California: College Republicans Executive Committee Docket

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California College Republicans Executive Committee Docket


Table of Contents
Item A: 1
Item B: 3
Item C: 4
Item D: 5
Item E 6
Item F: 7
Item A:
A Resolution to Amend the California College Republicans (CCR) Bylaws to Add the
Judiciary Committee

WHEREAS the CCR Executive Board has the authority to pass and administer bylaws as
appropriated by the CCR Board of Director; and

WHEREAS, the CCR Board of Directors has appropriated the Executive Board the question of
the Judiciary Committee; and

WHEREAS, CCR has historically faced unjust interpretations and implementations of the
constitution and other governing documents; and

WHEREAS, due process is vital to impartial rulings and investigation is a vital part of a just and
functional organization; and

Therefore be it resolved, the California College Republicans Executive Committee shall amend
art. VII to add section 8, which shall read:

The Judiciary Committee shall:

a. Be composed of 5 permanent members and 3 substitute members that can in act the place
of an absent permanent member;
b. The Chairman of CCR shall appoint the members of the Judiciary Committee with
approval by the Board of Directors;
c. Be mandated to have the following duties:
i. Investigate, hear, and rule upon member grievances that arise from violations of
the Constitution or Bylaws;
1. All rulings shall be issued in writing;
2. Rulings shall have binding preliminary authority, that, if imposing a
sanction, are to be then transferred to the Executive Board for review;
a. The Executive Board may reject any Judicial Ruling by a majority
3. Rulings shall be appealable;
4. Rulings may include sanctions that change the good standing of a
member, censure, or reprove;
ii. To provide binding rulings upon the findings of any violation CCR documents;
iii. To review the creation, drafting, or amending of bylaws or other legal documents;

iv. To offer due process to petitioners or defendants;
v. To accept petitions until the day of the Annual Convention and to offer rulings;
vi. To review any material appropriated to it by the Chair;
d. Create and maintain a charter and other rules pertinent to the committee that is
accessible to all members;

Item B:
A Resolution to Confirm Members to the Constitutional Review Committee

WHEREAS, the California College Republicans (CCR) Executive Committee has the authority
to confirm Committee members pursuant to Article V 3 ; and

WHEREAS, the Constitutional Review Committee currently has no members except the chair;

WHEREAS, CCR has faced severe bureaucratic disrupt after the finalization of the election; and

WHEREAS, appointments are necessary to begin the process of the committee; and

WHEREAS, constitutional reform is necessary to prevent future harms; and

WHEREAS, the constitution permits too much consolidation of authority in the chair; and

Therefore be it resolved, the California College Republicans Executive Committee is to approve

the appointment of the following California College Republicans as members of the
Constitutional Review Committee: Panagiotis Frousiakis, Madison Amelia Marks-Noble, Favian
Fragoso, and Drew Olbrantz.

Item C:
A Resolution to Confirm Members to the California College Republicans Finance

WHEREAS, the California College Republicans (CCR) Executive Committee has the authority
to confirm Committee members pursuant to Article V 3 ; and

WHEREAS, the Finance Committee currently has no staff; and

WHEREAS, CCR has faced severe bureaucratic disrupt after the resolution of the election; and

WHEREAS, appointments are necessary to begin the process of the committee; and

WHEREAS, finances are necessary for CCR to function; and

WHEREAS, a Finance Committee provides transparency and easy access for auditing for both
the Executive Board and members of the General Session; and

Therefore be it resolved, the California College Republicans Executive Board approve the
appointment of the following California College Republicans as members of the CCR Finance
Committee: Chris Boyle, and Brandon Jones.

Item D:
A Resolution to Confirm Members to the Resolutions Committee

WHEREAS, the California College Republicans (CCR) Executive Committee has the authority
to confirm Committee members pursuant to Article V 3 ; and

WHEREAS, the Resolutions Committee currently has no staff; and

WHEREAS, CCR has faced severe bureaucratic disrupt after the resolution of the election; and

WHEREAS, appointments are necessary to begin the process of the committee; and

WHEREAS, Resolutions and policies from members help in growing the College Republican
community and engage members; and

WHEREAS, engagement with members incentivizes new, creative policies, thus expanding the
competitive marketplace of ideas; and

Therefore be it resolved, the California College Republicans Executive Committee approve the
appointment of the following California College Republicans as members of the Resolutions
Committee: Rick Zierer, Sara Garcia, Luke Bauman, and Rahul Daryanani.

Item E
A Resolution to Appoint a Confirm Members to the Platform Committee

WHEREAS, the California College Republicans (CCR) Executive Committee has the authority
to confirm Committee members pursuant to Article V 3 ; and

WHEREAS, the Platform Committee currently has no staff; and

WHEREAS, CCR has faced severe bureaucratic disrupt after the resolution of the election; and

WHEREAS, appointments are necessary to begin the process of the committee; and

WHEREAS, a strong College Republican Platform that address specific problems not covered by
the California Republican Party can assist strong policy advocacy on campuses; and

WHEREAS, the current CCR platform is vague and ambiguous; and

Therefore let it be resolved, the California College Republicans Executive Committee approve
the appointment of the following California College Republicans as members of the Platform
Committee: Naweed Tahmas, Noah J. Ritter, Stephanie Federman, and Sarah Morcott.

Let it finally be resolved, the California College Republicans Executive Committee approve the
appointment of the CCR Communications Director, Vincent Wetzel, as a non-voting ex-officio
member to the Platform Committee.

Item F:
A Resolution to Confirm Committee Members to the Credentials Committee

WHEREAS, the California College Republicans (CCR) Executive Committee has the authority
to confirm Committee members pursuant to Article V 3; and

WHEREAS, the Credentials Committee currently has no staff; and

WHEREAS, CCR has faced severe bureaucratic disrupt after the resolution of the election; and

WHEREAS, prior failures of the Credentials Committee largely originated out of a lack of
responsibility and oversight; and

WHEREAS, appointments are necessary to begin the process of issuing credentialing

requirements; and

WHEREAS, a Credentials Committee is an absolute necessity to the CCR election process; and

Therefore let it be resolved, the California College Republicans Executive Committee approve
the appointment of the following California College Republicans as members of the Credentials
Committee: Joel Miskiel, Leslie Garcia, Harry Watson, and Roberta Martin.

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