Questions Introduction To Engineering

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Questions Introduction to engineering

1. What Bioengineers deal with?

A: Bioengineers have a wide variety of career choices. Some may work alongside
medical practitioners, developing new medical techniques, medical devices, and
instrumentation for manufacturing companies. Hospitals and clinics employ clinical
engineers to maintain and improve the technological support systems used for
patient care. Engineers with an advanced bioengineering degree can perform
biological and medical research in educational and governmental research
2. What Chemical engineers deal with?
A: Chemical engineering is a branch of engineering that applies physical sciences
and mathematics in the design, development, and maintenance of large-scale
chemical processes that convert raw materials into useful or valuable products.
Chemical engineers aid in the manufacture of a wide variety of products such
as fuels, fertilizers, insecticides, plastics, explosives, detergents, fragrances, flavors,
and pharmaceuticals.
3. What Civil engineers deal with?
A: Civil engineers design, construct, supervise, operate, and maintain large
construction projects and systems, including roads, buildings, airports, tunnels,
dams, bridges, and systems for water supply and sewage treatment.
4. What computer and electronic engineers deal with?
A: Computer and electronic engineers design embedded computers and electronic
systems that are essential for the operation of modern technology. Some of the
application fields are computers, the Internet, software, telecommunications,
broadcast media, energy or healthcare. They may also work in product design,
sales, technical support or management.
5. What control system engineers deal with?
A: A control system engineer designs, develops, calculates, and implements many
complex systems that work together as whole to complete a task. This includes the
electrical and mechanical elements of home appliances like washing machines, as
well as the complicated systems contained in automobiles and airplanes.
6. What electrochemical engineers deal with?
A: Electrochemical engineers deal with the technological applications of
electrochemical phenomena such as synthesis of chemicals, electrowinning and
refining of metals, batteries and fuel cells, sensors, surface modification by
electrodeposition and etching, separations, and corrosion. It is an overlap between
electrical engineering and chemical engineering.
7. What electrical engineers deal with?
A: Electrical engineers work on a variety of projects, such as computers, robots, cell
phones, cards, radars, navigation systems, wiring and lighting in buildings and other
kinds of electrical systems. Electrical engineers start out a project by defining what a
new electronics should be able to do.
8. What manufacturing engineers deal with?
A: Manufacturing Engineers focus on the design and operation of integrated
systems for the production of high-quality, economically competitive products. These
systems may include computer networks, robots, machine tools, and materials-
handling equipment.
9. What material engineers deal with?
A: Materials engineers work with metals, ceramics, and plastics to create new
materials. Materials engineers develop, process, and test materials used to create a
range of products, from computer chips and aircraft wings to golf clubs and snow
10. What mechanical engineers deal with?
A: Mechanical engineers are typically involved with the generation, distribution, and
use of energy; the processing of materials; the control and automation of
manufacturing systems; the design and development of machines; and the solutions
to environmental problems.
11. What are the five cornerstones of ethical behavior?
A: The five cornerstones of ethical behavior are:
Do what you say you will do.
Never divulge information given to you in confidence.
Accept responsibility for your mistakes.
Never become involved in a lie.
Never accept gifts that compromise your ability to perform in the best interests of
your organization.
12. Circle questions that are part of the top ten questions you should ask yourself
when make an ethical decision?
A: The top ten questions you should ask yourself when make an ethical decision
Could the decision become habit forming? If so, dont do it.
Is it legal? If it isnt, dont do it.
Is it safe? If it isnt, dont do it.
Is it the right thing to do? If it isnt, dont do it.
Will this stand the test of public scrutiny? If it wont, dont do it.
If something terrible happened, could I defend my actions? If you cant, dont do
Is it just, balanced, and fair? If it isnt, dont do it.
How will it make me feel about myself? If its lousy, dont do it.
Does this choice lead to the greatest good for the greatest number? If it doesnt,
dont do it.
Would I do this in front of my mother? If you wouldnt, dont do it.
13. What is engineering decision matrix?
A: Engineering decision matrix presents a simple way of applying the canons of
engineering ethics and further to see the spectrum of responses that might apply in
a given situation. In a particular it should give you pause not to accept the first
simple do/do not response that comes to you.
14. What are the five key elements of engineering analysis?
A: Five key elements of engineering analysis are: numbers, variables, dimensions,
units, and significant figures.
15. Variables are:
A: precisely defined quantities describing an aspect of nature. A variable is any
factor, trait, or condition that can exist in differing amounts or types. An experiment
usually has three kinds of variables: independent, dependent, and controlled.
16. Units are:
A: standards against which other things are compared for the purpose of expressing
measurement. Units are a way of quantifying the underlying concept of dimensions.
17. What are the fundamental units in SI system?
A: The fundamental units in SI system are:
meter (m), the fundamental unit of length,
second (s), the fundamental unit of time,
kilogram (kg), the fundamental unit of mass,
degree kelvin (K), the fundamental unit of temperature,
mole (mol), the fundamental unit of quantity of particles,
ampere (A), the fundamental unit of electric current,
candela (cd), the fundamental unit of luminous intensity.
18. What is a force?
A: Force is any interaction which tends to change the motion of an object. In other
words, a force can cause an object with mass to change its velocity, i.e, to
accelerate. The SI unit of force is newton (N).

