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Silent Night

By: Jullian Scott

Silent Night

Its supposed to be the most wonderful time of the year. Christmas is just two days away and Olivia
and Nate are anxiously preparing for their family to grow. But nothing is going according to plan. As
Olivia faces a different kind of danger, Nate finds himself depending on a Christmas miracle.







Copyright 2017 by Jullian Scott

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in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher except

for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

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Its probably bad that we have all these extra pieces, right? Olivia said.

Nate glanced at her. Im not an expert, but Id say its probably not a good thing.

Id get down there and help you, honey, but Im not sure Id ever get back up. Olivia

put a hand to her lower back, kneading the aching muscle. She was now seven months

pregnant with twins and it was starting to take a toll on her body.

This is a mans job, Liv. You should sit down and put your feet up. Nate swore as a

large piece of wood cracked into his hand.

I hate being so useless, Olivia muttered. She had been watching Nate attempt to put

together two cribs by himself for the better part of the morning and she hadnt been able to

do much but try to read the instructions to him.

Nate dug himself out from the partially built cribs and stood. He came over and put a

hand on her stomach. I wouldnt call growing two humans useless.

They are particularly feisty today. Olivia put her hand next to Nates and a tiny baby

foot pushed back at her. They clearly take after their father.

I still dont know how you are doing this, Nate said, shaking his head in bewilderment.

You are a goddess, Olivia Thompson.

Tucker, she added with a smile. They were both still getting used to her new

hyphenated last name. Its not like I have a choice. These babies are coming in two months

no matter what.

You dont give yourself nearly enough credit, Liv. I could never do what you are doing.

The back pain, the swollen ankles, the lack of sleep. Nates smile was lopsided and

adorable. The incompetent husband who cant even put a crib together.

Olivia turned her body so her stomach was out of the way as she gave him a kiss. I

wouldnt change a single thing.

You say that now, but wait until those babies are still kicking at 3:00 in the morning.

Nate pulled her into a tight hug.

Olivia breathed deeply, enjoying the warmth and comfort of his embrace, even if his

arms didnt quite fit all the way around her anymore. Brian should be here soon. If you

wait, Im sure he can help you put the cribs together.

Nice try. Your brother already hates me enough. Im not going to give him yet another

reason to disapprove of our marriage. Nate sighed as he let go of Olivia. Stop distracting

me and let me get back to work.

Fine. Ill go make sure the guest room is ready. Olivia exited the baby room using her

perfected pregnancy waddle. She had long ago given up sexy struts and swaying hips, not to

mention bending over, sleeping on her stomach, and tying her own shoes.

Brian was bringing his family to visit for the holidays since Olivia wasnt up for a long

car ride to her hometown. It would be the first time having guests stay at their new place.

After weeks of hunting, Olivia and Nate had finally found the perfect townhouse in Lincoln
Square. It was big enough for their growing family and still well within city limits for Nates

job. In full-blown nesting mode, Olivia had been carefully organizing and decorating the

place since they had moved in almost a month ago. She knew that the guest room had been

perfectly arranged, but she checked again just to make sure.

It had been a couple years since Brian and his family had come to town and Olivia

wanted their stay to be perfect. She had even put up a tree and stacked presents underneath

for her niece and nephew. While Nate finished up with the cribs, Olivia whipped up a batch

of gingerbread cookies for the kids to decorate later.

What smells so good, Nate said as she was taking them out of the oven.

Dont even think about eating one of these until those cribs are finished. Olivia gave

him a stern look.

Harsh. Nate looked hurt. Ive been toiling away for hours and you wont even allow

me one little cookie?

Its called tough love, babe. Im keeping you motivated. She set the tray on top of the

stove and slowly transferred the cookie men to wire racks to cool.

Nate put a hand over his heart, feigning offense. You really think I didnt finish? I cant

believe how little faith you have in my capabilities.

You finished? Olivia grinned. My hero!

Why do I get the feeling you are patronizing me?

Because you are overly-sensitive. Olivia handed him a cookie. Heres your reward.

I was hoping for a slightly more scandalous reward, he said as he flashed a sexy smile.

Weve still got a little more time with just the two of us.
Very little time, she said meaningfully, running a hand over her bulging belly. Im not

feeling very scandalous these days, Nater.

His smile only grew. You are sexy as hell right now, Liv.

You are an excellent liar. Olivia didnt believe him, but she did appreciate his effort to

make her feel better. She decided to put aside her own insecurities and take him up on his


After some pretty amazing pregnancy sex, Olivia had to take some time to catch her

breath. Nate laid right next to her, stroking her stomach as he talked to their babies. It had

become a regular occurrence in their house. While Olivia felt silly talking to her stomach, it

was Nates favorite pastime.

He finished the end of his story about Olivias 21st birthday. And then, just when your

mom turned to look at me, she threw up all over my shoes.

Really? You chose to tell them that story? Olivia rolled her eyes.

Its a good story. Nate smiled and kissed her cheek. It was the first time you threw

up on me.

The only time, Olivia clarified. Maybe I should tell them about one of the three times

you threw up on me.

I think the babies are sleeping now, he said with a mischievous sparkle in his eyes.

You better hope these babies dont remember any of these stories that youve been

telling them. Olivia couldnt even fake a threatening look because Nate was looking at her

so sweetly. Ugh. Those baby blues of yours let you get away with anything. If our kids get

your eyes, Im going to be so screwed.

Funny, I was just thinking the same thing about your eyes. Nate kissed her again, this

time on the lips. Then he ducked his head and kissed her stomach. He had always been the

more sentimental one in their relationship, but the pregnancy had only magnified that trait.

Olivia found it incredibly endearing.

We need to get dressed. They will be here soon. It took a bit of muscle, but Olivia

managed to push herself into a seated position.

