly, the energy-efcient resource optimization is
24 formulated as an energy efciency (EE) maximization problem. the UE and hence improves the quality of the delivered service.

25 Secondly, the non-concave objective function of EE maximization Secondly, sending media content packets over multiple AOs
26 is converted by a fractional programming theory into a convex can reduce the correlation between consecutive packet losses
27 optimization problem. Considering that the connection results due to transmission errors. Finally, multi-homing service al-
between UEs and AOs correspond to certain network topology lows for better mobility support, which signicantly reduces
28 congurations, the convex optimization problem is decomposed
29 the probability of an outage when communication is lost with

into a topology building problem and a resource allocation

30 problem, which are proved combination optimization and mixed the current serving network due to user mobility out of its
31 integer nonlinear optimization respectively. Then the Markov coverage area.
32 approximation framework and continuity relaxation method are Because of its robustness on frequency-selective fading
employed for solving the two problems respectively. Finally,

33 channels and its efcient hardware implementation, orthog-

a joint topology building and resource allocation algorithm
34 is proposed for optimizing the AOs radio resource energy- onal frequency division multiple access (OFDMA) has been
35 efciently. Simulation results validate the theoretical analysis of successfully adopted in various wireless technology, such as
36 our proposed scheme. 3GPP-LTE, WiMAX, and WLAN [6]. Since the UEs multi-
37 Key words: energy efciency, multi-homing, media transmission homing capability and heterogenous AOs characteristics, there
38 are many technical challenges in the resource optimization of
39 an OFDMA-based HetNet. First, AOs consume the highest

40 I. I NTRODUCTION proportion of energy in HetNet [7]. It is noteworthy that more

41 The wireless industry is preparing for an astounding 1000- than 80% of the input energy in a typical wireless network is
42 fold increase in media applications generated by smartphones, dissipated as heat. Generally, the useful output power is only
43 tablets and machine-type communication devices in the last around 5% to 20% of the input power [8]. Therefore, with

44 decades [1]. Supporting these media applications while max- respect to both nancial and environmental aspects, EE has
45 imizing the wireless network resource (e.g., power, band- become a key performance metric for multi-homing service
46 width) utilization is a signicant challenging task [2][3]. in HetNet. Because the non-convexity of the EE function,
47 Multi-homing service [4] has been recognized as a promising the optimal resource optimization cannot be obtained by the
48 technology to meet the balance between stringent quality- conventional convex optimization algorithms. Second, differ-
49 of-service (QoS) requirements for media transmission and ent AOs in HetNet have different power amplier efciencies
50 and circuit powers. That is, sending data on a certain set
51 *This work was supported by National Research Foundation of Korea- of AOs may not be energy-efcient. These arguments have
Grant funded by the Korean Government (Ministry of Science, ICT and indeed motivated the problem of determining the optimal
52 Future Planning)-NRF-2014K1A3A1A20034987), and NSF China (61471287,
53 61201180), Beijing NSF (4132055). connection set of AOs for each UE. Besides, different con-
54 W. Wu, Q. Yang are with State Key Laboratory of ISN, School of nection results between AOs and UEs correspond to different
Telecommunications Engineering, Xidian University, No.2 South Taibai Road, network topologies of HetNet. Thus, the resource optimization
55 Xian, 710071, Shaanxi, China. (
56 P. Gong is with National Key Laboratory of Mechatronic Engineering and includes nding an optimal network topology of the HetNet,
57 Control, School of Mechatronical Engineering, Beijing Institute of Technol- that results to a combination optimization problem, which
ogy, Beijing, China.( is NP-hard [9]. Third, with the binary allocation variables
58 K. S. Kwak is with the Graduate School of Information Technology
59 and Telecommunications, Inha University, #253 Yonghyun-dong, Nam-gu, of the OFDMA subcarrier, the resource allocation problem
60 Incheon, 402-751, Korea. (Email: across various AOs often leads to a mixed-integer nonlinear
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5 programming, which typically has prohibitive computational [14] for minimizing the total time required to satisfy the user
6 complexity [10]. According to the analysis above, the energy- trafc demands. In the aforementioned works (i.e. [11]-[14]),
7 efcient resource optimization problem includes the allocation all the resource allocation schemes are considered that one
8 of AOs subcarrier and transmit power resources and as well UE is served by at most one AO. Compared to this research
9 nding the optimal network topology of the HetNet. While, direction, we consider a HetNet with multi-homed UEs, where
10 the mentioned factors present difcult challenges to solve the one UE is served by a set of AOs. For this direction, the
11 energy-efcient resource optimization problem in OFDMA- optimal resource allocation algorithm was proposed in [6] for
12 based HetNet. As explained in Section II, no existing works parallel transmission utilizing multiple AOs of HetNet. With
13 are directly applicable to provide a tractable solution for this the assumption that users can communicate with multiple AOs
14 problem. simultaneously, the iterative resource allocation algorithm in
15 In this paper, we investigate the energy-efcient resource [15] maximized the EE for each UE while guaranteeing its
16 optimization for OFDMA-based HetNet with multi-homed quality-of-service (QoS) requirement. A joint user association
17 UEs. Firstly, we formulate the energy-efcient resource op- and resource allocation algorithm was developed in [16] for
18 timization as an EE maximization problem. We apply the maximizing the EE of a multi-stream carrier aggregation
19 nonlinear fractional programming to convert the EE maximiza- system. The performance gain for maximizing the quality
20 tion into a convex optimization problem. Considering that the of experience was achieved in [17] by an integrate resource

21 connection results between AOs and UEs correspond to cer- allocation algorithm across 3GPP, WiFi and other technologies
22 tain network topology congurations, the convex optimization simultaneously. However, in these scenarios [6], [15]-[17],
23 problem is decomposed into a resource allocation problem the network topology of HetNet is xed and the UEs cannot
24 and a topology building problem, which are proved mixed change the connected AOs set. Generally, the UEs with multi-

25 integer nonlinear optimization and combination optimization homing capability can stay in an AO or handover to another
26 respectively. Then, we employ the Markov approximation AO for achieving more EE performance gain. Therefore,
27 framework and continuity relaxation method for solving the the optimal connection set of AOs for each UE should be
28 two problems respectively. determined.
29 The main contributions of this paper are outlined as follows: As previously mentioned, the multi-homing service in

