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Special Issue

November 6, 2017 January 8, 2018

Biotech Brexit
Democrats China The
Saudi Arabia Cybersecurity
Central Banking
Electric Vehicles Year
Marijuana SpaceTravel
Microchips Ahead
Congress Shale Trump
Organic Food
Plus: 50 Companies to Watch
Bloomberg Businessweek The Year Ahead 2018 Contents

The European Central

Bank, which bought
debt issued by the
operator of Italys A12
motorway, will taper
off its bond purchases


Heres what we think willand wonthappen in 2018

Bloomberg Businessweek The Year Ahead 2018

The world economy should grow
nicely again in 2018 p13

Central Banking p22

Elections p24
Reform p26
Hot Seat: Jacinda Ardern p28
Brexit p30
Interview: Jim Coulter p32


Energy Politics

Pipelines p64 Farm Bill p78

Liqueed Natural Gas p65 Trump p80
Cars p66 Democrats p80
Chemicals p67 Marijuana p84
Renewables p68 Hot Seat: Mitch McConnell p85
Aramco p68 Congress p86
New Fields p70 Interview: David Petraeus p88
Shale Oil p72
Interview: Jack Fusco p74

Technology Retail

Silicon Valley p36 Electric Vehicles p50

Cybersecurity p38 Hot Seat: Michael OLeary p51
Internet p40 Online Shopping p52
Aerospace p42 Travel p54
5G p44 Streaming p56
Interview: George Yancopoulos p46 Organic Food p58
Interview: Jeff Koons p60


50 Companies to Watch Scoreboard

What we got right and
wrong about 2017 p104

Bloomberg Businessweek The Year Ahead 2018 Introduction

The world
economy should
grow nicely again
in 2018. (Unless
someone does 13

something dumb.)

After several disappointing years, all the major economies By Peter Coy
are expanding at the same time
Bloomberg Businessweek The Year Ahead 2018 Introduction

Nations to Watch in 2018

Canada U.K.
Canadians Britains exit from
havent given up the European
on a new North Union must
American Free happen by
Trade Agreement March 2019. The
with the U.S., but battle over terms
theyre also pur- of disengagement
suing a trade deal will get even more
with China. fractious in 2018.

Divisions on the
right are increas-
ing the chance
that a populist,
euroskeptic gov-
ernment could
take power after
U.S. general elections,
which are set for
The Trump May or earlier.
administration is
likely to keep the
14 world guessing
on issues includ-
ing trade, fiscal
stimulus, and mili-
tary alliances.

Leftist national-
ist Andrs Manuel
Lpez Obrador
is leading in the
polls and could be
elected to a six-
year term as pres-
ident in July.
Oil output is
after touching
a 27-year low
in 2016, when mil-
itants attacked
pipelines. An
overvalued cur-
rency could
deter foreign

Brazil investment.

The economy
climbed out of
recession this
year, but the
political scandals
GDP per capita, No data that threaten to
$02k envelop President
2018 forecast by $210k
Michel Temer
International $1040k growth.

Monetary Fund $40k+

Bloomberg Businessweek The Year Ahead 2018 Introduction

Germany South
Germany con-
Russia Korea
tinues to export Domestic oil pro-
way more than it ducers appear Improving global
imports, annoying to be abiding by demand has
its neighbors. In an agreement fueled a come-
2018 its current with OPEC to cut back in exports.
account surplus production. The Despite the threat
seems likely to biggest risk for of attack from
remain above the the economy in North Korea,
6 percent ceiling 2018 is a sharp businesses keep
prescribed by
the EU.
fall in oil prices. investing, and
consumers keep
spending. Fresh off reelec-
tion in October,
Prime Minister
Shinzo Abe will
redouble efforts
to restructure the
third arrow in his
quiver after fiscal
and monetary

Having been
elected to a
second five-year
term in October,
President Xi
Jinping may
use 2018 to
push essential
but unpopular
such as closing
Saudi inefficient plants.

Arabia India
The govern- Growth slowed
ment is sched- earlier this year.
uled to sell But with infla-
shares in Saudi tion finally under
Aramco, the oil control, the
giant, but there Reserve Bank of
are reports it may India is likely to
delay the interna- cut interest rates,
tional portion of fueling a rebound.
the sale until at
least 2019.

The government
will continue
to fight a debt-
fueled bubble
in home prices
in 2018. Almost
40 percent of
such loans are
interest-only, and
85 percent have
variable rates.
Bloomberg Businessweek The Year Ahead 2018 Introduction

Healthy growth makes it easier to deal

with the next downturn
Everyone in the worldplus the two SpaceX JPMorgan Chase & Co. wrote on Oct. 25. The syn-
customers who technically wont be in the world chronized expansion reflects a self-reinforcing
when they do figure eights around the Earth and turn in the global profit cycle that has boosted Will
the moon for two weeks this coming yearcan business confidence and spending in all corners
look forward to another year of healthy growth of the world, the economists said in an earlier consumers
in 2018. Weve gotten so used to complaining about note. To put it another way: The expansion is not and
sluggishness that its a shock to realize the global dependent on just one region or one sector, says businesses
economy has quietly accelerated to a respectable Richard Turnill, global chief investment strategist continue
and sustainable cruising speed. Market volatility is for BlackRock Inc. in London.
historically low. Even the skeptical Germans sound Healthy growth puts the world in a better posi- to shrug off
happy. The data we get and the indicators we see tion to deal with the next downturn, whenever it geopolitical
are very positive, says Clemens Fuest, president comes. Governments fight recessions by lowering threats?
of the IFO Institute at the University of Munich. interest rates, cutting taxes, and raising spending.
There is no obvious obstacle. Those tools are blunted if interest rates are already
The big story for 2018 is likely to be how to low and government debt is so high that govern-
manage the continued expansion. A turning ments cant get away with bigger budget deficits.
point may come at the end of September, when Policymakers goal for now is to normalize interest
the European Central Bank might stop or curtail rates and repair their countries finances, gaining
monthly bond purchases (page 22). The central altitude so the next downdraft cant plunge them
banks bought bonds to drive down long-term inter- into a hillside.
est rates; while the Japanese will keep buying, the Its also possible that were already headed for
Americans and soon the Europeans are betting a crash. Economists are lousy at picking turning
that the patient, the economy, is finally well points. After Queen Elizabeth II questioned the
enough to get along without life support. failure to foresee the financial crisis last decade,
The International Monetary Fund, which has a group of British economists wrote her a letter
reported subpar growth for years, now says the saying it was principally a failure of the collec-
global upswing in economic activity is strength- tive imagination of many bright people, both in
ening. In its World Economic Outlook, published this country and internationally, to understand
in October, the IMF says now would be a good the risks to the system as a whole.
time to deal with issues that went unaddressed A key question for 2018 is whether consum-
during the convalescence from the 2007-09 finan- ers and businesspeople will continue to shrug
cial crisis, including sometimes-unpopular mea- off some pretty scary geopolitical threats. So far
sures such as raising retirement ages and making theyve been nonchalant. The best example is
it easier for companies to hire and fire. South Korea, which has been rocked by threats of
Bloomberg economists predict the U.S. will nuclear attack from the north, corporate scandals,
grow 2.5 percent in 2018; China, 6.4 percent; Japan, and even a warning from President Donald Trump
0.9 percent; and Germany, 1.6 percent. In most that its free-trade agreement with the U.S. might not
cases those numbers are in line with the growth survive. Despite all that, people are still shopping,
expected for 2017, which has turned out to be a and stocks are at or near record highs. The Bank of
better year than many forecasters expected. Korea is confident enough in the outlook that its
The upswing hasnt benefited everyone. The signaling another interest rate hike on the horizon.
IMF points out that prospects are lackluster in (Economists expect it to happen next year.)
many nations of sub-Saharan Africa, the Middle Similarly, on the other side of the planet,
East, and Latin America. Even in wealthy nations, the economy of the U.K. has trundled along at a
those at the bottom are hurting. In the U.S., wage better-than-expected clip given the uncertainty
growth remains anemic despite an unemployment over Britains exit from the European Union,
rate in the low 4s. which must take place by the end of March 2019.
Still, brisk growth thats not shared by all is This is all the more remarkable considering
better than no growth at all. One reason for opti- the cack-handed way the government of Prime
mism about the outlook is that the global expan- Minister Theresa May has conducted the talks.
sion seems to be based on strong fundamentals, The headwinds of Brexit will continue to stiffen
not froth. In a virtuous spiral, confident consum- as the clock winds down to March 2019, Paul
ers are spending, which allows employers to hire Sheard, chief economist of S&P Global Inc., wrote
and invest, which leads to more consumer spend- in October.
ing, and so on. Global spending by companies Or how about Spain, which could lose a fifth of
on plants and equipment is in high gear with its economy if Catalonia secedes? In the fraught
room to run in the coming year, economists at leadup to Catalonias unauthorized September
Bloomberg Businessweek The Year Ahead 2018 Introduction

GDP growth projections Central bank net asset

for large economies purchases
India 12-month rolling ow
2017 7.1% G3 total U.S. Japan Euro zone Forecast
2018 7.0% $1.5t
6.8% 1.0
Spain 0.5
2.5% 0
2.1% -0.5
2.5% 6/30/06 12/31/18
2.3% The Federal Reserve is already letting its bond
2.3% portfolio shrink, and the European Central Bank
Canada may stop adding bonds in 2018.
1.9% Global economic and
France trade volume growth
1.7% Year-over-year change
Brazil  World GDP World trade volume
0.5% 17
Germany These estimates, 6
2.1% from Bloombergs
1.6% own economists, are 0
U.K. strong, although 2017
1.5% has turned out to be -6
1.4% a tough act to follow.
Italy The economists -12
1.5% see above-trend 1981 2018
1.2% growth of 2.5 percent
Japan for the No.1 economy, DATA: WORLD TRADE ORGANIZATION

1.5% the U.S.

Impact of nancial conditions
on global economic growth
Probability of a U.S. recession
within one year GDP growth impact from the Goldman Sachs Financial
Conditions Index, quarter-on-quarter, annualized

Median of economists surveyed by Bloomberg Forecast


100% 2


0 -4

1Q 06 4Q 18 1Q 06 4Q 18
Bloomberg Businessweek The Year Ahead 2018 Introduction

referendum on independence, Spain somehow are good for productivity growth but disruptive,
managed to post the fastest growth of the big four such as shutting down weak companies. Xi didnt
Continental economies. Spanish imperturbabilidad attempt such reforms in 2017 because he didnt want
will be tested in the months ahead. to risk slowing the economy before the 19th National
One of the big stories to watch in 2018 will be Congress of the Communist Party in October.
how the EU reimagines itself in light of Brexit, the In Japan, 2018 could be the year the Financial
crisis in Catalonia, and the differing Euro-visions Services Agency presses Japanese nonfinancial
of French President Emmanuel Macron and corporations to put to work more of the 250 tril-
German Chancellor Angela Merkel. Macron wants lion yen ($2.2 trillion) in cash on their balance
more fiscal integration than most Germans are sheets. More investment in plants and equipment
comfortable with. There is a window of oppor- would help fight disinflationary forces. A big ques-
tunity in the first half of 2018 for the French and tion for 2018 is whether Prime Minister Shinzo
Germans to come to some kind of compromise Abe will reappoint Haruhiko Kuroda as governor
on governance, says IFOs Fuest. After that, he of the Bank of Japan to an unprecedented second
says, Europe will be distracted by the approach term (page 23).
of Brexit, European Parliament elections, and the One concern for the global economy as a whole
choice of a new European Central Bank president is that the recovery has been built on too much
in 2019. S&P Globals Sheard agrees that 2018 is debt, which companies will be hard-pressed
shaping up to be a defining year for the EU. to service when growth inevitably weakens.
Of all the worlds hot spots, its the U.S. that has Marathon Asset Management LP, a firm that
the most potential to rock the global boat, at least scoops up the bonds of distressed issuers after
according to one analysis. Dun & Bradstreet Inc. their prices fall, is looking at raising a new pool of
prepares a quarterly global risk matrix, and in investable funds in 2018. When is our next default
the third quarter, 4 of the top 10 causes of concern cycle? Its not this year or next year, but possibly
were American. The biggest risk emanating from in 2019, Chief Executive Officer Bruce Richards
the U.S., D&B said, is that politics will impede said at a September conference.
pro-growth economic policies, which in turn Even if the global economy does well in 2018,
will make businesses curtail hiring and spending, financial markets might not. Prices of stocks and
sapping global momentum. D&Bs three other bonds are so high that it wouldnt take much
American risks: The Federal Reserve raises rates of a jolt to send investors rushing for the exits.
too quickly; tax reform falls short of expectations; Investors Intelligence says newsletter writers with
and U.S. productivity growth fails to accelerate. bullish outlooks outnumber ones with bearish
Much of the rest of the world does look at the views by the biggest margin since early 1987
U.S. with a tinge of alarm. Trump pulled out of months before the worst one-day stock crash
talks on the 12-nation Trans-Pacific Partnership ever. Bullishness is just as strong on the debt side,
as one of his first acts in office and repeatedly where even Tajikistan, six levels below investment
threatens to end talks with Mexico and Canada grade, was able to issue bonds yielding barely
to renegotiate the North American Free Trade more than 7 percent in September, note strate-
Agreement. There is a risk that we do after all gists at Eaton Vance Corp.
blunder into serious trade conflicts, with the U.S. Some policymakers are invoking Hyman
leading the jump off the precipice, says Willem Minsky, the late American economist who said that
Buiter, the chief global economist at Citigroup Inc. stability creates its own instability by breeding
Im feeling more optimistic about things outside overconfidence and bubbles. In October, Peoples
the United States right now than inside, says Bank of China Governor Zhou Xiaochuan said, If
Michael Froman, who was the U.S. trade repre- were too optimistic when things go smoothly, ten-
sentative under President Obama. sions build up, which could lead to a sharp correc-
Constitution Avenue, home of the Federal tion, what we call a Minsky Moment. Thats what
Reserve, will be as important as Pennsylvania we should particularly defend against.
Avenue, home of the president. In 2013 the mere Politicians cant relax, either. Economic
hint that the Fed would end its unprecedented improvement hasnt healed political divisions or
emergency measures caused bond investors to reduced long-term fragilities, wrote Bloomberg
throw a taper tantrum that walloped emerg- View columnist Mohamed A. El-Erian, chief eco-
ing markets. The markets seem to be taking the nomic adviser at Allianz SE, in October. Another
actual tightening in stride. But that could change way to say that is that a lot of ordinary workers
abruptly, warns Erik Weisman, chief economist of remain angry about their situations and doubt-
MFS Investment Management in Boston. Weve ful about their prospects. It is way too early to
never done this before, he says. Its completely declare mission accomplished, El-Erian wrote.
uncharted territory. So theres plenty of reason for caution. For
Chinas economic growth is predicted to slip now, though, enjoy the ride, like those space tour-
slightly in 2018 as President Xi Jinping, beginning ists who will blast off in 2018. Says MFSs Weisman:
his second five-year term, pushes for changes that This is about as good as it gets. 
Bloomberg Businessweek The Year Ahead 2018 Section

Banking p22

Elections p24

Reform p26

Brexit p30

Hot Seat Jacinda Ardern p28

Interview Jim Coulter p32

Edited by Cristina Lindblad

Italian toll road

operator Autostrade
per lItalia was one
of the beneficiaries
of the European
Central Banks
bond-buying spree

Bloomberg Businessweek The Year Ahead 2018 Economics

Central Banking
The tide of easy money is nally turning By Christopher Anstey

After a decade of flooding economies Although experts disagree about how less stimulus. The U.S. Federal Reserve
with money, key central banks next effective the stimulus was in stoking made the first move in October when it
year will finally start turning off the tap. broad-based economic growth, two started allowing a portion of bonds on
Since the financial crisis, theyve kept conclusions are in little dispute: The its $4.5 trillion balance sheet to mature
interest rates near zero and some have deluge of cash staved off a global finan- without replacing them. The European
bought trillions of dollars in government cial collapse, and it helped propel stocks Central Bank is still buying government
and corporate bonds. The idea was that and bonds to record levels. and corporate bonds, though it recently
low rates would encourage spending by Now policymakers believe their econ- delineated a plan for tapering off those
businesses and consumers. omies are strong enough to thrive with purchases starting in January. Chinas

European Central Bank The Federal Reserve


European Central Bank President Mario Draghi vowed The Federal Reserve pumped about $3.6 trillion into the
ve years ago hed do whatever it takes to save the euro. U.S. economy from 2008 to 2014. The link between mon-
So far its taken more than 2 trillion ($2.3 trillion). Thats etary stimulus and markets was remarkably tight: More
the amount by which hes expanded the balance sheet. than half the gains in the S&P 500 from 2008 until the
On Oct. 26 the ECB announced that its bond buying will Fed started raising interest rates at the end of 2015 came
continue through September 2018, albeit at 30 billion a on days the Fed announced policy decisions. Thats why,
month starting in January, or half the current pace. The despite Chair Janet Yellens assurances that reducing the
institution also stressed that it will reinvest proceeds from balance sheet will be a noneventlike watching paint
maturing debt for an extended period. dry, she saidits impossible to rule out a sharp reaction
European policymakers have been among the most in the markets.
forceful in their campaign to push down borrowing costs. The Fed stopped replacing some maturing bonds in
They championed negative interest rates, which leave October and has effectively put the process of shrinking
investors who choose to stash their money in government its balance sheet on autopilot, with the rundown in assets
bonds with less than they started with. And unlike the Fed, accelerating in stages; $50 billion a month will be taken
which has conned its purchases to government and mort- out of the nations bond markets by October of next year.
gage bonds, the ECB has also been buying corporate debt. Yellens four-year term as chair is up in February.
In doing so, its extended a lifeline to European businesses President Donald Trump is set to name Jerome Powell,
that might have otherwise been forced to retrench. a former private equity executive whos been a Fed
That aggressiveness has never sat well with German governor since 2012, to succeed her. Powell has voted
officials, whove traditionally favored in lockstep with Yellen in gradually
tighter controls to keep inflation removing stimulus and is expected to
down. Draghis term runs through maintain continuity in monetary policy.
October 2019. Any German candidate A Republican appointed by President
could have an inside track for the job, Barack Obama, hes earned a reputation
given that Europes largest economy has as nonideological and pragmatic. He
never had one of its own at the helm of sympathizes with White House calls to
the regions central bank. Draghi ease nancial regulations. Yellen
Bloomberg Businessweek The Year Ahead 2018 Economics

policymakers are expected to tamp financial conditions will be too loose. Most economies are posting solid growth.
down on credit growth next year, as In surveys, global investors identify Job markets have returned to what policy-
President Xi Jinping focuses on defusing a shift to monetary tightening as the makers deem full employment. American
financial risks. single most likely cause of the next household incomes are at a record high.
The Bank of Japan will probably recession. History shows such transi- Crisis-wracked European countries such
keep printing money, but that wont tions are fraught with risk. When the Fed as Spain have recouped economic losses.
be enough to offset a global decline started boosting rates in 1994, it set off China has shaken off fears of a debt crisis.
in central bank stimulus, which the worst corporate bond slide in two Even Japan has pulled out of a long cycle
economists see starting sometime in decades. It also helped trigger a sudden of mini-recessions.
mid-to-late 2018. It will worry a lot devaluation of the Mexican peso and the True, central bankers havent
of investors, because no ones really ensuing Tequila Crisis. been hitting their inflation targets;
prepared for it, says Nader Naeimi, a Adding to the uncertainty: Three of the failure of prices to rise is one sign
fund manager at AMP Capital Investors the worlds four most important central that growth is still subpar. But policy-
Ltd. in Sydney whos boosted his cash bank chiefs are nearing the end of their makers are setting that concern aside
allocation to 30 percent in anticipation terms and may be replaced. The same as they increasingly focus on curbing
of pain in bonds and stocks. It will factors are likely to propel their succes- the financial excesses that could set the
hurtyou want it to hurt, otherwise sors toward reducing monetary stimulus. stage for another crash.

