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Project Management Plan

Project Name:
QCSP- Quality Customer Service Project

Project Sponsor:
Dr. Paul Coverstone

Project Owner:
Sheena Perez

Project Information
PJ Enterprises has set their targets for the upcoming year. Several of these objectives are directly
affected by telephone catalog sales and customer service operators. The consulting firm TTEM
(Tim,Teague,Erik,Michelle), has been hired by PJ Enterprises to design, develop and deliver a
comprehensive product information database and customer service training focused on improving
customer service scores and in turn, exceed targeted profitability.

Scope Management Approach

The management of the scope of the project is the responsibility of the project manager. Changes
can be initiated by any member of the project team or stakeholders but must be initiated through
thus of the Project Change Request Form.

Roles and Responsibilities

In addition to the roles listed below, the following stakeholders will play key roles in managing
the scope of the project. The Project Manager will control the scope of the project by initially vetting all
Project Change Request Forms to ensure its compliance with the goals of the project. The Project
Sponsor is then responsible for obtaining approval from all relevant stakeholders.

Stakeholder Role
Dr. Coverstone will oversee the QCSP.
Dr. Paul Coverstone, Project Sponsor, Tie Breaker Provide answers to project questions.
Review and sign off on deliverables.
Resolve conflict and decisions that may
result in a tie.
Sheena will be consulted on training for the
Sheena Perez, Merchandising Manager, Project QCSP.
Owner Provide input on training documents as
a SME.
Chris will assist Sheena and insure QCSP training
Chris Critical, Assistant Product Manager, Reviewer design documents are reviewed and relevant to
PJ Enterprises products.
Judy will review products and decide what will
Judy Thompson, Catalog Director be included in QCSP.
Judy will also serve as a SME for catalog
products and training.

Kathy Catalog, Assistant Catalog Director, Subject Kathy will assist Judy on approving catalog
Matter Expert products to be included in the QCSP product
information database.
Sam Human, Human Resources Director
Sam advises on all employee issues related to

Attend QCSP training, and practice sessions.

Telephone Operators and Customer Service

Telly will be trained on QCSP deliverables.

Telly James, Head of Telephone Catalog and Train current and new employees on
Customer Service Operators the QCSP deliverables.

TTEM will collectively;

Oversee the QCSP project maintaining
Erik Andracek, Project Manager; Tim Lockman, rapport with all upper management at
Technology Developer; Teague Orblych, Business PJ Enterprises from start to finish.
Analyst; Michelle Janney, Technical Writer/Project Perform performance and gap analysis
Coordinator to determine Pj Enterprises needs.
Design, develop and deliver product
database and training modules.
Oversee timelines, budget and review.
Assist with initial training of Telly
James. She will be conducting ongoing
Obtain sign off on all relevant project
Project Scope Statement
This project will produce training and support materials for telephone operators at PJ Enterprises
in order to enhance their customer service skills, with a view toward improving customer
satisfaction. The deliverables for this project are an online training module on customer service
etiquette; an online training module on efficiently resolving customer issues; and a product
information database. This project will be accepted once the Project Owner receives all three
deliverables, verifies that they meet the conditions agreed upon in the Project Charter, and
verifies that they conform to all mock-ups and other design documents that were formally
approved by both the Project Owner and TTEM. This project does not include ongoing technical
support after implementation; further development of deliverables after the project is complete; or
product database training for any personnel other than management. The project also excludes
any research on or verification of product information; PJ Enterprises will provide and verify the
accuracy of all information to be added to the product database. This project is not to exceed 150
days in duration or $165,000 in spending. Assumptions on this project are that PJ Enterprises
leadership fully supports this project, and that they will encourage managers and other
stakeholders to participate. It is also assumed that stakeholders will speak candidly and provide
accurate information during the information gathering process.

A detailed breakdown of the project scope can be found in the Project Charter
Work Breakdown Structure
The work breakdown structure (WBS) represents a breakdown of the tasks required to develop
the four deliverables. Any changes to the WBS require the submission and approval of Project
Change Request Form.

Scope Verification
The Project manager will monitor the work of the team against the WBS to ensure compliance.
Upon completion of a deliverable, the Project Manager and Project Sponsor will meet for formal
acceptance of the deliverable. Formal acceptance will be complete with the signed approval of
the Project Sponsor.
Scope Change Management Plan
The Project Manager and the project team will work together to control of the scope of the
project. The project team will use the WBS as a statement of work for each WBS element. The
project team will ensure that they perform only the work described in the WBS and generate the
defined deliverables for each WBS element. The Project Manager will oversee the project team
and the progression of the project to ensure that this scope control process if followed.

If a change to the project scope is needed the process for recommending changes to the scope of
the project must be carried out. Any project team member or sponsor can request changes to the
project scope. All change requests must be submitted to the Project Manager in the form of a
Project Change Request Form. The Project Manager will then review the suggested change to
the scope of the project. The Project Manager will then either deny the change request if it does
not apply to the intent of the project or convene a change control meeting between the project
team and Sponsor to review the change request further and perform an impact assessment of the
change. If the change request receives initial approval by the Project Manager and Sponsor, the
Project Manager will then formally submit the change request to the appropriate stakeholders, as
identified by the Project Sponsor. If the stakeholders approves the scope change, the Project
Sponsor will then formally accept the change by signing the Project Change Request
Form. Upon acceptance of the scope change, the Project Manager will update all project
documents and communicate the scope change to all project team members and stakeholders.

See Appendix A for Project Change Request Form.

Project Schedule
The Project Schedule represents the approved timeline to complete the deliverables. Any changed
to the schedule requires the submission and approval of Project Change Request Form.

