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of Agile Practices
I. Value-driven delivery
1. What is the purpose of story maps?
A. To identify and prioritize the order in which features are to be released
B. To assess negative risks in a project and create a risk response plan
C. To deliver features with the highest value with the least risks
D. To illustrate the flow of information so as to increase the efficiency

2. Which of the following is a result of having a lot of Work in Progress (WIP)?
A. The team can mitigate risk of any delay in delivering value
B. All team members can effectively utilize their time in creating value
C. It can increase the possibility of having to rework a large inventory of work
D. The best use of investment capital is made as the creation of more value is undertaken in a
shorter period of time

3. Which of the following is the aim of limiting Work in Progress (WIP)?
A. Optimize throughput of work
B. Optimum utilization of resources
C. Optimum utilization of invested capital
D. Optimum rest time so teams avoid burnout

4. Which of the following stakeholders is responsible for managing the Product Backlog?
A. Product Owner
B. Business analyst
C. Project Manager
D. Organization

5. Which of the following is an advantage of demonstrating functionalities to the sponsors?
A. To display the teams capabilities in developing quality software
B. To give the team a break from developing software
C. To obtain further funding from the sponsors
D. True requirements requiring further changes may emerge after the end user gets a feel of
the product


II. Adaptive Planning
1. Which of the following is an example of time-boxing?
A. Daily stand-ups
B. Value-based decomposition
C. Planning release
D. Prioritized backlog

2. Which of the following best describes the purpose of a business case?
A. Presents justification for why the sponsors should undertake a project
B. Illustrates the sequence of release of features
C. Provides an estimation of time required to complete iterations that can be released
D. States the goals of the project before commencing it

3. How many user stories should ideally be done in a single iteration?
A. As many as possible
B. Should be decided on the basis of size estimates
C. Only one, no matter what the size is.
D. As many as the team wishes to do.

4. Agile estimates are presented in ranges because
A. The team should not seem over-confident when presenting estimates to sponsors
B. Single point estimates are always inaccurate
C. Ranges take into account the uncertainty that might occur during the course of the project
D. We do not have to put a lot of effort into estimating while we are presenting them in ranges

5. Who has a final say on the priorities of an iteration?
A. Sponsor
B. Team members
C. Product owner
D. Business analyst


III. Stakeholder Engagement
1. Which of the following is an advantage of creating personas?
A. Personas can keep the team focused on the end user while developing software
B. Personas can be used as a substitute for requirements list
C. Personas can make the task of developing software more interesting to the developers
D. Personas can be used to represent the sponsor.

2. Which of the following is not a level in active listening?
A. Internal listening
B. Focused listening
C. Global listening
D. Selective listening

3. Which of the following is not an attribute of a servant leader?
A. Servant leaders shield the team from interruptions.
B. Servant leaders re-communicate project vision to the team.
C. Servant leaders push the team to meet deadlines.
D. Servant leaders provide adequate guidance to the team so that they can perform efficiently.

4. Negotiations are most effective when
B. Teams set terms and conditions that are relatively inflexible
C. Sponsors are willing to concede trade-offs in the budget of the project
D. Terms and conditions of the project are non-negotiable
E. Both teams and sponsors are willing to concede tradeoffs to arrive at a middle ground

5. Which of the following is not a positive attribute of a leader?
A. Direction
B. Principles
C. Communication
D. Control


IV. Problem Detection and Resolution
1. Which of the following best defines cycle time?
A. It is the amount of time necessary to complete the entire project.
B. It is the time taken by the team to complete a task.
C. It is the time taken to complete each phase of the project.
D. Is the duration of each sprint, which is typically fixed at between two-to-four weeks.

2. Which of the following is not a failure mode suggested by Alistair Cockburn?
A. Making mistakes
B. Being inconsistent
C. Preferring to fail conservatively
D. Researching rather than inventing

3. Which of the following can be a positive outcome of reaching the fast failure condition?
A. The project management office can initiate termination of team members for inefficiency.
B. The organization can route its resources to other projects.
C. The team can restart working on the project to get a clearer understanding of what went
D. The company can initiate closure of the project.

4. Which of the following best describes escaped defects?
A. Escape defects are those defects that remain unfixed even after the completion of an
B. Escaped defects are those which are undiscovered during testing and validation and make
their way to the user.
C. Escaped defects are those defects which are embedded in the software and are untraceable
by the quality control team.
D. Escaped defects are unaccounted for areas where the project can hit roadblocks.

