Lesson Plan English Semester 4 - Letter K

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Student-Teacher: Suad Taleb- Abeer Hajio.

Date: Wednesday- 18-10-2017

Course: Practicum-2b

Grade Level:
` KG2-c
Subject: English
Strand: Letter K
Learning Outcome (ADEC code and words): by the end of the lesson, the child will be able to:
- Say the letter and sound of letter K.
- Say the word start with letter K.
- Track a write the letter K on 3 lines.
- Color the kite.
- Sort the pictures start with the K in big letter K.

Resources (what materials/equipment will you and Preparation (what do you need to make or check before
the students use? Be specific) class?)
-I will check the technology such as the screen and the
-Salt tray. speakers.
- Play-dough. -I will check the recourses that I need and child need to do
- pictures start with letter K and without litter K. this activity is provide in class.
- Glue. - I will check to the chair and table for child to see If it clean
- Video in YouTube. and everything in right place.
- a raiser.
- markers. Key vocabulary
- white board.
- flash cards. Key- King-Kettle-Ketchup-Kitten-kite.

Opening (warmer activity + teacher introduction/demonstration of small group activities)

- I will welcome the student in my class and I say to them today Im going to teach you a lovely letter it
-we will learn how to say the sound this letter, learn the words start with this letter, and know how to
write the letter K big and small in right way and direction.

(This is about Big Letter K. So, they make Big number 1 that two lines from the middle, one line goes up,
Time: 15 min

second line goes down). While the small letter K, I will make a big number 1, then two small lines under the

middle line.
- but, before I am doing these steps I will show them the video start with letter K to be easy to them.
- After that, I explain to the children what they will do step by step with this letter.
-Then, I divide the children in four groups, and each group have a different lovely activity related to the
lesson and letter K.

- I will show to the children the model of how they can be doing those activities and explain that to react of
class of who they can do exactly those activities.

Guided Experience (group working with the teacher)

Time: 15

Name of this activity is: Salt tray.


What the teacher does:


- I will explain to child how to do this activity.

- The children will use one finger or two fingers to start make the letter K.
- After they finish they need give an opportunity to their group members to start write the letter on the salt.
But, I remind them the rules about this activity that: don't use whole your hand to make the letter we need only
one or two fingers to do this activity.
- Don't waste the salt and but in the table.
- Be friendly and sharing the activity with your friends.

What the children will do:

-The child work groups and in Paris.

- The child will use one or two fingers to this activity.
-The child will use the salt tray and make big letter K, and small letter K.
- Follow the rules carefully and sharing the activity with their group members.

In this group, I will sit with children and observe them how write this letter, and I will evaluate children by say
to them to write this letter by themselves to see the strength and weakness point from this activity.

Independent Experience (small group activity 2)

Name of the activity: Create with play-dough letter K.

What the teacher does?

- I provide to them the different colors of playdoh.

- I say to them they will create with this playdoh the big letter K and small K.
- They sit in their group members, but they work individually.
- I say to them after finish play with playdoh, we will make a boll and return it in their place.

What child will do?

- they start using the playdoh and choose the color they like.
- They start doing the big letter K and the small letter K.
- After finishing their work, they make a boll and retune it in right place in the boxes.

Independent Experience (small group activity 3)

Name of activity: Write the big and small letter K in the paper.
What teacher does?

- I provide to children a pace of paper in the table about letter K.

-- After that, they will write their name first in the top of the page.
- then, I say to them first you need to read this letter and try to write it in a right direction
As the steps, you see in the paper.
- And they color the kite.
- I observe children through doing the activity.
What the children do?

- They write their name in the top of the page.

- They say the letter K and try to write the big and small letter K in the papers.
- After, they fish write the letter K, they will color the kite in the paper.

Independent Experience (small group activity 4)

Name of the activity: (Sort the pictures start with the K in big letter K).

What the teacher does?

- I provide the materials in the table that have
(six pictures start with letter K and another picture didn't start with letter K).
- they write their name in top of the page.
-I explain to them how to do this activity, they need to
sort pictures start with letter k in the middle big letter K,
and move the pictures don't start with letter K in the table.
- They use the glue to stake it in the middle big letter K.

What the child will do?

- They write their name in top of the page.

- They sort the pictures they have start with letter K and but the pictures dont start with letter K
in the table.
- They use glue and take the pictures start with letter K to stick it in the big letter K.

What the teacher does?

- I will call children to came in circle area,

but before they came they need to clean up their table and retune everything in right place.
- After they finish cleaning up, the sit in the carpet.
- I will evaluate children what they learn from this lesson
Time: 15 min

and what they did in each center in class and what they learn from it.

What the children do?

- Clean up their table.

- Retune everything in right place.
- Sit in the carpet.
- Listen to my questions.
- Answer my questions.


Observe children through doing the activities, ask them some questions, and change their mistake while they
work with the activity.

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