Nate sighed and stretched, rippling every muscle in his stomach and chest. While Olivia

had added more than thirty pounds to her waistline, Nate was more fit than ever. He

jokingly said that he was determined not to have a dad-bod.

Where are you going, speedster? he said as she slowly started to get dressed. We have

a little more time.

Im going to check out your handiwork, Tucker. She turned to smile at him. I want

to see if your furniture-building skills are just as impressive as your bedroom skills.

He grinned. I think youll find that all my skills are impressive.

Im sure I will, she said as she left the room. Olivia had to force herself to move

forward. It was never easy leaving Nate when he was lying naked in bed. That was how shed

come to have two babies inside her in the first place.

When she stepped into the doorway of the nursery, her heart jumped. Not only had

Nate got the cribs put together, hed also arranged the room just the way she had envisioned,

even hanging up the curtains. Last week, he had painted the walls a soft blue color that

almost looked like a shimmering silver. Since they didnt know the genders of the babies, it

was a perfect neutral color.

I tried arranging everything like you said. Hopefully its at least close to being right.

Nate had appeared behind her.

Its perfect, she said.

Nate put his arms around her and she leaned back into his embrace. His breath warmed

her cheek as he whispered in her ear. You are perfect.

It would be futile to protest. Nate had long ago decided that he loved Olivia completely

and nothing she ever did or said was going to change that. She had only recently come to

accept that as an unconditional truth and had never felt happier.

Im not sure I agree with you, but thats a very sweet thing to say. Slowly, Olivia had

been teaching herself how to accept his compliments. Thank you for everything youve

been doing these last few weeks.

You are most welcome, my wife. He held her even tighter. Its the least I can do.

It wasnt, but Olivia didnt have time to argue with him because someone was at the

door. Both of them jumped at the sound of the buzzer.

Thats Bry, Olivia said, smiling. She was excited to see her family. None of them had

seen her since the very early stages of her pregnancy, long before she was actually showing.

Nate took a deep breath and then let go. Time to do this, Thompson.

Stop acting like youre about to be tortured, Olivia said as she headed toward the

door. Brian has promised to be on his best behavior.

If you say so, Nate said doubtfully. How many days are they going to be here again?
This close to the door, they could hear Teddy and Emma squealing and Brian grumbling

something to his wife. It was like Nate and Olivia were being given a glimpse five years into

their future.

Three. Olivia laughed at the worried look on Nates face. Look at it this way if you

can make it through these next three days, you might have a shot at making it through the

next eighteen years.


Nate had been dreading the Thompson family visit since the day he found out they were

coming. It wasnt because he didnt want Olivia to spend time with her family. In fact, he

really liked her family. Especially the kids. But it wasnt a secret that Brian Thompson did

not like Nate. So when he had called Nate at work two days ago, it had been more than a

little surprising.

It turned out that Brian needed some help with the baby gift he had picked out for

Olivia. He had an old rocking chair that had belonged to their grandmother that he had

refinished and wanted to bring during their visit. Brian needed Nate to help keep Olivia

occupied so she wouldnt see it in their car and then find a way for them to sneak it inside.

Nate was thrilled to have a chance to surprise Olivia and it didnt hurt that he might be

able to make amends with her brother in the process. He really did want to make things right

between them if possible.

The first part of the plan went off without a hitch. Nate went outside to help Brian

bring in the familys suitcases while the kids kept Olivia distracted. After a tour of the new

house and some conversation, Olivia suggested they go see the lights at the Lincoln Park

Zoo. Emma and Taylor quickly agreed that it sounded like fun, so Nate saw it as the perfect

opportunity to stay behind with Brian.

You go. I think Brian and I will stay back and watch the game, he said, trying to sound

as casual as possible.
Yeah, that sounds like a good plan, Brian agreed a little too quickly.

Olivia eyed them both suspiciously. Whats going on here?

Nothing, they both said.

Right Olivia stared at Nate. I dont think we can leave the two of you alone.

Of course you can, Liv. Brian avoided eye contact as he discounted her concerns.

Were adults. We can handle a couple hours alone watching football.

It looked like both Olivia and Taylor were going to object, but then Teddy said, I want

to watch football, too.

You do? Olivia looked disappointed. But youre going to miss all the animals and the

Christmas lights.

That sounds like a girl thing, Teddy said confidently. Im a boy.

Both Nate and Brian nodded enthusiastically. Thats right, Nate said. The boys want

some alone time.

Alone time? Olivia only looked more suspicious. You barely even tolerate being

alone with me, Nate.

Dont be ridiculous. Nate gave her an imploring look. Please, lets just stick with this

plan. I think it will be best for everyone.

Olivia finally relented. If there was any chance that Brian and Nate might be able to put

aside their differences and get along for the evening, she wasnt going to sabotage it. Nate

felt a little bad that she would be off waddling around in the cold for the next couple of

hours, but not so bad that he was going to call off the plan.
Once the girls were gone, Nate and Brian got busy bringing the rocking chair inside. It

was solid wood and had been beautifully refinished.

Liv is going to love this, Nate said as they carried it into the nursery. No wonder she

always says you are her favorite brother.

Yeah, or it could be because Im her only brother, Brian replied with a sly grin.

Youre sure shell like it? It doesnt exactly match the other furniture in here.

I guarantee this will be Livs favorite gift. No competition. Nate bent low to place it in

front of the window without scratching the floor.

Teddy had been watching them from the doorway, but now he came further into the

room. Its a pretty lame gift.

Thanks, Ted. Brian ruffled his hair. I can always count on you to be honest.

I should take back my statement, Nate said as he watched them, wondering if he was

about to have a son of his own in just a few weeks. I think having family around for

Christmas was the best gift you couldve given Liv. Shes been excited about your visit for


The kids have been begging for a visit. Figured now was a good time before you are

both drowning in dirty diapers. Brian eyed both cribs. Youll have your hands full.

I already do. You have any idea how long it took me to put those things together?

