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Chapter 2

The Newest Force in Counseling
and Psychotherapy

The chapter is designed to

1. extend your understanding of what neuroscience is and its relevance to the ongo-
ing evolution of counseling and psychotherapy;
2. discuss the resistance that some mental health professionals have to the new neu-
roscience force that is emerging in the field and specific factors that contribute to
this resistance;
3. expand your knowledge of basic aspects of neuroscience, including your under-
standing of neurotransmitters and different brain parts;
4. increase your awareness of the ways that neurotransmitters and different brain
parts are linked to various cognitive, emotional, psychological, and behavioral
reactions people manifest in their lives;
5. broaden your thinking about the different counseling/psychotherapy skills and
interventions that complement the optimal functioning of various neurotransmit-
ters and different brain systems; and
6. increase your understanding as to how helping strategies that are based on neu-
roscientific research findings complement an integral approach to counseling and


**VIGNETTE #2 impact on her standing in the company. In an

effort to do something about these problems,
Sachi is a 28-year-old, single female of Sachi has sought help by scheduling an
Japanese descent. She moved to the United appointment with a counselor in the compa-
States from Japan a year ago as a result of a nys Employee Assistance Program.
job advancement that was offered by the large We will refer to Sachis case at different
corporation where she is employed. Sachis points in this chapter to highlight various con-
career move has resulted in advancements in cepts associated with neuroscience and its
her income and professional status within the relevance to counseling and therapy theories
company where she is employed. However, and practices. A description of the four quad-
these career benefits have come at a cost: She rants that compose the integral theory is pre-
is feeling increasingly depressed as a result of sented as a resource below. This resource is
being isolated from family members and included at the beginning of the chapter to
friends in Japan, and she is also experiencing help you acquire a deeper understanding of the
elevated levels of generalized anxiety. The integral approach to counseling and psycho-
increasing anxiety Sachi is experiencing in therapy that is discussed throughout this book.
combination with more frequent depressed
moods is leading to a circular problem, as it
contributes to Sachis growing concern that **AN INTEGRAL APPROACH
her work performance may suffer as a result TO COUNSELING AND
of these problems and possibly have a negative PSYCHOTHERAPY

The Individual Perceptions and Meaning The Behavioral/Physical/Neurological Quadrant

Making Quadrant Clients behaviors and physical/biological/
Clients interior psychological processes neurological factors that are of relevance to
(e.g., conscious, subconscious, unconscious) counseling and therapy practices and outcomes
and subjective constructions of life experiences

The Cultural Community Quadrant The Societal/Professional Quadrant

Cultural and community factors as they impact Societal and professional factors as they impact
clients mental health and the process and clients mental health as well as counseling and
outcomes of counseling and therapy therapy practices and outcomes

**INTRODUCTION work. Although there is growing awareness of

this exciting new force in the mental health pro-
Mental health practitioners are becoming fessions, many practitioners lack the training that
increasingly aware of the neuroscientific revolu- would enable them to more fully understand the
tion that is unfolding in the fields of counseling, relevance of neuroscience to counseling and
education, psychiatry, psychology, and social psychotherapy theories and practices.
Chapter 2 Neuroscience51

Various issues related to neuroscience were The research focus and techniques used by
presented in Chapter 1. This was done to neuroscientists have also expanded enor-
mously, from biophysical and molecular stud-
a. provide a general overview of what neu- ies of individual nerve cells to a broad range
roscience is, of new imaging techniques that are used to
b. acknowledge that this field is the newest study perceptual, motor, cognitive, and psy-
force making a substantial impact on the chological reactions and brain functioning.
work mental health practitioners do in The preceding chapter also generally
the field, and describes a number of basic neuroscience
concepts. These include discussing what neu-
c. explain how this new force fits into the rons, neuroplasticity, and mirror neurons are
Behavioral/Physical/Neurological Quadrant and how they impact human functioning.
that complements the integral approach Those discussions remind us that the brain is
to counseling and therapy discussed in essentially composed of billions of neurons
this book. that transmit even more electronic-chemical
To build on the information presented in signals in the brain that affect the way people
Chapter 1, we discuss additional issues of rel- think, feel, and behave (Ndabahaliye, 2002).
evance to neuroscience as a vital component The term neuroplasticity was also defined
in an integral approach to counseling/therapy. in Chapter 1. In describing the meaning of
Consequently, we begin this chapter by reiter- this important concept, it was pointed out that
ating the definition of neuroscience. As defined
in Chapter 1, Up until the late 1990s, professional and
laypersons alike believed that people were
Neuroscience is essentially the scientific born with a given number of neurons in the
study of the nervous system. Traditionally, brain. It was generally accepted that, while
neuroscience has been seen as a branch of neurons could die due to brain injury,
biology. However, it is currently viewed disease, and exposure to toxic chemicals
as an interdisciplinary science that incorpo- entering the brain; new neurons could not
rates knowledge from many other disci- be reproduced. This widely held belief
plines, such as psychology, computer sci- about brain chemistry has been found to be
ence, mathematics, physics, philosophy, and irrefutably false as a result of research con-
medicine. ducted by neuroscientists during the late
1990s and early 21st century. The brains
As a result of the interdisciplinary nature ability to reproduce new neurons and reor-
of this field, the scope of neuroscience has ganize itself by forming new neural con-
broadened to include the study of the molecu- nections throughout life is referred to as
lar, developmental, structural, functional, neuroplasticity (Begley, 2007).
evolutionary, computational, medical, and
psychological aspects of the nervous system There are different ways in which research-
in general and brain functioning in particular. ers have noted neuroplasticity to occur. One

way involves the manner in which existing (Mirescu, Peters, Noiman, & Gould, 2006),
neurons contribute to the production of new and physical exercise (van Praag, Shubert,
neurons to compensate for injury, disease, and Zhao, & Gage, 2005). In short, the researchers
exposure to toxic environmental conditions listed above provide evidence that explains
(including environmental pollutants, poverty, how and why new learning activities, adequate
violence, and other forms of oppression and sleep, and regular exercise contribute to the
social injustice). generation of new neurons and/or the healthy
maintenance of existing neural networks.
Neuroplasticity also occurs as a result of Of particular relevance to this chapter is the
intraneural chemical adjustments that neu- understanding of two additional basic points.
rons make in response to new situations and First, from a neuroscientific perspective, it is
experiences that characterize peoples lives. important to understand that the process of
Recent research findings have verified that counseling and psychotherapy depends on
neuroplasticity is enhanced when people clients natural biological propensity for
are engaged in repetitive behaviors, such as neuroplasticity and neurogenesis. This is so
routinely practicing a musical instrument; because positive counseling and therapy out-
exposed to enriched environments, such as comes result in the generation of new neurons
the enriched environments that are created in and neural networks that affect various changes
many preschool programs; and exposed to in the brain that underlie clients sense of
new, novel, supportive, and challenging psychological well-being or distress.
activities, including counseling and psycho- Second, the types of changes clients hope
therapy (Cozolino, 2002, 2010a, 2010b). to achieve in counseling and therapy are fos-
tered by the neurological alterations that prac-
The last statement in the definition of neuro- titioners stimulate by using various theoreti-
plasticity underscores the basic biological fact cal principles, skills, and interventions that
that counseling and therapy represent unique are increasingly known to stimulate the gen-
experiences that can lead to the generation of eration and optimal release of various neu-
new neurons and neural wiring that greatly rotransmitters that promote changes in cli-
affect how people think, feel, and behave. The ents neural wiring and brain functioning.
term neurogenesis is closely related to the con- Thus, to expand your knowledge of the rel-
cept of neuroplasticity and refers to the genera- evance of neuroscience for counseling/therapy
tion of new neurons in the brain. theories and practices, this chapter builds on
While neurogenesis is most apparent in the short introduction in Chapter 1 that briefly
infant and child development, researchers discusses the role of neurotransmitters. This
have described conditions that foster or inhibit discussion is followed by a description of key
neurogenesis in adult animals as well (Gould, neurotransmitters that are generated in the
Reeves, Graziano, & Gross, 1999; Siegel, body and their role in healthy brain function-
2007). This includes studies that describe ing, all of which contributes to clients sense of
positive neurogenetic reactions that are corre- psychological well-being or distress.
lated with new learning activities (Becker, This chapter continues by presenting infor-
2005; Gould et al., 1999), adequate sleep mation that describes the role and function
Chapter 2 Neuroscience53

that different parts of the brain play in affect- and clinical practices. The following section
ing the way people think, feel, and behave. discusses these issues in greater detail.
We hope you find the discussion of how dif-
ferent counseling skills and interventions con-
tribute to the release of various neurotransmit- **NEUROSCIENCE:
ters and healthier brain functioning to be THE MISSING LINK
especially helpful in increasing your under- IN COUNSELING AND
standing of the relevance of neuroscience to THERAPY THEORIES
the work practitioners do with their clients. AND PRACTICES
Before continuing with these discussions, it is
readily acknowledged that the study of neurosci- Despite acknowledging that neuroscience is
ence and its relevance to counseling and therapy slowly being infused into professional train-
theories and practices can be daunting for many ing programs as well as some counseling and
persons in the mental health professions. This therapy practices, Farmer (2009) asserts that
may, in part, be due to a persons preconceived it continues to be the missing link in the men-
notions about the complexity of neuroscience as tal health professions. In terms of the present
well as ones unfamiliarity and lack of training discussion, it is important to discuss how and
in this area. We also recognize that many people why this missing link prevents mental health
tend to avoid learning about subjects that they practitioners from operating at a higher level
think are too complex for their liking. of efficacy and intentionality.
With this in mind, we have made a special A basic assumption that underlies the fol-
effort to describe neuroscience and its rele- lowing discussion is the belief that practition
vance to counseling and psychotherapy in ways ers interest in neuroscience will be enhanced
that we hope will both increase your under- by describing the relevance of neuroscientific
standing of some of the basics of these interre- research findings as they relate to the specific
lated topics and be professionally empowering. skills, interventions, and theories that counsel-
By dedicating an entire chapter to extending ors and therapists use in the field. In addition
the general discussion on neuroscience that is to increasing the efficacy of the work mental
presented in Chapter 1, we hope you will be health professionals do, Farmer (2009) out-
excited about the potential impact this new lines several other reasons why it is important
force has to increase the efficacy of the mental to address this missing link in the mental
health professions in the coming years. health professions:
To more fully understand the relevance of
neuroscience to counseling and psychotherapy 1. Although the neuroscientific revolution
theories and practices, it is important to explore that is occurring in the mental health
why this new force continues to be a vital professions may not provide answers to
missing link in the mental health professions all the challenges practitioners face in
(Farmer, 2009). It is also important to know their work, the important knowledge gen-
what can be and is being done to address the erated from this revolution and its rele-
general omission of neuroscientific knowl- vance to mental healthcare need to be
edge in many professional training programs acknowledged and understood.

