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0.7.2 (22.07.

ADD: A new "Scores" info tab
FIX: Player (dis)connection detection (players who reconnected had their time range
wrongly starting at the previous disconnect time)
FIX: A long-standing memory leak happening in all batch-processing operations
FIX: All but the first demo in time-shift batches were broken

0.7.1 (01.05.2016)
FIX: Divide by 0 exception when no memory was committed or the total job duration
is less than 1 ms

0.7.0 (30.04.2016)
ADD: Searching for patterns and displaying the results in a new tab: "Search
CHG: Many performance and memory usage improvements, parsing is now roughly 2x
CHG: The flag captures analyzer now obtains its data in much more reliable ways
(supporting QL, CPMA and OSP)
CHG: The cut/search by pattern player tracking based on names is more robust
(doesn't give up the search after a gamestate, handles disconnects)
CHG: The default thread count is now 1 because we can't rely on all users having
CHG: Improved the scroll to bottom implementation of the log list box
FIX: Not reserving enough memory address space is no longer going to trigger a
fatal error anywhere
FIX: Exceptions thrown by UDT.dll can now be caught, regardless of the final thread
count decided
FIX: Flick rail false positives when teleporting before a rail frag
FIX: The app will now check that demos selected for write operations have a
compatible protocol
FIX: Fixed a few errors in the way performance stats were collected and merged
FIX: Unsuccessful calls to malloc will now invoke the fatal error handler instead
of having the library crash later
FIX: The "Copy to Clipboard" commands were keeping selection order instead of using
display order
FIX: In the "Steam Info" dialog, if the only item of a list view is not selected,
the app uses it automatically instead of complaining about the lack of selection
FIX: In the "Cut by Time" converter: in some cases, a match time exactly at the
first or last second would be considered out of range

0.6.0 (10.11.2015)
ADD: An updater and the option to run it at start-up to look for new releases
ADD: A Steam info dialog showing Steam users, Steam installation folders, game
folders and demo folders
ADD: dm_73 to dm_91 and dm_90 to dm_91 demo converters
REM: dm_90 to dm_68 and dm_73 to dm_90 demo converters
FIX: All modal dialogs are now sized to fit to the content instead of using fixed
dimensions (thanks to Benroads for reporting on the issue)
CHG: Updated the About dialog to improve formatting and credit Jaime Olivares for

0.5.4 (01.11.2015)
FIX: Multiple parsing errors occurring with dm_90 and dm_91 demos because of
previous overflow handling changes
FIX: When a job was large enough to get split into multiple batches, some demos
ended up not being processed
FIX: Forfeits being wrongly detected in dm_91 demos when the config string for the
2nd place player's name was cleared at match start
0.5.3 (24.10.2015)
ADD: A "Captures" tab under "Info" for listing flag captures
ADD: Options to allow/disallow base/non-base flag pickups in the Flag Captures cut
ADD: Showing the progress of the current job in the title bar so that you can see
the progress when UDT is minimized
CHG: Jobs split into multiple batches now track byte count for progress instead of
file count for improved precision
CHG: Now printing the linear allocator's name whenever there is a fatal error in
CHG: Improved error handling for demo message I/O (overflows and others)
CHG: Demo message I/O errors can no longer be fatal (there were 10 instances of
that), they will cancel parsing of the current demo instead
CHG: Demo message I/O errors now always print the file's name
FIX: Cut by Flag: Checking if a flag is taken in the playerstate by testing the end
time against 0 instead of INT_MAX
FIX: Cut by Flag: Got rid of false positives where pickups and captures get
detected during the very first snapshot

0.5.2 (01.10.2015)
ADD: The "Matches" cut filter
ADD: A match time to server time converter under the "Cut by Time" tab
ADD: Stats analyzer: time/score/frag/capture/round limit
ADD: Stats analyzer: game state index, match start/end time, count-down start time,
intermission end time
CHG: Improved match duration output
FIX: The time-out server time ranges of CPMA demos were broken

0.5.1 (21.09.2015)
ADD: dm3 to dm_68 and dm_48 to dm_68 demo converters
ADD: Tracking match start dates in QL demos
ADD: "Cut by Time" context menu item in the "Commands" list view
CHG: The "Value" column of the "Commands" list view will now display its content on
multiple rows if one isn't enough to fit everything
FIX: Config string commands that are too large get written as split bcs0/bcs1/bcs2