Nate said.

Brian laughed. I remember those days. Is that the changing table? He nodded to the

still boxed furniture.

Yeah, I couldnt deal with that quite yet. Nate nearly shuddered at the thought of

another several hours to work.

Could you deal with it if I helped? Brian said quietly.

I think I could. Nate wasnt sure how it had happened, but they had reached a truce.

Can I get you a beer?

Beer helps. Brian started to open the box.

Teddy jumped up and down next to him. Can I help? Can I?

Be careful what you ask for, kid. We might have you put this together all by yourself,

Brian said as Nate left the room.

They worked for an hour straight with very little talking. Having a project to focus on

worked out well since neither of them were particularly chatty. Teddy did most of the

talking, asking a lot of questions about the tools they were using and the different pieces they

were putting together. But then Teddy asked a much harder question.

Aunt Olivia is going to have two babies? he asked and without waiting for an answer

promptly added, Where did the babies come from?

Brian dropped the screwdriver he was holding and looked right at Nate. This is your

doing. Feel free to take this one.

Me? Nates mouth dropped open. I dont think thats a good idea.

Why? Do you not know? Teddy said, only making it worse.

Lets hope he does, Brian muttered with a smirk.

Nate wasnt planning to have this conversation for at least a few years, if ever. He

certainly hadnt thought about what he would say when it finally happened. As he carefully

pondered a response, his phone rang.

Saved by the bell, Brian said, his smile having doubled in size.

Ill remember this, Thompson, Nate said, giving him a stern look. He was surprised to

see that it was Vince calling.

Vince had returned to work just a couple weeks ago. He had taken a few months off to

help care for his wife after she was attacked by a madman. Natasha had mostly recovered,

but she was still in a wheelchair. Nate and Olivia had been spending a lot of time with them

lately. Surprisingly, the formerly rude and spoiled Natasha had undergone a self-discovery

during her recovery and was actually enjoyable to be around.

Why are you calling me, Monroe? Nate said. Im not working this week.

I know, I know. I just thought you might want to know about the latest bizarre activity

happening in town, Vince said. He had Nate on speakerphone and a loud siren in the

background made it difficult to hear him.

Alright, Im intrigued. Nate stepped away from Brian and Teddy.

Vince swore at something or someone as he drove. Im headed to the Lincoln Park

Zoo. Apparently, theres a hostage situation in one of the buildings.

The zoo? Nates heart thudded. Youre sure?

Of course Im sure, Vince said. Why?

Because Olivia is at the zoo right now.


I had no idea it would be this crowded, Olivia said, pulling Emma out of the way of a

woman pushing a double stroller. I probably should have done my research before

suggesting it.

I think its exciting. Look at all these people! Taylor said. And all the lights! How


Brians wife was a small-town girl. She was still pleasantly delighted anytime she visited

Chicago, even if it meant packing in tight with thousands of people in the tourist traps.

I didnt expect this many people at the zoo today since its so cold. Olivia struggled to

hold onto Emmas hand as she jumped up and down.

Look, Aunt Olivia! A polar bear! Emma pointed a mittened hand and tried to take off

in that direction.

Olivias extra baby weight helped her stay anchored firmly in place. Hang on, Em. We

cant just walk in front of people.

Youre seven months pregnant with twins. You can do whatever you want, Taylor

advised confidently. People will get out of your way.

Thats something Nate would say, Olivia said with a smile. She had only been away

from him for a couple hours, but she missed him. I hope the boys arent killing each other

while we are gone.

I made Brian promise not to start anything. Taylor frowned. His anger toward Nate

has been so stupid. I think he has just been relying on it this past year so he doesnt have to

grieve properly.

Olivia suspected that was true. Its probably good that Teddy wanted to stay behind

with them. Neither of them will start anything in front of him.

When Nate and Brian had both begged off the zoo trip and little Teddy had quickly

decided that he wanted to stay back with the guys, Olivia had felt surprisingly sad. It felt like

her nephew was growing up too quickly.

After checking out the polar bear, Olivia convinced Emma that they should stop inside

the caf for some hot chocolate to warm up. Really, she just needed to get off her feet for a

few minutes. Taylor stood in line to pay with Emma while Olivia found a small table along

the wall. It was nice to be out of the cold and away from the crowd. A small group of

carolers stood along the opposite wall singing Christmas songs.

It had just started to get dark outside, so most people were out walking around under

the Christmas lights. Olivia watched the crowds through the window and pictured herself

out there in just a couple years time pushing two kids in a stroller with Nate by her side.

It really is pretty, Taylor said, putting a Styrofoam cup of hot chocolate on the table in

front of Olivia. This was a nice idea.

I wish the boys were with us. Olivia smiled as Emma tried to pull her little body onto

Olivias nonexistent lap. Theres not much room left, kiddo.

Sokay, Emma said, settling on her knees. Im glad its just girls.

It might not be, Olivia said. There could be two boy babies in my belly right now.
Emma wrinkled her button nose. I hope not. Boys are gross. I want girls.

You sound like Nate, Olivia said with a laugh.

Its cute that you guys are waiting to find out. Taylor used a napkin to wipe chocolate

from Emmas chin. I could never do that. We found out as soon as we could with the


I wouldnt have cared either way, but Nate really wants it to be a surprise. Olivia

turned her head to check out a commotion near the doors.

Let us out!

Get back!

The voices carried across the room, over the loud singing. Whatever was happening, it

was serious.

Em, stay here with your mom. Olivia lifted her up and took a few seconds to stand.

She had to take an extra second when her stomach tightened sharply. After a breath, the pain

went away. To Taylor, she said, Im going to see whats going on.

Are you sure you should do that? Taylor looked doubtful.

Olivia faked a reassuring smile. Its fine. Ill be right back.