1 1
1 =
1 2
19. What is weight?
A: Weight of an object is usually taken to be the force on the object due to gravity.
The SI unit of weight is newton (N) since weight is also a force.

20. What represents a mass?
A: Mass is a property of a physical body which determines the strength of its mutual
gravitational attraction to other bodies, its resistance to being accelerated by a force,
and in the theory of relativity gives the massenergy content of a system. The SI unit
of mass is kilogram (kg).
21. Circle the correct equation for force.
A: See question 18.
22. Circle the accurate equation for weight.
A: See question 19.
23. What is energy?
A: Energy is the capacity of a physical system to perform work. Energy is a property
of objects which can be transferred to other objects or converted into different forms,
but cannot be created or destroyed. The SI unit of energy is Joules (J).
24. What is work?
A: Work done is defined as product of the force and the distance over which the
force is applied. Work is done when a force is applied to an object and the object is
moved through a distance.
1 =
25. Circle the equation for work.
A: See question 24.
26. Which of given answers are kind of energy?
A: Some of the kinds of energy are: kinetic, potential, mechanical, chemical, electric,
magnetic, radiant, nuclear, elastic, gravitational, rest, thermal, heat
27. What is kinetic energy?
A: Kinetic energy of an object is the energy that it possesses due to its motion. It is
defined as the work needed to accelerate a body of a given mass from rest to its
stated velocity.
28. What is thermal energy?
A: Thermal energy refers to the internal energy present in a system by virtue of its
29. What equation represents the ideal gas law?
A: The ideal gas is represented as:
30. What means law of conservation?
A: See question 23.
31. What is chemical energy?
A: Chemical energy is another form of potential energy in that it is determined by the
relative distribution of electrons in the atoms that make up the structure of
32. What means oxidation of fuel?
A: Combustion is the oxidation of a fuel to generate heat, perhaps also
accompanied by the emission of light. For engineers oxidation is basically the
chemical reaction of a substance with oxygen.
33. What is the smallest particle that could not be separated into smaller by using
standard laboratory methods?
A: An atom (from the Greek meaning cannot be sliced) is the smallest possible
piece of a chemical element. Although now known to be sliceable, atoms are still
used as the basic building blocks of matter in almost all engineering models.
34. What is chemical engineering?
A: See question 2.
35. What represents mol?
A: Since molecules are extremely small entities, it takes enormous numbers of them
to provide useful amounts of energy for powering automobiles or performing any
macroscopic task. So rather than counting molecules by ones or twos, they are
counted in very large units called mols, or even larger units called kmols (thousands
of mols). The mol is defined to be the amount of substance containing as many
elementary entities as there are atoms in exactly 0.012 kg of pure carbon-12. (The
kmol is a factor 10 larger.)
36. How can we determine the quantity of energy that some chemical reaction can
give or take from the environment?
37. What is Otto cycle?
A: An Otto cycle is an idealized thermodynamic cycle that describes the functioning
of a typical spark ignition piston engine. It is the thermodynamic cycle most
commonly found in automobile engines.
38. What is Diesel cycle?
A: Diesel cycle is a combustion process of a reciprocating internal combustion
engine. In it, fuel is ignited by heat generated during the compression of air in the
combustion chamber, into which fuel is then injected. Diesel engines are used in
aircraft, automobiles, power generation, diesel-electric locomotives, and both
surface ships and submarines.
39. What is Brayton cycle?
A: Brayton cycle adopted the dual reciprocating piston technique using one piston
as a compressor and the second piston to deliver power. A chamber was inserted
between the two pistons to provide a constant pressure combustion process. The
original Brayton cycle was conceived as an external combust ion piston engine.
However, it was found to run more reliably when it was converted into an internal
combustion piston engine.
40. What are the strokes of Otto cycle?
A: Otto cycle has four strokes: intake, compression, expansion, and exhaust.
41. What is the difference between Otto and Diesel cycle?
A: One crucial difference between the Otto and the Diesel cycles is that in the latter,
fuel is not added until the end of the compression stroke. This is because the high
pressures in the Diesel cycle produce high compression temperatures that would
explode the fuel if present at the start of the compression stroke, hence the late
addition of fuel.
42. What is an electric charge?
A: Electric charge is the physical property of matter that causes it to experience a
force when placed in an electromagnetic field. There are two types of electric
charges: positive and negative.
43. What is an electrical circuit?
A: A circuit is a closed loop of wire connecting various electrical components such
as batteries, lightbulbs, switches, and motors.
44. What is Coulomb?
A: The unit of electric charge is called Coulomb (C).
45. What is a conductor?
A: A conductor is an object or type of material that allows the flow of electrical
current in one or more directions. For example, a wire is an electrical conductor that
can carry electricity along its length.
46. What is an insulator?
A: An electrical insulator is a material whose internal electric charges do not flow
freely, and therefore make it very hard to conduct an electric current under the
influence of an electric field.
47. What is a semiconductor?
A: A semiconductor material has an electrical conductivity value falling between that
of a conductor, such as copper, and an insulator, such as glass. Semiconductors are
the foundation of modern electronics.
48. What is resistance?
A: Resistance is just the ratio of the voltage drop to the current. High resistance
means that a large voltage drop is required to achieve a given current. Low
resistance means that only a small voltage drop is required to achieve a given
49. What is Ohm`s Law?
A: Ohm`s Law states that the resistance, which is defined as the ratio of voltage
drop to current, remains constant for all applied voltage drops. Mathematically