5. Which of the following sees a direct increase if there are escaped defects?
A. Cycle time
B. Cost of change
C. Fast failure
D. Throughput


V. Team Performance Practices
1. Which of the following is not a stage followed during team formation?
A. Grooming
B. Storming
C. Performing
D. Norming

2. Which of the following is a style of adaptive leadership that is suitable for the forming stage
of a team?
A. Delegating
B. Supporting
C. Coaching
D. Directing

3. Which of the following is not a question to be answered during a daily stand-up?
A. What have you worked on since the last stand-up meeting?
B. What do you intend to work on today?
C. How long will it take you to finish the work assigned to you?
D. What impediments or roadblocks are you facing in you work?

4. Which of the following is not an advantage of a colocated team?
A. Increase in productivity
B. Face-to-face communication
C. Healthy competition within the team
D. Osmotic communication

5. Why do Agile projects prefer low-tech, high-touch tools?
A. Low-tech, high touch tools help conserve precious financial resources.
B. Data accuracy perception on low-tech, high touch tools is higher.
C. The learning-curve for low-tech, high touch tools is relatively lower compared to other tools.
D. Agile teams relocate their work space often and low-tech, high touch tools are more


VI. Continuous improvement
1. Which of the following is NOT a step involved in a retrospective?
A. Closing the retrospective
B. Setting the stage
C. Generate insights
D. Chartering

2. Which of the following is activity used during the setting the stage step of a retrospective?
A. Check-in
B. Timeline
C. Brainstorming
D. Help, hindered, hypothesis

3. Retrospective meetings are held to reflect on all of the following except
A. What did we do right and must continue to do?
B. Who made the highest number of mistakes?
C. What mistakes did we make and should avoid?
D. What new ideas can we implement in the future based on our learning?

4. Which of following steps is important to remember while applying new Agile practices?
A. Create a new practice entirely that has not been influenced by any other practices.
B. Create a new practice after thoroughly evaluating existing practices.
C. Try the new practice in a few iterations before adopting it for the entire project.
D. Look for newer practices straight away if problems surface on the practice currently being

5. The self-assessment quiz formulated by James Shore measures performance on all the
following categories, EXCEPT
A. Thinking
B. Presenting
C. Collaborating
D. Developing


1. Which of the following definitions is NOT true about Kaizen?
A. The whole concept of Kaizen is based on the Japanese philosophy of business that stresses
continuous improvement.
B. Kaizen is not a practice but a short term tool for process improvement.
C. Kaizen is an adaptive structure of human values which keeps employees motivated to
achieve zero defect in their work.
D. Kaizen promotes an environment of recognition and respect, which is important for clear

2. Which of the following is a waste in Kanban terms?
A. Muda
B. Genchi Genbutsu
C. Kuro
D. Kaizen

3. The idea of Thinking Team Players emerges from all of the following beliefs EXCEPT
A. Software development needs humans to answer the problems
B. The team as a whole should understand and analyze the problem
C. It is people who build a process
D. Management should deal with issues within the team impartially.

4. All of the following are true about lean software development values, EXCEPT
A. Value the customers needs
B. Value the customers investment in the project
C. Value each member of the development team
D. Value what customers desire to produce

5. The three core philosophies of Kanban are
A. Start with your knowledge, follow incremental changes, and respect the process and

its roles
B. Gather sufficient knowledge, understand customer needs, and respect the overall project
C. Plan each aspect of production, respect the roles and responsibilities within the team, and
be prepared to include new tasks
D. Respect the customer, work fast and efficiently, and deliver as planned

6. The pull system prevents the system from experiencing work overload by
A. Distributing work according to team capacity
B. Pulling in more members when the workload increases
C. Adding a new task to the process only when the system has the capacity to handle it
D. Pulling out work from the process and redistributing it


7. All of the following are the core principles of Kanban implementation, EXCEPT
A. Visualization
B. Managing Work Flow
C. Limiting work in progress
D. Simplified documentation

8. Terms such as user stories, requirements, features, and bugs are related to which of the
Kanban Practices?
A. Card wall
B. Demand Analysis
C. Work Item
D. Value Stream mapping

9. Which of the following is NOT a part of waste in software development?
A. Building an incorrect thing
B. Failure to learn
C. Implementing practices that impede progress
D. Building a complex thing

