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SCS235 Social Justice, Welfare and the State 2017

Task 4: Key Concepts Assignment Neoliberalism in 21st century

Due 6pm Monday of first week of Exam Period.

This Task is worth 50% of your total grade for the course.

This task will provide you with an opportunity to both develop and demonstrate your understanding
of the central concepts and themes associated with neoliberal approaches to governance, and
provide a pivotal point to integrate your understanding of recent developments of the western
welfare system.

The Task referenced this time!

Mini-essays that are not referenced appropriately and/or do not include page numbers in in-text
references may attract a fail grade (see note on Referencing below).

For this assignment, you will prepare a mini-essay for each of the three topics below.
Each of your three mini-essays will each:
- be 750 words +/-10%;
- state the question in full at the top of the essay;
- include an introduction/body/conclusion
- have a very brief thesis statement in the introduction;
- use and explain the relevant key terms and concepts of the course;
- be based on sound academic research comprising at least four scholarly sources (you may use
a source for more than one mini-essay, but the cumulative total of sources must be a
minimum of 12 different ones);
- be properly referenced in Harvard style, including page numbers in in-text references;
- have its own reference list, directly following the relevant mini-essay (not included in word
count and not compiled in one list at the end of the three essays).

Marking criteria
The relevant key concepts/ideas are clearly and accurately explained;
Strong and accurate depth of understanding of the topic and arguments/premises for each
question is demonstrated;
Information and ideas are clearly expressed; written in appropriate academic writing style;
Research sources are well-chosen and used appropriately to evidence arguments
Format: correct in-text referencing/reference list format (alphabetical order Harvard style);
12 point font; 1.5 spacing; title page with student name/ID/tute time/date of submission
Conformity with word length.
The detailed marking criteria can be found below, and will be useful in the preparation of your
assignment. Keep in mind that how well you write your responses is a factor in how well you can
demonstrate your understanding.
Prepare a mini-essay for each of the three (3) topics below = 750 +/-10% words each
The mini-essays are likely to overlap to a small extent. You may change the order of the
questions (ensure you place the question directly above your mini-essays).
In choosing how to respond to each topic, be mindful of what you have said or plan to say in the
other mini-essays, to ensure you cover a wide range of issues and do not unduly repeat yourself
or leave significant gaps.

1. The historical foundations for the modern welfare state were grounded in the theoretical
and conceptual work of British thinkers William Beveridge, T H Marshall and Richard
Titmuss. None of these key thinkers was happy with the terminology of the welfare state
and saw it is as evoking images of the underserving poor receiving benefits from an
overbearing state. Explain the terms deserving and undeserving poor, and discuss the
problems of perceptions associated with this dichotomy.

2. The neoliberal state represents a phase involving changes to the way the state governs.
Explain the neoliberal approach to governing and its rationale.

3. A welfare mix is a system in which government, private and nonprofit or for-profit

organizations operate in place of the state monopoly; some of which have obtained
formal recognition as partners of public authorities and professional groups in policy
making. Governments of welfare states are thus scaling back their provision of care,
encouraging citizens to fill this gap by actively taking care of each other. The burden of
care is therefore increasingly being born by a mix of welfare services from private (non
government-may include family), public (state based) and market based (not- for-profit
welfare sector) service providers. Discuss the benefits and/or drawbacks of such a model.
Do you think the welfare mix has the potential to advance welfare provision?

4. Social Inclusion is a discourse that has arisen in order to attempt to make marginal
groups conform to dominant values, rather than change anything radically about
dominant society. Do you agree, or disagree? Why?

5. Racial policies of the welfare state in Australian history have been a major factor in the
continuation of racism in contemporary Australian society. Explain how early 20th century
welfare state policies excluded Indigenous Australians from the benefits of welfare
systems, and how this was justified. Illustrate your answer with examples of at least two
policies of social exclusion.

6. The contemporary welfare state is increasingly under pressure to respond to

intersectionalitys of race/class/gender/age/[dis]ability/geography [location] in its policies,
processes and programs. Explain how the provision of services or benefits in relation to
the intersections of two or more of the above categories advances equality or reinforces
inequality in Australia. Focus on an issue related to either education, employment/labour
participation, or healthcare to illustrate your response.
SCS235 Social Justice, Welfare and the State 2017
Task 3. Key Concepts Assignment marking criteria

The relevant key concepts/ideas are clearly and accurately explained.

Key terms have been used to develop The key terms have been used to develop the mini-essays.
the responses.
Appropriate and accurate use of Appropriate and accurate use of required (and relevant
required and additional key additional) key concepts/ideas.

Strong and accurate depth of understanding is demonstrated

Each mini-essay contains a clear A clear thesis statement/argument is present at the start of
thesis statement which is supported
in the body. each mini-essay.
Explanation (not just description) is The body of each mini-essay explains the thesis/argument.
demonstrated (eg context, causes,
implications, consequences),
Integration of understanding demonstrated by each mini-
including relevance to course essay having clear and logical links with no unnecessary
material. repetition.
Integration of understanding
demonstrated by each response
following logically from the previous
one with explicitly clear links and no
unnecessary repetition.

Capacity to clearly express ideas and information in an academic writing style

Meaning is clearly communicated. Meaning is clearly communicated.
Excellent clear expression, in
appropriate academic style. Excellent clear expression, in appropriate academic style.
Paragraphs are internally well Paragraphs are internally well organised, with an orderly
organised, with an orderly progression of sentences.
progression of sentences.
Paragraphs follow each other Paragraphs follow each other logically in a sequence.
logically in a sequence (where there Sentences are grammatically correct, and spelling is correct.
is more than one paragraph).
Sentences are grammatically correct,
and spelling is correct.

Effective use of sources

Relevant well-chosen sources have Relevant well-chosen sources have been used to develop
been used to develop each mini-
essay. each mini-essay.
Each mini-essay has a minimum of Each mini-essay has a minimum of four sources
four sources.
The assignment has used at least 12 different scholarly
The assignment has used at least 12
different scholarly articles/books. sources
In-text referencing is presented in a In-text referencing is presented in a consistent and correct
consistent and correct format, format, including page numbers.
including page numbers for quotes
AND all paraphrases). Reference list is present and in consistent and correct
Reference list is present and in format.
consistent and correct format.
Conformity with word length.
Each response is within 10% of the YES Not quite NO
required word length.
essay style with 12 point font
1.5 spacing
title page with name/ID/tutorial


marker grade mark


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