Bank of Japan People's Bank of China



Bank of Japan Governor Haruhiko Kuroda and his board Chinas central bank is more opaque than its peers. Still,
have pledged to keep stimulus going until ination climbs theres a clear consensus among China watchers that
above 2 percent, a level practically no economist sees officials in 2018 are likely to intensify efforts to whittle
on the horizon for years to come. Still, the rate of money down a record buildup of debt in the nancial system
creation will slow. One reason is that the BOJ has built since the global crisis.
up such a huge stock of government bondsmore than At the October gathering of the Communist Party
40 percent of the marketthat it doesnt have to buy as leadership, President Xi Jinping reiterated that defusing
much anymore to keep 10-year yields around zero, the nancial risks is one of his top priorities. A sign of that
target it adopted last year. commitment was the promotion of Liu He to the 25-member
Kurodas ve-year term ends in April. When he was nom- Politburo. A longtime Xi adviser on economic matters, hes
inated in 2013, his three-decade-plus tenure at the staid been an advocate of debt reduction.
Finance Ministry and his optimistic, almost avuncular per- Despite layers of capital controls, the Peoples Bank
sonality helped ensure his conrmation. Since then, hes of Chinas actions can still roil markets around the globe.
shaken up an institution that had long been criticized for A surprise move in August 2015 to devalue the Chinese
doing too little to lift Japan out of stagnation. currency proved so unsettling that the Fed shelved a widely
Now its scal conservatives who are peeved: They say anticipated rate hike the following month.
Kurodas easy money policies have allowed Prime Minister Governor Zhou Xioachuan has held the job for almost
Shinzo Abes government to avoid wrestling down the 15 years. The question of who will replace him became
largest public debt load in the world. more urgent after he hinted at the recent party congress
Their calls for a more centrist policy that hes ready to retire. Even though the
are likely to go unheeded in the wake of central bank takes instructions directly
Oct. 22 legislative elections that solidied from the government, the pick for the
the ruling partys hold on power. Market top job still matters. Zhous successor
watchers believe that Abe, whos said he will have to craft a monetary policy that
has complete trust in Kurodas abilities, balances concern about the nations
will reward him with an unprecedented debt load with support for an economy
second full term. Kuroda thats shifted into a slower growth track. Zhou
Bloomberg Businessweek The Year Ahead 2018 Economics

Mexico and Brazil vote By Nacha Cattan and David Biller

Latin Americas two largest economies will opened the petroleum and electricity industries to
hold presidential elections in 2018. Thats a private competition. Chevron, Exxon Mobil, Total,
nerve-racking prospect for investors whove and China National Offshore Oil Corp. are among the
become used to decades of policy continuity and almost 70 companies that have signed oil contracts
could see Mexico and Brazil take radical turns. expected to bring in as much as $80 billion over
After 36 years of free-market technocrats, Mexicans the life of the agreements, according to the energy
could anoint a leftist firebrand whos threatened to ministry. Companies can at least take comfort from
take on Donald Trump. In Brazil, where the pop- the prospect that Amlos Morena party is unlikely
ulist Workers Party held sway for 13 years until to capture a majority in Congress.
2016, a scandal-fatigued electorate is flirting with One recent poll shows Amlo with as much as
a former army captain nostalgic for military rule. an eight-point lead on a large field of candidates. Mexicos front-runner,
You will have a lot of investor angst during the Mexico is allowing independents to run on the Lpez Obrador
elections, says Daniel Kerner, an analyst at risk con-
sulting firm Eurasia Group Ltd. You will have in
both cases capital flight, pressures on the currency
from investors getting scaredin Mexicos case that
there will be a reversal of reforms, and in Brazils
case, low commitment to reforms.
Whats driving voters yearning for change?
For starters, neither President Enrique Pea
Nieto in Mexico nor his counterpart in Brazil,
Michel Temer, will stand for reelection, and
their approval ratings are so dismal that their
endorsements would hardly help a handpicked
successor. Their administrations have been
dogged by endless corruption allegations, and
neither has been able to spur the economy to grow
fast enough to satisfy the middle class.
In Mexico, Trump himself may effectively hand
the presidency to Andrs Manuel Lpez Obrador,
whos sought the job twice before. The U.S. pres-
ident has antagonized Mexico by demanding the national ticket for the first time, and more than
nation pay for a border wall and by threatening to 70 have signed up. Among them is Margarita Zavala,
rip up the North American Free Trade Agreement. a lawyer and the wife of former President Felipe
Thats added to the appeal of Lpez Obrador, a Caldern. She broke away from the right-of-center
former Mexico City mayor who claims he was PAN to run on her own ticket. The ruling PRI has
robbed of the presidency in 2006 in a rigged elec- yet to unite behind a candidate. At the moment,
tion. Supporters of Amlo, as hes popularly known, the top contenders for the partys nomination are
see his brash style as the best way to meet Trumps Finance Secretary Jos Meade and Secretary of the
hostility head-on. If the U.S. walks away from Interior Miguel Osorio.
Nafta or if haggling over the deal inches closer to In Brazil, three years of investigations into gov-
the July 2018 vote, that would lift Lpez Obrador ernment graft have voters pining for what may be
further. Mexico could have a rather intense shift an extinct species: clean politicians. In a survey
in political orientation, says Mario Mesquita, released in October, 87 percent of respondents
chief economist at Ita Unibanco Holding SA. said it was very important candidates not be
Economists are rightly concerned with a possi- tainted by corruption. That sentiment may be

ble end of Nafta, with Mexican elections, and how an obstacle to former President Luiz Incio Lula
that could bring about a Lpez Obrador victory. da Silvas hopes of clinching a third term in next
Amlo has promised to boost the minimum wage Octobers elections. Hes appealing a conviction
and increase social spending to help the 50 percent on charges of graft and money laundering.
of the population that lives in poverty. Investors are The desire for an honest candidate has boosted
most concerned about the candidates pledge to the appeal of Jair Bolsonaro, a seven-term congress-
review and possibly reverse hard-fought reforms that man from Rio de Janeiro who calls himself a
Bloomberg Businessweek The Year Ahead 2018 Economics

threat to the stubbornly corrupt. The onetime oil giant that had been a source of national pride
military officer also is tough on crime: Hes said until prosecutors showed it to be the center of a
hell allow all Brazilians to get guns if elected, a vast network of patronage and graft.
controversial stance in a nation where seven people Bolsonaros penchant for inflammatory state-
are murdered every hour. ments, which have caused critics to brand him
Improving the security situation, Bolsonaro as homophobic, misogynistic, and racist, doesnt
said, will help attract much needed investment to seem to deter his supporters, who see him as a
consolidate an incipient recovery following eight Brazilian Trump (minus the fortune). His social
quarters of contraction. However, hes the first media following is bigger than that of any other
to admit he has only a superficial understanding contenderof whom there are many. The field
of economics. His policy proposals, to the extent includes former Acre state Senator Marina Silva;
hes elucidated them, are mostly inclined toward So Paulo businessman-cum-mayor Joo Doria Jr.;
resource nationalism, particularly concerns over and So Paulo state Governor Geraldo Alckmin.
China snapping up mining assets. He does support Finance Minister Henrique Meirelles is a favorite
privatization of nonstrategic assets, which he says among investors, but so far hes denied reports
would include Petrleo Brasileiro SA, the state-run that hell run. 

Saudi Arabia taps the breaks By Glen Carey

Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman hasnt also unclear if the private sector has the ability
wasted any time implementing his vision for Saudi to become the engine of economic growth after
Arabias future. Since leapfrogging other senior decades of government largesse. This is a huge
royals on the line of succession to the throne, the challenge for the country, and it has great implica-
prince has granted women the right to drive and tions for the world, Lloyd Blankfein, chief execu-
curbed the power of the religious police. Music tive officer of Goldman Sachs Group Inc., said at the
plays in restaurants, and many women are swap- Bloomberg Global Business Forum in New York in

ping their black abayas for colorful ones, sharp September. While there should be urgency, theres
contrasts in a country thats been guided by an also a case for caution so the change needed for
austere brand of Islam for decades. stability in the long run doesnt produce instability
The princes proposals for the economy are in the short run, he said.
even more ambitious and are detailed in a plan Already, there are signs that MbS may be moving
called Vision 2030. The blueprint aims to reduce too fast. The people reject women driving was
the countrys overwhelming dependence on oil the top-trending Arabic hashtag on Twitter after the
revenue by promoting the development of new government announced on Sept. 26 that women
industries such as tourism and entertainment. will have the right to drive. A rare attack on Oct. 7
To fund that effort, he wants to sell shares in the on a palace in Jeddah used by the royal family killed
state-owned giant Saudi Arabian Oil Co. (page 68) as two security personnel and injured three others,
well as privatize state assets, including flour mills, suggesting the ruling Al Saud family is once again
soccer clubs, and the stock exchange. Proceeds the target of militant groups such as Islamic State
from the sales would be channeled into what would or al-Qaeda.
be the worlds largest sovereign wealth fund. The To preempt a backlash against its policies,
plan also calls for austerity measures to wipe out the government launched the most severe crack- Growth in the
a budget deficit that by last year had ballooned to down on dissent in years, detaining prominent non-oil economy
more than 15 percent of gross domestic product clerics and activists. The regime has made enough in the second
quarter of 2017
because of the drop in the price of crude oil. opposition-quashing moves for it to be confident

But the 32-year-old prince, whos known more so than it might have been earlierthat it
casually as MbS, has to be careful: If he moves too can make this sort of controversial policy change
quickly, he could stir up dangerous opposition to stick, says Paul Pillar, a professor at Georgetown
his project from Saudis sympathetic to militant University in Washington and a former CIA officer,
Islamic groups and a royal family that fears his referring to the decision to allow women to drive.
policies will lead to their marginalization. Hell Cutbacks in government spending have rever-
have to balance his impatient demands for change berated through the economy. Companies that
with the populations willingness to adapt. Its supply medical devices have seen sales plunge Prince Mohammed
Bloomberg Businessweek The Year Ahead 2018 Economics

as health-care purchasing was curtailed. Petrochemical com- reform programs when oil prices are low, sometimes the
panies are having to pay higher prices for feedstock, because enthusiasm wanes when commodity prices move higher,
state subsidies have been reduced. Construction, with its reli- James McCormack, global head of sovereign ratings at Fitch
ance on government contracts, has been particularly hard Ratings Ltd., said at an event in Riyadh in October. A delay
hit. Official data show growth in non-oil GDP came in below in selling a stake in Aramco or a disastrous turn in the war in
1 percent in each of the first two quarters of 2017, down from Yemen, where Saudi-backed forces have been unable to corral
a peak of almost 10 percent when oil was above $100 a barrel. Shiite rebels after more than two years of fighting, could also
Efforts to impose austerity on the massive civil-sector work- damage the princes reputation, hampering his ability to press
force have faltered. After widespread grumbling, the govern- ahead with changes.
ment reinstated allowances and bonuses to state employees, Alternately, the prince would see his hand strengthened
who make up one-third of the population. if his father, King Salman, were to abdicate the throne. This
Ali Alireza, managing director of Haji Husein Alireza & Co., would allow MbS to personally steer the economys transi-
a Saudi company that sells everything from dump trucks to tion, while quashing dissent from other powerful royal family
Aston Martins, agrees the economy needs to change but worries members, Eurasia Group Ltd. said in a report in September.
that its too much, too soon. The time frame in which these Either way, its clear the future of Vision 2030 hangs on one
things are going to be addressed, this is the problem, he says. man. At the end of the day, Prince Mohammed understands
Its not only local businesses that are sounding the that the reforms arent something he can pass on to some-
alarm. The International Monetary Fund has warned Saudi body else, says Emily Hawthorne, Middle East and North
policymakers that the rush to reform could cripple the Africa analyst at Texas-based advisory firm Stratfor Enterprises
economy. While in Washington for the funds annual meeting LLC. Economic change is his problem.
in October, Saudi Finance Minister Mohammed al-Jadaan
told reporters that the government has some breathing room
because its on track to reduce the budget deficit to below
10 percent of GDP this year. Authorities dont see the need
to go from 10 percent to zero in two years, he said.
The governments commitment to
Hot Seat
overhauling the economy could weaken Women were
in 2018 if prices for Saudi crude exports granted the right to New Zealand Prime Minister
drive on Sept. 26
head higher. When countries kick-start Jacinda Ardern
The South Pacific nations
youngest prime minis-
ter since 1856, Ardern, 37,
heads a cabinet heavy on
neophytes with little governing
experience. Delivering on her
promise of economic reform
will be a challenge, not least
because her Labour Party must rule in partner-
ship with two other parties.
Items on Arderns to-do list include repealing
planned tax cuts and replacing them with a broad
spending package to help low-income families, as
well as making the rst year of tertiary education

central bank, whose sole mandate is price stability,

to add full employment to its objectives, similar to
the U.S. Federal Reserve. The new coalition gov-
ernment is likely to be more interventionist in the
economy than any government New Zealand has
seen in decades, says Dominick Stephens, chief
New Zealand economist at Westpac Banking Corp.
Growth slowed to 2.5 percent in the second
quarter, from 3.5 percent in the same period a
year earlier. Business and consumer condence
have declined, which could result in a lackluster
second half of the year. The key is how they
communicate to the wider community, says
Philip Borkin, senior economist at ANZ Bank New
Zealand Ltd. They need to get buy-in, otherwise
they will get a backlash. Tracy Withers
Bloomberg Businessweek The Year Ahead 2018 Economics

Three ways it could

T What if Prime
e undone Minister Theresa
May quits or is
B Emma Ross-Thomas and
F Krause-Jackson pushed out by her
own party?
A shock referendum, a
nation on edge, a leader
o the ropes. The U.K.
stars in a real-life drama
about leaving the European
U while the daily intrigue Labour wins in
n London and the brinkman-
in a snap election
s ip in Brussels have audi-
ences guessing if the country A three-month leadership
will f l off a cliff. battle tears the
A year ago, Theresa May Conservatives apart.
ooked all-powerful while
lo A pro-Brexit candidate
rivval Jeremy Corbyn was seen emerges, but the party
30 ass unelectable. An ill- vise remains divided.
snnap election later, the
Conservatives are on the
baack foot while a radical
neew Labour Party is on
the rise.
The reversal has
Conservatives rally
obbservers wondering behind a Remainer
wh hether there could
bee more twists on the As Conservatives fight
road to March 19, one another for control of
the e deadline for the the party, Brexit talks are
U.K.s exit from the suspended.
EU U. Here are three
hypothetical scenar-
ioss for how things
coould take a turn
forr the unexpected. A new pro-Europe
They all start with party emerges
Ma ays own exit
froom the scene.
Conservatives unite behind
a hard-line Brexit backer.
Bloomberg Businessweek The Year Ahead 2018 Economics

The country Brussels The unions that With the

holds its second embraces the provide Labour parliamentary
election in new Labour with most of arithmetic now
less than a government, but its funding clearly pro-
year. Corbyns talks bog down press the party remain, Labour
Labour wins. over nitty-gritty. to reverse its announces
Brexit policy. a second

The pound The U.K. join forces with
tanks, forcing economy decel- Liberal Democrat
operations to
the Bank of erates and is and Labour
the Continent.
England to close to tipping lawmakers
Job losses
raise rates. into a recession. to push for
a second
referendum. 31

The new
lobbies the EU
Party is divided Frightened
for a longer
over whether it by the dire
should push on headlines,
period to allow
with life outside Conservatives
more time for
the EU or apply unite behind
talks, offering a
to rejoin, even a Remainer.
bigger divorce
under worse
Brussels agrees.

Talks with Without putting

the EU bog Younger The U.K. holds the question to
down, and the Europhile elections, a referendum
March 2019 Conservatives and the new first, a new
deadline arrives split off and party wins on government

without any kind form an alliance a platform of opens talks

of deal to soften with the Liberal returning the with Brussels to
the blow. Democrats. U.K. to Europe. rejoin the EU.
Bloomberg Businessweek The Year Ahead 2018 Economics

Interview Jim Coulter

The co-CEO of private equity rm TPG Capital LP feels good
about the global economy, but wonders, Wheres the ination?
Party congress this year, we think the economy
may well see a pickup going forwardalthough the
numbers have not been badas politics move more
into the rearview mirror. Across the rest of Asia,
its been a pretty good year in our portfolio and a
pretty good year for the economies. We dont see
that changing in the near term.

TPG recently broadened its ambitions to include

Africa. Why?

Were early in that process yet, but were highly The ability
interested in the demographic trends and certain
sectors that are emerging, most notably health to instantly
care, financial services, and agriculture. share that
moment in a
Whats a tech trend that youre watching closely concert has
from your perch in San Francisco?
What is your portfolio telling you about the state One trend that interests me is the change in made
of economies around the world? spending habits from things to experiences, which concerts
has accelerated over the past few years. Thats more
With 200-plus companies, we have front-row seats really driven by three points: Experiences are
for the world of business. And right now the show easier to buy when you can digitally pre-shop for valuable
seems to be progressing pretty well. If anything, them; experiences are more valuable to people
my concerns are that the market seems not to if they can be sharedso the ability to instantly
have concerns in a world that is geopolitically share that moment in a concert has somehow
and socially at an interesting point. Im also still made concerts more valuable; and while we used
scratching my head on the state of inflation, where to spend money to brand ourselves with the things
on one hand we have asset inflation in many parts we wore or used, today people are branding them-
of the economy while the general inflation mea- selves with the experiences they have that they
sures reflect average levels of consumer price infla- can immediately broadcast to their friends. Its a
tion. Those seem at odds. technologically enabled change in behaviors, which
creates investment opportunities.
How did the major elections across Europe this
year affect your outlook for the continent? More businesses are choosing to remain pri-
vately funded. Is this development temporary
Europe has, in our view, outperformed over the or permanent?
past few years. And the recent elections, which
have swung a bit more toward stability after the We might be entering a new era of the private
swing away from stability at Brexit, have been markets. While the stock market is up in value,
encouraging. Catalonia at the moment is an the number of publicly listed companies in the
interesting question, but elsewhere on the conti- U.S. is down more than 40 percent over the last
nent, the outlook seems positive. 20 years. In particular, the new technology com-
panies we watch closely at TPG are increasingly
TPG was an early mover into Asia. What are the choosing to stay in the private markets longer. I was
opportunities and challenges there now? struck that when James Freeman [the founder] of
Blue Bottle Coffee was asked recently why he sold

In China, a number of years ago people thought the to Nestl as opposed to going public, he said that,
story was going to be about transitioning the state- from his point of view, going public was like living
owned enterprises. Instead, much of the activity in hell without dying. Thats very different than the
has been around building new companies, new traditional view that going public is a celebrated
industries. Because of the focus on the Communist rite of passage. Devin Banerjee
Bloomberg Businessweek The Year Ahead 2018

Valley p36

security p38

Internet p40


Aerospace p42

5G p44

Interview George Yancopoulos p46

Edited by Jeff Muskus

Next year will be big

for companies that
have been working
toward commercial
spaceflight for a
decade or more

Bloomberg Businessweek The Year Ahead 2018

Silicon Valley
Big U.S. tech companies are about
By Peter Coy and Gerrit De Vynck
to spend a lot of time in court
A year ago the big U.S. tech companies were facing threats less so. Various tech companies stand accused of capturing
from regulators in Europe and to some extent in China, but or suffocating potential competitors, shirking taxes, invad-
they were still golden at home. President Obamas chief digital ing privacy, and providing a venue for sex traffickers. (They
officer was a Google veteran, and the month before Election deny the accusations.)
Day, the White House staged a tech-infused South by South While all big, successful companies have their share of
Lawn festival that Obama called the rst annual. Lobbyists critics, few are battling on as many fronts as Google, Apple,
for Google, Apple, Facebook, and got respect- Facebook, or Amazon. Many of the challenges, from court
ful congressional audiences for their priorities: more visas for cases to legislation, will come to a head in 2018. Theres
high-tech workers, a crackdown on patent trolls, and extended just so many things that have happened recently, says
tax credits for R&D. Albert Wenger, a partner at New York venture capital rm
Heading into 2018, the same companies nd themselves Union Square Ventures, an early investor in Twitter and
almost as pressured in the U.S. as they are in other parts of Etsy Inc. People are starting to ask, Wait, whats going
the world. Their stock prices are still sky-high; their reputations on here?

Challenges  Prospects

Antitrust networking to strengthen its credibility European Commission is also pushing

as a leading voice on consumer companies to be more proactive in
European regulators fined Google protection. taking down offensive content.
2.4 billion ($2.8 billion) in June for The case falls into a gray zone
favoring its own between competition and privacy,
shopping service in
Vestager told Bloomberg TV in
search engine results. September.
Theyre considering The Trump administration doesnt
two more cases share Silicon Valleys enthusiasm for
against Google, one Blocking more open borders.
involving its Android software and
another focusing on its AdSense China is shutting down virtual private
advertising service. networks (VPNs) that people have
 Google plans to make its shopping used to circumvent censorship and
service a standalone business unit reach Facebook, Googles YouTube,
that wont get special treatment in its and other sites.
search results.  President Xi Jinping
Google abused its market may further tighten
dominance, says Margrethe government control
Vestager, the European Unions of Chinas internet in
commissioner for competition. 2018.  Congress may cut back on H-1B

visas, which disproportionately go to
tech workers, in 2018.
Germanys competition authority Hate speech
Congress, get ready to do your job -
is investigating whether Facebook
DACA! President Trump tweeted on
abused its power as the dominant A German law that took effect in
Sept. 5.
social network by forcing customers to October requires social platforms to
agree to unfair terms remove hate speech within 24 hours
on how their data are or within seven days in complex cases. Net neutrality
used. Tech companies have said this would
be so onerous that it would force them
 The regulator has The Federal Communications
to enact broad censorship.
begun issuing white Commission is expected to kill
papers on social  This could be just the start. The Obama-era net neutrality rules, which

prevent internet providers from Russian influence

charging different rates to different
customers (from Netflix down to Two congressional committees and
individual homes) or giving certain data special counsel Robert Mueller are
sources preferential treatment. That investigating whether Russian agents
will likely raise costs for tech giants. influenced the 2016 presidential
 The FCC is on election through inflammatory
track to undo the net ads placed on Facebook, Google,
neutrality rules by and Twitter. British Prime Minister
early 2018. Theresa May has floated the idea
of treating the three companies like
FCC Chairman Ajit news organizations, making them
Pai says the net responsible for content appearing on
neutrality framework their platforms.
was originally designed in the 1930s
for the Ma Bell telephone monopoly.  This could lead to regulation
of American online advertising
by countries that are considered Taxation
Political advertising adversaries of the U.S.
The EC wants to close loopholes
Facebook says that U.S. tech giants use to reduce
The Honest Ads Act, introduced Russian posts
in the U.S. Senate in October with their tax bills. As an interim solution,
landed in the news its considering an equalization tax on
bipartisan sponsorship, would require feeds of 126 million
internet companies to reveal whos digital companies revenues instead of
people. Twitter just on their profits.
buying political ads and archive them banned ads from
for review. Russia-backed news
Mu ll
 In September the commission
services RT and Sputnik. suggested a possible proposal by
spring 2018.
The European Union says the
Sex trafficking and average international company with
pornography a digital consumer business pays
an EU tax rate of 10.1 percent, vs.
The U.S. Senates Stop Enabling Sex 23.2 percent if the company has a
Traffickers Act (Sesta) would expose traditional business model.
internet companies such as Facebook
and Google to civil lawsuits over
In 2016 the EC ordered Ireland to
content created by customers. Theres
collect up to 13 billion in back taxes
a similar bill in the House. Opponents
 Congress has been slow to take from Apple. The Irish government,
such as the Electronic Frontier
action on the bill, which, if passed, which uses low tax rates to attract
Foundation say it would undercut free
would take effect on Jan. 1. business, has appealed.
speech and innovation.
Election security is national  The EUs General
 Introduced by Senator Rob Portman,
security, says co-sponsor Senator Court is expected to
an Ohio Republican, the bill has 30 co-
Amy Klobuchar (D-Minn.). hear the case in late
sponsors from both parties. It has
a good chance of passage in2018.
Apple CEO Tim Cook
Privacy Tech companies find themselves on
called the order
the same side of the debate as sex Cook
total political crap.
A European rule traffickers.
called the General
Data Protection By December 2017, many
Regulation calls for merchants who sell on Amazon are
fines of as much as expected to begin collecting state
4 percent of worldwide annual revenue sales taxes in exchange for amnesty
on companies if they dont adequately from back taxes in about half of
protect customer data. U.S. states.
 The regulation takes effect on  Higher prices could reduce sales
May 25. through Amazons marketplace.
Bloomberg Businessweek The Year Ahead 2018 Technology

