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1. From studying the figure Radiation of energy to and from the Earth in what ranges of
wavelength in nanometres do visible light and short-wave radiation lie? (1)

a) Visible: 430650 nm
Short-wave radiation: 10002000 nm

b) Visible: 12002500 nm
Short-wave radiation: 20003000 nm

c) Visible: 3001000 nm
Short-wave radiation: 10002000 nm

d) Visible: 430650 nm
Short-wave radiation: 10,00020,000 nm

2. Choose the two of these statements that correctly describe pumped and thermosyphon
solar water heaters. (1)

a) A pumped solar water heater uses an electric circulation pump switched on when the
collector becomes hot.

b) A thermosyphon water heater relies on natural convection to carry heat up to the tank which
must be mounted below the collector.

c) A thermosyphon water heater relies on natural convection to carry heat up to the tank which
must be mounted above the collector.

3. The sun radiates huge quantities of energy into the surrounding space, what is
the fraction intercepted by the earths atmosphere? How much is radiated back
to space?
What is the amount of energy available for use on earth per year? (1)
4. What is the meaning of sustainable energy? (1)
5. To maximise solar energy collection, what is the best tilt angle of the collector in
summer? (1)
6. Give an example of passive solar heating. (2)
7. What is the difference between Air source heat pumps and ground source heat
pumps? (2)
8. Give the definition of Power and Energy (1)
9. How can be generated solar thermal electricity? (2)
10. What is the difference between direct solar energy and indirect solar energy? (2)

Total max score: 14

score mark
0-2 2-3
2-4 3-4
4-6 4-5
6-8 5-6
8 - 10 6-7
10 - 12 7-8
12 - 14 8-9

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