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Fran Boait

LocaL roots, nationaL experience

I was born in Gloucester Royal Hospital, and I
grew up in Tibberton just outside Gloucester. Ive
spent my whole career fighting for social and To BEAT
environmental justice, and I am currently the CEO Tory
of the UKs leading campaigning organisation for
banking and financial reform, Positive Money.
My roots are local, but my experience in
We need a candidate who
winning campaigns is national I want is strong on the economy
to see a Labour MP returned again to challenge the Tory MP.
in Gloucester, our community needs As a civil society leader on
economics, banking, and
Labour in power and I have the finance, I have the skills and
experience to make that happen. credibility to beat Richard
Graham. I have won debates
I would love to talk to every against senior economic and
political figures, such as going
Gloucester CLP member, head-to-head on Newsnight
longstanding, and new. with austerity advocate
Please get in touch, Im on Prof Rogoff.
The Tories wont want to face and me as Labours Parliamentary
07843382034 candidate for Gloucester
because I will challenge them

Fran Boait and their failed economic

agenda at every turn.
Gloucester needs a
Labour government
Tory cuts are being felt across the constituency, and are holding back our wonderful
city from achieving its full potential. More than 4,500 people are desperately seeking
social housing, but Tory cuts are keeping them waiting. Gloucester Hospital A&E is
stretched to breaking point, and with cheltenhams A&E looking set to close this will
only make things dangerously worse. The Javelin Park incinerator is going ahead,
with the Tory county council standing by.

our vISIon For HouSInG: I will be a strong voice for

Gloucesters 4,500 people seeking social

GLoucESTEr housing. As a Parliamentary candidate

for Gloucester I stand up for families
I want us to build a vision for being asked to stay in unfit B&Bs or
Gloucester together. Im putting relocate away from the city and far from
together a plan to rebuild and their work, friends, and community. I will
transform Gloucester, these are ensure projects like Matson & Podsmead
my ideas but I want yours Regeneration prioritises social housing we
too. need a new generation of real council houses fit
for a new generation.
Regeneration in Gloucester hasnt
benefited the vast majority of
J BS nHS: I will fight the Tory privatisation of
the NHS and raise the profile of Gloucesters
residents, and as a result we feel A&E crisis. I will push the Labour leadership
left behind. As Labours Parliamentary and an incoming government to guarantee that
candidate and then MP, I will work with under Labours National Care Service Gloucesters
councillors, residents, communities, and will be at the front of the queue for provision of
city leaders to ensure we are taking adult social care, to make sure the elderly in our
back the city for the people and where communities arent stuck in hospital because
necessary kicking out big business. there is no one to care for them in their home.
When Labour gets into power so I will campaign for Labour to give mental
many important changes will be made; health the same priority as physical health
banning zero hours contracts, ending the means not only ensuring access to services, and
devastating public sector pay cap, and so protecting brilliant Hospitals like Wotton Lawn
many more. And we can be ambitious as your hospital but also get the money in place to
candidate and MP I would directly lobby the make improvements, to those services. My
Labour leadership and future Government so experience of getting results nationally to
Gloucester would be the home of the South- deliver for people in Gloucester will be
west regional development bank. invaluable as your candidate and MP.
In the meantime, we can work to ensure ScHooLS: The alarming inequality
as much money as possible is reinvested across Gloucesters schools is
and spent locally to keep people in jobs. As shameful. When I was going to Newent
your Labour candidate I would campaign to Comprehensive, buses of students came from
ensure Gloucester City Council, Hospital and Gloucester, and since then the number
Guildhall are contracting local businesses of children bused out of Gloucester has
and keeping investment here. only increased. At the same time children
As your candidate and MP I will encourage are bused in from as far as Shropshire
ideas to explore which Gloucester to attend the 4 grammar schools that
institutions could be owned by us. dont prioritise city children. This is
Turning our world-famous rugby club into a unacceptable. As your candidate and MP
cooperative owned by everyone in Gloucester I will work with Labours National Education
might sound far-fetched, but I think together we Service so we can develop a vision for Gloucester
can ensure our institutions are putting the people of schools that works to counter inequalities across our
Gloucester first. community not increase them.
Who isnt being heard? Building an
Election Winning coalition in Gloucester
People across Gloucester feel held back. We have seen huge amounts of money
spent on Gloucesters regeneration projects, but nothing spent in the communities
that are struggling the most. The Tory cuts have deepened inequalities across
the city further. To win we must reach communities across the city especially
those whose voices are not heard. I will develop with our local party, a plan to
ensure Labour is active, and working with every community in every ward across
Gloucester a living breathing movement for social justice.


