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‘When, inthe course of human evens becomes neceary for one portion of the family of man to assume trong the peopl ofthe earth = postion diferent fiom thc which they have hitherto occupied, but one to which the lnws of nature and of nzure's God entie them a decent respec: tothe epinios of mankind equires that they thowld declare the causes that impel them touch 2 ‘We hold these truths tobe selMeviden; that all men and women are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable nights that smeng these ae lf ibety, and the pursuit of happines; that to secure these ight governments ae inaiuteg, deriving thelr just powers fem the consent ofthe governed. ‘Whenever any form of Government becomes destructive of then ends it athe right of those who slfer from ie fuse allegiance ti and to insist upon the institution fa new government, layig its foundation on such prindples, and organiing itt powers in auch form a8 {hem shall cern most likely to elle their aufty and happines, Prudence, indeed, wil dicate tat long etahished shoald not be changed for light and luansient cause; and accordingly, all experience hath showa that marklad are more disposed to sues, while evils are auferable, han to right themaelves, by ablishing ‘the formato which they are accustomed. But when a long’ ‘sain of abuses and usarpations, purniing invariably the sume objet, evinces a design 0 reduce them under absolute éespotinm, itis their euty to threw off such {government and 1 provice new guards fr ther fature ‘ecurity Such has been the patient sulerance of the ‘women under this government, and auch is now the ‘ecenty which constrains them to demand the equal station to which they are ented. "The history of mankinds history of repeated injuries and onthe par of man toward woman, having in direct object the establshrert ofan sbsolute tyranny over her. To prove this, lt facts be nbmited to candid world. "He has never permited her to exercise her inalienable ight 1 the elective franchise He has compelled her to submit 10 law, in the formation of whith she had po voice. “He has withheld from her rights which are given to the most ignorant and degraded men—both natives and Having deprived her ofthis firt right of 2 citizen, the elective franchise, thereby leaving er without ‘epreseeaicn in the hall of legislation, he hat eppresied her onal ces, “He has made her, fmasried, in the eye ofthe law, civilly dead. "He has taken from her all sight n propery, even to the wages the ears. ‘He has made hee, moral, an responsible being, a8 she can commit many crimes with impunity, provided they bedone inthe presence of he husband. Inthe eoverant of marriage, thei compeled to promise obedience to het ‘SIGNERS OF THE DECLARATION OF SENTIMENTS DECLARATION OF SENTIMENTS husband, he becoming, ro all ntenes and purposes, her master—ihe law giving him power to deprive her of her Ebeny, and te administer chasieerent Hi ha 9 ramed the lava af dvoree a to what shall De the proper causes f divorce; in cave of separation, to ‘whom the gu ofthe chilren shall be given, as to be whelly regardless ofthe happiness of women—the Ine al ets, going upen the false supposition of the supremacy ofan, ard gviag al power ino his hands. ‘Aer cepriving her of al igh a3 a marred wornan, itsingle and the owner ef property he has taxed her to support a government which recognises her only when her roperty can be made proiable wot. He has moncpolized nearly all the profitable ra, and from thoe she it permed to follow, she receives but scanty remuneration. He doves against her all the avenues to wealth and isineton, which he considers mos honcrable to hime ‘Asa teacher of theology, medicine, of law, she isnot Known. He has denied her the facies or obtaining a ‘thorough educational clleges being closed against hee. “He allow her in Church at well State, bata subordinate postion, daiming Apostlis authority for her exclusion frome the minisry, and, with some exceptions, fiom ary public participation in te allairs ofthe Church. "He has crested a lve public ensment, by giving the worida diferent code ef moral for men and women, ‘by which moral delinquencies which exclude women from society, are nox eniy tolerated but deemed of itl account ‘He has usurped the prerogative of Jehovah hime, Claiming i his right to assign for her a sphere of act ‘shen tha belengs to her eoniience and ber God. "He has endeavored, in every way tha: he could to destroy her confkence in her own power, (0 lesen her Sse and to matcher wing ada dependet and abjet if. ‘Now in view ofthis ene disftanchivement of ‘oneal te people of this country, heir social and Feligiout cegradstion,—in view ofthe unjust laws above ‘mentioned, and because women eo fel themselves [negreved, oppressed, and Sraaduleety deprived of their ‘mos sacred Fights, we ins that they have immediae admission to all he ghts and privileges which belong to ‘hem as ckiena of these United Sate 1h eating upoa the great work before ws, we anticipate ne small amount of misconception, ‘iarepresentation, and ridicule; but we shall use every Invtramensalty within our power to effet our object. We shall employ agents, ciculate trac, petition the Site and national Legalhture, and endeavor to enlist the pulpit and the pres in our behalf. Wehope this Convention will be {allowed bya series of Convestions, embracing every art ofthe country. ‘Firmly relying upon the final triumph of the Right sad the True, vedo this day ax our sgmatares to tit Acclaration. SENECA FALLS “NEW YORK JULY 120° 108 ‘Sethi Cate The Ente

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