Standard 3

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Matthew Nichols

Intro to Ed

Nikki Buzzell-Garncia


Standard 3

Standard 3 Demonstrates competence in planning and preparing for instruction.

Criteria e. Uses available resources, including technologies, in the development and sequencing of



I. Draw map of America pre-1860 on board (5m)

a. Define North and south
b. Ask class for differences today
c. List differences pre 1860 (Industry, Agriculture, Pop., Weather, Geography, Slavery)

II. Industry v. Agriculture (2-4m)

a. List why South remained Agricultural while North became Industrial
b. List crops associated w/ South (Cash Crops)
c. List goods associated w/ North

III. Population
a. Higher Densities in North (2-4m)
i. Inquire why might this cause tension between two regions.
b. Slave pop. In south (3/5 compromise)

IV. Geography + Weather (2-4m)

a. South swampy + low
b. North rocky + high
c. North has more canals
d. Northern weather like ours, four seasons
e. Southern weather long summers, rainy
V. Slave v. Free (2-4m)
a. New States choosing whether slave or free (Bleeding Kansas. 30,36)
b. Clashes in Senate (Brooks, Sumner)
c. New Political Movements (Republicans, Abolitionists)
d. Election 1860 (Lincoln Elected, First states secede

Answer questions
Start Kahoot quiz.

This is the rough draft of the lesson I was planning to teach in my cooperating teachers

class. Part of the requirement is to assess the students on what knowledge they obtained. A way

to do this is to use a kahoot quiz online, and utilize the technology present in the classroom. This

introduces students to interactive technology and expands their knowledge base.

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