Gateway B2 Final Review Test A

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Final Review A Name ............................................ Class ...............................................

2 Find and correct the mistakes in the

Use of English: Grammar sentences. There are two mistakes in
each sentence.
1 Complete the dialogue with the correct 1 Harry asked me what will I do after school.
form of the verbs given.
A: Hi, Carrie. I (1) __________ (not see) you
since your party. Have you been working hard 2 I neednt have answered all the sections in the
or maybe playing all those computer games you exam, so I chose A and B but not C.
got as presents?!
B: Neither! I wish I (2) __________ (have) time to 3 The second programme in the series wasnt that
chat to you before, but everything happened interested as the first.
really quickly. After wed cleared up after the
party (thanks a lot for the books by the way, I
(3) __________ (nearly read) them all!) we 4 Shakespeare is thought to write another play,
went on a surprise holiday. We spent two weeks but this was later found to be untrue.
in New York!
A: Wow! What a great place to go!
B: Yeah. Apparently Dad (4) __________ (try) to 5 The website for old friends I found it last night
find somewhere to take us for ages. It was my helps you to contact people you use to know at
birthday present. He was browsing through school.
some last minute holiday deals and found one
for New York. So we went!
A: Some birthday present! I expect I (5)
___________ (go) for a meal in town for my
birthday! Have you been back long?
B: No, just two hours! I (6) __________ (hope) to
see Mr Browne to give him my project, which I
finished in New York. Is he around?
A: Well, his timetable has changed a bit. At two
oclock he (7) __________ (teach) Year 10, so I
suggest going to Room 11 just before. He (8)
__________ (be) pleased youve done it.
B: I hope hes still pleased when he reads it!


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Name ............................................ Class ...............................................

3 Complete the sentence so it means the 4 Complete the text with one word in each
same as the first, using the word given. gap.
Do not change the word given. Use
James Martin has (1) __________ involved in
between two and five words.
film-making since his early teens. He was initially
1 I have never seen such a beautiful painting interested (2) __________ photography and he
before. was encouraged by his father, (3) __________
MOST gave him an expensive camera for his eleventh
birthday. James mastered the skill of taking both
This _________________________ I have ever
artistically and technically pleasing photographs
and (4) __________ on to win several local
2 Although the music was very loud, I enjoyed competitions. Although he had never shown any
the concert. interest in film-making, he was asked to help out a
SPITE friend who was making a short film (5)
I enjoyed the concert ____________________ __________ part of a media studies course he was
loud music. taking at college. He knew (6) __________ James
expertise with a camera. James showed real talent
3 I did both Tony and Daves homework for
and discovered that he loved taking moving
pictures. He later decided to follow the same
ONLY course (7) __________ his friend. Now, ten years
I _________________________ but I also did and five Oscar nominations later, James has
Dave's. proved to be one (8) __________ the most talented
4 Gary said he was very sorry that he forgot to film-makers of his generation.
pick you up at the station.
FOR /8
Gary _________________________ pick you
up at the station.
5 Its a good idea for you to leave before the rush
hour to avoid the traffic.
_________________________ before the rush
hour to avoid the traffic.
6 The recipe was very complicated, and I
couldnt follow it.
The recipe _________________________ I
couldnt follow it.


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Name ............................................ Class ...............................................

Use of English: Vocabulary 6 Complete the definitions with the

correct words. You are given the first
5 Choose the correct alternatives to
complete the sentences. 1 M__________ software is software that is
designed to cause problems.
1 I rely ___ my brother to repair my computer if
it goes wrong. 2 When you break a bone, it is called a
A at
3 When you are given something to encourage
B for you to do something, it is called an
C on i__________.
2 What do you think the ___ of the meeting will 4 A t__________ person is a person who says
be? something and doesnt consider how it may
A outcome hurt the listener.
B drawback 5 A heavy piece of rock flying about in space is
C turnout called a m__________.
3 I like to ___ out two or three times a week. 6 A p__________ animal is an animal that lived
millions of years ago.
A play
B work /6
C run
4 We had a really interesting business ___ to
Venice last month. 7 Complete the text with words formed
A journey from the words given.
B travel Who says young people are less (1) __________
C trip (invent) these days than they used to be?
5 There was a big accident near us, and it ___ all Seventeen-year-old Aseem has proved that we
the headlines on Sunday. underestimate young people far too often. He has
A got just won a major award for a young (2)
__________ (engine) of the year competition with
B did an unbelievable invention. He has designed a pair
C made of jeans that you can play the drums on. Yes, you
6 I couldnt get a ticket because the theatre had didnt (3) __________ (understand)! Apparently,
sold ___. Aseem was given the inspiration to design the
A off jeans because he plays in a band and he was fed up
with having to transport a heavy drum kit around
B out all the time. His special jeans contain
C over (4) __________ (vary) sensors that the wearer taps
in different places. When he taps the things in one
/6 place, you hear one drum beat and when he taps in
another, you hear cymbals clashing. Its amazing!
The only (5) __________ (advantage) at the
moment is that you have to plug in your jeans to
an energy source. However, Aseem is working on
a wireless version. He will be demonstrating his
drum jeans at an (6) __________ (national)
competition in the near future. So, good luck,


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Name ............................................ Class ...............................................

