Final Jouranl

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Week 1

Day 1(24th of September 2017)

About my school and teacher

My teaching practice took a place in Ajman Academy School .It is a big school which includes
pre-kindergarten, kindergarten, primary and secondary. It is an international school which
means that teachers and students are from different countries. To illustrate, most of the
teachers are from as South Africa, England, Australia and Canada. I was in grade 1 with Miss
Sadiya. Form my observation, I notice that classroom is based on students centers because
teachers are allowing students to construct their learning by providing them hands-on
activities, and cooperative learning. Furthermore, appreciate their opinions and students get
chances to explore by themselves. I believed that giving students chances to explore, discover
will contribute to better understanding because students are doing the work by themselves
rather than give them the explanation by teacher or adult. According to Piaget who believed
that "that teacher can teach young children to understand a concept, he was certain that
children build their own understanding of the world by the things they do" (Moony, 2000).

Day 2(25th of September2017)

Teaching phonics
It was the second day of my teaching practice. During my observation in literacy class, I noticed
that the teacher used a great technique to help students in reading, which is teaching them
phonics and belonging the words. This follows a bottom-up approach (phonics instruction). I
think it is a powerful way since it provides student knowledge of the English alphabet,
pronunciation, and the correspondences between letters and sounds. Also, it will help students
to read any words. Besides, it allows students to develop their spelling.

Day 3(26th of September 2017)

Strategies to monitor student behavior and work

During my observation, I realized that teachers use different strategies to monitor students
behavior or their work. She praised students by using verbal feedbacks, written feedbacks, and
stickers. I believe that praising students for positive behavior or great work are effective ways
to tell the students that they are valued and appreciate their efforts. This technique made
students avoid and change the negative behavior to positive because they want to get praise.
Day 4(27th of September 2016)
Integrate learning through play
It was the fourth day; I was motivate to teach my lovely students, so I planned a math lesson for
them. In this particular lesson, I incorporate playing in the lesson and I designed fabulous games
for students. During the lesson students were engaged, motivate to learn and there is no
chance for them to get bored. Furthermore, I noticed that students learn better and it help
them to construct their understanding.
Week 2
Day 1(1th of October 2017)
MCT observation:
In this particular day, my MCT came to observe me; I though a math lesson. I started the lesson
by turning on o song, I sang with students and I provided students hand on activities. The
classroom management was effective; I used different strategies to control the classroom and
students including providing feedback by students, use eye contact and remind students
regularly about the rules. As a consequence, the classroom seemed to be safe and the learning
was flexible since students were enthusiastic during the learning. On the other hand, I have to
improve my assessment strategies by using different ways to assess students including checklist
and questioning strategy. To sum up, my MCT loved what I did and she specifically liked the
interaction with children and how children were well behaved and on task. I am satisfied about
my effort and words fail to describe how I was excited about taking my role in the future
beforehand hand, it supported me to gain a fabulous knowledge and productive experience.

Day 2(2th of October 2017)

Gather information about the curriculum of the school
In this day, I and my collages went to the principle to ask her about the curriculum in detailed. I
knew that teacher are using National Curriculum of England to create the learning outcomes.
They applied differentiation in the classroom. There are different core subjects of the primary
year curriculum such as language, mathematics, Arabic, art, music, physical Education including
swimming, science and social studies.

Day 3(3th of October 2017)

