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[UNIVERSITY PRESS OS Sk ee ald 2 Be ee ae tle tg 1 © Write the best greeting for each situation. 1 its 10am Good moming. 2 Wts3pm — 3 Its 7pm 4. You are going to bed. 5. Say'hello' toa friend, Hello oR 6 Say ‘goodbye’ to oR a friend See _ 1 © Write a dialogue. Use the words in the box. And are Bye Good Hello morning How I'm Fine, Max thanks you fine you max Good marning __, Mrs Jones! ‘RS JONES - ! max — Rs Jones I! 2 wax a tars ones Bye, Max Introduction Howard My family 3 cE Look at Patrick's family tree. Complete the sentences. ee 4 Partrick {Paul LI) ‘Jenny 1 My name's Patrick and Paul is my _ brother 2. Jenny is my 3 John is our 4 Kate is our 5. Debbie, Howard, Cynthia and Edward are our 6 Cynthia and Edward are our mum's Possessive adjectives 4. <> complete the sentences with my, his, her, our or their. 1 We live in Bristol. Our house is near the park. 2. My brother loves sport favourite sports football 3. It's my sister's birthday tomorrow. - party is on Saturday. 4. My friends always invite me to houses. 5 Ihave to buy flowers for mother on Mother’ Day, 6 Thisisa photo of my English class. And this is teacher, Mrs Dyer, Giving personal information 5 Write the questions to complete the interview. interviewer "What's your name? _ ouver — Oliver Bailie. inreRviewer ® ouver = B Al double LIE. InTeRviewer > ouver I'm twelve, nenviewer a ouver Thirty-two, Crescent Lane. INTERVIEWER © ouver t's DA19 BUT. INTERVIEWER © ‘ouver: INTERVIEWER. 7 ouver It’s. 0897 345. Yes. Its interviewer Thank you. have got / has got 6 © Describe the people. 1 They are tall and They noses, They hai. They ere wearing _ and long, black 2 Hes and He hair he's __ He a anda He's wearing —— "7 =) Read the information in the chart and complete the interview. Internet friend's name| Clare Morgan Canada twehe one brother, bo sisters Eyes —_ | blue Hair : dark “Languages? _| French Instruments? —__| piano, vilin Sports? tennis inrerviewer ‘Have you got an Internet friend, Jack? JACK ‘Yes, 2 Her name is INTERVIEWER, * sack She's from Canada INTERVIEWER — 2 sack She's twelve. INTERVIEWER & _ ? sack Yes, she's got one brother and two sisters. tenviewer Can you describe her? JACK She? eyes and hair. inrerviewer Can she speak any languages? JACK Yes, *_ interviewer Can she play the guitar? JACK No, * She” the piano and the violin INTERVIEWER *__ any sports? JACK " — _ Dido My school Vocabulary 1 © Complete the text. Write the words for the pictures. Hil I'm Caitlin Jerwood. I'm twelve and Live in, Brighton, I'm in Year 8 at West Park Secondary School, My favourite subjects are ' Maths and Stake the 2 don't like? 4 to school. My brother comes, too. He goes to the same school, but he’s in Year 9. We meet our friends at & « and finishes at? ;chool, on Wednesdays, | play *__ and on Fridays | go ® Thave a *. lesson on Tuesdays, After that, | go home and read a" in the evening. My friends live in the same street, so they come to my house on Friday or Saturday evenings and we watch ® together. 2 coRead the text School starts at Ido my homework statements true (/) or false (x)? Correct the false ones. 1. Caitlin goes to a primary school She qoes to a secondary school. 2. She'sin Year 10. 3 Her brother is in the same class. 4. They go to school by bus. 5. She likes Maths and Science. 6 She doesn't like History. 7 She plays tennis on Frida 8 She doesn't play a musical instrument. <==) Read the text again. Answer the questions. 1 Whattime does school start? It starts at half past eight: 2. What time does it finish? 3. When does Caitlin do her homework? son? 4 When does she have a mu: 5. What does she do on Fridays? 6 When do Caitlin and her friends watch TV? exercise 1 again. Are the Present simple 4 Look at the chart. Write sentences about Ralph. Use the verbs in brackets. Name: Ralph Which musical instrument do you play? What subject | What time do | What sports doyou like? | you getup? | de you do? How do you get to school? What do you and your friends do after school? ae 1 Ralph doesn’t play but he _ plays the trumpet, the guitar (play) Writing 5 Look at the chart in exercise 4 and 2 He _ __ Maths, answer the questions about yourself and your but he ike friend. 3 He — , ' a — but he (get up) a 4 He . — but he (play, do) 5 He - - but he a (take, walk) My friend 6 Ralph and his friends but they __.. (do, watch) Birthdays Months 1 © Complete the crossword with months. Ordinal numbers 3 © Write the ordinal numbers in words in the correct column. sieth | Dates 4 Complete the chart. Seasons 2 © Label the seasons. We write We say 1 May the first of May the fifteenth of October 3 April the thirty-first of July 22 September ‘the eighteenth of January 5 cm When are their birthdays? Write the dates in full. 1 Lucy birthday is on the fourth of July (4/7) 2 Toms — (15/1) 3. Jims = (2378) 4 Catriona’s (1/2) 5 Abbi's @/a) 6 © Look at the calendar and answer Revision the quadtions. "7 These people have got the wrong things. JULY i) Write sentences. sei al a eect) 2/3)4 > 8/6|7 1 1 8 | 9 | 10/11 | 12] 13} 14 15 22/23) 24) 25 26 27 | 28 16/17/18) 19 | 20 | 21 1 29 30 | 31 's the thirtieth of July a Monday? 2. Danielle and Becky No, itisn’t, it's Tuesday tennis racket ‘What day is the seventeenth? ‘What date is the frst Saturday in July? ‘What date is the third Wednesday? 3 Liamand Neil balloons. ‘What days are the tenth and the sixteenth? ‘What day is the fourth day in July? ‘What dates are all the Sundays on? ‘What date is the last day of the month? 4. Mrleffries book 5. The teacher football L [ ‘1 Answer the questions about yourself. 1 What are you wearing now? 1 _Where are you going? (go To the park. 2. What are your parents doing now? De dos — Acrossword 3 Is your teacher talking now? Be ___ tlook for) - The glue 4 Where are you sitting now? ae ? (make) - —— A model 5. Are you listening to music now? 6 - 2 (phone) My friend, 6 Isitraining today? 6. ? (rain) oe No, it isn't My favourite animals Animals 1 complete the crossword. Across 4 2 2 Write the animals in exercise 1 in the correct column. { Wild animals Farm animals — "They live in water | a giraffe, "J Present simple or present continuous? 3 © Gircle the correct forms. 1 +H, Bony wh@ie you TOBY do you do right now? » Lwatch / am watching 3 DVD called Two Brothers. 2. Every summer we are going / go to Weymouth, 3. At the moment, my mother is looking / looks for 2 holiday on the Internet. 4 My father usually is coming / comes home at about half past six. But today he is working / works longer. 5 © Where do you go/ are you going, Alex? » To the library. Are you coming / Do you come, too? Yes, /am. 6 © Laura, do you play / are you playing a computer game? It’ time for bed! + No, Mum, |’m not playing / don’t play a game. I'm finishing / finish my homework. 4, ez Put the verbs in brackets into the present simple or the present continuous tense. 1. Every Tuesday after school |_have ‘a music lesson. But today | ‘m having a dance lesson. (have) 2 This is Mrs Parker. She wonderful cakes, Look, she a chocolate cake now. (make) 3 you _ Rebecca again? You___her every day! (phone) 4 At the moment, in my diary. 1 init every week. (write) 5 Mybrother always me with my homework. At the moment, | him with his English! (help) 6 you basketball today? Yes, every week, with the school team. (play) 5 cEE> Put the verbs in brackets into the present simple or the present continuous tense. 1 Jam at the Dolphin Park today! Every day at nine o'clock, the park keepers feed _ (feed) the dolphins. The dolphins always (eat) fish. t (throw) 3 fish to a dolphin now. Look! it Gump) and (catch) the fish. 2 We _____ (go) on holiday every year. We're in Africa, in a wildlife park now. We: (sit) in the car and (watch) some giraffes. They (eat) leaves, 3 Atthe moment, we (earn) about frogs. We are on a class trip to the park today. This is my friend, Felix. He (draw) a frog. tt (catch) an insect for its lunch! Vocabulary ‘1 © Label the pictures. The story of Chicken Licken ») One day an old woman makes a cake. Its a | gingerbread man! The old woman takes the cake out of the oven. But the gingerbread man jumps tip and runs away! ‘Help,’ the old woman shouts to her? ___. ‘My gingerbread man Is running away!’ The old woman and the old ‘man run after him. But they can’t run fast. On the farm, there is a? ___ eating grass. ‘Where are you going?’ the cow asks the gingerbread man. But the gingerbread man doesn’t stop. So the cow runs after him, too. Then they see a* _____walking along the & ___.. The horse starts running, too. AS ___is swimming in the pond. tt starts running, too. Everyone wants to:cateh the gingerbread man! But they can’t run fast. Then the gingerbread man comes toa 7 ___ He stops because he can’t ___issitting there, next toa tree. ‘Jump on my back. | can swim very wel’ swim. But a® he says. So the gingerbread man jumps on his back. They swirn actoss the river. But the fox is hungry now. He says, “You are very heavy on my back. Jump on my head.’ The gingerbread man jumps ‘on the fox’s head. Then the fox opens his 4 and eats the gingerbread man. So next time you see a fox, don't listen to him! 3 cz)Read the story in exercise 2 again. Are the statements true (V) or false (x)? 