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John W. Santrock
University of Texas at Dallas

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Published by McGraw-Hill, a business unit of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 1221 Avenue of the
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Santrock, John W.
Psychology / John W. Santrock.Updated 7th ed.
p. cm.
Includes bibliogical references and indexes.
ISBN 0-07-293776-9 (alk. paper)
1. PsychologyTextbooks. I. Title.
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Find Balance!
Balance scientific research with real-world applications.

Is Psychology Value-Free?
Critical Controversy

Do you agree or disagree with the following statements? example, a psychologist interviewed by Ted Koppel on Nightline
may have certain values concerning governments responsibility
AGREE DISAGREE in caring for the homeless, parents responsibility in an adoles-

1. Human beings are basically good.

2. By changing the environment,
you can change peoples behavior.
cents use of cocaine, and the responsibility of an individual with
a psychological disorder who has committed mass murder.
Psychotherapists whom people consult about problems
may have certain personal values concerning self-esteem, mar-
3. Intelligence is the most important
riage, sexual conduct, and other topics that influence the advice

Critical Controversy boxes in each chapter highlight cur-

human trait.
they give. For example, one psychotherapist might perceive a
4. People are too concerned about
clients sexual behavior as sick, whereas another might think
of it as an adaptive sexual variation.

rent debates in psychology and pose thought-provoking

5. Physical attraction is important
Psychology professors have certain values about gender,
in choosing a mate.
moral behavior, religion, child rearing, and how to get ahead in
6. Women are becoming too
life that might influence what they communicate in their lec-
7. Divorce is wrong.
8. Religion is not an appropriate
tures and how they respond to students questions. For exam-
ple, one professor might perceive that a females assertive
behavior is too aggressive, whereas another might think of the
questions to encourage students to examine the
area of study for psychologists.
9. Money can bring happiness.
10. It is okay to cheat if you dont
behavior as competent.
But wait a minute. Isnt psychology supposed to be an ob-
jective science? As a science, psychology is dedicated to discov-
evidence on both sides of an issue.
get caught.
ering facts about behavior and creating theories to explain
those facts. In this description, there is no mention of values.
The way you responded to these items provides insight into
The scientific approach requires only that psychology discover
your values. If you decide to become a psychologist, might your
the most dependable facts and generate the best theories possi-
views on these topics, as well as others, influence the area you
ble (Kimble, 1989). In the pure world of science, there is no
choose to research? Might psychologists values influence how
place for values. Some critics, though, question whether a view
they respond in a media interview? Might clinical psycholo-
of science as value-free is realistic (Seligman, Olson, & Zanna,
gists values affect the advice they give to clients? Might psy-
1996). They argue thatalthough psychologists often strive to
Average reaction time (seconds)

chology professors values influence the topics they choose to

discuss in class and how they respond to students questions?
In some cases, researchers values might influence their
reduce the role of values as they2.0seek to discover facts about
behaviorin the court of life, which is psychologys setting,
Clearly labeled graphs and explanatory captions help
values and psychology are sometimes difficult to disentangle.
choice of research questions. A divorced woman might decide
to study the inadequate involvement and support of noncusto-
dial fathers in their childrens lives rather than the increased
What do you think? 1.5 students become familiar with visual data presentation.
role of fathers in caring for children because of her soured rela- Is psychology value-free? Explain.
tionship with her ex-husband. An Asian American might How might the culture in which psychologists grow
choose to study the importance of conformity to a groups goals 1.0
up influence their values, and how might those val-
rather than an individuals unique contributions to a project ues in turn affect their choice of research topics and
because he or she believes that getting along with others in a the advice they give to clients in psychotherapy?
group is more important than an individuals achievement. Are religious values appropriate study material for
When psychologists are called on as experts, they may make psychologists? How might 0.5psychologists study reli-
statements and recommendations that are laden with values. For gious values?

Expanded and updated coverage of neuroscience and

20 30 40 50 60 70 80 evolutionary psychology reflects psychology's increasing
Age (years)
emphasis on the biological bases of behavior.
Cell body


Direction of New coverage of gender and cross-cultural research,

Nucleus nerve impulse
as well as positive psychology and evolutionary
psychology, is indexed inside the back cover of the
Axon book.

Myelin sheath
surrounding the axon

Sending Neuron Receiving Neuron

Dealing with Conflict Applications


Psychology and Life


Think about the following situations one at a time. Check which response is most


typical of the way you would behave in that situation.

You are being kept on the phone by a salesperson trying to sell you something
you dont want.
In each chapter of the text, a Psychology and Life feature invites
You want to break off a relationship that is no longer working for you.
You are sitting in a movie and the people behind you are talking.
students to apply what they've learned to daily life.
Your doctor keeps you waiting more than 20 minutes.
You are standing in line and someone moves in front of you.
Your friend has owed you money for a long time and it is money you could use.
You receive food at a restaurant that is over- or undercooked.
You want to ask a major favor of your friend, romantic partner, or roommate.
Your friends ask you to do something that you dont feel like doing. Psychologys Careers and Areas of Specialization 23
You are in a large lecture hall. The instructor is speaking too softly and you know
other students are having trouble hearing what is being said.
You want to start a conversation at a gathering, but you dont know anyone there.
You are sitting next to someone who is smoking, and the smoke bothers you.
You are talking to someone about something that is important to you, but he or she
doesnt seem to be listening.
You are speaking and someone interrupts you. Descriptions and photos of
You receive an unjust criticism from someone.

In most circumstances, being assertive is the best strategy. However, there may
be some situations in which a different style of interaction is needed. Look at each sit-
psychologists at work illustrate
applications of psychology in
uation again and determine if the assertive style is always the best strategy and
whether there is any circumstance in which one of the other styles might work best.

various settings plus different

career options for psychology
Patrick McCarthy is an I/O psychologist who Environmental psychologist Roberta Feldman in
studies many aspects of organizations, including one of the positive environments she designed.
organizational change, motivation and work at- What are some of the interests of environmental
titudes, and work/family balance. psychologists?

monitoring what they have read for meaning and periodically summarizing what they
have read (Pressley, 2000, 2003).

Industrial and Organizational Psychology Industrial and organizational psy-

chology (I/O psychology) centers on the workplace, both on the workers and on
the organizations that employ them. I/O psychology is often partitioned into indus-
trial psychology and organizational psychology. Industrial psychology involves per-
sonnel and human resource management. Industrial psychology is increasingly
referred to as personnel psychology. Organizational psychology examines the social
and group influences of the organization (Goldstein & Ford, 2002; Muchinsky,
Patrick McCarthy is an I/O psychologist at Middle Tennessee State University. In
addition to teaching undergraduate and graduate courses, he is a consultant to a
number of companies, such as Procter & Gamble and the U.S. Department of Defense.
l d h i i li ( h f )
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Stay Focused and Learn!

Students need help finding the key ideas in introductory psychology. Santrock's
unique learning system keeps students focused on these ideas so they learn
and remember fundamental psychological concepts.

Chapter Outline and Learning Goals

Chapter Outline Learning Goals
Learning Goals are linked directly to the primary section headings
TYPES OF LEARNING 1 Explain what learning is.
in the text and supplementary resources to underscore key ideas.
CLASSICAL CONDITIONING 2 Describe classical conditioning.

Pavlovs Studies

Classical Conditioning in Humans


Definition of Operant Conditioning

3 Discuss operant conditioning.
Section Maps and Chapter
Summary Map
Thorndikes Law of Effect

Skinners Approach to Operant Conditioning
Reach Your Learning Goals

Principles of Reinforcement


Applications of Operant Conditioning Primary and secondary headings presented graphically provide
OBSERVATIONAL LEARNING 4 Understand observational



Know about the role of cognition

a quick visual overview of the important topics covered in the
in learning.