30 We prove that the continuity relaxation method obtains HetNet has received growing attentions. The video packet
31 the optimal power and subcarrier allocations of the scheduling algorithm in [18] selectively dropped some packets
32 OFDMA-based HetNet. under battery energy limitation, and assigned the most valuable

33 The transition rate of topology conguration is designed packets to different radio interfaces in order to minimize
34 through which each UE hops among the possible set the video quality distortion. A trafc splitting strategy was
35 of available AOs towards the optimal network topology developed in [19] to guarantee a balance between energy
36 conguration. consumption and rate based on the application service re-
37 The joint topology building and resource allocation algo- quirements. An energy management sub-system was proposed
38 rithm is developed to allocate the radio resource energy- in [5] for UEs to support a sustainable multi-homing video
39 efciently. transmission in a heterogeneous wireless access medium. The

40 The rest of the paper is organized as follows: Section II multi-homing media transmission scheme in [20] minimized
41 presents the related works. The network model and problem the video distortion through congestion window adaption,
42 formulation are given in Section III. In Section IV, we intro- ow rate allocation and data retransmission. The tradeoff
43 duce the energy-efcient joint topology building and resource- between EE and spectral-efciency was achieved in [21] by

44 allocation scheme. Section V presents the simulation results controlling the trafc splitting probability of a multi-homing
45 to evaluate the proposed scheme. The conclusions are drawn media transmission process. All these works were based on
46 in Section VI. the scheduling of media trafc, while the resource allocation
47 and the network topology conguration was not explored. To
II. R ELATED W ORKS the best our knowledge, this is the rst paper to study the joint
49 Our work in this paper lies along the intersection of research resource allocation and the network topology conguration for
50 contexts: 1) resource allocation for HetNet, and 2) multi- OFDMA-based multi-homing HetNet.
51 homing media transmission.
There exists a large body of works conducted in resource- III. S YSTEM M ODEL
53 allocation for HetNet. For example, a distributed resource- In this section, we rst introduce the network model of
54 allocation algorithm was developed in [11] for minimizing HetNet including the denition of EE. Next, we discuss
55 the total required power resource. An EE-maximization power the problem formulation for energy-efcient joint network
56 allocation technique was proposed in [12] for the uplink of topology building and resource allocation in HetNet.
57 multi-user two-tier OFDMA HetNets. The waterlling-like
algorithm in [13] obtained the optimal power allocation results A. Network Model
59 in small cell networks with backhaul constraints. A joint user We consider a HetNet integrating N AOs and M UEs.
60 association and resource allocation algorithm was proposed in The UE is equipped with multiple radio interfaces and multi-
Page 3 of 13

5 aggregation of the transmission rate on the multiple paths
6 should be larger than Rreq , so that the rate constraint is given
7 as1 Rm Rreq , m M.
9 B. Energy Efciency
10 Traditional resource optimization schemes that maximize
11 the HetNet EE have only focused on the transmit power that
12 actually carries data. While, circuit components power con-
13 sumption, which result in so-called circuit power consumption,
14 in all AOs are neglected. This part of power plays important
15 Fig. 1. System model of HetNet. role in determining the EE of the HetNet. According to the
16 description in [24], the total power consumption Pn for AO
17 n transmitting to the UEs m M is mainly related to the
18 homing capable. As a result, the UE can establish communi- transmit power pkn,m for AO n to UE m on subcarrier k and
19 cation with multiple AOs simultaneously and employ them circuit power pcn,m for establishing connection between AO
20 for media content transmission. The end-to-end connection n and UE m. Therefore, the total power consumption can be

21 can be constructed by binding a pair of IP address from the obtained by

media content server and the UE, respectively. We assume that, Pn = xkn,m pkn,m + pcn,m , n N , m M. (4)
23 in multi-homing networks, different AOs operate in different mMcn kJn mMcn
24 bandwidths (e.g., 2.4 GHz for WiFi, 1.8-2.3 GHz for HSPA)

25 [22]. Thus the inter-AOs interference does not exist in multi- In practice, the transmit power available at the AO, denoted
26 homing networks. Let N = {1, 2, , N } denote the set of by Pnmax , is limited. Thus the total transmit power at AO n
27 AOs and M = {1, 2, , M } denote the set of UEs. Due to should satisfy
28 the practical limits in multi-homing capable, we consider that  
xkn,m pkn,m Pnmax , n N . (5)
29 each UE m (AO n) can connect to the set of Nm AOs (Mcn

mMcn kJn
30 UEs) from the available AOs set N (UEs set M) under the
31 current network topology conguration c. Let C denote the set Note that the total transmission energy is proportional to
32 of entire possible HetNet topology conguration, where each the total power consumption, the is depicted as the ratio of

33 conguration c C is a set of links which connect all of the the sum transmission rate to the corresponding total power
34 UEs and AOs. consumption (unit: bits/watt):
35 Borrowing from OFDMA terminology, the radio resources C(c, x, p)
36 of AOs include subcarrier and transmit power. Let Jn be the = (6)
P (c, x, p)
37 subcarrier set of AO n, and its number is written as Jn . Let  
|gn,m |2 pk
38 binary variable xkn,m be the indicator function for allocation of mM c
kJn xn,m n log 1+ 2

39 subcarrier k in AO n to UE m. Let gn,m  ,

be the channel gain   

40 for AO n to UE m on subcarrier k and pkn,m be the transmit nN mMcn
k k
kJn xn,m pn,m + mMcn pn,m
41 power. Then, the maximum achievable data rate between AO
42 n and UE m on subcarrier k can be expressed as where x = [xn ]1N , xn = [xkn,m ]|Mcn |Jn 2 and p =
43   [pn ]1N , pn = [pkn,m ]|Mcn |Jn represent the feasible subcar-
|gn,m |2 pkn,m