1 Anold woman makes a gingerbread man. [7 2. The gingerbread man runs away from the cow. 3 The horse doesn't want to catch the gingerbread man. The gingerbread man can run very fast A fox issitting next to a tree ‘The fox wants to eat the gingerbread man. The gingerbread man climbs a tree. ‘The fox can’t swim IDA! The fox eats the gingerbread man. We must always listen to a fox Sowrv.9]4wsA “Auip si x19 AW 9 s9afoud fu! 10} anj6 Aue yo6 a,uaney) § feldeu 3,usi Gop AN juloos Aus u; GuwpAue puy.2,ue0) ‘Bunow ayy ul pai sAemje wy Z SPIOM ays wes} 16nut NOR mouowo) 153) Bumjads e108 an) 4 1 Wibel ek fk “span See Cae) © Aiea paq ox 08 ny p29) yf uea)> dos ayy ye awios Ang | “xog aun ut spuom aun pue asnus asp “aoinpe annex G 3snur sa pue 3230 Guo} su ano] a /| -ayenb e st jeuue ayunoney A 9 ayy / Kays 385 0} 2UeM sn aM Ue ray) Si29q Age mau ony ale aiauy cu/eBe ‘002 ayt 0} Sf / am 3Ye1 NOK UeD ‘peg ‘ase|4 S “Uuuey 242 UO uty / 8y SBpU sfeme J9H / US “p07 payed S| asi0y suaISIS AY syed ailpjim 40 sooz ut any ysnu wayL / Kays “siad poob tou are Siew PIKE “waur / Kaur anoge 84009 speay shemje 48H / BUS “spalq sano| sayOW AW Z caseayd 9 ye aw (QuED UBIUOY AL UO Wy eWIUE MAU e SBEyL 4 ‘spiom panior ap apna "Og ay} U! sp1oM ayy ue 2snw yam sazuaquas arm ZAep Arana Op ays asmus yey “Oo7 O49 2 SHIOM e113 CEE? Q sunouoad yoafqo / yoafqus Progress check ‘1 Circle the correct answe Which one 1 isan insect? a chicken/a duck) 2 can'tfly? a budgie/an eagle/a shark 3 cantly? a giraffe/an eagle/a dolphin 4 can swim? a shark/a cow/a goat 5 canclimba tree? a monkey/an ostrich/a pig 6 eats insects? asheep/a goat/a frog 7 isawild animal? a sheep/a lion/a duck 8 isa farm animal? a giraffe/a snake/a cow 2. Find nine more animals in the wordsearch. WL HTEfols|[t{ Ri ifclals IPR/O/|HIN|S|H/A/RIK|B Pi's[pleloli|clololsle PHP | P/OJE\/E/H\E|C/HIA HOO; TL E;P|S|A;s|O EIR WPiG| RI EJH|K\/El|H[ Ol Ele O}OJE/O|CiU/E|A|I|P/E TV E|B/O|R/E|S/B/L| BIT al Als[e|mlo[n|/K/ely|[m M/Gi/E;/P/LIO|/L]Y|s|iM/¥ UL LIT O|N|PJHJO/[RI TIA WIE;LIE|P|H/A|N/T|P/S 3) Write the names of the animals in exercise 2. a hippopotanws a 20 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 INTERVIEWER steve INTERVIEWER steve INTERVIEWER seve INTERVIEWER steve @ Steve works at the zoo. Read the interview. Complete the questions and answers. Use the verbs in brackets. What" areyou doing at the moment, Steve? (do) R ____the elephant house. (clean) They aren't very tidy animals! When usually them? (feed) They * their breakfast at seven o'clock in the morning and their dinner at five o'clock in the afternoon. (have) What * _the elephants at the moment? (do) ‘Well, that’s the mother and her baby. She always © next to her baby. (stand) At the moment she * hhimt (wash) What the other elephant over there? (do} ne ata gitl. (ook) She ® an ice-cream. (cat) Elephants love ice-cream! 5 change the nouns in brackets into he, him, Ican... Shiite, they oF then. Complete the answers and tick (/) the correct box. [must remember my brother's birthday next week. (My brother) "_He is having a party 1 The monkeys usually the tree, but at the moment What are you going to buy {your brother) s ? they tim taking (my brother) * shop to buy a new hamster. + That's a good present. But (your brother) toa pet (climb, sleep) “ must dean the cage often, (The cage) * getrverplitiy _Uves “th NEED MORE PRACTICE Se ts our class trip today. Our teacher, Mrs Bell, is oo taking (our class) * tothe z00, 2 We're at the zoo! I'm (Mrs Bell)? is teaching (our class) watching the ee *__about animals They are jumping, want to see the lions. The lions) ® Next to them, Ian see are my favourite animals, My friends all like the the ___. They a monkeys, so (my friends) * want to see are swimming and the Samant aS (the monkeys) " first Zookeeper is feeding LA them. They're eating 6 what must these people do? Write sentences By with must. —__—— 1 Johnny can’t play the guitar very well a | can talk about a mals. aE (practise more) -[_JINEED MORE PRACTICE _ He must practise more 2. Mysister always gets 1/10 for her tests. (do her homework) Don’t forget * practise the piany + learn new words bay Mum a birthday card 3. My brothers hair is very long. (cut t) 4 My friends aren't quiet in class, (stop talking) 3 | must Then | 5. I can’t see the board in class. (wear glasses) a Ais birthday tomorrow. | 6 We're going to the wildlife park. (bring cameras) [7] can talk about the things must dela (JINeeD MoRE PRACTICE (ves Sts Ee es [> 3! Tt FE zx Where were you last week? Vocabulary 1 © Label the pictures. was / were 3 © Complete the text with was or were. Last week, we" were at the seaside, We 2 on holiday. The weather * very good. Our hotel * ‘opposite the beach. Th lovely and warm. There® umbrellas on the beach. My brother and |? always in the sea, but My 1_birthela wets feist Saturday: vias at my mum usually in the sun! Next to the? - with my the hotel, there® a lot of restaurants ‘The trivia was about + tk was and cafés, The ice-creams great! igreatl Later, weavers at the There" twenty different ice-creams! but itwas so that wasn’t fun. (My favourite ice-cream * the chocolate hwasat?, att one, There® also a very interesting and there was a? and repiile park near our hotel. There # a » or me. | was very happy. big crocodile and there ** allot of twas ih" at? _ snakes, They * hob. The beact (ews a prea day " the best place to go! ‘| 4 <= Where were they? Look at the pictures, 5 © Write questions and answers. and correct the sentences. 1. she/ school 1 Miriam and Alison were at © Was she at school the 200. yesterday? Miriam and Alison _ » _No she wasn't. She was weren't at the zoo. at the swimming pool. They were at the beach Luke was at his sister's they / sports centre wedding, . 3 he/home (Qur teacher was ill in bed. was at school. they / shops. Andrea and Daniel were at a birthday party, Vocabulary 1 | © Label the things in the picture. an airport 1 2 3 4 a a <= Complete the crossword. 1. This “book’ has your namie, photo and country init You catch this at the station. ‘You travel on the sea or river in this. You can sleep in this. Its got wheels You must buy this before you travel on a bus or plane You can stay here when you're on holiday wawn a ay au Past simple 4 xD What did the family do on holiday? What didn’t they do? Write sentences. 3 Look at Katarina’s diary for last week. Write what she did on each day. Monday practise tennis with Peter Tuesday visit Grandma Wednesday eich a DVD at Helena’ house Thursday play computer games with Filly Fae by ie earn more Spanish e eer — Things to do on holiday! Saturday collect my bus ticket for the Check the bes on the suitases Jf Watch TVX Practise some French f Ysitthe museum X Sunday pack for the school trip Play foal X Wilh te the vcer J. 1 _On Monday she practised tennis with Peter Phone the bank X. Collect chet tothe theatre: They checked the labels on the suitcases. (° Cc Problems Regular / irregular verbs ‘1 © write the past form of the verbs in the crossword. Across 5 steal 7 eat B take 10 are 11 drop 12 bite Down 1 miss 2 break 3 go 4 arab 6 forget 9 leave 7 z 2 «What happened to the people? Write sentences. Use the past form of the verbs in the box. lose have (x2) break drop ; aaa missed the train. Past simple 3 aE Read the instructions. Complete Spy 009's report. SECRET DOCUMENT Instructions for Spy 009 Report by Spy 009 (On Tuesday 13 February, at eight o'clock, take the train _On Tuesday 13 February, at eight o'clock, took from Stansted Airport to Liverpool Street station in _ London. Wren you arrive, collect your ticket to Ipswich, — the tain from Stansted Airport to Livern ‘Then wait under the clock. Look for a woman with a _Street station in London. When I... black umbrella. When she arrives, go with her to the cafe, Check the time and at twelve o'clock phone Doctor Strange. Leave the station and take a taxi to, —|§ Euston. Go to the Bellview Hotel and collect your next instauctions. Read them and then eat them, 4 x= Mandy and Kyle went on holiday last week. But their holidays were very different! Write sentences about them. 1 Mandy / go / on holiday by plane 6 Kyle /not swim /in the sea Mandy went on holiday by plane. - 2. Mandy / take / photos with her camera 7 Kyle /have / an accident 3. Mandy / write / postcards on the beach 8 Kyle/ break /his arm 4 Mandy /be/ happy 9. He /sit/ at the café all day 5. Kyle /not go / to the beach 10 Kyle / not enjoy /his holiday (° ») Mut’s holiday Holidays ‘1 cep complete Julia's postcard. Write the words in the crossword. Dear Elena We are on _ holiday _ in Croatia. We arrived on Monday vie? our dog, Sandy, wifo our ?____, Mp Cole. Then we 4 ____ our ear to the. sand took 2 plane. The ® wa tong, but it was fun, We? ____a campsite right next to jhe © __. When we arrived, we *____ —in the beautiful, warm sea. There's a picture. of it on this iS At night, we sleep in 2 The _is good = = su sand ‘hot. | brought my swith me, 0 { can show you some when { come home, arte ou het play / games 1 We _arrived at our hotel. 2 We__ P e fa fe *s Pa thloltlifala rp Ci} | "et say/goodbye to ourdog. —=S—Ssgo/ayport 4 Wei BW 3 We pack / suitcases 6 Mum and Dad Past simple — questions 3 © Write questions and short answers. Use the words in brackets. 1 Did youply football 2 __ Jast week? No, f PTFE didn't. football) (camping) (piano lesson) = 4 © Match the questions to the answers. Were you on Holiday last week? Where did you go? How did you travel there? Where did you stay? Did you take your dog with you? Who looked after him? What did you do in Rome? What did you like best? Ina hotel The food! No, we didn’t Yes, we were We visited the Colosseum. To Rome. Our friends By train FORO oA Te OV HMURWNH 5 _ to do my homework. And | § my sandwiches very hungry all day. “ to the beach We? __ inthe sea and * - wonderful food. Later, * a football match on TV. Liverpool Chelsea Itwas great! Yesterday |? ____ the train to the cinema. But | my ticket, so 1 * home. But on the way home, my shoe #6 v7 my dad and he "* in his car. He 5) What did and didn’t they do at the weekend? Read the questionnaire and write sentences. Ican... ‘Complete the answers and tick (/) the correct box. Patrick Eason i 1 Last year | went on holiday to Brighton. Konrad _ [listen to CDs Jessica make dinner for the family ‘We travelled by Paula ractise volleyball B eve We stayed ina . Adrian go camping “Charlotte |haveadance exam | can say what | did on holiday. Brian ‘travel to Cornwall ives [_]I NEED MORE PRACTICE Teresa__|doa Science project - Di 7 1 aii tte his rent 2 « Did you go swimming last Friday’ > eee — » Noy! And t____ 3 (not’see) my friends, because they 4 (not be) at home. 2 can say what | didn’t do in the past. zs 6 it at ee + (ves [JI NEED MOREPRACTICE 8 Complete the questions, 1 When _did yougo swimming ? I went swimming on Friday afternoon, 2 © How ? | got there by bus. 3 © Who —_ | saw Maisie there. 4» What after that? We had a pizza at a restaurant. $e —__. it? Yes, we liked it very much. 6 © When a) We got home at nine o'clock 3) Where / go on holiday last month? travel / by train? When / arrive? What /do there? have /a good time? YES: [es CO [_]ineep more Pi ‘can ask about things people did in the past. | [° Kinds of food 1 © Label the pictures. 