Only a couple dozen people had been in the caf when the commotion started, and now

those hear the doors were backing away. The carolers had switched to the haunting song

Silent Night. Olivia pushed forward, determined to find out what had happened. The first

thing she saw was a set of heavy chains on the doors. The second thing she saw was the man

holding a gun.
Olivia instinctively reached for her phone, anxious to call Nate. But it was too late. The

mans eyes were on her.

Stay back, he said calmly. Dont touch your phone.

She immediately put both hands out in front of her to show that they were empty. No

phone. I just want to talk to you.

Why? His head tilted perplexingly. You see that Im holding a gun, right?

I do. Olivia nodded. Id like to know why.

The man continued to stare in confusion. He was middle age, probably mid-forties. His

hair was graying but plentiful, and it hung over his ears. Olivia thought that he had probably

been a very attractive man just a few years ago, but he had clearly let himself go. About thirty

pounds overweight and wearing clothes that were stained and ripped.

You want to know why Im holding this gun? He pointed the gun at her and Olivia

flinched. Even though this wasnt the first time shed been in a hostage situation, this one

felt more real. Maybe it was because she was now seven months pregnant with two babies

that wouldnt stop kicking, or maybe it was because her sister-in-law and young nice were

just a few yards away.

In my experience, people have to go through some pretty bad stuff to get to the point

where they point a gun at someone. She knew that truth all too well. I dont think you

really woke up this morning wanting to hurt a room full of strangers.

You dont even know me, he said with a hint of doubt in his voice.
Im Olivia. She could hear crying and tense whispering behind her and hoped that

everyone else could stay calm long enough for her to talk the man down. Whats your


He stared for several seconds before saying, Noel.

Thats a nice name. Olivia noticed that the carol singers were now huddled together.

Their singing had halted. Are you married, Noel?

No. He nearly spat out the word as his nostrils flared. Not anymore.

Olivia didnt have to be a behavioral psychologist to know that his reaction hadnt been

insignificant. Whatever his plan had been coming into the caf, it had something to do with

his former marriage.

Kids? she asked, hoping she wasnt opening a can of poisonous snakes.

Yeah, he nodded. A daughter. Sylvia.

Thats a beautiful name. Olivia put a hand on her stomach, this time not

subconsciously. She could feel the sharp pain returning. Im expecting my firsts. Twins.

Youre married? he said, noting the ring on her finger.

She nodded. His name is Nate. We got married earlier this year.

Are you happy?

Most of the time, yeah. Hes my best friend. Olivia knew that bragging about her

seemingly perfect marriage wasnt going to be the right move. Its hard sometimes, though.

Were different people.

He ever hit you? Noel said.

No, never. Nate would never do that. She guessed that Noel wasnt asking because he

himself was an abuser. His father hit him though, when he was a kid.

Noel nodded. Mine too. Real son of a bitch.

It doesnt seem like you took after him, Olivia said. She could hear sirens in the

distance growing louder. Someone had called the police.

Im holding a room of parents and kids hostage. Id say that makes me a real son of a

bitch, too. Noel looked at her like she was insane.

But you havent hurt anyone. Olivia didnt know how Noel was going to react when

he realized the police were coming. Surely, he had expected that would happen, but what

was his plan? Would he try to negotiate with them, or was this just an elaborate attempt at

suicide by cop? Like I said, I dont think you want to hurt anyone. Except maybe yourself.

He scoffed. If I wanted to hurt myself, I couldve just put a bullet in my head at


True. Olivia had to mull that over. He already had access to a gun, so he didnt really

need a cop to shoot him. That meant he wanted to make a scene. He wanted people to know

why he was angry. Do you get to see your daughter often?

No. My ex took me to court and got full custody. He glared. Shes a lying bitch.

What did she lie about? Olivia was glad that Noel was such a talker. The quicker she

could get to the heart of the issue, the better the chance was that she could talk him down

before anyone got hurt.

It doesnt matter. The judge believed her lies. Noels eyes darted around the room.

Thats why Im here. She took my daughter from me and now Im going to take something

from her.

Now, Olivia understood. Shes here, isnt she? Your ex?

Ruby, he said, continuing to scan the room. Shes here somewhere, hiding.

How do you know she is here? This news was not good. If Noel had come to a public

place to shoot his ex-wife, there was probably little that Olivia could do to convince him that

it was a terrible idea.

The sirens had stopped abruptly and red lights bounced through the windows. The

police had arrived and were likely surrounding the building. Noels location near the door

kept him out of visibility to anyone looking through the windows.

Shes here. This is her shift. Noels gun-hand fidgeted.

She works here? Olivias heart dropped. She had a feeling she knew exactly which of

the caf workers was Ruby. It had to be the woman that had poured Emmas hot chocolate,

the woman that Olivia had watched and wondered why she looked so tired and sad.

Come on out, Ruby! Dont make me hurt this pregnant lady. Noel waved the gun in

the air for emphasis.

Olivia wanted to yell at Ruby to stay put. She didnt really think Noel would harm her,

and seeing Ruby was likely to only trigger him into even more anger which would make him


But then a timid voice said, Noel, dont. Dont do this.


Nate sped toward the zoo, dodging traffic and pedestrians. Brian sat in the passengers

seat and Teddy was in the back. Even though Nate had insisted they stay at home, Brian had

refused and Teddy wasnt old enough to stay home alone.

Its a bad sign that neither of them are answering their phones, right? Brian said, his

voice shaking.

I dont know. Nate was clutching the steering wheel so tightly that his fingers had

gone numb. Both men were trying not to panic in front of Teddy, but Nate already knew

that Olivia must be involved in the hostage situation. If she wasnt, she would have called

him right away and let him know she was alright. He also knew that Olivia would feel

compelled to put herself right in the middle of everything if there was a chance to help other

people. It was the way she was wired.

We shouldnt have let them go off alone, Brian continued, unable to stop talking.

Nate understood. He had always blamed himself every time Olivia ended up in danger.