44 k k
rn,m = xn,m n log 1 + , (1) rier and power allocation polices, respectively.
45 2
46 C. Motivation and Problem Formulation
where n is the network efciency depending on the decoder
47 From Eq. (1), we note that the transmission rate is a
efciency of an AO, is the capacity gap from the Shannon
48 logarithmic function of the transmit power, so that a small
channel capacity, and 2 is the noise power. Since each
49 increase of the transmission rate (when transmitting data
subcarrier is allocated orthogonally in AO n, we have
50  between AO n and UE m) incurs a great increase of transmit
51 xkn,m 1, xkn,m {0, 1}, k Jn , n N . (2) power consumption, especially when the channel between AO
52 mMcn and UE suffers severe fading. Additionally, different AOs
53 Thus, the sum-rate for UE m when served by the set of Nm c have different network efciencies and circuit powers. That
54 AOs is given as is, sending data on a certain set of AOs may not be energy-
55   efcient. These arguments have indeed motivated the problem
56   k
|gn,m |2 pkn,m
Rm = xn,m n log 1 + . (3) 1 The constraint is based on the stream technique of multiple description
57 c
nNm kJn coding (MDC), where the media content stream is splitting into multiple
58 req equally important ows [23]. A high-quality reconstruction is decodable from
59 Let Rm denote the data requirement of UE m M. In all ows together.
order to reconstruct the media content successfully, the rate- 2 |S| is the cardinality of set S.
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5 of determining the optimal set of AOs, for each UE, and Lemma 1. The joint topology building and resource allocation
6 computing the optimal transmit power between AOs and UEs decisions achieve the optimal EE if and only if
7 for improving the EE of the network. Thus, joint topology
8 building and resource allocation problem is formulated as max C(c, x, p) opt P (c, x, p)
C(c, x, p) = C(c , x , p ) opt P (c , x , p )
10 max (7)
11 P (c, x, p) = 0,
subject to where c , x and p are the optimal solutions of the optimiza-
 tion problem in (7)-(11).
xkn,m 1, xkn,m {0, 1}, k Jn , n N , (8) Proof: Please refer to Appendix A for the proof.
16   Lemma 1 shows that optimization problem (7)-(11) is
17   k
|gn,m |2 pkn,m equivalent to the following optimization problem if the optimal
xkn,m n log 1+ req
Rm , m M,(9)
18 c kJ
2 value opt is given.
nNm n
20 xkn,m pkn,m Pnmax , n N , (10) max C(c, x, p) opt P (c, x, p) (12)

21 mMcn kJn s.t. (8) (11),

22 c C, (11)
23 However, opt cannot be obtained in advance. In this paper,
24 where constraint (8) guarantees the orthogonality of subcarrier we propose a iterative algorithm (Algorithm 1) to update

25 allocation in an AO, constraint (9) ensures that the rate- with ensuring the feasibility of (8)-(11) in each iteration.
26 aggregation of multiple transmission rate received at the UE For solving problem (12), we design a function as F () =
27 is larger than the rate requirement, constraint (10) is the max- max C(c, x, p) opt P (c, x, p). The function shows that
28 imum transmit power constraint for each AO and constraint solving optimization problem (12) is equivalent to nding
29 (11) represents the bounded HetNets topology constraints. the root for nonlinear equation F () = 0. To apply this

30 Intuitively, there are many technical difculties for solving equivalence properly in our case, we introduce the following
31 problem (7)-(11). First, problem (7)-(11) is a non-convex lemma.
32 optimization problem due to the fractional forms of the EE
Lemma 2. F () can converge to zero by using an iteration

33 function, which cannot be solved by the conventional convex

34 optimization algorithms. Second, the binary variables x makes algorithm with a linear convergence rate.
35 the problem (7)-(11) a mixed integer nolinear programming Proof: Please refer to Appendix B for the proof.
36 problem whose computing complexity increases exponentially Following from Lemma 2, we propose Algorithm 1 to
37 with the number of binary variables [25]. Third, nding an solve problem (12) by updating in each iteration.
38 optimal network topology c for the HetNet is a combinatorial
39 optimization problem, which is challenging to solve especially

Algorithm 1 EE-Based Resource Allocation

40 when the HetNet contains a large numbers of nodes, i.e. AOs
Initialization Set maximum iteration number Imax ,
41 or UEs.
convergence condition  and iteration index i = 1;
Set 1 = 0 and begin iteration (Outer Loop);

44 R ESOURCE -A LLOCATION Solve the joint topology building and resource

allocation problem with k (Inner Loop);
46 In this section, we propose an effective method to solve obtain ci , xi , pi , C(c, x, p) and P (c, x, p);
47 problem (7)-(11), where we rst exploit the non-linear frac- if |C(ci , xi , pi ) k P (ci , xi , pi )|  then
48 tional programming for converting the objective function in Set {c , x , p } = {ci , xi , pi } and opt = i ;
49 problem (7)-(11) into a convex function, upon which we break
50 develop a joint topology building and resource allocation else i
51 algorithm to solve this EE performance maximization problem. ,xi ,pi )
Set i+1 = C(c P (ci ,xi ,pi ) and i = i + 1;
end if
53 A. Equivalent Transformation end for
55 With the denition of EE, optimization problem (7)-(11) can
56 be classied as a non-linear fractional programm [7]. The EE It can be seen that there are two nested loops executed
57 performance of the HetNet can be dened as a non-negative in Algorithm 1. At the Outer Loop, i+1 is iterated with
58 variable = C(c,x,p) ci , xi , pi obtained in the Inner Loop. At the Inner Loop, the
P (c,x,p) . In addition, the optimal EE is dened
59 C(c,x,p) optimal joint topology building and resource allocation policy
as opt = max .
60 (8)(11) P (c,x,p) under a given i is obtained by solving the following problem.
Page 5 of 13

5 subject to
xkn,m 1, 0 xkn,m 1, k Jn , n N , (19)
7 max C(c, x, p) P (c, x, p) (13)
8 s.t. (8) (11),  
9   k
|gn,m |2 skn,m
xkn,m n log 1+ req
Rm , m M, (20)
10 After the transformation, the difculty for solving problem c kJ
xkn,m 2
nNm n
11 (7)-(11) turns into solving problem (13) at given . In problem  
12 skn,m Pnmax , n N , (21)
(13), constraints (8)-(10) are independent of constraint (11),
13 mMcn kJn
which allows us to decompose it into two problems: resource
14 allocation and topology building. In resource allocation prob- skn,m 0, n N , k Jn , m Mcn . (22)
15 lem, subcarriers allocation across multiple AOs is performed
16 We obtain that problem (18)-(22) is convex optimization, since
assuming a xing network topology. Also, optimal power it is the difference of a linear function and a convex log
17 allocation of each UE is considered. In topology building
18 function. Furthermore, since the feasible set of constraint (20)
problem, the transition rate of topology conguration is de- is a convex set and the constraints (21) is afne functions,
19 signed through which each UE hops among the possible set
20 the Slaters condition is always satised, leading to a zero
of available AOs for achieving the optimal EE of the HetNet.