2. Neuroscientific insights can be of 6. Mental health professionals will increas-

immediate and direct benefit in improving ingly be challenged to operate in ways
our understanding of human develop- that reflect a greater integration of
ment and behavior as well as the types knowledge from diverse fields and dis-
of helping interventions that are likely ciplines in the future. (pp. 12)
to be useful in promoting positive
counseling and psychotherapeutic The integral model presented in this book
outcomes among clients in diverse represents one way mental health professionals
populations. can address the missing link described above.
3. The probability is that neuroscience will This can be done by increasing our profes-
continue to yield significant insights sional efforts to develop and implement a more
that are relevant to counseling and fully integrated and multidisciplinary approach
therapy for the foreseeable future. to helping clients. Such an approach necessi-
Consequently, practitioners must be tates increasing our knowledge of neuroscience
readyintellectually, emotionally, and and its relevance to counseling and therapy
institutionallyto understand the devel- theories and practices (Behavioral/Physical/
opments that are unfolding in these areas Neurological Quadrant considerations).
and be able to implement this new Clearly, the sort of comprehensive
knowledge in their work or run the risk approach to counseling and psychotherapy
of becoming increasing irrelevant and that is reflected in the integral theory pre-
nonviable members of the mental health- sented in this book requires mental health
care professions in the 21st century. professionals to move to a new level of con-
sciousness as they are challenged to embrace
4. Neuroscience is enhancing our under- a more holistic view of counseling, psycho-
standing of what it means to be human. therapy, and human development (Societal/
The utilization of knowledge generated Professional Quadrant factors). As noted in
from neuroscientific research findings to this chapter, an important aspect of develop-
increase the effectiveness of counseling ing an integral approach to counseling and
and therapy will largely depend on psychotherapy necessarily includes acquiring
whether practitioners conception of men- more knowledge about neuroscience in general
tal healthcare is narrow (excluding neuro- and other factors that compose the Behavioral/
scientific knowledge and research findings) Physical/Neurological Quadrant.
or broad (including neuroscientific knowl- History teaches us, however, that calls for
edge and research findings). significant changes in any professional field
5. Neuroscience can help mental health are predictably met with resistance. Certainly,
practitioners more effectively deal that has been and to some degree continues to
with the multifaceted problems clients be the case in calling on mental health profes-
present; clinical practice is becoming sionals to learn about the relevance of neuro-
increasingly difficult as practitioners science for counseling and therapy theories
encounter greater complexity of human and to incorporate this new knowledge into
and societal problems and diagnoses. their professional practices.
Chapter 2 Neuroscience55

The following section discusses several In addition to this viewpoint, we point to a

factors that underlie such resistance. It also philosophical perspective that represents a
outlines new ways of thinking about neurosci- deeper and more pervasive variable underlying
ence that can be helpful in minimizing the much of the resistance that is manifested
manifestation of resistance to neuroscience toward neuroscience in the mental health pro-
that contributes to the perpetuation of this fessions. The philosophical perspective we are
missing link in the mental health professions. referring to is reflected in the remnants of
dualism that continue to lead many practitio-
ners to consciously or unconsciously dichoto-
**ACKNOWLEDGING mize their thinking about the mind and matter
THE RESISTANCE TO (e.g., the brain). This dichotomous thinking
NEUROSCIENCE contributes to much of the resistance or apa-
thetic reactions some mental health profession-
The assertions put forth by Farmer (2009) als feel toward the rising neuroscientific force
and other mental health professionals (Cozolino, in counseling, psychology, and social work.
2002, 2010a, 2010b; Ivey, Ivey, Zalaquett, &
Quirk, 2009) constitute a compelling argument
Dualistic Thinking About
that supports the notion that neuroscience
the Mind and the Brain
promises to be a force that will continue to
transform the practice of counseling and psy- The puzzle of the relationship between the
chotherapy. Despite the potential of this mind and matter (the brain) is not only a
science-based perspective to revolutionize the conundrum for the ages, but continues to be
work practitioners do in the field, there is sub- manifested in different ways among mental
stantial resistance to support this perspective health professionals. This historical mystery
by numerous persons in the mental health pro- is reflected in a philosophical perspective
fessions. Part of this resistance is grounded in referred to as dualism.
the perceived complexity many mental health Dualism is reflected in a set of views about
professionals hold about neuroscience and the relationship between mind and matter (i.e.,
their lack of formal training in this area, as the brain), which begins with the claim that
noted above. mental phenomena are, in some respects, non-
Louis Cozolino (2002), a well-respected physical. From this perspective, the mind refers to
neuroscientist who has written extensively nonphysical properties that include thinking,
about the relevance of neuroscience to psy- spirit, soul, or some such equivalent (Hiley, 2001).
chotherapy, identified additional factors that Historically speaking, dualism is thought to
contribute to this resistance. In Cozolinos have originated at least as far back as Plato
(2010b) words, Many mental health practitio- and Aristotle. These philosophers speculated
ners have a bias against neuroscience. They that the mind existed as an incorporeal soul
describe it as confusing and irrelevant to their from which a persons intelligence, reasoning,
work. Although I agree it can be confusing, it is and wisdom are manifested. Plato and Aristotle
extremely relevant to the process of counseling both maintained, for different reasons, that
and psychotherapy (p. xvi). peoples intelligence (a faculty of the mind

or soul) could not be identified with or explained that mind and brain were two dichotomous
in terms of a persons physical-biological entities, one being psychological and the
body (Kalekin-Fishman, 2008). other physical. Toward the end of that cen-
A generally well-known and alternative tury (i.e., the late 1880s), new knowledge
version of dualism is attributed to Ren about the brain emerged, including the dis-
Descartes. It is reported that around 1641, covery of neurons and synapses. Sigmund
Descartes linked the mind with a persons Freud, who by this time had been trained as
consciousness and self-awareness and identi- a neurologist (i.e., one who treats diseases
fied the brain as the seat of intelligence, serving of the brain and nervous system), also had
as the purveyor of a persons behavioral a great interest in the mind, and he wanted
responses to his or her environment and to combine a psycho-biological view of the
monitor of an individuals biological mecha- person with the notion of the mind. To pur-
nisms. Hence, Descartes was thought to be sue this interest, he went to Paris to study
among the first to formulate the mind-body with Jean-Martin Charcot, who was using
dichotomy argument that is perpetuated in hypnosis to treat patients with hysteria to
similar ways among many mental health pro- demonstrate the interactions between the
fessionals today (Praetorius, 2003). In doing body, the brain, and the mind. (p. 105)
so, they tend to associate the mind with men-
tal and psychological processes, whereas the Recently, Andreasen (2001) expressed a
brain is linked to behavioral, physical, bio- more inclusive and integrated alternative to
logical, and neurological processes and enti- dualism that is consistent with the thinking of
ties. Farmer (2009) suggests that resistance to a growing number of mental health profes-
the rising neuroscientific force in the mental sionals in the field today. According to
health professions is largely due to those Andreasen, the brain and mind are insepara-
practitioners who continue to embrace the lat- ble and refer to the same thing or activity. The
ter type of dualism. mind is the product of the activity occurring
Speaking from a historical perspective, in the brain at the molecular, cellular, and
Farmer (2009) notes that anatomical levels (p. 27).
Our own view of the mind and the brain
Sigmund Freud is a symbol of the desir- puzzle extends Andreasens (2001) perspec-
ability of rejecting the dichotomy of biology tive further by noting that the mind is the
and psychology when it comes to mental product of the activity occurring in the brain
healthcare. Freuds own career is also at the molecular, cellular, and anatomical
symbolic of how, because of the lack of levels, which are in turn impacted by a per-
development in neuroscience in his time, sons interpersonal relationships, cultural
there has been the sort of historical acci- context, and societal experiences (Individual
dent in the separation of psychotherapy Perceptions and Meaning Making Quadrant,
from the biological. Behavioral/Physical/Neurological Quadrant,
During Freuds youth in the 19th cen- Cultural Community Quadrant, and Societal/
tury, a predominant view (that continues to Professional Quadrant considerations).
be manifested by many persons today) was Andreasens and our own explanation of the
Chapter 2 Neuroscience57

mind and matter (i.e., the brain) puzzle on your own views of the meaning of the mind
implicitly supports the importance of neuro- versus the brain as it relates to counseling and
science and its relevance to counseling and therapy issues. By engaging in this reflective
therapy theories and practices. process and following the additional steps
Competency-Building Activity 2.1 will included in this competency-building activity,
help you clarify your own thinking about your you are likely to gain insights into your ten-
level of support for the neuroscience force that dency to support or not support the neurosci-
is emerging in the mental health professions. ence revolution that is occurring in the mental
It does so by encouraging you to first reflect health professions.


Exploring Your Own Views of the Mind, the Brain, and Neuroscience
In this section of Chapter 2, you have read about what the term dualism means as it
relates to the way the mind/brain controversy has been and continues to be conceptu-
alized by philosophers and mental health professionals. Several key points associated
with dualism are summarized in the following instructions for this competency-building

Step 1: Please take time to review the following summaries of dualism and reflect on
your own thinking about the mind/brain debate as you do.
A. Historically, philosophers such as Plato and Aristotle suggested that a persons
intelligence, reasoning, and wisdom emerge from nonphysical/nonbiological enti-
ties such as the soul or other metaphysical processes.
B. On the other hand, Descartes linked the mind with a persons consciousness and
self-awareness and identified the brain as the seat of peoples intelligence and
behavioral reactions to life situations. In doing so, Descartes was among the first to
formulate the mind-body dichotomy argument that is perpetuated in various ways
among many mental health professionals today (Praetorius, 2003). This perspective
primarily associates the mind with mental and psychological processes, whereas
the brain is linked to behavioral, physical, biological, and neurological processes
and entities.
C. Sigmund Freud rejected the dichotomy of biology and psychology when it came
to addressing mental disorders. Freuds own training in neurology is likely to have
influenced his thinking about the biological foundations of mental disorders.