The next hack will turn
By Max Chafkin and Dune Lawrence
your lights off
When a serious cyberattack against the U.S. begins, Even so, U.S. companies are woefully unpre-
at first youll blame the weather, or an accident, or pared. Industrial control systems have been con-
corporate incompetence. Itll be a power outage nected to the internet in recent years, with little
that lasts a few hours at most. But things will start thought given to securing them. Many software
to get more unsettling when reports trickle out that systems patch security holes daily; at power plants,
the blackout is the work of hackers, most likely con- well-known vulnerabilities may not be fixed for
nected to the Russian government. years, partly because there still isnt a consensus
This isnt science fictionit happened in on whether the manufacturer, installer, or utility
western Ukraine two years ago. That attack, the operator bears responsibility for updating the soft-
first known to take out an electrical grid, used mali- ware, says Marina Krotofil, a Ukrainian-born FireEye
cious software known as a Trojan to briefly black analyst. There was no security in the past, because
out several hundred thousand people. The hack there was no need, she says. Many critical infra-
forced Ukrainians to start taking their countrys con- structure systems, including natural gas pipelines
flict with Russia much more seriously, says John and storage, are almost entirely unregulated in the
Hultquist, director of intelligence analysis at secu- digital realm.
rity company FireEye Inc. The power outage, and Russian hackers, meanwhile, continue to inno-
another that followed in the capital in 2016, took vate. Krotofil says many low- and midlevel hackers
the front from the east to Kiev, he says. You cant have moved on from hijacking Windows PCs and
ignore it when the lights go out. are writing malware designed to take over power
So far, most Americans and Europeans havent grids. You see so many exploits, because so many
been forced to reckon with the dangers of a large- people got into this field, she says.
scale cybersecurity breach, even as such attacks So far, Ukraine has been Russias primary target.
have become routine. Although close to half of the The Kremlin-backed group that caused the black-
U.S. population had their Social Security numbers, outs, identified by cybersecurity researchers as
addresses, and birthdates stolen from credit- Sandworm, has also been tied to a large-scale hack
monitoring company Equifax Inc. earlier this year, that briefly crippled Ukraine this summer. The group In Ukraine, hackers
have proved that
the usual round of press outrage and congressio- used a well-known ransomware program, Petya, that ransomware can be
nal finger-wagging didnt yield any serious changes. normally attacks a targets computer, encrypts the more destructive than
Equifax Chief Executive Officer Rick Smith resigned data, then offers to decrypt it for a ransom. But the it sounds
and lost his 2017 bonus, but he got a retirement hackers came up with a variation, NotPetya, that
package worth at least $18 million. simply destroyed the data.
But the kind of attack that companies will finally The hackers spread the virus by targeting the
take seriously, something like the one in Ukraine, is main application that Ukrainians use to file their
coming. Security experts call such a hack cyberphys- taxes, and in doing so, they took down the system
ical, meaning it spills into the real world, causing Ukrainian pharmacies use to keep track of rare
property damage and perhaps deaths. Experts have prescription drugs and the radiation monitoring
already found evidence that the hackers responsible system at Chernobyl. Banks, airports, and govern-
for Ukraines outages have been quietly rolling into ment offices were also affected. It was like nothing
the systems that run U.S. energy grids. On Oct. 20, wed ever seen before, says Krotofil. The entire
the FBI and Department of Homeland Security country was paralyzed.
issued an alert warning of a multistage intrusion Theres evidence to suggest the blackouts and
campaign aimed at industrial control systems in NotPetya were just warmups for a hack in the U.S.
critical infrastructure, including in the energy, Sandworms code has been found on computers

water, aviation, nuclear, and manufacturing sectors. run by American electrical operators, according to
Attacks on infrastructure are extremely tough to FireEye. And in July security groups reported that
pull off. Most power grids include a tangle of inter- another group, believed by U.S. intelligence agencies
connected systems, some online, some offline, and to be Russian, had accessed computers at a dozen
some decades old. Intelligence analysts say only five U.S. power plants, including Wolf Creek, a nuclear
countries can hack them: the U.S., China, Russia, plant in Kansas. Russian hackers havent done any-
North Korea, and Iran. None, as far as we know, thing malicious to these systems, but such stories
have successfully disabled physical assets beyond are troubling, especially when combined with their
computers on American soil. meddling in the 2016 U.S. presidential election and
Bloomberg Businessweek The Year Ahead 2018 Technology

their smaller-scale attacks in Europe, such as the Cyberspace in Peace and War, says he worries that a
disabling of a French television network. serious hack could escalate into outright war. My
The same thing thats kept the nuclear peace No.1 fear is not the direct consequences of a cyber-
between the U.S. and Russia has also stopped attack, he says. Its if we get into a conflict with The
Russia from launching a cyberphysical attack in another country and theres a cyberattack, we will
America. The U.S. could respond to a Russian strike overreact, or they will overreact. Russians
with its own crippling cyberattack along the lines How long can fear of retaliation hold off a cyber have crossed
of Stuxnet, a worm said to have been developed Pearl Harbor, as security researchers sometimes lines and,
by the U.S. National Security Agency and Israeli call it? Peter Singer, a fellow at the Washington think more
intelligence that sabotaged Iranian nuclear cen- tank New America, says the phrase is so overused
trifuges starting in 2009. (Iran has been active in its basically fodder for a drinking game, but the past importantly,
the U.S. as well. In 2016, the Department of Justice few years have been sobering. Weve seen a series done so
announced that it was bringing hacking charges of lines crossed that we thought were no-go areas, without
against seven Iranians for crimes that included he says. The Russians have crossed lines and, more punishment
accessing a control system for a dam in the New importantly, done so without punishment. That
York City suburbs.) Martin Libicki, a visiting pro- sends a signal, not just to them but to everyone else,
fessor at the U.S. Naval Academy and the author of that, Hey, you can get away with this.

Chinas crackdowns are getting serious By Bloomberg News

In late October, as he pushed to cement his grip the benefits of a billion potential users against the
on Chinas ruling Communist Party for another five implicit support for a repressive regime that works
years, President Xi Jinping made it clear that with in opposition to their stated priorities. China
him in charge, the countrys internet wouldnt be has become far bolder and more strategic in its
getting more liberal. approach to a very old and familiar objective, which
At the twice-a-decade National Congress of the is to shore up political control through controls
Communist Party, during a three-and-a-half-hour on information, says David Bandurski, co-direc-
speech extolling the virtues of Chinas version of tor of the China Media Project and a Richard von
socialism, Xi said officials need to engage with Weizscker fellow of the Robert Bosch Academy
the public and pledged to do it on specific terms. in Berlin. The party feels it must centralize and
We will provide more and better online content double down on control. The National
and put in place a system for integrated internet China has corralled Tencent Holdings, Alibaba Congress of the
management to ensure a clean cyberspace, he Group Holding, Baidu, and other leading internet Communist Party
told more than 2,000 party delegates as he kicked
off the weeklong assembly. We will distinguish
between matters of political principle, issues of
understanding and thinking, and academic view-
points, but we must oppose and resist various erro-
neous views with a clear stand.
Those goals may sound appealing in the era of
fake news, but Xis first five years have been marked
by the biggest crackdown on freedom of expres-
sion in the internet age. Foreign companies com-
plain of restrictions that hamstring operations and
favor homegrown players. Police are shutting busi-
nesses and arresting civilians on message groups
as Beijing plugs more holes in its Great Firewall,
a blockade of blacklisted sites.
Google and Facebook Inc. are trying to figure
out how to nose their way back into the worlds
biggest marketabout a decade after exiting China

because of privacy concerns (Google) and being

blocked from it (Facebook). They have to weigh
Bloomberg Businessweek The Year Ahead 2018 Technology

companies to join the effort. Officials say guard-
ing the electronic frontier is necessary to preserve
the stability of a vast country undergoing rapid eco-
nomic and social changes. In June, Weibo Corp.,
the Chinese equivalent of Twitter Inc., was one of
three companies fined and banned by regulators Commercial spaceight
from broadcasting certain types of content without
a license. They want to shut people up and to gets real
tighten self-censorship, says Qiao Mu, a former
journalism professor at Beijing Foreign Studies By Michael Belore
University. They want to avoid mass incidents
and prevent crises before they emerge.
Away from the glare of rules and legislation,
censorship in China has become increasingly gran-
ular, down to what can be shown on streaming
sites. Previous regimes periodically blocked virtual
private networks, the technology long used to cir-
cumvent web filters, but Xis government is shut-
ting them down for good.
Chinas online watchdog has also slapped fines
on news services run by Tencent, Baidu, and Weibo.
Internet regulators say they closed 3,918 websites in
the second quarter for spreading information that
was violent, pornographic, or a danger to national
security. Even Winnie the Pooh was kicked off tem-
porarily after images of the bear started popping
up as an online proxy for the stout Xi.
At this rate, there will not be much left for
the next leader to censor, says the co-founder of Blue Origins New Next year will mark the 50th anniversary of the
42 Shepard suborbital, a group that finds ways around gov- first manned lunar mission, during which three
craft in July at the
ernment restrictions, who goes by the name Charlie annual gathering of Apollo 8 astronauts orbited the moon and gave
Smith to avoid reprisals. He is the first Chinese the Experimental the U.S. a decisive lead in its space race against the
leader to truly understand the power of the inter- Aircraft Association Soviet Union. These days, with NASAs milestones
in Oshkosh, Wis.
net, and hence we are seeing an unprecedented receding in the national memory, Russian space-
crackdown on dissenting information. ships are the ones ferrying American astronauts to
Tencents WeChat, with almost 1 billion users, and from the International Space Station (ISS). If
has become adept at preventing sensitive messages all goes well, that will change in 2018.
from ever reaching their destination, such as when This moment is a big one for the handful of
it blocked a flood of photos of the late dissident and companies that have spent much more than a
Nobel laureate Liu Xiaobo this summer. Baidu is decade working toward commercial spaceflight.
building a system to allow cybercops to spot and Boeing Co. and Elon Musks Space Exploration
fix online rumors, letting police agencies insert Technologies Corp. are preparing to bring NASA
themselves directly into everything, including its scientists to the ISS by this time next year, not
search results and discussion forums. long after five teams race unmanned landers to
Services that rely on free-flowing information, the moon to win the $20 million Google Lunar
such as Google and Facebook, would struggle to XPrize. Richard Bransons Virgin Galactic LLC
exist in such a regime, though they remain intent and Jeff Bezos Blue Origin LLC have suborbital
on finding a way in. Facebook-owned WhatsApp, flights scheduled. Rocket Lab USA Inc. and Virgin
which operated unfettered for years, began expe- Orbit, Virgin Galactics satellite arm, expect to
riencing intermittent disruptions in July that indus- begin launching satellites. And SpaceX plans to
try experts blame on the governments increased use its own astronauts to reprise 1968s history-
use of surveillance technology in the runup to the making flight.
party congress. NASA, for one, is counting on commercial
Other companies have made concessions to efforts to succeed next year. Even unmanned tests
Xi. LinkedIn censors its local subscribers posts. of spaceships from SpaceX and Boeing would be
Microsoft Corp. set up software centers where gov- a major milestone in getting the U.S. back into
ernment officials can peruse source code under launching its own astronauts into space, says

careful scrutiny. Apple Inc. started deleting apps Douglas Messier, managing editor of Parabolic
that bypass Chinas internet restrictions from its Arc, a commercial-space blog. NASA hasnt had
local App Store. Fight it or not, China is simply that capability since it retired the Space Shuttle
too big to ignore.  in 2011.
Bloomberg Businessweek The Year Ahead 2018 Technology

NASAs Commercial Crew Program is targeting the continuous free fall of orbit, will be almost
April for the SpaceX Dragon 2s first test flight and as important in 2018, says Charles Lurio, who
August for a manned flight. Boeing is slated to test- publishes the Lurio Report, an industry newsletter.
fly its CST-100 Starliner unmanned in August and Blue Origin and Virgin Galactic are both testing
crew it in November. In addition to a combined suborbital craft (Blue Origins unmanned, Virgins
$7.9 billion in development money from NASA, the with test pilots) and say theyre aiming to reach
two companies have received a total of $6.8 billion manned zero-gravity flights in 2018. Those trips,
in launch contracts to transport astronauts. Lurio says, will start to give the first tangible idea
Sometime after its manned flight in August, of the potential market for suborbital flight.
SpaceX says, the Dragon 2 will make its moon- Satellite launches are a different story. Rocket
orbiting flyby with two paying passengers. The Lab, which flew a suborbital test flight of its Electron
company wont say how much those tickets cost, rocket in May, says it plans to make its first flight to
but the price is likely to be far more than the orbit in December and begin charging customers to
$40 million the last private astronaut, Canadian put their satellites in space next year. Virgin Orbit
billionaire Guy Lalibert, paid the Russians to reach has a similar timetable, and its cargo room is long
the ISS almost a decade ago. gone, says Will Pomerantz, vice president for special
Suborbital spaceflights, which breach the projects. Our manifest for 2018 is already fully sold,
atmosphere but dont go fast enough to reach he says, as is much of 2019 and 2020. 

The parabolic arc of rocketry

Jeff Bezos founds Blue Origin in A Blue Origin test rocket ascends to Blue Origin flies
2000 Kent, Wash. 2011 45,000 feet and breaks the sound New Shepard to
barrier, then crashes space in three more
Elon Musk co-founds SpaceX in El unmanned tests
2002 Segundo, Calif. An unmanned SpaceX Dragon
After two more failed
capsule becomes the first commercial
landings, SpaceX
After Scaled Composites craft to dock with the International
lands a Falcon 9
SpaceShipOne flies the first Space Station
on an unmanned
commercial astronauts to suborbital
ship. But another
space, Richard Bransons Virgin 2016 launchpad rocket
Galactic funds development of
explosion destroys
2004 2012 a pricey Facebook

Virgin Galactic
begins glide-testing
its VSS Unity
Blue Origin test-flies a vertical takeoff
and landing rocket at low altitude
2006 SpaceX sends a satellite into orbit
SpaceXs first launch fails NASA awards SpaceX and Boeing on a used Falcon 9, executes its
launch contracts worth a combined 19th successful rocket landing, and
$6.8 billion to fly astronauts in outlines new designs for a Mars
An equipment explosion kills three
competing ships to the ISS colonization craft
men working on Virgin Galactics
2007 SpaceShipTwo Blue Origin announces a partnership Bezos says hes funding Blue Origin at
2014 with United Launch Alliance to develop the rate of $1 billion a year from sales
SpaceXs second launch fails
an engine of his Amazon stock
SpaceXs third launch fails, but a Virgin Galactics VSS Enterprise Branson says he intends to travel to
2008 fourth one gets a payload into orbit spaceplane crashes during a test space in Virgin Galactics VSS Unity
flight, killing its pilot in 2018
SpaceX executes
a second orbital Blue Origin successfully flies its New
launch, the last Shepard suborbital rocket and capsule
use of a Falcon 1 in two unmanned tests and says its 2017
2009 rocket developing an orbital craft

SpaceX sends its 2015


new Falcon 9 into

orbit and recovers
it intact
2010 SpaceX crashes two rockets trying to
land them on a floating ocean platform.
A third lands successfully, but a cargo
flight to the ISS explodes after launch
Bloomberg Businessweek The Year Ahead 2018 Technology

Digging deep to nd the future of mobile By Niclas Rolander

In a gold mine hundreds of feet below the boreal mobile services for consumers while dramatically
forests of northern Sweden, Ericsson AB is seeking lowering the power needed for devices. That wont
the answer to an existential question: Does anyone fulfill some of the more futuristic promises of the
really want 5G wireless service? The troubled tele- technology, but enhancing mobile broadband isnt
communications equipment maker, suffering as a bad place to start, says Daryl Schoolar, an analyst
sales of 4G technology falter, has bet its future on at researcher Ovum Ltd. You build a foundation.
the fifth generation of mobile, which is expected to The three leading equipment makers have suf-
link billions of devices to the internet with connec- fered from slumping demand as 4G networks
tions fast enough to transfer a feature film in less are largely complete in key markets. Ericsson is
than a second. But even with initial 5G standards more troubled than the others, because it was less
poised to be determined next year, no one is sure prepared for the downturn; its shares plunged
what applications and services will make custom- 30 percent after a profit warning last year. Even as
ers hand over the billions of dollars the systems will Chief Executive Officer Borje Ekholm seeks to cut
cost to construct. We need to explore this to under- annual operating costs by more than $1 billion to
stand what well use it for, says Peter de Bruin, an boost profits, hes pledged to continue investing
Ericsson engineer who designed the prototype 5G in 5Gkeeping one foot on the gas pedal and one
network the company built in the Kankberg mine, foot on the brakes, he told Bloomberg Television.
500 miles north of Stockholm. The benefits of such At Kankberg, Ericsson has built a network of
fast download speeds arent really obvious. about three dozen antennas to cover more than a
The 50-year-old mine is one of dozens of locations mile of tunnels, using equipment that adheres to
globally where Ericsson and its primary rivals, Nokia proposed standards, even though the first set wont
Oyj and Huawei Technologies Co., are testing equip- be completed until next summer. Truckmaker
ment for 5G, which will likely see its first large-scale Volvo AB has developed a remote-control
commercial deployments in 2020. Nokia has worked front-loader for transporting rock. ABB Ltd. is
with China Mobile Ltd. to show how ambulances can
use 5G to stream patient X-rays to emergency rooms How 5G could work
as they race toward hospitals. Huawei has showcased
a remotely driven car. Ericsson, which has devoted 4G 5G
the bulk of its 24,000 engineers to 5G, is involved in Signals broadcast in all directions Focused signals
about 20 projects, including the highest-profile test, All data are sent to and from the network Small base stations extend reach and
in February at the Winter Olympics in Pyeongchang, directly handle some exchanges
South Korea. There, the company is working with Device-to-device communication
KT Corp. and Intel Corp. on a network that will guide
self-driving buses through the athletes village and


allow fans to experience the action live from tiny
cameras embedded in the helmets of bobsledders.
We have talked for a long time about 50 billion con-
nected devices, but we need to understand what
they are, De Bruin says.
Ericsson, Nokia, and Huawei are developing 5G
radio components; chipmakers Intel and Qualcomm
Inc. have showcased modems; and programming
houses are writing much of the code that will providing wireless devices to monitor air quality.
make the systems tick. Even tiny bits of software And researchers at Swedens Lulea University have
or equipment that become part of the global stan- created sensors that track seismic activity in the
dard could bring riches to those who create them. rock. Mikael Staffas, head of mining operations at
The 5G Forum, an industry group, predicts the 5G Boliden AB, the owner of the mine, says 5G will let
services and equipment market will reach $1.9 tril- the company and its suppliers create sophisticated
lion in 2026. equipment that engineers cant yet envision. We
Those numbers will depend on industries from get a very capable infrastructure, and we need to
health care to manufacturing finding ways to use the think about how to use it, he says. Its a bit uncer-
technology. Until that happens, 5Gs benefits will be tain, because no one has really started building
more mundane: improving the speed and quality of applications for the higher speeds. 
Bloomberg Businessweek The Year Ahead 2018 Technology

Interview George Yancopoulos

The co-president and chief scientic officer of Regeneron
Pharmaceuticals Inc. says new medical technologies and
drugs wont keep coming unless we spend on basic science
Social media has maybe destroyed the minds of the
next generation. Weve shown how interventions
can so easily go awry. But its so hard to fix things.
Crispr is still at the earliest stages, and its going to
be years before we see large-scale interventions.

The industry has been arguing that its not

recognized for this hard work. Everyone from
President Trump on down accuses drugmakers
of price gouging. Wheres the price conversa-
tion going to go next year?

As an industry, we all have to be more respon-

sible. We know the egregious examples of
[Martin] Shkreli and Valeant [Pharmaceuticals
International Inc.]. Even more respectable com-
panies sometimes, when they want better earnings
per share, do double-digit increases of a drug price Society
for a product theyve had on the market for years. really needs
But I dont want the pricing conversation to dom- to invest
The biotech industry has seen a boom of new inate to the point that it distracts from the more
in future
technologies and drugs in the past few years. fundamental issues here. Society really needs to
What technologies are you most excited about? invest in future epidemics. If we dont deal with epidemics.
them, then the cost of drug prices today will be If we dont
Its all about genetics and DNA. Regeneron has rounding errors compared to the price of obesity deal with
now sequenced a quarter of a million people and and diabetes and Alzheimers. Its astounding that
them, then
has their health records. This is a resource thats out of the trillions of dollars we spend on health
never been possible or available before. It used care, were only giving $30 billion to the National the cost of
to take 10 to 15 years to do the genetics testing, Institutes of Health to try and somehow fix these drug prices
and then youd start the drug development, which future problems. Thats irrational. People mock today will
takes another 10 to 15 years. Now weve cut out the work on worms and fruit flies that the NIH
be rounding
those first 15. does, but thats where discovery comes from. We
should be increasing the NIH funding tenfold. errors
Are there ethical issues or other drawbacks to compared to
increasing the accessibility of these technolo- What advice do you have for the current the price of
gies? One guy recently injected his arm muscles administration?
obesity and
with the gene-editing tool Crispr to see if he
could make himself more buff. I dont think any administration, including the diabetes and
current one, understands where discoveries really Alzheimers
Well, I dont think itll work for that guy. At most, come from. It can take 10, 20, 30, even 40 years.
hell get injection-site inflammation and some sore- Thats where their horizons should be, not the next
ness. Biology is one of the most complicated things election or earnings cycle. I think there are ways
weve tried to tackle as humanity. The danger of we could be changing corporate tax structures and
unintended consequences is so high. We have to go introducing incentives to encourage those long-
by the rulebook of Hippocrates: Do no harm. Weve term horizons. We say at Regeneron, in biology
had older gene-editing technology for decades and you get what you select for. Thats the case in pol-
could have edited human embryos, but we havent itics, too. Climate change cant be fixed in the next

for that reason. Its so easy to screw things up. quarter. We have to fundamentally change our
Weve screwed up our health, our environment. thinking. Caroline Chen
Bloomberg Businessweek The Year Ahead 2018 Section

Vehicles p50

Shopping p52

Travel p54


Streaming p56

Food p58

Hot Seat Michael OLeary p51

Interview Jeff Koons p60

Edited by James E. Ellis and David Rocks

A balloon dog
sculpture by artist
Jeff Koons towers
over Jay-Z at
a performance
in August