21 Lagrange duality gap [29].

Next, we will describe the two problems in detail. 2) Lagrange Dual Solution: We relax the rate constraint
23 (20) and the power constraint (21) by introducing dual vari-
24 B. Resource Allocation ables m and un , respectively, obtaining the following La-

25 grange function
Fixing topology c, we obtain the following resource alloca-
26 L(s, x, , u) = (23)
tion problem.  
|gn,m |2 skn,m
28 xkn,m n log 1+
max C(x, p) P (x, p) (14) xkn,m 2

mM c
nNm kJn

subject to    
31 skn,m + pcn,m
32  nN mMcn kJn mMcn
xkn,m 1, xkn,m {0, 1}, k Jn , n N , (15)

mMcn    |g k
| 2 k
34   m Rm
xkn,m n log(1+
n,m n,m
35   k
|gn,m |2 pkn,m xkn,m 2
xkn,m n log 1+ req
Rm , m M, (16) mM c
36 c kJ
38 xkn,m pkn,m Pnmax , n N . (17) un skn,m Pnmax ,
39 mMcn kJn nN mMcn kJn

40 where = [m ]1M and u = [un ]1N .

41 Obviously, problem (14)-(17) is a mixed-integer non-linear The dual function is given by
42 convex programming, which typically has prohibitive com-
43 putational complexity. Similar joint subcarrier and resource h(, u) = max L(s, x, , u), (24)


44 allocation problem can be found in [11][12] without consider-

ing the characteristics of multi-homed UEs, and in [26] with s.t. xkn,m 1, k Jn , n N ,
subcarrier and power allocation being optimized separately. mMcn
47 Our approach is based on primal-dual decomposition method 0 xkn,m 1, k Jn , n N , m Mcn ,
48 in [27][28]. Moreover, the special structure of our optimization skn,m 0, n N , k Jn , m Mcn ,
49 problem allows us to derive the optimal solution.
50 1) Continuity Relaxation: We rst relax xkn,m to the con- and the dual problem of (18)-(22) is
51 tinuous interval [0, 1] and further introduce a new variable min h(, u). (25)
52 skn,m = xkn,m pkn,m for UE m and subcarrier k in AO n. Then ,u0

53 we can rewrite problem (14)-(17) as It is well known that the minimum of (25) equals to the
54   maximum of (18)-(22). Therefore, we can solve (24) and (25)
55    k
|gn,m |2 skn,m for nding the optimum , u, s and x.
max xkn,m n log 1+ (18)
56 c kJ
xkn,m 2 With using the Karush-Kuhn-Tucker (KKT) conditions on
mM nNm
57 n
Eq. (23), the relationship between s and x can be written as
58      +
skn,m + pcn,m k n (m + 1) 2
59 sn,m = k |2
xkn,m (26)
60 nN mMcn kJn mMcn (un + ) ln 2 |gn,m
Page 6 of 13

5 where [x]+ = max{0, x}. 3) Primal Recovery: Given the optimal dual variable
6 Then, substituting Eq. (26) into Eq. (24), we obtain Eq. (27) and u , we need to recover the optimal solutions to (18)-
7 in the top of next page. (22). Motivated from [30], we discuss the recover process for
8 Letting AO n. A similar process can be applied to the other AOs.
9   +  We dene kn (n , u ) = maxmMcn {kn,m (n , u )}. Let us
10 k
|gn,m |2 n (m + 1) 2 denote Cnk = {m : kn,m (n , u ) = kn (n , u )}. If |Cnk | = 1,
n,m = n log 1+
11 2 (un + ) ln 2 |gn,mk |2
there is only exactly one maximizer for subcarrier k of AO
12   + n in (28). We need to uniquely allocate subcarrier k to UE
n (m + 1) 2
13 k |2
m Cnk , i.e., setting xkn,m = 1. Since the optimal solutions xn,
(un + ) ln 2 |gn,m
 and pn to (28) are unique, thus it is also optimal for (18)-(22).
k  + 
15 |gn,m |2 n (m + 1) 2 If |Cnk | > 1, then we connot decide how to assign subcarrier
+n m log 1+ k among the UEs, because that there will be a lot numbers of
16 2 (un + ) ln 2 |gn,mk |2
17  + choices for the primal variables to maximize (28), not all of
18 n (m + 1) 2 which are optimal or even feasible. Fortunately, the probability
un k |2
19 (un + ) ln 2 |gn,m of the case above is zero. That is to say we can uniquely
20 recover the optimal xkn,m at given n and u .
we nally rewrite Eq. (24) as

21    Theorem 1. Given the optimal n and u , for each subcarrier

22 h(, u) = max kn,m xkn,m (28) k, the probability that more than one kn,m (n , u ) is equal to
23 c kJ
mM nNm n
kn (n , u ) in the continuous fading channel model is zero.
+ Pnmax pcn,m req
m Rm , Thus we can recover the optimal xkn,m at given n and u

25 nN nN mMcn mM uniquely with probability 1.

27 s.t xkn,m 1, 0 xkn,m 1, k Jn , n N . Proof: We assume that kn,ml (n , u ) = kn (n , u ) and
28 mMcn that there exist f = l such that kn,mf (n , u ) = kn (n , u ).
29 This is a classical linear assignment problem. The optimal Then we analyze the relation between n,ml (n , u ) and the

k k
30 xn,m can only be among the extreme points in the constraint channel gain gn,ml . It is not difcult to see that n,ml (n , u )
31 set, i.e., 0 or 1. Thus after continuity relaxation on xn,m , we is a non-at function regarding to gn,ml , i.e., there is no
32 can still obtain optimal solution that is binary. It is easy to see contain horizontal line segment for n,ml (n , u ) regarding

33 that an optimal solution is to gn,ml . Therefore, there is at most one countable set of
34  values for gn,m to allow kn,ml (n , u ) = kn,mf (n , u ).
35 1, m = argmaxmMnc {kn,m , k Jn , n N }; l
xn,m = (29) We denote the set of those values as Nn,ml . Due to the
36 0, otherwise. fact that the continuous fading channel state can take an
37 k k
Because skn,m = xkn,m pkn,m , after computing the optimal uncountable number of values, we have Pr{gn,m k

subcarrier allocation x , the optimal power allocation p can 0. Then we obtain the solution that Pr{n,ml (n , u )} =
39 kn,mf (n , u ) = kn (n , u )} = 0.

be obtained from Eq. (26).