D. More recently, Andreasen (2001) expressed a more inclusive and integrated
view of dualism that is consistent with the thinking of a growing number of mental
health professionals in the field today. As pointed out in this chapter, Andreasen
asserted that the brain and mind are inseparable and refer to the same thing or
activity. The mind is the product of the activity occurring in the brain at the molec-
ular, cellular, and anatomical levels (p. 27).
E. The authors of this book have extended Andreasens (2001) view further by sug-
gesting that the mind is the product of the activity occurring in the brain at the
molecular, cellular, and anatomical levels, which are in turn impacted by a persons
interpersonal relationships, cultural context, and societal experiences. This latter
effort to resolve the mind/brain dichotomy integrates considerations associated
with all four quadrants that compose the integral theory of counseling and therapy
(Individual Perceptions and Meaning Making Quadrant, Behavioral/Physical/
Neurological Quadrant, Cultural Community Quadrant, and Societal/Professional
Quadrant considerations).
Farmer (2009) suggests that resistance to the rising neuroscientific force in the
mental health professions is often noted among practitioners who embrace perspec-
tives of dualism that are consistent with the ideas summarized in points A and B

Step 2: After you have had a chance to reflect on the summary of the perspectives
outlined above, write down your own views of the mind/brain debate. When complet-
ing this part of the competency-building activity, please briefly indicate which, if any,
of the above stated perspectives match your own thinking of this debate and which
perspectives are most unlike your own views of this controversy.

Step 3: Indicate how strongly you support or do not support the neuroscience force
that is currently rising in the mental health professions as part of your reflective
response to this written activity.

Step 4: Keeping in mind your response to Step 3, briefly write down how you think
your work as a mental health practitioner might be impacted by the support or lack
of support for the neuroscience force that is rising in your profession.

Step 5: After you have completed the four preceding steps, please note whether there
is anything you might want to do to increase your effectiveness as a practitioner by
developing a greater understanding of the relevance of the neuroscience revolution
that is occurring in the mental health professions. When you have completed this
competency-building activity, please file your responses in your personal-professional
development portfolio.
Chapter 2 Neuroscience59

Ivey and his colleagues (2009) extend sev- precision where it now has immediate mean-
eral points that have been made about the ing for counseling process and outcome.
relevance of neuroscience to counseling and Neuroscience and neuroimaging have found
therapy up to this point in the chapter. Their that measurable structural changes occur
comments also illuminate additional barriers in clients brains as a result of cognitive
and resistance to this new force in the mental and interpersonal therapy. Advances in
health professions. positron-emission tomography scans and
functional magnetic resonance imaging
Counseling builds new brain networks. have made it possible to measure areas of
Research in neuroscience and cognitive sci- the brain that light up or fire under
ence is highly supportive of our emphasis on various stimulus conditions. And it is not
listening, empathic understanding, and just the client who develops new neurons
building strengths and wellness. Somewhat and neural nets in the process of counseling;
surprisingly, neurosciences findings on the the counselors brain is changing as well.
brain result in a more complete awareness of Getting our field to accept and learn
how environment and culture shape the indi- about this new area will be challenging,
vidual. The bridge between biological and however. We arent aware of any curricu-
psychological processes is erasing the old lum that includes a serious discussion of
distinction between mind and body, between how we can use neuroscience and cogni-
mind and brainthe mind is the brain. tive science in counseling and therapy
How and why are neuroscience and practice. Fortunately, our major accredit-
cognitive science relevant to counseling ing association, the Council for Accredita-
practice? First, neuroscience provides tion of Counseling and Related Educa-
comforting research that suggests most of tional Programs, anticipated this future in
counseling theory and practice is on target. its 2009 standards. In relation to one of
But it also gives us a clearer understanding CACREPs eight common core curricular
of why what we do actually works. More- areas, we found the following statement
over, it imparts ideas for improving our incorporating these new ideas:
work with clients. We also learn that our Human Growth and Development
wellness and environmentally based orien- studies that provide an understanding
tation is correct. Unless we have a mean- of the nature and needs of persons at all
ingful and effective environment, we can- developmental levels and in multicultural
not grow and change. In counseling, this contexts, including all the following:
means that our key word relationship is all
that more important and that we need to a.
Theories of individual and family
honor and respect what we have done and development and transitions across
what we can do in the future. the life span
You likely have noticed frequent stories b.
Theories of learning and personal-
on television and in the popular media on ity development, including current
brain research and its implications for the understandings about neurobiological
future. This research has reached a state of behavior

This CACREP Standards statement pro- the relationships they build with their clients
vides a rationale and direction for our new (Goleman, 2007; Siegel, 1999, 2007) as well
future. We are now at a point where neuro- as the different counseling and therapy the-
science and its related areas can and will ories, skills, and interventions they use in
provide a powerful impetus for adding new their work (Farmer, 2009) foster the release
content to our counseling curriculum and of various neurotransmitters and stimulate
practice. Unless we become aware of this related brain changes. The unintentional and
new paradigm and change, we are in danger unconscious impact that these practitioners
of falling behind in our daily practice, have in this regard largely occurs because
teaching and research. John Cacioppo and many professional training programs and
Jean Decety have written that psychologi- theories textbooks have not made the connec-
cal science in the 21st century can and tion between popular approaches to counsel-
should become not only the science of overt ing and therapy and recent research findings
behavior, not only the science of the mind, in neuroscience.
but the science of brain function. Not only We strongly support the inclusion of neuro-
does neuroscience clearly indicate that we scientific knowledge when planning and imple-
are on the right track, but it also demon- menting counseling and therapy services with
strates the need for updating our field if we our clients (Behavioral/Physical/Neurological
are to remain current and relevant. Quadrant and Societal/Professional Quadrant
Many counseling professionals worry factors). We also recognize that this new
about the medical model and a possible theoretical and evidence-based force will
focus on pathology. However, you will increasingly impact the mental health profes-
find that neuroscientists have a strong sions in many transformative ways in the years
environmental orientationclient devel- to come.
opment over the life span clearly impacts Despite our strong support for and recog-
the brain. Evidence suggests that effective nition of the transformative potential of neu-
counseling and therapy can change the roscience in the mental health professions,
brain in positive ways. In truth, neurosci- we encourage students and colleagues to
ence reinforces counselings wellness approach their learning about this new force
model. (pp. 1920) with cautious enthusiasm. By balancing ones
enthusiasm with a cautious eye, mental health
Despite the resistance and apathy some professionals will avoid falling prey to publi-
practitioners exhibit when encouraged to con- cations that overstate the positive aspects of
sider the relevance of neuroscience to coun- neuroscience for counseling and therapy
seling and psychotherapy, neuroscientific without basing these claims on credible
research findings suggest that every counsel- research findings. This word of caution is
ing and therapy session inadvertently stimu- consistent with the importance of operating
lates a variety of neurological changes in both as scientist-practitioners and embracing
clients and practitioners (Goleman, 2007). empirically supported theoretical perspec-
Many practitioners who lack training in neu- tives in professional practices, as discussed
roscience are not aware of the ways in which in Chapter 1.
Chapter 2 Neuroscience61

The following sections of this chapter Although many clients cannot control
present information that is designed to many of the stressors that occur in their envi-
increase your understanding of neurotrans- ronment, they can control the decisions they
mitters and how they affect various cognitive, make that are related to their lifestyle. One of
emotional, psychological, and behavioral the basic decisions clients make in this regard
reactions people have to their life experi- relates to their dietary habits and intake.
ences. Similar issues about specific parts of The expanded knowledge base related to
the brain are discussed later in this chapter. the links between clients diets, the produc-
All the information presented in the following tion of neurotransmitters, and various behav-
sections is based on numerous empirical stud- iors that underlie mental health and psycho-
ies in neuroscience. logical disturbance are leading many practi-
tioners to direct attention to these aspects of the
Behavioral/Physical/Neurological Quadrant
**WHAT ARE when using an integral approach to counseling
NEUROTRANSMITTERS? and therapy. This is especially true among prac-
titioners whose theoretical orientation to coun-
As noted in Chapter 1, the chemicals that are seling and psychotherapy is anchored in a holis-
exchanged in synapses between neurons are tic view of mental healthcare (Melanson, 2007).
called neurotransmitters. Neurotransmitters Given the growing relevance of these
carry messages between neurons that stimu- aspects of the Behavioral/Physical/Neurologi-
late biological reactions in different parts of cal Quadrant for counseling and psychotherapy,
the brain. The impact of these neurotransmit- the following section is specifically designed to
ters and the chemical reactions they stimulate extend your knowledge of how clients diets
in localized parts of the brain contribute to the affect the production or suppression of various
different cognitive, emotional, psychological, neurotransmitters that, in turn, affect clients
and behavioral outcomes people manifest in moods, thoughts, feelings, and behaviors.
their lives.
Researchers have linked the production or
We Are What We Eat
lack of production of specific neurotransmit-
ters to various environmental stressors and Nutrients in the foods we eat and liquids we
peoples lifestyles (including a persons drink generate certain amino acids in the body.
dietary intake, coping strategies, and use of These amino acids affect our brain chemistry
leisure time; Anderson & Summers, 2007). by increasing or decreasing the production of
New research discoveries in these areas are various neurotransmitters. As noted above,
greatly expanding our understanding of the nerve impulses that are transmitted by neu-
ways that the problems clients report in rotransmitters across neural synapses contain
counseling and psychotherapy are directly chemical information that impacts peoples
tied to changes in their brain chemistry in thoughts, moods, attitudes, and behaviors. The
general and the overproduction or underpro- findings of numerous neurological studies have
duction of neurotransmitters in particular increased our understanding of the effect that
(Farmer, 2009). different foods, vitamins, mineral supplements

(e.g., folic acid, choline, and selenium), as well particularly relevant to the work mental health
as various drugs and alcohol have on the pro- practitioners do to foster clients well-being.
duction of neurotransmitters in the brain and We are becoming more aware of the ways that
related behavioral and psychological reactions the proper production of these neurotransmit-
(Hubbs-Tait, Nation, Krebs, & Bellinger, 2005). ters (or lack thereof) impact peoples behav-
Why this emphasis on nutrition as we start iors and psychological reactions. The specific
a discussion on neurotransmitters? First, neurotransmitters that are of particular rele-
effective nutrition and a healthy body are vance in this regard include acetylcholine, a
essential for optimal brain functioning. neurotransmitter important for memory and
Chudler (2010) examines the relationship of learning; serotonin, our natural mood stabi-
diet to brain and nervous system functioning. lizer and sleep promoter; dopamine, our natu-
For example, he states that lack of selenium ral energizer and mental focuser; and GABA
can result in central nervous system damage, (gamma amino butyric acid), our natural
Vitamin E is important for cell membranes, relaxer (Cozolino, 2002).
and iron is necessary for basal ganglia func- Table 2.1 provides additional information
tioning and preventing anemia. regarding the effects of deficiencies in the
As part of the assessment process in coun- production of these neurotransmitters as well
seling and therapy, it is important that you as specific foods that enhance or decrease
consider health-related behavior. You may not their production in the brain. Understanding
think of nutrition and diet counseling as part the relevance of the information presented
of your work, but it is becoming increasingly in Table 2.1 to counseling and psychother-
obvious that you need some knowledge in this apy is leading many practitioners to discuss
areaat least enough for intelligent referral. these aspects of the Behavioral/Physical/
Of the more than 100 neurotransmitters Neurological Quadrant with their clients
that have been identified by researchers, 4 are (Farmer, 2009).