Purposive Behavior

Pavlovs Studies Classical Conditioning in
Humans Insight Learning

BIOLOGICAL AND CULTURAL FACTORS IN LEARNING 6 Identify biological and cultural

factors in learning.
Biological Constraints

Cultural Constraints

Definition of Operant
Skinners Approach To
Operant Conditioning
Principles of
Learning Goal
Learning Thorndikes Law
of Effect
Shaping Applications of Operant

At the beginning of each primary section, that section's learning

270 Chapter 7 Learning
4 OBSERVATIONAL LEARNING goal reappears in the form of a question.
Review and Sharpen Your Thinking
1 Explain what learning is.
Define learning and distinguish between observational and associative

How do you learn? Think of a behavior you engage in and describe how you

Purposive Behavior Insight Learning

1 Explain what learning is.
Learning is a relatively permanent change in behavior
the behavior of the organism as operant: The behavior
operates on the environment, and the environment in
that occurs through experience. Observational learning turn operates on the organism. Whereas classical condi-
Pavlovs Studies Classical Conditioning is learning by watching what other people do. In associa- tioning involves respondent behavior, operant condi-
in Humans tive learning, a connection is made between two events. tioning involves operant behavior. In most instances,
Conditioning is the process by which associative learning operant conditioning is better at explaining voluntary
6 BIOLOGICAL AND CULTURAL FACTORS IN LEARNING behavior than classical conditioning is.
occurs. In classical conditioning, organisms learn the as-
What is classical conditioning? Thorndikes law of effect states that behaviors followed
sociation between two stimuli and, in operant condition-
Biological Constraints Cultural Constraints It is a nice spring day. A father takes his baby out for a walk. The baby reaches over by positive outcomes are strengthened, whereas behav-
ing, they learn the association between behavior and a
to touch a pink flower and is stung by the bumblebee sitting on the petals. The next iors followed by negative outcomes are weakened.
day, the babys mother brings home some pink flowers. She removes a flower from Thorndikes view that the organisms behavior is due to
the arrangement and takes it over for her baby to smell. The baby cries loudly as
soon as she sees the pink flower. The babys panic at the sight of the pink flower Classical conditioning occurs when a neutral stimulus
2 Describe classical conditioning. a connection between a stimulus and a response is called
S-R theory.
300 illustrates the learning process of classical conditioning, in which a neutral stimu- Skinner believed that the mechanisms of learning are
lus (the flower) becomes associated with a meaningful stimulus (the pain of a bee becomes associated with a meaningful stimulus and
the same for all species. This led him to study lower ani-
sting) and acquires the capacity to elicit a similar response (fear). comes to elicit a similar response. Pavlov discovered that
mals extensively in the hope that the basic mechanisms
an organism learns the association between an uncondi-
of learning could be more easily understood in organ-
tioned stimulus (UCS) and a conditioned stimulus (CS).
isms simpler than humans. Like Skinner, contemporary
Pavlovs Studies The UCS automatically produces the unconditioned re-
behaviorists study organisms under precisely controlled
In the early 1900s, the Russian physiologist Ivan Pavlov was interested in the way the sponse (UCR). After conditioning (CS-UCS pairing), the
conditions so that the connection between the operant
body digests food. In his experiments, he routinely placed meat powder in a dogs mouth, CS elicits the conditioned response (CR) by itself. Acqui-
behavior and the specific consequences can be examined
causing the dog to salivate. Pavlov noticed that the meat powder was not the only stim- sition in classical conditioning is the initial linking of
in minute detail.
ulus that caused the dog to salivate. The dog salivated in response to a number of stim- stimuli and responses, which involves a neutral stimulus
Shaping is the process of rewarding approximations of
uli associated with the food, such as the sight of the food dish, the sight of the individual being associated with the UCS so that the CS comes to
desired behavior in order to shorten the learning process.
who brought the food into the room, and the sound of the door closing when the food elicit the CR. Two important aspects of acquisition are
Principles of reinforcement include the distinction be-
arrived. Pavlov recognized that the dogs association of these sights and sounds with the contiguity and contingency/predictability. Generaliza-
tween positive reinforcement (the frequency of a behavior
food was an important type of learning, which came to be called classical conditioning. tion in classical conditioning is the tendency of a new
increases because it is followed by a rewarding stimulus)
stimulus that is similar to the original conditioned stim-
and negative reinforcement (the frequency of behavior
ulus to elicit a response that is similar to the conditioned
increases because it is followed by the removal of an
Pavlov (the white-bearded gentleman in response. Discrimination in classical conditioning is the
aversive, or unpleasant, stimulus). Positive reinforcement
the center) is shown demonstrating the process of learning to respond to certain stimuli and not
nature of classical conditioning to stu- can be classified as primary reinforcement (using rein-
to others. Extinction in classical conditioning is the
dents at the Military Medical Academy in forcers that are innately satisfying) and secondary rein-
weakening of the CR in the absence of the UCS. Sponta-
Russia. forcement (using reinforcers that acquire positive value
neous recovery is the recurrence of a CR after a time de-
through experience). Reinforcement can also be contin-
lay without further conditioning.
uous (a behavior is reinforced every time) or partial (a
In humans, classical conditioning has been applied to ex-
behavior is reinforced only a portion of the time). Sched-
plaining and eliminating fears. Counterconditioning, a
ules of reinforcementfixed-ratio, variable-ratio, fixed-
classical conditioning procedure for weakening the CR
interval, and variable-intervalare timetables that
by associating the fear-provoking stimulus with a new
determine when a behavior will be reinforced. Operant
response that is incompatible with the fear, has been suc-
conditioning involves generalization (giving the same re-
cessful in eliminating fears. Classical conditioning also
sponse to similar stimuli), discrimination (responding to
classical conditioning Learning by Apply Your Knowledge can explain pleasant emotions. Some of the behaviors
stimuli that signal that a behavior will or will not be re-
which a neutral stimulus becomes asso-
1. One common association that people have is called a condi- we you
3. Think of all of the things associate
have with health
learned problems
in the and mental disorders,
past several
ciated with a meaningful stimulus and inforced), and extinction (a decreasing tendency to
acquires the capacity to elicit a similar tioned taste aversion, which occurs when you eat or drink days. Write down an including certain aspects
example involving each ofofthe
drug use and immune sys-
follow- perform a previously reinforced behavior when rein-
response. something and then get sick. A conditioned taste aversion is ing types of learning:tem functioning,
classical can involve
conditioning, classical
operant condi-conditioning. Clas- forcement is stopped). Punishment is a consequence that
most likely to occur when the food or drink is something tioning, observationalsical conditioning
learning, also hasand
latent learning, been applied to consumer
insight decreases the likelihood a behavior will occur. Punish-
that is relatively unfamiliar. Suppose that you have acquired learning. Which kind behavior.
of learning do you use most fre- ment, through which a behavior is weakened, is differ-

a conditioned taste aversion to tequila. Identify what the un- quently? Which seems to be the least common for you? Are ent from negative reinforcement, through which a
conditioned stimulus, unconditioned response, conditioned 3 Discuss
there types of learning youveoperant conditioning.
done that dont seem to fit behavior is strengthened. In positive punishment, a
stimulus, and conditioned response are in this example. Operant
any category? If so, conditioning
what aspects of thoseis types
a formexclude
of learning in which the behavior decreases when it is followed by an unpleasant
2. Positive and negative reinforcement are often difficult con- consequences of behavior produce changes in the proba-
them from these categories? stimulus. In negative punishment, a behavior decreases
cepts to understand. On the following website, examples bility of the behaviors occurrence. B. F. Skinner described when a positive stimulus is removed from it. Time-out is
and a practice exercise may help you figure out the distinc-
tion more easily:
mhhe com/

Reach Your Learning Goals

Connections santrockp7u In-Psych Plus

For extra help in mastering the material in this chapter, see the Guide, the In-Psych Plus CD-ROM, and the Online Learning
review sections and practice quizzes in the Student Study Center.

