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Men in Black

Project Proposal
Men in Black Office Building

9201 University City Blvd

Charlotte, NC 28223

Men In Black Office Building Project Proposal

Table of Contents

I. Project Summary____________________________________________________ 2.
II. Introduction________________________________________________________ 2.
III. Rationale and Significance____________________________________________ 2-3.
IV. Plan of Work________________________________________________________ 3-4.
a) Scope
b) Significance
V. Task Breakdown_____________________________________________________
VI. Problem Analysis____________________________________________________4-5.
VII. Personnel or Bio Sketch______________________________________________ 6-7.
VIII. Budget/Cost Proposal________________________________________________ 8.
IX. Conclusion_________________________________________________________ 8.
X. References/Appendices_______________________________________________ 8.

I. Project Summary

The Men in Black is requesting federal funding for the amount of $500,000,000 for the purpose
of building a new headquarters and office building for more Men in Black agents, located on the
west coast of the United States. This new office building will provide greater access to Men in
Black agents and assets to protect citizens on the west coast of the United States from alien
threats. This building will also allow for space allocated to training agents, housing weapons,
and alien technologies, and providing alien housing.

II. Introduction

The Men in Black is a secret government task force responsible for defending and protecting the
public from alien threats. As a result of the duties of the Men in Black, funding and housing must
be readily available for all agents to successfully carry out their duties of protecting citizens.
New housing and space also allows the Men in Black to store and contain alien weapons and
technologies that may be deemed too dangerous for the general public.

The Men in Black seeks funding from the federal government for the purpose of building a new
Men in Black facility on the west coast of the United States. Currently, the only facility is located
in New York City, New York. The opening of another Men in Black facility on the west coast
allows the Men in Black to better protect the public as they will have facilities on both coasts of
the country. With only one facility located on the east coast, if a catastrophic alien attack were to
occur on the west coast, it would take several hours for Men in Black agents located on the east
coast to mobilize, arm, and travel to the source of the attack on the west coast. Having a facility
on the west coast will eliminate this issue, as there will already be armed agents within the
immediate area.

A new facility will also increase the processing and customs procedures for all aliens wishing to
enter and stay on Earth. More available housing and a new customs facility will assist the Men
in Black and in protecting citizens, as the Men in Black will be better able to process legal
visiting aliens, identify and remove/deport dangerous or flagged aliens, and assist all legal
aliens by lowering the time it takes for them to clear customs.

III. Rationale and Significance

The Men in Black research team has concluded in a recent study that there is great benefit in
opening a new office along the west coast of the United States. Our current agents along the
west coast are spread thin and unable to efficiently provide protection to the rapidly growing
population of major cities such as Los Angeles or Seattle.

According to the internal study conducted by the Men in Black, Agents are working at sixty-five
percent efficiency. The study calculated that placing a new headquarters at any location along
the west coast of the United States would increase Agent efficiency by two-hundred fifty percent
at the least.

The efficiency increase would be caused primarily by the increased presence of new Men in
Black agents which would be recruited, trained, armed, and housed at our new location on the
west coast.

Citizens along the western coast of the United States were polled by members of the Men in
Black statistics division on how safe they feel under the current protection of Men in Black
agents in their area. According to the poll, sixty-five percent of citizens feel unsafe under the
current presence of Agents in their area.

Incoming alien tourists and immigrants will also benefit from a secondary location. Currently the
only alien customs and processing center is located at Men in Black headquarters in New York
City, New York. At the current rate, incoming aliens arrive on earth, travel through customs and
pass inspection at an average of 5 hours and 32 minutes. With a secondary processing center
on the west coast, the time through customs for tourist and immigrating aliens will be reduced to
2 hours and 43 minutes, at both locations. This not only creates more convenience for all aliens
arriving through customs, but also allows the Men in Black to better catch any illegal substances
that aliens may bring through customs when arriving on earth. The Men in Black will also be
better able to catch illegal and dangerous aliens that may attempt to illegally enter and reside on

Overall, it can be seen from the multiple studies and polls that a new office location along the
west coast would be of great benefit to the citizens of the United States.

IV. Plan of Work

A) Scope

This large scale project will directly impact all departments and divisions within the Men in
The completion of the project will require all parties involved to work together in unison, to
ensure the project follows its strict timelines.

The timeline for the completion of the new office is as follows:

Office location finalized and purchased by October 31, 2017.

Office architecture and blueprints finalized by October 31, 2017.
Construction of office begins on November 15, 2017.

Phase 1 - To be completed by February 28, 2018.