1 _ chicken 2 2 © Look at what Hanna usually eats during the day. Complete the texts. Breakfast For breakfast | usually have two 'e:gas and as Hove them with cheese and at | always have *t to drink At lunch often have a *s and *, Hike 7a =, *b, and Fo, | also have ® | Dinner For dinner | sometimes eat "}__ and a But my favourite is with mixed *v have to drink with that Ordering food 3 Clive is ordering lunch. Put the dialogue in ‘the correct order. Anything else? Yes, cari! havea salad with my cheeseburger? A coke, please Can | have 2 cheeseburger, please? Yesplease? {s that everything? Yes, thank you. Yes, Do you want anything to drink? walaess ' Yes, please? Countable / uncountable nouns 4 © Write the food items in the correct column. Chicken, rice and salad Fruit salad You need: bananas, apples, 200g beans ‘oranges, grapes 2 tomatoes 2eags lettuce pela 200.g chicken ee 3509 rice lemonade, water Countable nouns Uncountable nouns tomatoes, cuve wares * —__ cuve wares * —— ave 8 warrress ” — ave a/an 5 Look at the picture, Complete the text with a or an where necessary. We're having a picnic! We've got ‘_— pasta and cheese. There are 3__ sandwiches and there's * big chocolate __ chicken, too. And there's © __big salad. We put? _ eg (only one), & tomatoes in cake. There is* lettuce and ® it. To drink, we've got cola and it lemonade. And there is ® too - bananas and apples, and * fruit orange. Writing 6 «£2 write what you eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner. For breakfast | have 35 Stone soup Foed 2 ca write the words in exercise 1 in the correct 1 © Complete the crossword. Across 3 column. meat _| frui vegetables |drinks [other | ham, 6 12 S Revision © Complete the dialogue with have / has got ‘or haven't / hasn't got. Spaghetti Bolognese an onion X a tomato x salt and pepper Jose |" vegot an idea! Let's make spaghett) for lunch. tuKa OK. + we everything we need? ose We? some beef, but we 36 4 any onions. wuKa My dad $ some onions in his vegetable garden ose Oh, goor ‘tomatoes? he ary Luka No, he? __ tomatoes, but the shop next to our house * some Josie We? some salt and pepper, too. wuka, That's everything we need! a/an, some 4, @ Circle the correct words. 1 ¢ What would you like to drink? I'd like a /Gomawater, please. 2. Can| have an /some apple, please? 3. Jason loves a /some chips with chicken for lunch. 4. My mum usually cooks a / some beef for our ‘Sunday dinner, 5 e Would you like some / a sandwich for breakfast? Yes, please. And I'd like aan egg, please. 6 My brother likes pasta with a/ some cheese. 7 Michelle got a /an chocolate cake for her birthday. some/any 5 ce>Rosie and her mother are writing the shopping list. Complete their dialogue. Use some or any. juice J butter ¥ ‘cacrels X mushrooms / ham X salt X 1. Have we got any juice? Yes, we've got some juice. 2 © And cartots? 3 @ Have we got any ham? 4 « Have we got any butter? 5 Are there any mushrooms? 6 © Is there any salt in the cupboard? 6 Das Sam got a healthy lunch? Complete the text with some or any. © a sandwich with chicken, cheese | @ fish © fruit (apples, bananas, oranges) @ salad 8 pasta or rice © water or fruit juice i i | Unhealthy things | I = Fi F z ! cola, lemonade sweets } 1 cakes chips Sam hasn't got a chicken sandwich. He's got a hamburger with some chips. That's not very ‘900d for lunch! But Sam has got®__ cheese and *_ fruit. He hasn't got 4___ apples or bananas, but he’s got 5 oranges. He hasn't got © _ pasta or rice and he hasn't got salad. But he's got ® fruit juice. He hasn't got a cola or lemonade today. He hasn't got ® sweets, He’s got " cake, but it's a healthy cake. It hasn't got 2 sugar init, only carrots! (° Mut goes shopping Quantities ‘1 © Label the pictures. Use the words in the box. 2. CD Look at the picture. Match the words in A to the words in B. orange juice 3 and? the iP pancakes. can say how to make my favourite food. Lives (]'neeo more practice The United Kingdom 1 © Look at the map. Label the four countries (1-4). ATLANTIC OCEAN Channel Tunnel ~ es skm ENGLISH CHANNEL 2. © Find these things on the map in exercise 1. Write the correct letters (a-i a mountain a lake a forest 1 2 3 4 ariver 5 abeach 6 hills 7 acity 8 atunnel 9 an island Oo Oo [ Ll LF Oo Look at the map, Complete the questions and answers. Use the words in the box. big deep high long (x2) wide. 1 How _ wide _ is the Millennium Bridge in London? it’s _four metres wide. 2 How is Ben Nevis? Its — —_ 3 How is Lake Windermere? Is in the middle, 4 How is London? About seven million people live there. 5 How is the river Thames? Wes 6 How is the Channel Tunnel? Is 4 Circle the correct words. 1 The lake is 300 metres@eepy old in the middle 2 Be careful, Don't fall! The bridge is 1,000 metres short / high. 3. The Nile is a very long / light river 4 The Channel Tunnel is a wide / tall tunnel under the sea 5 Mount Snowdon is a thick / high mountain in Wales 6 Birmingham is a big / tall city in England. 7 In winter the weather is very wet / new. 8 The trees in this forest are really green / old - almost 400 yearst 9 The river is very short / wide. You can't see the other side! 10. The tunnel is very old, so they are building a thin / new one now. 5 © Rewrite the sentences. Put the words in brackets in the correct place. 1. That's my dad, He's bald and has got eyes. (blue) That's my dad. He’s bald and has got blue eves. 2 love the sand on the beach, (white) 3. | don’ like swimming in pools. (deep) 4 There's a bridge across the river. (stone) 5. Kaiser Chiefs is a band from Leeds. (popular) 6 There are lots of forests near my house. (dark) Adjectives 6 © Complete the sentences with the adjectives in the box. 1. Help! This water is _deep | can't stand! tts very in this tunnel is very __ Hlve in a very town near London, How a is that building? It’s a very drive on it. Be careful. This bridge road. Lots of cars can [= North and south The weather ‘1 © Label the pictures. Use the words in the box. 3, © Complete the crossword. Across 2. A month in summer that ends in-y. S) March, April, May ate months in 6 Not wet Down 1 They are in the sky. 2. Avery cold month in winter 3. The opposite of south 4 Alter May E 4 Write the correct form of the verbs in brackets. 1 Itusually _rains a lotin autumn. But today, it isn’t raining (rain) 2 Look! The sun is out and it hot. Let's go to the beach. (get) 3 In'summer, it dark until : about nine o'clock at night. (not get) 4 now! Come and play in the snow with me. (snow), 5 The weather here is horrible! tt every day. (rain) 6 It's. lovely day today. The sky is blue and the birds ____.. ing) Comparative adjectives 5 © Read the descriptions. Label the pictures with the correct names. 8 Jenny is shorter than all the others. Kate is taller than Jenny, but shorter than the others. Diana is fatter than Tracy and Emily. Emily is thinner and taller than Diana. Tracy is shorter than Diana, but taller than Kate. 6 @ complete the sentences with the comparative form of the adjectives in brackets. 1 France is much smaller __ than Canada. (smat!) 2) Who do you think is__ - Jenniter Lopez or Angelina Jolie? (beautiful) 3 lam winter. happy) — in summer than jn 4. | think English is than French. (difficult) 5 The south is much than the north. (flat) 6 Antarctica is __ place in the world. (cold) 7 Parrots usually live than dogs or cats. (long) 8 J think swimming in the sea is __ than any other than swimming in the pool, (nica) 7 £2 Write sentences. Make comparisons. 1 long / short anice simone Janice’s hair iS longer Simorre’s hair _is than Simone’ shorter than Jani 2. thin / thick fe 5 ALAN BEN Alan's sandwich Ben's 3 big/ small 4 wet/dry OS ae Saturday was Sunday The world 1 © Write the names of the continents on the map (1-7). Record breakers 2 2 cOwrite the correct letters (a-h) with these 4. © Draw and label your country on the map. 3 <2 Write the names in exercise 2 with the names. © the Amazon [a] e the Nile oO © Everest ql Oo «the UK correct descriptions. 1 tsa river, 2 Its a country, 3 I'san ocean 4 Ws. capital 5. Itsamountain. 5, 6B) Look at the map again and answer the © Vatican City questions. # Tokyo the Atlantic LI 1 Which continent is the largest? # the Pacific 2. Which continent is the smallest? 3 Which island is the biggest in Oceania? the Amazon, the Nile 4 Which continent is south of Europe? Superlative adjectives 6 © Read the information and write sentences 5 In Dalol, Ethiopia, the average temperature is sou the tennis players. Use the words in the 344°C. itis Bla THEW. OK. a 6 There are more than 46,000 people per square kilometre living in Monaco. It is country in the world fest slow tall old heavy young (andrew [vin [Adem [sam 7 Inthe Atacama Desert it rains once every 100 years. tis place in the world 8 The Pacific Ocean is 10,925 metres deep. It is ‘ocean in the world. Height [1e7cm |igocm |iz7em | 192m Weight |askg [a2ko 75k [92 ka Age [25 2 19 30 Serve [246 kn [216 kervh [231 kmh 241 kv] © {& CEE Complete the questions about your ~ country. Then try to answer them. 1 _ Andrew's > Andes serve ithe fastest. — 1 What is _the most popular place for tourists : to visit? (popular) 4 ; —— 5 2 wats building? (tail) 5 a = 3 What cityis 2 (old) ‘7 «Complete the descriptions of some of the world’s records. Use the superlative form of a Whe the words in the box. “ = shop in your town? (expensive) led deep dry heavy high hot sunny wet 5 What is your country’. food? (delicious) 1 The blue whale weighs 190 tonnes. It is —the heaviest _ animal. 6 Who syour county 2. \n the eastern Sahara the sun shines for 97% singer? (famous) of the day, itis place in the world. 3. Cherrapunij, India, gets more than 26,000 millimetres of rain a year. Itis place in the world 4 Mount Everest is 8,848 metres high. It is mountain, 1» Mickey and Millie go camping as... as ‘1 <= complete the sentences with expressions with as... as. 1 Come and sit by the fire! Your hands areas cold as ice: The young dog only weighs 500 g. It's xo a = ao 3° Its raining, but we are Do you work in this tall building? It's inside our tent FS 5 He's an old man, with hair o Let's go swimming, It's today. 2 Look at the picture. Write the words in the correct place in the crossword. Comparatives and superlatives 3 Look at the chart and complete the sentences. fong — |Praiado [Ninety Mle |Coxs Bazar, |) beaches | Cassino, Beach, Bangladesh Brazil Australia |(420km) (40 km) | (151 ken) | Big lakes | Lake Superior. | Lake Victoria, | Lake Huron, 7 ihe USA, Tanzania, the USA, Canada |Ugands | Canada (82,414 m) | (68,485 my [59.596 m) Deep Caribbean | South China [Bering Sea seas: Sea Sea (4,773 m) 25 (6,946 m) | (5,016 m) Popular Fiance ‘Spain USA for |(75 millon |S2mition [46 mition tourists |visitors'a | visitorsa —_|isitors a # year) year) year) Old |San Marina France Bulosria ‘countries (301 AD) | (4a6.AD)—_‘[(632 AD) [Busy [Heathrow, [Schiphol [Miami airports | London Amsterdam (32 million 7 (7 milion (46 milion |peopiea peaplea |peoplea _[year) vyeet) year) J 1 Ninety Mile Beach is _fonger___ than Cox's Bazar. But beach is in Brazil 2. Lake Victoria is than Lake Huron, but __ lake is Lake Superior. 