40 4) Optimality With Respect to (14)-(17):
The optimal values of and u are determined by solving
the dual problem (25). By using a gradient descent method, Theorem 2. x and p are the optimal subcarrier and power
the optimal values of and u are given by allocations of optimization problem (14)-(17).


44 k+1
m = km (30) Proof: Since optimization problem (18)-(22) is a relaxed
45 + version of optimization problem (14)-(17), the optimum of
46   k
|gn,m |2 pkn,m
+ Rm req
xkn,m n log(1+ ) , (18)-(22) should be larger than that of problem (14)-(17). In
47 c
2 addition, the optimal solution to the continuity relaxed problem
 k (18)-(22) satises the constraints (15)-(17). We then formulate
49 un = un (31) the optimum of problem (18)-(22) is also the optimum of
50 problem (14)-(17).
51 + xkn,m pkn,m Pnmax ,
52 C. Markov Approximation for Topology Building
mMcn kJn
53 According to the strategy in subsection above, the resource
54 where and are sufciently small positive step-sizes, k is allocation problem under topology conguration c is solved.
55 the iteration index and as well []+ denotes the projection of For solving the topology building problem, we use U (c) to
56 [] onto the nonnegative orthant. Since the gradient of (25) represent the optimal value of problem (14)-(17), which shows
57 satises the Lipchitz continuity condition, the convergence of the utility under topology conguration c. It is then left to solve
58 (30) and (31) towards the optimal and u is guaranteed
[29]. Hence, the power allocation p converges to the optimal max U (c) (32)
60 solution. s.t c C. (33)
Page 7 of 13

5    k
|gn,m |2 n (m + 1) 2
6 L(, u) = max xkn,m n
log 1+
c kJ
2 (un + ) ln 2 |gn,m k |2
7 mM nNm n

8     n (m +1) 2
9 xkn,m + pcn,m
(un + ) ln 2 |gn,m k |2
10 nN c
mMn kJn mMn c

  n (m + 1) 2
un k |2
xkn,m Pnmax
13 (u n + ) ln 2 |g n,m
nN mMcn kJn
   k 2  + 
15 |g n,m | n ( m + 1) 2

16 m Rm req
xkn,m n log 1+
2 (un + ) ln 2 |gn,m k |2
mM nNmkJn
18 s.t xn,m 1, 0 xkn,m 1, k Jn , n N .
19 mMcn

23 In HetNet, the set of possible network topology cong- Theorem 3. The optimal solution to problem (36)-(37) is
24 urations is exponential in the number of AOs and UEs, given by

25 which makes problem (32)-(33) NP hard even in a centralized exp(U (c))

26 manner. Our approach is based on Markov approximation pc =  , c C. (38)
exp(U (c ))
c C
27 framework [31][32], which leads to distributed algorithms that
28 can be implemented in practice with limited message passing Proof: Please refer to Appendix C for the proof.
29 among AOs and UEs. Note that the optimal solution pc is in a product-form, and

30 It is obvious that problem (32)-(33) has the same optimal thus it can be considered as the stationary distribution of some
31 value as the following problem. time-reversible Markov Chains (MC), there comes the name of
32  Markov approximation. Based on this approximation, we can
pc U (c)

33 max (34) construct an MC whose states include the network topology

34 cC congurations, and as well we can carefully design transition

35 s.t pc = 1 and 0 pc 1, c C, (35) rates qc,c under which the overall system will probabilistically
36 cC
jump between feasible topology congurations while staying
37 in the best conguration, i.e., c for most of the time, and so
38 where pc represents the percentage of time the network that the system will approach to the optimal EE. Reference to
39 topology conguration c is in use. U (c) is treated as the [33], the design of qc,c can be given by

40 weight of c, problem (34)-(35) is to nd a maximum

41 weighted conguration. To gain insights intothe structure of qc,c = , c, c C. (39)
exp(U (c))
42 problem (34)-(35), we relax the objective cC pc U (c) by
43 adding a weighted
 entropy term H(p), where > 0 and This design of transition rate implies that the transition rate
H(p) = cC pc log pc . from c to c is independent of the performance under target

45 conguration c . Besides, a larger network utility implies a
 1 smaller jump probability from the current network topology
46 max pc U (c) pc log pc (36)
47 conguration. In the constructed MC, only the following state
cC cC
48  transitions c c are valid: a UE rst drops the connection
s.t pc = 1 and 0 pc 1, c C. (37) to one of the connected AOs (from c c) and then randomly
49 cC 
50 adds a new connection from the available AOs (from c c ). c
51 Remark 1. First, we can easily obtain the solution that the represents the intermediate state in which a single link between
52 corresponding approximation gap is bounded by 1 log |C|, UE and AO is dropped from c, where c/c can be viewed as the
dropped link. It is easy to verify that qc,c satises the detailed
53 where |C| represents the size of C. Practically, a new design
54 balanced equations qc,c pc = qc ,c pc , so that the stationary
space will be open by adding this additional entropy term in
55 distribution pc in Eq. (38) can be achieved.
this paper. Second, it is easy to verify that the approximation
56 becomes exact as approaches innity. However, there are However, one challenge of the above design is that each UE
57 practical constraints or overhead concerns of using large , needs to know the global information U (c), which will burden
58 which will be discussed in the following studies. the system with heavy signalling overhead. It is desirable
59 to design a distributed algorithm in which each UE mainly
60 We have the following theorem for problem (36)-(37). needs local information to perform the state transition and
Page 8 of 13

5 5HFHLYHG D 5(6(7 PHVVDJH power allocation variable p according to the analysis in
6 subsection B. Under current conguration c, UE m M
7 keeps track of its own zn,m , n Nm , and then generates
8 :$,7 an exponentially distributed random number with mean equal
9 &2'(  &2'(  to
10 1
11  , (42)
nNm c exp(z n,m )
13 +23 and counts down according to this number. When the count-
14 &2'(  down of UE m M expires, this UE drops these AOs with
15 probability
16 Fig. 2. State machine of a particular UE in Algorithm 1. exp(zn,m )
17 pn,m =  , (43)
n Nm
exp(zn ,m )
19 which is obtained from Eq. (40). This UE also informs the
still achieve global optimality. Motivated by the discussions other UEs to terminate their current countdown processes and
above, we redesign the transition probability qc,c as