Table 2.1Essential Neurotransmitters, Effects of Normal Functioning, Effects of Deficiency,

Foods to Avoid, and Foods to Consume

Effects of Normal Effects of Foods to

Neurotransmitter Functioning Deficiency Foods to Avoid Consume
Acetylcholine Critical for memory, Deterioration of Sugar, Organic eggs,
learning, optimal memory and deep-fried fish (especially
cognitive imagination, fewer food, junk salmon,
functioning, dreams, increased food, refined mackerel,
emotional balance confusion, and processed sardines, and
and control forgetfulness, food, cigarettes, fresh tuna)
cognitive alcohol
lack of emotional
control, increased
Chapter 2 Neuroscience63

Effects of Normal Effects of Foods to

Neurotransmitter Functioning Deficiency Foods to Avoid Consume
Serotonin Directly effects the Low mood, Alcohol Fish, fruit, eggs,
way a person feels, depression, avocado, wheat
behaves, and thinks; difficulty sleeping, germ, low-fat
sustains ones feeling cheese, lean
interest in and disconnected, poultry
energy for emotional, lack of joy, anxiety
cognitive, and
behavioral processes;
vital to sleep and
anxiety control
Dopamine Regulates movement, Lack in drive, Tea, coffee, Regular balanced
emotional wellness, motivation, and/or caffeinated meals, fruits and
motivation, enthusiasm; drinks vegetables high
pleasurable feelings craving of in Vitamin C,
stimulants wheat germ
(e.g., caffeine)
GABA Helps reduce anxiety Hard to relax and Sugar, alcohol, Dark green
(Gamma amino and induces cant switch off tea and coffee, vegetables, seeds
butyric acid) relaxation and sleep anxiety caffeinated and nuts,
drinks potatoes,
bananas, eggs

**HELPING STRATEGIES THAT treatment strategies that can impact the neu-
PROMOTE HEALTHY rotransmitters outlined in Table 2.1 in ways
NEUROTRANSMITTERS that promote clients health and well-being.
The following information is based on the
Table 2.1 provides guidelines that counselors important work these and other researchers
and therapists may find helpful when present- have done in this area.
ing nutritional counseling information to pro-
mote their clients healthy generation of the
Counseling/Therapy Skills and
four neurotransmitters described above. In
Intervention Strategies That May
addition to these helping strategies, research-
Impact the Generation and Release
ers have identified additional counseling and
therapy skills and theoretical approaches that
of Acetylcholine
have a positive effect on the generation and Ivey et al. (2010) suggest numerous helping
release of these important neurotransmitters. strategies that may enhance the production
Ivey, Ivey, and Zalaquett (2010) provide a and release of acetylcholine. This includes
detailed summary of some of the possible counseling strategies that help clients develop
counseling skills and psychotherapeutic and implement an exercise action plan; learn

to use meditation on a regular basis; and relationships may simultaneously promote

explore ways to develop new, positive social the sort of positive psychological disposition
relationships. and sense of emotional well-being that is
Referring back to Sachi, the 28-year-old linked to the generation of increased levels of
Japanese client described in Vignette #2, acetylcholine in the brain.
practitioners operating from a neuroscience Competency-Building Activity 2.2 helps
perspective may consider how this clients you assess your readiness to implement coun-
overall psychological disposition may be pos- seling and therapy interventions that are
itively impacted by recommending that she anchored in a neuroscience perspective that
consider implementing some or all of the includes the helping strategies listed above.
intervention strategies listed above. From a Upon completing this competency-building
neuroscience perspective, it is possible that activity, you will be more aware of the types
encouraging clients like Sachi to develop and of knowledge and skills you currently pos-
implement a holistic plan that includes sess, as well as those that need to be devel-
increasing their level of daily exercise and use oped in adopting a neuroscience-oriented
of meditation and working to build new social approach to counseling clients like Sachi.


Assessing Your Readiness for Implementing Neuroscience-Based

Counseling and Therapy Interventions
In this activity, you are encouraged to assess your interest and readiness in using a holis-
tic counseling approach that is grounded in a neuroscientific perspective when working
with clients like Sachi (the client in Vignette #2). As noted in this chapter, practitioners
operating from a neuroscience perspective are likely to encourage clients like Sachi to
develop and implement a holistic treatment plan in counseling and therapy. Such a plan
might include offering assistance in developing a daily exercise action plan, encouraging
the use of meditation, and exploring ways that they can build new social relationships.
These strategies are, in part, aimed at promoting the sort of psychological well-being that
is linked to increased levels of acetylcholine in the brain.
Please write down your reactions to the following questions on a blank piece of paper
to assess your interest and readiness to implement a holistic approach to counseling that
is grounded in a neuroscience helping perspective.

Question 1: What is your initial reaction to the specific suggestions that were made
for developing the sort of holistic approach with clients like Sachi that is described in
this section of Chapter 2?
Chapter 2 Neuroscience65

Question 2: What other helping strategies do you think would be useful to implement
with clients experiencing similar concerns as Sachi in counseling and therapy situations?
Question 3: Write a statement that describes how comfortable and competent you
feel at this stage of your professional development in offering assistance to clients like
Sachi in developing a daily exercise action plan, using meditation, and exploring
ways that they can build new social relationships.
Question 4: Write a statement that describes how comfortable and competent you
feel at this stage of your professional development in implementing the strategies you
listed in your response to Question 2 with clients like Sachi.
Question 5: Write a statement that describes how interested you are in developing
additional knowledge and skills that are necessary to effectively implement a holistic
approach to counseling clients like Sachi in the future (e.g., by offering assistance in
developing a daily exercise action plan, encouraging the use of meditation, and explor-
ing ways that clients like Sachi can build new social relationships, to name a few).
Question 6: What specific actions can you take to develop the knowledge and skills
needed to effectively implement the holistic interventions that are recommended for
use with clients like Sachi (e.g., by offering assistance in developing a daily exercise
action plan, encouraging the use of meditation, and exploring ways that these clients
can build new social relationships)?
Question 7: Write a statement that describes how interested you are in increasing
your knowledge and competence in effectively implementing the strategies you listed
in your response to Question 2 with clients like Sachi.
Question 8: What specific actions can you take to develop the knowledge and skills
needed to effectively implement the strategies you listed in your response to Question 2
with clients like Sachi?

Be sure to file your responses to this competency-building activity in the

personal-professional development portfolio you are developing as you read this book
and continue to complete the competency-building activities included in each chapter.

Counseling/Therapy Skills and

patterns, maintenance of positive mood, con-
Intervention Strategies That May
trol of ones anxiety, and feelings of self-esteem.
Impact the Generation and Release
On the other hand, serotonin deficiencies
of Serotonin
are related to increased depression, impul-
Ivey et al. (2010) note that normal levels of sive behaviors, anger, and aggression. These
serotonin are vital to ensure adequate sleep researchers further suggest that a variety of

counseling skills and therapeutic intervention lack of drive, motivation, and/or enthusiasm to
strategies are likely to be useful in promoting complete routine tasks, as well as increased
healthy levels of serotonin. This includes imple- craving for stimulants (e.g., caffeine).
menting various strategies associated with Ivey et al. (2010) point out that encourag-
positive psychology/wellness counseling the- ing clients to focus on positive stories about
ories (see Chapter 13), cognitive-behavioral their lives can help increase their dopamine
theories (see Chapters 7 and 8), and efforts to production. They also suggest that directing
assist clients in developing clear visions and clients attention to their personal strengths
meaning in their lives (strategies that charac- may stimulate the generation of dopamine.
terize many existential-humanistic counseling This can be done by tailoring many of the
interventions, discussed in Chapters 9 and 10). techniques and interventions that are associ-
It is also reported that using the sort of ated with positive psychology/wellness coun-
positive restorying associated with narrative seling and solution-focused/brief therapy
counseling (see Chapter 4) and gaining a theories presented in Chapter 13.
commitment from clients to implement new Recently, other researchers have noted that
action strategies that are based on their resto- an increased production of numerous neu-
rying is helpful in generating increased sero- rotransmitters occurs when clients receive
tonin levels (Ussher, 2010). therapeutic massages. More specifically,
Practitioners working from a neuroscien- patients with cancer and other medical disor-
tific perspective may consider how fostering ders who receive massage therapy benefit
Sachis (the client described in Vignette #2) from increased levels of dopamine, as well as
serotonin levels may be helpful in addressing increased levels of serotonin, oxytocin, endor-
her concerns about the increased anxiety and phins and increased production of natural
depression she is experiencing as a result of killer cells (Goodfellow, 2003; Hernandez-Reif
relocating for career reasons. Operating from et al., 2004).
this perspective may lead practitioners to
incorporate some or all of the counseling
skills and therapeutic interventions listed
Skills and Intervention Strategies
above to help Sachi deal with the problems
That May Impact the Generation
she is encountering in her life.
and Release of GABA

Counseling/Therapy Normal levels of GABA are linked to an indi-

viduals ability to effectively manage and
Skills and Intervention Strategies
reduce anxiety as well as general feelings of
That May Impact the Generation
relaxation and adequate sleep patterns. Con-
and Release of Dopamine
versely, GABA deficiency is associated with
As noted in Table 2.1, dopamine production is a persons inability to manage anxiety, inabil-
linked to a persons sense of emotional well- ity to remain relaxed for extended periods of
ness, motivation, and pleasurable feelings. time, and sleep disorders (Adamec, 2000).
Dopamine deficiency, on the other hand, has Ivey et al. (2010) offer a number of sug-
been associated with clients reporting a general gestions that may have a positive impact on
Chapter 2 Neuroscience67

stimulating increased GABA production peoples mental health and contribute to

among clients whose behaviors and concerns behavioral problems (Cozolino, 2010b).
are consistent with the symptoms outlined in Before continuing this discussion, it is impor-
Table 2.1. First, these counseling experts tant to emphasize that researchers have not
point out that the basic listening skills that all reported a direct causal effect between spe-
mental health practitioners are trained to use cific parts of the brain and specific moods,
in their work are helpful when utilized thoughts, feelings, and behaviors clients
among GABA-deficient clients. The power of manifest in their lives. The complexity of
actively listening to clients in a composed and brain functioning and related cognitive,
respectful manner not only serves to calm emotional, psychological, and behavioral
individuals who are anxious and agitated but reactions suggests that these reactions result
does so in a way that has a biological impact, from interfacing biological changes that occur
resulting in increased production of GABA. in multiple brain parts.
Second, Ivey et al. (2010) assert that various It is also important to point out, however,
counseling interventions that require clients that neuroscientists are increasingly demon-
active involvement in learning how to more strating how various brain parts contribute
effectively cope with stresses that occur in their to the manifestation of different moods,
lives represent other strategies that may con- thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. Thus, while
tribute to increasing individuals GABA levels. it is understood that specific brain parts may
These interventions include but are not limited not have a definite causal effect on specific
to stress management and relaxation train- psychological and behavioral outcomes, it is
ing, mindfulness counseling (see Chapter 7), equally clear that there are strong correla-
and the use of other cognitive-behavioral tional effects between the levels of neural
therapy strategies to increase clients self- activation in different parts of the brain and
regulation abilities (Lynch, Jarvis, DeBellis, & the manifestation of various moods, thoughts,
Morin, 2007). feelings, and behaviors in peoples lives.
Given the importance of understanding the
impact that different brain parts have on cli-
**UNDERSTANDING THE ents mental health, we describe various issues
COMPLEXITY OF LINKING related to this topic below.
PEOPLES THOUGHTS, Figure 2.1 represents a general profile of
FEELINGS, AND the different parts of the human brain. Break-
BEHAVIORS TO VARIOUS throughs in neuroscience are helping mental
PARTS OF THE BRAIN health professionals better understand the
ways that these brain parts contribute to the
In addition to the information describing the behavioral and psychological responses we
role and function of neurotransmitters in the experience during the course of our lives.
preceding part of this chapter, this section A detailed discussion of the new knowl-
reports on ways that other neuroscience edge that has emerged from recent neurosci-
researchers help expand our understanding ence research on the functioning of different
of how different parts of the brain impact brain parts is beyond the scope of this book.