3 The Caribbean Sea is inthe world, (tis ‘than the South China Sea and the Bering Sea 4 <> complete the sentences with your ideas. Use the adjectives in brackets in the comparative or superlative. 1 The most difficult __ subject is _Maths. (difficult) 2 The thing | have got is _. (expensive) 3 Heel on a than on Monday. (happy) 4 The ____ person on TV is (beautiful) 5 the day of the year is ___. (good) 6 the pop group in the world is (oad) trregular adjectives 5 <= Complete the sentences with better, the best, worse or the worst. 1. think pizza is better in this restaurant than the one we went to yesterday 2. Thad the highest test result in my class. | was 1 3. trained all weekend. It was Weekend this month! 4. | was second in the dance competition, but Sandy was than me. She was first. 5. Idon’tlike our new TV. [think it than the old-one. 6 «You look happy. Yes. My project was in the school © Great, Was it ‘than Ralph's? ‘Yes, it was, 4 country for tourists last year was France. Spain was than the USA. 5. France is than Bulgaria, But San Marino is country in the world. 6 airport in the world is Heathrow Schiphol airport is __ than Miami Progress check 1 write the answers. 1. North and South America are examples of continents. China and Russia are examples of c__ The Atlantic is an example of an 6 Paris and London are ¢ cities. The four points of a compass are: wnun 6 Spring and summer are two of the s___. The two others are: 7 The Amazon and the Nile are two ong r 8 Thehighestm __ in the world is Evetest 9A is the coldest continent. 10 The Channel T___ runs under the sea from England to France. 2 Match the pictures to the sentences. a b Lia cheh bee - 9% 9 d & ue he 7 é 1 Its cloudy, Bb] 5: its sunny. C 2 = Its raining. 6 Its cold. 3. It's windy. 7 Itssnowing. [| 4 itswarm 52 3> Complete the sentences with comparisons. 1. ‘She's got beautiful eyes. They're as blue_as the sky - 2 [have all my books in my bag and | can't pick it up. Its 3 | keep my books at school, so my bag isn’t heavy. It's 4. Don't touch me. Your hands are cold a 5 it was very sunny today and 20°C! it was 6 George broke the lamp in our house, so it was black Complete the sentences with the comparative or superlative form of the adjectives in brackets. 1 Susan and Samantha are the friendiost girs in our class. (friendly) 2 Rosa is friend in the world. (good) 3 A Rolex watch is ___ than a Swatch watch, (expensive) 4 | think that weather is in summer. (nice) 5 Matthew is than Richie. But Jeremy is in our class. (tall) 6 It rained all day yesterday, but today the weather i (good) SOUTH 5 Complete the text with the words in the box. ‘better highest country islands more most beautiful mountains bigger snows winter milion capital sunny PACIFIC OCEAN NORTH ISLAND. no EN estchatch ae ? sianogs 4 Na? 2 "Dunedin I'm from New Zealand. There are only about 4.1 *_ milion people in my® There are? sheep than people here! New Zealand is one of the ? countries in the world, There are two big ® The South island is 4 than the North Island, but the weather in the North Island is 7 ~ it's warmer and sunnier, But it isn’t a all the time. in? . ip a lot. There area lot of hills and high in the South island, The? is: Mount Cook (3,754 metres). The ® city is Wellington. Ican... Complete the answers and tick (7) the correct box. 1 My favourite season is summer, The : y le weather is usually 5 E ‘ ___and x and it 3b co OP very often FE {can talk about the weather Lives aC [ineswercracie 2 2 | think summer is — (good) than winter. It iS (hot) and (sunny). Winter is (dark) and _____ (wet) than summer. But (nice) season is spring! {can compare different things. Lives... (]INEED MORE PRACTICE 3 The capital city of my country is The highest mountain is longest river is [think the most beautiful place in my country is and the I can talk about my country. (yes [J]! NEED More PRACTICE 33 [-y Entertainment wy TV programmes 54 Vocabulary 11 © Label the things in the picture. 1 _remote contra/ 2 complete the dialogue with the words in the box. comedy record remote control Fegvide TV set screen aux Where’ the * TV guide __? want to see what's on TV tonight Gaal ('m reading it. Oh no! My favourite 2 programme is on tonight It's so funny! But I can’t watch it because | have a dance lesson! aux Youcan? __itand watch it later. Gaal That's a good idea. Where's the 4 ? ‘Aux Here itis, on top of the ® Press that buitton there asi Oh no! What have | done? The ‘ is black! Aux. That's because the television isn’t switched on, silly 3 <=) Match the types of programme (1-9) to the descriptions in the TV guide (a-i). 6 the news. Oo 7 arealityshow [_] 8 acomedy programme 1 aquizshow = [7] 2 asoapopera [| 3 acartoon I 4 5 apolice drama [7] adocumentay [_] 9 afilm a Learn all about whales and dolphins in this great new prograrame. | | b What is Mickey Mouse going to do this time? Watch all your favourites - Tom and Jerry, Donald Duck, Peanuts ¢ Itsa story about students at a wizard school, with Daniel Radcliffe as Harry, and Emma Watson as Hermione [ a Doyour r what happened last @ Do you remember what | 2 Do oteats boyfriend artived, ut she | Wasn't there ... Find out what happened to him in tonight's show! e This is the funnie t programme in the world! £ Whois going to leave the house this week? On this show, you have a chance to choose, Decide and phone us! {They drive fast cars and catch robbers See what happens tonight in Miami Cops! h Find out what is happening right now, | _ around the world ‘Are you smart? Try and answer these questions! going to 4 & Complete the dialogue with going to and the verbs in brackets. srewarr What are we going to watch (watch) sum And what about the quiz show? Your on TV tonight? teacher, Mr Kips, #____ (oe) Mec = Well, |?___ ____ {not miss) onit.Wes watch) Hollyoaks tonight. It's my favourite that, of course programme and its getting really exciting. pao Don’t worry. ® - Do you remember what happened last (not watch) the Oscars for three hours. | week? Well, tonight , (do) some work AD Wait a minute! It's the Oscars tonight. later, at about half past eight The programme starts at seven o'clock wea = And | (record) sTewaRt Oh no! It ends at ten o'clock. We Hollyoaks, So we * } a (not see) the (watch) our favourite programmes! football match on Channel 4 5 EE) Read Becky's diary for next week. Writing Complete the questions and answers, 6 ep wasn Thackey match What are you and your friends going to do? earn for a est 1 bo te Science praecr This weekend, | ‘ah The Simpsons on oe ene Si i Lae 2. Mysister/ brother / friend 3 We 1 tennis lesson / Monday ? Js Becky going to havea tennis fesson on Monday? — — a 2 ‘No, she isn’t. She's gaing to have a hockey match: What are you not gaing to do: 2 learn tor a test / Tuesday 7 4 1 _____ — 5 Myparents - 3. do the English project / Wednesday ? — 6 Mytriend 4. watch Friends / Thursday ? 5. see the new film with Laura / Friday ? 55 At the movies Adverbs ‘1 © Write the adverbs. adjective adverb bad badly beautiful careful easy fast good happy hard heavy horrible loud 3 She b 4 She b miserable [quick [quiet (Glow 2 <2 Complete the sentences with adverbs in exercise 1 and the expression: the box. fiftweights drive sing talk play the guitar play tennis build a house of cards : do his homework move eo 1. She _islifting the weights. easily: at 3 complete the sentences with adjectives or adverbs. 1. Kimberly a good swimmer Kimberly can swim well. 2 Mark's a horrible dancer. Mark dances __ 3. Trevor's very careful. Trevor does everything a 4 Joanna can run fast. Joanna isa 5. There was a sudden noise. runner. - . there was a noise. 6 I don’t play music very loudly. I don’t like music. 4, <2 Match the words in A to the words in B to make opposites. Use a dictionary to help you. 5 ax choose the correct words to complete the sentences. 1. Come and swim! The water is _wart warm / warmiy) 2 Please be _ ____.. The children are writing a test. (quiet / quietly) 3 theard a noise. (loud /ioudly) 4 Oh dear. I did very (bad / badly) 5 Camyou dance? Yes, but not very —! (good / well) 6 She plays the piano (beautiful / beautifully) 7 The crocodile opens its mouth and then shuts it again very (slow / slowly; quick / quickly) 8 Thisfilmisso ' (horrible / horribly) 9 My bag is very (heavy / heavily) in my test. 10. This exercise is _ (easy /easily) Films ‘L_ © Label the pictures with types of film. 1 Film, cameras, action 2 Complete the sentences with the phrases in exercise 2. 1 6 Let's _go on the internet! OK. We can look for information about the theatte Why » That's a good idea. 'm going to have ham and mushtooms on mine. Shall ——? Yes, that's @ good idea. | must buy-a present for my mum. Let's __ Ok. Who is playing? Why OK. But be careful, i'm really good. | aways win every game! Shall ? (OK. Shall | meet you in front of the cinema? 4 Gowrite sentences. Making arrangements 5 EX Complete the dialogues. rey a fe eS — 26s; Let's sports centre Lats go to'the sports centre, 1 «Let's go to the cinema this afternoon, Shall / play’ tennis OK. Where shall we meet? * _Why don’t we meet at the bus stop? = That's a good idea. What time? © How about _quarter past three? _ 1. | really want to get thinner! Ok. I'l see you _at the bus stop at quarter past three. 2_ I'm new and | don’t know anyone at this schoo! Why/ play / with us Lets /to the cinema / together tonight ae 3. Iwant anew MP3 player, but it’s really expensive. Why / find /a cheaper one « OK, Where shall we meet? That's a good idea, What time? Shall/ give you / my old MP3 player 4 I can't do this English homework! * Lets together \Why// ask / the teacher for help Progress check ‘1 Circle the correct answers. 4 2 "Why ate you laughing?" ‘I'm watching ‘Eeomedy showy the news /a documentary.’ My uncle works for a TV company. He makes documentaries / films / police dramas about animals EastEnders is one of the most popular films / reality shows / soap operas in Britain. Every week, people watch to see what happens to their favourite chatacters in the story Ie’ important to know about things in the world. That's why | always watch comedy shows / reality shows / the news love police dramas / quiz shows / soap operas, because | often answer all the questions! When they make'a character in the news / a soap opera /a cartoon, they have to draw lots of pictures and then use a computer to make them ‘move’. 