Bloomberg Businessweek The Year Ahead 2018 Retail

Electric Vehicles
EVs from Tesla and GM may By David Welch
start losing their tax credits
Electric vehicles have caught the eye of many according to IHS. Those various models count as
American consumers. But its not only the cars a single car under the tax credit system. Nissan
green cred that seals the deal. Another big lure: had sold 112,000 of its all-electric Leaf.
a federal tax credit of up to $7,500 per vehicle. The program doesnt end abruptly when
Now that lucrative incentive may be fading away a carmaker reaches 200,000 in sales. Once a
for two reasons. First, buyers of vehicles from manufacturer gets to that number, new buyers
leading EV makers such as Tesla Inc. and General receive ever-diminishing credits over the next five
Motors Co. could soon use up the maximum value quarters, at which point the subsidy is completely
of tax credits for their brands. (Theyre capped gone (chart).
for each manufacturer.) But worse for the entire Brands with reduced or used-up credits would
industry, all EV credit provisions in the U.S. tax be at a financial disadvantage against competitors
code are at risk of being eliminated as part of the that are coming out with models eligible for the full
horse trading under way over a tax cut bill. incentive. Between now and 2022, global carmakers
To understand what could happen to electric plan to sell 50 new electric car models, with many
car sales if Republicans phase out federal EV incen- of them headed for dealer lots in the U.S. GM alone
tives, look at what happened in Georgia. Electric car has 20 coming by 2023.
sales there were growing briskly until the state cut
its $5,000 electric vehicle tax credit in June 2015.
Sales crashed from as many as 1,400 electric cars How the tax credit works
a month statewide to fewer than 100 the month
after the incentive was axed. Buyers of a manufacturers rst 200,000 electric and alternative-fuel
Automakers fear a similar sales plunge if the vehicles can claim the full credit, which is $7,500 for EVs such as those
federal tax credit goes away. Losing the credit shown below; plug-in hybrids get less. After sales exceed the thresh-
would crush sales of electric cars just as most major old, the full credit is available for the rest of that quarter and the fol-
automakers are beefing up to sell a slew of EVs over lowing three months. Purchasers in the next two quarters qualify for
the next five years. The credits matter a lot, says half the credit; in the six months after that, new buyers get 25 percent.
Eric Noble, president of the CarLab, a consulting
company in Orange, Calif. In states without EV
2017 Tesla Model 3
mandates or incentives, youll see sales crater. $35,000
Electric cars have always been a tough sell to
Americans, who are hooked on big SUVs and cheap
gasoline. But the tax credits have helped juice
sales, especially for lower-priced EVs and plug-in
hybrids, Noble says. Even if Congress doesnt do
away with the credits, each manufacturerunder
the existing IRS programwould see the incen-
tive start to phase out once it sells 200,000 EVs
or plug-in hybrids. Tesla, Nissan Motor Co., and
GM would be the first to see their credits dwindle,
because theyve sold the most EVs.
If the government keeps the system in place but
lets it run its course, Tesla will probably reach the
limit first. The company had sold 127,000 of the
Model S sedan and Model X SUV through August,
according to researcher IHS Markit. With plans to
produce as many as 10,000 a week of its smaller,
$35,000 Model 3 sedans at some point next year,
Tesla could max out sometime in 2018.
GM would probably be next. The carmaker had
sold 126,000 of its Chevrolet Volt plug-in hybrids
through August, along with 12,000 of the Chevy 2017 Nissan Leaf 2017 Chevrolet Bolt
Bolt EV and 7,000 of the tiny Chevy Spark EV, $30,680 $36,360
Bloomberg Businessweek The Year Ahead 2018 Retail

The industry lacks the flexibility simply to pull market, adding that the company is working
back from making alternative-fuel cars because with the Trump administration and Congress.
Californiathe biggest automobile market in Detroit and its rivals should have an unusual
the U.S.mandates that a certain share of all ally in the green lobby as they fight to keep the
automakers sales in the state must be zero- incentives alive. But with President Trump threat- If you
emission vehicles. If they dont reach that per- ening to water down fuel economy standards for
centage, they must buy credits from companies conventional cars, EV credits arent a top prior- remove
with bigger green footprints (and thus extra emis- ity for some environmentalists, who instead are the tax
sion credits), such as Nissan and Tesla, to make focusing on improving the gasoline-powered cars credit, then
up their numbers. still purchased by 99 percent of buyers. either the
There are big financial implications. If states It helps to have EV tax credits, but fuel
continue mandating EV sales but the tax incen- economy standards are more important, says manufacturer
tives disappear, carmakers will have to lower Daniel Becker, director of the Safe Climate eats it or
prices to get the sales volume required by state Campaign, which lobbies governments and auto- sells fewer
governments, Noble says. Right now the EV makers to support clean-car technologies that vehicles
market isnt driven by natural demand, he says. combat global warming. If were going to make
If you remove the tax credit, then either the man- progress in the long term, it will be by making sure
ufacturer eats it or sells fewer vehicles. we have efficient gasoline engines. 
Electric cars are already big producers of
red ink. GM loses $9,000 on every Bolt it sells,
people familiar with the matter told Bloomberg
earlier this year. And Tesla has burned through
$10 billion en route to becoming a leader in elec-
tric car sales. Analysts dont expect it to turn a
Hot Seat
profit for years.
For now, states are helping to bolster man- Michael OLeary
ufacturers sales by providing tax breaks for
green-car buyers. Eleven states have some kind
CEO, Ryanair Holdings Plc
of alternative-fuel-vehicle incentive, and more Botched planning left the Irish
are considering following suit. The tax breaks budget carrier without enough
typically range from $1,000 to $5,000. New York pilots at the end of its summer
started a $2,000 tax credit in April, and Texas schedule, forcing it to scrap
began its $2,500 credit in July. thousands of ights and bump
For next year, Tesla should be just fine. Both 700,000 passengers. A back-
the carmakers Model S sedan and its Model X lash among officials across
SUV can easily cost more than $100,000 when Europe followed, along with a
equipped with a longer-range battery and cut to its growth forecast, which translates into
luxury options. Some affluent buyers of those 6 million fewer passengers over two years. As a
models dont even bother to cash in the tax credit, result, Chief Executive Officer Michael OLeary
and most of them dont need it to buy the car, faces one of his biggest crises in the more than

says Rebecca Lindland, an analyst with Kelley Blue two decades hes spent building Ryanair into
Book, an auto pricing website. But buyers of the Europes most valuable airline.
much cheaper Model 3, Teslas attempt to offer a Beyond the reputational damage and lost
mass-market ride, may be more price-conscious, revenue, the asco risks emboldening the carriers
she says. pilots, who are trying to unionize. Ryanair is react-
Tesla Chief Executive Officer Elon Musk said ing by offering unprecedented wage increases
in August that, given the more than 400,000 and promising changes to working conditions
deposits customers have put down for the recently and career options to stave off poachers such
introduced Model 3, his first year of production as Norwegian Air Shuttle ASA. While some of
will likely be sold out. After that, he could have Ryanairs 86 bases, where pilots are stationed,
a tougher time, Lindland says. have accepted the peace offering, otherslike
Fears of a negative response from buyers could the carriers biggest hub at Londons Stansted
explain why GM and other carmakers are spend- Airporthave rejected the deal.
ing more lobbying time trying to make sure the Buoyed by pledges of nancial support from
tax credit is renewed and making the case that cockpit unions at American Airlines Group Inc. and
the industry has truly committed to electric cars, Southwest Airlines Co., OLearys pilots are demand-
thanks to federal incentives and sales mandates in ing unied bargaining and an end to a contractor
both California and China, say two people famil- model thats helped make Ryanair the industrys
iar with the matter. European prot leader. That could put at risk a bare-
GM spokesman Pat Morrissey says the bones business model, which makes even pilots pay
credits are still necessary to help grow the EV for their onboard coffee. Benjamin Katz
Bloomberg Businessweek The Year Ahead 2018 Retail

Online Shopping
Reducing returns is the next big thing By James E. Ellis

Online sales are growing at about All in the timing

three times the rate of those from Some merchants craft return
brick-and-mortar stores, in part policies to get merchandise
back quickly enough to
because of the popularity of free ship- resell at a good price before
ping. But thats led to a big problem: an it goes out of style or is
superseded by a later model.
explosion of online returns. Almost a But electronics kingpin Best
third of web orders end up being sent Buy Co. also is using longer
return windows as a selling
back, vs. 9 percent of purchases at point for its best custom-
physical stores. The expense of pro- ers. While regular shoppers
Easier returnsat a cost
get only 15 days to return
cessing and shipping boomeranged most items, members of its lets customers
items can range from 20 percent to My Best Buy loyalty program
print a prepaid return label
who gain Elite statusthose
65 percent of an e-tailers cost of who spend $1,500 in a cal- that can be slapped on a
box and dropped off at a UPS
goods sold, says United Parcel Service endar yearget double that
location. Easy peasybut the
period. Elite Plus members
Inc. So web merchants are seeking who must spend $3,500 in a shipping fee is deducted
from your refund.
ways to make returns less costly. yearget 45 days.

A discount one-way ticket Why in-store returns are


bought by Wal-Mart Stores About 58 percent of consum-
Inc. in 2016, gives a lower ers prefer being able to return
price for an item if a buyer goods to a physical store,
agrees to opt out of its usual according to a UPS study of
free-return policy. Change online shopping habits. And
your mind? Pay a fee of merchants have good reason
Staying close to home $5.99 plus 5 percent of the to want returns handled this
item price. way: UPS says 66 percent of Inc. allows respondents who bring back
free returns to the lockers Its a keeper! online orders to a physical
its installed in many areas. store make a new purchase
Theyre often in locations Retailers are providing more sizing information and photos during that visit.
that keep long hours, such as of goodsobviating the need for many returns.
convenience stores or gyms. gives the size in inches of thigh and leg openings for its eight Youve got a friend
Consumers process the clothing ts for men. E-tailer ModCloth lets customers upload
return online, pick an available photos of themselves wearing its clotheshelping others Some e-tailers let partners
locker location, and receive a envision how the styles look on bodies that arent a models. help with returns. Kohls
code to open the locker door. Corp. will start accepting
free returns of Amazon mer-
Re-boxing is the new chandise at 82 Kohls stores
normal in Los Angeles and Chicago.
And startup Happy Returns
A full 75 percent of online accepts returns for several
shoppers returned merchan- online retailers including
dise this year by shipping Tradesy Inc. and Everlane
goods back to the merchant, at counters inside malls or
according to the UPS study. at neighborhood boutiques.
Bloomberg Businessweek The Year Ahead 2018 Retail

Just in from China
By Carol Matlack
young tourists
When Ronnie Hou finished her masters on animal safaris to see reindeer.
degree last spring, her parents gave her The young travelers rely heavily on
a trip to Seattlea city that has fascinated services such as mobile messaging app
Hou since her teen years in the central WeChat and microblogging site Weibo
Chinese province of Henan, when she to research and book tripsand tell their
got hooked on Greys Anatomy. I love friends about their adventures. Zhang
traveling! says the 24-year-old, whos Jinpeng, a travel blogger from Yunnan
planning a Christmas trip to New York province whos visited scores of coun-
City and after that, Europe, Australia, tries, says the younger generation is
Japan, Korea. constantly seeking something special,
Hou is part of an army of Chinese new, something their friends didnt get,
millennials thats reshaping global travel. that they can share online. That, Zhang
Chinese age 18-34 made 82 million trips says, sets them apart from previous gen-
abroad in 2016, accounting for 60 percent erations who dreamed of traveling the
of the countrys foreign travel and spend- world, but it was too difficult.
ing more than $150 billion, Bloomberg Tourist destinations are using those
Intelligence estimates. By comparison, same internet tools to attract Chinese vis-
Americans of all ages made 75 million itors. Two years ago, Edinburgh launched
journeys abroad last year. As more young a Mandarin-language social media cam-
people travel, Chinese outbound tourism paign, with accounts on Weibo and
is expected to grow 8.5 percent annu- WeChat, hiring a Chinese-speaking coor-
ally through 2021, more than double the dinator to run them and flying in a half-
global rate, Mastercard Inc. predicts. dozen Chinese bloggers for its Hogmanay
Venturing far beyond traditional celebration at New Years. The Scottish
destinations such as Hong Kong and capital has seen visits from China jump
Macau, younger Chinese sand-surf in more than a third this year, with a dra-
Dubai, snowmobile in Finland, and matic shift to younger, independent
sample U.S. nightlife at spots such as the travelers rather than busloads of sight-
Seattle sports bar Hou says was a high- seers tagging along behind umbrella-
light of her trip. Theyre less interested in wielding guides. Were much less keen
group tours and cruises than their elders to have large group tours that can create
are, and they spend less on shopping but a negative experience for other visitors,
more on hotels, meals, and experiences. says Margaret McNeil of the Edinburgh
Seeing the northern lights is the No.1 Tourism Action Group.
wish for young people from China, says Across the Atlantic, Las Vegas has
Silvia Wong, a former exchange student benefited from a surge in Chinese
to Finland who co-founded an agency tourism, with arrivals more than dou-
that organizes tours above the Arctic bling from 2010, to 233,000 in 2016.
Circle for Chinese tourists. They want Hainan Airlines began direct flights
to stay in an igloo, go on an icebreaker, go last December and now brings about

Top 15 destinations Hong Kong

20.9m Thailand
of outbound Chinese
4.7m Malaysia Indonesia
tourists, first half Macau
of 2017 10.3m 1.1m 1.1m
 Increase of more
than 10 percent
since 2016 Taiwan
Increasing distance 1.3m
 Increase of
from Beijing
10percent or
less since 2016
 Decrease since 2016 South Vietnam Singapore
Korea 2.3m 1.9m 1.6m
Bloomberg Businessweek The Year Ahead 2018 Retail

A couple gazes
up at the northern
lights from a mobile
cabin on Finlands
Lake Inari



674k France
Germany 970k


Bloomberg Businessweek The Year Ahead 2018 Retail

2,000 passengers a month to the game rooms, cruise lines have pulled agency, sells a 12-day trip to Argentina
desert gambling hot spot. Affluent back amid weaker-than-expected and Antarctica for almost $30,000
young Chinese rank Las Vegas as one demand. Carnival, Royal Caribbean a person and an electronic-music
of their top U.S. destinations, accord- Cruises, and MSC Cruises have all said getaway to a resort on the Thai island
ing to research firm YWS Design & theyll remove ships from Chinese ports of Phuket where guests can mingle
Architecture. But unlike older visitors next year. One problem: China in March with 20 of the worlds top DJs. Most
from China, theyre more interested in banned stopovers in South Korea in a people have already been to Paris with
clubs, shows, and restaurants than in dispute over that countrys deployment a tour group, stayed in a two-star hotel,
long nights at the baccarat tables. of a missile-defense system. and spent all their money on a Vuitton
Not all tour operators have bene- Such concerns havent stopped handbag, says Zanadu co-founder Dirk
fited from the surge. After introducing luxury tour companies from beefing Eschenbacher. Now, he says, they want
ships sailing from China with millennial- up their offerings aimed at the wealth- a kind of edge in their experience. 
oriented amenities such as virtual-reality iest Chinese. Zanadu, a Beijing travel With Christopher Palmeri

The next frontier: Live sports By Joe Mayes

In the past 25 years the cost of broadcast rights for for Premier League matches, says Dan Reed, the
English Premier League soccer has surged thirty- companys head of global sports partnerships,
fold as deep-pocketed media companies have grown who notes that there are 300,000 groups on the
to depend on live sports to win subscribers and social network devoted to the Real Madrid soccer
keep them from defecting to online rivals. Next squad. We can drive great benefit to broadcast-
year an even richer bunchthose same internet ers, leagues, rights holders, and teams because
giants that are wooing TV viewerswill likely show they can access this huge fan base, Reed said at
up at rights auctions, pushing prices even higher. a media industry conference in April. You can
Live sports attracts a passionate fan base, Greg market to those people in a variety of ways. The amount Amazon
paid for the rights
Hart, video chief at Inc., said in August Traditional media companies are watch- to livestream
after signing a deal to offer Association of Tennis ing the new arrivals warily. Sky says the latest 10Thursday night NFL
Professionals matches on Prime Video. 70percent increase in the cost of Premier League games this season

The biggest prize will be the Premier League matchesit has the rights to 126 games a year
auction this winter. Since the leagues inception in caused a 6.2percent drop in operating profit. In
1992, pay-TV broadcasters have bid up prices dra- the U.S., ESPN Inc. has seen rights for the NFL
matically, with Sky Plc and BT Group agreeing to rise to $1.9billion annually from $600million two
lay out a combined 1.7billion ($2.2billion) a year decades ago, spurring it to cut staff and launch
at the last auction, in 2015, up from 1.1billion a digital push as its subscriber numbers decline. $50m
in 2012. The top leagues in Spain and France Fox, CBS, and NBC each pay about $1billion annu-
will also be up for grabs, and the U.S. National ally to show NFL games, about double what they
Football League will sell streaming rights for its paid two decades ago, researcher IHS Markit says.
games. Tech giants are going to become serious Although the U.S. networks have multiyear pacts
players in sports, says John Enser, an attorney for major sports, the tech players have been signing
at CMS Cameron McKenna Nabarro Olswang who shorter-term digital agreementssomething the
has helped negotiate rights deals. NFL is encouraging, in hopes they might bid against
In 2016, Twitter Inc. paid $10million to livestream the incumbents when current deals begin to expire
10Thursday night NFL games on a nonexclusive in 2021. While the networks have some breathing
basis. This year, Amazon elbowed Twitter out of roomMLB rights are locked up until 2022, and
the way, offering $50million for the same package. the National Basketball Associations contracts end
In May, Facebook Inc. signed a deal for one live in 2025the rise of digital players threatens the
Major League Baseball game per week, in tandem all-you-can-eat packages of sporting events that
with traditional broadcasters, though it didnt dis- provide fat profits for the likes of Sky, Comcast,
close the cost. And in September, Facebook offered and AT&T. If youre a pay-TV platform, you are
$600million for digital rights to cricket matches very worried about the ability of a whole host of
in India, but it was trumped by Star India Private people to bid, says Mostyn Goodwin, a partner
Ltd.s $2.5billion bid for digital and conventional at OC&C Strategy Consultants in London. Sport
broadcast rights. Facebook is considering a bid is key to retaining subscribers. 
Bloomberg Businessweek The Year Ahead 2018 Retail

$4.57 in 2016 $4.39

113 percent premium 37 percent
over nonorganic

89 percent

42 percent

Organic Food
The business gets bigger,

By Shruti Date Singh
but the margins may not
Organic food growersmany of whom take pride into long-term contracts. He fears future consoli-
in tending tiny apple orchards or chicken flocks dation in organics will exacerbate both problems.
will have to sharpen their big-business negotiating Growth in demand for organic foods has been
skills in the months ahead as consolidation creates a robust for years, and premiums paid to farmers have
shorter list of major customers. Inc.s held up for four decades, says John Reganold, a pro-
$13.6 billion acquisition of Whole Foods Market Inc. fessor at Washington State University whos studied A lot of
is unlikely to be the last giant deal as others in the sustainability and pricing. The value of organic these
retail and food manufacturing industries try to profit produce sales for the 52 weeks through Sept. 30,
from consumers changing tastes. Already, sales for instance, increased 9 percent from the same producers
of organic goods are moving away from mom and period a year earlier, while conventional produce are at risk for
pop outfits toward huge retailers such as Costco rose just 2percent. And organic chicken breasts last feeling some
Wholesale, Wal-Mart Stores, and Kroger. year cost $7.62 a pound, vs. $2.79 for their regular pain
The shift worries farmers such as Doug Crabtree, counterparts, according to researcher Nielsen Co.
who grows organic crops including grains, pulses, Yet Amazon and Whole Foods have pledged to
and flaxseed in Montana and also sits on the make organic food more affordable and quickly
Organic Trade Association board. We need more followed that up with price cuts on bananas, baby
smaller entities, not fewer bigger entities, says kale, and rotisserie chicken after the deal closed in

Crabtree. It makes me nervous at best. August. Its likely some price cuts will get passed on
Thats because the bigger the buyer, the more to farmers, says Euromonitor International analyst
difficult it is for farmers to set up an equitable Dewey Warner. A lot of these producers are at
relationship, Crabtree says. His prices already risk for feeling some pain, he says. And organic
are down for many crops, including a more than producers would be wise to remember one of
36percent drop for organic red winter wheat, and Amazon Chief Executive Officer Jeff Bezos most
hes seeing some unwillingness of buyers to enter cited quotes: Your margin is my opportunity. 
Bloomberg Businessweek The Year Ahead 2018 Retail

Interview Jeff Koons

The creator of some of the worlds priciest art talks about
satisfying his public and how excitement affects value
can both communicate that what you really care
about is them.

Thats obviously a very different approach than

the traditional art for arts sake.

What you never want to do is let the viewer down.

You never want someone to be disappointed. In
life, you have these opportunities to communicate
with other peopleto show a sense of equality,
importance, and trust. [Making art] is an oppor-
tunity to show respect.

Theres a certain irony to this, given that you

create some of the worlds most expensive art.

The true value of art has nothing to do with its

monetary value, which to me in a way is abstract:
Society will put these values on something, taking
Your recent collaboration with Louis Vuitton is into account how its viewed in a particular moment
going gangbusters. in time or relevance. But its real value is how it
excites people and stimulates them and lets them When you
When the opportunity to work with Louis Vuitton be aware of a vaster life. look at a
came about, I thought, This is the perfect company: Van Gogh,
It has tremendous resources, it understands Surely you acknowledge that someone spent the value
aesthetics, and its used to communicating to $58 million on one of your sculptures for reasons
people through materialism. other than just life perspective.
isnt in the
As in, people who buy purses are materialistic? I hope that the works are desirable! Desire is a very
interesting sensation. I try to embed desire into the
When I say that I mean through materials art through the use of reflectivity, as a means of a
being able to adjust the textures of leather or to kind of excitement.
enhance color and dyes through different color-
ing techniques. Do you follow your work on the market?

Playing with surfaces has been a preoccupation So as far as whats happening in the marketplace,
in your art for years. Im not naive about whats going on. The only thing This $4,000 bag is
an artist can do to help the value of their work, part of the Masters
What art is, for me, is the possibility that when though, is to make the best work they can. collection Koons
developed in
someone views something, theyre able to pick collaboration with
up on the essence of their own potential: Its Are you tapped in to the extent that you actively retailer Louis Vuitton
a vehiclesomething that stimulates their own regulate the number of works based on demand?