The chapter summary restates the Learning Goals and provides

a bulleted review that matches up in a one-to-one fashion with 276 Chapter 7 Learning

Classical conditioning also can be involved in immune system functioning, which

the bulleted review statements in the section reviews. is important for producing antibodies to ward off disease and illness, such as AIDS
and the flu. Robert Ader and Nicholas Cohen (Ader, 2000; Ader & Cohen, 1975,
2000) have conducted a number of studies that reveal that classical conditioning can
produce immunosuppression (a decrease in the production of antibodies). The initial
discovery of this link between classical conditioning and immunosuppression came
as a surprise. In the course of studying Pavlovian conditioning, Ader (1974) was
examining how long a conditioned response would last in some laboratory rats. A
conditioned stimulus (saccharin solution) was paired with an unconditioned stimu-
lus, a drug called Cytoxan, which induces nausea. Afterward, while giving the rats

saccharin-laced water without the accompanying Cytoxan, Ader watched to see how
long it would take the rats to forget the association between the two.
Unexpectedly, in the second month of the study, the rats developed a disease and
began to die off. In analyzing the unforeseen result, Ader checked out the properties
of the nausea-inducing drug he had used. He discovered that one of its side effects
was immunosuppression. Thus it turned out that the rats had been classically condi-
tioned to associate sweet water not only with nausea but also with the shutdown of

References to review quizzes, crossword puzzles, and addi- the immune system. The sweet water apparently had become a CS for immunosup-
pression. Researchers have found that conditioned immune responses also may occur
in humans (Ader, 2000; Voudouris, Peck, & Coleman, 1985).

tional resources remind students of the text-specific materi- 303

Applying Classical Conditioning: Consumer Psychology Consumer psychology is
the study of how consumers think, feel, reason, and select between different alter-
natives, such as brands and products. Many contemporary advertisers use classical
conditioning in some way (Perner, 2001). Consider this sequence:

als available for content review and enrichment. Beautiful woman (UCS) emotional arousal (UCR) in males
Beautiful woman (UCS) paired with an automobile (not yet a CS) many times
Automobile (CS) emotional arousal (CR)
Recent research has shown that, if the conditioned stimulus is encountered out-
side of ads, it doesnt predict the UCS (Bettman, 2001). Thus classical conditioning
may work best for infrequently encountered products and cases in which the UCS is
associated with only one brand. Also, classical conditioning usually works best when
the CS precedes the UCS in ads.

Review and Sharpen Your Thinking

Not all commercials involve classical conditioning. Some just give information
about the product. The next time you watch TV, observe which ads rely on classical
conditioning. To review the elements of classical conditioning and its applications to
In-Psych Plus human learning, go to the interactivity Classical Conditioning 2.

Review and Sharpen Your Thinking

Learning Goals frame the section reviews, which end with 2 Describe classical conditioning.
Summarize the classical conditioning process. Include in your description the
following terms: unconditioned stimulus (UCS), conditioned stimulus (CS),

an exercise designed to hone critical thinking skills.

unconditioned response (UCR), and conditioned response (CR), as well
as acquisition, generalization, discrimination, and extinction/spontaneous
Discuss the role of classical conditioning in human phobias and specify other
types of behavior that involve classical conditioning.

Think about an attachment that you or someone you know has for a certain object
or environment. Explain how classical conditioning might account for the pleasant
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Make Connections and Succeed!

Supplementary print and media resources include a variety of review and
assessment tools that carry through the text's emphasis on key ideas,
reinforcing learning and enhancing student success.

Online Learning Center
Student Resources Chapter outlines and practice quizzes are keyed
to the text Learning Goals. The student section of the website also
contains flashcards, interactive review exercises, and access, via Pow-
erWeb, to current news about psychology, research tools, and many
other valuable study tools.
Instructor Resources Teaching resources on this password-
protected site include the Instructor's Course Planner, Image Bank,
PowerPoint files, and Web links to additional resources.

Student Study Guide

A guided review of the chapter is organized by text section and
Learning Goals, as are the three practice tests provided for each
chapter. As in the text, Connections direct students to other
text-correlated resources for additional help in mastering key
ideas and concepts.

Instructors Course Planner

The same Learning Goals that reinforce the key ideas in the
text and Study Guide frame the teaching suggestions in this
valuable manual. Chapter overviews, lecture/discussion sugges-
tions, and goal reinforcement activities are a few of the
resources provided in the Instructor's Course Planner.

New! In-Psych Plus CD-ROM

In-Psych Plus features video clips and interactivities that are ref-
erenced within the main text. The video clips, chosen for inter-
est and relevance, expand on significant concepts and theories
discussed in the text and are accompanied by summaries and
quizzes. The CD-ROMs also include practice self-tests with feed-
back and a learning styles assessment, as well as other valuable
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With special appreciation to my wife, Mary Jo

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About the Author

J O H N W. S A N T R O C K received his Ph.D. from the

University of Minnesota in 1973. He taught at the Univer-

sity of Charleston and the University of Georgia before
joining the psychology department at the University of
Texas at Dallas. He has been a member of the editorial
board of Developmental Psychology. His research on father
custody is widely cited and used in expert witness
testimony to promote flexibility and alternative considera-
tions in custody disputes. John has also authored these
exceptional McGraw-Hill texts: Child Development, tenth
edition, Life-Span Development, ninth edition, Children,
eighth edition, Adolescence, tenth edition, and Educational
Psychology, second edition.
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Brief Contents

C HAPTE R 1 What Is Psychology? 2

C HAPTE R 2 Psychologys Scientific Methods 38

C HAPTE R 3 Biological Foundations of Behavior 76

CHAPTER 4 Human Development 116

CHAPTER 5 Sensation and Perception 174

C HAPTE R 6 States of Consciousness 226

CHAPTER 7 Learning 266

CHAPTER 8 Memory 304

CHAPTER 9 Thinking and Language 348

C HAPTE R 10 Intelligence 386

CHAPTER 11 Motivation and Emotion 422

CHAPTER 12 Personality 474

CHAPTER 13 Psychological Disorders 516

CHAPTER 14 Therapies 560

CHAPTER 15 Stress, Coping, and Health 600

CHAPTER 16 Social Psychology 644

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Preface xvii

C H A P T E R 1 What Is Psychology? 2

Exploring Psychology 4 Psychologys Careers and Areas of Specialization 18

Studying the Mind and Behavior 5 Careers in Psychology 19
A Quest for Answers to Ancient Questions 6 Areas of Specialization in Psychology 20
Early Scientific Approaches to Psychology 8 PSYCHOLOGY AND LIFE: Is Psychology in Your Future? 25
Contemporary Approaches to Psychology 9 How to Get the Most Out of Psychology 26
The Behavioral Approach 10 Good Study Habits 26
The Psychodynamic Approach 11 Thinking Critically 29
The Cognitive Approach 12 The Books Learning Tools 32
The Behavioral Neuroscience Approach 12 Reach Your Learning Goals 34
The Evolutionary Psychology Approach 13 Key Terms 36
The Sociocultural Approach 15 Apply Your Knowledge 36
CRITICAL CONTROVERSY: Can Humans Really Be Altruistic? 16 Connections 36
A Positive Approach to Psychology 17
The Humanistic Movement 17
The Positive Psychology Movement 17

C H A P T E R 2 Psychologys Scientific Methods 38

Exploring Psychology as a Science 40 Facing Up to Research Challenges 62

A Scientific Approach 40 Conducting Ethical Research 63
Collaboration 42 Minimizing Bias 65
The Scientific Method 42 CRITICAL CONTROVERSY: Is Psychology Value-Free? 66
Types of Research 47 Being a Wise Consumer of Information About Psychology 68
Descriptive Research 47 Reach Your Learning Goals 72
PSYCHOLOGY AND LIFE: Writing Might Improve Your Health 48 Key Terms 74
Correlational Research 53 Apply Your Knowledge 74
Experimental Research 56 Connections 74

Analyzing and Interpreting Data 59

Descriptive Statistics 59
Inferential Statistics 61

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xii Contents

C H A P T E R 3 Biological Foundations of Behavior 76

The Nervous System 78 The Endocrine System 102

Characteristics 79 Brain Damage, Plasticity, and Repair 104
Pathways in the Nervous System 80 The Brains Plasticity and Capacity for Repair 104
Divisions of the Nervous System 80 Brain Tissue Implants 104
Neurons 82 Genetic and Evolutionary Blueprints of Behavior 105
Specialized Cell Structure 82 Chromosomes, Genes, and DNA 106
The Neural Impulse 83 The Study of Genetics 106
Synapses and Neurotransmitters 85 PSYCHOLOGY AND LIFE: The Human Genome Project and Your
Neural Networks 88 Genetic Future 107
Structures of the Brain and Their Functions 89 Genetics and Evolution 110
How the Brain and Nervous System Are Studied 89 Reach Your Learning Goals 112
Levels of Organization in the Brain 91 Key Terms 114
The Cerebral Cortex 95 Apply Your Knowledge 115
The Cerebral Hemispheres and Split-Brain Research 98 Connections 115
Integration of Function in the Brain 100
CRITICAL CONTROVERSY: Are There His and Her Brains? 101