Figure 2.1 An Overview of the Human Brain

Central Fissure

Motor Somatosensory
cortex cortex
Sensation and touch
Body movement
and coordination Body position
Frontal lobe Parietal lobe

Temporal lobe
Smell Lateral fissure

With these space limitations in mind, we divided into several lobes called frontal, pari-
have nevertheless chosen to discuss six dif- etal, temporal, and occipital lobes. Along with
ferent parts of the brain that are thought to be other brain components, the cerebral cortex
particularly important components of the plays a major role in clients memory, atten-
Behavioral/Physical/Neurological Quadrant tion, perceptual awareness, language, and
and that have much relevance to the work consciousness.
practitioners do in the field. Thus, we direct
your attention to the location and impact of Prefrontal Cortex
the following brain parts on clients behav-
iors and psychological reactions to life: Figure 2.3 provides a visual representation
(1) the cerebral cortex, (2) the prefrontal of the prefrontal cortex, which is located
cortex, (3) the cingulate system, (4) the basal behind ones forehead. The prefrontal cortex
ganglia, (5) the temporal lobes, and (6) the constitutes about one-third of the entire
limbic system. brain. As the most evolved part of the brain,
it coordinates such executive functions as a
persons capacity for planning and organiz-
Cerebral Cortex
ing his or her life, controlling impulses, and
The largest part of the brain is composed of an critical thinking. Given the importance of
outer, grey-colored section called the cerebral such functions in leading an effective and
cortex (see Figure 2.2). The cerebral cortex is satisfying life, it is important that counselors
Chapter 2 Neuroscience69

and psychotherapists learn about the kinds

Figure 2.2 Cerebral Cortex
of intervention strategies that can be used to
Cerebral Cortex effectively stimulate the optimal function-
ing of this part of the brain. A number of
such strategies are described later in this

Cingulate System
The cingulate system is located beneath the
cerebral cortex and close to the center of the
brain (see Figure 2.4). The cingulate system
plays a major role in enabling people to effec-
tively shift their attention from one idea to
another in different situations. This part of the
brain is also associated with the coordination
of sensory input for emotions, emotional
responses to pain, and the regulation of
aggressive behavior.

Basal Ganglia
The basal ganglia consist of a large number
of neurons that are located close to the

Figure 2.3Prefrontal Cortex Figure 2.4 Cingulate System


thalamus and amygdala (see Figure 2.5). This Temporal Lobes

part of the brain is responsible for numerous
The temporal lobes are located on the right
functions, including motor control; learning;
and left sides of a persons head directly
and the mediation of anxiety, fear, and moti-
above ones ears (see Figure 2.6). These
vation. Currently, popular theories suggest
brain parts are responsible for numerous
that basal ganglia also play a primarily role in
functions, including hearing, auditory per-
the way people shift their actions in differ-
ception, episodic and declarative memory,
ent environmental situations. The behavior
and language. They also play a key role in a
switching that most people commonly exhibit
persons expression of emotion and learning
in their lives is rooted in changes that occur
within the basal ganglia. The biological
changes that occur in this part of the brain,
which lead individuals to change their behav- Limbic System
iors in different environmental situations, are The limbic system is a complex set of
also stimulated by signals that come from anatomical structures that includes the hypo-
other parts of the brain, including the prefron- thalamus, hippocampus, and amygdala
tal cortex and the cingulate system. (see Figure 2.7). This brain system has a

Figure 2.5 Basal Ganglia Figure 2.6 Temporal Lobes

The Location of the Basal Ganglia

in the Human Brain

Temporal Lobe

ganglia Thalamus
Chapter 2 Neuroscience71

major impact on our emotional life, as

Figure 2.7 Limbic System
well as contributing to the formation of
Table 2.2 presents additional information
describing how the different parts of the
brain briefly discussed above impact a per-
sons behavior and psychological disposi-
tion. Table 2.2 also outlines suggestions for
corrective interventions that have been tested
and found to be effective with many clients.
More information related to these aspects
of the Behavioral/Physical/Neurological
pituitary Quadrant of the integral approach to coun-
amygdala seling and psychotherapy is discussed later
in this book.

Table 2.2Brain Parts, General Function, Results of Improper Functioning, and Potential
Corrective Interventions

Part of the Results of Improper Potential Corrective

Brain General Function Functioning Interventions

Cerebral Responsible for many Language problems, Increased dopamine production

cortex higher-order difficulty understanding through cognitive-behavioral
functions, such as incoming information counseling interventions;
language and from ones environment changes in diet and use of
information processing supplements; food sources of
dopamine-increasing tyrosine,
including almonds, avocados,
bananas, dairy products, lima
beans, pumpkin seeds, and
sesame seeds; Vitamin C,
Vitamin E, and antioxidants

Prefrontal Increases a persons Shortened attention span, Counseling that helps clients
cortex attention span, distractibility, reduced focus on what they like more
perseverance, problem impulse control, than what they dont like,
solving, forward hyperactivity, psychotherapy that promotes
thinking, empathy procrastination, poor clients sense of meaning in
judgment, trouble life (logotherapy), biofeedback,
learning from experience medications (e.g., Ritalin,


Table 2.2(Continued)

Part of the Results of Improper Potential Corrective

Brain General Function Functioning Interventions

Limbic Sets a positive and Moodiness, negative Counseling and psychotherapy

system calm emotional tone of thinking and perceptions interventions that work to
mind, modulates of events, decreased reduce/extinguish automatic
motivation, promotes motivation, social negative thinking, interpersonal
positive interpersonal isolation therapy, body work and massage
interactions and therapy, aromatherapy, increased
relationships (bonding) physical exercise, supplements
(e.g., L-Tryptophan, tyrosine,
St. Johns Wort), antidepressant

Basal ganglia Integrate feeling and Anxiety, nervousness, Guided imagery, training for
movement, smooth fine fear, panic attacks, meditation and deep breathing,
motor movement, excessive efforts to avoid assertiveness/conflict
moderate anxiety and conflict, headaches, very resolution training, nutritional
fear, enhance low or excessively high changes (e.g., eliminate
motivation motivation, physical alcohol and caffeine, increase
sensations of anxiety Vitamin B complex), use of
chamomile tea and lavender oil
for aromatherapy, medication
(e.g., antianxiety medication,
Xanax, Ativan, Serax)

Cingulate Controls ability to shift Excessive anxiety, Rational emotive behavioral

system attention effectively worrying, holding on to therapy, reality therapy,
and move from one hurts from the past, paradoxical requests
idea to another, getting stuck on (logotherapy), nutritional
increases and maintains thoughts/ideas, changes to increase serotonin
cognitive flexibility, oppositional behavior, production (e.g., eating more
increases or maintains argumentativeness, chicken, turkey, salmon, peanut
ones ability to see uncooperative behavior, butter, eggs, green peas,
options, maintains inflexibility, addictive potatoes, milk), increased
ones ability to go behaviors exercise, medications (e.g.,
with the flow, Zoloft, Paxil, Anafranil,
enhances cooperative Luvox)

Temporal Determine Violent thoughts, Music therapy (using classical

lobes understanding and aggression, anger music), learning to play a
processing of language, expressed externally and/ musical instrument, increased
long/intermediate-term or internally, sensitivity sleep, eliminating caffeine and
memory, recall of to slights, reading nicotine, biofeedback
complex memories, difficulties, emotional
emotional stability instability
Chapter 2 Neuroscience73

**USING COUNSELING AND Before discussing these issues, however,

PSYCHOTHERAPY THEORIES we present several points that serve as a
TO PROMOTE POSITIVE backdrop for the information that follows.
The first point relates to our resolution of
the mind/brain debate. As noted earlier, it is
The preceding sections of this chapter are our view that the mind is the product of the
designed to increase your knowledge of basic activity occurring in the brain at the molecu-
aspects of neuroscience as they relate to coun- lar, cellular, and anatomical levels, which
seling and psychotherapy theories and prac- are all impacted by a persons interpersonal
tices. The specific issues that have been dis- relationships, cultural context, and societal
cussed thus far include the presentation of experiences.
information that is aimed at Second, the process of psychotherapy
relies on the brains plasticity for its effective-
a. increasing your awareness of the ways ness. The types of cognitive (problem-solving),
that neurotransmitters are linked to emotional, psychological, and behavioral
various cognitive, emotional, psycho- changes that practitioners strive to promote in
logical, and behavioral reactions people counseling and psychotherapy are dependent
manifest in their lives; on the production of new neurons and neural
wiring that affect changes in different brain
b. broadening your thinking about the dif- systems, which in turn contribute to positive
ferent counseling/psychotherapy skills therapeutic outcomes.
and interventions that can possibly pro- Third, psychotherapy is a process through
mote the optimal production and release which neural network integration and coordi-
of various neurotransmitters in the nation can be created or restored. This is
brain; and especially crucial for the networks that spe-
c. fostering new knowledge of the ways cialize in emotions, cognitions, sensations,
that different brain systems contribute and behavior (Farmer, 2009, p. 109).
to a wide range of cognitive, emotional, Fourth, while empirical research in these
psychological, and behavioral reactions areas is still at the embryonic stage, there is a
people manifest in their lives. growing body of research literature on the
neurobiology of psychotherapy that describes
The following section is aimed at increas- brain changes. These changes appear to be
ing your knowledge of neuroscience further directly impacted by different psychothera-
by describing how the implementation of dif- peutic processes. From these research find-
ferent counseling and psychotherapy theo- ings, practitioners are beginning to learn not
ries, skills, and related interventions affect only about the effectiveness of different psy-
different brain systems and human function- chotherapeutic theories and practices, but also
ing. In doing so, we identify some of the cog- gaining insights concerning which clients,
nitive, emotional, psychological, and behav- with which psychological disorders, can ben-
ioral reactions that are linked to various parts efit from and should receive psychotherapy
of the brain. (Farmer, 2009, pp. 109110).