Enrichment activity
In this particular day, grade 1 and 2 students have enrichment activity; students will be mixed
and they will choose what activities they interested. There are various activities such as making
puppet, science experiments, drawing. I was helping my MST with the puppet activities; l was
guiding and scaffolding the group. Before starting the activity, I introduced the instructions and
model it for them then I allow them to work independently. I love this activity because students
will learn advanced skills they could apply it in their life which help them to deal with the
challenges in more realistic ways.
Day 4(4th of October 2017)
Provide students hand-on activities and manipulatives in math
In this particular day, the teacher provided students more hand on activities and various
manipulatives. The manipulatives are white boards, matching cards, cubes, and puzzle.
Students were engage, motivate and keep them interest alive while learning the concept. Also,
practicing with the manipulatives enabled them to explore the concert level of
understanding, especially when students used the cubes to count.
Week 3
Day 1(8th of October 2017)
Shared reading with my children
In this particular day, I use a shared reading strategy to read a story to my children; it was about
"who sank the boat." Before starting reading it, I talked about the author, described the page
and gave students chances to predict. Furthermore, I introduced the terms of setting and
characters. Also, while reading, I pointed to each word, used voice intonation, reading with
fluency and gave students chances to predict .After finishing reading the story, asked students
open-ended questions and an activity to classify the charterers of the story and sequence the
events of the story. It was an effective strategy that because it provides rich opportunities for
students to get engaged, discover a pleasure of reading, share, discuss and explore new
knowledge. I was satisfied with my efforts on reading the story and next time I want to try more
strategies such as used guided reading, independent, reading aloud because all of them has a
part to develop students reading.
Day 2(9th of October 2017)
Apply a pair work strategy
In this particular day, I designed different activities to encourage students to work with their
peers such as bingo and X and O game and posters. Students loved that and played a part to
helped them to learn the lesson better because learners had an excellent opportunity to share,
discuss, talk to each other and aid each other. I was monitoring students while doing the
exercise and provide them feedbacks and encourage the group who were working together. I
was delighted to use this technique in teaching practice to look at the advantages of it, and I
was satisfied with my effort because it made the learning more flexible, productive and
Day 3(10th of October 2017)
Enrichment activities
In this particular day, students will create a butterfly and spiders. I provide students instruction
and model it from them. Then I allowed them to work independently and while they were
working, I monitored and scaffold them particularly the students who faced problems in
cutting. When students finished making their puppet, My MST asked students to reflect on this
experiences. Students were motivated to share what they have learned as well as felling
enthusiastic about next week. I liked this strategy because it will support students in talking and
develop their social skills.

Day 4(11th of October 2017)

Sink and float experiment
I prepared a sink and float experiment; I introduce instruction clearly and give each group the
materials to discover by themselves. Students got opportunities to explore and discover by
themselves. I was walking around to check their works, and asking them different questions to
help them to understand the sink and float concept as well as assess their understanding. From
this experiment, I noticed that students understand the lesson efficiently and better.
Week 4
Day 1 and 2(15-16th of October 2017)

Observing grade one to get data for my research

The class is made up of twenty-three students come from mixed socioeconomic status, race,
and gender and also range in a wide variety of abilities and levels. Through the observation, I
made notes about how the teacher promote a classroom environment with high level of
engagement. Students in this class were safe and engaged towards the learning, and the
reasons behind that were the positive teacher-student interaction; the teacher was aware of
their needs, and their opinions are taken seriously. She smiled to them and provided them
ongoing feedbacks. Also, the classroom around the students was a rich print environment with
a variety of resources and hands-on activities. Observation methods offered me ways to check
the verbal responses of students including their feeling, determine what students say and do,
grasp how participants communicate with the teacher and each other.
Day 3(17th of October 2017)

Reading and writing ink

In this particular day, grade 1 has read and writing the ink. Students are mixed up with different
abilities and be with various teachers. The main point of this strategy is to develop students
reading and writing skills. Some teachers are taking the lower group to teach them the phonics
others teachers are taking the middle group where children are beginning to read words. I liked
this idea because it has a significant impact in supporting students in reading since they
experienced with different teachers. Furthermore, students will learn from each other too
because they will have chances to talk and share their ideas with each other.
Day 4(18th of October 2017)
Incorporate technology through the lessons
In this particular day, students get a chance to use their IPADs to play math games. Using the
IPADs in a classroom played a crucial role to support students to become more engaged, they
began to take more control over their learning. The classroom based on students centered;
they shared their knowledge and explored by themselves. Integrating technology in class is a
powerful tool for preparing students for advanced skills in the future.
Week 5
Day 1(22th of October 2017)

Apply group working strategy

During my observation, I noticed that MST apply group working strategy in her classroom. She
designed a science activity; it was a classification activities. In this particular activity, students
will talk with each other, cut the pictures and stick it in the appropriate columns. To keep
students engaged in talking and sharing with their groups, the teacher praised the group that
are working together and discuss with each other. From this experience, I realized that learning
with group is useful to encourage students in learning because students have a great
opportunity to discuss, ask question, listen to each other, share what they learned and extend
their knowledge.
Day 2 and 3 (23-24th of October 2017)
Inquiry based- learning