C H A P T E R 4 Human Development 116

Exploring Human Development 119 Physical Development in Adolescence 151

What Is Development? 119 Cognitive Development in Adolescence 152
Do Early Experiences Rule Us for Life? 120 Socioemotional Development in Adolescence 153
How Do Nature and Nurture Influence Development? 121 PSYCHOLOGY AND LIFE: Developing a Positive Identity 155
Child Development 123 At-Risk Youth 155
Prenatal Development 123 Adult Development and Aging 156
Physical Development in Childhood 125 Physical Development in Adulthood 156
Cognitive Development in Childhood 128 Cognitive Development in Adulthood 161
Socioemotional Development in Childhood 134 Socioemotional Development in Adulthood 164
CRITICAL CONTROVERSY: Parents Bring Up Their Children, Positive Psychology and Aging 169
Dont They? 141 Reach Your Learning Goals 170
Positive Psychology and Childrens Development 148 Key Terms 172
Adolescence 149 Apply Your Knowledge 173
Positive Psychology and Adolescents 150 Connections 173

C H A P T E R 5 Sensation and Perception 174

How We Sense and Perceive the World 176 Theories of Hearing 207
Detecting, Processing, and Interpreting Experiences 176 Auditory Processing in the Brain 208
Sensory Receptors and the Brain 178 Localizing Sound 208
Thresholds 180 Noise Pollution 209
Signal Detection Theory 183 PSYCHOLOGY AND LIFE: Love Your Ears 210
Perceiving Sensory Stimuli 184 Other Senses 211
Sensory Adaptation 186 The Skin Senses 212
The Visual System 187 CRITICAL CONTROVERSY: Should We Believe the Claims
The Visual Stimulus and the Eye 187 of Psychics? 213
Visual Processing in the Brain 191 The Chemical Senses 216
Color Vision 194 The Kinesthetic and Vestibular Senses 219
Perceiving Shape, Depth, Motion, and Constancy 196 Perception and Human Factors Psychology 220
Illusions 202 Reach Your Learning Goals 222
The Auditory System 204 Key Terms 225
The Nature of Sound and How We Experience It 204 Apply Your Knowledge 225
Structures and Functions of the Ear 205 Connections 225
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Contents xiii

C H A P T E R 6 States of Consciousness 226

The Nature of Consciousness 228 Applications of Hypnosis 248

Levels of Awareness 229 Psychoactive Drugs 249
Consciousness and the Brain 232 CRITICAL CONTROVERSY: Is Hypnosis a Window to Forgotten
Sleep and Dreams 232 Events? 250
Biological Rhythms and Sleep 232 Uses of Psychoactive Drugs 251
Why Do We Need Sleep? 235 Types of Psychoactive Drugs 252
Sleep Stages 238 Addiction 261
Sleep and Disease 241 Reach Your Learning Goals 262
Sleep Disorders 241 Key Terms 264
PSYCHOLOGY AND LIFE: Do You Get Enough Sleep? 242 Apply Your Knowledge 264
Dreams 243 Connections 265
Hypnosis 246
The Nature of Hypnosis 247
Explaining Hypnosis 248

C H A P T E R 7 Learning 266

Types of Learning 268 Observational Learning 291

Classical Conditioning 270 Cognitive Factors in Learning 292
Pavlovs Studies 270 PSYCHOLOGY AND LIFE: Models and Mentors in My Life 293
Classical Conditioning in Humans 274 Purposive Behavior 293
Operant Conditioning 277 Insight Learning 295
Definition of Operant Conditioning 277 Biological and Cultural Factors in Learning 296
Thorndikes Law of Effect 277 Biological Constraints 296
Skinners Approach to Operant Conditioning 278 Cultural Constraints 298
Shaping 279 Reach Your Learning Goals 300
Principles of Reinforcement 280 Key Terms 302
CRITICAL CONTROVERSY: Will Sparing the Rod Spoil Apply Your Knowledge 303
the Child? 287 Connections 303
Applications of Operant Conditioning 288

C H A P T E R 8 Memory 304

The Nature of Memory 306 CRITICAL CONTROVERSY: Recovered Memories or False

Memory Encoding 308 Memories? 332
Attention 308 Eyewitness Testimony 333
Levels of Processing 308 Forgetting 336
Elaboration 309 Encoding Failure 336
Imagery 310 Retrieval Failure 337
Memory Storage 311 Memory and Study Strategies 339
Sensory Memory 312 Encoding Strategies 340
Short-Term Memory 313 Storage Strategies 342
Long-Term Memory 315 Retrieval Strategies 342
Memory Retrieval 326 PSYCHOLOGY AND LIFE: Memory and Study Strategies 343
Serial Position Effect 327 Reach Your Learning Goals 344
Retrieval Cues and the Retrieval Task 327 Key Terms 346
Retrieval of Autobiographical Memories 330 Apply Your Knowledge 347
Retrieval of Emotional Memories 330 Connections 347
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xiv Contents

C H A P T E R 9 Thinking and Language 348

The Cognitive Revolution in Psychology 351 Language and Thought 368

Concept Formation 353 The Structure of Language 368
Functions of Concepts 353 The Link Between Language and Cognition 369
Structure of Concepts 355 Animal Language 371

Problem Solving 356 Language Acquisition and Development 373

Steps in Problem Solving 356 Biological Influences 373
Obstacles to Solving Problems 358 Environmental Influences 374
Expertise 360 Early Development of Language 375
Language and Education 378
Critical Thinking, Reasoning, and Decision Making 361
CRITICAL CONTROVERSY: Is Bilingual Education a Good Thing? 379
Critical Thinking 362
Reach Your Learning Goals 382
Reasoning 363
Key Terms 384
PSYCHOLOGY AND LIFE: Sharpening the Saw 364
Apply Your Knowledge 385
Decision Making 365
Connections 385

CHAPTER 10 Intelligence 386

The Nature of Intelligence 388 Evaluating the Multiple-Intelligences Approach 403

Intelligence Testing 389 CRITICAL CONTROVERSY: Do People Have a General
Approaches to Testing 389 Intelligence? 404
Criteria of a Good Test of Intelligence 393 The Extremes of Intelligence and Creativity 405
Cultural Bias in Testing 395 Mental Retardation 405
The Use and Misuse of Intelligence Tests 396 Giftedness 406
Neuroscience and Intelligence 397 Creativity 408
Head and Brain Size 398 PSYCHOLOGY AND LIFE: How Creative Is Your Thinking? 411
Information Processing Speed 398 The Influence of Heredity and Environment 412
Electrical Activity in the Brain 398 Genetic Influences 412
Energy Consumption in the Brain 399 Environmental Influences 413
Theories of Multiple Intelligences 399 Group Influences 415
Factor Analysis, Two-Factor Theory, and Multiple-Factor Reach Your Learning Goals 418
Theory 400 Key Terms 421
Gardners Theory of Eight Intelligences 400 Apply Your Knowledge 421
Sternbergs Triarchic Theory 402 Connections 421
Emotional Intelligence 403

C HAPTE R 11 Motivation and Emotion 422

Approaches to Motivation 425 Dieting 436
The Evolutionary Approach 425 Eating Disorders 437
Drive Reduction Theory 425 Sexuality 438
Optimum Arousal Theory 426 The Biology of Sex 439
The Cognitive Approach 427 Cognitive and Sensory/Perceptual Factors 440
CRITICAL CONTROVERSY: Does Extrinsic Motivation Undermine Cultural Factors 441
Intrinsic Motivation? 429 Psychosexual Dysfunctions 442
Maslows Hierarchy of Human Needs 430 Sexual Behavior and Orientation 443
Issues in Motivation 431
Social Cognitive Motives 447
Hunger 431 Achievement 447
The Biology of Hunger 431 PSYCHOLOGY AND LIFE: How Goal-Directed Are You? 449
Obesity and Eating Behavior 434
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Contents xv