Fifth, counseling and therapy often involve therapy, and other related activities have
assisting clients in shifting attention from a been implemented.
particular negative issue or situation (e.g., the
problems that are causing distress) to an
alternative perspective (e.g., therapeutic goals **NEUROSCIENCE
and positive outcomes). Neurologically RESEARCH FINDINGS
speaking, helping clients shift their attention AND PSYCHODYNAMIC
from negative thoughts and feelings to posi- THERAPY THEORIES
tive cognitions, emotions, and behaviors
results in specific neurological changes that An emerging dialogue is occurring between
take only milliseconds to occur in different practitioners who support and use psychody-
parts of the brain. namic therapy theories in their clinical prac-
Mental health practitioners intentionally or tices and other professionals who understand
unintentionally facilitate changes in different the relevance of neuroscience to the work
parts of the brain when providing counsel- psychodynamic practitioners do in the field
ing and therapeutic services to their clients. (Beutel, Stern, & Silbersweig, 2003). One of
Clients ability to regulate and direct their the central tenets of psychodynamic theories is
attention in specific directions enables them that clients past life experiences result in the
to control their distress, learn from new formation of mental schemata that are stored in
experiences, and reflect on the therapeutic their minds (see Chapter 5). While most people
discussions they have with their therapists. are generally conscious of different aspects of
Neuroscience tells us that these changes result these schemata, psychodynamic theory empha-
from both psychological and complementary sizes the significant role that the unconscious
biological changes that occur as a result of plays in maintaining negative memories that
counseling and therapy. underlie negative reactions (e.g., anger, sad-
The final point that serves as a backdrop ness, fear, depression) many people routinely
for the information presented below is that experience in their lives (Individual Percep-
research in these areas has been made tions and Meaning Making Quadrant factors).
possible because of significant improve- Drawing again from our description of the
ments that have occurred in neuroimaging mind and the brain, we are reminded that the
techniques over the past two decades. Neu- mind is the product of the activity occurring in
roimaging procedures are based on the the brain at the molecular, cellular, and ana-
understanding that mental activity is largely tomical levels, which are all impacted by a
reflected in biological changes that occur in persons interpersonal relationships, cultural
different parts of the brain. This includes an context, and societal experiences. Thus, all the
increase or decrease in the volume and flow conscious and unconscious memories that are
of blood, oxygen, and glucose in the brain. stored in peoples minds are grounded in spe-
These technological advancements allow cific neurological changes that occur in differ-
researchers to examine specific biological ent parts of the brain. Neuroscientists refer to
changes that occur in different parts of the the unconscious memories that contribute to
brain before, during, and after counseling, many peoples problems as implicit memories.
Chapter 2 Neuroscience75

These scientists discuss three specific kinds of Begley (2007) discusses the affect of sub-
implicit (unconscious) memories: emotional liminal priming in an investigation that was
memories, behavioral memories, and percep- conducted to reduce negative and unconscious
tual memories. stereotypes that Israeli college students held
Siegel (1999) discusses these memories toward persons of Arab descent. This experi-
and their relationship to different brain sys- ment is detailed in Chapter 5, when psycho
tems in the following way: dynamic theories (including attachment theory)
are discussed in greater detail.
Implicit memory relies on brain structures Interpersonal therapy (IPT) is a short-term
that are intact at birth and remain available psychodynamically based theoretical approach
to us throughout life. These structures to counseling and therapy. IPT focuses on the
include the amygdala and limbic regions ways that unconscious processes adversely
for emotional memory, the basal ganglia affect a persons interpersonal interactions and
and motor cortex for behavioral memory, result in various forms of psychological dis-
and the perceptual cortices and prefrontal tress and disorder (see Chapter 6).
cortex for perceptual memory. (p. 29) IPT was initially developed to treat adult
depression. It has since been effectively applied
The mental schemata and unconscious to other psychological problems, including the
memories that are formulated early in peo- treatment of depression in adolescents, the
ples lives and biologically housed in differ- elderly, and people with human immunodefi-
ent brain systems result in distinct neurologi- ciency virus (HIV) infection (Cuijpers, van
cal wiring. Psychodynamic theorists assert Straten, & Andersson, 2008).
that changing the neural circuitry that under- In studying the neurological and psycho-
lies implicitly stored memories is likely to logical impact of IPT, Brody and his col-
involve a considerable amount of time and leagues (2001) studied the effect that this
effort in therapy. However, recent neurologi- treatment modality had among clients suffer-
cal studies have demonstrated how a process ing from major depression. Three groups were
called subliminal priming can at least tempo- included in this investigation: (1) a group of
rarily disrupt the brain circuitry that underlies clients whose only form of treatment for their
unconscious (implicit) memories in a very depression was a medication called parox-
short space of time (Begley, 2007). etine, (2) a group of clients engaged in 12
Subliminal priming consists of tuning weekly IPT sessions, and (3) a control group
certain neural pathways to certain events. that received no treatment. All the research
This involves introducing a sensory stimulus participants underwent brain imaging proce-
(e.g., visual, verbal, olfactory, or auditory dures before and after participating in the
cue) to alter a persons unconscious pro- study.
cesses (e.g., implicit memory) at the neuro- Positive psychological changes in depres-
logical level. The brain changes that occur sion levels were noted when comparing pre-
during subliminal priming largely take place and post-test self-reports from the clients in
in the prefrontal cortex, amygdala, and hip- the medication group, as well as in the IPT
pocampus (Li et al., 2010). group. However, no changes in depression

levels were reported among the persons com- In detailing the results of this investiga-
posing the control group. tion, the researchers highlighted two partic-
The researchers also reported notable neu- ular outcomes: First, the persons assigned to
rological changes occurring among the clients both experimental groups reported signifi-
in the medication group and the IPT group but cant anxiety reduction in public-speaking
not among the persons in the control group. situations.
Like the clients in the medication group, the Second, like the individuals in the medica-
persons participating in 12 weekly IPT ses- tion group, persons receiving cognitive-
sions demonstrated decreased neural activa- behavioral therapy manifested noticeable
tion in their prefrontal cortex and cingulate changes in specific brain systems as reflected
systems (Brody et al., 2001). in the pre- and post-test brain-scanning proce-
dures. These neurological changes specifically
resulted in decreased neural activity and
**NEUROSCIENCE RESEARCH blood flow to the amygdala and hippocampus
FINDINGS AND (Furmark et al., 2002).
COGNITIVE-BEHAVIORAL Both of these brain structures (the amyg-
THERAPY THEORIES dala and hippocampus) are located in the lim-
bic system. As noted in Table 2.2, normal
Although still low in actual numbers, there has functioning of the limbic system is linked to a
been more neuroscientific research done to positive and calm emotional tone of mind,
determine the biological impact of cognitive- while overactivation of the limbic system is
behavioral theoretical models than for any associated with excitability and anxiety. It is
other counseling and therapy theory. One of understandable, then, that persons receiving
these studies involved the work of Furmark and the sort of counseling that proved to promote
his colleagues (2002), who studied the psycho- optimal functioning of the limbic system
logical and neurological impact of cognitive- would likely report reduced public-speaking
behavioral therapy among clients experiencing anxiety as a result of participating in that
anxiety attacks when involved in public- therapeutic modality.
speaking situations. The researchers used self- Biofeedback training is a popular offshoot
report instruments to measure clients subjec- of cognitive-behavioral therapy that is used
tive experience of their anxiety levels, as well for a broad range of client problems. This
as having all the research participants undergo includes but is not limited to using biofeed-
brain imaging before and after the study began. back training with clients experiencing
The results of this investigation indicated migraine and tension-type headaches, sleep
that, while persons making up a control group disorders, anxiety attacks, phobias, and neu-
did not demonstrate changes in their anxiety romuscular disorders, to name a few. Although
reactions to public speaking, research sub- much research has been conducted to assess
jects in both the cognitive-behavioral therapy the efficacy of biofeedback over the past 30
group and a medication (citalopram) group years, investigations focusing on the impact
exhibited significant and positive psychologi- of biofeedback on different brain systems is a
cal and neurological changes. relatively new research area.
Chapter 2 Neuroscience77

Of particular interest for the present dis- Such efforts will bode well for the mental
cussion, several researchers have recently health professions, as the cultural-racial
reported how biofeedback training fosters the transformation of our society is leading many
optimal functioning of several specific brain persons to question the relevance and viabil-
systems that are linked to clients mental ity of traditionally trained practitioners. These
health and sense of personal well-being. This questions are particularly aimed at those prac-
includes studies that examined the types of titioners who continue to use traditional coun-
neurological changes that ensue from using seling and therapy theories in ways that are
biofeedback training with clients experienc- not responsive to or respectful of culturally
ing panic disorders (Goodwin & Montgom- different clients worldviews, values, and help-
ery, 2006) and individuals suffering from ing preferences (DAndrea & Daniels, 2001a,
stress-related headaches (Cathcart, Winefield, 2001b). Efforts to develop and implement
Lushington, & Rolan, 2001). new holistic and integral mental healthcare
Both of these studies confirmed that bio- services will, indeed, need to be more cultur-
feedback training contributed to the optimal ally responsive, effective, widely accessible,
functioning of clients prefrontal cortex and and cost efficient than the fragmented mental
limbic system. Several other neuroscience healthcare services that are currently avail-
researchers have also noted how the use of able to promote healthy human development
biofeedback training can promote the optimal in our culturally diverse society.
functioning of clients temporal lobes, which is Many practitioners are striving to imple-
identified as another area that is important in ment more holistic and integral interventions
engendering and maintaining mental health that are aimed at supplementing and extend-
and well-being (Amen, 1998; Critchley, 2001). ing the traditional therapeutic theories dis-
Neuroscience research findings such as cussed in this book. For those practitioners
those discussed above enhance practitioners who are not competent to provide specific
understanding of some of the ways that tradi- holistic services that may be of benefit to their
tional counseling and therapy theories and clients, many are developing relationships
related interventions can affect clients brain with other healthcare providers so that they
systems when used in clinical practice. This can make informed decisions when referring
understanding will expand over the coming clients to these allied professionals. This
decades as additional investigations are made includes developing referral connections with
into these and other areas that focus on differ- individuals who can effectively provide
ent aspects of holistic and integral approaches nutritional counseling, massage therapy and
to counseling and therapy. The collective find- body work, qi gong, various forms of music
ings of all the work that neuroscience research- therapy, yoga training, indigenous healthcare,
ers have done and will do in the future will not sexual counseling, guided imagery and visu-
only help practitioners use the counseling and alization, aromatherapy, meditation training,
therapy theories that currently exist in the community advocacy interventions, and
field today in more intentional and efficacious physical exercise planning services.
ways but will also give birth to new approaches Practitioners are encouraged to keep two
in mental healthcare. overarching considerations in mind when