But after an alarming amount of experience dealing with such situations, he had learned that

some danger was just unavoidable. He also knew that Olivia was smart and cunning. She

would use her wiles to stay safe.

Are we close? Brian said.

Its right up ahead. Where all those lights are. Nate headed straight toward the police

car that was blocking the road. He already had his badge in hand. All it took was a quick chat
before Nate was waved on through. He parked the car in front of the main entrance and

turned to Brian.

You have to stay here. Nate held up a hand to stop Brians protest. You need to stay

with your son. Its not safe to bring him into this situation.

Reluctantly, Brian nodded. Alright. Call me if you learn anything.

I will. Nate stepped into the cold, turning up the collar of his coat before breaking

into a light jog. He had to weave his way through the heavy crowds that had been ushered

toward the exit. Nate found a group of familiar police officers and they updated him on the


By the time Nate reached the caf, his heart was pounding but it wasnt from his jog

through the cold. The closer he had gotten, the more he had become convinced that Olivia

was inside. Vince confirmed that fear.

I talked to someone who said they talked to their friend inside. Apparently, some

pregnant lady is having a therapy session with the hostage-taker. Vince smirked. Im going

to assume that pregnant lady is your wife.

I have no doubt. Nate wouldve been proud of Olivia if he was so terrified. Olivia

just cant stay out of trouble.

I understand you are probably panicking right now, but Ive got to admit that Im glad

to have someone like Liv inside. Shes the best shot we have at ending this thing without a

casualty. Vince walked with Nate to the windows of the caf. We cant see Liv or the

gunman, but that also means he cant see us.

Nate peered through the windows, searching the large room. He didnt see Olivia, but

he did see Taylor and Emma huddled at a table near the windows, just a few feet away. Nate

tapped very light on the glass and Taylor turned. He put a finger to his lips to urge her to

stay quiet and then smiled reassuringly at Emma. The little girl was clutching a stuffed giraffe

and looked beyond scared.

He pointed toward where they believed the gunman was stationed and mouthed the

word, Olivia?

Taylor nodded. After a hesitation, she put a hand to her stomach and winced. It was a

completely ambiguous gesture, but Nate instantly understood what she was trying to say.

Olivia was either in labor, or the babies were in distress. Either way, Nate needed to get

them out of there right away.

We have to get in there, Nate said, turning to Vince. Something is wrong with Liv

and the babies.

How do you know that? Vince said.

I just know. Nate didnt have time to explain it to Vince. That person you talked to

that has a friend inside, where are they?

Vince pointed out the woman standing behind a line of cops. She was texting on her

phone as Nate approached. Her name is Meghan.

I need you to find out some information for me, Nate said after he introduced himself

to her.

Sure, she nodded her head anxiously. Tina already said that its just one guy, named

Noel. He has a gun and he chained the doors shut.

Ask Tina if the pregnant woman has been injured, Nate said as calmly as possible.

Okay. Meghan started typing furiously and Nate bounced on his feet as he waited for

a reply. When Tina responded, Meghans eyes widened dramatically. Oh no.

What? What does it say? Nate had to restrain himself from grabbing the phone out of

her hands.

Meghan looked at him with worry. Shes not injured, but she keeps holding her

stomach. Tina thinks maybe shes in labor.


Ruby looked scared, but resigned as she stepped from behind the counter. She had been

hunched down, hiding from her ex-husband, probably hoping that if he didnt see her this

would all end. Now, that wasnt an option.

Noel, why are you doing this? she crossed her shaking arms over her chest. This is


Crazy? Noel waved the gun wildly again and Olivia winced. That had been a poor

choice of words. You want to know whats crazy? Making up stories to tell the judge and

having my daughter taken away from me.

Rubys lower lip trembled. Noel, I didnt make up anything. You know that you have

violent outbursts. Ive been begging you to get help.

I never hurt you and I would never hurt Sylvia. Noel was only focused on Ruby,

ignoring Olivia and everyone else.

The pains in Olivias stomach and back were growing sharper and lasting longer. It felt

like she was in labor, but it was too early for that. She took deep breaths and hoped that the

pain would go away.

You didnt hurt us, Ruby agreed. Yet. But youve been drinking so much and you get

angry when you drink. I didnt trust you to be around Sylvia in that condition. You need

help, Noel.
Like you never drink? Who do you think Ive been drinking with these past five years?

Noel glared at her with utter hostility. Sylvia wouldnt even exist if you hadnt gotten so

drunk the night of our wedding.

Rubys cheeks flushed hotly. Our daughter was not a drunken mistake.

Noel. Olivia stopped speaking and nearly doubled over as something pinched deep

inside her stomach.

Whats wrong with you? Noel said, sounding scared. You arent in labor, are you?

I think I am, Noel. You have to let us go. I need to get to a hospital. Olivia sucked in

several sharp breaths, but the pain only continued to grow. I cant have these babies yet. Its

too early.

Ruby came forward to stand by Olivias side. You have to open those doors, Noel.

This woman needs a doctor.

Noel, hurting Ruby isnt going to get you your daughter back. Its only going to take

away her mother. You dont want to do that. Olivia was too distracted by the pain to put

much thought into her words. She was relying on instinct now.

I didnt come here to kill Ruby, Noel said, sounding surprised that Olivia would think

that. I just came here so she would see how much she hurt me.

Olivia finally understood. Noel hadnt come there to hurt anyone. He was going to kill

himself and make Ruby watch. He wanted her to live with the image of him pulling the

trigger, wanted her to blame herself.

Noel, you cant do that. Think of little Sylvia. She needs you. Olivia felt something

wet soaking her pants and started to panic. If her water had broken, she needed to get to the

hospital as soon as possible. Dont take her father from her.

Sylvia will be better off without me. Just ask Ruby. Noel looked uncertain.

