Reasearch Paper For Project

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Date: October 30, 2017

To: Chancellor

Steven R. Angle

From: Gregory Depasquale, Student

Subject: Proposing To expand work out facilities on campus


The purpose of this proposal is to determine if their is a need for a new work out facility on
campus and if the gym being less crowed for students helps them go to the gym more often.


This proposal will tell about how many students attended UTC when they first built the ARC
workout facility. It will also talk about how a crowded gym can affect students when go so often
which can affect their school work. It will talk about articles stating that if the gym is to crowded
all the time the students will end up just not working out in general. How fitness exercise helps
students with their grades and their entire college experience.When the ARC is crowed at certain
times. We will also look into if there is other workout facilities on campus that are just used for

Primarily, the research will benefit everyone who is attending UTC now and everyone who plans
to attend UTC in the future. It will allow students to look and see when the ARC is most crowded
and also allow them to see how many college students have enough time to be working out while
in school. To see if UTC should expand there workout facility we will take surveys during the
most crowded times in the ARC and see what the students say about building or expanding the
workout facility.

Secondary research will be done also to look at other colleges and compare how many workout
facilities they have and how many students attend the college. This will allow us to see what

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other schools are doing when they start having more students attend their college. To conduct all
of this research it would have to be done for an entire semester to see if the gym is crowded for
the entire semester or if it is just crowded at the start of the semester. We could also conduct
research to ask students around campus if they pay money to attend another gym off campus, see
what their reason is for going to an off campus gym instead of the one that is provided.

If this proposal is looked into and approved, we would then have to decide if UTC was going to
build another workout facility or just expand the one that they have now. This would take time
because they would have to design either a new building or they would have to figure out a way
to add on the the ARC.


Should UTC build a new workout facility or expand the current one or just leave it as it is and
allow students to have to go to an overcrowded gym to workout and have some students have to
pay more money for other gyms because theirs is so crowded. Throughout my three years at
UTC I have been to the ARC countless times to workout, Ive gone at different times during the
day to try and beat the crowds but it never seems to work. Everyone I talked to there either says
that they have been waiting on a machine or that they're just about to leave because they're tired
of having to wait to do any type of workout.

UTC has 11 thousand students that attend the school, and right now they only have one workout
facility for all of those students, the athletes have another workout facility that they are able to
use. The ARC is always crowded it does not matter what time of day you go to there to workout,
you are always going to be waiting to do some type of workout. Many students choose not to
even work out because they do not like how crowded the gym gets, this can affect students
academically because studies show that students who workout at least once a week will do better
in their classes.

Almost anytime of day the ARC is going to be crowded, Kymberly Mazere the facilities director
said that the ARC is extremely crowded are around 12pm, 3pm and 7pm. She stated that these
are the absolute worst time to come. While completing this proposal I would go back to her and
ask her opinion on if the ARC is to crowded and if she believes that there should be another
workout facility on campus. I would also take surveys for an entire semester to see what other
people thought of the idea, see if others think that UTC could use another facility.

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Another way to see if UTC could use another facility would be to look at other schools with
around the same number students and see how many workout facilities they had around their
campus. We would be able to gather results from all different schools to see how many students
to workout facility ratio they have. Athletes at UTC have a separate weight room and training
room which is awesome that UTC can provide that for all of their athletes. If they could open up
the weight room and training room during the day for students some of the hours out of the day
that would help with the ARC being so crowded. Another thing that UTC could do is let students
use that facility and build a new athlete complex gym where the athletes can go try when they
want too.

Annotated Bibliography

Patterson Amy Neubert and Zelaya Tricia College Students Working out at Campus Gyms Get
Better Grades. Purdue University. This article is based on if students working out will be
able to make them do better in their classes. Purdue was able to do this study and talk to
several students about what they thought about the study how working out helped them in
their classes. Also talked about how much money universities have spent on facilities in
the recent years.

Rubin, Courtney. US News, Schools Offer Gee-Whiz Gym, Sept. 22, 2014. US News did a
segment on how awesome the new Auburn University Rec center is. Tells about all the
different amenities that this new facility offers and how large their new workout facility is
.States how much money other universities have spent on their Rec centers.

Sarah. Navigating The Gym: College Edition. Sarah Fit, 21 Oct. 2011. This is an article that
talked about how and why college students have a hard time working out at a college
gym. Tells the thoughts of how college students are thinking when they are trying to go to
the gym and when they are at the gym. Tells about how college workout facilities are
different from everyday gyms that you would go to.

Trainer, Jason Anderson Certified Personal. Beat the Crowds at the Gym. SparkPeople, 20 Jan.
2009. This is a website talking about how to beat the crowd at gyms. This informed
people about the best and worst times to go work out. Also tells about what the most
efficient way to work out and not have to wait in lines for the equipment to open up.

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Proposed Program

With this being approved by The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga Chancellor.

First-We would start the following semester, to research and take surveys from all of the
students that attend the ARC. Would also look to see at other universities with close to the
same amount of students to see how many Workout facilities they have on campus. All
happening within the first semester.
Second- I will start a petition, in the second semester and go all around campus and see if
anyone would like to sign a petition to receive a new workout facility or to add on to a
current workout facility.
Third- I will form a meeting of all of the necessary people in order to decide if all the
research conducted is enough evidence to look at the idea of building a new facility or adding
on to the current facility. Take the petition and show it to the meeting to show how many of
their schools students would like to have more space to workout.
Fourth- End of the semester, allow The Chancellor to to make the final decision to whether
we will allow this to happen or not. Start the funding for this new workout facility.
Fifth- Allow all the plans to be completed, and to see if the school decided to add a new
facility or to build on a new facility.
Sixth- Allow for the building to be built by the start of the second semester in second year of
this project.

Qualifications/ Personnel

I Gregory Depasquale, will be leading this request, I have conducted several research projects
before and believe that I am qualified to try and lead this project.I am in my third year of college
here at The University of Tennessee, in the college of business.

I have worked at several workout facilities and have learned about when the gym is busy and
when is a good time for students to go. I have also been a member of over five workout facilities
and have learned and watched how these facilities are build to maximize the space.

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September - December 2018

January - May 2019
Petition/ Meeting
May 2019
Chancellor makes final decision, start funding
September 2019
Plans for facility
January 2020
Facility to be completed


I am a student and will be conducting all of the research and surveys and petitions and will not
receive any money for completing these tasks. Therefore my budget will be $0.

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