making such referrals. First, it is important to Behavioral/Physical/Neurological Quadrant,

consider the level of cultural competence (see and Cultural Community Quadrant factors).
Chapter 3) that other professionals exhibit Cultural neuroscience is the interdisciplin-
when providing the types of services listed ary field that studies the relationship of cul-
above to clients from diverse groups and ture, biology, brain functioning, psychology,
backgrounds. This consideration reflects the and other social sciences. It is an area just
referring practitioners commitment to ethical beginning to unfold in the social sciences but
professional practices that is emphasized in already has profound implications for our
Chapter 1. professional practices, particularly as they
The second consideration focuses on the relate to the development and implementation
degree to which the services clients are of preventive and social justice advocacy
encouraged to receive from other healthcare interventions to promote healthy human
providers are empirically supported by development.
research findings (see Chapter 1). This con- Among the relevance of these interdisci-
sideration directs particular attention to the plinary connections is information generated
degree to which neuroscientific research find- by cultural neuroscientists in the American
ings affirm the efficacy of such services when Association for the Advancement of Science
implemented among culturally diverse client who discuss the adverse impact of the culture
populations. of poverty on millions of persons in our society,
The latter point requires a basic understand- especially the youngest members of society.
ing of the relevance of the newly emerging As cited by Krugman (2008),
field of cultural neuroscience to the work
mental health professional do in a culturally Poverty in early childhood poisons the
diverse, 21st-century society. This topic is dis- brain....Many children growing up in
cussed in the following section of this book. very poor families with low social status
experience unhealthy levels of stress hor-
mones, which impair their neural develop-

The brain exists only in relationship to what Additional cultural neuroscience research
goes on around it. Input from the environment findings of relevance to practitioners who
in terms of visual impressions, sounds, sensa- work with persons in the culture of poverty
tions, tastes, and aromas is organized into come from a compilation of studies that was
meaningful and lasting brain patterns in the completed by Evans (2004). These research
childs brain. In effect, what goes into what we findings highlight the adverse impact that poor
call the mind is as important as the biological children experience as a resulted of being rou-
processes described in the previous sections of tinely exposed to increased levels of family
this chapter. And of course, thoughts, behav- turmoil, violence, separation, and lack of social
iors, emotions, and meanings are learned support. Evans further noted that children liv-
within particular cultural contexts (Individual ing in poverty tend to have poorer nutrition,
Perceptions and Meaning Making Quadrant, live in polluted environments, and attend
Chapter 2 Neuroscience79

schools that are less effective. All these factors and plastic, ever-changing through its rela-
contribute to the development of unhealthy tionship with the environment. Neuroscience
stress hormones, particularly cortisol, which in general and cultural neuroscience in par-
can be permanently damaging to the brain. ticular underscore the vital role that the
What are the implications of these findings client-counselor relationship plays in promot-
for counseling and therapy, helping practices ing the sort of psychological and neurosci-
that have primarily been developed to address ence changes that are necessary to realize new
the needs of verbally talented persons from and untapped dimensions of human develop-
middle- and upper-class backgrounds? Given ment and well-being (Cozolino, 2002, 2010b).
the failure of the mental health professions to From the perspective of cultural neurosci-
substantially address the unique strengths and ence, it is important that mental health practitio-
needs of poor persons, the data suggest that ners direct time and energy to acquire and
we need to reconsider and expand our profes- implement the multicultural counseling compe-
sional roles and mission to facilitate the tencies that have been developed and formally
healthy development of persons living in pov- endorsed by numerous professional organiza-
erty in general and poor children in particular. tions (American Psychological Association,
Despite the failure of the mental health 2003; Daniels & DAndrea, 2003; Sue,
professions to effectively address the strengths Arredondo, & McDavis, 1992). These compe-
and needs of people living in the culture of tencies serve as blueprints that practitioners can
poverty, traditional individual, family, and use in effectively building the kinds of thera-
group counseling and therapy theories that are peutic relationships that foster mental health
grounded in culturally biased helping per- and optimal neurological functioning among
spectives remain the mainstay of helping for clients from culturally diverse groups and
many practitioners. The summary of research backgrounds. Chapters 3 and 12 detail addi-
findings presented above suggests that the tional issues that describe why it is vital for
counseling and therapy services many practi- practitioners to develop these competencies
tioners provide poor clients are simply not when providing services to culturally different
relevant to the challenges many people living clients (Cultural/Community Quadrant and
in poverty routinely face. Societal/Professional Quadrant considerations).
As a mental health practitioner, you can Blanding (2010) summarizes additional
play an important role in fostering the devel- research findings that are relevant to a broader
opment of new neurons and neural networks discussion of cultural neuroscience. These
among the clients you work with. As noted findings are presented below.
throughout this chapter, providing counseling
and psychotherapeutic services that help gen- One of the generally accepted assump-
erate new neurons and neural networks are tions about neuroscience is the view that
key in helping clients from diverse cultural biological processes that occur in the brain are
groups learn to lead more satisfying, produc- similar to the brain activities that all people
tive, and empowering lives. experience, regardless of a persons cultural
In achieving these counseling outcomes, it background. However, Blanding (2010)
is useful to think of the brain as being flexible disputes this generally held view by reporting

on the results of brain imaging procedures Significantly more East Asians were
(fMRIs) that have been done among American found to possess a genetic trait (a short allele
and Indian students who listened to classical in their serotonin transporter gene) that makes
music. The brain imaging results of these per- them susceptible to depression in comparison
sons indicated different patterns of neural with research subjects in the United States.
activation had occurred in different parts of the However, Blanding (2010) points out that the
brains of the American students versus their support many East Asians commonly experi-
Indian counterparts. This finding substantiates ence as a result of being a part of collectivistic
one of the ways that culture appears to have a cultural groups helps prevent the manifesta-
differential impact on the activation of differ- tion of clinical depression during many Eastern
ent brain systems when presented with similar Asian persons lives.
environmental conditions. When viewing photographs of human
When analyzing the results of brain faces that express fear, research participants
imaging procedures (fMRIs) among research more accurately identified the intended emo-
subjects from Japan and the United States, it tion portrayed in the photographs if the faces
was noted that greater levels of neural activa- presented appeared to be persons from their
tion were recorded in the parts of brain that own cultural-racial group. When conducting
are associated with emotional reactivity when this study among culturally different persons,
presented with pictures of human faces. While the fMRI results of the research participants
the fMRI results of persons from the United indicated that the brain system associated
States reflected significantly higher activation with emotional reactivity (the part of the
in analytical regions of the brain (in the pre- temporal lobes called the superior temporal
frontal cortex), the Japanese research partici- sulcus) reflected higher levels of neural acti-
pants recorded lower neural activation in this vation when the research participants were
part of the brain when presented with the presented with pictures of people from their
same pictures. own cultural-racial group experiencing fear
as compared with the neurological reactions
People (typically persons from the that individuals from other cultural-racial
United States) who exhibited an individualis- groups exhibited when viewing the same
tic cultural orientation to life manifested dif- photographs.
ferent neural activation levels in different
parts of their brains (as measured by fMRIs) Our daily cultural interactions lead to cer-
when compared with brain imaging results of tain patterns of neurological responsivity that
persons from East Asia who operated from a can be captured in brain imaging procedures.
collectivist worldview (Blanding, 2010). This Kitayama and Park (2010) cite research show-
latter research finding is supported by the ing that westerners tend to activate the frontal
work of Park and Huang (2010), who provide cortex when involved in mathematical calcu-
convincing neurological evidence that points lations, while Chinese and Japanese people
to the differential impact of individualistic exhibit higher activation levels in the parietal
versus collectivistic cultural worldviews on a regions of the brain when they are engaged in
persons brain functioning. the same cognitive activity. The parietal lobe
Chapter 2 Neuroscience81

is a part of the brain positioned above the environment conditions when providing
occipital lobe and behind the frontal lobe. counseling and therapy services among
The information related to cultural neuro- clients from diverse cultural-racial
science presented above has several important populations?
implications for the work mental health prac-
titioners do in multicultural counseling and For practitioners interested in implement-
therapy situations. First, although limited in ing professional services that are informed by
number and scope, the existing research find- neuroscience, it is important to realize that
ings that report on the similarities and differ- cultural views of the self and others are
ences in the neurological functioning of per- reflected in similar and different levels of
sons from different groups and backgrounds neural activation and in different brain sys-
validates much of what the multicultural field tems depending on a persons cultural-racial
has already known: that persons reared in one background, conditioning, and lived experi-
cultural-racial group experience and process ences with others. Cultural neuroscientists
life experiences differently from persons in have been particularly consistent in describ-
other cultural-racial groups. Despite this ing these neurological differences as mea-
understanding of cultural differences, many sured among persons in diverse cultural
practitioners are surprised to learn that people groups who adhere to individualistic and col-
in different cultural-racial groups have differ- lectivist worldviews.
ent neurological reactions when viewing pic- Neurological differences manifested in
tures of persons who physically resemble these areas are not based on multicultural
themselves in comparison with those brain myths but on scientific evidence. With this
reactions that occur when viewing photo- evidence in mind, we assert the need for
graphs of persons in other cultural-racial practitioners to remain flexible and open to
groups. learning new approaches to promoting
Needless to say, these differential neuro- healthy human development based on the
logical reactions make the understanding of growing empirical knowledge base in cul-
multicultural issues more complex than previ- tural neuroscience.
ously thought. Among the relevant questions Chapter 3 is designed to expand your think-
to be posed to practitioners regarding this ing of additional cultural issues by emphasizing
matter are the following: the importance of recognizing, understanding,
and responding to the multidimensionality of
1. Are you able to transcend your own multicultural counseling. The multidimen-
cultural biases and conditioning when it sional view of multicultural counseling
comes to understanding why people in presented in the next chapter leads practitio-
diverse cultural-racial groups have dif- ners to understand how the interface of clients
ferent biological reactions to the same multiple cultural identities and life experi-
environmental situations and stimuli? ences impacts their psychological develop-
2. What are the implications of under- ment and neurological functioning.
standing the cultural basis of these dif- The RESPECTFUL Counseling and Ther-
ferent neurological reactions to the same apy model presented in the following chapter