I mean yes, there are kind of basics of trying to be

In your mind, is there a creative difference coordinated, and be in the service of your work
between making a mass-market purse for Louis so that youre trying to give it the best platform
Vuitton and a $5 million sculpture? possible. But at the same time, the way we really
communicate value to peopleeven within this
Its not like I collaborate with people where theres abstracted area of economicsis by the reaction
differences, or tension, or the possibility of an they have when they see an artwork and how they
outcome thats different from what I intended. I interpret the past and present and essence of their
try to choose collaborations where we both really future. When you look at a Van Gogh, the value
believe in a commitment to the viewerwhere you isnt in the brushstroke. James Tarmy
Bloomberg Businessweek The Year Ahead 2018 Section

Pipelines p64

Natural Gas p65

Cars p66

Chemicals p67

Renewables p68

Aramco p68

New Fields p70

Shale Oil p72

Interview Jack Fusco p74

Edited by Matthew Philips and Pat Regnier

A chemical plant
near Lake Charles,
La., owned by South
Africas Sasol

Bloomberg Businessweek The Year Ahead 2018 Energy

Appalachian gas is set to deliver By Tim Loh and
on its bonanza Ryan Collins

David Rheinlander used to dream of build-

ing a cabin in the woods behind his house in
southwestern Pennsylvania. Now when the
57-year-old looks across his backyard, he sees a
line of cut trees, piles of dirt, and stacks of steel
pipe where he once envisioned a tiny cabin. For
Installing a natural
the past six months, construction crews carved gas pipeline for
their way through the back of his property. The Rover near
Moundsville, W.Va.
roughly 100-foot-wide path theyre cutting through
the rolling hills extends about 700 miles to the
west, running through neighboring Ohio and all
the way up into Michigan.
The pathway is for a pipeline that will bring
huge amounts of natural gas out of sparsely
populated Appalachia and into big cities across
the Midwest. The pipeline, called Rover, is being
built by Energy Transfer Partners LP, of Dallas,
which has spent three years and a total $4.2 billion
on the painstaking process of winning permits,
clearing miles of rugged terrain, and fighting a
pitched legal battle against environmental groups
and landowners.
Rover is scheduled to begin shipping as much as
3.25 billion cubic feet of natural gas a day in early
2018. When fed through a natural gas-fired power
plant, thats enough to power about 30 million
homes. Rover is one of a handful of pipelines set
to open next year that will begin moving natural
gas from the massive Marcellus and Utica shale
formations that lie beneath parts of Ohio, West
Virginia, Pennsylvania, and New York.
Rheinlander isnt exactly thrilled to have Rover
in his backyard, but he supports efforts to build
up the regions economy. Ive got no issue with
them developing gas, he says, eyeing the pipeline
pieces scattered atop the dirt. My overall feeling
is that weve got to develop as much energy in this
country as we can.
A relative latecomer to Americas shale
revolution, the Marcellus and Utica regions are
booming. In the past 10 years, natural gas pro-
duction there, driven by advances in horizontal
drilling, has multiplied by a factor of 10, to about
25 billion cubic feet a day, or roughly a third of U.S.
output. Despite the increase in production, the
energy companies that drill the wells to produce
the gas complain theyve been bogged down by
a thicket of political and regulatory hurdles, as
well as opposition from environmentalists and
some landowners. These obstacles have prevented
the regions energy industry from reaching its full
potential, they argue.
Bloomberg Businessweek The Year Ahead 2018 Energy

Sometimes dubbed the Saudi Arabia of natural eastern Ohio, Enbridge Inc.s Nexus transmission
gas, the Marcellus is thought to hold a centurys line will soon begin its own 250-mile path up and
worth of reserves. But after an initial boost of around Lake Erie into Michigan. That project,
investment and optimism by drilling companies, scheduled to open around the middle of 2018,
activity started to stall, mostly because there will be able to ship 1.5 billion cu. ft. of gas a day.
werent enough pipelines to deliver the gas to And in northeast Pennsylvania, Williams Cos.
large markets. Companies kept drilling wells but Atlantic Sunrise project will soon be connecting
left many of them uncompleted, waiting for the that regions gas producers to the Transco pipe-
day when pipelines would be finished. Now, with line, a gas superhighway that runs from the Gulf of
a slate of projects opening in 2018, the number of Mexico up the East Coast to New York City. Tracing
drilled but uncompleted wells in the Marcellus a similar path, the $1 billion Penn East pipeline WV
has fallen 28 percent since February 2014. With project is nearing final regulatory clearance to
Donald Trump in the White House pushing to begin construction.
cut regulatory red tape to unleash Americas Taken together, these projects should allow Shale Formations
energy supply, a lot of companies have a sense Marcellus and Utica gas producers to ship an  Utica formation
 Marcellus formation
of expectation. The only thing holding back the additional 7.5 billion cu. ft. of gas a day, increasing  Utica underlying
Marcellus Shale is lack of energy infrastructure, the regions pipeline capacity by about a third, says Marcellus
says Rob Thummel, managing partner at Tortoise Darren Horowitz, an analyst for Raymond James.
Capital Advisors. Natural gas production volumes It is sorely needed as a long-term solution to free
have exceeded available pipeline capacity for up highly economic Marcellus and Utica acreage,
several years. Horowitz wrote in a late-September note. Can pro-
Fifty miles west of Rheinlanders home, in ducers fill these pipes? Is the pope Catholic? 

Liquefied Natural Gas 65

A global LNG shuffle starts By Naureen S.

Malik and Anna
as long-term contracts expire Shiryaevskaya

The $90 billion global market for liquefied natural natural gas: Starting in 2020, Azerbaijan, a former
gas will be reshaped in 2018 as a number of large, Soviet republic, will begin piping gas from its giant

long-term contracts start to expire. Growing sup- Shah Deniz field into southern Europe, including
plies from the U.S., higher demand in Europe and Bulgaria and Greece.
Asia, and geopolitical tension surrounding Russia Europe has no choice but to increase gas imports.
and Qatar, the worlds two biggest gas suppliers, Production from some of its biggest gas fields in the
promise to shift long-established trading patterns. North Sea and the Netherlands is falling, yet demand
For decades the majority of LNG bought and is forecast to remain strong as countries transition
sold around the world has been governed by long- from coal- to gas-fired power generation. Russia is
term contracts of up to 20 years. A fifth of those will moving to defend market share. Over the past few
expire from 2018 to 2020. Over the next decade, years the state-owned gas giant Gazprom has cut
contracts governing 80 percent of all global LNG prices for gas sent to Europe. Its also pushing ahead
trade will be rewritten. For now, the LNG market with two pipeline projects, one across the Black Sea
is in the midst of an enormous supply glut, in part and another across the Baltic Sea.
because of the advent of U.S. exports in the past Europes need for more LNG could offer an
Stability and
two years. That glut is likely to persist until at least opening for U.S. exporters. Yet in the current low-
2020, keeping prices low. security of price environment, they cant win new business just
Most contracts expiring next year involve buyers supply are by undercutting competitors. U.S. LNG continues
in Europe, where countries are trying to reduce their important to be promoted as an attractive diversification
reliance on Russian natural gas, which is shipped away from Russian gas but currently lacks the eco-
via pipeline without being liquefied. Negotiations nomic justification to secure a sizable market, says
are already under way as utilities in France, Spain, Claudio Steuer, director of SyEnergy Ltd., a U.K.-
and the U.K. look for new suppliers. Lithuania and based energy consultant. And the worlds top LNG
Poland recently built LNG import terminals so that exporter, the tiny Gulf nation of Qatar, is looking
they arent locked into buying Russian gas. Croatia to expand market share in Europe. It recently
got backing from the European Union to do the same. announced plans to boost LNG production by
And Russia is facing competition in conventional 30 percent over the next several years. Nigeria
Bloomberg Businessweek The Year Ahead 2018 Energy

and other LNG exporters also face a
battle over expiring LNG contracts, and
Algeria says its preparing a strategy on
how to export its gas amid oversupply.
Price aside, there are benefits to
signing deals with U.S. suppliers, says To hit its electric vehicle targets,
Meg Gentle, chief executive officer of
Houston-based LNG producer Tellurian California needs charging stations
Inc. I think that stability and security
of supply are important factors, she
By Mark Chediak

A supply glut has helped drive LNG prices down since 2014
Northeast Asia Spot Index Henry Hub Index In 2012, Governor Jerry Brown set a goal of putting 1.5 million
electric vehicles on California roads by 2025. As of September,
the state had 334,393 EVs. To get to 1.5 million, it needs to give
drivers a lot more places to charge up. The state, however,
wants utilities to play a big role in the buildout of charging
$15/MMBtu stations. The power companies are eager to invest, seeing
a growth opportunity, but before that can happen, officials
need to sort out who will pay for it.
10 In 2018, state regulators will weigh proposals from
investor-owned public utilities Pacific Gas & Electric,
Southern California Edison, and San Diego Gas & Electric
5 to bill customers more than $1 billion to electrify Californias
transportation sector. Utilities plan to install more than
100,000 charging locations at apartment houses, in busi-
0 nesses, and along highways. As of October, there were about
1/2014 10/2017 13,822 public charging spots in the state.
DATA: COMPILED BY BLOOMBERG Consumer advocates have pushed back against the pro-
posals, questioning whether low-income customers should
says. Price is not the only factor. One pay for equipment that will likely be usedat least initiallyby
of the key advantages for the U.S. is its those who already can afford a pricey electric car. The utilities
vast shale reserves, along with a pipe- see this as their new cash cow, says Elise Torres, an attorney
line network that will allow exporters at the Utility Reform Network, a consumer advocacy group.
to bring gas from all over the country to For now, the most immediate need for charging is on
export facilities being developed along highways, says Pasquale Romano, chief executive officer of
the Gulf Coast, ensuring a steady supply. ChargePoint Inc., which operates the worlds biggest charging
And while most LNG contracts come with network. Consumers wont go electric if they dont think they
strict destination clauses, mandating the can find a way to charge on a road trip from San Francisco
physical delivery point for cargoes, U.S. to Los Angeles.
exporters are offering their custom-
ers the ability to ship anywhere in the
world. That could make a big difference
to Asian buyers, particularly Japanese
utilities including Tokyo Gas, Osaka Gas,
and Chubu Electric Power, which have
trading operations and want to be able
to shift where they send the gas depend-
ing on market conditions.
U.S. LNG companies hope to sign
big deals in 2018. That would please the
Trump administration. Selling more LNG
to Asia could shave billions of dollars off
the U.S. trade deficit with Japan, South
Korea, and China. LNG contract roll- While California utilities
await approval for their
off is a huge opportunity, says Kathleen charging station buildout,
Eisbrenner, CEO of NextDecade Corp., Tesla is busy installing
which is seeking to build an export Supercharger stations in
cities. By the end of next
terminal in Texas and install an offshore year it plans to have more
import facility in Ireland. Next year is than 1,000 in California,
going to be a pivotal year. like this one in San Diego
Bloomberg Businessweek The Year Ahead 2018 Energy

U.S. chemical companies are making
By Jack Kaskey
the most of a rebound
A decade ago, chemicals were just another fading 80 employees to operate,
U.S. manufacturing business. Companies were Gilmer says. Still, those long-
reluctant to invest in new factories because of term jobs pay better than
soaring prices for the oil and natural gas that most. Laura Marshall, 31, was
serve as both raw materials and power sources. working as a beautician before
Dow Chemical and others were closing plants enrolling in a two-year com-
and moving production to the Middle East to munity college program that
save money. The conventional wisdom was we won her an operations job
are not going to produce a lot of petrochemicals at one of Chevron Phillipss
here, says Kevin Swift, chief economist at the new Houston area plants.
American Chemistry Council, an industry group. Now shes making more than
Today, Dow, Exxon Mobil Corp., and Chevron $100,000 a year, saving for
Phillips Chemical Co. are putting the finishing retirement, and shopping for
touches on multibillion-dollar factories along a house. It was an extremely
the Texas Gulf Coast. The plants are part of $185 large change in my life, Cheap plasticbrought to you by the
billion in proposed and recently completed invest- Marshall says. Im no longer fracking boom
ments, according to the chemistry council. The living paycheck to paycheck.
U.S. is punching above its weight at the moment, The anticipated strain on the Houston areas The cost
says Kevin McCarthy, a chemical industry analyst export infrastructure has some producers gearing
at Vertical Research Partners. Credit the rise of up to send plastic pellets by rail to ports in Long
fracking. A torrent of cheap U.S. natural gas has Beach, Calif., and Charleston, S.C. Meanwhile, is durable
made the country among the most profitable places companies that convert raw plastics to finished enough that
to produce chemicals, beating out the Middle East products are expanding to take advantage of the people are
in attracting projects. U.S. exports of polyethylene abundant material.
plastic to Asia will rise more than fivefold by 2020, More investment is coming across the country.
going to put
with China as the primary destination, according The cost advantage is strong enough and durable money in
to research company IHS Markit Ltd. enough that people are going to put money in the the ground
Almost 20 factories are being built or expanded ground for a second wave, says John Roberts, a for a second
to convert gas liquids such as ethane and propane chemical industry analyst with UBS Securities.
into ethylene, the most used petrochemical and Royal Dutch Shell Plc, the U.K. oil and chem-
the main ingredient in polyethylene plastic. The icals conglomerate, has started building an eth-
largest is an $11 billion complex being built near ylene complex outside Pittsburgh that will begin
Lake Charles, La., by South Africas Sasol Ltd. production in the early 2020s. Shell sees an
Its scheduled to begin producing polyethylene advantage in being closer to Appalachian shale
next year. Much of the investment is coming from gas deposits as well as to the customers who
abroad. Along with Sasol, foreign companies turn plastic pellets into products such as pack-
putting money into U.S. facilities include Frances aging, trash bags, and bottles. Even Saudi Arabia
Total, South Koreas Lotte Chemical, and Taiwans wants a piece of the action. State-owned Saudi
Formosa Plastics. Basic Industries Corp. formed a joint venture

The largest plants are going up in Texas and with ExxonMobil to build an ethylene plant in
Louisiana, where chemical makers can tie into Corpus Christi, Texas, by early in the next decade.
existing infrastructure. Houston has always been Fertilizers are another major target of capital
the hemispheric center of the plastics business, investment: More than 20 U.S. plants are being
but this just cements it for decades to come, says built or expanded to convert gas into ammonia,
Bill Gilmer, director of the University of Houstons a key ingredient.
Bauer Institute for Regional Forecasting. This boom relies on gas remaining relatively
For oil-driven Houston, the spending splurge cheap, but also on continued economic growth
on chemical plants has softened the blow from worldwide. In India and China, an expanding
job cuts in the energy sector. Most of the new middle class increasingly buys goods wrapped in
jobs arent permanent: Construction on a typical plastic and appliances produced with chemicals.
ethylene plant peaks with about 2,500 workers If for some reason the world slows, that will be
on-site. A completed plant requires only about trouble, Roberts says. 
Bloomberg Businessweek The Year Ahead 2018 Energy

Trump policies could do major By Joe Ryan
and Brian
damage to wind and solar Eckhouse

The Trump administration is 2012. Most of the solar industry Slashing corporate rates may
plotting a series of moves in opposes Sunivas push, saying reduce the availability of a
2018 that could end up harming growth will slow if panel prices key, albeit esoteric, source of
the wind and solar industries. rise. The threat of tariffs has clean-energy financing called
That includes asking regulators prompted developers to hoard tax equity. And broad reform If nuclear and
to rewrite power market rules, panels and put projects on ice. would probably make debt coal plants
revamping the tax code, and In September, U.S. Energy pricier for new power plants are kept from
imposing tariffs on foreign-made Secretary Rick Perry asked and reduce developers savings
closing, there
solar panels. One of the most federal regulators to help coal from depreciation.
closely watched moves will likely and nuclear plants compete in The worst-case scenario may be less
involve Suniva Inc., a bankrupt wholesale power markets. The would be if Congress ends demand for
solar panel manufacturer based request ostensibly is designed clean-energy tax credits early, green energy
in Georgia that filed a trade com- to promote national security which Environmental Protection
plaint in April. The company, by rewarding plants capable of Agency chief Scott Pruitt called
which says it was hurt by cheap storing long-term supplies of for in October. The credits
Asian imports, has asked Trump fuel on-site. The proposal may have strong bipartisan support.
for tariffs on foreign panels. The help keep plants open even if Analysts say the odds of their
administration has until mid-Jan- theyre not economical to run. being eliminated are slim, but
uary to decide. That could devastate clean Republicans will be hard-pressed
Import duties protecting energy, since electricity demand to find a way to pay for Trumps
domestic solar panel man- has stagnated in much of the proposed tax cuts. Theyre
ufacturers would appear to U.S. If aging power plants dont going to look under every rock for
be good for clean energy. But close, there will be little room revenue, says Gregory Jenner,
cheap foreign panels are the life- for more wind and solar farms. an attorney who specializes in
blood of the U.S. solar industry, The biggest threat to wind tax law at Stoel Rives LLP. Even
helping drive a sixfold rise in and solar may come from the possibility of that will have a
photovoltaic generation since Trumps proposed tax cuts. chilling effect.

The $1 trillion question By Javier Blas

If it wasnt a sales pitch, it really sounded like one. Aramco is Aramco is going to be the supplier of last resort, al-Falih said.
by far the lowest-cost producer, said Khalid al-Falih, the Saudi I am certain the last barrel that gets produced globally is going
oil minister, at the Future Investment Initiative in Riyadh. The to be here in Saudi Arabia.
October gathering, dubbed Davos in the desert, brought Its a hugely valuable businessthe question is, just how
together a whos who of business and finance, including the huge? The Saudis say the company is worth at least $2 tril-
bosses of Blackstone Group LP and Credit Suisse Group AG. lion. Analysts question that figure, and oil executives, speak-
Al-Falih was talking up Saudi Arabian Oil Co., also known as ing privately, say that something closer to $1 trillion sounds
Aramco, the state-owned oil company the kingdom is plan- about right. To put that in context, the valuation gap is larger
ning to sell shares of. than the total value of Apple Inc., the worlds most valuable
Aramco is the worlds largest energy company. With a public company, at about $870 billion.

monopoly on exploiting a good quarter of the planets oil Whatever the final valuation, Aramcos initial public offer-
reserves, it pumps more crude than Exxon Mobil, Chevron, ing is likely to be the biggest in history, even though its selling
and Royal Dutch Shell combined. Regardless of the rise of only a sliver of itself. If it floats a 5 percent stake, it could snag
electric vehicles and the fight against climate change, Saudi at least $50 billion, twice the record set by Alibaba Group
Bloomberg Businessweek The Year Ahead 2018 Energy

Holding Ltd. in 2014. Saudi officials say the sale is with American rules, but that will take time.
on track for 2018, but that calendar looks tight. Recently, people familiar with the situation
The problem isnt Aramco, but the Saudi have said the international portion of the IPO
governmentor, more precisely, the young crown may be delayed until at least 2019. Saudi officials
prince, Mohammed bin Salman, who controls most have hedged their answers to questions about
of the levers of political, security, and economic timing, making a distinction between the prepa- I am certain
power in the kingdom. For months hes delayed the ratory work, which they said would be completed the last barrel
decision about where to list Aramcos shares beyond on schedule, and the decision to sell the shares.
that gets
the local Riyadh stock market, known as Tadawul. When asked if both the local and international
On the table are three main candidates: New pieces of the IPO would happen in 2018, Aramco produced
York, London, and Hong Kong. Each has advan- Chief Executive Officer Amin Nasser gave a guarded globally is
tages and problems. New York offers the biggest pool answer. The shareholder will make the decision going to be
of money and potentially the highest valuation, but regarding the venues, he said. The shareholder,
here in Saudi
listing there could also leave it more exposed to lit- of course, is the government.
igation in the U.S. London is more friendly legally, The Aramco IPO is the cornerstone of a much Arabia
but its unclear that British regulators would allow wider Saudi program to retool the economy and
the IPO in its current form. Hong Kong offers few make it less dependent on oil. Professor Paul
regulatory obstacles, but its smaller capital pool Stevens, a distinguished fellow specializing in
means a lower valuation, too. energy at Chatham House, a London think tank,
The indecision about where to place the inter- says the reputation of the crown prince himself
national portion of the IPO will have a cascade is on the line. Clearly, there are many serious
effect. If Aramco ultimately goes to New York, it problems with Saudi Aramcos privatization, he
will need to present its balance sheet under the says. How the kingdom resolves them could mean
U.S. accounting system, which is different from the a difference of tens of billions of dollars when the
one used by Saudis and Europeans. Accountants worlds investors are finally able to put a price on
and auditors can shift numbers around to comply the companys shares.


New Fields Crude output,

barrels per day
Venezuelas once-
mighty oil industry
is in free fall after
the regimes of
Opening up oil in the By Joe Carroll, Sabrina Valle, Venezuela
Hugo Chvez and
successor Nicols

Americas and Adam Williams Maduro drained

the state-owned oil
Brazil production company

of cash. Output has
Offshore fallen in 9 of the past
exploration areas 10 years, cratering
In 2015, Exxon 0 last year to the lowest
made a giant oil 1990 2016 level since 1990.
find off the coast of
Mexico Guyana. The new
fields could contain
almost 3 billion

Brazil has some of the

worlds top oil engineering
talent, but it needs capital.
In January, Mexico will hold its biggest Guyana The government plans
auction of drilling rights to date, leasing several auctions of drilling
access to offshore areas as well as rights by 2019. The wild
opportunities to work with state- card: Ongoing corruption
owned Pemex in the 500 million-barrel scandals make it an
Brazil unreliable partner.
equivalent Nobilis-Maximino field.
As many as three additional auctions
also are expected next year. But
presidential candidate Andrs Manuel
Lpez Obrador has vowed that if he
wins, hell review contracts awarded to
producers including Chevron, Exxon
Mobil, and Royal Dutch Shell.
Bloomberg Businessweek The Year Ahead 2018 Energy

Shale Oil
By Alex Nussbaum
The fracking boom hits middle age and David Wethe

Crude prices bouncing around $50 to $60 analyst, in a Sept. 5 note. Shale produc- they are legally fiduciaries, says Holt.
a barrel have kept U.S. shale producers ers traditionally market themselves as Drillers also face technical questions
stuck on the edge of profitability. That growth companies. With few excep- about the shale booms sustainabil-
hasnt been enough to shut down the oil tions, they eschew paying dividends ity. Pioneer Natural Resources Co. and
boom in places such as North Dakota, and buying back shares, and instead Parsley Energy Inc. reported higher-than-
Texas, and New Mexicoat least not plow their money into more drilling. expected natural gas output from their
yet. Drillers are heading into 2018 on Many are still outspending their cash wells in August. That sent shares tum-
the defensive as they face skepticism flow. But their shares havent cooperated bling, because traders took it as a sign
from shareholders who want to see less with this strategy: While the stock market that oil flows, which are more lucrative,
investment and more profit. They may has reached record highs this year, an might peak more quickly than the indus-
also be finding that much of the easy oil S&P index of oil and gas explorers and try expected. (As wells age, they tend to
has already been pumped. producers has plunged about 17 percent. produce more gas and less oil.) The com-
Theres a complacency that shale I think people are disappointed for all panies said their oil production hadnt
is going to continue to produce at the the right reasons, says Tom Driscoll, a diminished, while analysts dismissed the
kind of volumes that we had in the past, Barclays Plc energy analyst. worries as overblown.
says Jim Brilliant, a portfolio manager Executive pay incentives for explo- Still, the markets anxiety attack
for Century Management Investment ration and production companies are came amid other warning signs. In July,
Advisors in Austin, whose investments under scrutiny from investors, too. London-based investment manager
include shares in energy-related The compensation plans laid out Horseman Capital Management Ltd.
companies. Output has recently failed by E&P corporate boards encourage noted government data that showed
to meet expectations. As of June, the these companies to grow production at U.S. shale wells were petering out at a
U.S. Energy Information Administration almost any cost, says Kevin Holt, chief quickening rate and questioned whether
expected an average of about 9.3 million investment officer for value equities at it was the result of increasingly intense
barrels a day, more than 220,000 barrels Invesco Ltd. For example, pay may drilling. Later, industry consultant Wood
a day higher than companies reported. be tied to sales volumes or additions Mackenzie Ltd. warned breakneck devel-
Investors are demanding that com- to reserves, rather than measures of opment could be testing the geologic
panies sell off weaker holdings, pare cash flow. The strategy builds the per- limits of U.S. shales crown jewel, the
spending, and pay down their debt, sonal net worth of the CEOs but does prolific Permian Basin, which straddles
wrote Paul Sankey, a Wolfe Research LLC nothing for the shareholders for whom the border of Texas and New Mexico.
If you look at what the industry is set
up to do in the next three years in the
Fracking and Permian, they are going to push on the
horizontal drilling rock harder than weve ever pushed on
made it easier to
unlock oil trapped
a shale play before, says Robert Clarke,
in shale a research director at Wood Mackenzie.
A shortfall there could ultimately affect
world oil prices.
For some producers, that will be
good newsif they can keep their own
wells pumping as overall output growth
slows, letting prices rise. U.S. produc-
tion is not nearly the Big Bad Wolf that
everybody thinks, Mark Papa, chief
executive officer of Centennial Resource
Development Inc., said at an investor
conference in New York in September.
But oil consumers could be in for a shock.