Affiliation 453 Sociocultural Factors 462

Well-Being 454 Classifying Emotions 465
Emotion 455 Reach Your Learning Goals 470
The Biology of Emotion 456 Key Terms 473
Cognitive Factors 460 Apply Your Knowledge 473
Behavioral Factors 462 Connections 473

CHAPTER 12 Personality 474

Theories of Personality 477 The Big Five Personality Factors 498

Psychodynamic Perspectives 478 PSYCHOLOGY AND LIFE: Are You Extraverted or Introverted? 498
Freuds Psychoanalytic Theory 478 Trait-Situation Interaction 499
Psychodynamic Dissenters and Revisionists 482 Evaluating Trait Perspectives 500
Evaluating the Psychodynamic Perspectives 484 Personality Assessment 501
Behavioral and Social Cognitive Perspectives 485 Projective Tests 501
Skinners Behaviorism 486 Self-Report Tests 504
Banduras Social Cognitive Theory 486 CRITICAL CONTROVERSY: Who Is Projecting What? 505
Evaluating Behavioral and Social Cognitive Perspectives 490 Behavioral and Cognitive Assessment 508
Assessment in the Selection of Employees 510
Humanistic Perspectives 490
Reach Your Learning Goals 512
Rogers Approach 491
Key Terms 515
Maslows Approach 492
Apply Your Knowledge 515
Self-Esteem 493
Connections 515
Evaluating Humanistic Perspectives 495
Trait Perspectives 496
Trait Theories 496

CHAPTER 13 Psychological Disorders 516

Understanding Psychological Disorders 518 PSYCHOLOGY AND LIFE: Are You Depressed? 539
Defining Abnormal Behavior 518 Bipolar Disorder 539
Theoretical Approaches to Psychological Disorders 520 Causes of Mood Disorders 540
Classifying Abnormal Behavior 522 Suicide 546
CRITICAL CONTROVERSY: Are Psychological Disorders a Myth? 526 Schizophrenia 548
Anxiety Disorders 527 Types of Schizophrenia 549
Generalized Anxiety Disorder 527 Causes of Schizophrenia 550
Panic Disorder 528 Personality Disorders 553
Phobic Disorders 529 Odd/Eccentric Cluster 553
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder 530 Dramatic/Emotionally Problematic Cluster 554
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder 532 Chronic-Fearfulness/Avoidant Cluster 555
Dissociative Disorders 535 Reach Your Learning Goals 556
Dissociative Amnesia and Fugue 535 Key Terms 558
Dissociative Identity Disorder 535 Apply Your Knowledge 559
Mood Disorders 537 Connections 559
Depressive Disorders 537

CHAPTER 14 Therapies 560

Biological Therapies 562 Electroconvulsive Therapy 566

Drug Therapy 563 Psychosurgery 568
CRITICAL CONTROVERSY: Should Depression Be Treated Psychotherapies 568
with Drugs? 565 Psychodynamic Therapies 569
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xvi Contents

Humanistic Therapies 572 Common Themes in Psychotherapy 591

Behavior Therapies 574 Therapy Integrations 591
Cognitive Therapies 578 Funding and Finding Therapy 592
Sociocultural Approaches and Issues in Treatment 584 Mental Health Professionals 593
Group Therapy 584 Guidelines for Seeking Professional Help 594
Family and Couples Therapy 585 PSYCHOLOGY AND LIFE: Evaluating Whether You Need
Self-Help Support Groups 586 a Therapist 595
Community Mental Health 587 Reach Your Learning Goals 596
Cultural Perspectives 588 Key Terms 599
Apply Your Knowledge 599
The Effectiveness of Psychotherapy 589
Connections 599
Research on the Effectiveness of Psychotherapy 589

CHAPTER 15 Stress, Coping, and Health 600

Health Psychology and Behavioral Medicine 603 Problem-Focused and Emotion-Focused Coping 622
Stress and Its Sources 604 Optimism and Positive Thinking 622
Personality Factors 604 Social Support 625
Environmental Factors 606 Assertive Behavior 626
Sociocultural Factors 610 PSYCHOLOGY AND LIFE: Dealing with Conflict 627
Religion 627
Stress Responses 612
Stress Management Programs 629
General Adaptation Syndrome 612
Fight or Flight, Tend and Befriend 614 Healthful Living 631
Cognitive Appraisal 615 Exercising Regularly 631
Eating Healthily 634
Stress and Illness 616
Quitting Smoking 635
Stress and the Immune System 616
Making Sound Sexual Decisions 636
Stress and Cardiovascular Disease 618
Reach Your Learning Goals 640
Stress and Cancer 618
Key Terms 643
Positive Emotions, Illness, and Health 619
Apply Your Knowledge 643
Coping Strategies 620 Connections 643
CRITICAL CONTROVERSY: Can Positive Thinking Make You
Healthy? 621

CHAPTER 16 Social Psychology 644

Social Thinking 646 Love 688

Attribution 647 Relationships and Gender 689
Social Perception 649 PSYCHOLOGY AND LIFE: What Is Your Love Like? 690
Attitudes 653 Loneliness 691
Social Influence 658 Reach Your Learning Goals 694
Conformity and Obedience 658 Key Terms 697
Group Influence 662 Apply Your Knowledge 697
Leadership 666 Connections 697

Intergroup Relations 668 Glossary G-1

Group Identity: Us Versus Them 668
Prejudice 670 References R-1
Ways to Improve Interethnic Relations 672
Credits C-1
Social Interaction 675
Aggression 675 Name Index I-1
CRITICAL CONTROVERSY: Does Pornography Lead to Violence
Against Women? 681 Subject Index I-13
Altruism 682
Relationships 686
Attraction 686
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Since I started teaching psychology in 1967, my motivation ever. After September 11, 2001, psychologists and psychi-
and love for introducing students to this relevant science have atrists were called on to counsel not only people whose
not wavered. This commitment to relevance and to science lives were directly affected by the attacks on the World
not only has been a foundation of my teaching, but it is also Trade Center and the Pentagon but also students, teachers,
the heart of this book. In this edition, Ive kept the theme of parents, and others who were struggling to understand, as
psychology as a relevant science and, in line with current we were, what could trigger such hostility and violence
trends in the discipline, increased the emphasis on the biolog- toward Americans. Psychology teaches us about the roots
ical aspects of psychology and on the positive changes psy- of aggression and the influence of groups on individual
chology can help us achieve in our lives. These themes, behavior. It also suggests strategies for handling stress,
together with a stronger focus on the key ideas in psychology, whatever the source. Nothing is more relevant to contem-
are the main features of this update of Psychology. porary life.
In addition to relevance, this edition continues to
stress the scientific nature of the discipline. A hallmark of
New! Media Integration the book has always been its focus on research, the foun-
dation of all sciences. Here the latest research findings are
References to video clips and interactivities, all drawn from discussed, along with the classic studies that established
various McGraw-Hill media resources and chosen for their psychology as an objective science. There are more than
interest and relevancy to the main content, appear within 900 citations from the twenty-first century, including
the main text. The In-Psych Plus CD-ROM marginal icon pro- many from 2002 through 2004. Also, numerous new
vides an additional, visual reference to the media. Each graphs show students how scientific data can be presented
video and interactivity that is mentioned in the text appears visually.
on the In-Psych Plus CD-ROM, which is packaged free with
the text. In addition, pedagogy, activities, test questions, and
other features have been created to complement these Neuroscience and Biological
video clips and reinforce students grasp of the key concepts Influences on Behavior
they illustrate. These materials are found on the In-Psych
Plus CD-ROM, in the Study Guide, in the Instructors The growing emphasis on neuroscience and genetics as the
Course Planner, and in the Test Item Files. means to understand the effects of biology on behavior is
also reflected in this edition. Evolutionary psychology, an-
other area of increasing interest, receives increased atten-
Psychology: The Relevant Science tion as well. Knowing that students often have difficulty
understanding why it is important to learn biology in a
Many students come into the introductory psychology course on psychology, Ive taken particular care to present
class asking why they should study psychology when their these topics in a psychological context and to under-
major is physics or computer science or French. To a psy- score the complex relationship between biology, environ-
chologist, the answer is obvious: It will help you to under- ment, and behavior wherever appropriate. Neuroscientist
stand yourself and others better. Psychology is relevant to Lawrence Cauller provided outstanding guidance for in-
almost every aspect of daily life. What psychologists have corporating stronger biological neuroscience content in
learned from memory research, for example, can be used this edition.
to study more effectively, no matter what the subject is.
Principles of learning can be applied to change undesirable
behavior in children. Knowledge of sensation and percep- Positive Psychology
tion can be used to more effectively design computers. Re-
search on stress, coping, and health can help people to live Currently, there is a movement in psychology to focus at-
fuller, happier lives. tention on the positive contributions psychology can make
Writing the preface for Psychology, I am convinced that to everyday life. Proponents of positive psychology, notably
the science of psychology is more relevant today than Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, share the belief that for much of