Thats not true. Ruby shook her head furiously as a tear ran down her cheek. Sylvia

needs her father. I wasnt trying to keep you from her forever, I just wanted you to get some

help first with your drinking.

A searing pain made Olivias vision go white for a second. Now, she knew that this

wasnt just labor pains. Ruby turned in time to see her starting to fall and helped guide her to

the floor.

Oh no, she murmured, holding Olivia. Noel, you have to help her.

I need a doctor, Olivia said. And my husband.

Noel! This time Ruby spoke loudly and firmly. You said that you werent going to

hurt anyone. If you dont unchain those doors, this woman and her babies could die.

Across the room, a small voice yelped and tiny footsteps hurried to Olivias side. She

turned her head just as Emma fell to her knees. Aunt Olivia, get up.

Its okay, Emma. Olivia tried to look reassuring, but the pain wasnt going away.

Taylor had rushed over, too, and she took Olivias hand.

Noel dropped the gun to his side, staring hard at Emma. She looks just like my little


Please, help my aunt, Emma said to Noel with tears in her eyes.
He looked at Olivia and nodded. Im going to unchain the doors. Youre going to be


As he reached for the chains, Olivia said, You need to put the gun down, so they know

you arent a threat.

He hesitated, looking at the gun. Then he set it on the floor and pulled a key from his

pocket. As soon as the doors were unlocked, a handful of men in SWAT gear rushed into

the room. Not surprisingly, Nate was right behind them.

He dropped down next to Olivia and put a hand to her head. Youre burning up, Liv.

The babies. She was still clutching her stomach. The pain hadnt faded, but just seeing

Nates face made her feel better.

They are sending an ambulance, love. Just hold on. Nate pulled her into his lap and

stroked her hair.

Emma said, Is Aunt Olivia sick?

She is, honey. We need to get her to the hospital. Taylor had pulled Emma into her

arms and the both looked stunned by what they were seeing. Olivia felt bad that she was

causing Emma so much worry.

Nate looked around the room. We cant wait. Im getting you out of here.

As he put a hand underneath her to hoist her up, it quickly became covered in blood.

The wetness hadnt been her water breaking after all.

Oh god. Nate. She just barely swallowed a sob.

His face had gone pale, but after a firm shake of his head, he picked her up. You are

going to be fine. The babies are going to be fine.

He hurried as fast as he could while carrying a pregnant woman and ended up meeting

the EMTs just outside. As he placed her on the stretcher they were pushing, she grabbed

onto him.

Im so scared, Nate. What if we lose the babies?

Thats not going to happen. He kissed her on the forehead and put a hand on her

stomach. All three of you are going to be fine. I promise.

It wasnt a promise that he could truly make, but Olivia didnt care. She believed him.

Somehow, she knew that Nate would make everything okay. Just like he always did.

They were rushed through the zoo with Taylor and Emma following closely. The lights

flew by overhead and despite the horrible circumstances, Olivia was able to appreciate the

beauty. It was almost magical. The babies hadnt moved in the last few minutes, but that

changes as they crossed under a bridge of lights that had been synchronized to flash along

with the holiday music. The song was Silent Night. Suddenly, both babies moved. It was the

smallest of movements, but she felt it, and she also felt hope that things would be okay.

There was a Christmas tree in the lobby of the hospital. Nate only noticed it because of

the angel on top. It looked just like the one that his mother had used on their family tree for

years. He chose to accept that as a good sign.

It was about the only good sign he had been given since they had started working on

Olivia. The doctors had wheeled her away, telling him that he needed to stay outside while

they worked. Nate didnt want to leave Olivias side, but he did as he was told. As he paced

just outside the doors to the room where Olivia was being treated, he ran through all the

terrible possibilities in his mind.

Olivia could deliver the babies early and they could be sick. The babies could die. Olivia could die. All

of them could die.

Nate kept running through the list over and over as his entire body went numb. In all of

their preparation during the pregnancy, it had never occurred to Nate that something like

this could happen.


The voice that spoke to him was comforting. Nate turned to face Vince. What are you

doing here?

Are you kidding? Vince gave him a dubious look. Theres nowhere else I would be

right now.
Its good to see you, Nate admitted as he finally stopped walking and leaned against

the wall. That was an understatement. Of all people, Vince was the one person that might

truly understand what Nate was feeling just then.

Whats the update? Vince said, leaning in a similar posture a foot away from Nate.

How is Liv?

I dont know. Nate shook his head. They pushed her into that room and didnt tell

me anything.

Vince stared straight ahead. I remember how scary that is, the not knowing. But you

cant let it get to you. Im sure that Liv is going to be fine. Shes in good hands right now.

She was bleeding, Vince. A lot. Nate gave him a meaningful look. I think shes losing

the babies.

Shit, Vince said automatically. It was the last thing he would say for a long time, but it

was exactly what Nate was feeling.

When a nurse stepped out of the room, they both jumped to attention. How is she?

Nate demanded.

Your wife has lost a lot of blood. Her placenta has detached and the babies are in

distress. The nurse gave him a serious look. We have to deliver the babies now or we will

lose all three of them.

Vinces hand came down heavy on Nates shoulder. It felt like he was being anchored in

place, preventing him from falling to his knees.

Are they going to be okay? Is Liv going to be okay? Nate could see the doctors

huddled over Olivia through the window behind the nurse. He was desperate to see Olivia,

to see some sign that she was still conscious.

The doctors will do everything they can, the nurse said. She started to back away. Ill

be back in a moment to get you and take you upstairs.

Everything that happened after that was a blur. The nurse returned eventually and led

Nate toward an elevator bank. Vince went to get Brian and said they would find Nate

upstairs in the waiting room. But Nate was first taken down a hallway and led into a small


You can have just a moment with her before we operate, the nurse said, pushing open

the door.

When Nate saw Olivia lying motionless on a bed, he rushed forward.