0.5.0 (17.09.2015)
ADD: Analysis data export to JSON (can select the list of analyzers enabled for
JSON export in the "Settings" tab)
ADD: "Chat" now displays team messages too and has a "Scope" (global or team)
ADD: "Cut by Chat" can now be configured to search team chat messages
ADD: "Reveal in File Explorer" context menu entry of the "Demo List" list view:
opens the file explorer with the file pre-selected
ADD: "Scores and Stats" tab for displaying the most detailed possible information
per match
ADD: "Commands" tab for displaying both commands and config strings (in gamestate
messages and command messages)
ADD: Unicode file and directory paths support
CHG: All data analysis information tabs are now found under the "Info" tab
CHG: Performance stats now get printed once per job instead of once per batch (jobs
can be split into several batches)
CHG: The printing of performance stats can be enabled/disabled individually in the
"Settings" tab
FIX: Colored log lines couldn't be copied to the clipboard or saved to a file
FIX: Now handling string.Format failing in log functions
FIX: Clicking any column of the "Chat" list view was crashing when the list was
FIX: "Cut by Chat" now searches the messages themselves, not the raw commands

0.4.7 (30.07.2015)
ADD: The file and folder browsing dialogs now open the last used directory by
default when it's valid
ADD: Full parse/write support of demo protocols 66, 67 (Quake 3) and 91 (Quake
ADD: Full parse support of demo protocols 3 and 48 (Quake 3)
FIX: Potential crash in the game state analyzer when a player index is out of
FIX: Now cleaning up the long OSP color codes (^X followed by 6 hex chars, case

0.4.6 (19.07.2015)
FIX: When alt-tabbing out of UDT's own modal dialogs, you couldn't alt-tab back to
them: they would steal the focus but not display!
ADD: Demo time shifting (a sort of anti-lag so you can see something similar to
what the player saw)
ADD: Demo merging (creating an augmented demo from multiple input demos of the same

0.4.5 (19.06.2015)
ADD: Added an option to enable or disable the merging of overlapping cut sections
matched by different pattern types

0.4.4 (17.04.2015)
ADD: Added the "Flick Rails" cut filter
FIX: The player tracker could crash when it couldn't find the specified player name
in a config string
FIX: Formatting of negative times in FormatTimeForFileName

0.4.3a (23.02.2015)
FIX: Logging color-coded errors and warnings would crash when called from unmanaged
threads (this happens when the final decided number of job threads is >1)

0.4.3 (12.02.2015)
ADD: Protocol 68 to 90 batch conversions with read-only config file
ADD: Added the "Flag Captures" cut filter
ADD: Added the "Color Log Messages" option
ADD: Now displaying the elapsed time and estimated time remaining during threaded
job progress
CHG: Made some minor UI improvements/changes to labels, tab names, tool tips, help
text, the "About" dialog, etc

0.4.2 (22.01.2015)
ADD: New data when analyzing a demo: generic information, player list, demo taker
name and index
ADD: The ability to batch convert dm_73 demos to the dm_90 format
CHG: Slightly bumped up the amount of memory reserved for string data in the chat
FIX: Now using the peak used byte count instead of the currently used byte count in
memory allocatotion stats

0.4.1 (17.01.2015)
CHG: Removing all demos at once in the GUI happens fast
ADD: Splitting up parsing operations by file count to reserve less memory address
space (and commit less pages)
ADD: An option ("Print Execution Time") for printing the time it took for the batch
operation to complete
ADD: An option ("Print Alloc Stats") for printing the memory allocation statistics
of the batch operation
CHG: The minimum required .NET version is now back to 4.0 Client Profile
CHG: The "Demo List" ListView doesn't override the inactive selection highlight
colors anymore as it created more confusion than it helped

0.4.0b (09.01.2015)
CHG: The log window now supports selecting multiple lines
FIX: Log commands "Copy Selection" and "Copy Everything" now work again
REM: Removed the "Clear Log" shortcut Ctrl+X

0.4.0a (08.01.2015)
FIX: The delete key shortcut wasn't working anymore for removing demos from the
"Demo List" ListView

