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Global Supply and Demand of Petrochemical

Products relied on LPG as Feedstock

Global Supply and Demand of Petrochemical Products relied on LPG as Feedstock
Petrochemical products from various Feedstock
Light Olefins Production Process Flow
Steam Cracker Process Flow
Propane Dehydrogenation Process Flow (UOP Oleflex process)
Global Ethylene Supply & Demand
Ethylene Production by Region, Country
World Ethylene Production by Feedstock
2016 Ethylene Production by Feedstock and Region
Global Propylene Supply & Demand
Propylene Production by Region, Country
World Propylene Production by Feedstock
2016 Propylene Production by Feedstock and Region
Global Consumption of Propane & Butane as Petrochemical Feedstock
China Propane & Butane Consumption as Petrochemical Feedstock
Propane & Butane Consumption as Petrochemical Feedstock by Region, Country (1)
Propane & Butane Consumption as Petrochemical Feedstock by Region, Country (2)

Mitsubishi Chemical Techno-Research

7th March 2017

Petrochemical products from various Feedstock
Coal Gasification

Natural Gas NGL Separator MTO/MTP plant Plastics

Ethane, Propane, Ethylene

Gas Separator Synthetic fiber
Butane, NGL,
Natural Gasoline

Gas Steam Synthetic rubber
Gasoline Cracker
Crude Oil

Naphtha Steam
Cracker Aromatics
Coating, Solvent

Refinery Kerosene

Fluid Catalytic
Gas Oil
Cracking Others

Heavy Gas Oil

Light olefins (Ethylene, Propylene, Butylene, Butadiene) and aromatics products are produced by steam
cracking process from gas (Ethane, Propane, Butane) and/or naphtha.
Light olefins are produced by CTO/MTO/MTP process from coal.
Propylene are produced from FCC off gas.
Propylene are produced from propane by dehydrogenation process.
Light olefins and aromatics products are converted to various plastics, chemical products, synthetic fiber, etc. 2
Light Olefins Production Process Flow

Coal SynGas Methanol Ethylene


PDH Propylene

Natural Gas Ethane

Propane Cracker


Crude Oil
Refinery C4 Olefins
Gas Oil FCC

Crude Oil Naphtha Steam Cracker Ethylene/Propylene

Main flow
Natural Gas Ethane Stearm Cracker Ethylene

from Propane, Butane to Light Olefins via Steam Cracker

from Propane to Propylene via Propane Dehydrogenation
2016 Global Ethylene Production by Feedstock
(Million Metric Tons)
Propane Butane Ethane Naphtha Gas Oil Coal Other Total
Production 13 7 52 63 5 3 2 146
Share 9% 5% 36% 43% 3% 2% 1% 100%
Steam Cracker Process Flow


Natural Gas Propylene

Ethane Methane/Hydrogen
Gas Separation Propane Steam
Unit Butanes Cracker Crude C4
Field Condensate Butadiene
and Mixed Butylenes
Butane & Lighter
Light Naphtha Fractionation PyGas
Heavy Naphtha Units Benzene
Gas Oil Toluenes
Crude Oil C5/C6 Non Aromatics
Fuel Oil Heavy Aromatics

Ethylene is generated commercially by the pyrolysis (cracking) of paraffinic

hydrocarbon feedstocks, including ethane, propane, butane, and the virgin crude oil
fraction of naphtha and atmospheric gas oil.
Propylene, Butadiene, Pyrolysis Gasoline are produced as by products.
Cracking furnace outlet temperature : 850
Ethylene yield : 0.78 (Ethane cracking), 0.31 (Naphtha cracking)

Propane Dehydrogenation Process Flow (UOP Oleflex process)
C2+ Propylene
H2 Off gas
PP Splitter
C3 Cold Box Acetyl ene

Propane Propane Recycle

Propylene, Propane, Hydrogen, Off Gas

Reactor Compressor Dechlorination Drying


Propane Dehydrogenation Process (PDH) is a catalytic process that converts propane

into propylene
Reaction temperature : 600-660 , Reaction pressure 1.7-2.8 kg/cm2a, Continuous
catalyst regeneration
Commercial process technologies : UOP's Oleflex, CB&I/Lummus's CATOFIN, Uhde's
Global Ethylene Supply & Demand