21 to start fresh ones using new measurements under the new

22 1 conguration c .
qc,c = , (40)
23 exp(z c/c ) A radio resource management (RRM) server is deployed at
24 the HetNet. The RRM server in HetNet computes based on

25   the received information about x and p and then broadcasts it

 k 2 k
26 c/c
|gc/c | pc/c to the whole HetNet. Each UE obtains EE from RRM and
z = xkc/c n log 1 +
27 2 begin a new process for computing the subcarrier allocation
28   variable x and power allocation variable p. The procedure
 of joint topology building and resource allocation is given in
29 xkc/c pkc/c + pcc/c

30 kJn
Algorithm 2. The the state machine operated by UEs under
31 Algorithm 2 is shown in Fig. 2, where both INTITIALIZA-
32 Specically, z c/c has intuitive economic explanations. One can TION and HOP are sliding states3 . The procedure in RRM
view as the power price, by which AOs charge UEs, thus z c/c

33 server corresponds to the Outer Loop in Algorithm 1 and the

34 can be considered as the utility on link c/c. Eq. (40) shows procedures in AOs and UEs correspond to the Inner Loop.
35 that the drop probabilities of the links between AOs and UEs We make the following remarks:
36 are inversely proportional to link utilities. Under this transition First, with the implementation above, the UE hops towards
37 probability, each UE will hold the best links for most of the network congurations with better utility. For example, if

38 time, such that the system will approach to the optimal utility. z c > z c , then the UE will be more likely to stay in
39 In z c/c , only is the global information, the transition rates conguration c than in c, and vice versa.

40 depend mainly on local information of the UEs. This design Second, we analyze the impact of on the HetNet sig-
41 can reduce signalling overhead greatly. We have the following naling overheads. Without of generality, we assume that the
42 lemma for the transition probability qc,c . convergence time of the MC is denoted by TM C and that
43 Lemma 3. The MC with transition rate as Eq. (40) has a the sequence of network topology conguration transition is

44 stationary distribution as denoted by c1 , c2 , , c|C| . The time that MC stays for ith
45 transition is denoted as Ti , for any i {1, 2, , |C|}. We
c exp (U (c)) have
46 pc =  
, (41)
c C c exp (U (c ))

47 |C|
48 where c = kBmax TM C = Ti .
k=0 ck exp( nc ).
49 i=1
50 Proof: Please refer to Appendix D for the proof.
Lemma 3 shows that the MC with transition probability in Based on Eq. (42), we obtain that
52 Eq. (40) has a similar stationary distribution as the theoretical 1
E[Ti ] =  = fi (), (45)
53 analysis in Eq. (38). This veries the reasonability of our c
nNmi exp(zn,m )
54 designed transition probability in Eq. (40).
55 where fi () is an increasing function of . Therefore, we have
D. Implementation Considerations
56 |C|

57 Based on the theoretical analysis above, the joint topology E[TM C ] = E[Ti ] = fi (). (46)
58 building and resource allocation can be implemented in a i=1 i=1
59 hybrid way. Initially, UE m M randomly picks up |Nm |
60 AOs and computes the subcarrier allocation variable x and 3 Sliding state indicates that procedure does not hang out in the state.
Page 9 of 13

5 Algorithm 2 EE-based Joint Topology Building and Resource value of , the UEs hop towards better congurations more
6 Allocation greedily. This may as well lead to the system getting trapped
7 Procedure in RRM Server in locally optimal congurations. Hence there is a tradeoff to
8 Computes = C(c,x,p)
P (c,x,p) ; consider when setting the value of .
9 Broadcasts to the whole HetNet. Third, the deployment of such a practical system is easy:
10 end Procedure newly joining UEs can automatically connect to a set of
11 Procedure in AOs interested AOs and the AOs can balance their power resources
12 Each AO n N computes the Lagrange multiplier by using the Algorithm 1. This simple solution can easily
13 un by Eq. (31); AO n N broadcasts un to the UEs adapt to HetNet dynamics. When the HetNets supply and
14 in Mcn . demand pattern changes due to AO/UE joining/leaving the
15 end Procedure system and the required transmission rate of media content
16 Procedure CODE1 shifting, the AOs will automatically allocate their subcarrier,
17 Each UE m M picks up Nm AOs and transits to power resource and the UEs dynamically change their connec-
18 State WAIT; tions, which will best match to the global system demand and
19 end Procedure available resources and as well optimize overall system EE.
20 Procedure CODE2
Each UE m M computes xkn,m , pkn,m and m

22 based on Eqs. (29), (25) and (30), respectively,
23 broadcasts m to AOs in Nm and transmits pkn,m In this section, we present simulation results to evaluate
24 to RRM. Measures zn,m and generates an the performance of the proposed joint topology building and
resource-allocation algorithm. During the simulation, we use

25 exponentially distributed random number with mean

equal to the HetNet having four AOs and four UEs in the network
topology, where each UE can simultaneous connect to three
27 1
 AOs. The four AOs have the numbers of subcarriers J1 = 30,
28 c
nNm exp(zn,m ) J2 = 35, J3 = 40 and J4 = 45. The network efciencies

of these AOs are 1 = 0.9, 2 = 0.8, 3 = 0.75 and

30 and begin counts down.
4 = 0.7. The maximum transmit power constraints of these
31 end Procedure
AOs are P1 = 18 Watt, P2 = 20 Watt, P3 = 22 Watt and
32 Procedure CODE3
P4 = 24 Watt. We set the step sizes in Eqs. (30) and (31) as

33 Each UE m M terminates its current

= 0.01, = 0.001 respectively. These parameters are cho-
34 countdown process and transits to State WAIT;
sen to guarantee smooth algorithm iterations. Different AOs
35 end Procedure
operate in different bandwidths, there is no interference among
36 Procedure CODE4
c them. For simplicity of simulations, we consider a normalized
37 Each UE m M drops the AOs n Nm with
spectral bandwidth. The EE performance of the proposed
38 probability
joint topology building and resource allocation algorithm is

exp(zn,m ) compared with suboptimal alternatives termed SubTrafc and

40 pn,m =  .
n N exp(zn ,m ) DistanceS. Specically, in SubTrafc method, the UE trafc
41 m
is uniformly distributed among the connected AOs, each AO
42 uniformly distributes its subcarriers and transmit power among
Randomly chooses and connects to a new AO from
43 the UEs for satisfying the rate constraint [18]. In DistanceS
the remaining available AOs. Broadcasts a RESET