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xviii Preface

the twentieth century the discipline concentrated on the Changes in Coverage

negative aspects of life and that its time to emphasize the
positive side of psychology. Positive psychology offers all of Instructors who have used previous editions of this text will
us the opportunity to take control of our lives and find bal- find much in the seventh edition thats different and much
ance. For this edition, I have revised many of the chapter- that hasnt changed. In addition to increased emphasis on
opening vignettes and examples in the text to highlight neuroscience, genetics, evolutionary psychology, and posi-
positive outcomes and, with Csikszentmihalyis expert guid- tive psychology, the seventh edition contains increased cov-
ance, have incorporated material on positive psychology erage of diversity, controversies, and careers in psychology.
throughout the book. This material is presented where appropriate throughout
the book.
The table of contents and chapter sequence remain the
Focus on Key Ideas same as in the sixth edition, except that human development
now falls closer to the beginning of the book (chapter 4). With
The most significant instructional challenge facing introduc- this change, instructors can cover a topic of high student
tory psychology teachers today is ensuring that students interest early in the course, while the principles of genetics
master the core content of the course. For students over- (chapter 3) are still fresh in students minds, and later
whelmed by information from lectures, textbooks, the In- incorporate the material in their discussions of learning,
ternet, and other media, it is more difficult than ever to find cognition, and language.
the main ideas in their courses. To address these challenges Although the number of chapters and their topics are
and help students achieve the best possible outcome, I have unchanged, the substance and presentation in each chapter
developed a learning system for this edition that emphasizes have been revised thoroughly. Some of the detail that is less
basic concepts and ideas, encourages review, and promotes relevant today than it once was has been pruned to make
critical thinking. This system frames the presentation in the room for cutting-edge research and some of the presenta-
text and the supplements, providing a truly integrated pack- tion was reconceptualized to focus on the key ideas reflected
age that reinforces learning and gives instructors the tools in the learning goals. Although there isnt enough space
they need to assess students grasp of core concepts and here to list all of the changes in this edition, here are the
ideas. highlights:
The learning system has several components, all cen-
tered on three to six key ideas per chapter. These ideas are
encapsulated in learning goals, which correspond with the CHAPTER 1 What Is Psychology?
chapters main headings, as shown at the opening of each
Expanded, updated coverage of the evolutionary psy-
chapter. The learning goals reappear at several places in the
chology approach and a new section on positive
chapter: as a question at the beginning of a new topic, in a
approaches to psychology, including the humanistic
guided review at the end of the section, and again in a sum-
movement and the positive psychology movement
mary at the end of the chapter. Content maps of the section
Expanded treatment of psychologys careers, including
and subsection headings accompany the learning goal ques-
descriptions of the work that different types of psy-
tion at the beginning of each major section. Together with a
chologists do
complete chapter map at the end of the chapter, the section
New section added on how to get the most out of psy-
maps provide a visual guide to the core concepts that sup-
chology, focusing on study habits and skills
port the learning goals.
To encourage students to apply what theyve learned,
and increase the likelihood that they will remember the ma-
terial, the learning system includes critical thinking ques-
CHAPTER 2 Psychologys Scientific Methods
tions keyed to the learning goals in the Review and New opening discussion of attitudes central to the
Sharpen Your Thinking sections. Additionally, What do scientific approach and on collaboration in science
you think? exercises accompany each of the new Critical Introduction of James Pennebakers research as an
Controversy boxes and at least three critical thinking exer- extended example of the scientific method and positive
cises follow the review section at the end of each chapter in psychology
a section titledApply Your Knowledge. For students who Reorganized section on research methods focusing on
have access to the Web, the end-of-chapter exercises include descriptive, correlational, and experimental research
at least one Web-based activity. and including new coverage of positive and negative
Incorporating the learning goals and maps in the stu- correlations and their interpretation, as well as recent
dent supplements reinforces the lessons from the text and research on bias and the placebo effect
eliminates the confusion many students have about how to New introduction to data analysis and interpretation,
use the supplements to boost their performance in the with explanation of descriptive statistics and inferential
course. statistics
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Preface xix

CHAPTER 3 Biological Foundations of Behavior New section on human factors and perception, includ-
ing recent research of Susan Lederman and Roberta
Reorganized chapter now starts with a discussion of Klatsky and of Robert McCann at NASA
the characteristics of the nervous system, focusing on
complexity, integration, adaptability, and electrochemi-
cal transmission CHAPTER 6 States of Consciousness
Revised presentation of neuron structure and function,
including new material on drugs, neurotransmitters, Neuroscience coverage incorporated in sections on
and neural networks consciousness, stages of sleep, and psychoactive drugs
Updated coverage of functioning in the left and right Greater coverage of circadian rhythms, including the
hemispheres of the brain and many new drawings of suprachiasmatic nucleus
the brain New coverage of the role of sleep in the storage and
Separate section on the endocrine system maintenance of long-term memory
Expanded and updated discussion of neurogenesis Addition of recent research on sleep deprivation in
New section on genetics and evolution adolescents and older adults
New section on sleep and disease
Inclusion of new research on dream content across
CHAPTER 4 Human Development cultures
Nature and nurture section now includes a discussion Expanded and updated material on the activation-
of genotype and phenotype, as well as a subsection on synthesis theory of dreaming
optimal experiences Most recent data on trends in adolescent drug use
Added coverage on the brain and how it changes from (Johnston, OMalley, & Bachman, 2001)
infancy to adulthood
Revised discussion of socioemotional development in
childhood includes the effects of divorce, positive par-
CHAPTER 7 Learning
enting, ethnic and cultural differences, and gender Expanded and clarified discussion of classical condi-
development tioning, including new examples, such as fear of the
New sections on positive psychology and development dentist and how it varies across cultures; a new section
in childhood, adolescence, and adulthood on the role of classical conditioning in health problems;
Expanded discussion of biological aspects of aging, and applications to consumer psychology
including new figures on telomeres and aging and Expanded, improved, easier-to-understand examples
updated information on Alzheimers disease of positive and negative reinforcement
Updated coverage of cognitive changes and aging, Expanded and easier-to-understand examples in com-
including new figures on longitudinal changes in six paring punishment and negative reinforcement
intellectual abilities and on the relation of age to Expanded applications of operant conditioning, includ-
reaction time ing the use of shaping and behavior modification in
Discussion of John Gottmans work on what makes a the classroom
successful marriage and of Laura Carstensens research
on emotion, social networks, and aging, including new
figures on aging and remembering emotional material CHAPTER 8 Memory
Revised coverage of memory encoding includes the
effects of divided attention
CHAPTER 5 Sensation and Perception
New discussion of recent research on how verbal
Completely revised discussion of how we sense and working memory can be impaired by negative emo-
perceive the world now includes transduction, bottom- tion, and on how writing about negative emotional
up and top-down processing, new examples of signal events can improve working memory
detection theory, and selective attention Revised coverage of memory storage includes new
New coverage on parallel processing in the visual cor- sections on prospective memory and on connectionist
tex and on the process of binding in neural pathways networks and memory, plus a discussion of long-term
and how it functions in visual perception potentiation
Cochlear implants and sound localization added to dis- Revised discussion of forgetting includes Ebbinghaus
cussion of the auditory system Forgetting Curve, decay and transience, and a new
Discussion of parallel processing in touch section on motivated forgetting
Expanded coverage of pain, including new discussion Complete reorganization of memory and study strategy
of the fast and slow pain pathways, plus pain con- section to correspond to organization of the section on
trol and treatment memory
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xx Preface