If the world keeps believing weve got

surplus oil as far as the eye can see
A torrent of U.S. which I dont believethen the reality is
production has held going to smack everybody in the face,
down oil prices Century Managements Brilliant says.
And it will be hard to catch up. 
Bloomberg Businessweek The Year Ahead 2018 Energy

Interview Jack Fusco

The CEO of Cheniere Energy Inc. talks about the
rise of U.S. liqueed natural gas exports and surging
demand from China
combined-cycle power plants. Theyre building
40-year assets, and they need 40 years worth of
reliable LNG. They could go from 30 million tons
this year to 100 million tons by 2025 if theyre suc-
cessful with their electrification plans.

What about other Asian nations?

When we talk to our customers in Taiwan, theyre

looking at retiring older nuclear plants and utilizing
combined-cycle natural gas plants instead of coal
plants. When we talk to our customers in South
Korea, its the same thing. They want to retire their
coal plants and burn more natural gas. Those are
secular shifts.

Is all the action in Asia?

Its global. We had large central offices. So a

year and a half ago, we had Houston, London,
What sets Cheniere apart from other companies Singapore. Now we have Houston, London,
that liquefy natural gas? Singapore, Japan, Beijing, and Santiago. Were
establishing offices that are closer to our customers
The beauty of the Cheniere model vs. just about with smaller numbers of Cheniere employees so
We could
any other LNG facility under construction today in we can be present in those markets and not spend easily double
the U.S. is that we are a full-service model. So if you a lot of time flying around the world. the size of
are a utility and not a big conglomerate and you the company.
really dont want to worry about procuring gas in How does geopolitics affect your business?
America and shipping it to your facility, you come
It could be a
to Cheniere and well deliver. If you want it deliv- I try not to think about it at all, to be real honest phenomenal
ered by ship to your [regasification] terminal in with you. All the transactions with the U.S. LNG shift
Asia, we are happy to do that. If you want it f.o.b. counterparties, including Cheniere, are between
Louisiana, we are happy to do that. willing buyers and willing sellers.

What will drive LNG demand growth next year? Does it help or hurt when the White House talks
about using LNG to shift trade imbalances?
What I see with Asia, whether its India, China, or
Taiwan or South Korea or Vietnam, is we could For Cheniere, having the president or the presidents
easily double the size of the company. It could be administration talk about our project and be willing
a phenomenal shift. In China alone, its more than to help us engage with different counterparties
45 percent year-over-year in LNG demand growth, around the world is absolutely positive for our busi-
and no one anticipated that level of growth. ness. We are part of the solution for the trade imbal-
ances. Our financials and our revenues are all from
Is that kind of growth in China sustainable? counterparties that are offshore.

The part thats extremely exciting to me is its a Is your next buyer going to be from China?
secular shift. Its not just because of a tsunami

or that its cold. In China today there are 16 regas We are talking to everybody right now. We have
terminals in operation. Theres four under con- a dozen executives traveling around the world.
struction, at least a dozen more in the planning I cant tell you who the next contract is going to
stages. They want to shift from coal-fired genera- be with, but I would welcome an Asian counter-
tion in the main metropolitan areas to natural gas party. Naureen S. Malik
Bloomberg Businessweek The Year Ahead 2018 Section

Farm Bill p78

Trump p80

Democrats p80

Marijuana p84

Congress p86

Hot Seat Mitch McConnell p85

Interview David Petraeus p88

Edited by Matthew Philips

Lunchtime in Boulder:
The trillion-dollar bill
that funds all things
USDA is coming up
for reauthorization

Bloomberg Businessweek The Year Ahead 2018 Politics

Farm Bill
Agreeing on a $1 trillion law is a key test for Congress By Alan Bjerga

The thing about the Federal Agriculture Reform that has helped pass the previous versions.
and Risk Management Act, also known as the Rural Republicans who depend on the billions
Farm Bill, is that it has something for everyone. of federal dollars it pumps into their communi-
Thats by design, of course. Every five years or ties are at odds with budget cutters in their own
so, Congress has to reauthorize the measure that party. Urban Democrats wanting to preserve food
funds every aspect of the U.S. Department of stamps may clash with rural Democrats willing
Agriculture. To ensure bipartisan support, the to cut a deal with Republicans. Farm groups that
bill includes money for everything from clean- want more environmental spendingbecause they
air and -water programs to broadband subsidies get paid for their Earth-friendly effortsmay battle
for rural areas to nutritional programs for poor their own impulses to reject regulation.
people. And lots of subsidies for farmers. Failure to pass it would mean a reversion to the
Maintaining broad support for the bill will bills underlying language, written in 1949. This
be crucial next year. The current legislation, would remove billions in subsidies and create wild
a $955 billion bill passed in 2014, expires on swings in commodity prices. Milk, for example,
Sept. 30, 2018. Reauthorizing it gives Congress a could potentially double in price as a result. It would
rare chance to prove it can still get things done, also send a larger message in an election year: that
though it may have trouble forming the coalition once again, Washington cant deliver.

Fault Line #1

Nutrition Advocates vs. Welfare Skeptics

Key to passing the bill is the coalition of farm state Republicans who back subsidies and urban Democrats who want
to protect the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Programfood stamps.

Republicans Food Stamp Community Democrats

Some Democrats are

House Freedom Caucus more adamant about
members have backed food stamps than others.
deep cuts to SNAP, as Pragmatists, including
Food stamp backers them-
well as work require- the ranking Democrats
selves are divided. Dietary
ments and other means on both the House and
restrictions are favored by
of tightening access, Senate agriculture com-
nutritionists but not by cor-
all billed as ways to mittees, will tolerate
porate SNAP supporters
ensure that federal aid some changes to get a
because they cut into sales.
is targeted to the most bill through. Others resist
deserving. That may any cuts. This undoes
strain the coalition. their united front.

Farm state House Freedom Anti-regulatory

Nutritionists Absolutists Pragmatists
Republicans Caucus food corporations

Absolutists could vote no with members of the Freedom Caucus

Pragmatic Democrats could align with farm state Republicans

Bloomberg Businessweek The Year Ahead 2018 Politics

Fault Line #2 Fault Line #3

Environmentalists vs. Deregulators Divided AgVocates

When the last Farm Bill passed in 2014, farmers were The AgVocatesfarm and rural lobbyists who support
enjoying record prots driven by high crop prices. Prices higher levels of agriculture spendingare the rural part
and prots have plunged since. Thats made environmen- of the urban-rural coalition. The commodity groups they
tal programs attractive because they channel money to represent ght over how to allocate money to corn, soy-
farmers who adopt sustainable practices and in some beans, and other crops. They tend to be scal conserva-
cases pay them not to plant crops. But there are govern- tives, toojust not when it comes to farmers.
ment strings attached, which farmers typically resist. The AgVocates may have a hard time agreeing on the
distribution of subsidies. Budget constraints mean theres
Conservation Reserve Program no extra cash for crop insurance and price supports.
 Per-acre payment  Per-acre prot for wheat



Dairy producers and Corn, soybean, and

0 cotton growers both wheat farmers are

believe they were largely happy with

shortchanged in the current programs.
last Farm Bill.

-100 79
Without agreement, any deal could
die before it even gets through the
2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Agriculture Committee.

Environmental issues split the farm groups that provide

key repower to pass the bill. Government-subsidized insurance for crop losses has
become the main form of farm support in the past 15 years;
Republican-leaning that makes it a target for budget cutters. Defending crop
organizations Democratic-leaning insurance may be the top priority of AgVocates. The last
such as the
American Farm
groups such as the Farm Bill stated that money cut from one part of the crop
National Farmers
Bureau Federation Union are more
insurance program has to shift to another. The industry
will probably push open to govern- will ght to keep that requirement intact.
for as little govern- ment oversight.
ment oversight
as possible. Net farm income

Farmers are likely to unite over

nding ways to increase income. Farm income has
plunged since
the last Farm Bill
passed in 2014
Wheat farmers, for
example, have struggled 90

to make money as produc-

tion costs have risen, and
they may nd programs that
pay them to idle land lucra-
tive. Key arbiters: outdoors
groups, such as Pheasants
Forever and Ducks 50

Unlimited, that want to 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017

Wheat harvest, North Dakota preserve wildlife habitat. (estimate)
Bloomberg Businessweek The Year Ahead 2018 Politics

Trump Democrats
Year One was bad. Can they harness
Year Two could be worse the resistance?
By Megan McArdle By Joshua Green

On April 4, 1841, President William Henry Harrison died. Having lasted Almost as soon as Donald Trump was elected, an
a month, he is without question the president who had the grimmest energetic resistance arose to counter him, spawn-
first year in office. Donald Trump hasnt bested that record, but hes ing hundreds of grass-roots activist groups and the
making a valiant push for the runner-up spot, for which hell have to Jan. 21 Womens March that drew 2.6 million protest-
edge out Ronald Reagan, who was shot, James Garfield, who was shot ers in Washington, D.C., and around the globe. But
dead, and Abe Lincoln, who saw the nation descend into civil war. Democrats have learned the hard way that antip-
In his first year, Trump has failed to repeal and replace Obamacare, athy for Trump doesnt automatically translate to
failed to appoint enough staff to implement his policy agenda, seen votesand if the resistance marchers dont show up
multiple high-level staffers resign, seen his campaign investigated for at the polls next year, their protests wont matter.
its ties to Russia, and given that investigation greater heft by firing the In her new memoir, Hillary Clinton expresses admi-
FBI chief overseeing it. The swamp remains undrained, the wall is ration for them but adds a dig: I couldnt help but
unbuilt, there is no major infrastructure plan. There is a new Supreme ask where those feelings of solidarity, outrage and
Court justice, Neil Gorsuch. And while some regulations have been passion had been during the election?
eased, its cold comfort given how little progress hes made elsewhere. Clinton wasnt the only one to whom this
The latest Gallup poll shows a third of the country approving of the thought occurred. Since November a new gener-
job hes doing; that could drop in coming days, especially after the ation of progressive entrepreneurs and activists
indictment of former Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort and have quit their jobs to run for office or launch start-
a guilty plea from campaign aide George Papadopoulus. ups aimed at helping Democrats identify and turn
Having entered office completely unprepared, Trump squandered out supporters, especially among groups such as
his first year. Those failures will haunt him in the second. He barely has millennials and minorities that didnt show up for
the staff hed need to make policy, even if he had a coherent agenda, Clinton. The vital question for Democrats next year
and hes deeply alienated the allies in Congress he needs to pass legisla- is this: Can they harness the energy of the resis-
tion, who keep resigning and excoriating him on their way out the door. tance and steer its members to the ballot box in
Those who remain will rally around the president as best they 2018? Control of Congress and the future of Trumps
can to do tax cuts, the one thing Trump and his estranged party presidency hang in the balance.
still agree on. That would give the GOP an actual legislative achieve- To reach people who didnt vote, it helps to
ment as congressional Republicans head into the midterms. But after meet them on their turf, with enough of an entice-
that? Perhaps the Russia probe will dead-end at Manafort. Perhaps ment to grab their attention. Thats why, one night
the GOP will come off of tax reform newly energized and proceed in September, the staff of MobilizeAmerica, a new
to attempt other major legislationan infrastructure bill, a serious field-organizing app, was crammed into a dress-
immigration reform. One can describe a scenario in which Trump ing room backstage at an Arcade Fire concert at
recovers from his rookie mistakes and goes on to create policy. What Capital One Arena in Washingtonand why theyd
one struggles to do is believe it. brought along Danica Roem, the first transgender
More than likely, the second year of Trumps presidency will look candidate to run for Virginias House of Delegates.
a lot like his first: shambolic, unfocused, and largely driven by exter- MobilizeAmerica was founded in May by friends
nal events. Thats troublesome on the domestic policy front, but its Allen Kramer, 26, and Alfred Johnson, 31. Until last
downright scary when it comes to foreign affairs, where Trumps November both were happily toiling in the private
flawsimpulsivity, lack of preparation, and an unwillingness to listen sector. Trumps election jolted them in a new direc-
to adviserspresent the greatest dangers. We cant predict what the tion. I was helping a large corporation figure out
crisis will be, only that if and when it how to sell IT hardware online, says Kramer, who
arrives, were all in for sleepless nights. had returned to Bain & Co. in San Francisco after
The physicist Niels Bohr is said to have taking a leave to work on Clintons campaign. But
remarked that predictions are hard, espe- Id just come back from the campaign with the
cially about the future. But Trumps lack gut-wrenching context of having seen what hap-
of vision or preparation has plunged the pened up close. We knew we had to do something.

country into a sort of permanent dread. He and Johnson quit their jobs and moved back
The only thing we can definitely expect east. They set off on a fact-finding tour, quizzing
for 2018 is a great deal of uncertainty. campaign managers, organizers, activists, and data
And, probably, insomnia.  scientists to find the gaps in the system that were
Trump McArdle is a columnist for Bloomberg View. causing Democrats to lose winnable races. We
Bloomberg Businessweek The Year Ahead 2018 Politics

kept coming back to the fact that we had millions can use in public buildings. In late October his
of people marching in the streets, says Johnson. Republican backers sent out a campaign flier
There had to be ways to plug those people into reminding voters that Roem was born male.
the electoral opportunities that mattered most. But Marshall is falling out of step with his district,
What MobilizeAmerica landed on could be which is increasingly composed of highly edu-
described as Tinder for the resistance: a mobile cated voters and went for Clinton by 14 points.
app and web interface that match grass-roots activ- David Wasserman of the nonpartisan Cook Political
ists with nearby candidates who need volunteer Report calls the race a toss-up and a harbinger
support. With seed funding from Higher Ground of national political sentiment heading into 2018.
Labs, a Chicago-based progressive technology accel- So Roem is exactly the sort of candidate
erator, Kramer and Johnson hired a small staff of Democrats must find a way to push to victory in

engineers and organizers, then fanned out across 2018. And her campaign is an early test run of what
Washington, D.C., Maryland, and Virginia to connect progressives can do at the grass-roots level. To boost
with hundreds of resistance groups, small and large. her volunteer network and raise awareness of the
Like many of the new political-technology start- election, MobilizeAmerica had gotten Arcade Fires
ups, MobilizeAmerica is focusing first on Virginia, Will Butler to livestream a pre-concert interview
the only battleground state with elections in 2017, with Roem on the bands Facebook page. Local pol-
and one that also approximates the larger country, itics is a matter of quality of life and an issue of life
with urban and rural areas and a fast-growing immi- and death, Butler, wearing a Butler-Roem cam-
grant population. MobilizeAmerica chose to focus on paign button, told the 150,000 fans who tuned in.
a dozen House of Delegates racesincluding Roems. Butler asked fans to text MOBILIZE to a special
number if they could volunteer. Johnson described
this as an engagement funnel to pull motivated
locals into a MobilizeAmerica list. The next morning
they were sent a video from Butler thanking them The flake rate
among people
and asking them to join a recruitment effort.
reached by phone
One reason Democrats struggle to turn out who agreed to
voters in down-ballot races is that the cutting-edge volunteer to help
the Clinton campaign
technology theyve developed since Barack
Obamas rise has mostly been housed inside pres-
idential campaigns. When the campaign ends,
the tools vanish. Our reputation as Democrats is
that we invest in technology, and thats true, says
Betsy Hoover, a partner at Higher Ground Labs
who directed digital organizing for Obamas 2012
campaign. But the way we do that is really ineffi-
cient. We invest a ton of money inside a presidential
campaign. Down-ballot races never really benefit.
After Trumps victory, Hoover and two part-
If Virginia is a microcosm of America, then the nersstaked with $3 million by LinkedIn Corp.
13th District race between Roem and the 13-term co-founder Reid Hoffman and other Democratic
GOP incumbent, Bob Marshall, is like the 2016 pres- donorsfounded Higher Ground to provide men-
idential election glimpsed in a fun-house mirror: torship and early stage investment in politically
Everything is exaggerated even further. Roem grew oriented tech startups. They hoped to foster an
up in the northern Virginia district, working for nine ecosystem outside of national campaigns and focus
years as a local political reporter and moonlighting on state and local races.
as a singer in a heavy metal band. She began her Over the summer, Higher Ground invested
gender transition in 2013. Trumps victory pushed in 11 companies, many of them aiming at reach-
her into electoral politics. What the election taught ing voters through mobile technology and social
me, Roem says dryly, a rainbow scarf in her hair, media. Shola Farber, 27, and Michael Luciani, 25,
is that there is literally nothing in my background who worked as field organizers in Michigan for
thats disqualifying. That bar is gone. (Even in a Clintons campaign, left their jobs to found the
race bursting with sociocultural significance, Roems Tuesday Company, another HGL startup working
campaign pitch is a hyperlocal focus on alleviated in Virginia thats developing digital door knock-
traffic congestion along Route 28, the districts main ing technology. While working for Clinton, Farber
thoroughfare. Traffic hates everyone, she says.) could see that the standard voter contact methods
Her opponent, Marshall, is a kind of ur-Trump of door knocking, phone banking, and TV ads

who refuses to debate Roem or call her by her pre- were not reaching many millennials. When we
ferred gender pronoun. Marshall is best known talk to people via Facebook or text, they often
for unsuccessfully pushing a state bathroom bill dont know theres an election, she says. A Tufts
to dictate which restrooms transgender people University poll taken a month before the 2016
Bloomberg Businessweek The Year Ahead 2018 Politics

election found that only 30 percent of millenni- things you cant do when youre phone banking.
als had been contacted by a campaign. Thats a Radjy and other organizers have found its also more
figure that haunts us, says Luciani. effective for reaching people. Unlike a phone call, a
Tuesdays technology aims to extend field orga- text message isnt so intrusive and allows people to
nizings best practices into the digital realm. The answer at their leisureand many do. People are
one thing Democrats absolutely excel at is volun- happier to engage by text than by phone, she says,
teers, says Farber. Our system uses a bottom-up adding with a shrug, Its a level of intimacy thats
approach to build a grass-roots volunteer network kind of crazy. But thats how we communicate with
among voters who arent being reached by tradi- our friends. Calling would be weird. When we
tional Democrat efforts. Roems campaign used One early discovery from the push into new tech-
the technology to connect with people whose doors nologies is that volunteers recruited by text are talk to people
are harder to knock on because they live in either far more likely to follow through on their commit- via Facebook
private buildings, gated communities, or rural areas. ments. During the Clinton campaign, the flake or text, they
Reaching voters through Facebook is particu- rate among people who agreed by phone to volun- often dont
larly urgent, Luciani says, because Trumps cam- teer ran as high as 90 percent. But Radjy says that
paign used the platform to send dark posts those reached by text sign up for jobs and follow know theres
with negative messages to blacks and millennials throughparticularly when theyre members of an election
to weaken their support for Clinton. The same enthusiastic resistance groups. The conversion rate
people that they dont want to vote are the people of SMS has been incredible, she says. Now theyre
we do want to vote, he says. showing up in higher numbers and volunteering.
On a Tuesday evening just before Halloween the Regardless of the outcome on Nov. 7, Johnson
staff of MobilizeAmerica and a small crowd of volun- and his peers are convinced Virginia will leave
teers gathered in a downtown Washington loft for a Democrats better prepared to compete and win
weekly text-banking session, an update on the phone next year. We have a better lens into the grass
banks long employed by campaigns to contact roots than almost anyonethe volunteers, the del-
voters. Texting is a more social form of recruit- egates, and all the local groups, he says. When
ment, says Yasmin Radjy, 30, MobilizeAmericas we leave Virginia, well know what works, how it
Virginia state director. You hang out, you meet works, and how it can work betterand all that will
people, eat pizza, drink beer, and play musicall be brought to bear on the midterm elections. 