describes 10 factors that underlie the multidi- different clients who are traumatized by vari-
mensionality of multicultural counseling, a ous forms of injustice, oppression, and dis-
concept that is included in the integral theory crimination that characterize their lives. The
described in this book. The RESPECTFUL following section is designed to expand your
Counseling and Therapy model provides understanding of these issues so that you will
practitioners with a road map that extends be better prepared to effectively address the
practitioners thinking about multicultural needs of traumatized clients in culturally com-
counseling in ways that include and extend petent and responsible ways.
our current understanding of the important
psychological and neurological differences
that are commonly exhibited by persons in
diverse racial-ethnic groups. THREATS TO ONES
This increased understanding is grounded WELL-BEING:
in a more expansive knowledge base related MULTICULTURAL
to persons in different religious/spiritual, eco- AND NEUROLOGICAL
nomic, gender, sexual, and age groups. Many CONSIDERATIONS
persons in these groups share a common set
of life experiences that ensue from various Trauma and related threats to individuals
forms of social injustice, oppression, discrimi- well-being put many people at risk for psycho-
nation, marginalization, and devaluation in logical and neurological harm. Such harm
our contemporary society. All these societal typically occurs when the life stressors indi-
dynamics result in different stressors that viduals experience exceed their ability to cope
adversely impact the mental health, psycho- in constructive and effective ways. An indi-
logical well-being, and neurological function- viduals personal resources (coping skills,
ing of millions of people in marginalized and self-esteem, and social support) may be over-
devalued groups included in the RESPECTFUL taxed when a person is subjected to ongoing
Counseling and Therapy framework. Some of environmental stressors over extended periods
these stressors have a traumatic effect on of time or forced to face a traumatic event that
many culturally different clients. occurs in a short space of time. Persons who
The stressors associated with traumatic life experience stressors for extended periods of
events have a particularly profound effect on time or are confronted with immediate trau-
the psychological and neurological functioning matic events are vulnerable or at risk for future
of persons in culturally diverse groups. Practi- mental, physical, and/or neurological problems
tioners are increasingly called on to work with (Lewis, Lewis, Daniels, & DAndrea, 2011).
clients who suffer from different traumatic Counselors and therapists frequently work
experiences that often go unaddressed in coun- with persons in these vulnerable, at-risk groups.
seling and therapy. Unfortunately, many prac- This includes providing services to poor,
titioners are not knowledgeable about the psy- homeless, and unemployed people; adults and
chological or neurological factors that are children in families undergoing divorce; preg-
associated with traumatic stress. This is fre- nant teenagers; sexually and physically abused
quently the case when working with culturally persons; individuals with HIV or AIDS;
Chapter 2 Neuroscience83

persons with cancer; war veterans; and people descent, sexually abused women and children,
who are victimized by various forms of age- gay/lesbian/bisexual/transgender persons sub-
ism, racism, sexism, and other forms of cultural jected to personal attacks and collective dis-
oppression, to name a few. crimination, and other persons exposed to
Heightened, prolonged, and historically based various forms of abuse and violence in their
stressors fall within the Societal/Professional lives (Lewis, Lewis, et al., 2011).
and Cultural Community Quadrants of the Neuroscientists have expanded our under-
integral theory presented in this textbook. standing of trauma from a Behavioral/Physical/
However, these stressors simultaneously Neurological Quadrant perspective. One of the
impact factors listed in the Individual Percep- most comprehensive descriptions of the neuro-
tions and Meaning Making Quadrant as well logical changes that occur when people experi-
as the Behavioral/Physical/Neurological Quad- ence trauma comes from the work of Jonsson
rant included in this comprehensive theory. (2009). Commenting on the neurological pro-
To be effective in their work with these cesses that are linked to traumatic experiences,
persons, practitioners need to accurately Jonsson points out that
assess the different ways that environmental
and historic stressors contribute to the trauma When a person experiences a traumatic situ-
many people experience. This includes being ation or ongoing forms of trauma, the amyg-
knowledgeable about the ways that inter- dala and hypothalamus activate fight, flight,
generational trauma may contribute to the or freeze responses to such events. When
psychological, behavioral, and neurological this occurs, these brain parts overcome the
problems many persons from various cultural/ normal functioning of the frontal lobe.
racial groups experience. The frontal lobe is the part of the brain
Duran (2006) writes extensively about the where our consciousness lives and rational
adverse psychological impact of this cultural thinking occurs as well as the location that
phenomenon. In doing so, he refers to inter- enables us to link new and old experiences
generational trauma as a soul wound. The and exhibit the capacity to react to situa-
integral-minded practitioner who under- tions calmly and with forethought. When a
stands the complex nature of the soul wound person is traumatized, the level of activation
and the significant ways that it contributes to in her or his amygdala and hypothalamus is
the psychological and spiritual problems high enough to interfere with the normal
many Native American Indians experience functioning of the frontal lobe. This set of
today is cognizant of how it affects several neurological events results in heightened
factors associated with all four of the quad- fight, flight, or freeze responses that are
rants that compose the integral theory dis- accompanied by extreme emotional reac-
cussed in this book. tions (e.g., heightened fear, anger, depres-
A soul wound adversely impacts the lives sion, apathy, etc.), which the traumatized
of many other people who are members of person is not fully conscious of as he or she
cultural groups that are subjected to various exhibits an increase of irrational thinking
forms of violence, injustice, and oppression. and a lack of ability to respond calmly and
This includes many persons of African intentionally to various life events. (p. 450)

Among the treatment strategies Jonsson areas will not only result in increased efficacy
(2009) found useful in reducing the activation in treating persons suffering from a broad
of the amygdala and hypothalamus while range of trauma-based disorders but will also
simultaneously increasing the activity of the increase the use of new empirically supported
frontal lobe to facilitate traumatic healing is interventions among persons in diverse cul-
the use of cognitive-behavioral techniques tural groups that are suffering from stress-
and eye movement desensitization and repro- induced problems (Individual Perceptions
cessing (EMDR) therapy. and Meaning Making Quadrant, Behavioral/
EMDR is a neurologically based therapy Physical/Neurological Quadrant, Cultural Com-
approach that was developed to resolve symp- munity Quadrant, and Societal/Professional
toms resulting from traumatic events and Quadrant considerations).
other disturbing and unresolved life experi- It is suggested that prevention services in
ences. Practitioners who utilize EMDR with general and social justice advocacy interven-
traumatized clients implement a structured tion strategies in particular are likely to be
format to address past, present, and future among the specific interventions that will be
aspects of the clients disturbing and trau- supported by future multicultural and neuro-
matic memories. This therapeutic model was scientific research findings (DAndrea &
developed by Francine Shapiro (1995, 2001) Foster Heckman, 2008). Among the social
to resolve trauma-related disorders resulting justice counseling and advocacy areas that
from a persons exposure to extremely dis- researchers are encouraged to study from a
tressing events, such as rape or negative expe- neurological perspective are future investi-
riences in military combat. gations that study why it is important that
Clinical trials have been conducted to our children
assess EMDRs efficacy in the treatment of
posttraumatic stress disorder. Research find- have enough nutritious food to eat,
ings revealed consistent positive outcomes have access to good schools in which to
when practitioners used EMDR in clinical set- learn,
tings. The accumulation of these positive receive consistent love and guidance
research findings has resulted in this theoreti- from their parents,
cal model being listed as an evidence-supported are able to live and play in safe com-
therapy (Societal/Professional Quadrant inter- munities, and
vention strategies; American Psychiatric Asso- are the direct beneficiaries of public
ciation, 2004; U.S. Department of Veteran policies that support holistic and inte-
Affairs and Department of Defense, 2004). gral approaches to healthy human devel-
Neuroscientists will predictably uncover opment from a neurological perspective.
additional biological factors that underlie the
onset of psychological trauma as well as new Stressors that are linked to the various
counseling and therapy interventions that are forms of racism, sexism, heterosexism, ageism,
effective in addressing this complex psycho- ableism, and other social injustices that con-
logical health problem. Advances in these tinue to be perpetuated in our society represent
Chapter 2 Neuroscience85

additional areas that beg for the attention of assessing your current level of interest, support,
neuroscientists and practitioners alike. In this and/or resistance to the neuroscience force
regard, it is noted that many practitioners have in the mental health professions. Another
become more knowledgeable of the damaging competency-building activity helps you assess
effects of cortisol (the stress-related steroid your ability to implement services that reflect
hormone that suppresses the immune system) a holistic, integral, and neurologically
and the implications of this neuroscientific grounded approach to counseling and psycho-
finding for counseling and therapy. therapy. This latter competency-building
Given the relevance and utility of the new activity also encourages you to consider ways
knowledge that has been generated from neu- that you can develop new knowledge and
rological research findings, it is predicted that skills to more effectively implement such ser-
research in the areas described above will vices in the future.
indeed expand in the future (DAndrea & The mental health professions will greatly
Foster Heckman, 2008). The new knowledge benefit as the neuroscience revolution contin-
that will be generated from such endeavors ues to expand to new and uncharted areas.
will undoubtedly help increase the efficacy of Future research findings generated in the
the work practitioners do in the field. It will subfield of cultural neuroscience will be par-
also be helpful in building a more just and ticularly helpful in advancing practitioners
healthier society in the process. understanding of the relevance of brain sci-
ence for the work they do in a culturally
diverse society.
**SUMMARY The next chapter will expand your under-
standing of the multidimensionality of multi-
This chapter invites you to explore numerous cultural counseling and therapy. Specific
issues related to the neuroscience revolution multicultural competencies and interventions
that is unfolding in the mental health profes- are described in Chapter 3. Learning about
sions. To increase your understanding of this these competencies and interventions will
important force, we present information that lead you to think in new ways about the
is aimed at expanding your knowledge of the important roles practitioners can play in mak-
roles that neurotransmitters and different ing a more positive impact on the psychologi-
brain systems play in human development. To cal and neurological well-being of larger
further expand your knowledge base in these numbers of persons from diverse and margin-
areas, we describe the types of counseling and alized groups than has been accomplished in
therapy skills, interventions, and theories that the past.
researchers have described as being effective
in stimulating the optimal production and
Learning From the DVD That
release of neurotransmitters in various brain
Accompanies This Textbook
One of the competency-building activi- The Chapter 2 video clip that is included on
ties included in this chapter assists you in the DVD that accompanies this textbook

provides an overview of some of the key the video and podcast represent additional
points related to the neuroscience revolution resources that are designed to assist you in
that is emerging in the mental health profes- synthesizing the new knowledge you have
sions. You can also access a podcast that sum- acquired as a result of reading Chapter 2 and
marizes information presented in Chapter 2 completing the competency-building activi-
by going to Both ties included in this chapter.

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