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Unit Lesson Plan

Subject: Physical Education Dates: October 30th- November 2nd

Unit Name: 5th Grade Health: My Plate Meals

Summary of Unit:
The purpose of this lesson is to provide students with the knowledge base to make everyday meal choices with a healthy
lifestyle in mind. The final product for the unit is for students to create a one day meal plan with caloric guidelines, as well as
with the expectation that each meal must contain each section of the My Plate (dairy, protein, grains, fruits & vegetables).
TEKS: 4F & 7A
National Standards: 3 & 4

-Students will be able to identify different foods that reside within the groups of the My Plate
-Students will recall previous experiences with food (McDonalds) and identify what food groups are recognized in various menu items.
-Students will be able to recognize the importance of a well-balanced diet
-Students will identify calories as a unit of energy and explain why awareness of caloric intake is important for living.
-Students will understand the idea that physical activity is required for burning excess calories.
Fake Plastic Toy Food, Parachute, My Plate Worksheet, Pencils, Markers, Poster Board, Popsicle Sticks, Cones, Hoops, Hurdles
Visual Aids: My Plate Poster, Total Calories Burned Poster, Total Calories Eaten Poster, My Plate Pals Poster
Technology: MacBook, Projector, 16 Chrome Books
Facilities: Glen Cove Health Portable, GT Presentation Room & Field

McDonalds Food Calculator:
My Plate Teachers Kit:

Lesson Plans:
Lesson 1 Title: Parachute My Plate Scramble (Pre-Assessment) Date: Monday, October 30th

Lesson 2 Title: Calories: Intake and Burning Them Off Date: Tuesday, October 31st

Lesson 3 Title: My Plate Health Lesson: 5 Food Groups Date: Wednesday, November 1st

Lesson 4 Title: McDonalds One Day Meal Plan Date: Thursday, November 2nd

Assignment and Activities:

My Plate Scramble: Students hold the outside of a parachute, where fake toy food is hiding underneath. Students are assigned groups. While the parachute
waves, different groups of students are asked to crawl under the parachute to find a food from a given section of the My Plate.
Lectures: Two lectures are given on Calories and the My Plate.
Homework: Students were asked to take home a piece of paper with an empty My Plate. Their goal was to identify foods from the McDonalds menu that fit
under each of the groups.
Food Group Relay: Students will be divided into groups of five. Students will be asked to run, pass an obstacle, and eventually pick up one item belonging to
a food group of the My Plate. Student will run back, place the food item on their plate (hula hoop), and the next student will be tagged to begin. Each
student will have the opportunity to grab one food group and bring it back to the group.
McDonalds One Day Meal Plan: Students will be placed into groups and expected to create a one day meal plan with food groups and calories in mind.

Pre: My Plate Scramble
Post: Food Group Relay
McDonalds Meal Plan

Post Unit Notes:

(2017) For future implementation, it may be beneficial to give students an extra day to work on their My Plate Meal Plan. For
some of the fifth graders, they successfully planned their meal plan. However, they were unable to complete their visual
representation by the end of the unit. Day 1 could require them to have a written out meal plan, whereas Day 2 could be
dedicated solely to creating the poster.

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