Genre Analysis First Draft

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Irving Munoz

Professor Shev Raj Rana Bhat

RWS 1302


Genre Analysis

The Great Earthquakes of Today.

The earthquakes are what happens when two blocks of the earth suddenly slip past one

another. That occur when earthquakes cause a change in shape, as well as shake a bottle of soda.

The point is that earthquakes occur when toppling buildings, cracking highways and the worst

thing killing hundreds of people. Thus, happened in Mexico City from an earthquake in 1985 the

people that died was more than 4,000 deaths, and the present day was 200 deaths. Precisely, it is

the same day and the same place when it happened in that incident of the earthquakes with the

number of the deceased. When the edges of the plates are rough, they get stuck while the rest of

the plate keeps moving. Finally, when the plate has moved far enough, the edges unstick on one

of the faults and there is an earthquake. While the edges of the faults are stuck together, and rest

of the block moves, the energy that would normally because the blocks to slide into each other is

being stored it. Leaves it to the edges when they are separated while the earthquakes put in

movement of the fault of the other places. These genres, and their views regarding the main

issue, will be discussed further throughout the remainder of the analysis.

Audience and Purpose

The first genre, Lisa Walds, the science of Earthquakes, is the explanation about

earthquakes that tells details of what causes a fault. The purpose of this segment was how an

earthquake was created and how it caused the fault when the earth splits into two blocks, which
leaves one side of the earth. The second genre, Mexico had two major earthquakes this month,

was when an earthquake provoked in Mexico with the magnitude of 7.1. That means there was a

great disaster this month and a number of deaths but Mexican people strive to save more

survivors and survive from a quake.

The intended audience of the science of Earthquakes is older people, who interested in

science, facts, and even good exposition for college students. They must to learn more about

earthquakes because something worse will happen and prevent from earthquakes. While in

Mexico they will learn of what was destroyed and what remained of it about the fault of Mexico

City. Many people are refugees anywhere they are safe away from the landslides, and they are

looking for something to eat in the gathering center.

Both genres differ on the details of the great catastrophes in story that existed in years.

The first genre was details of earthquake science, and how they find out if there is a fault

anywhere in the world. The second genre was the earthquake in Mexico where there was an

incident of the great disasters that existed today. Each genre tells about the earthquakes to inform

the audience know that here in El Paso is further away from the seas and is safe from


Rhetorical Issues

Both genres exhibit rhetorical appeals, the manner in which these are implemented and

enforced differ in accordance with the genre.


In the first genre, this genre is the teachings of science, tells that the earth quake came in

deep and solid on earth. However, there are characteristics of the quake, below the earth there

are: inner core, outer core, mantle, and crust. Take a credible for the lessons for those who are
interested in this topic. In the second genre, there were many details of what they learned from

the experienced for a couple of deceased persons and areas destroyed in the Mexican capital. The

credibility of the news was exposed to great help for the Mexicans and rebuild what Mexico

never was.


For the science of earthquakes is the best way to learn although it is not emotional when

we feel the temblor and we being in panic. The examples of how an earthquake is done leave it

well detailed, and feel that emotion of the quake. In other words, there are more explanations of

where the seismic waves are in the oceanic parts. While in Mexico there has been an earthquake

in 1985 where there were too many deaths and destruction of buildings but that is history, and

now the same thing happens again. A greater emotion than any person has experienced.


The first genre, used by logos is relevant; in this topic that left as a good obstacle for the

audience. The evidence is used to learn the extreme weathers in the world, and seek the solution

as soon as possible so that there is no tragedy. The evidence is relevant, because the science of

earthquakes takes a great example and how to avoid earthquakes. In the second genre, it talks

about the sequences from which they were destroyed by the earthquake, and investigate the

number of the deceased.

Structure and Delivery

With these two genres in this main topic, the necessary information in each genre is

organized. In the first genre, began what is the earthquake when it is divided into two blocks of

the earth; the location is directly above it on the surface of the earth. In the second genre, an

incident in Mexico was an impact when people are at risk from the great earthquakes in the
world. In both genres, they may be interested in preventing this fault of earthquakes that are in

any part of the world, and little by little the quake destroys places that they have wanted so

much. Therefore, this information is important to the audience for those who have the pride of

Mexicans and Americans.


Finally, both genres discussed well on the main topic. The first genre was that touched

the explanation, and the second genre taught us the news about the severe damages in the

Mexico City. Each genre has shown some details of a city has been demolished and what

magnitude is enough to stir in a bigger city. If you are interested in this news because there is a

Mexican audience, be sure that you are praying to God to protect the Mexican people who are

suffering now.


USGS. (2017). The science of Earthquakes. Retrieved from

CNN. (2017). Mexico had two major earthquakes this month. Retrieved from


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