Journal 4

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Matthew Nichols

Nikki Buzzell-Garncia

Intro to Ed


Journal 4

I have spent my observation hours in Mr. Lees classroom of Wilton high school. He

primarily teaches 8th and 9th grade history and economy. One of the many notable features of his

classroom and teaching technique is the preparation of the environment his classroom creates.

This can be felt as you transition from the exterior of the room to the interior. Within the walls of

the classroom, the students. With the ever changing and increasingly diverse backgrounds of

student which span spectrums of ethnicity, economic, and national cultures, keeping a fair and

honest classroom is vital in modern learning. Mr. Lee successfully accomplishes this task using a

variety of methods.

One of the most notable techniques is his engagement of all students verbally before and

after class. He creates conversations based of his students interests and creates an area of

common ground with each student. This makes teaching more accessible to each student as

mutual respect has already been established, so both parties can be more open in learning. For

example, during his final class period, which is economics of sports, he engages his students

about topics like their fantasy football teams, game outcomes and other related topics before and

after the period begins. This also shows that he has an interest in his students likes and dislikes,

further closing a respect gap

Personal differences are not the only obstacle within a classroom. Along with individual

difference, physical, mental, and other disabilities also come into play, as well as other various

learning difficulties. For example, in one of his 9th grade classes, there is a student who is partly

deaf, and requires hearing aids. To adapt to this students disability the teacher wears a

microphone around his neck while he teaches the class, and gives him special attention during

assignments and exams. Within the class there are multiple teaching aids who assist with

students with similar disabilities. They also assist with behavioral issues, learning obstacles, and

the general needs of the students. The learning aides also assist the teacher in general activities

such as passing out textbook, as well as helping with the lesson itself. For example, explaining a

concept one-on-one with a student while the teacher remains uninterrupted.

The environment within the classroom also is proactively set against bullying.

Throughout the classroom numerous anti-bullying posters and quotes are set within easy viewing

height for students. Mr. Lee also enforces this by keeping his classroom respectful and generally

well in order. This ties in with his classroom management strategies. By ending potentially toxic

or disruptive confrontations earlier, it creates a safer environment for both the students and staff,

which allows both parties to focus on the subject at hand, teaching and learning.

Overall, Mr. Lee does very well at creating a space where students can feel secure, safe,

and can focusing on their lessons and not on distractions outside of the classroom. He

accomplishes this through a variety of strategies, which have been honed after nearly 20 years of

experience in the education field.

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