Three more states roll out legalization plans in 2018 By Erin Schwartz

Since Colorado legalized recreational marijuana California Growers Association, estimates that just
in 2012, seven other states and the District of 3,500 of 40,000 farmers have signed up for permits
Columbia have followed suit. Next year, California, but says thats primarily because local governments
Maine, and Massachusetts will begin sales, poten- havent issued them or have banned marijuana
tially tripling the size of the legal pot market. By the Maine businesses outright.
end of 2018, 20 percent of Americans will live in a This creates problems for state regulators. We
state where adults can legally buy and sell canna- have to work with over 500 different cities and
bis. Yet big problems remain unresolved, includ- counties over the state, says Lori Ajax, chief of
ing a persistent black market that legalization Massachusetts
Californias Bureau of Cannabis Control. For us to
was supposed to help undermine. There are also issue a license, we have to make sure its not in vio-
fights between states in favor of legalizing weed lation of a city or county ordinance, and because
and localities that oppose it. And of course mari- of our size, thats a challenge.
juana remains illegal under federal law, casting a California grows 13.5 million pounds of mari-
shadow over the industry. juana annually; less than 20 percent of it is con-
State tax revenue from marijuana sales exceeds sumed there. Growers may have to downsize as new
$1 billion. California alone anticipates another rules ban out-of-state exports. If Californias markets
$1 billion in annual tax revenue from legalization. open in January and many existing growers are left
But with an impending January 2018 deadline to out, tax revenue could fall short, and a robust black
begin issuing permits, there are signs that growers market will persist. To become legal, marijuana
and retailers may not join the state-regulated businesses have to secure building permits and
system. Hezekiah Allen, executive director of the water rights and establish record-keeping protocols
Bloomberg Businessweek The Year Ahead 2018 Politics

prosecution under federal law, state legislatures

adhere to the 2013 Cole Memorandum, a docu-
ment issued during Eric Holders tenure as U.S.
Soon to be legal
for 20 percent of attorney general essentially assuring states that
American adults the feds wont intervene as long as they follow
their own rules. But the Cole Memo isnt legally
binding, and Attorney General Jeff Sessions has a
long history of opposition to marijuana. I think
the Justice Department may rearrange the deck
chairs a little bit, but ultimately, theyre not going
to change direction too much, says John Hudak,
a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution. It
seems like a not-so-popular approach to an issue
that most Americans dont see as a problem.
Marijuanas ambiguous legal standing limits the
ability of businesses to operate normally. Major
banks are still unwilling to service growers and dis-
pensaries. Marijuana companies are also ineligible
for common tax deductions. This August, New
Jersey Senator Cory Booker introduced a bill that
would remove marijuana from the Controlled
unfamiliar to an industry thats long operated in the Substances Act, legalize it federally, and with-
shadows. Its going to take decades for California to hold prison funding from states with racial and
regulate its cannabis industry, says Allen. Its been class disparities in their marijuana arrest rates.
decades that weve been making this mess, and its With Republicans in charge of Congress, the bill
going to take us a while to clean it up. is largely symbolic. That leaves states that have
In Maine, where a legalization ballot measure legalized pot trying not to attract undue attention
passed in 2016 by less than 1 percentage point, from a potentially adversarial Trump administra-
localities retain broad power to ban marijuana tion. I think as long as we keep our noses clean,
cultivators and retailers, potentially hinder- well be good, says Republican Washington state
ing the growth of the states cannabis industry. Senator Ann Rivers. 
Massachusetts has a July 2018 deadline to issue
its permits. Thats already been delayed once. In
July state lawmakers established the independent
Cannabis Control Commission to develop regula-
tions. Even with the extension, the commissions
chairman, Steven Hoffman, says the July deadline
Hot Seat
is a pretty tight time frame.
Early difficulties are common for recreational Mitch McConnell,
marijuana. Nevada faced product shortages when
its markets opened in July 2017. Alaskas first year
Senate majority leader
brought in $1.2 million in tax revenue, short of a In a broadening GOP civil war and with Senate
projected $2 million. Colorado and Washington control on the line in the 2018 midterm elec-
both took in less tax revenue than expected in their tions, Majority Leader Mitch McConnell will nd
first year, but revenue has grown every year since his political skills tested as never before. After

and now exceeds projections. Colorados effective a disastrously unproductive 2017, McConnell
tax rate is around 30 percent, and Washington has a must manage the strains in his relation-
flat rate of 37 percent. Joseph Bishop-Henchman of ship with President Trump, showcased in the
the Tax Foundation says these relatively high taxes nger-pointing that followed the failed effort to
have allowed a significant black market to persist replace Obamacare. He also must face down a midterm onslaught
by making legal pot expensive. States that have from Steve Bannon, who along with Tea Party-affiliated groups
legalized more recently have set the rate lower. In has vowed to challenge every GOP incumbent senator on the
Oregon, its 17 percent. Maine and Massachusetts ballot except Texas Ted Cruz. McConnell has some math on his
have proposed rates of about 20 percent, while side: Democrats must pick up three seats to take control of the
California is planning for a 15 percent levy. There Senate, and only eight GOP seats are on the ballot, vs. 23 held by
isnt enough data to measure the impact of lower Democrats. For now, only three seats appear to be even remotely
taxes, but Maine state Senator Teresa Pierce in play for Democrats: those of retiring Jeff Flake of Arizona and
believes that Maine will hit a sweet spot and be Dean Heller of Nevada and the one in Alabama held by Jeff Sessions
able to undercut black market prices. before he was named attorney general. Yet if Bannon continues to
As momentum behind legalization grows, a succeed in replacing GOP incumbents with far-right candidates, the
federal crackdown appears less likely. To avoid Democrats takeover target list could grow. Laura Litvan
Bloomberg Businessweek The Year Ahead 2018 Politics

Six House seats the Democrats hope to ip By Greg Giroux

The Democratic Party will need a net gain of 24 seats to win control of the House. It wont
be easy: Republicans have battle-tested incumbents plus advantages in redistricting and
outside money. But the White House almost always loses ground in midterm elections,
and Trumps sagging approval rating is raising Democrats hopes of overturning the GOP
majority for the first time since 2006, when they flipped 30 seats midway through George
W. Bushs second term. Democrats are mounting vigorous early campaigns in dozens of
races, including these six districts. Giroux writes for Bloomberg Government

1 Washingtons 8th 2 Colorados 6th 3 Iowas 1st

The retirement of GOP Represent- In the Denver suburbs, Democrats This 20-county district in Iowas
ative Dave Reichert after seven are again trying to unseat the northeastern quadrant is over-
terms gives Democrats a chance GOPs Mike Coffman, whos won whelmingly white and middle-class,
to pick up a district that includes ve elections. In 2016 he got 34,500 with a median household income
Seattle suburbanites who work more votes than Trump. An Army identical to the nations. Trump won
at Microsoft Corp. and Boeing Co. and Marine Corps veteran, Coffman here by 3 points four years after
Hillary Clinton won here by 3 per- serves on the Armed Services voters backed President Obamas
centage points. The district also Committee and was one of 20 reelection by 14 points.
voted in 2016 to reelect Democratic Republicans to vote against the
Senator Patty Murray by 4 points. GOP replacement for Obamacare.
The district is about 20 percent
Hispanic, and Coffman spoke
Spanish in a commercial for his
2016 campaign. He supports pro-
tections for so-called Dreamers. Blum n uer Heckroth

Contenders Trumps Iowa surge helped GOP Representative

Rossi Schrier Rittereiser
Rod Blum win reelection over a well-funded
Democratic challenger. Blums bid for a third
The leading Republican candidate is Dino Rossi, term will be a test of whether this district will
a former state senator who lost statewide races revert to its earlier Democratic voting patterns.
for governor in 2004 and 2008 and against One of Blums Democratic challengers is Abby
Murray for the Senate in 2010. Through the end Finkenauer, a state representative whose
of September, he was the top fundraiser, with donors include Senator Al Franken (D-Minn.)
Coffman Crow Tillemann
more than $578,000. A big field of lesser-known and labor unions. At 28, Finkenauer is younger
Democrats includes Kim Schrier, a pediatrician than any current member of Congress. Shell
whos getting donations from dozens of doctors; The preferred candidate of Democratic leaders
is Jason Crow, a former Army Ranger who have to beat Thomas Heckroth, a former
Jason Rittereiser, a former prosecutor; Tola Obama Labor Department aide.
Marts, a city councilman in Issaquah, near served in Iraq and Afghanistan and spoke at
Seattle; and Mona Das, a mortgage broker who the 2012 Democratic National Convention. In
came to the U.S. from India as a child. the primary, Crow will take on Levi Tillemann,
a former Obama administration Department of
Energy official, and David Aarestad, a lawyer.
Bloomberg Businessweek The Year Ahead 2018 Politics

The 115th Congress


Democrat-held districts
won by Clinton (182)
Democrat-held districts

won by Trump (12) 3

Republican-held districts 4

won by Trump (216)

Republican-held districts 5

won by Clinton (23)

Vacant (2)

4 New Yorks 19th 5 Virginias 10th 6 Floridas 27th

This Hudson Valley district ipped In the last two elections, Republican This Hispanic-majority district is
to the Republicans in 2016, when Barbara Comstock turned back the most Democratic-leaning in
it backed Trump four years after Democrats in this educated, the House held by a Republican
supporting Obama. Last year, wealthy district that runs from the Trump lost by about 20 points
Republican John Faso, a former Fairfax County suburbs of D.C. to here. The GOP will be hard-pressed
state legislator, beat Democrat the West Virginia border. Although to keep the seat after the retire-
Zephyr Teachout, a law professor Trump lost the district by 10 points, ment of Representative Ileana Ros-
and anti-corruption activist. Faso Comstock bucked the anti-Trump Lehtinen, the rst Hispanic woman
bucks his party from time to time, sentiment to win a second term by elected to Congress. Theres
voting against some bills to ease 6 points, in part by advocating for already a large eld of candidates
environmental and labor regulations. federal government workers and for the August primary.
transportation improvements for
Contenders Contenders
constituents who have some of the
nations longest commutes.

Faso D Flynn G l
Gonzalez Fl
Flores Barreiro

At least eight Democrats are challenging Faso, Democrats include Kristen Rosen Gonzalez, a
including two who raised more than $1 million Miami Beach commissioner, and Mary Barzee
through the end of September. Antonio Comstock Wexton Friedman
Flores, nominated for a federal judgeship
Delgado, a lawyer and Rhodes scholar, has by Obama in 2015 but blocked by Senator
financial backing from the Congressional Black Look for Comstock to run in 2018 as an Marco Rubio. State Representative David
Caucus and many of his fellow lawyers at Akin independent-minded Republican. She was Richardson, the first openly gay man to serve
Gump. Businessman Brian Flynns million- among the 20 Republicans who voted against in the Florida legislature, put $250,000 of his
dollar campaign war chest includes more than a proposed replacement for the Obama-era own money into the campaign. He and Matt
$695,000 of his own money. Patrick Ryan, an Affordable Care Act. Theres a big Democratic Haggman, the former program director at the
Iraq War veteran, raised $590,000 from donors field that includes state Senator Jennifer Knight Foundation, were the early leaders in
including, a liberal group that Wexton, whos attacked Comstocks anti- fundraising. Republicans include Bruno Barreiro,
promotes military veterans. abortion votes. Ex-State Department official a commissioner in Miami-Dade County, and
Alison Friedman, Army vet Dan Helmer, and Raquel Regalado, a former Miami-Dade school
ex-Veterans Affairs official Lindsey Davis board member and mayoral candidate.
Stover also seek the Democratic nod.
Bloomberg Businessweek The Year Ahead 2018 Politics

Interview David Petraeus

The former U.S. Army general and CIA director talks about
the biggest national security threats of 2018
How should the U.S. manage the threat
from North Korea?

The Trump administration is pursuing the appropri-

ate course of action, which is to take steps that get
Chinas attention and have it tighten down on the
umbilical cord that runs between it and North Korea.
With President Xi [Jinping] in an even stronger posi-
tion, the hope is he will feel sufficiently confident
to take action against North Korea that is significant
but sufficiently calibrated to bring Kim Jong Un to
his senses and to the negotiating table, but not nec-
essarily to his knees, which they dont want to see
happen because they dont want to see North Korea
collapse and the Korean Peninsula potentially reuni-
fied. That is one of their red lines.

Will the U.S. deepen its footprint in Niger in

2018? With an additional base or armed drones?
With the ght against Islamic State winding down,
what can we expect next in Iraq and Syria? Its very hard to say. The Africa Command has always
been a bit of a so-called economy-of-force mission,
This is a very significant achievement and a valida- because of the demand for the intelligence, surveil-
tion of the strategy that was begun by the previous lance, and reconnaissance assetsPredators and
administration and then accelerated by this one. Reapers [drones] in particular. Its not the platform
But the battle after the battle is what matters most. that is hard to get. Its the 150 or so people that keep In the fight
In Iraq, this is the battle over power and resources. it in the air, that fly it, that operate the payload, that against
The future of Iraq, frankly, will depend a great fuel it, that fix it.
deal on Prime Minister Haider al-Abadis ability to
practice inclusive governance to ensure that the Do you ever feel that sense of dj vu? State, the
Sunni Arab community that felt alienated and even battle after
abused by the previous prime minister [is brought] Theres never been a doubt that we would defeat the battle is
back into the fabric of society. the Islamic State as an army. But theres also no
what matters
In Syria, there is going to have to be stabilization doubt that after that there will still be residual ele-
of the cease-fire lines, the provision of humanitar- ments. We will not be able to put a stake through most
ian assistance, the establishment of local security the heart of the virtual caliphate, the activities
forces and local governance, and then over time in cyberspace, the way we will have put a stake
the determination of a path forward for Syria as through the heart of the Islamic State army. Clearly
a whole or perhaps Syria as a number of entities. there has to be more doneto reduce the avail-
ability of extremist content online.
What might we see in 2018 with Iran
and the nuclear deal? Do you think we might see you take
a position in the Trump administration?
We need to see what happens in 2017 first, because
Congress now has to take action within 60 days of I feel very fortunate to be doing what Im doing as
the president choosing not to certify the agreement. a partner at KKR and chairman at the KKR Global
There will have to be a determination of whether Institute, [professor at] the University of Southern
to reform or to change that particular law and also California, a fellow at Harvard, and a personal

what Congress might initiate in terms of legislation venture capitalist.

that puts sanctions on Iran over its missile program,
its malign activities in the region, and other actions So youre not ruling it out?
of concern to the U.S. That is going to predicate to a
considerable degree what takes place in 2018. Im not job-hunting. Nafeesa Syeed
Bloomberg Businessweek The Year Ahead 2018 Companies

50 Companies to Watch
1 2 3 4 5 Bloomberg Intelligence
analysts identified 50 publicly
traded companiesout of
the 6,000 they trackworth
6 7 8 9 10
special attention because
they plan to release significant
products and services in the
11 12 13 14 15 coming year or because they
face unusual challenges. To
assemble the list, the analysts
also considered factors such
16 17 18 19 20 as revenue growth, profit
margin, market share, and debt.

21 22 23 24 25 Methodology 91
Figures were compiled or calculated by
Bloombergs Global Data division from
the most recent company and/or broker
reports as of Sept. 15 unless otherwise
26 27 28 29 30 noted. Estimated sales growth: the
percentage change in sales for the
next 12 months, vs. the previous
12 months, based on Bloomberg surveys
of analysts. Estimated EPS growth: the
31 32 33 34 35 percentage change in earnings per share
for the next 12 months, vs. the previous
12 months, based on Bloomberg surveys
of analysts. Figures are in U.S. dollars.
N/M = not meaningful.

36 37 38 39 40

41 42 43 44 45

46 47 48 49 50
Bloomberg Businessweek The Year Ahead 2018 Companies

Advanced Micro
1 3 4
AMC Entertainment
Holdings Inc.
AT&T Inc.
Devices Inc.
18.8% Estimated sales growth 26.7% Estimated sales growth 0.3% Estimated sales growth

N/M Estimated EPS growth 44.0% Estimated EPS growth 2.0% Estimated EPS growth

$3.37b Total assets $9.81b Total assets $420.8b Total assets

$4.62b 12-month sales $4.19b 12-month sales $161.93b 12-month sales

108.0% 1-year total return 44.4% 1-year total return 3.7% 1-year total return

Semiconductors Entertainment Telecom

After years of disappointing products, AMDs The worlds largest movie theater operator is With growth in the wireless market slowing,
latest and upcoming chip releasesacross facing the double threats of declining audience AT&T will seek to use content as an edge
desktops, servers, and laptopswill determine and the Chinese crackdown on Dalian Wanda against rival Verizon Communications Inc. The
the companys return to relevance. The chips Group Co., its majority owner. AMC is betting on company is on track to close its acquisition
could help AMD regain market share in 2018. cost cuts to make up for lost revenue and theater of Time Warner by the end of this year, giving
Server processors are an important part of the renovations to attract audiences, but it remains it a library that includes HBO, Turner, and
92 mix and present an opportunity to gain share. heavily indebted after a spree of acquisitions. Warner Bros.

Change since Q1 2014  Mobile data dedicated to video,

Number of AMC screens in petabytes per month

2 Alaska Air Group AMC movie attendance

Share of mobile data used for video

22.9% Estimated sales growth 70%

9.4% Estimated EPS growth 50k

$10.72b Total assets


$6.9b 12-month sales
14.3% 1-year total return 25

Q1 14 Q2 17 25%

2010 2022



Although Alaska has offered pilots lower pay

but more stable employment than rivals, its
2016 merger with Virgin America Inc. led unions
to demand wages in line with other full-service
carriersas much as 20 percent above current
levels. If Alaska raises prices to compensate, it
could lose a prime competitive advantage.
Bloomberg Businessweek The Year Ahead 2018 Companies

5 BASF SE 6 Plc

13.5% Estimated sales growth 36.6% Estimated sales growth revenue
 Other  U.S.
14.3% Estimated EPS growth 48.8% Estimated EPS growth
 Europe (without U.K.)  U.K.
$86.34b Total assets $235m Total assets
$67.51b 12-month sales $545m 12-month sales

32.3% 1-year total return 182.9% 1-year total return


FY 2011 FY 2017

Chemicals E-Tail

While the rest of the chemicals industry The apparel industrys fastest-growing e-tailer
pursued transformational mergers, BASF has is on track to see sales jump at least 80 percent
concentrated on smaller strategic acquisitions this year, with new brands like PrettyLittleThing
to help it offer higher-complexity, higher-cost gaining traction in the companys home U.K.
products, increasing both its capacity and market and the U.S. Local sourcing gives it
operating marginsa win-win. wider margins than those of its competitors, but
logistics could become a challenge. 93

Cabot Oil & Gas China Merchants Cosco Shipping

7 Corp. 8 Bank 9 Holdings Co.
34.6% Estimated sales growth N/M Estimated sales growth N/M Estimated sales growth

151.3% Estimated EPS growth 17.7% Estimated EPS growth 83.2% Estimated EPS growth

$5.22b Total assets $916.42b Total assets $18.37b Total assets

$1.58b 12-month sales $43.91b 12-month sales $12.26b 12-month sales

7.7% 1-year total return 56.2% 1-year total return 72.7% 1-year total return

Natural Gas Banking Shipping

Despite productivity improvements, delays After slow earnings growth in 2015 and 2016, With its acquisition of Orient Overseas
in the construction of pipelines have left Chinas leading retail and private bank is turning International Ltd., the Chinese shipping
Cabot unable to transport some gas for sale. around its business thanks in part to better- company is making a play to disrupt Europes
Northeast infrastructure expansion should quality loans and higher credit card fees. Its also dominance of global shipping. The $6.3 billion
allow the company to ship natural gas from the enhancing its financial technology capabilities deal, expected to close in the first quarter
Marcellus Shale beginning in mid-2018. through new mobile, cloud, and blockchain apps. of 2018, will make Cosco the worlds third-
biggest carrier.
Bloomberg Businessweek The Year Ahead 2018 Companies

10 11
CSX Corp. Semiconductor Corp.
2.1% Estimated sales growth Change in share price since 12/30/16 10.6% Estimated sales growth
CSX Canadian National Railway
21.7% Estimated EPS growth 65.0% Estimated EPS growth
Canadian Pacic Railway
$35.86b Total assets Kansas City Southern Norfolk Southern $3.74b Total assets
Union Pacic
$11.55b 12-month sales $2.19b 12-month sales
82.5% 1-year total return 25.7% 1-year total return


Transportation Semiconductors
Investors are betting that legendary railroad CEO 12/30/16 10/13/17 The chipmaker is in the early stages of turning
E. Hunter Harrison will be able to execute yet away from the declining memory-based
another turnaround. Service issues, customer business to become a major player in the
complaints, and regulatory scrutiny have made internet of things. Sales in that space are
the transition bumpy, but the faithful are optimistic expected to increase 20 percent this year, with
about Harrisons precision scheduling strategy. even greater potential for growth next year as
94 the smart-home market continues to expand.

Cypress Semiconductor revenue

 Microcontroller and connectivity division
Dangote Cement
12 Plc 13 Danone SA  Memory products division

Q2 2016
4.6% Estimated sales growth 23.3% Estimated sales growth

5.0% Estimated EPS growth 22.6% Estimated EPS growth

$5.2b Total assets $52.12b Total assets

$2.35b 12-month sales $25.11b 12-month sales

$242m $208m
7.9% 1-year total return 13.3% 1-year total return

Q2 2017

$233m $361m

Manufacturing Food Products

Dangote is poised to make the most out of Danones acquisition of WhiteWave Foods Co.,
double-digit housing and infrastructure growth parent company of Silk nondairy and Horizon
in sub-Saharan Africa. Already Nigerias largest Organic milks, should help bolster the French
cement maker, its aiming to extend its business companys core dairy business. With the
into Sierra Leone, Tanzania, and Congo. retirement of Chairman Franck Riboud, CEO
and now-Chairman Emmanual Faber faces
increased pressure to deliver.
Bloomberg Businessweek The Year Ahead 2018 Companies

14 New CEOs to Watch

Communications Inc.
7.9% Estimated sales growth
22 Ford Motor Co.s Jim Hackett is a relative newbie to
18.5% Estimated EPS growth
his industry, and 10 CSX Corp.s E. Hunter Harrison is a
$16.15b Total assets
seasoned insider, but each faces the same challenge:
$6.59b 12-month sales
steadying a flailing business. Ralph Lauren Corp.s
10.1% 1-year total return
Patrice Louvet is the companys second new CEO in as
many years and will attempt a total revamp to appeal to
younger customers who shop online. And after replacing
Jim Reid-Anderson as Six Flags Entertainment Corp.
CEO in early 2016, John Duffey abruptly stepped down
this Julyto be replaced by a returning Reid-Anderson.


In a bid to stanch subscriber losses, the

edutainment company reached an agreement
to acquire lifestyle-focused Scripps Networks Hackett Harrison Louvet Reid-Anderson
Interactive Inc. earlier this year. When that deal
closes in early 2018, Discovery will become a
powerhouse in unscripted programming.

15 Dong Energy A/S 16 DowDuPont Inc. 17 DSV A/S

14.1% Estimated sales growth N/M Estimated sales growth 16.7% Estimated sales growth

2.3% Estimated EPS growth N/M Estimated EPS growth 35.1% Estimated EPS growth

$20.5b Total assets $163.46b Total assets $6.14b Total assets

$9.16b 12-month sales N/M 12-month sales $10.54b 12-month sales

34.6% 1-year total return 37.3% 1-year total return 49.1% 1-year total return

Energy Chemicals Logistics

After selling its exploration and production Two years after it was announced, the A year and a half after absorbing the large
assets and shifting from fossil fuels to Dow-DuPont merger is finally complete, and but inefficient UTi Worldwide Inc., transport
renewables, Danish Oil & Natural Gas is the chemicals behemoth can start breaking company DSV has managed to restore and even
changing its name to Orsted, after the itself up. In a nod to investors concern over surpass its previous operating margins. Its share
physicist who discovered electromagnetism. inefficiencies, one unit will focus on materials price and earnings are soaring, and DSV is on
Its counting on the offshore wind market, science, another on agriculture, and a third on the hunt for another $1 billion-plus acquisition.
where its already a leader. specialty products.
Bloomberg Businessweek The Year Ahead 2018 Companies

18 Engie SA 19 Eni SpA 20 Experian Plc

6.9% Estimated sales growth 16.3% Estimated sales growth 9.5% Estimated sales growth

5.0% Estimated EPS growth 124.3% Estimated EPS growth 13.1% Estimated EPS growth

$166.84b Total assets $134.47b Total assets $7.69b Total assets

$72.0b 12-month sales $68.13b 12-month sales $4.34b 12-month sales

19.9% 1-year total return 17.7% 1-year total return 1.9% 1-year total return

Energy Energy Business Services

The French energy giant has been shifting away The Italian oil companys dual exploration With greater attention on credit reporting
from fossil fuel assets and toward renewables, strategysolo discovery followed by shared after the massive Equifax hack, Experian and
investing in wind and solar. So far the market developmenthas made it one of the few its peer, TransUnion, are facing the potential
has responded favorably, especially as new majors to both save cash and raise output. Its for increased regulation. Calls for free
French President Emmanuel Macron affirms his latest offshore site, the Zohr field off Egypts security freezes and more access to credit
commitment to green-energy development. coast, will start producing at the end of this reports could limit their ability to sell credit-
96 year, a record-fast 22 months after discovery. monitoring services.