Liv. He came as close to her as possible so she wouldnt have to move to see him.

Nate. Her lips formed a faint smile. When he touched her face, it was surprisingly

cold. Its bad, isnt it?

Its not the way we planned it, but its going to be fine. Nate kept caressing her cheek

with one hand while holding her stomach with the other. He ignored the tubes running into

her arm and the beeping machine over her bed. The doctors are going to stop the bleeding

and get the babies out. Youll be back with me in no time.

They cant take the babies out, Nate. Its too soon. Theyre too little. Olivias eyes

were wild with fear. Were going to lose them.

Dont say that. You have to believe that its going to be okay. Nate put his forehead

against hers and closed his eyes. He took a deep breath before looking at Oliva again. You

have to be strong for our kids, love. I know its not fair of me to ask you to do that right

now. You have every right to be scared. But you have to be strong anyway because they need


Olivia put her hand on top of Nates. Together, they held their babies for one last time

before they would be born. Okay. I can do this.

I know you can. Nate used every last ounce of strength to give Olivia the smile that he

knew she loved. You are my hero, Olivia Thompson-Tucker.

You are my life, Nathaniel Tucker. She kissed him softly and Nate had to push aside

the thought that this could be their last kiss.

The door swung open and a team of nurses came into the room. It was time.

I love you, Nate said, kissing her again.

I love you more, Olivia said, sounding stronger. Ill see you soon.

Those were the last words she said before Nate was pushed aside and ushered out of the

room. Because of the bleeding, Olivia would be undergoing surgery as soon as the babies

were removed. That meant that Nate wasnt allowed to be in the room. Instead, he resumed

his pacing, this time in the waiting room.

Brian and Vince were there, watching him anxiously from their seats. Taylor had taken

the kids home and was calling every five minute for an update. Almost twenty minutes after

Nate last saw Olivia, a doctor came into the room. It was Olivias doctor, Dr. Nassan.

How is she? How are the babies? Nate didnt know which one to worry about first.
Olivia is stable. Shes still in surgery. Dr. Nassan offered a stiff smile. The babies

were delivered via cesarean about five minutes ago.

Theyre okay? Nate asked hopefully.

They are very premature. Each one weighs just three pounds and two ounces. They

need help breathing and will have to be monitored closely for any complications. Dr.

Nassan put a hand on Nates arm. But they are doing well. I can take you to see them.

Nate wanted to see them more than anything, but he couldnt do that yet. No, not yet.

I want to wait for Olivia.

Shes going to be in surgery for a while. Then in recovery for even longer. You should

see them. I think it could be good for you right now, Dr. Nassan said.

I cant go without Liv. He couldnt explain it. It might have seemed callous that Nate

was refusing to see his babies, but he felt like if he went without Olivia it was like he was

giving up on her. They had conceived the babies together, spent the last seven months

preparing for them together, and he was determined that they would also meet them for the

first time together.

Brian and Vince were standing on either side of Nate, each one with a hand on his

shoulder. Brian said, Ill go check on the babies. Vince will stay here with you.

Thanks. Nate said, Will you stay with them for a while? I dont want them to be


Of course. Brian nodded. They wont be alone. Their annoying Uncle Brian will be

there staring at them.

It wasnt until after Dr. Nassan took Brian away that Nate realized he hadnt even asked

about their genders. It was just proof that all that really mattered was having two healthy

babies, and a healthy wife.

Congratulations, Vince said softly, finally taking his hand off Nates shoulder. Youre

a dad now, Tucker.

Yeah. Nate had imagined this moment dozens of times in the last few weeks, but he

had never expected it to be anything like this. I cant believe that Liv and I arent together

for this moment.

Look at it this way you are with your second favorite person instead, Vince said with

a goofy smile.

Nate laughed, so suddenly that it startled both of them. It was just the kind of joke that

Olivia wouldve loved. Lucky me, Nate said, feeling very grateful for his partner. At a time

like this, Nate realized just how dependent he was on Olivia for his emotional health. Now

that his mother was gone, Nate didnt have any other family to lean on.

Thirty minutes later, another doctor came into the room. He was direct with Nate. It

looked pretty bad there for a while. Your wife was losing a lot of blood and we couldnt find

the source of the bleed. Once the babies were out, we got a better look and I was able to

stop the bleeding. We had to give her blood transfusions and well be monitoring her closely

for infection, but it looks like she is going to recover completely from this.

Shes okay? Can I see her? Nate wanted to see Olivia immediately, before the doctor

could take back his words.

Olivia is still in recovery and will be for about an hour. A nurse will come get you once

we move her to a room.

But shes going to be okay? Nate asked one more time.

The doctor nodded. All signs point to that, yes.

Thank you, Nate shook his hand vigorously.

Its the outcome we all wanted, the doctor said. Then he added, Congratulations.

Your babies are tiny, but strong. Looks like your family is full of Christmas blessings this


Indeed, Nate said, hanging on that word family. They were a family of four now.

Nate had just been given everything he had ever wanted, but Olivia wasnt there to share the

moment with him.


Olivia opened her eyes slowly. Even as her vision was focusing, she remembered what

had happened and reached for her stomach. The bulge was still there, though it seemed

smaller and was no longer moving.

Nate, she croaked out his name and before she even finished, he was there.

Liv, honey. Im here. He squeezed her hand as his beautiful face appeared above her.

The babies She tried to sit up, but her body wouldnt cooperate.

Nate said, Its okay. The babies are alright. They had to be taken to the NICU, but they

are doing great.

NICU? Olivia didnt think that sounded great. She thought that sounded scary. Did

you see them?

Not yet. Nate sat on the edge of her bed and bent low over her. I wanted to wait for

you. I want us to meet them together.

But they are alone. Again, Olivia tried to sit up.

Nate put a gentle hand on her shoulder. You need to stay in bed and rest, Liv. You just

had a pretty major surgery.