8 Choose the correct alternatives to

complete the text.
Ive just (1) ___ I havent updated my blog since I 9 Read the article from which some
went to Cambridge for my interview, and that was sentences have been taken out. Choose
a week ago. So, heres what happened on that the correct sentences AF to fill the gaps
dreaded day! Id been preparing for the interview 15. There is one sentence you do not
for a (2) ___ weeks but the night before I was need.
really nervous and I had a more or less sleepless
night, (3) ___ I wasnt in a very good mood the How Did They Make It?
following morning. My dad gave me a lift to the Whats the key to success? We all want to
station (thats (4) ___ dads are for!), and somehow know! So, we asked a couple of people who have
I managed to miss the London train by ten made it to the top of their chosen professions what
seconds. Can you believe it? I caught the next one they think is the secret.
and had to sit listening to a one-way phone call Ben Salter, winner of two Olympic gold
from a businessman to a work (5) ___ for most of medals for running:
the journey. I took the underground across London,
How did I make it to the top? If I had a pound
but it was so crowded I had to stand (6) ___
for every time Ive been asked this question, Id be
the way and by the time I was on the Cambridge
really wealthy. If I could give a simple answer, I
train, my shoes were dirty, my coat was creased
would be even wealthier! My success has been in
and I felt a mess. However, in Cambridge the sun
athletics. People often wonder whether it is down
was shining, and I immediately started to feel
to my genes. Was my dad a good runner? (1) ___
better. Its amazing what a (7) ___ of sunshine can
To be honest, I think my own success has been a
do, isnt it? I walked to the college, going through
result of a combination of factors. I have parents
possible questions they would ask me in my head.
who are keen on sports and encouraged me to take
Cambridge is such a lovely town with loads of old
up running quite early on. I remember training
buildings, pretty gardens and ancient churches.
regularly from about the age of six. Not because I
And of course the rivers great too; all the punts
had to, but because I loved it. Thats what they
were full of students. Shouldnt they have been at
gave me a love for the sport, and that was very
lectures? I felt much more relaxed when I finally
important. However, when you start talking about
arrived for the interview. And how did it (8) ___?
success itself, its important to remember that there
Well, Ill write about that next time.
are a lot of talented sportsmen out there,
1 A reminded B realised C understood particularly runners. So why did I make it to the
D remarked top over those other excellent sportsmen who were
2 A several B some C couple D few no doubt equally as dedicated as I was? (2) ___
3 A so B because C why D resulting And mine was to be living in an area which had a
magnificent sports club that offered free coaching
4 A that B why C what D reason
to children who showed promise. My parents
5 A friend B person C partner D colleague could never have afforded to pay a top coach to
6 A for B all C by D most train me. The cost was way out of their league. As
7 A bit B little C piece D amount it was, I received coaching from one of the best
8 A result B get C make D go coaches in the country. He inspired me to push
myself to the limits. (3) ___ Thanks, Mac!
/8 Dave Myers, entrepreneur:

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Name ............................................ Class ...............................................

You know, some people can have all the talent

in the world and never really get the success they
deserve. In my opinion, to be successful,
particularly in the business world, what is really 10 You are going to hear an extract
required is determination and perseverance. If from a radio programme. Listen and
youre a young entrepreneur like I was, you have decide if the statements are true (T),
to have a goal and then really work towards it. false (F) or not mentioned (NM).
(4) ___ You need to come back from a failure,
fighting. Thats where the perseverance comes in. 1 The food expert, Mark Pearson, is T/F/NM
Dont give up! In my case, I knew very early on new to the radio programme.
that I wanted to have my own online business and
so, even when I was still at school, Id get up early 2 He is reviewing a restaurant that uses T/F/NM
and put in an hours work on the computer before special technology in its food
a days studying. In the evening Id be on the preparation.
computer again. I used every spare minute I had. 3 Mark Pearson is used to reading T/F/NM
And it certainly wasnt plain sailing. (5) ___ In the menus that are quite complicated to
end, however, all the hard work paid off and my understand.
business has done extremely well. Some people
have said that my success is down to my having a 4 He thinks that the ordering system at T/F/NM
gift for spotting lucrative deals, or, as my mother The Red Imp may be difficult for
maintains, the ability to persuade anyone to do some customers to use.
anything! But I definitely believe that in the end,
what gives you that extra edge is working hard and 5 In Mark's opinion, the food at this T/F/NM
never losing sight of your goal. new restaurant is good value for
A Thats where I think luck comes into play.
B There were many times when things went
wrong and I was tempted to change track.
C Being good at something isnt enough on its
D Its not easy because you have to take chances Writing
and there are a lot of disappointments along the
way. 11You see this notice in a local magazine:
E Quite honestly I can say that without him, I We would like to publish some reviews of good
would never have made it right to the top. places to eat locally. Write a review of somewhere
F Or is it because I started training at a young you have been to recently, and we will publish the
age? best three in our next edition.

/5 Write a review for the magazine. Write

180250 words.


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