Production Capacity of Ethylene : 170 Million Metric Tons
Global Demand of Ethylene : 150 Million Metric Tons

Production Capacity of Ethylene : 230 Million Metric Tons
Global Demand of Ethylene : 200 Million Metric Tons
Demand growth rate (2016-2025) : 3.6%/year

Ethylene Production by Region, Country

2016 Ethylene/Propylene Production by Region, Country

(Million Metric Tons)
Middle West
Region/Country USA China SEA Japan Others World
East Europe
Ethylene 26 28 22 19 11 6 34 146
Propylene 14 9 26 13 7 6 24 99
Total 40 37 47 33 18 12 59 245

United States, Middle East and China are the world's largest ethylene producing
United States, Middle East and China's production share of Ethylene are 18%, 19%
and 15% in 2016.
Ethylene production is forecast to grow at an average annual rate of 4.5% in United
States, 3.4% in Middle East, 5.7% in China over the next ten years .
World Ethylene Production by Feedstock

2016 Global Ethylene Production by Feedstock

(Million Metric Tons)
Propane Butane Ethane Naphtha Gas Oil Coal Other Total
Production 13 7 52 63 5 3 2 146
Share 9.0% 5.1% 35.8% 43.5% 3.3% 2.1% 1.3% 100%

Naphtha and ethane are major sources of Ethylene production

2016 World Ethylene Production = 146 Million Metric Tons
2016 Propane based Ethylene Production = 13 Million Metric Tons (9%)
2016 Butane based Ethylene Production = 7 Million Metric Tons (5%)

2016 Ethylene Production by Feedstock and Region

2016 Ethylene Production from Butane and Propane

(Million Metric Tons)
Middle West
Feedstock USA China SEA Japan Others World Share
East Europe
Propane 4.4 3.9 2.4 0.6 0.3 0.1 1.4 13 9%
Butane 2.2 1.2 2.1 0.6 0.1 0.2 1.0 7 5%
Total 6.6 5.1 4.5 1.2 0.5 0.3 2.3 21 14%

The predominant feedstock for Ethylene production within the region of Middle East,
United States is Ethane.
The predominant feedstock for Ethylene production within the region of China, West
Europe, Japan is Naphtha.
USA, West Europe, Middle East are major Propane & Butane consuming regions as
feedstock for Ethylene in world.
Global Propylene Supply & Demand

Production Capacity of Propylene : 120 Million Metric Tons
Global Demand of Propylene : 100 Million Metric Tons

Production Capacity of Propylene: 160 Million Metric Tons
Global Demand of Propylene : 140 Million Metric Tons
Demand growth rate (2016-2025) : 4.0%/year

Propylene Production by Region, Country

2016 Ethylene/Propylene Production by Region, Country

(Million Metric Tons)
Middle West
Region/Country USA China SEA Japan Others World
East Europe
Ethylene 26 28 22 19 11 6 34 146
Propylene 14 9 26 13 7 6 24 99
Total 40 37 47 33 18 12 59 245

China is the world's largest Propylene producing country.

Propylene production is forecast to grow at an average annual rate of 6.9% in China
over the next ten years.
China, United States, Middle East and West Europe's production share of Propylene
are 26%, 14%, 9% and 13% in 2016.
Propylene production is forecast to grow at 2.3%, 4.2% per year in United States and
Middle East over the next ten years. 11
World Propylene Production by Feedstock

2016 Global Propylene Production by Feedstock

(Million Metric Tons)
Steam Refinery Propane Coal to Total
Metathesis Others
Cracker FCC Dehydro. Olefins Production
Production 49 32 9 4 5 1 99
Share 49% 32% 9% 4% 5% 1% 100%

A majority of propylene is manufactured as a by-products from either

Steam Crackers or Fluid Catalytic Crackers
Propylene supply from propane dehydrogenation is projected to grow by
about 8.9% per year over the next ten years
2016 World Propylene Production = 100 Million Metric Tons
2016 Propylene Production from Propane Dehydrogenation Unit = 9 Million
Metric Tons (Share : 9%)
2016 Propylene Production by Feedstock and Region

