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[CS 305]
Year Three Secondary Time: 3 hours


Answer all questions.

Total marks 70
Question 1

The cost of an international call from New York to New Delhi is calculated as follows:
connection fee< $1.99; $2.00 for the first three minutes; and $0.45 for each additional minute.
Write a Java program that prompts the user to enter the number of minutes the call lasted and
outputs the amount due. . [10 marks]
import java.util.Scanner;
import java.text.DecimalFormat;

public class JavaApplication7

static Scanner console = new Scanner(;
public static void main(String []args)

Scanner scan = new Scanner(;
int numberOfMinutes = 0;
double amountDue;

double CONNECTION_FEE = 1.99;

double FIRST_THREE_MINUTES = 2.00;

System.out.print("Enter the number of minutes the call lasted: ");

numberOfMinutes = scan.nextInt();

if (numberOfMinutes > 3)
amountDue = (numberOfMinutes - 3) * EACH_ADDITIONAL_MINUTE


System.out.printf("Amount due = $%.2f %n", amountDue);

Question 2

Declare a class called employee having <employee id> and <employee name> as its member.
Extend class employee to have a subclass called salary having <monthly salary> as its member.
You are required to define constructors and method main for receiving the name and salary of an
employee. In addition, a method to calculate and display all details of an employee who earns
more than one hundred thousand dollars. . [10 marks]
public class Employee
private String employee_name;

public Employee (String setEmployee_name)

employee_name = setEmployee_name;

public String getEmployee_name()

return employee_name;

public void display (int result)

if (result > 20000)
System.out.printf("The name of the employee is %s\n",
System.out.printf("The employee salary is %d", result);}

public static void main(String[] args)

String employee_name;
int employee_salary;
int result;

Scanner input = new Scanner (;

System.out.printf("Enter the name of the employee");

employee_name = input.nextLine ();

System.out.printf("Enter the employee salary");

employee_salary =input.nextInt ();

Salary mysal = new Salary (employee_name, employee_salary);

result = mysal.getMonthly_salary();


public class Salary extends Employee
private int monthly_salary;

public Salary (String employee_name, int setMonthly_salary)

super (employee_name);
monthly_salary = setMonthly_salary;

public int getMonthly_salary ()

return monthly_salary;

Question 3

Define the Rectangle class that contains: Two double fields x and y that specify the center of the
rectangle, the data field width and height , A no-arg constructor that creates the default rectangle
with (0,0) for (x,y) and 1 for both width and height. A parameterized constructor creates a
rectangle with the specified x,y,height and width.

i. A method getArea() that returns the area of the rectangle.
ii. A method getPerimeter() that returns the perimeter of the rectangle.
iii. A method contains(double x, double y) that returns true if the specified point
(x,y) is inside this rectangle.
iv. Write a test program that creates two rectangle objects. One with default values
and other with user specified values. Test all the methods of the class for both
the objects. . [20 marks]
class Rectangle
double x,y,height,width;


Rectangle(double x,double y,double height,double width)


double getArea()
return height*width;

double getPerimeter()
return 2*(height+width);

boolean point(double x,double y)

double pointX = x;
double pointY = y;
if (pointX < (this.x + (this.width)) && pointX > (this.x - (this.width)) &&
pointY < (this.y + (this.height)) && pointY > (this.y - (this.height)))
return true;
return false;

public static void main(String [] args)

Rectangle obj=new Rectangle();
Rectangle obj1=new Rectangle(5,2,10,50);
System.out.println("For default constructor");
System.out.println("Area = "+obj.getArea());
System.out.println("perimeter = "+obj.getPerimeter());
System.out.println("point inside rectangle ="+obj.point(0,0));
System.out.println("For default constructor");
System.out.println("Area = "+obj1.getArea());
System.out.println("perimeter = "+obj1.getPerimeter());
System.out.println("point inside rectangle ="+obj1.point(5,2));

Question 4

Declare a class called book having <author_name> as private data member. Extend book
class to have a sub class called <book_publication> with private member called title.
Write a complete program to show usage of polymorphism to display <book_publication> of
given author. . [10 marks]
public class Book
private String author_name;

public Book (String setAuthor_name)

author_name = setAuthor_name;

public String getAuthor_name()

return author_name;

public void display (String result)

System.out.printf("The name of the author is %s\n", getAuthor_name());
System.out.printf("The title of the book is %s", result);}

public class Book_Publication extends Book


private String title;

public Book_Publication (String author_name, String setTitle)

super (author_name);
title = setTitle;

public String getTitle ()

return title;

import java.util.Scanner;

public class BookPolymorphism

public static void main(String[] args)
String author_name;
String title;
String result;

Scanner input = new Scanner (;

System.out.printf("Enter the name of the author");

author_name = input.nextLine ();

System.out.printf("Enter the title of the book");

title =input.nextLine ();

Book_Publication my1 = new Book_Publication (author_name, title);

result = my1.getTitle();


Question 5

Write a program that prompts the user to enter the length in feet and inches and outputs the
equivalent length in centimeters. If the user enters a negative number or a nondigit number,
throw and handle an appropriate exception and prompt the user to enter another set of numbers.
. [10

Question 6

The area of a rectangle is calculated using the formula: a = l * w. Write a GUI application that
has two text fields for accepting the length and width of a rectangle. A text field must be used for
displaying the calculation and one action button, <Calculate Area>. The user must be prompted
to enter the length and width rectangle in the text fields. Furthermore, after the user clicks on the
button <Calculate Area> the area of the rectangle should be calculated and displayed in a text
field. . [10 marks]


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