In this particular days, students had an inquiry lesson. In this session, students had
opportunities to talk, discuss and explore by themselves. The unit was transportation; so
students we using different materials to create a type of transportation. The teacher provided
them the instruction of doing the activity and introduced the rubric for them. Students had a
chance to plan and draw out designs for their transportation. After planning, students
constructed their transportation, tested their model and have the ability to re-think, re-design
re-build .For instance, one student designed a boat and she tested; her boat sank so, she thinks
how to improve the design of her model then she started again. Then students present their
model to students. I liked the inquiry class because it empowers children to use the skills they
have learned to further their knowledge and advanced the cognitive abilities.

Day 4 (25th of October 2017)

Interviewing my MST
I planned the questions before hand and then I arranged a time with my MST to do the
interview. This interview gave me opportunities to collect more in-depth data since; it provided
me opportunities to ask my MST to elaborate on her answers and listen to her ideas, opinions,
values, and beliefs about my topic.
Week 6
Day 1(29th of October 2017)

Integrate reading, speaking and listening in math

My MST designed an activity about A.M and P.m.; students had various examples from their life
about A.M. and P.M and they circled if it A.M. or P.M for example, eating breakfast will be A.m.,
while eating dinner will be P.M. Furthermore, students represented the time in either a digital
clock or analog clock. It was a pared activity; one student read the question; her/his partner will
answer the question. This activity encouraged students to use reading, speaking and listening
while they are playing this activity. For instance, in the listening area, students developed a
sense of concentration and heard carefully to their partner .In the speaking area, students had
an excellent opportunity to motivate students to speak because it has lots of conversation,
talking and discuss with teacher and students. Finally, students had a chance to read the
question which leads to support them to wide their language and gain more vocabulary words. I
like this idea because these skills have a significant role to help students to learn the language
which will contribute to support them to apply these competencies in the life to deal with the
challenges in everyday life wherever they are in school, work, and home.

Day 2(30th of October 2017)

MSTs comments
In this day I taught a lesson about comparing. I supported students learning by using different
ways, such as video, allow them to walk around the classroom to find out things that are taller
than their pencil. Students were engaged and motivated while doing the activity and I
monitored them by asking each student oral questions. Also, I manage the class effectively by
using various ways including positive reinforcement and maintain students interest throughout
the lesson. Once I finished the lesson my MST provided me feedbacks; she liked everything and
she told me you are always using innovative ideas in you lesson and you will become a great
teacher. These words play a crucial role to boost my confidence and motivate me in teaching.
Day 3+4(31th of October +1th
Of November 2017)
Going to the college
Ajman Academy has a break so, I went to the college and start working on my assessments.
Week 7
Day 1(5th of November 2017)
Volunteering in HCT
In this particular day I went to the college since Ajman Academy has a break. I volunteered
there to introduce our Education Program to the foundations students. I told them about the
aim of this program and what we did exactly in it. It was a great experience to show others
what we have learned in this program.
Day 2(6th of November 2017)
Break duty
In this particular day, I had a break duty. I was watching students while eating their snake and
playing in the playground. It was a great experience since I practice the teacher role inside and
outside the classroom. Also, I got fabulous opportunities to experience the teachers life. From
the experience, I learnt different skills and strategies.
Day 3(7th of November 2017)
Questioning strategy to assess students
I taught students a lesson and then gave them activities to practice. As the students working on
the activity, I observed them and asked them different questions to discover what students
know and can do about specific outcomes from the lesson. I made a note of each student. I was
able to notice who understood the lesson well and who need more practice. For students who
understood the lesson I provided them extension activities. On the other hand, the students
who struggle to understand the lesson I sat with them individually and teach them the concept
again in different way.
Day 4(8th of November 2017)
Last day at the school

Unfortunately, it was the last day in my teaching practice this made me sad .This teaching
practice was memorable. I gained lots of information, knowledge and great background about
the differences between the government and private school, fabulous techniques to teach
students. I hug the students and thank my MST for helping me and supporting me by seeing I
am very gratefully for being your students, and I am proud of my teacher, thank you very much
for the time we were together, and I learned many useful things, I said a sad farewell and left.

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