Standard 6

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Matthew Nichols

Nikki Buzzell-Garncia

Intro to ED


Standard 6

Standard 6: Demonstrates competence in classroom management.

Criteria b: Establishes, communicates, models, and maintains standards of responsible

student behavior



NO Running or Horseplay

o Always keep respectful body language

NO Yelling, Shouting or Cursing

o Always keep volume to a minimum to not disrupt other classes

NO being in the hallway when not supposed to be.

o Always have permission from a teacher or staff before using the hallway during

class time.

This artifact is an example of hallway expectations suited for students from junior high to

high school level. This ensures that students understand the expectations in order to

properly use the hallways. Each rule has two parts, the first prohibits non-acceptable
behavior, while the second part outlines proper behavior to be used in its place. This

ensures the students understand what is prohibited and an alternative to this behavior.

This particular artifact would be posted in every classroom by the doorway, and of course

throughout the hallways. This is to make sure the information is accessible to all students.

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