44 method, each UE only access to the nearest AO [34]. The

message to the HetNet.
45 subcarrier and transmit power are allocated for satisfying the
end Procedure
46 rate constraint.
48 A. Convergence in Static Case
It is known that the signaling overheads (e.g. the number
of broadcasting messages) is proportional to the number of We rst test the convergence rate of Algorithm 1 in static
network topology conguration transitions |C|. We care about case, where each UE randomly associates with three AOs and
the broadcast message intensity, dened as follows performs no topology update. The algorithm in this scenario is
53 |C| |C| termed as Static Algorithm. Fig. 3 shows that the algorithm
= = |C| . (47) approaches to the optimal solution within forty iterations. To
54 E[TM C ] fi ()
i=1 investigate the effect of the network efciency we also show
56 It is easy to verify that increases with the decrease of . the EE of individual AOs in Fig. 3. We remark that the EE of
57 Intuitively, with the decrease of , the expected countdown the entire HetNet dened in this paper is not equal to sum of
58 time of UE decreases, leading to the increased frequency of the EE of individual AOs. We observe that the difference in
59 broadcasting messages of the HetNet. Therefore, the HetNet terms of EE of the four AOs is remarkable in Fig. 3, which
60 signaling overheads increase. On the other hand, with large is a result of a large difference in the number of subcarriers.
Page 10 of 13

5 4 4
7 3.5 3.5
9 3
EE (bit/Watt/Hz)

EE (bit/Watt/Hz)
10 2.5
11 2.5
12 2
13 2 EE
AO1EE 1.5
15 1.5 AO2EE
1 Static Algorithm
16 AO3EE DistanceS
1 AO4EE 0.5
17 SubTraffic
0.5 0
19 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 20 40 60 80 100 120 140
20 Iterations R (bit/s/Hz)

21 req
Fig. 3. Convergence results of Algorithm 1 without topology update for Fig. 5. The EE versus the data requirement Rm (All the UEs have the
22 random channel relations. The network efciencies 1 = 0.9, 2 = 0.8, req
same data requirement, i.e., Rm = R, m M). The network efciencies
23 3 = 0.75 and 4 = 0.7. of AOs are same as Fig. 3 and the circuit power of the AOs is Pc = 2 Watt

3 we also observe that the SubTrafc method always obtain a
smaller EE than others. That is because the inefcient uniform
Static Algorithm allocation of the subcarriers in SubTrafc method and the large

2.5 DistanceS circuit power cost induced by connecting all the AOs. From
SubTraffic the analysis above, we obtain the solution that multi-homing
EE (bit/Watt/Hz)

media transmission can improve EE performance effectively
when the circuit power is small.

33 2
Fig. 5 shows the achieved EE by different algorithms versus
the data requirement R. We observe that the DistanceS method
achieves higher EE than the other algorithms in small data
36 1.5
requirement. That is because connecting multiple AOs incurs
lager circuit power cost than the transmit power saving when
the data requirement R is small. When the data requirement

1 R is larger than 60 bits/s/Hz, the Static Algorithm achieves

40 1 2 3 4 5
Pc (Watt) remarkably higher EE than the other algorithms. This can be
explained as follows. As Eq. (1) shows that the rate function
Fig. 4. The EE versus the circuit power Pc (All the AOs have the same increases logarithmically with the transmit power, the power
43 circuit power, i.e., pcn,m = Pc , n N , m M). The network efciencies cost will extremely high when data requirement R is large

44 of AOs are same as Fig. 3.

and that incurs a sharp drop in EE as the DistanceS method
in Fig. 5. However, in Static Algorithm, data requirement R
is allocated among the connected AOs. Each AO carries a
Fig. 4 shows the achieved EE by different algorithms versus relatively small data requirement so that incurs a small transmit
the circuit power Pc . We observe that the Static Algorithm power cost. Although the data requirement R is allocated
achieves remarkably higher EE than SubTrafc and DistanceS among the AOs in SubTrafc method, it still achieves the
methods when the circuit power is smaller than 3 Watt. As the smallest EE due to its inefcient uniform allocation of the
circuit power increases, the EE of all algorithms reduces. That subcarriers.
53 is because the required rates of UEs are independent of the
circuit power, so that larger circuit power brings smaller EE. B. Convergence in Dynamic Case
55 When the circuit power is larger than 3 Watt, the DistanceS Fig. 6 tests the impacts of and |C| on approximation
56 method achieves the highest EE. This can be explained as error upper bound. The gure shows that the size of network
57 follows. As the circuit power is small, connecting multiple topology set C has a smaller impact on the approximation error
58 AOs obtains more transmit power saving than the circuit power upper bound than the parameter . This means that our pro-
59 cost. On the other hand, when the circuit power cost is large, it posed algorithm can be deployed into the HetNet of massive
60 is not worthwhile for connecting more AOs. From the gure, size without bring a lot of EE performance degradation. We
Page 11 of 13

5 2 2 2
6 Proposed Algorithm 1.8
Proposed Algorithm Proposed Algorithm
Proposed Algorithm
7 1.8 1.8 1.8
EE (bit/Watt/Hz)

EE (bit/Watt/Hz)

EE (bit/Watt/Hz)
EE (bit/Watt/Hz)
1.6 Local
1.6 1.6 1.6
9 Static Algorithm
Static Algorithm optimum Static Agorithm Local optimum
Static Algorithm
10 1.4 1.4
DistanceS DistanceS
11 DistanceS DistanceS
SubTraffic SubTraffic SubTraffic SubTraffic
12 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2
1 1 1 1
14 0 500 1000 0 500 1000 0 500 1000 0 500 1000
15 Iterations Iterations Iterations Iterations

16 (a) = 7 (b) = 10 (c) = 13 (d) = 16

Fig. 7. Convergence results of the different algorithms.
20 to consider when setting the value of .

21 2
23 In this paper, we investigated the energy-efcient resource
24 1.5 C=30 optimization for OFDMA-based multi-homing HetNet. We
Error upper bound

25 C=20 formulated the resource optimization as a non-concave EE

26 C=10 maximization problem, which was converted by a fractional
27 1 programming theory into a convex optimization problem.
28 Then, the convex optimization problem is decomposed into

a topology building problem and a resource allocation prob-

30 lem, which are proved combination optimization and mixed
31 integer nonlinear optimization respectively. We proposed the
32 Markov approximation framework and continuity relaxation

33 method for solving the two problems respectively. Finally, we

34 0
5 10 15 20 developed the joint topology building and resource-allocation
35 algorithm for controlling the multi-homing media transmission
36 energy-efciently. In the future, we will study the autonomous
37 Fig. 6. The impacts of and |C| on error upper bound. joint topology building and resource-allocation in HetNet.