10. Which of the following is not a prerequisite for implementing Lean Kanban?
A. Reduction in Batch size order
B. Start Kanban Learning curve from uniform requirement
C. Adherence to present norm and periodic inspection
D. Becoming certified as a Lean Kanban Master Black Belt


1. All of the following are the governing principles of Scrum philosophies, EXCEPT:
A. Product development is a shared value creation
B. Time-boxing is a rhythm to which the team works and contributes
C. It follows the control method named Inspect and Adapt
D. Teams deliver greater value when self-organized

2. The Product Owner is NOT responsible for which of these functions?
A. Providing acceptance criteria for the items
B. Representing single voice in deciding product criteria
C. Determining the release dates
D. Protecting the team from external interference

3. Which of the following is NOT done in the Sprint Planning meeting?
A. Sprint Goals are defined
B. Product Backlog is reviewed
C. Product Deliverables are inspected
D. Sprint Backlog is estimated

4. All of the following apply to the Sprint Burndown Chart, EXCEPT:
A. It shows the amount of work remaining across time
B. It is prepared for the entire project
C. It indicates team velocity
D. The region above the line showing the ideal trend is the danger zone indicating a lag in task

5. In _________________, the team identifies the user stories it plans to complete from the
_____________ for the next Sprint.
A. Sprint Planning meeting, Sprint Backlog
B. Sprint Planning meeting, Product Backlog
C. Release Planning Meeting, Product Backlog
D. Sprint Review Meeting, Sprint Backlog

6. Which of the following pairs is incorrectly matched?
A. Stories-Tasks
B. Project-Releases
C. Releases- Retrospectives
D. Iterations-Stories

7. According to Scrum principles, which of the following is NOT an advantage of a colocated
A. Improved productivity
B. Face-to-face communication
C. Healthy competition among the team members
D. Osmotic communication


8. Which of the following about daily stand up meetings in Scrum is FALSE?
A. Information dissemination to the management
B. The meeting should take place at same time and location
C. The meeting should be time boxed to 15 minutes
D. Outside stakeholders do not participate

9. The ________s job is to maintain and promote the Product Vision.
A. Product Owner
B. Project Manager
C. Business Analyst
D. Subject matter expert


Extreme Programming
1. Which of the following is not a part of the XP Coding Practices?
A. Refactoring
B. Coding
C. Designing
D. Documenting complex code

2. Continuous Integration is used for which reason?
A. To create good quality code consistently
B. To encourage a team style of coding
C. To ensure that all programmers are working on updated code
D. To encourage collective code ownership

3. According to XP, which of the following coding practices leads to better and simpler code?
A. Developing coding standards
B. Developing common vocabulary
C. Developing common design
D. Refactoring

4. The following are developer practices, EXCEPT:
A. Code development programming
B. Test Driven Development
C. Collective code ownership
D. Continuous Integration

5. Which of the following is a requisite for pair programming?
A. Pair programmers should belong to the same age group
B. The project should involve complex coding logic
C. There should be a mentor to supervise the pairs
D. The management should arrange for the facility to support paired programming

6. Regular software releases serves as which of the following?
A. Communication loop
B. Opportunity to improve
C. Understanding the teams velocity
D. Feedback link

7. Which of the following are not XP artifacts?
A. Index cards
B. Task Cards
C. Feedback
D. Bullpen


8. Which of the following is NOT true about Iteration Planning?
A. It is a customer centric meeting
B. Customer is authorized to choose the desired features
C. The next iteration is scheduled
D. Final release date is scheduled

9. _________ is the XP term used to roughly estimate the amount of time required for a
certain amount of work.
A. Velocity
B. Iteration
C. Schedule planning
D. Estimation

10. Which of the following statement is NOT true about the 20-80 Rule in XP?
A. This rule is the same as the Pareto Principle
B. This rule is mainly practiced in business
C. This rule shows a certain relation between sales and customer base
D. This rule is not a common practice in software development


Dynamic Systems Development Methods
1. DSDM was introduced in 1994 as a viable solution to which of the following software
development methods?
A. Agile Unified Process
B. Rapid Application Development
C. Rational Unified Process
D. Domain Driven Development

2. Which one of the following is the prioritizing technique used in DSDM?
C. Risk Analysis
D. Workshop

3. Which of the following roles is often referred to as the Project Champion?
A. Visionary
B. Project Manager
C. Team Leader
D. Executive Sponsor