2. Write the types of film. 1 62 Is very funny. Eddie Murphy is the main actor and he is the funniest man in the world! 3° What are they going to do? Complete the sentences. Use going to and the words in the box. Frank _is-going to watch _ acartoon on TV. 2 James and Alice __ computer games. 3 Leroy _ anew watch for his mum. 4 Alison ___ her lines for the play. 5 Our teachers. the costumes. 6 Alan's dad ‘the film for us and we can watch it later. 7 Fergie and Christian week 8 Ourteacher__ some photos of us and put them in our school magazine. me next Complete the dialogue with going to and the verbs in brackets. con * Are you a tostudy (study) tonight? ————— _— = No, I'm too tired. 12 Then the man falls in love with the woman and ues they get married and live happily ever after. It's (watch}alOve. funny, but also very romantic. ¢ Why don’t you come to the theatre with me? io (see) a play There are no people, only machines and robots, « What play * (see)? © It called The Lion, I think it The singing is great and the dancing and 2. (be) good. costumes, too, Its exciting. You never know what is going to happen. Is James Bond going to win? Its about cowboys in America I'm not sure | can come. My mum: # (go) to her singing lesson and my dad ?__ {not be) home. | have to play with my baby sister. = Well, wet (have) something to eat first. Why don’t you join us for a meal? That's @ good idea! 5 Complete the interview with the words in the box. Use a dclonary to help you. illy costume does ce difficult “have to” ‘interesting lines ‘mgoing to be — plays theatre | faugh “rehearsals Why don'tyou Joe Welcome to the Joe Andrews Show! Our guest tonight is Ricky Cooper! He's the star of some of our favourite shows on TV, Ricky, some people say you are the funniest *_actor__ inthe country! icky Well, | like making people ® ' JOE Do you always act on TV? Or do you act in the? __, 100? nicky No, i's not just TV. You can see me at the cinema and | also love being in ‘ We've got*_____ every night, for a mew drama. I'm very nervous because it’s the * rehearsal tomorrow night and 17__ ‘wear a very strange *_ _~ wide trousers and a thick coat. Joe Do you have to wear a* ? icky Yes, my character has got long curly hair and my own hair is too short! to very hot woe Who your make-up? ricky | do it myself! It's not very ®@__ But you have to do it very - yor How do you learn your __? ricky | read them alt the time! soe Well, its very __, Ricky. facky __ come and see the play, then? yor That's a good idea! Ican Complete the answers and tick (/) the correct box. 1 On Monday | 1m going to watch TV. _ | (watch) 2. Next week my parents (buy) ‘Vea talk about plans, Clyves LINED MORE PRACTICE 3 Vike but | don’t like _____very much. ean say what TV programmes films ike | watching. eli ‘Cves. (ines ore PRACTICE 4 g0/Let's/ to / cinema / the | © _Let’s go to the cinema! idea / That's / good Ja we /Why/ meet don't/ the bus stop /at ? we / meet / Shall / two o'clock / at ? OK. /you /See/ there | can make arrangements. Elves ["] NEED More PRACTICE {° 1 complete the interview. 3 Write the correct form of the verbs in brackets. sam_I'm writing about students for our school 1 Every Tuesday, after schoo! | have magazine. Can | ask you some questions? (have) a music lesson. But today | sap Yes, you can, (G0) to the dentist, so | sam 1 What __ subjects*_doyou ike? (not have) a music lesson. RAD English. | love it! And | love Maths, too 2. Leon usually (wateh) TV in SAM What sports * —_—— do? the evenings, but tonight he rap | usually do katate after schoo! on Mondays. {play) 4ootballfoi the sctioal team But this week I'm practising for a piano 3 lakoays (read) a lot when exam every day. go on holiday At the moment, 1_ sam What‘ usually®___ _— (read) a book by Phillip Pullman atthe weekend? 4 Jane (not go) to bed late. eran often * DVDs at home, or Burtonightshe___ (Goflater * the Iftemnet..Somtiroesrmy because she has to finish her homework friends and | * basketball or 4 Write what the people must do. Use the tennis. words in the box and must. sam Thanks, Brad. ly buy do clean watch 2 Write about Zoe and William. Use a verb and the correct form of have to. 1. Its Dad’s birthday tomorrow. must buy _ a present 2 My bedroom jooks horrible. my bedroom. 3. Thecaris diny. the car 1 Zoe _has to wash u — ° 4 ‘There's a good film’on TV tonight. 2. William - wash up. 3 Zoe and William ithe shoppiig, 5 My homework isn’t finished. 4 William the rubbish, —— homework e the rubbish, Zoe and William 5 What did Mary buy? Write sentences with some or any. Shopping list oil S view S tomatoes K beans A water X meat K aounwune 6 What happened to Tim on holiday? Complete the sentences with the words in the box in the past simple tense, Hi Connor ‘The first day of our holiday! was terrible! First, we? tothe wrong hotel. We Finally * to our hotel at ten o'clock. But they * the restaurant at half past nine!! was lucky 13 ape in my bag ‘The next morning. we © ataxi tothe beach, We drove fora ong time. A the beach, 2 raining Wo caffand® the rain. Then we went back to the hotet by bus. But my mother wo her bag.on the bus! Sowe an ina ” all our money. tt was a bad day! '7 Complete the text with the correct form of ‘the words in brackets. | think Loony Toons is funny, but Tomiand Jerry is (funny). But the? (good) cartoon of all (s The Simpsons. My favourite character is Homer. He's * {old} and 4 (fat) than Marge, his wife. But she's much * fun much? ____(nice) than Homer. Maggie, the baby, is * (young) of the three children The” (old) child is Bart. | think he's © ______ had) at schoolwork i his class! 8B Look at Anita’s diary. Write what she is going to do or not going to do next week. _| play dermis badminton | Ginish ny homeworte gete-the cinema Mark watch 2 DVD with Mark: | cook dinner for #raey Toanna 000000000) | buy tickets for the concert 1 On Monday, she _isn‘t going to She _ badminton. 2 On Tuesday, she _ her homework. 3. On Wednesday, Mark and Anita _ to the cinema. ____ a DVD. lay tennis They — 4 On Thursday, Anita dinner for Tracy. She dinner for Joanna 5 On Friday, she tickets for the concert. [= 1 My life 1.1 Present simple — affirmative have | @ holiday in May. buy | presents far the children visits lives Scotland in Ne ona farm. She aber it a. Tomake the present simp! For he, she and it, we add -s use the infinitive b We use the present simple to tale about things that happen repeatedly. We also use the present simple to talk about facts that are generally true € Note these speliing rules: 1. With verbs ending in -0, add -es: She goes to the sports centre every dy 2. With verbs ending in -ch, -sh, -s, -xar-z, add We pronounce the She watches telev 5 Vl. 4.2 Present simple — negative To inake the negetive of the present simple we use don't/ doesn’t and the infinitive don't live in Britain. Ske doesn’t like school 1.3. Present simple — questions To make questia and the infinitive in the present simple, we use Do / Does Do you go to bed fate on Saturday? For Wh= questions we add he question word at the beginning. Where:do you live? When does she do her homework? 1.4 Present simple — short answers To make short answers, we do not repeat the main verb: We use only do / does in the affirmative and don't/ doesn't in the negative. Do you play the violin? Yes, flo, (NOT Yes, i play.) Does.Ae fue ona farm? No, he doesn’t (NOT No, he doesn't live} 1.5 Ordinal numbers (ast fist 2oth twentieth) 2nd. second 3th thirtieth | 3rd third oth frtith 4th fourth Soth fiftieth sth fifth Both sixtieth 6th sixth 70th seventieth 7th seventh 20th —eightieth ath eighth Soth nineteth 3th rinth Yo0th hundredth Toth tenth 2 We use ordinal numbers for dates, My birthday is the twenty-seventh of lune b_ Wealso use them to describe the order of a noun This is my fourth visit to England. Barcelona is the second biggest city in Spain. Translate New Year's Day is the first of January. Noveriber is the eleventh month of the year. 1.6 Adverbs of frequency - always usually /narmally often sometimes never a We use adverbs of frequency to tell us how often something happens. We ask questions about frequency with How often ...? How often do you g 'b We usually put adverbs of frequency before a verb. to.the cinema? usually watch TV in the evening, ¢ When there is an auxiliary verb (eg. do, don‘), we put adverbs of frequency after the auxiliary and before the mai verb. don’t often go to the cinema, What do you usually watch on TV? He-has always got a lot of money de usually put adverbs of frequency after the verb to be. it's always cold in winter Translate | usually watch TV before | do my homework, We don't often go to football matches. How often do you go to nop concerts? (rp usually not at home on Wednesdays. 2 Animals 2.1. Present continuous — affirmative ' am ‘ ‘m Wee are lk You : eee Ye | re | eal 2 magne wear er = ore | & i We use the present continuous to talk about something that 's happening at the moment we speak, Nate these spelling rules: 1. with most verbs, add -ing, go -going 2 with verbs ending in -e, drop the -@ and add ~ing. take — taking 3. with verbs ending ina short vowel and one consonant, douidle the consonant. sit ~ sitting 2.2 Present continuous — negative ‘To make the negative we add not after the verb be. You are not going shopping. (long form) They aren’t taking the bus. (short form) 2.3. Present continuous — questions ‘2 To make questions in the present continuous we put Am, Js or Are in fromt of the subject Fe is taking 3 photo. Is he taking a photo? For Wh- questions we add the question word at the beginning. When are you going shopping? Why is he taking @ photo? What are they doing? 2.4 Present continuous — short answers To make short answers, we use only the verb to be, NOT the sing form The verb to bes in the full form, not the short form. Js she weering her school uniform? Yes, she is. (NOT Yes, she is wearing or Yes, she's) 2.5. Present simple and continuous go to schoo! every day. Jam going to schoo! now. Tony gets up at eight o'clock every day. Jt is eight o'clock now Tony is getting up. Translate She waits for the bus every day, She ts waiting for the bus at the moment. 