0.4.0 (03.01.2015)
ADD: Added a new unified "Cut by Pattern" system with gloabl player
selection/tracking settings
ADD: Added the "Mid-Air Frags" cut filter
ADD: Added the "Multi-Frag Rails" cut filter
ADD: Now adding a very small file name suffix specifying the type of pattern that
was matched for the cut (if sections get merged, the first match's description is
CHG: All cutting filter tabs are now found under the new "Patterns" tab
CHG: Unified cut start and end offset config values shared by all filters in the
"Settings" tab
CHG: Bumped up the default max. thread count to 8
CHG: The new minimum required .NET Framework version is now 4.5
CHG: More detailed "Cut by Time" input checking and error formatting
CHG: Improved the contextual menu of the "Demo List" list box
CHG: Improved the list boxes' look for Windows users having a dark desktop theme
CHG: Improved the help text in several tabs
CHG: The "Log" list box will no longer color messages depending on severity to
better integrate with the user's desktop UI theme
FIX: Fixed the "Log" list box's highlighted line using the wrong foreground (text)
FIX: The "Cut by Time" feature will no longer crash with a non-0 gamestate index on
non-analyzed demos
FIX: The obituaries analyzer will now find some events that it didn't before; in
the GUI this affects both the "Deaths" listing and the "Frag Sequence" cut filter
REM: Removed "Cut by Awards"

0.3.5a (22.12.2014)
CHG: Player index selection is now handled by a combo box widget

0.3.5 (21.12.2014)
ADD: "Cut by Award" tab: to find and cut award sequences
ADD: Analyze on Load: new setting to decide if parsing demos should be done when
demos are added to the list (default behavior: true)
FIX: Cut by Frag: the start/end offsets were loaded from the Cut by Chat settings

0.3.4 (15.12.2014)
FIX: Properly set the rules group box heading in the "Cut by Frag" tab
FIX: Always re-enabling the UI after threaded jobs
ADD: Cut by Frag: allow self-kills/team-kills/any death options
ADD: Cut by Frag: automatic or manual player index selection
ADD: Cut by Frag: Means of Death filters
0.3.3 (11.12.2014)
ADD: "Frags" tab: displays all obituaries (all deaths, not just those caused by a
ADD: "Cut by Frags" tab: to find and cut frag sequences

0.3.2 (09.12.2014)
CHG: If operations on one or more demos fail in a batch process, it won't
stop/invalidate everything (see changelog_dll.txt)
FIX: The recursive scan mode check box was initialized with the wrong option's
value (because of that, the recursive scan mode option would be loaded wrong)
FIX: Closing the window during a job will no longer freeze the application instead
of quitting immediately

0.3.1 (07.12.2014)
CHG: All settings are always drawn and editable
CHG: If a setting is currently inactive, it is grayed out (but still editable)
ADD: Option: input folder
ADD: Option: use input folder as default browsing location
ADD: Option: open demos from input folder at start-up
CHG: Improved error reporting when operations can't start
FIX: Cut by Time now verifies that the GS index isn't negative
CHG: In Cut by Time, if the GS index is wrong and there's only 1 possible value,
UDT will correct the value and proceed
ADD: Lots of explanations in help texts embedded in the UI itself

0.3.0 (05.12.2014)
CHG: Support for the DLL's new codebase and interface (see changelog_dll.txt)
REM: Removed the following tabs: Obituaries, PU Runs, Stats
ADD: An option for the maximum thread count UDT is allowed to use during batch
FIX: The Cancel button now cancels jobs ASAP, not after processing of the current
demo is done
ADD: Demo splitting
ADD: New quotes \o/

0.2.0g (21.03.2013)
CHG: The default text color of all ListView instances is opaque black
ADD: Open button next to the browse button ("...") in the Output Folder row of the
Settings tab

0.2.0f (10.02.2012)
FIX: The names of players connecting after the demo record start time are now

0.2.0e (09.02.2012)
FIX: Now uses the correct config string indexes for Quake Live demos (Obituaries,
PU Runs)

0.2.0d (09.02.2012)
ADD: Quake Live support!
FIX: Now accepts file and folder links (for drag'n'drop and command-line)

0.1.9h (04.02.2012)
ADD: Can now cut by time from multiple chat events
ADD: Can now cut by time from multiple obituary events
ADD: Can now copy to the clipboard from chat events
ADD: Can now copy to the clipboard from obituary events

0.1.9g (03.02.2012)
FIX: Clicking cancel while parsing now removes the demo from the list

0.1.9f (02.02.2012)
ADD: Power-up runs

0.1.9e (01.02.2012)
ADD: Obituary events

0.1.9d (29.01.2012)
ADD: Ability to clear, copy and save the log

0.1.9c (27.01.2012)
1st: First 'good enough for the public' release

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