41 observe from the gure that the error upper bounds approach
Proof: Based on the fact that
42 innite when is close to zero. When increases, the error
upper bounds become smaller. Especially when is greater C(c, a, p)
43 opt ,
10, the error upper bound will become very small. P (c, a, p)

45 Next, we test the convergence of the algorithm with topol- we obtain the following expression.
46 ogy update in Fig. 7. It shows that the proposed algorithm  
C(c, a, p)
47 achieves higher EE than SubTrafc, DistanceS and even than 0 C(c, a, p) opt P (c, a, p) = P (c, a, p) opt
the Static Algorithm. It is easy to understand that each P (c, a, p)
sawtooth of the proposed algorithm curve corresponds to C(c, a, p)
49 Tmin opt ,
50 a particular network topology conguration. The curve shows P (c, a, p)
51 that the UEs hop among the possible set of available AOs
where Tmin is the inmum of the term P (c, a, p).
52 along the iterations of the proposed algorithm. We observe
Taking the maximum over (c, mathbf a, p) of the above
53 from Fig. 7 (a)-(d) that the rate of topology update decreases
54 with the increase of parameter and that the achieved EE
55 increases with the increase of parameter . However, with 0 C(c, a, p) opt P (c, a, p)
large value of , the UEs hop towards the target conguration  
56 C(c, a, p)
with a large waiting time, this may lead to the system getting Tmin max opt
57 c,a,p P (c, a, p)
58 trapped in locally optimal congurations, just link Fig. 7 = 0.
59 (c) and (d). Considering that frequent topology jump will
60 incur large signaling overhead, therefore, there is a tradeoff This proves Lemma 1.
Page 12 of 13

5 A PPENDIX B Plugging back into Eq. (48), the closed-form solution of
6 P ROOF OF L EMMA 2 pc can be derived as
7 Proof: First, we dene an EE function as exp(U (c))
8 pc =  
, c C.
c C exp(U (c ))

9 F () = max C(c, a, p) P (c, a, p),
11 and we assume that 1 and 2 are two optimal EEs for A PPENDIX D
12 two optimal resource allocations (c1 , a1 , p1 ) and (c2 , a2 , p2 ), P ROOF OF L EMMA 3
13 respectively, and that 1 > 2 . Then Proof: It is easy to see that the utility z c/c can be
14 viewed as an approximation to U (c) U (c), which is the
F ( 2 ) = C(c2 , a2 , p2 ) 2 P (c2 , a2 , p2 )
15 overall system performance difference before and after link
16 > C(c1 , a1 , p1 ) 2 P (c1 , a1 , p1 )
c/c is dropped. Generally, the utility on the dropped link
17 > C(c1 , a1 , p1 ) 1 P (c1 , a1 , p1 ), maybe fully or partially reutilized by AO for other UEs.
18 Thus, we have z c/c U (c) U (c). The error term by
19 where the rst inequation is because that (c2 , a2 , p2 ) is the
optimal resource allocation solution of F ( 2 ) and the second approximating U (c) U (c) with z c/c is denoted by c =
20 z c/c U (c) U (c). Therefore, c may take values anywhere
inequation is obtained from 1 > 2 . Hence, we obtain the

21 in between 0 and Bmax , where Bmax is the maximum over all

22 solution that F () is a monotonic decreasing function in
and F () > 0. AOs utility. We quantize such error c into nc + 1 values
We use k and k+1 to denote the EE in the k-th and (k+1)- [0, Bnmax
, 2Bnmaxc
, , Bmax ], and assume thatc = kBnmax
24 nc
th iteration and k > 0, k+1 > 0. Meanwhile, the k+1 is with probability ck , k = 0, 1, , nc and k=0 ck = 1.

25 Thus, each state c of the MC is expanded in to nc + 1 states

26 obtained by
ck , k = 0, 1, , nc with the following transition rates:
27 C(ck , ak , pk ) ck
28 k+1 = . qck ,ck =   , (50)
P (ck , ak , pk )
29 exp U (c) U (c) + Bnmax

30 Thus F ( k ) can be given by
where ck , k = 0, 1, , nc is the probability measure on the
31 n 
F ( k ) = C(ck , ak , pk ) k P (ck , ak , pk ) expanded states and kc=0 = 1. Note that c0 refers to state c
= P (ck , ak , pk )( k+1 k ) > 0. with zero error. Using Eq. (50) and detailed balance equations

34 pck qck ck = pck qck ,ck , we have c0 , ck :
By this, we can address that k+1 > k . It can be shown that
35 pc0 ck pck c0
F () will converge to zero when the number of iteration is =  .
36 sufciently large. exp (U (c)U (c)) exp U (c )U (c)+ k B

37 n  c

38 A PPENDIX C Thus, we obtain

39 P ROOF OF T HEOREM 1 pc0 pc

40 =  k .
Proof: Let be the Lagrange multiplier associated with c0 exp U (c) 
ck exp U (c ) + k B max
41 nc
the equality constraint in (37), thus the Lagrangian of problem  nc
42 (36)-(37) is given by Using cC k=0 pck = 1, we obtain:
 1   nc

44 L(pc , ) = pc U (c) pc log pc ( pc 1).  kBmax

p c0 ck exp U (c )+ = c0 exp U (c).
45 cC cC cC nc
cC k=0
By solving the KKT conditions, we have Hence
48 1 1 c0 exp U (c0 )
U (c) log pc = 0, (48) pc0 =  nc  .
k =0 ck exp U (c ) +

k Bmax
 c C nc
50 pc = 1, 0, (49)
51 Therefore
52 ck exp U (c)
where pc is the primal optimal, and is the dual optimal. p ck =  nc  .
53  k Bmax
Writing pc as a function of , we obtain k =0 ck exp U (c ) +

c C nc
55 nc
pc = exp ((U (c) ) 1) . Denoting by c = k=0 ck exp kBnmax
, we have
57 Applying the constraint cC pc = 1, we obtain nc
 c exp U (c)
pc = pck =  .
58 1  
c C exp U (c )
59 = log exp(U (c) 1). k=0

60 cC
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