26 Subject and object pronouns fam eh subject object pronoun pronoun We love him. He doesn't love us you it we us they Translate “They see her on Saturdays ‘She loves him. 2.7 must go home now. We use must when itis necessary to da something. ‘We don't have an -s in the he / she /it form of rust. Peter must do fis homework Translate ‘You must clean your room. My sister must buy some new clothes. 67 Grammar summary 3 Holidays 3.1 Past simple of to be — affirmative Hl Ha on holiday she | 8 | at school les weet ht atthe deme | eee q ‘on Monday. We intondon You | were | ut They We use the past simple of to be to talk about a definite time in the past Translate | was at home yesterday, She was on holiday in England last year. They were at the cinema on Thursday 3.2 Past simple of to be — negative i He — | wasnot | on holiday she wasn't | atsctiool | ss ok tt atthe nema i yesterday We | werenot | inlendon | on Monde You | out | They | werer To make the negative we put not after the verb. To make the short form, we use wasn't / weren't. 3.3 Past simple of to be — questions 1 here at five o'clock last week? he | at home yesterday evening? Was | she | atthe cinema on Friday? a ‘0n television yesterday? we — | in'Engiand two years ago? Were | you | athome yesterday? they’ | il last week? Why were you at home yesterday? a To make questions, we put the verb in front of the subject. He was at home yesterday. Was he at home yesterday? bb For Wh- questions we add the question word at the beginning 3.4 Past simple of to be — short answers \ I he he she | was she | wasn't Yes, | it No, | it we we you | were you | werentt. they they Translate Were you at the cinema yesterday? Yes, | was Was he at school last week? No, he wasn't 3.5 Past simple affirmative — regular verbs | stayed in bed for three days He watched TV all day. It arrived four days ago. We neecied help fast week They visited us afterschool, We use the past simple far actions and states which happened at a particular time and are now complete We often use it with time expressions, such as yesterday, ago, on (+ day), in (+ month / year), and at (+ time), 'b To make the past simple tense we add -ed to the infinitive Note these spelling rules 1. With verbs ending in -e, add -d. We closed our books, 2. With verbs with a short vowel and one consonant at the end, double the consonant and add ed They stonped the car. They robbed the bank. They travelled to Spain. 3 With verbs ending in y, remove the -y and add ied He studied in London. cartied the bag. 4. Note this pronunciation rule: When the stem of the verb ends in -d or -, the -ed ending is pronounced Ad. ‘She needed an operation. lwanted a book ‘To make the negative of the past simple of ragular and irregular verbs we use dio! not / didn’t and the infinitive He went to school He diin’t go to schoo! Translate Did you see your teacher an holiday? No, I didn't He didn’t write the letter yesterday, 3.7 Past simple affirmative — irregular verbs Thad 2 headache. it became il. You. wrote a letter We got some medicine He went to London. They drove home: ‘She took my temperature A jot of verbs are ireegular. There is no rule to make these Verbs. YOu need to learn the form for each verb, See page 78 for a lst of some itregular verbs, 3.8 Past simple — Yes / No questions hurt him? he drop the camera? she cut her finger? itring? we play rugby? you break your leg? they have a neadache? bid id isthe past af do. To make questions in past simple, we Use Did and the infinitive. We put Did in front of the subject. She went to Londen Did she go to London? 3.9 Past simple — short answers ( I i he he she she Yes, it did No, | it | didn’t we we you you they To make short answers, we use only did /didnt~ NOT the infinitive Dict he play football yesterday? Yes, he did, (NOT Yes, he played’) Did they go to Paris? No, they didn‘t. (NOT No, they didn’t go.) 3.10 Past simple — Wh- questions a For Wh- questions we add the question word at the beginning When dil you go to Engiand? Why cfd you came home? bb When the question ward isthe subject, wwe use the full verb, Who bought a new car? What happened to Mandy? Translate Did you go to London last yeer? Did they play tennis yesterday? When cid she go to Panis? 4 Food 4.1 Countable and uncountable nouns We need some bread. How much do we need? a Some nouns are countable, These nouns can be singular or plural ‘We need some tomatoes. How many do we need? an apple six apples an onion lots of onions asausage 100g of sausages Some 'nouns are uncountable, These have no singular or plural forin. some milk aot ofrice a litle butter 4.2 Indefinite articles — a/ an and some a potato an apple ‘some water a hambiurger an egg some onions a A/an ate indefinite articles. When the following noun begins vath @ consonant, we use 2. When the following noun begins with @ vowel (or vowel sound), we use an. 1b. We Use some to talk about an indefinite quantity. We can use it before uncountable nouns (eg. water, milk) and plural countable nouns (eg. tomatoes, onions). (see 4.3) 69 Grammar summary Translate We need to buy some apoles, You need a frying pan, ‘You need an egg, 4.3. some and any ve gor some books. haven't got any food: Have you got any money? a We lise some and any with countable nouns in the plural and with countable nouns, some books some money b We use some when the sentence is positive We use any when the sentence is negative or a question Is there any milk? There isn’t any time. 4.4 How much ...?/ How many ...? We use How many to ask about the quantity of countable nouns. How many orandes have you gor? We use How much 1o.ask about the quantity of uncountable nouns, How much cheese do you want? Translate Haw much mill: do we need? How many eggs do we need? 4.5 Definite article — the You need some oif and a frying pan. Put the oil in the fyieg pan a We use the when we know or can see which thing or person we are talking about. b We use the same form of the for singular and plural ‘countable nouns and for uncountable nouns, the apple Translate Slice the onions Put the flour in the bowl. the onions the water 4.6 Quantity — a fittle and a few salt A atte | batter afew carcots ‘We use a little and a few to talk about small quantities ‘We use a tittle with uncountable nouns and a few with plural countable nouns. 5 Theworld 5.1 How questions fong |is this street high |is this building? deep | is this ocean? It's 400 metres tong. Its 20 metres high Its 2 kilometres deep. How {We use how with an aojective to ask about the measurements of something. We can use the same adjective in the answier How long és this river? I's $00 kilometres long. Translate How wide is the Amazon? How deep is the Atlantic Ocean? 5.2 Comparatives We use the comparative when we compare two things or people. After a comparative we use than, (Canad is larger than England, a To form the comparative of most short adjectives (adjectives with one syllable), we usually add -er, small smaller warm ~ warmer b With adjectives which end in -, just ad laige— larger nice ~ nicer ‘With adjectives which end in one consonant after a short vowel, double the consonant and add -er hot hotter big - bigger With adjectives which end in -y, change the -yto -iand adder. dinty—dittier easy — easier @ With’ adjectives with two or more syllables (except when the second syllable ends in -)), put more before the adjective, interesting ~ more interesting ¥ Some adjectives ae irregular. far— further Translate Scotland is smaller than England. 1am taller than my best frien 5.3 Superlatives Adjective | Comparative | Superlative | small smaller the smallest nice nicer the nicest wet wetter the wettest heavy heavier the heawest modern | more modern. | the most modem far further ‘the furthest We use the superlative when we compare three or more things or people. We use the before the superlative Mount Everest is the highest mountain in the world. To form the superative of adjectives we use the and -est b_ With adjectives with two or more syllables (except when, the second syllable ends in -y), put mast before the adjective. Spelling changes also apply to the superlative form. (Adjective | Comparative | Superlative | large larger the largest hot hotter the hottest dirty dirtier the dittiest Translate {'m the eldest student in my class, What is the furthest planet from Earth? 5.4 Comparatives and superlatives — good and bad Adjective | Comparative | Superlative good better thebest bad worse the worst The comparative and superlative forrns of good and bad are imegular, Translate {think football is better than basketball The worst suject is Maths. ‘Andy is the best student in our class. 5.5 Comparatives and superlatives with more and the most (Adjective | Comparative | Superlative ) gorceous | more gorgeaus | the most gorgeous expensive | more expensive | the most expensive inteligent | more intelligent | the most intelligent We make the comparatives of adjectives with more than one syflable with more. We make the superlative with the most, except where the second syllable is -y. useful more useful the most useful BUT happy happier the happiest Translate Geography i easier than Maths He bought the most beautiful card in the shop. Who isthe most inteligemt person in the lass? 5.6 asheavy aslead as white as snow ) We use as... a5 to say two things ar people are the same. Sometimes we use as... as in fied phrases. as proud as a peacock as dry asa bone Translate [My sister i as tal as me ‘That building is as high as @ mountain 6 Entertainment 6.1 going to — affirmative \ m is visit Grandma next week, S| going to | have pizza for lunch buy a new CD tomarrow. They ‘To make going to we use to be and going to and the infinitive, \We can use gaing 10 to talk atiout what we have decided to do in the future. Grammar summary Translate fm going to watch TV this evening They‘te going to have lunch in a restaurant tomorrow, 6.2 going to — negative , lamrnot ] ‘mnt He He isnot shone Tn fe liswt | going to | sayin the gaten olay computer games We | are not arent They To make the negative form of going to, we use the correct form of the negative of to be. Translate He isn't going to get up early tomorrow. We aren't going to eat at home today 6.3 going to— questions am |i he see you this evening? do todays homework? rain this afternoon? hhave a party? t_|senate @ To make questions with going to, we put the verb fo be infront of the subject Are they going to play football? For Wh- questions we add the question word at the beginning What are you going to do this weekend? Translate ‘Are you going to have a pizza? What are you going to do an your birthday? 