Excavate area for underground portion of office
Build foundation and finish internal structure of the building
Phase 2 - To be completed by October 30, 2018.
Implement required technology throughout building
Furnish building, and complete final walkthrough

Complete training of new agents
Begin relocating fugitives to new holdings

B) Methods

Search for ideal location

Locate construction company with top secret clearance
Assess risk for underground construction
Order supplies prior to completion of construction
Recruitment of new agents

V. Task Breakdown

The first priority is to continue searching for the best location possible for the construction of our
new office. This location must have a tactical and strategic advantage to allow us to properly
defend it against possible hostile actions. It is also important to consider the danger to the
civilian population. It is logical to search mostly in rural areas for a location to minimize the
threat to human life. Next, a construction company with top secret clearance must be hired to
ensure no information on our office building is leaked. Since this facility will be top secret is is
imperative that no humans are aware of its construction. This company must also have the
ability to drill underground tunnels and rooms to utilize as much of the land purchased as
possible. The underground portion will also provide better defense and concealment but will
also add many more factors to consider. This facility will need to be ready for use immediately
after construction. Therefore, we must ensure that we order the proper equipment well in
advance to the completion of construction so that the interior is fully furnished and no time is
wasted waiting to set up. Additionally, more agents must be hired to fully man the office once
construction is completed.

VI. Problem Analysis

As with any new project, problems are guaranteed to occur. However, as this particular project
requires top secret construction, the level of difficulty is raised. Therefore, problems will occur
much more frequently since conventional building techniques are not able to be used. First, it is
most important to ensure that the office will be in a location far from any large civilian
populations. Since this facility is top secret, it will be much easier to hide if placed in rural areas.
Furthermore, extraterrestrials can often be very unpredictable and have access to technology
that we have never seen before. If the office was built in an urban environment and something
were to go wrong, many civilians could be in danger. Unfortunately, the more remote that this
office is, the more difficult it will be for the construction company to build. Thus, slowing
progress and increasing cost. Next, the actual construction of the office must be able to
withstand any sort of alien attack. It must be heavily fortified and will require a large quantity of

building materials. It is very possible that due to the excessive fortifications, we will exceed the
given budget for construction. If it is decided to include an underground portion for the office, a
small mistake could result in the entire collapse of the structure. Underground facilities also
pose a higher risk of danger as they require a way to provide oxygen, water, and other essential
elements of life. Underground construction is also a very expensive and time consuming
process that may further affect our budget and completion date.

VII. Personnel or Bio Sketch

Provide the following information for the Senior/key personnel and other significant
Follow this format for each person. DO NOT EXCEED FOUR PAGES.


S, Agent Head of Construction and Architecture


EDUCATION/TRAINING (Begin with baccalaureate or other initial professional

education, such as nursing, include postdoctoral training and residency training if


LOCATION (if applicable) STUDY

University of B.S. 05/05 Architecture

California, Berkeley

Personal Statement: As a member of the Men in Black for 12 years, I have the expertise in
both architecture as well as knowing what standards a new building for the Men in Black
require. As a field agent for 12 years, I have knowledge and experience in determining the
spacial needs, material requirements, and technological requirements any new building for the
Men in Black requires. As I have worked in Alien Customs for 3 years, I can bring design plans
for the new building to increase productivity and processing times for all incoming aliens
entering earth via the new building.

Provide the following information for the Senior/key personnel and other significant
Follow this format for each person. DO NOT EXCEED FOUR PAGES.


W, Agent Head of Alien and Human Technology


(credential, e.g., agency login)

EDUCATION/TRAINING (Begin with baccalaureate or other initial professional

education, such as nursing, include postdoctoral training and residency training if


LOCATION (if applicable) STUDY

University of North B.S. 05/90 Computer

Carolina Science

Personal Statement: As the head of the Men in Black Human and Alien Technology
Department for the last 6 years, I have the expertise in knowing the technological needs for all
agents and aliens. My expertise allows me to determine what technological security measures
we will need for the new Men in Black building. I will also be able to better design technological
security measures for agents and incoming aliens at this new location.

VIII. Budget

Personnel $120,000,000

Equipment $80,000,000

Supplies $100,000,000

Services $75,000,000

Travel $90,000,000

Indirect Costs $35,000,000

Total $500,000,000

This Budget outlines how the proposed grant will be utilized effectively. Although most of the
building will be contracted out, these estimates are based on data that our choice companies
have provided. This budget is an appropriate size for the task relative to comparable projects in
the past. This list is highly comprehensive and results from many potential options.


With growing hostilities between extraterrestrials and humans, the MIB ,earth's primary line of
defense must also grow in breadth and force. To facilitate this growth and maintain a degree of
security for humanity the MIB must work to spread our powers to the ends of the earth. As a
step in the direction of this expansion, we are working on building a second HQ on the west
coast. To see this goal to fruition, we require the resources outlined. These resources will
efficiently be utilized to provide a safer place for humans and aliens to live peacefully.

Construction place. (10/4/17). M. Hammer.
Construction Lmtd.. (10/4/17). H. Gravel.

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