CHAPTER 9 Thinking and Language New focus on positive emotions, including Barbara
Fredericksons research on how they might enhance
Expanded coverage of concepts, including new sections peoples well-being and David Buss ideas on the
on the functions and structures of concepts evolved mechanisms that can produce a deep sense of
New section on expertise, including four ways that ex- happiness
perts solve problems differently than novices do
Earlier discussion of the link between cognition and
language CHAPTER 12 Personality
Revised section on language acquisition and develop-
ment includes material on the level of maternal Issues in the study of personality now at beginning of
speech to infants and its effects on vocabulary devel- chapter
opment in infants, a new figure on language mile- Social cognitive theory section revised to include dis-
stones, a discussion of how young children find the cussions of personal control, locus of control, and
boundaries between words, and recent research on optimism
how long it takes to become competent at a second New figure showing the link between self-efficacy and
language smoking cessation
New discussion of changes in self-esteem across the life
span, including new figure based on 2002 research
CHAPTER 10 Intelligence study
Section on personality assessment expanded to include
Intelligence testing now cohesively discussed in open-
discussion of the big five factors, locus of control, and
ing section
the selection of employees
New section on neuroscience and intelligence with
subsections on head and brain size, information
processing speed, electrical activity in the brain, and CHAPTER 13 Psychological Disorders
energy consumption in the brain
Added sections on theories of multiple and emotional The multiaxial system in the DSM-IV covered in greater
intelligence, including a comparison of Gardners, depth, including a new figure on the major categories
Sternbergs, and Mayer/Salovy theories of intelligence of psychological disorders, organized according to
New section on the influence of heredity and environ- Axis I and Axis II
ment includes the research of Craig Ramey and col- Introduction of concept of etiology, new discussion of
leagues, as well as gender and cultural comparisons the etiology of anxiety disorders, and expanded discus-
sion of post-traumatic stress disorder
Added material on the hidden observer concept ap-
CHAPTER 11 Motivation and Emotion plied to dissociative disorders
Section on motivation theory now includes the evolu- Updated discussion of mood disorders, including new
tionary approach to motivation, arousal and sensation coverage on neurobiological abnormalities, new mate-
seeking, expanded coverage of intrinsic and extrinsic rial on the depressive realism view of depression, and
motivation, and a discussion of the importance of self- several new figures
generated goals New section on suicide, including coverage of suicide
Hunger section includes expanded and updated discus- rates across cultures
sion of blood chemistry and the role of leptin in obe- Expanded discussion of schizophrenia, including recent
sity, new material on neurotransmitters in the section information about heredity and schizophrenia, as well
on brain processes and hunger, new data on obesity in as neurobiological factors and case studies
the United States, and more coverage of anorexia ner-
vosa and bulimia nervosa
Social cognitive motivation section now includes a
CHAPTER 14 Therapies
cross-cultural comparison of math achievement in the Substantially reorganized chapter with biological ther-
United States, Japan, and Taiwan; achievement appli- apies now covered in the first section
cations in the workplace and in sports; and discussions Updated discussion and figures on the effects of drug
of the motivation for affiliation and well-being therapies, including Prozac and Risperdal
Section on emotion includes a new discussion of the New sections on cognitive behavior therapy and using
roles of neural circuits and neurotransmitters, includ- cognitive therapy to treat psychological disorders
ing Joseph LeDouxs concept of direct and indirect New section on sociocultural approaches and issues,
pathways for fear in the brain, and of the links be- including new coverage of the community mental
tween emotion and the brains hemispheres health movement
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Preface xxi

CHAPTER 15 Stress, Coping, and Health the text: chapter overview, learning objectives, guided re-
view (for each section), three practice tests, essay ques-
Reorganization of stress discussion to focus on sources tions, crossword puzzle, learning goal checklist, and
and responses diagram labeling exercises.
New section on coping strategies with new coverage of
problem-focused and emotion-focused coping, opti- Psych Online This supplement is designed to help stu-
mism, and positive thinking and the role of religion in dents get the most out of the Internet for psychology re-
helping people cope with stress search and provides general resource locations. Psychology
Section on healthful living updated with new coverage sites are grouped by topic with a brief explanation of each
of the role of the antidepressant Zyban in helping peo- site. Included in this booklet are a number of general re-
ple quit smoking, as well as the effective rates of other source sites for students seeking help.
approaches, such as nicotine patches
Online Learning Center for Students The official
CHAPTER 16 Social Psychology website for the text contains chapter outlines, practice
Revised social influence section with expanded discus- quizzes that can be e-mailed to the professor, key term
sion of symptoms of groupthink and strategies for flashcards, interactive exercises, Internet activities, Web
avoiding groupthink, as well as a discussion of leader- links to relevant psychology sites, drag-and-drop labeling
ship styles in women and men exercises, Internet primer, career appendix, and a statistics
Expanded, updated discussion of prejudice focusing on primer.
the reasons people develop prejudice
Updated section on social interaction, including discus-
sion of neurotransmitters and aggression, recent infor-
For the Instructor
mation on childrens TV viewing habits and possible
Instructors Course Planner
links to aggression, and updated coverage of trends in
altruism among U.S. college students Susan Weldon, Eastern Michigan University
In relationships section, addition of recent research on
gender and relationships; new research on loneliness, This manual provides many useful tools to enhance your
stress, and health; and new discussion of loneliness teaching. In each chapter, you will find teaching objectives,
and technology chapter overviews, key terms, Teaching the Chapter,
lecture/discussion suggestions, goal reinforcement classroom
activities, Experiencing Psychology boxed feature, critical
Print and Media Supplements thinking questions, video/media suggestions, and references
and sources of bibliographical information.
For the Student
PowerWeb This unique online tool provides students Test Item Files
with current articles, curriculum-based materials, weekly Test Item File I: Ron Mulson, Hudson Valley
updates with assessment, informative and timely world Community College
news, Web links, research tools, study tools, and interactive
exercises. A PowerWeb access card is packaged FREE with Test Item File II: Susan E. Swithers, Purdue
each new copy of the text. University
Test Item File III: Susan Weldon, Eastern
New! In-Psych Plus Student CD-ROM In-Psych Plus sets
Michigan University
a new standard for introductory psychology multimedia.
In-Psych Plus is organized according to the text chapter out- Three Test Item Files provide you with the widest variety of
lines and features video clips, audio clips, and interactive ex- questions to last the life of this edition. The questions in the
ercises chosen to illustrate especially difficult core concepts in Test Item Files are also available on Brownstone, a powerful
introductory psychology. In-Psych Plus also includes a pre-test, but accessible test-generating program that McGraw-Hill
follow-up assignments, Web resources, chapter quizzes, a stu- offers on a hybrid CD-ROM. With Brownstone, you can eas-
dent research guide, and an interactive timeline that puts ily select questions and print tests and answer keys. You can
events, key figures, and research in historical perspective. also customize questions, headings, and instructions; add or
import your own questions; and print tests in a choice of
Study Guide printer-supported fonts.
Ruth Hallongren, Triton College
PowerPoint Lectures Available on the Internet, these
Designed to reinforce the key ideas in the text, the study presentations cover the key points of each chapter and
guide contains the following features for each chapter of include charts and graphs from the text. Helpful lecture
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xxii Preface