4. All of the following are the features of DSDM, EXCEPT:
A. Prioritized Requirements Approach
B. Addresses stakeholder expectations
C. Lightweight and undemanding methodology
D. Outline Prototyping planning

5. Which one of the following practices helps to exercise control?
A. Facilitated workshops
B. Modelling
C. Iterative development
D. Time boxing

6. Which of the following is responsible for day-to-day communication between the
development team and the user community?
A. Visionary
B. Ambassador User
C. Business Analyst
D. Advisor User


Test Driven Development
1. Which of the following aptly names the approach followed in TDD?
A. Test-first approach
B. Prioritized requirements approach
C. Risk-driven approach
D. Speculation instead of planning approach

2. Which of the following statements is NOT true?
A. Unit test is the one that runs completely by itself
B. Unit tests are a network of interrelated tests
C. Unit testing saves effort and time as it is easy to locate the error
D. Unit testing ensures that each and every part of the code is tested

3. Which of the following does NOT apply to ATDD?
A. ATDD can also be termed as Behavior Driven Development
B. Set of acceptance tests are written before the actual development begins
C. The gist of ATDD is Just in Time
D. ATDD is about building the Code Right

4. All of the following practices are followed in TDD, EXCEPT:
A. Refactoring
B. Learning cycle
C. User Stories
D. Unit Testing

5. Which of the following is NOT TRUE in the context of Refactoring?
A. Alters the code structure without changing its behavior to improve code quality.
B. Add new features to the code structure to give it a final shape.
C. Restructure the entire code, changing its behavior as well.
D. Make the codes simpler to facilitate future change.

6. All the tests are collected as:
A. Test-cache
B. Test-suite
C. Test-set
D. Test-case


Feature-Driven Development
1. Who among the following is the functional lead of the project?
A. development manager
B. project manager
C. domain manager
D. chief architect

2. Choose the correct composition of the FDD Planning team.
A. The Development Manager, the Domain Manager, and the Chief Architect
B. The Chief Programmers, the Project Manager, and the Domain Experts
C. The Project Manager, the Chief Architect, and the System Engineer
D. The Project Manager, the Developmental Manager, and the Chief Programmers

3. Which one of the following roles does NOT apply to FDD?
A. Chief Architect
B. Project Manager
C. Toolsmith
D. Ambassador User

4. All of the following are the key practices in FDD, EXCEPT:
A. Object Modeling
B. Feature Teams
C. Prototyping
D. Individual Code Ownership

5. Which of the following aptly defines the approach of FDD toward the software
development process?
A. Self-organizing teams
B. Test-first development
C. Tool-centric development
D. Planning by feature

6. Which of the following is the correct order of processes in FDD?
A. Developing an overall model, Building a features list, planning by feature, design by feature
B. Developing an overall model, designing by feature, planning by feature, developing by
C. Designing by feature, planning by feature, Building a features list, developing by feature
D. Building a features list, planning by feature, designing by feature, developing an overall


1. Who among the following is the visionary behind the Crystal Family of Methodologies?
A. Peter Coad
B. Kent Beck
C. Jeff de Luca
D. Alistair Cockburn

2. Which of the following is NOT a factor in determining the weight of a Crystal methodology?
A. Essential Money
B. Comfort
C. Life
D. Business Value

3. Which of the following statements is NOT true?
A. The weight of the Crystal methodology increases as the number of team members increase
B. The weight of the Crystal methodology is inversely proportional to life of the project
C. The large projects involving risk to human life generally deploy heavy weight Crystal
methodologies such as Crystal Sapphire
D. Crystal Clear works well for small, colocated teams

4. Which model of communication is preferred in Crystal Agile methodology?
A. Formal and Document-based
B. Informal and Osmotic
C. Document based only
D. Face-to-face only

5. Which one of the following roles is responsible for economic success of the project?
A. Lead Designer
B. Executive Sponsor
C. Design Mentor
D. Experienced User

6. Which of the following practices is supposed to link main architectural components together
for an early E2E-piece of SW?
B. Walking Skeleton
C. Exploratory 360
D. Incremental Re-Architecture
E. Early Victory

7. All of the following are true about the reflection workshop, EXCEPT:
A. It is a lessons learned meeting.
B. It is performed by the team to discuss what went well and what did not work well
C. It is done after each delivery/iteration
D. It is held to foster communication among the team members


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