21 Fannie Mae Freddie Mac 22 Ford Motor Co.

N/M Estimated sales growth N/M Estimated sales growth 0.1% Estimated sales growth

N/M Estimated EPS growth N/M Estimated EPS growth 5.9% Estimated EPS growth

$3.31t Total assets $2.02t Total assets $247.47b Total assets

$111.89b 12-month sales $71.76b 12-month sales $142.94b 12-month sales

60.6% 1-year total return 58.8% 1-year total return 1.3% 1-year total return


Financials Automobiles

After years of funneling profits to the U.S. Department of the Treasury, the two government-sponsored New CEO Jim Hackett will have to bring the
mortgage backers will be forced to operate with a net worth of zero beginning in 2018. Even a small loss venerable automaker up to speed on electric
would require them to go back to Treasury and again borrow from taxpayersa political disaster. and autonomous vehicle development or face
an investor revolt. Third-quarter earnings
benefited from a boost in sales after recent
hurricanes damaged vehicles, yet full-year
profit is expected to decline.
Bloomberg Businessweek The Year Ahead 2018 Companies

Great Wall
23 Gap Inc. 24 Motor Co.
0.9% Estimated sales growth Change in number of stores since 2008 18.1% Estimated sales growth
Banana Republic
2.3% Estimated EPS growth 11.1% Estimated EPS growth
Old Navy
$7.62b Total assets Gap $12.28b Total assets

$15.47b 12-month sales $14.41b 12-month sales

23.7% 1-year total return 31.2% 1-year total return


FY 2008 FY 2017

Retail Automobiles

The companys namesake brand has struggled The Chinese automakers potential tie-up with
to return to its 1990s peak, but a faster, BMW AG may be too little, too late. An earlier
more responsive product pipeline and fewer strategy of refusing to team up with foreign
discounts have helped Gap rebound. With Old brands may have reached its limit. Although
Navy flourishing and Athleta activewear selling it still dominates the countrys SUV market,
briskly, a turnaround may finally be under way. Great Wall faces decreased market share as
competitors are creeping in. 97

Can Retail Turn Around? 25 Hertz Corp.

2.5% Estimated sales growth
Declining foot traffic and intense pricing pressure have
72.3% Estimated EPS growth
gutted retail in recent years. Among companies that have
$22.43b Total assets
struggled the most, 23 Gap Inc. is well-positioned to start
$8.69b 12-month sales
regaining strength. Others, such as Macys Inc., still have
57.2% 1-year total return
too many underperforming stores, and 2018 will likely
bring another round of closures. On the bright side, Macys
owns a substantial number of its stores, so shedding real
estate will produce cash flow. The store chain is counting
on in-house brandsincluding beauty products from
Bluemercury, which Macys acquired in 2016and the
expansion of its discount Backstage outlets to attract more
dollars. LBrandsInc. has responded less well to pressures.
Strength at its younger-skewing Pink lingerie and Bath & Car Rental

Body Works brands hasnt helped VictoriasSecret: Poor With the brands 2014 accounting scandal
still casting a shadow over its finances, Hertz
sales at its stores have continued to drag down the bottom is struggling against competition from Uber
Technologies Inc. and Lyft Inc., as well as
line, even after excluding the negative effect of its exit from automakers. The company shrank its rental car
fleet this year, which helped shore up profitability
swimwear and apparel. even as domestic sales volume continued to fall.
Bloomberg Businessweek The Year Ahead 2018 Companies

INC Research
26 Holdings Inc. 27 Intu Properties Plc
191.2% Estimated sales growth 7.2% Estimated sales growth Internet retail as a share of the entire retail
sector, 2016
16.0% Estimated EPS growth 11.6% Estimated EPS growth
$1.33b Total assets $14.4b Total assets
$1.03b 12-month sales $851.2m 12-month sales Asia-Pacic
27.7% 1-year total return 10.9% 1-year total return North America
Western Europe
Eastern Europe
Latin America
Middle East and Africa

Health Care Real Estate

INC Researchs May acquisition of InVentiv As U.K. retailers faced competition from online
Health vaults the company from a niche sales, the mall operator neglected upgrading its
developer to the industrys No.2 contract clinical properties so it could focus on buying more. The
researcher. The question now is whether it can strategy pushed its market value down almost
effectively integrate InVentivs operations. Both 40 percent below the value of its assets. A newly
companies grew slowly in 2017; theyre counting announced upgrade program may salvage some
98 on increased efficiencies to speed things up. malls, but vacancies are likely to climb.

Lundin Petroleum
28 Jacobs 29 Kraft Heinz Co. 30 AB
6.6% Estimated sales growth 2.4% Estimated sales growth 2.6% Estimated sales growth

12.5% Estimated EPS growth 7.6% Estimated EPS growth N/M Estimated EPS growth

$7.24b Total assets $119.4b Total assets $5.11b Total assets

$10b 12-month sales $26.1b 12-month sales $1.59b 12-month sales

12.5% 1-year total return 6.1% 1-year total return 30.3% 1-year total return

Infrastructure Food & Beverage Energy

The engineering company is poised for a Having wrung all the efficiencies it can from The Swedish driller focused entirely on Norway
turnaround in 2018 following three years its 2015 merger with Kraft, the conglomerate boasts lower operating costs and the best
of declining sales. Two acquisitions, of a is on the hunt again for sources of growth. growth prospects among European independent

cybersecurity company and a leading U.K. Although it walked away from a $143 billion exploration and production companies. Its an
infrastructure design firm, indicate that Jacobs bid for Unilever Plc, the overture signaled that active explorer in the Barents Sea, which holds
is trying to anticipate customers future needs. Kraft Heinz wants to diversify beyond packaged multibillion-barrel resource potential.
foodsand is willing to spend big to do so.
Bloomberg Businessweek The Year Ahead 2018 Companies

31 MercadoLibre Inc. 32 Motor Oil Hellas 33 Naver Corp.

54.3% Estimated sales growth 8.6% Estimated sales growth 18.7% Estimated sales growth

9.2% Estimated EPS growth 25.4% Estimated EPS growth 30.2% Estimated EPS growth

$1.51b Total assets $3.25b Total assets $6.29b Total assets

$1.07b 12-month sales $8.11b 12-month sales $3.77b 12-month sales

62.4% 1-year total return 125.8% 1-year total return 9.8% 1-year total return

E-Commerce Energy Internet Media

The so-called Amazon of South America had to With the highest overall refinery complexity South Koreas No. 1 internet search provider
stretch this year to begin offering free shipping in the Mediterraneanallowing it to process is copying chapters of Googles playbook,
in Brazil, Chile, Colombia, and Mexico, hoping the cheaper heavy crude oil and giving it an venturing into artificial intelligence and cloud
incentive would boost e-commerce. Early signs above-average refining marginthe company services. These investments may hold back
point to success, but the investment and new is well-positioned to take advantage of low profit growth in the near term, but the company
competition from Amazon mean margins will get crude prices. is betting investors will recognize their long-
worse before they get better. term potential. 99
Naver revenue by sector, in South Korean won
 Advertising  Games  Other
Palo Alto
34 Nintendo Co. 35 Networks Inc. 4t

78.8% Estimated sales growth 25.1% Estimated sales growth

10.0% Estimated EPS growth 26.2% Estimated EPS growth

$13.1b Total assets $3.44b Total assets

$5.28b 12-month sales $1.76b 12-month sales

33.2% 1-year total return 3.4% 1-year total return

FY 2009 FY 2016

Consumer Electronics/Gaming Cybersecurity

The Nintendo Switch gaming console is an even The growing frequency of cyberattacks has
bigger hit than the company had hoped for, with been a boon to digital security companies,
sales on track to exceed its target of 13 million and to Palo Alto Networks in particular. Its
units. The success could help attract third-party latest products integrate with users existing
game developers to the platform; more games software, allowing for maximum flexibility, and
would boost consumer interest next year. the company has also begun selling existing
customers more add-on services.
Bloomberg Businessweek The Year Ahead 2018 Companies

36 Energy Inc. 37 PayPal Holdings Inc.
119.4% Estimated sales growth 23.4% Estimated sales growth  PayPals adjusted revenue
PayPals stock price $64.03
75.7% Estimated EPS growth 25.2% Estimated EPS growth

$5.4b Total assets $35.29b Total assets

$1.34b 12-month sales $11.76b 12-month sales

1.6% 1-year total return 53.1% 1-year total return $2



$36.35 $0

Q3 2016 Q1 2018

Energy Online Payments

As onshore drilling margins have dropped, The original digital-payments company has
Patterson-UTI has responded by diversifying. forged partnerships with former frenemies,
Its well completion business now outperforms including Apple, Facebook, Google, and
its active rigs, and the purchase of directional Samsung. PayPal usage is rising among
driller MS Energy Services will help the shoppers and merchants thanks to new
company stay competitive. capabilities such as One Touch mobile
100 payments, adding to the companys momentum.

PRA Health
38 Sciences Inc. 39 Qualcomm Inc. 40 RWE AG
24.4% Estimated sales growth 2.9% Estimated sales growth 11.9% Estimated sales growth

32.2% Estimated EPS growth 24.7% Estimated EPS growth 21.1% Estimated EPS growth

$2.41b Total assets $64.37b Total assets $86.09b Total assets

$1.69b 12-month sales $23.44b 12-month sales $49.18b 12-month sales

38.1% 1-year total return 13.3% 1-year total return 47.1% 1-year total return


Health Care Semiconductors Utilities

Two new strategic partnerships with top-20 With its core technology-licensing business The German utility got a boost this year from
global pharma companies should help the under fire from Apple Inc. and regulators, recovering coal prices. But an expected
contract researcher continue its five-year the company filed a countersuit against the increase in Chinese coal production, resulting
streak of double-digit growth. A growing order iPhone maker in a Chinese patent court. Apple from a decline in global prices, will put more
backlog shows PRA still has plenty of room and others have already stopped paying pressure on the company and other European
to expand. the company, meaning Qualcomm faces an power providers.
existential threat to its royalty business model.
Bloomberg Businessweek The Year Ahead 2018 Companies

Tech Litigation to Watch 43 Soho China Ltd.

9.7% Estimated sales growth
Qualcomm Inc. isnt the only company
N/M Estimated EPS growth
embroiled in high-stakes legal battles
$10.9b Total assets
Western Digital Corp. spent the better part of 2017 trying to prevent a sale
of Toshiba Corp.s memory chip unit. In several pending legal actions $281m 12-month sales
Western lawsuits and arbitration proceedingsits claiming that a sale would violate
a series of agreements underlying a joint venture between WDs SanDisk 23.6% 1-year total return
Digital subsidiary and Toshiba. Toshiba plans to sell its flash memory unit to a
consortium led by Bain Capital LP for about $18 billion, hoping the sale
vs. will offset massive losses in its U.S. nuclear division. The company must
complete the deal by March 2018 to avoid being delisted from the Tokyo
Toshiba Stock Exchange. The various cases likely wont hold up the sale, but they
could reduce the price by 5 percent if a court decides that Toshiba must
exclude the SanDisk joint venture from the deal.

BlackBerry Ltd. sued Nokia Oyj in federal court in February, alleging

infringement of 11 patents covering key innovations in LTE wireless

BlackBerry technologies. Nokia, BlackBerry says, has unlawfully incorporated the

technology in base station products used by T-Mobile U.S. Inc. and AT&T Inc.

vs. for their LTE networks. BlackBerry isnt seeking to block use of the patentsit
just wants to be paid for them. Under Chief Executive Officer John Chen,

Nokia the Canadian company is focusing on patent licensing after moving away
from hardware and device sales. The outcome of these actions could affect
the strength of BlackBerrys licensing business, which posted $56 million in Real Estate
revenue in the second quartera little less than 24 percent of its total.
Responding to the weak outlook for its
traditional office leasing business, this Chinese
landlord announced in August that it would
start expanding its co-working spaces beyond
Beijing and Shanghai.

Beijing prime office space 101

 Vacancy rate
Average rent paid, yuan/sq m/month
Seagate China Shenhua
41 Technology Plc 42 Energy Co. 333

6.9% Estimated sales growth 3.3% Estimated sales growth

8.6% Estimated EPS growth 6.5% Estimated EPS growth 20%

$9.26b Total assets $90.5b Total assets

$10.77b 12-month sales $33.0b 12-month sales

2.1% 1-year total return 59.2% 1-year total return 10


Q1 05 Q2 17


Hardware Energy

Rapid changes in the data storage world have Shenhuas merger with China Guodian
led Seagate to scale back sales of smaller, Corp.the consolidation of the countrys two
less profitable hard drives and focus on high- largest coal and power producersstands to
capacity, non-PC enterprise drives. Substantial boost efficiency and reduce earnings volatility.
cost-cutting and stock buybacks are helping With pollution an increasing concern for the
earnings-per-share growth, but sales are under Chinese government, Shenhua is also investing
threat from solid-state drives. in noncoal businesses.
Bloomberg Businessweek The Year Ahead 2018 Companies

44 Therapeutics Inc. 45 Stericycle Inc. 46 Telstra Corp.
268.7% Estimated sales growth 1.6% Estimated sales growth 9.9% Estimated sales growth

11.2% Estimated EPS growth 5.5% Estimated EPS growth 6.9% Estimated EPS growth

$276.6m Total assets $7.04b Total assets $32.3b Total assets

$20.36m 12-month sales $3.61b 12-month sales $21.3b 12-month sales

31.6% 1-year total return 11.8% 1-year total return 13.6% 1-year total return

Biotechnology Waste Management Telecom

The drugmaker is expected to receive the Although cash flow is strong for the worlds Australias largest telecom company has ended
U.S. Food and Drug Administrations first-ever leading medical waste disposal business, debt its practice of paying out almost all profits as
approval for a gene therapy drug, Luxturna, remains a problem after its acquisition of the dividends, saying it will invest in technology
which treats a hereditary retinal disorder. document destruction company Shred-it two instead. The move shows Telstra is bracing for
Although the medication is Sparks first years ago. That, plus pricing pressure from competition, with rival TPG Telecom Ltd. entering
product, the companys management has ample competitors, led the company to project five- the wireless market and state-owned NBN Co.
102 experience in therapies for rare diseases. year growth below its typical double-digit rates. taking over Australias fixed-broadband network.

47 Tesla Inc. 48 Technologies Corp. 49 Wells Fargo & Co.
75.5% Estimated sales growth 5.7% Estimated sales growth 1.3% Estimated sales growth

19.9% Estimated EPS growth 1.9% Estimated EPS growth 5.8% Estimated EPS growth

$26.04b Total assets $94.8b Total assets $1.93t Total assets

$10.06b 12-month sales $58.3b 12-month sales $90.16b 12-month sales

89.5% 1-year total return 12.7% 1-year total return 15.3% 1-year total return

Automobiles Aerospace Banking

The much anticipated Model 3 missed third- United Technologies pending $30 billion Wells Fargo tried to move beyond the 2016
quarter production estimates by a wide margin. acquisition of Rockwell Collins Inc. will create fake accounts scandal by restructuring its retail
When sweeping layoffs followed in October, the the worlds largest aerospace supplier, giving banking division and offering an effectively

company said they were unrelated to business. the company increased scale and pricing power. bottomless pool of damage payments to
CEO Elon Musk has promised improvements, That will be key to protecting its profitability customers whose credit suffered. Revenue
and Teslas market value is still in the range of as Airbus SE and Boeing Co. pressure United growth and cost-cutting should help stabilize
General Motors Co.s. Technologies supply chain. the business next year.
Bloomberg Businessweek The Year Ahead 2018 Companies

50 Sonoma Inc. IPOs to Watch
4.0% Estimated sales growth
8.1% Estimated EPS growth
Siemens AG conrmed earlier this year that it would wait until
$2.48b Total assets
2018 for a public listing of its health-care business, known
$5.1b 12-month sales as Healthineers. At the time of the original announcement
in March 2016, a Bloomberg Intelligence analysis valued the
2.1% 1-year total return
IPO at 30 billion to 40 billion ($32 billion to $42 billion).
Healthineers, which makes medical imaging equipment, is one of Siemenss
most protable divisions.

Saudi Aramco
The expected largest IPO ever, announced in 2016, has been
thrown off course by leadership changes at Saudi Arabias
state-owned oil company. In mid-October, the nations oil min-
ister reassured potential investors that plans were on track
to list close to 5 percent of the company simultaneously in
Retail Riyadh and an international market in the second half of 2018, which could
raise $100 billion, by one estimate.
Although its fending off increased competition
from online retailers including Wayfair Inc.,
West Elm continues to be the high performer
Deutsche Asset Management Inc.
in Williams-Sonomas stable of lifestyle brands.
The furniture brand introduced design services After a rocky 2016 that saw investors questioning the banks
this year and is continuing its push into the
commercial and hospitality markets.
nancial strength and included a $7.2 billion settlement with
the U.S. Department of Justice over its pre-recession dealings
Change in revenue in mortgage-backed securities, Deutsche Bank AG is back to
West Elm Pottery Barn raising capital. Part of its plan involves an IPO of its asset man-
Pottery Barn Kids Williams-Sonoma agement division, which has performed well even as the rest of the company
has struggled. Analysts expect the listing to come in the rst half of 2018.

Airbnb Inc.
Among the many 2018 IPOs expected from Silicon Valley
100 unicornsincluding Dropbox, Uber, Palantir, and Slackand
New York-based cousin BuzzFeed, Airbnbs offering is the
most likely to be successful. Although it hit some roadblocks
thrown up by the hotel industry and housing regulators, Airbnb
0 has begun to expand globally, particularly in Asia and Latin America. In early
FY 2012 FY 2017 2017, CEO Brian Chesky said the company was about halfway through as
far as being ready to go public.

Spotify Ltd.
Stock in the Swedish music streaming behemoth is expected
to start trading in 2018, but investors may not see an IPO.
Spotify has been discussing plans with the U.S. Securities and
Exchange Commission to list directly on the New York Stock
Exchange. The company would transfer its existing shares,
now held by executives, private investors, and employees, to the exchange,
rather than creating new ones to sell to the public. The move wouldnt raise
any money, but with 60 million paying subscribers, Spotify has plenty of
cash, and a direct listing, unlike an IPO, would allow current owners to sell
their stock immediately.
Bloomberg Businessweek The Year Ahead 2018 Scoreboard

What We Got Right (and Wrong) Last Year

Legend: Right Right-ish Kinda wrong Wrong

Insurance Trade Markets Energy

The event that could really turn the The next Chinese banks For the first time in 60 years, the U.S. will
[reinsurance] industry is impossible to control: president of the are lending at an become a net exporter of natural gas.
a major natural disaster. Were kind of due U.S., whether unsustainable rate
for a big event, [Rod] Fox [chief executive [Donald] Trump or and will pose a True, so far. In 2017 the U.S. has exported more
officer of reinsurance brokerage TigerRisk more likely Hillary major risk to the natural gas than it has imported:
Partners LLC] says. Clinton could world economy.
blow up the
Net exports (cubic feet) 0b
Once a reliable moneymaker, the industry delicately Far from
stumbled this year, although it didnt totally tank. constructed collapsing, Chinese Net imports
But after hurricanes Harvey, Irma, Jose, and [Trans-Pacific bank stocks have 50
Maria, we wish wed been less right. Partnership]. increased more
than 20 percent.
While that turned On the other 100
out to be true, we hand, the
Politics did get one very countrys largest 1/2016 2017 8/2017
obvious thing institutions are still
Right-wing populists and nationalists will make wrong. Then again, overleveraged, so

big gains in Europe. so did just about the fuse may just
everybody else, so be longer than

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Austrias anti-immigrant Freedom Party well call it a wash. we thought. Regulation
gained ground, and Germanys Alternative fr
Deutschland became the first far-right party to Europe is about to get
win seats in the Bundestag since the Nazis. That uncomfortable for technology
said, nationalists were largely halted in France, Corporate Leadership companies.
Italy, and the Netherlands.
Activist investor Bill Ackman may force Not only did Margrethe
out Steve Ells as CEO of Chipotle Mexican Vestager, the European Unions
Grill Inc. if its performance remains sickly. commissioner for competition,
slam Google with a record
Ells has managed to hang on even after a board $2.7 billion fine, she also hit
Xi Jinping will use the National Congress of the
shakeup. Unfortunately for Ackman, earnings Facebook and
Communist Party to concentrate control.
continue to disappoint. Hes so far lost about for hundreds of millions of
$386 million on his original $1.2 billion position. dollars each.
Indeed, no obvious successor to the Chinese
president emerged from the partys twice-
a-decade meeting in October, triggering
speculation that Xi will try to stay in office beyond Brexit Oil Growth
the two terms mandated by Deng Xiaoping. He
also stacked the partys Standing Committee Its highly unlikely After two years The worlds developed
with loyalists. U.K. negotiators of pumping at full economies are in for another
will try to secure blast the Saudis year of mediocre growth at best.
special treatment now appear willing
for banks in the to pull back.
Stocks Brexit talks.
If youve read our opening essay,
you already know that most
New York Stock Exchange floor trader Peter Saudi Arabia beat growth expectations for
Tuchman will show up in photos as the face of After a disastrous reduced oil the year. Over the course of
Wall Street. snap election in production from a 2017, the International Monetary
June, the U.K.s record 10.7 million Fund changed its assessment of
ruling Conservative barrels per day in global demand from subdued to
Party has walked 2016 to less than seeking sustainable growth.
back some of its 10 million, helping
hard-line stances, drive the recovery
including this one. in oil prices.
Personal Technology

11/21/16 12/1/16 1/13/17 2/17/17

Heading into 2017, there isnt
Mergers and Acquisitions a clear answer to the basic
question of what, exactly, VR
The Anthem-Cigna and Aetna-Humana technology is for.
mergers will face a tough time
with regulators.
This remains true going
3/10/17 4/4/17 5/17/17 6/21/17 into 2018, but we do know
Both deals ultimately crumbled. Anthem Inc. whos winning virtual reality:
and Cigna Corp. are suing each other over the Sony Corp. In the second
$1.9 billion breakup fee that Cigna says Anthem quarter of this year, the company
owesplus $13 billion in alleged damages. In sold more VR headsets than its
October, CVS Health Corp. made a reported two primary rivals, Facebook and
$66 billion offer to acquire Aetna Inc. HTC Corp., combined.
7/17/17 8/2/17 9/20/17 10/18/17

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