6.4 going to — short answers 1 am tm | not we we you | are, you | aren't Yes, | they No, | they he he she | is. she | isn't it it To make short answers, we use the vetb f0 be, NOT going to. Translate {s she going to play tennis tomorrow? Yes, she is ‘Are they going te phone you this evening? No, they aren't, 65 Adjec res and adverbs Adjective The car is slow. He was quiet She's happy. itmoves slowly. He spoke quietly She's singing happily ‘Adjectives descrite nouns ~ they say what Something is like He was a horrible man. Adverbs describe verbs — they say how you do something, She opened her eyes quickly. © We make the adverb by adding -y to the adjective. careful —carefully loud —loudly With adjectives that end in -y, change the -y to ~/in the adverb easy easily hoppy — happily fe These adverbs are irregular fast-fast good=well hard —harct Thisis a fast car The car travels fast Hes a good ariver. He drives well Shes a hard worker. She works very hard ‘Translate She's careful. She does her homework very carefully. Sa good robot. tt works very well 6.6 have to — affirmative We | have to They get up early. be very tit He stay outdoors She | hasto To show when something is necessary, we use have / has (0 and the infinitive. Translate You have to wait He has to wear a uniform at school. 6.7 have to — negative get up early be very tt stay outdoors. have to a We use don’t have to / doesn’t have to when something Is not necessary. b To make the negative, we add don't/ doesn’t to have to, don’t have to get up early. She doesn’t have to work thave to get up early ‘She has to work. Translate ‘We don't have to.go to school oni Saturdays. He doesn't have to get up early 6.8 have to — questions r 1 Do | you wear a uniform? they travel alot? have to” | do 2 lot of homework? fe sleep outdoors? Does | she it ‘When do they have to go to bed? a Tomake questions with have to, we use Do/ Does, have to and the infinitive b For Wh- questions we add the question word at the beginning Translate Do you have to wear @ uniform? Does she have to get up early? 6.9 have to— short answers 1 1 we we you | do you | don't Yes, | they No, | they he he she | does. she | doesn’t it it Tormake short answers, we do not repeat have 10 or the main verb. We use only do / does in the affirmative and don't doesn’t in the negative. Do you have to travelalot? Yes, do. Does she have 10 work outdoors? Yes, she does. Translate Do they have to wear a uniform? Yes, they do. Does she have to do her homework? No, she doesn't. 6.10 Suggestions ‘a We make suggestions with 1 Why don't we and the infinitive Why don't we play tennis? 2 Let's and the infinitive Let's watch TV: 3. Shalf we and the infinitive Shall we meet outside the sports centre? b_ We also-use shall with question words to ask for a suggestion. Where shall we meet? IF you agree with a suagestion, you can Say OK, That's a .g00d idea or All ight. Shall we go shopping? All right. Why don’t we go to the cinema? That's a good idea. Translate Lets go swimming, Why don’t we have pizza? When shall we meet? B 4 Introduction aye. bau Goodbye. /gra'hav Goodnight. — ged nant Good afternoon. ‘guid ais nu Good evening. Igo “:vnig) Good morning. ‘gout mom Hello. hela Hi, bar How are you? chav 2 See you (later). "si ju dew) Thank you, enh ju Thanks. /denks My family byrather brad) friend rend, garden “ga:dn’ Girl loa is mame’s hur nou My name's... mar news parents -'pearants Sister 'sstate) Their names are... "Deo nel a) What's your name? nis jp: nein At the sports centre activities ek tat address (ares age ‘eds badminton Mhedentan basketball ba'sknbos children. fidran cub kab) date dow day. idou Fives classes nay full ol fi from. an Pam include ikl interested (in) _/unrestd any Karate k3 10: tive iv open 20pq Sports centre "spots seats swimming samy fable tennis. teil ten telephone number “telifun nambott) tennis. "tems volleyball volibat vwetaht training wert ren yooa jou What can you do? ball the both “bout divide aise Guitar gr tatey and. hes ice hockey _ as hoki rusical instrument jak strom ny piano ‘pisenay Speak pik spell ‘spel throw rs ftrampat “ramp volgen My room How many? hau “meni under "ando(r) What has she got? apple /epl bag hes) bend ber! desk ‘esk drink ‘drnk exercise hook eckson bik key ki knee ni le ier letter ete mobile phone ‘maubatl orange’ orindy pen ‘pen Photograph "Taatagea: Fight sat ruler “rua sandwich _/'senvt Shake etki stretch siretf turn around tx 2'raund ‘umbrella /san rela 1 My life AMy school after Paifalry bed shed busstop "bas stop) bus has class ‘Klay do yourhhomework iu jo: ioomwsk evening evi favourite "Tewant finish nip fun Tse Good. “gud ‘gym pn half past ha: pass high school "har skuil home havi lesson Mesw like ack near mary only aunt practise pricks’ primary school. "prarmari sku Quarter past ‘kwouo ‘passe quarter to skworta school ‘sku sport “spa. Sart stot subject (bavi take the bus eth da "has very veri walk waik! watch woth B Birthdays alotot 9 lor av big ‘bn bike bark birthday “boiler birthday cake he-ile: kek birthday ard "hatde: kasd low out blou ‘aut book» buki bowling alley. ('bsoliq ai buy ba candle ken clothes ‘kloode each if everybody evriboi family Yemal flowers huss! give gi st as make a wish mek 2 “wf month man (MP3 player fem pi “ri: plra(r must mast name day ‘nein der rotmallyn:mall often oft older oldavny ther (sir party past person (people) pasn (pel) present prem sing si somewhere sca thing iy today ‘t'der toy bn Usually juss woman (women) woman! Months of the year January fdyeniar February februori March mary April Perpeal May ‘meu dune jdsum July dala august "aos September sop tembar October _/nkuhs! November -/nau'vemha December ‘discmiba/ Mickey, Millie and Mut allthe time 1d “sum best bes computer _kam'ptsey Don ask me. daunt ask ‘mi stephant lift getup igct sp help | help don't know. ‘ar doa ‘anu ve got no idea. ais got aac Tanguage "lsggwidy Fearn Hon any bet pet polar bear ipo president. prezidoni sleep slip! Summer smote) village shy winter vinta) work wai D Daily life always lve because “br kor break ‘brek ant brent busy hui catch ‘et clean ‘Mi cook ‘bok cup. key feycle | sail! dinner diate othe shopping iu: A> foray exiy si feed tid? oor ts) Fork tsk great “aren! Rapper hon job gph Keife nat lots of ors a rake the Belek Os a fever neve)! ewspaper nju'spespatey ploce pets plate plew Feeyling centee ‘sain sentry fight ait robot /rsubor set the table sot a "bl sometimes.» sarmaime take the rubbish out tek do abi) aut! fig ud vacuum vjuan wardrobe w3dr50h) wash up “woh 4p) itis Your project fall apart fol a'pasu Christmas pudding pancake xenkeik! 2 Animals A Our school ti English across the curriculum jao0° 42 Wordlist ji te cold havkd Eley smodel tinessur = i ee foldblooded hauldbladl bang shen "ae pe onto kota tore fone fal tel dicvonary Takin | ma ont am ‘oa water waite) fast us nose danse) ‘eeekend hail fener cot) alue al wild wal eee Frstuck vam "sk Inlife park wuld pack! Make He ineruedons. instal! D the story of Chicken Licken fn vd just idgast chick fui ‘mammal /nemel’ faugh fact den den’ milk Hamilky (00k for Tok flr hide “sk par, io magazine "imaga zim {all down fx ‘dau Produce’ ipisdjus model mod!) farmyard /fa:mjacd: teptile | reptal mouth mat Follow me, ftom fer nwa phone aon grass, (gras! Temperature emptor) phone "Tun Grass gras poor inst) Rarmteremstfey ‘ype ap fain rein hen ten sear se sit" se rary hs Warmblooded wounbladt Snore sn) Kinga sa proett Something Sambi meet inet feo psi Whats wren i i count kot! wrong? wns ‘Fon noise “tt! ya Seay favourite Snitials Oh dear fou dour ‘Gum tee gm i aiternoon alton ren fe umerops. gamdreps: tthe moment 3189 ‘maomany pond “pond Reny. Peas bark herk ra between frewin sap 3 Holidays ey heal ssc A Where were you last week? Broce Reet ng way 9 lon ‘wet Br ort ake somebody up wk samba 'yp along way op tow thaw eu nea bad be dest eww wife a toa, it doin aot swtora fre Heresy eagle “isl Culture note) vhov'tel/ fae Petr) budgerigar "bsdsoriga (a a every evr ey a ae farm acm Sleoppear ids se seighbour te food tusd drive deny) fool “mat for ik sven Hisn! PE ain paw ik ite i at there Beste rat tr ish eres girste Ws'ro getoutof yet ‘aur a) wether set oat as0t guinee pig ma weaaing ny gore ak keep @ Our holiday Sure cep kip ur holi hippopotamus /hpa'pnimas! (ook after “lak ‘asfatey! she sath hte hoot ‘mest mast ‘Set Bos insect inch rowan angry ener tag Mey popular" popalyn ve. ee Fh a eats Bont a en mmeetkat isk! fide aid on mice (mouse) tas (mos) Fiing school andi shut heck eld ostrich. ostrt safari park sofa pak eee, Ile Pg bw save. hen’ cng: Ma Pokonous. povanes! Show fou pre Sas tite kant ‘sale etl fab rabbit "rab wood wed! tet Ae sorplon | ska:pion ond nai 1 el 2, ey ish across the curriculum ocanid oe ae Samy bei pickup nk 'ap Smal) sn) bie st southern s\dan carp erp’ plane jplew/ shout _/h someone else's /samwan ‘lst Sil ist suitcase suthers! taxi teks! ent tent icket kt sravel res! rolley_ trol ty tra Unpack packs wane C Problems accident /seksilane bite bat camera. "kita! castle “kos enjoy rindzn forget fs get Greetings from journey deen Tose Tu Tuckily kali northern bon? postcard “poushur problem problom Spooky south’ Motion ste steal stil Stomach ache _stamak ei wallet Mol D Mut’s holiday same igen 0 .camping “go0 ‘kemprn infact in iki na om Culture abroad ‘bro! aunt lo:nt boy ‘by Channel Tunnel (Afzal ‘isnt sountry ("kant factory | /ticktor ferry ter grandfather \granta:doiry however | haw evair) money mani fiche through ru uncle "Ankl work wah English across the curriculum afew 9 fu aeroplane "eacapleui’ appear ipa) Bicycle basi build Mute change ‘tjeind) cheap Iifip Gangerous _/“demdspros! design | /dv'zain easy irl Egyptians poi expensive tk pens Greeks. Jars heavy hei inthe past king and made of mexd 2 mmotereyete""maoteskl pesal pal Faitway rele Romans ‘roumsaz! side sud trade trexd! ansporttrenspox Vikings sank! Your project brakes. beth conductor Kap'dskiar) engineer femlynatr) fireman foro” frozen /ta0zt fat ot fill Fes your faut. iss te line awn fails re reat airy funaway rn Sheil tal Tettle"Orot ack Arsh western weston whee! su ‘ele Twist wind yan wreck eck 4 Food A Food and drink Anything else? ‘emt els banana ‘ba'nains! Deans bin > pas beet ih Gonthave 2 kan uy hw reese fiz chicken kan’ hips ips cetfes Ron cola kooky dessert idrzat drink (drink ega Joa) fish feut ‘frat? ‘grapes. areIps Here you are. "his ju: ate) hot chocolate het ifoktst icecream -'aiskrism lamb env lemonade fems*new fewuce ein meat Imi menu /‘monjus! miflshake “mulkjeik? mixed mukst Drange juice rinds dou pasta pests’ ple ipa pork pack potato "p> teow salad stl satiuma Serums Spaghetti bolagnese /spoyeti tole nerz tea Mi tomato _/to'me:toa! ‘rout raw tuna “tina vegetable veistabl B Stone soup almost />ximaost bread ‘ored butter “bata age _'kicbidy fearrots.kierats! cellar sein ream “kris cupboard. "kybad! cut ihn Selcious dros Exeuse me. k'skjuiz mi eth Tet Go away! gai a'wer) ham hem Wesel p loaf oot magic ‘rvedsgh mil sai mushrooms _/'mafrom7 ‘onion ann Pepper pepsi ready rei’ salt “solt saucepan "ssspan’ sausages sos slice slam smile ‘smal soup sun sugar 'Jogate) taste test tramp emp! C Mut goes shopping Avlast! 