Quality Customer Service Project- QCSP- WBS Start Date: End Date: Days Hours

1. Telephone Operator Customer Service Training

Total: 34
1.1 Create Telephone Operator Etiquette Training Days
1.1.1 Analyze Gaps/Needs 10/23/2017 10/26/2017 4 Days 32 Summarize TO Job Tasks 10/27/2017 10/27/2017 1 Days 8 Review TO Job Tasks with SME 10/30/2017 10/30/2017 1 Day 8
1.1.2 Design Course Documents 10/31/2017 11/06/2017 5 Days 40 Create Course Outline and Objectives 11/07/2017 11/10/2017 4 Days 32 Review CDD with SME 11/13/2017 11/13/2017 1 Day 8
1.1.3 Develop TO Etiquette Training 11/14/2017 11/22/2017 7 Days 56 Critique RLO with SME 11/27/2017 11/28/2017 2 Days 16
1.1.4 Implement TO Etiquette Training 11/29/2017 12/05/2017 5 Days 40 Compare Pre/Post Training Data 12/06/2017 12/06/2017 1 Day 8
1.1.5 Evaluation/Closure 12/07/2017 12/10/2017 3 Days 24
1.2 Construct Telephone Operator Resolve Customer Total: 34
Issues Training Days
1.2.1 Analyze Gaps/Needs 11/14/2017 11/20/2017 4 Days 32 Summarize TO Job Skills 11/21/2017 11/21/2017 1 Days 8 Review TO Job Skills with SME 11/22/2017 11/22/2017 1 Day 8
1.2.2 Design Course Documents 11/27/2017 12/01/2017 5 Days 40 Create Course Outline and Objectives 12/04/2017 12/07/2017 4 Days 32 Review CDD with SME 12/08/22017 12/8/2017 1 Day 8
1.2.3 Develop TO Resolve Customer Issues Training 12/11/2017 1/2/2018 7 Days 56 Critique RLO with SME 1/3/2018 1/4/2018 2 Days 16
1.2.4 Implement TO Resolve Customer Issues Training 01/05/2018 01/11/2018 5 Days 40 Pre/Post Training Data 01/12/2018 01/12/2018 1 Day 8
1.2.5 Evaluation/ Closure 01/15/2018 01/17/2018 3 Days 24
Total: 16
1.3 Develop Database Product Guide Days
1.3.1 Acquire Product List 12/11/2017 12/11/2017 1 Day 8
1.3.2 Prepare Database User Guide 12/12/2017 12/18/2017 5 Days 40
1.3.3 Compose Database Training Guide 12/15/2017 12/21/2017 5 Days 40
1.3.4 Appraise Database Guides with SME 12/22/2017 12/27/2017 3 Day 24
1.3.5 Implement Database Guides 12/28/2017 12/29/2017 2 Day 16
Total: 59
1.4 Project Management Days
1.4.1 Monitor Scope Management 10/23/2017 ------------
1.4.2 Support Change Management ------------ ------------
1.4.3 Procure Reviews/Approvals ------------ ------------
1.4.4 Preserve Management Rapport ------------ ------------
1.4.5 Control Budget ------------ ------------
1.4.6 Apply QCSP Best Practices ------------ 1/17/2018
Communication Plan
This Communications Management Plan sets the communications framework for this project. It
will serve as a guide for communications throughout the life of the project and will be updated, as
communication needs change. The Project Manager will have a proactive role in using this plan
to make sure communications are effective during the life of the project. This plan includes a
Communications Matrix, which maps the communication requirements of this project. The
Communications Matrix will be used as a guide for what information needs to be communicated,
who is responsible for the communication, when the communication needs to be made, and to
those it needs to be communicated to.

See Appendix B for the Communication Matrix.


Establish communication process and protocols

Efficient and timely dissemination of information
Accurate dissemination of information
Appendix A Project Change Request Form
This Project Change Request Form must be completed to request approval for a significant business, technical or financial
change to the approved requirements in the original Project Plan. Please attach any supporting documentation that will be helpful
for the approval process. Please submit the form to the Project Manager

Name of Project File references

Marval P/Tracker Central

Date of Request Request No. Name of Requestor Project Position

Project Category Proposed Change Reason for Variance
Risk Management
Other (add cat. name)

Immediate Essential Urgent High Medium Low

Intended outcome(s)
Expected benefit(s)

List any important impact of the change(s) on the Project deliverables


Name Position/Department Distribution method Date distributed

(To be completed by Steering Committee Chairperson (or Management/Project Manager according to
project governance)
Approved (Yes/No) Decision date Decision made by Decision reason Resulting Action
Appendix B Communication Matrix
Communicatio Objective of Medium Frequency Audience Owner Deliverable Format
n Type Communication
Kickoff Introduce the project team Face to Face Once Project Project Manager Agenda Soft copy
Meeting and the project. Review Sponsor Meeting archived in
project objectives and Project Team Minutes project folder
management approach. Stakeholders in shared space
on Google
Project Team Review status of the Face to Face Weekly Project Team Project Manager Agenda Soft copy
Meetings project with the team. Conference Meeting archived in
Call Minutes project folder
Project in shared space
schedule on Google
Technical Discuss and develop Face to Face As Needed Project Team Technical Agenda Soft copy
Design technical design solutions Developer Meeting archived in
Meetings for the project. Minutes project folder
in shared space
on Google
Monthly Project Report on the status of the Face to Face Monthly Project Project Manager Slide updates Soft copy
Status Meetings project to management. Conference Sponsor Project archived in
Call Project Team schedule project folder
Stakeholders in shared space
on Google
Project Status Report the status of the Email Monthly Project Project Manager Project Status Soft copy
Reports project including activities, Sponsor Report archived in
progress, costs and issues. Project Team Project project folder
Stakeholders schedule in shared space
on Google

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