50. What is the Power Law?
A: The Power Law simply states that electric power is given by Power = Current x
Voltage or:
51. What is the Kirchhoff`s Voltage Law?
A: Kirchhoffs Voltage Law is a form of the Conservation of Energy Law, and can be
stated as:
The algebraic sum of the voltage drops in a closed electrical circuit is equal to the
algebraic sum of the voltage sources (i.e., increases) in the circuit.
Mathematically, Kirchhoffs Voltage Law is written as:
( ) = ( ) = 0
52. What is the equation for Kirchhoff`s Voltage Law?
A: See question 51.
53. What is Kirchhoff`s Current Law?
A: Kirchhoffs Current Law is a form of the Conservation of Charge Law, and can be
stated as: The algebraic sum of all the currents at a node must be zero.
54. What is equation that express Kirchhoff`s Current Law?
A: Kirchhoffs Current Law is a form of the Conservation of Charge Law, and can be
stated as: The algebraic sum of all the currents at a node must be zero.
A node is any electrical junction in a circuit. Kirchhoffs Current Law can be written
mathematically as:
() = 0
where is the summation symbol. Stated differently as:
The sum of all the currents entering a node is equal to the sum of all the currents
leaving the node.
( ) = ( )
55. What are current dividers?
A: If two resistors are in parallel, the voltage across them must be the same, but the
current divides according to the values of the resistances. A simple circuit with two
resistors in parallel with a voltage source is also called a current divider.
56. What is photolithography?
A: A modern integrated circuit contains millions (or billions) of transistors connected
together to form a logic circuit on a piece of silicon the size of a fingernail. This is
done by a process called photolithography, which literally means using light to write
on a stone.
57. What relay represents?
A: A relay is a switch operated by an electromagnet. The relay simply closes the
switch against the spring when the external power source is turned on. When the
external power source is turned off, the spring returns the switch to its open position.

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