1 lust bar ban bottle ‘hott! crisps. Aknsps! cup kay” decide isan las ‘glu ‘gram “grein hundred. "hsndrad market imaikit packet 'pektt Shelf fel tn Wordlist D George’s apple crumble apple crumble ‘pl krambli boil) bow! hoo chop ‘top over "kavale) degrees /dratiz sh “il flour /Havstey fry few ‘ying pan "fray pn’ grated. /'yret ‘margarine ma:dso'rim ‘minure tkstfr) peas (pi peel “pil pour ‘post! recipe ress the rest 3 rest toast A308 wash wef Culture acon beikn Daked beans ‘beikt ‘hind! canteen hava tiny cereal start curry kari custard kastad foreign "fori grapefruit yreipirus! honey “han jam fds lasagne is'sa:njy’ light ila main course /meia kas! ‘marmalade “ma:mate midday /and'der packed lunch puckt anti sotto /n'zot30 such as sail a0 supper spn) vegetarian. weg teation yoghure"jngat English across the curriculum avocado /ea!kuila Artes /eztcks century "sentjori grow "grou! mountain "mavntin mou, et seed. vid Spanish” 'spenif) spread spre sweetcorn | swt kaw Turks rks! wet vet Revision cle sik parcel “past stir sta B ‘Your project seems... At 'simmz raspberry” ra:7hari sticky suki strawberyy/‘stexbor toffee lofi 5 The world A My country beautiful junit bridge for canal. ska Capital "hepa citys sli Rh? coast kaos deeo dip. forest fonst ‘grand /grend halfway 'he:tve high hai will ul island» uilond ise of Wight ‘al ay ‘wat Kilometre ha Tomitsr) lake ik Loch Ness. /lok ‘nex ong ‘ion! march ime: metre Mitte mln nation monster monstxry mountain “masnti neither... ner ‘nando’. ney fiver “ewatr the Thames 6s tem funnel anal valley /v2ii wide wa 8 North and south cloudy Alsud! cold “kau! cool hu crowded difficult ‘ty de fine Tun! fiat “Me friendly "fren filly lie hot show Wsraining, its ‘rexmay Wssnowing. “ts ‘sna0iy/ large lady northwest" nailhwest! ted tol southeast /suolist! spring pri) sunny sani wet wel windy wind C Record breakers Alaska a'lesk Amazon /wemzzon/ Atlantic ar kenul cheetah ita continent "kent fend /end gold gxold tead ed Mont lane /mont blogk Mount Everest maint evarst ‘Mount Klimarjare mont kiman' dor ocean /sujn Oceania sua: sportsperson sp timetable aumtsbl Vatican Cty. yetha ‘sit young jst D Mickey and Mi camping dark "dark football team tbo! ia get get guidebook gudboks pep group “pop aru Siew ju worst ist Culture California kc fo:nia eastern stan federal edt flag Tes) government 'yxssnmant Los angeles tos ‘endsali:r music muzik original 3 ridsnal population _pnnju'eifn fegion rin settler sella) Star isa) stripe siraip Texas “teksns! the White House 9a ‘want haus! time zone tuum 290 English across the curriculum above /atbav affect iafeke air ex) autumn >on dose sus! fool /kut further Te dot slowly. Psloul Revision flight law gorgeous. /ands2e miserable /miztabl Your project endless. endl ‘golden ‘gain Gulf Stream al sch pass ego highway harwev redwood /‘relwod! tibbon ba’ 6 Entertainment ATV programmes buildings cartoon’ ko: chat show tft foo comedy programme kimadi praore documentary dokju'mente film il! nature programme neiifa pravgriem police drama. ipallis drama’ Quizshowe kw fu fealty show Heist Jou! record koa emote contio! fitout kon!trau soap opera. "saup Op Sparts programme / spas pravgriem’ fest lest! TVauide Wee ti B At the movies ‘Are you allright? jure va! behind “brand! blanket bleak briefcase "hrifkew! enemy “enami ngine /endsin! escape /1keip) guard /qued harbour. “harbatry hard had horribly horabli ‘sland /usland Fdoesn't matter it davnt ‘muetatr lock ok loudly audi guietly kari sash ts sad. ised fate ei satellite ‘setalaxt Secret | /sikrol Stomach 'stariak strange _sireindy whisper wispar! C Film, cameras, action Actiont "ekjn’ actor ski") fartoon | kates comedy film "komad fil can kat dentist. dens hope horror film line any make-up’ metkap musical /miuizikh Gopst Yope romcam (romantic comedy) Sci clence ftion) theller Oat) western weston’ i ‘hor film ommkors test ln policeman. /pstisan Shall we go..7 [al wi: gx That's 9 good ides. “Bets 9 god asd what shall we do? wot fal wid Where shall ve meet?" wee al wi Wit Culture character keno create kre rector ar tektotry international nie etn modern ad Plasticine plestosiay Secret agent" sckrat onl Several» sev Silent satan Siar tein heave Sia ramp. ramp” trousers. itauzs2 English across the curriculum act lek amphitheatre “emfitiattey daucience ions! bottom "bot everyday life ievrider ‘al? bailsie hulsavd light aw mask mask! ‘open air /a0pe ‘car playwright plea’ remember im membo(r)/ seat sit? sembdreular_semi'sskjalasv’ stage sted! t6p top! tragedy inedsadil Your project actress. iektn/ entertainment fentstemmant ‘gonna (going te) gana gotta (get £9). "gots! Fit the big time. “ha dp ba kam Flbet a ben lord i praturallynatrali pirate "paral! plainly plein opstar pop stasry, Westar i've sta:(ny Useful sets Ordinal numbers first 8 Tast) second 2nd sekan third 3rd Ged fourth ath fo: fifth sth 0 sinth 6th sks seventh 7th evn eighth ath (ent ninth ath ainb tenth 10th tent) sleventh 11th Teun) twelfth 12th well thireenth 13th Us'tn) Fourteenth 1ath fost fifteenth 15th iti sixteenth 16th _siks'tin seventeenth 77h" /sevn tend eighteenth 18th ia hineteenth 18th usin'ti:nO. tovantieth 20th Mewentia swonty frst 213t oven ls ‘wenty-second 22nd weil kona tyventy-third 23rd went thirtieth 30th 0 fortieth 40th! to0? fiftieth Soth stot sixtieth 60th _/'skstis6! Seventieth Toth seul ightieth 80th eis ninatieth 90th. /naintine! hundredth 100th, “hanidrod® Irregutar verbs Infinitive | Past simple ‘an could To lose/tost tobe/ was, were tomake / made tobecame became te mear/ meant tobegin/began topay/ paid robite/bit to put/ put tobreak/broke to read /read tobring/brougnt —teride/rode to build / built toring /rang) to butn / burnt tonin/ tan tobuyrbought to say said tocetth/eaught —tosee /sam. to come/came to sell/sold to cost /com to send /sent. tocut eut toset/set to do/ dic tosing sang to draw / drew to sink /sank todrink drank tosit/sat todrive/ drove tosmell/ smelt to eat/ ate ‘to speak /spoke ‘to fall fell, to spell/spelt 10 feel /felt te spend /spent twfight/ fought _tostand /stood to find /Foune tosteal stole to fly/ flew to stick stuck to get/ got 18 sweep / swept togne /gave to swim swam to.go/ went to take /took to.grow / grew to teach / taught tohave /had tw tear tore ‘tohear/ heard totall/ told to hide hid te think / thought rohit hit to throw / threw tehold /hela ‘te understand) to hurt hurt Understood ‘tokeep /kapt to wake/ woke toknowsknew to wear /wore toleamn/learmt ——towin/ won to leave left to write / wrote PHONETIC SYMBOLS f asin see ai: asin sit sw © asin ten ten a asin hat het > asin got gan x asin saw or © asin put ‘pun asin too stu s asin asin > asin ago gr et a8in page pend a0 asin home hom! al asin five tw join ‘sin ear ‘iy hair teats pe “ys en pe bad hed! ° ° 1 i * ; i asin asin Bin asin asin te Sa wee oe Me ‘om ew iia ‘ere! oe te i one Mea" ores se ves ee 2 OXFORD Great Ciaeendon Stee, nfo 6" ‘Onfordtnver Pres department othe Universi of Oxf [cfg the ntoniy vobjecie of eesience ia esa sai, sin education by blishing world Otont NewYivk ‘veltand Cape Town Dare Salar Fong Rong Beach ‘Kuala Lampur Vaud Melboume Meson as aio ‘ew Det Sharh Tipe Teruo ‘wiiee ia Argenta Asia trail Chik Crech Rplic France Grose Gusersia Hungary Kalyapan fone Prog Singipone South Rives Seteelond Thailand lurkey Uktsine Veta foxrown and oxroxu ENCUIS ate reianet trade ate oF ‘Oafrd tice Fess in de Rin ceva oer omnis ‘© Oi wes ss 2008 "he mort igh oF he hor ive been aserted Database ight ford anes Press faker) ust pula 298 2g 2m 2013 312 son ioe No unauthorized photocopying Allright revered. opr of his pubiaion may be reproduced, stoned 2 retival stem. oF ansaid. Foren rt yee ‘without the price permis neti ef ald Unive Pr ‘easexpresly peri yi or der tere agre with he approprate "eqrogmphies oh orvanieiton. nau comeering reproduc ‘cise the scope he above soul eset he BLT Ris Pepe ‘xtra University Pes at heads above ‘You must nt crate this book many ater binky cet 5 you ans pone hls wae caon on ay acter Ay wees erode a tepid a a pe domn a ‘erases ae proved ny Onind Cvs es fr ation Oy ‘Onto Urversiny Pres ciscnins any responsi for she content an: grko a apa Workbook IsaN: gph ash coaoxt sux: 97809 764 Pook Pinte in hi ‘Thiet pe on paper Gow ered an wenn sours ‘Dasa ty Ary Arn ex S:-Pers Beker 2.20.21 50, 58.68 Jost Paul Duss p67 13,18 (042 46,32, 28,28" 4 5, a, 48 Mah Draiey 8 11.1 25.46: Brun Bromma pp 48173021 40 8 DP Gecko pp. 3 54 fener Masta Tue pp 4 5. 4,36. 37, 6 ‘yn Goodin pp en 1h 25,23: Healey yp 4,48, Any Ron 1p 10,26, 27.93.39; an Was pp 1 19.89, rte Chee King Ba Pe eee mg Key features An analytical approach to grammar with varied practice A clear vocabulary syllabus in lexical sets Cartoons, games, project work and traditional songs and stories Culture sections encourage comparison with students’ own cultures New English across the curriculum sections reflect topics students meet in other subjects Brand new Culture DVDs highlight aspects of life in English-speaking countries The new Workbook Pack contains: - a Workbook with: graded exercises for mixed-ability teaching; ‘Can do’ statements after every unit which reflect the Common European Framework system of self-assessment a CD-ROM to encourage learner independence with: extra exercises for grammar, vocabulary, and clips from the DVDs The Teacher's Book contains ~ new photocopiable communicative exercises = new DVD worksheets ad OXFORD OXFORD iNGuis SBN 976-0-19478I=0-4 Raster ree o et AMIN www.oup.comjelt catrictea Papeeer lyn ‘edlidritnd tX imine ibivekeda eamiekn teaead

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