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Task 2: Managing Learning

EPC 2903 Teaching

Practice Booklet

Table 1 - Observing
Name/ Give the instructions When and Aim of the routine How did/do the students learn
Descript that the routine uses where the about this routine?
(what student behaviour it hopes to
ion of routine is used? achieve)
How is the routine reinforced?
(e.g. at the end of the (e.g. mentoring; classroom signs; reminders
routine. school day etc.; or to by the teacher; use of peer interaction by the
guide presentations teacher to promote such behaviour etc.)
after group work)
1 Entering The teacher tells the Before the student That they be always prepared and ready for The teacher stands in front of the class and
the students before they come enters the classroom the class. tell the students to bring their stuff. The
classroom into the class to bring all teacher reminds the students every day that
the materials that they they should bring their stuff before they
need for ex. Pencils and inter the classroom.
collars bag and note book.
2 Going to The teacher tells the Before the break so The teacher hopes to achieve from this the teacher tells the students every day and
the break students to line up after its like at the end of routine is that the students be more before the break time that they should line
they lines up the teacher period 3. organize and not run when they hear the up.
take them out for a break bell
3 Finish their The teacher says that if During the class The teacher hopes to achieve from this The teacher reminds the students every time
work you finish your work you routine is that the students learn to be more they have book work that after they finish
should collect the books collaborators with her and be more they should put their workbooks in the
and put it in the right place organize. books area. The teacher says that every
which is a place where time.
they put their books in
4 Taking The teacher calls their After they finish the The teacher hopes to achieve from this Before the teacher calls their names, she
attendance names and she say when assembly and enter routine is to make the students be more reminds them that if they hear their names
at the you hear your name say the classroom responsible about their present in the they should say yes.
morning Yes classroom.
5 Golden the teacher tells the This routine happens The teacher aims form this routine is that The teacher reminds the students every day
time go students to line up for every Thursday at the kids take all their strong energy outside that on Thursday there is golden time and
outside and going outside the end of the day or the classroom and play outside. only the good students will go outside to
play before the break. play

Table 2 - Implementation
Date Lesson Title Routine
1 23.Oct.17 English: sound out letters Every morning the teacher review the sound of letters with the
students by using a card.
2 24.Oct.17 Math: count from 1-100 The teacher always counts with the students the numbers form 1-
3 25.Oct.17 Math: shapes The teacher reminds and let the students say the name of the shape
that she is pointing on or hold.
4 26.Oct.17 English: write a sentence Every morning the teacher write a sentence in the borad and let
the students copy it in their note book

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