2016 Propylene Production by Propane Dehydrogenation

(Million Metric Tons)
Middle West
Feedstock China USA Japan SEA Others World Share
East Europe
Propane Dehydro 3.1 1.3 1.4 0.6 0.0 0.6 1.9 9 9%

A majority of propylene is manufactured as a by-products from Steam Crackers and

Fluid Catalytic Crackers
Steam Cracker is major supply source of propylene in West Europe, Southeast Asia,
Steam cracker, FCC and Coal to Olefin are 3 major sources of Propylene supply in China
China, United States and Middle East are major Propylene producing region by Propane
Global Consumption of Propane & Butane as Petrochemical Feedstock

Global Consumption of Propane & Butane as Petrochemical Feedstock

Million Metric Tons
2011 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2025
Propane Steam Cracker 26 32 31 32 32 32 33 35
Propane Dehydro. 4 8 10 13 15 16 18 22
Butane Steam Cracker 14 18 18 17 17 17 18 24
Propane+Butane Total 44 57 59 62 64 65 68 81

Consumption of Propane for Steam Cracker : 31 Million Metric Tons
Consumption of Propane for Propane Dehydrogenation : 10 Million Metric Tons
Consumption of Butane for Steam Cracker : 18 Million Metric Tons
Total consumption of Propane & Butane for Petrochemical products : 59 Million Metric Tons
Consumption of Propane for Steam Cracker : 35 Million Metric Tons
Consumption of Propane for Propane Dehydrogenation : 22 Million Metric Tons
Consumption of Butane for Steam Cracker : 24 Million Metric Tons
Total consumption of Propane & Butane for Petrochemical products : 81 Million Metric Tons 14
China Propane & Butane Consumption as Petrochemical Feedstock

China Propane & Butane Consumption

Million Metric Tons Growth
2011 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2025 2016-2025
Propane Steam Cracker 1 1 1 3 4 4 5 1 0%
Propane Dehydro. 0 2 4 5 7 7 8 10 12%
Butane Steam Cracker 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 4%
Propane+Butane Total 2 5 6 10 12 13 14 13 8%

Propane & Butane consumption for Petrochemical Products are expected to increase
from 6 to 13 metric million tons per year between 2016 and 2025 in China.
Propane consumption for Propane dehydrogenation is expected to grow annually by
12% in China over the next ten years
Propane & Butane consumption for Steam Cracker is forecast to be stable in China

Propane & Butane Consumption as Petrochemical Feedstock
by Region, Country (1)

2016 World Propane & Butane

Consumption as Petrochemical
Feedstock = 59 Million Metric Tons

2025 World Propane & Butane

Consumption as Petrochemical
Feedstock = 81 Million Metric Tons

United States, Middle East, China,

West Europe are the world's largest
Propane & Butane consuming regions
for Petrochemical feedstock

Propane & Butane consumption for

Petrochemical feedstock is forecast to
grow at an average rate of 8% in
China over the next ten years

Propane & Butane Consumption as Petrochemical Feedstock
by Region, Country (2)

2016 Propan & Butane consumption as Petrochemical Feedstock by region

(Million Metric Tons)
Middle West
Feedstock USA China SEA Japan Others World Share
East Europe
Propane Steam Cracker 10 9 1 6 0.8 0.2 3 31 52%
Propane Dehydro. 1 2 4 1 0.8 0.0 2 10 17%
Butane Steam Cracker 5 3 1 5 0.4 0.5 2 18 31%
Propane+Butane Total 17 14 6 12 1.9 0.8 8 59 100%

2025 Propan & Butane consumption as Petrochemical Feedstock by region

(Million Metric Tons)
Middle West
Feedstock USA China SEA Japan Others World Share
East Europe
Propane Steam Cracker 8 11 1 4 1.2 0.2 8 35 43%
Propane Dehydro. 5 2 10 1 1.1 0.0 4 22 27%
Butane Steam Cracker 4 5 2 4 0.7 0.5 7 24 30%
Propane+Butane Total 18 19 13 9 3.0 0.7 19 81 100%

USA, Middle East , West Europe, China are major Propane & Butane consuming region
as Petrochemical Feedstock in world.
Propane & Butane consumption is forecast to stagnate in USA, to grow in Middle East
and China in the next ten years
Propane & Butane consumption is forecast to decrease West Europe and Japan in the
next ten years


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