But the babies need us, she insisted.

Brian and Taylor have been taking turns staying with them. Nate brushed her hair

away from her face, his hand warm against her cold skin. Just get a little more rest and then

we can go see them together.

How long has it been? Olivia wondered exactly how long the babies had been away

from her. She felt like a terrible mother for not being there to hold them when they took

their first breaths.

They were born about six hours ago, Nate said with a smile. You did an amazing job,

Liv. Taylor said they are perfect.

Olivia blinked a few times as she attempted to clear the fog in her brain. Its Christmas


Yeah, it is. You really showed me up in the gift giving this year. Nate kissed her cheek.

Close your eyes, love. Get some rest.

She didnt have the strength to protest.

The next time she opened her eyes, her head was clearer. Not only did she remember

talking to Nate, but she remembered everything that happened before she was wheeled into

surgery. This time, she knew she wouldnt be able to sit up on her own. She pushed the

button on the side of the bed that would bring her into a seated position.

When Nate didnt immediately rush to her side, she turned to look for him. He was

spread out in a chair that wasnt nearly big enough for his large frame. His head had rolled to

the side as he slept, looking incredibly uncomfortable. She wondered how exhausted he must

have been to fall asleep in such an awkward position.

A nurse came into the room, quietly pushing a cart. Oh good. Youre awake, she said

softly when she saw that Nate was asleep. I just need to check your vitals. How are you

feeling? Do you need any pain medication?

No, Im fine. I want to see my babies. Olivia knew she wouldnt really feel better until

she saw them with her own eyes. Can you take me to them?

We can probably do that later, after youve been up for a while. We wouldnt want to

push things too much. The nurse was busy typing something on the small computer on the


No. Now. I want to go now, Olivia said urgently. I have to see them.

Nate stirred in his chair, his eyes fluttering open.

The nurse looked up and noticed the urgency in Olivias eyes. She smiled softly. Okay.

Let me see what I can do.

Liv? How long have you been awake? Nate stretched and rubbed at his neck. Why

didnt you wake me?

You looked like you were really comfortable, Olivia joked as the nurse left the room.

Good to see your sense of humor is back. Nate stood. How are you feeling?

Olivia thought for a second. Her head was clearly, but the pain was finally settling in. It

feels like someone sliced open my stomach and played around with my insides.

Yikes. Nate grimaced as he sat next to her on the bed. Thats pretty much exactly

what happened. But at least this time it wasnt a serial killer.

The nurse is going to take us to see the babies, Olivia said, taking his hand. Maybe

my heart will stop hurting once I see them.

Im pretty sure you need to get used to that feeling. Parenthood is just a series of

heartaches. Dropping them off at school. Watching them drive away for the first time.

Taking them to college

Stop. She laughed and elbowed him in the side as his arm went around her shoulders.

Are you trying to make me cry? Im already overly emotional right now.

Nate pulled her against his body, holding her gently in the way that he did best. If I had

lost you, my heart wouldve never stopped hurting.

You didnt lose me. Im right here. She put her hand over his heart. You cant get rid

of me that easily, Nater.

The nurse returned a few minutes later to give Olivia an update. She would be taken

down to see the babies soon, but they needed to run through a few procedures first. After

what seemed like forever, they brought the wheelchair.

Its time, the nurse said. Are you ready to meet your babies?

Olivia looked at Nate and smiled as a rush of excitement ran through her body. This was

the moment when they would officially become a family. It felt like their wedding day all

over again.

As Nate smiled at her with love and wonder in his eyes, Olivia said, Ive been ready for

this moment my whole life.


It took six weeks for the babies to reach a weight that would allow them to be brought

home. In that time, Olivia spent her days at the hospital with them while Nate went early in

the mornings and then again after work. Today, the plan was different. Nate had driven

Olivia to the hospital like always but instead of staying, they had packed their tiny babies into

car seats and brought them home.

I cant believe this day is finally here, Olivia said as Nate handed her one of the car

seats. She smiled down at the baby inside, brushing its cheek with her fingers. Were home,

sweet one.

Nate had gone around to the other side of the car to grab the other car seat. Just a week

or so earlier, this kind of maneuvering would have been infinitely harder since Olivia had

only just been cleared by her doctor to lift anything over ten pounds.

This is our first trip as a family and Im already exhausted, Nate said with a big grin. In

addition to the car seat, he had the diaper bag thrown over his shoulder. Olivia had never

seen him look so happy and it made her heart swell.

Even the weather was cooperating for the babies first day outside. It was in the high

forties and hadnt snowed in over a week. Their path to the front door was clear.

Nate opened the door and held it for Olivia. She went all the way inside and set the car

seat on a chair before carefully unbuckling the baby inside. Nate had done the same thing

and once the babies were in their arms, they faced each other.
We did it, Olivia said, still in disbelief.

Were home. Nate came over and put an arm around her as he kissed her softly.

Thank you for giving me the most perfect son and daughter any man could ever have.

After all the debating about gender, they had ended up with one of each. In her arms,

Olivia held Nathaniel Tucker Junior, whom they were calling Tuck. He had his fathers blue

eyes and calm demeanor. Nate held Rose Loraine against his chest, their little Rosalie. She

was named after the two strongest women they could think of Olivias sister and Nates

mother. She had the same dark hair as her mother and already had Nate wrapped around her

tiny finger.

Olivia held Tuck even closer as she smiled up at Nate. She had never dreamed she

would ever be this happy. As Tuck squirmed in her arms and Rosalie clutched a tiny hand at

Nates chest, Olivia blinked back tears and said, Thank you for giving me this imperfectly

perfect life.
About the Author:

Jullian Scott is the author of the Olivia Thompson mystery series, which now has five

books available. When not writing about harrowing murders and frightening killers, Jullian

spends her time drinking all the coffee in Chicago. You can find out more about Jullian and

her novels on her website.

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