guidelines are provided in the Notes section for each slide. Linda E. Flickinger, St. Clair County Community
These presentations can be used as they are or can be modi- College
fied to meet your needs. Edwin E. Gantt, Brigham Young University
Debra L. Hollister, Valencia Community College
Overhead Transparencies More than 70 key images Richard Kandus, Mt. San Jacinto College
from the text are available upon adoption. A separate pack- Maria LeBaron, Randolph Community College
age, Introductory Psychology Transparency Set, provides more Brennis Lucero-Wagoner, California State University
than 100 additional images illustrating key concepts in gen- Northridge
eral psychology. Wendy Mills, San Jacinto College North
Doug Peterson, University of South Dakota
Online Learning Center for Instructors The password- James S. Previte, Victor Valley College
protected instructor side of the text website contains the In- Steven V. Rouse, Pepperdine University
structors Manual, a sample chapter from the text, John Ruys, University of CaliforniaDavis
PowerPoint Presentations, Web links, and other teaching re- H.R. Schiffman, Rutgers University
sources. Susan Spencer, Eastern Oklahoma State College
Katharine Webb, Maria College
PageOutTM Build your own course website in less than an Fred Whitford, Montana State University
hour. You dont have to be a computer whiz to create a web-
site, especially with an exclusive McGraw-Hill product called Expert Reviewers of the Updated
PageOut. It requires no prior knowledge of HTML, no long Seventh Edition
hours of coding, and no design skills on your part. With Page-
Out, even the most inexperienced computer user can quickly In addition, I would like to thank the following expert
and easily create a professional-looking course website. Sim- reviewers, who provided in-depth comments in the areas of
ply fill in templates with your information and with content neuroscience and cognitive psychology:
provided by McGraw-Hill, choose a design, and youve got a James C. Bartlett, University of Texas at Dallas
website specifically designed for your course. Best of all, its Mike Kilgard, University of Texas at Dallas
FREE! Visit us at to find out more.

Instructors Resource CD-ROM This comprehensive In-Depth Reviewers of the Seventh Edition
CD-ROM includes the contents of the Instructors Course I benefited considerably from the advice and analysis provided
Planner; Test Item Files in computerized, Word, and Rich by a number of in-depth reviewers of the books seventh edi-
Text versions; an image gallery; and PowerPoint slides. tion. The following individuals provided this input:
The Presentation Manager provides an easy-to-use inter-
face for the design and delivery of multimedia classroom Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, Claremont Graduate
presentations. University (positive psychology)
Larry Cauller, University of Texas at Dallas
Acknowledgments Susan Swithers, Purdue University (chapters 3 and 5
and author of end-of-chapter exercises)
Many people guided this update of Psychology. The McGraw- John Mitterer, Brock University (author of many of the
Hill team of Steve DeBow, president; Thalia Dorwick, editor Critical Controversy boxes)
in chief; Stephen Rutter, publisher; Melissa Caughlin, mar- Meredith Stanford-Pollack, University of
keting manager; Judith Kromm, director of development; Massachusetts at Lowell (diversity)
and Sienne Patch, developmental editor, all played key roles Saera Khan, Western Washington University
and spent long hours in the planning, revision, and publica- (illustrations)
tion process for this update.
Reviewers of the Seventh Edition
Reviewers of the Updated Seventh Edition The following psychologists also helped to make the seventh
The following psychologists and instructors provided com- edition a much better text through their thoughtful reviews:
ments and suggestions, which helped me to improve and
Richard Anderson, Bowling Green State University
update this text:
Jim Backlund, Kirtland Community College
Tamara L. Brown, University of Kentucky Stella B. Baldwin, Wake Technical Community College
Peter B. Crabb, Pennsylvania State UniversityAbington Pearl Berman, Indiana University of Pennsylvania
William Fabricius, Arizona State University Joy L. Berrenberg, University of Colorado at Denver
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Preface xxiii

Frederick M. Brown, Penn State University Amato, Boise State University; Jim Backlund, Kirtland Com-
Richard Cavasina, California University of Pennsylvania munity College; James Bartlett, University of TexasDallas;
George A. Cicala, University of Delaware Jackson Beatty, UCLA; Ludy Benjamin, Texas A&M; John
Pamela Costa, Tacoma Commmunity College Best, Eastern Illinois University; Michelle Boyer-Pennington,
Donna Dahlgren, Indiana University Southeast Middle Tennessee State University; Charles Brewer, Clemson
Leta Fenell, Chesapeake College University; Richard Brislin, University of Hawaii; David Buss,
Roseanne L. Flores, Hunter College University of Texas, Austin; James Calhoun, University of
Bety Jane Fratzke, Indiana Wesleyan University Georgia; Lillian Comas-Diaz, Transcultural Mental Health
Robert Gallen, Indiana University of Pennsylvania Institute; Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, Claremont Graduate
J. P. Garofalo, University of Pittsburgh University; Florence Denmark, Pace University; Ellen
Michael Kaye Garza, Brookhaven College Dennehy, University of Texas, Dallas; Kim Dielmann, Uni-
Roderick C. Gillis, University of Miami versity of Central Arkansas; G. William Domhoff, University
Leslie Grout, Hudson Valley Community College of CaliforniaSanta Cruz; James Francis, San Jacinto Col-
Arthur Gutman, Florida Institute of Technology lege; Stanley Gaines, Pomona College; Robert Gifford, Uni-
Christine Harness, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee versity of Victoria; James Greer, Louisiana State University;
James R. Heard, Antelope Valley College Jean Berko Gleason, Boston University; Richard Halgin, Uni-
Paul Hernandez, South Texas Community College versity of Massachusetts, Amherst; John Harvey; University
Karen Jordan, University of Illinois at Chicago of Iowa; N.C. Higgins, University of North British Columbia;
Kevin Keating, Broward Community College James J. Johnson, Illinois State University; James Jones,
Saera Khan, Western Washington University University of Delaware; Seth Kalichman, Georgia State Uni-
Brian Kim, University of Maryland, College Park versity; Laura King, Southern Methodist University; Paul R.
Michele K. Lewis, Northern Virginia Community Kleinginna, Georgia Southern University; Linda Kline, Cali-
College, Annandale fornia State University, Chico; Karen Kopera-Frye, The Uni-
Wanda McCarthy, Northern Kentucky University versity of Akron; Phil Kraemer, University of Kentucky; Eric
Diane Martichuski, University of Colorado at Boulder Landrum, Boise State University; Gary D. Laver, California
Glenn E. Meyer, Trinity University Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo; Marta Losonczy,
Fred Miller, Oregon Health Sciences University, Salisbury State University; Karen E. Luh, University of
Portland Community College Wisconsin, Madison; Jerry Marshall, University of Central
Richard Miller, Western Kentucky University Florida; Vicki Mays, University of CaliforniaLos Angeles;
Ann Miner, Indiana University of Pennsylvania David Mostofsky, Boston University; Carol Nemeroff, Arizona
Arthur G. Olguin, Santa Barbara City College State University; David Neufeldt, Hutchinson Community
Barbara Radigan, Community College of Allegheny College; Illene Noppe, University of WisconsinGreen Bay;
County, Allegheny Campus Cindy Nordstrom, Illinois State University; Alice OToole,
Pamela Regan, California State University, Los Angeles University of TexasDallas; Raymond Paloutzian, Westmont
Bob Riesenberg, Whatcom Community College College; David Penn, Louisiana State University; James
Susan J. Shapiro, Indiana University East Pennebaker, University of TexasAustin; Jeffrey Pedroza,
John E. Sparrow, University of New Hampshire, Lansing Community College; Lawrence A. Pervin, Rutgers
Manchester University; Michelle Perry, University of Illinois at Urbana,
Meredith Stanford-Pollock, University of Champaign; Vincent Punzo, Earlham College; Ed Raymaker,
Massachusetts at Lowell Eastern Main Technical College; Daniel Schacter, Harvard
Susan Swithers, Purdue University University; Judith A. Sheiman, Kutztown University; Paula
Jeremy Turner, The University of Tennessee at Martin Shear, University of Cincinnati; Cynthia Sifonis, University
David Wasieleski, Valdosta State University of Illinois; Charles M. Slem, California Polytechnic State Uni-
Marek Wosinski, Arizona State University versity, San Luis Obispo; Steven Smith, Texas A&M; Keith E.
Stanovich, University of Toronto; Barry Stein, Tennessee
Technological University; Jutta M. Street, Wake Technical
Reviewers of Previous Editions
Community College; Roger M. Tarpy, Jr., Bucknell Univer-
The following psychologists shared their comments and ideas sity; Christopher Taylor, University of Arizona; Leonard
or contributed content for previous editions of Psychology: Williams, Rowan University; Michael Zickar, Bowling Green
Valerie Ahl, University of WisconsinMadison; Susan State University.

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