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Student Teacher Observation

The purpose of this form is to provide feedback to the student teacher and to :ag any areas of
signi<cant concern.

* Required

Student Teacher *

Amber Wilkins

Observer *

Charles W. Goolsby

School *

Abingdon High School

Cooperating Teacher, Subject, and Grade Level(s) *

Ms. Anderson, Art 2, mixed grades, 23 students present

Date of Observation *

December 1, 2017

Email Address *
Put your email, because the data entered on this form will be sent to this address, and then you can
forward to student teacher at your discretion

What is observed in the lesson plan?

Select all that apply

Clear objectives

Reference to SOLs

Review of prior learning

Organized content

Assignments and activities related to objectives

Key questions to guide learning

Means to differentiate activities

Clear relationship to unit plan

The observer has a signi<cant concern with planning (see below)


I. Comments, suggestions, and/or any areas of signi<cant

Evaluation methods need to be more clearly explained. Lesson plan format is

What is observed with the questioning technique?

Select all that apply

Questions relate to learning objectives

Questions facilitate higher order thinking

Questions help students make connections to current life

Students are selected effectively

Students pose their own questions to the teacher and each other

The observer has a signi<cant concern with questioning (see below)


II. Comments, suggestions, and/or any areas of signi<cant

Work on making the questions directed so that students engage. Individual
table conversations appear to go well.

What is observed with classroom management and

Select all that apply

Learning time maximized

Awareness of student behaviors

Redirection of misbehavior

The observer has a signi<cant concern with classroom management (see



III. Comments, suggestions, and/or any areas of signi<cant

Classroom management is good. Consider reducing the subject selection
portion of this lesson to a shorter period of time. This would allow you more
time to give a more in-depth demonstration.

What is observed with teacher-student interactions?

Select all that apply

Clear expectations communicated

Flexible and reciprocal

Positive and respectful

Responsive to academic, social, and emotional cues

The observer has a signi<cant concern with rapport (see below)


IV. Comments, suggestions, and/or any areas of signi<cant

Teacher-Student Rapport works well.

Which of the following characterize the student teacher's

command of language?
Select all that apply

Clearly communicates directions

Clearly communicates content

Models standard American English

The observer has a signi<cant concern with command of language (see



V. Comments, suggestions, and/or any areas of signi<cant

Your answer

Which of the following characterize the student teacher's

command of the subject?
Select all that apply

The unit and lesson plan demonstrates wide-ranging grasp of subject

The questions posed demonstrate content knowledge

Explanations of concepts demonstrate content knowledge

The observer has a signi<cant concern with command of subject (see



VI. Comments, suggestions, and/or any areas of signi<cant

Good job on this front. You can use your knowledge to help students pronounce
their artists names better.

Which of the following is observed with the instructional format?

Select all that apply

Teacher uses a variety of modalities, strategies, and materials

Provides appropriate scaffolding

Builds on student responses

Students actively engaged

Talk is distributed between teacher and students

Provides opportunity for practice of procedures and skills

Ends lesson by reviewing lesson's learning objectives/goals

The observer has a signi<cant concern with instructional format (see



VII. Comments, suggestions, and/or any areas of signi<cant

This lesson has a good art history/contemporary artist component.

VIII. Other comments, suggestions, and/or areas of signi<cant

concern (Including professionalism and appearance)
You have made some signi<cant improvements in your classroom presence
and con<dence since you <rst started. You overall had a strong student teacher


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