coMMunITIES We lost some of our working class vote to UKIP
Gloucester is fantastically diverse, and this is a over the last few years and as your candidate I can
massive strength. At the moment that diversity is win some of it back by listening to their voices and
not represented enough in our CLP. We must go concerns, and reconnecting with a new vision for
to the Black, Asian, and Ethnic Minority communities Gloucester where public services and jobs for the many
across Gloucester, and listen to their experiences. are put above profit for the few. I will lead Labour
In Tuffley the rates of BAME people being stopped locally in building our presence in these communities
and searched is almost double that of the national so people see every day the difference Labour makes.
average. I will be an ally to those communities as
youre candidate and show them Labour will stand
up to racism and unite diverse communities across
the city.


As your candidate I will design a plan to increase the
number of under 25s that vote, and ensure their
voice is heard by Labour. We can empower student
activists at the University of Gloucestershire to lead on
campaigns that matter most to them. Winning their
support and their votes.

At a time when all our lives are

affected by Tory policy and cruel, unfair
Tory cuts we are lucky to have Fran
Boait as a local candidate because she
already has experience and influence
within Westminster. We need a
candidate with compassion, experience,
influence and the ability to unite and
mobilise the Labour Party in Gloucester.
Fran is the person to do this and lead
our successful campaign to unseat the
Tories in the next General Election
katrina chambers, Moreland

Really excited that Im backing Fran because

Fran is a candidate for she will make sure Labour
Gloucester. I think the wins in Gloucester in the
economic argument is the next General Election.
core battle we need to Im certain she will make
fight to beat the Tories a fantastic MP and
in Gloucester, and with bring communities
Fran well win that battle from across Gloucester
head on together.
Matt Phypers, Barton councillor Said Hansdot,
and Tredworth Barton and Tredworth
14 years campaigning record the experience
to deliver for Gloucester in Westminster
Ive fought and won a range of campaigns from rent controls,
to getting the Bank of England to be transparent about our
monetary system. I know how to get things done in Westminster.
Through Positive Money, I have developed good relationships
with the John McDonnell, and his team. We advised on the Bank
of England review and fed into the review of the Treasury.
I know how to combine on the ground activity with a plan for real
legislative change I can make an impact in Parliament from day one.
I will be Gloucesters voice in Parliament, not Westminsters voice in
Gloucester. I have the skills, expertise, fundraising experience and trade
union links to organise a successful, and inclusive campaign to win
Gloucester for Labour.

Building Labour membership creating activism

I can mobilise Gloucester CLPs 800-strong membership. At Positive
Money I grew our national supporter base from 12,000 to over 66,000
in under 5 years including 30 local groups who organise over 300 events
a year. Gloucester is there for the taking, and by campaigning together
with old and new members alike, together we can build our party locally
and be a key seat in bringing Labour to power in the next election.

A strong voice for Gloucester

I know that the people of Gloucester will find me a powerful voice for
their concerns in Westminster.
I am a strong believer in the role played by trust, relationships,
networks, collaboration, and communities in creating change, if I
become your Parliamentary candidate I will be reaching out to work
with Labour City councillors, residents and communities to help with
their concerns as a team.

Fran is a local candidate

from Gloucestershire
but also someone with a
track record of making
an impact nationally
and internationally.
Having Fran representing
Gloucester would bring
excellent representation
locally and could
contribute to a Labour
Government delivering
real economic solutions
More of the same old politics is to inequality and In my view, the Labour party has
just not good enough for Gloucester climate change a massive opportunity to take to
anymore, There should be no more Alex Sobel MP transform the UK economy away
old boys networks making decisions from neoliberalism and towards
or forgetting about communities socialism. Fran would be an asset
outside of the city centre. Fran can to Gloucester Labour Party and
provide the representation that will the next Labour government.
make sure that the voices from every She would stand up for the
Gloucester community are heard people of Gloucester and I would
and the leadership to help create the like to see her as a member of
opportunities for the whole city to John McDonnells economic
prosper economically, socially and team in Parliament. I believe
environmentally. Thats a change she is the candidate to beat our
worth fighting for! current former banker Tory MP
Mark Gale, Social Entrepreneur Richard Graham
& local charity CEO Mervyn Hyde, Tuffley

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